Ethnography and ethnology
Vinokurov, A.D. (2025). Genealogical legends about Tyuluyen-oyuun of the Bordons Yakuts of the Nyurbinsky district as a historical and ethnographic source. History magazine - researches, 1, 1–10.
The subject of the research is the study of genealogical legends about Tyuluyen-oyuun as a historical and ethnographic source about the Bordons Yakuts. The purpose of the research is a comprehensive study of genealogical traditions as a historical and ethnographic source by analyzing and verifying historical and ethnographic information with archival documents. To achieve the goal, the following tasks are set: 1) to trace the historiographical experience of accumulation and study of Yakut historical traditions; 2) to reveal the reliability of historical and ethnographic information of traditions by checking with archival documents; 3) consider the specifics of compiling, storing, and transmitting written versions of pedigrees. The folklore material collected by N.T. Stepanov occupies a central place in the research. The source base of the study is represented by published (collections of archival documents on the early history of Yakutia) and unpublished documents (revision tales, 1917 census materials, separate statements, etc.). The chronological scope of the study is limited to the period from 1632 to 1768. The research methods are based on general scientific (dialectics, comparison, system-structural) and historical methods (historicism, historical-genetic, source analysis). The novelty of the research lies in the fact that, based on the involvement of a wide range of sources and folklore materials, an attempt has been made to historically and ethnographically study Yakut genealogies using the example of the Bordons. Based on the results of the work, it was concluded that further research is necessary due to the presence of a large number of unpublished documents. The research materials can be used in the process of teaching historical subjects, developing textbooks, conducting individual and generalizing research on the history of Yakutia.
review of documents, administrative and territorial structure, nasleg, yakuts, bordons, malzhegars, Nyurbinsky ulus, Yakutia, ancestral composition, genealogy
Comparative history research
Kuznetsova, N.Y. (2025). Statistical accounting of religious groups: some data on the history of Old Believer statistics in the Olonets and Arkhangelsk provinces. History magazine - researches, 1, 11–20.
The article examines the features of the statistics of accounting for religious groups in the Russian Empire on the example of the Old Believer community in the Olonets and Arkhangelsk provinces in the XIX century. A brief digression is made into the history of the formation of statistics in Russia within the framework of the XIX century. This allows you to see on what data the registration of believers took place, as well as who and how it was conducted. Within the framework of the study, special cases of statistical accounting of Old Believers in the Olonets and Arkhangelsk provinces are considered, demonstrating the difficulties encountered in this matter. In particular, statistical tables are provided for a number of counties, which show discrepancies in the data. Such discrepancies became possible due to the difference in approaches to accounting for Old Believers among officials, the police and the clergy. The research is based on the analysis of archival data from the National Archive of the Republic of Karelia and the State Archive of the Arkhangelsk region. Materials from the funds of the provincial statistical committees are compared and compared. The author comes to the conclusion that despite all the standardization of state statistics and the importance of the issue of accounting for religious groups of the population, the statistics of the Old Believers in the northern provinces had a number of difficulties. They concerned both the field accounting itself and the data consolidation into single tables. In particular, the question of who more accurately counted representatives of other religious groups that do not belong to official Orthodoxy remained open. The statistical tables provide data from both the police and the priests of local parishes. They are often very different. Another point that the author comes to in the study is the importance of comparing data over several years and the moment they are reflected in statistics. The research was carried out at the expense of a grant from the Russian Science Foundation No. 23-28-10260, / conducted jointly with the Republic of Karelia with financing from the Venture Capital Investment Fund of the Republic of Karelia (FVI RK).
government statist, Old Believers, religious groups, northern frontier, Arkhangelsk province, Olonetsk province, European North, Old Believers statistics, old belief, Russian Empire
History of science and technology
Vasil'ev, M.A. (2025). The role of scientific and technical achievements in the formation of fire fighting in Russia in the XVIII - early XX centuries. History magazine - researches, 1, 21–29.
The subject of the research is the process of development of the national scientific and technical thought of fire fighting in Russia in the XVIII – early XX centuries.The scientific article highlights in detail the issue of the development of both theoretical and scientific and practical aspects of the research activities of Russian and foreign scientists and inventors who aimed to develop fire extinguishing technologies and rescue people in extinguishing fires and eliminating both natural and man-made disasters. The issue of historical experience in the practical application and approbation of the received samples of fire equipment in practical conditions and the introduction of these samples into the activities of fire brigades is considered. The issue of studying the experience of foreign colleagues by domestic inventors in the study, design and production of samples of fire equipment is considered. The research methodology includes a concrete historical approach (M.V. Astakhov, I.D. Kovalchenko, V.F. Kolomiytsev, A.P. Pronstein, etc.), as well as generalization, comparison, synthesis, classification, concretization; analysis of scientific literature; retrospective analysis; method of historical analogies. During the scientific research, the factors that influenced the formation and development of Russian scientific and technical thought were identified and analyzed. The issues of historical and technological evolution in the technologies of fire fighting in Russia in the XVIII – early XX centuries are considered. This aspect entirely became the basis for the formation of technological independence of the young Soviet state, in matters of invention and production of domestic fire equipment, during its formation and development, as well as in later periods of the 1930s – 1940s. The conducted research is of interest to a wide range of readers, since the development of scientific and technical thought of fire fighting in Russia was the basis for the development of not only fire fighting in general, but also was the basis for the development of departmental education of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation in the modern period.
technology development, fire fighting equipment, the practical aspect, the theoretical aspect, scientific thought, scientific research, scientific technologies, historical experience, Equipment level, historical research
Kulakov, A.A. (2025). The use of veterinary police measures in the Russo-German Customs War (1892-1914): deliberate restriction of exports or forced necessity?. History magazine - researches, 1, 30–41.
The article is devoted to the use of veterinary and police measures during the Russo-German customs war (1892–1914). The trade agreement of 1894 significantly limited ability to arbitrarily increase customs duties, and therefore it became possible to influence export volumes only through the introduction of non-tariff restrictions. Such restrictions included veterinary measures. The German Empire, which was an epidemiologically more prosperous country than Russia, repeatedly resorted to their use, citing the risk of epizootics. At the same time, veterinary restrictions met the interests of the Junkers and could be used to extract economic benefits and limit competition from Russian agricultural products. The Tsarist government introduced veterinary and police measures only as a symmetrical response to unfriendly actions. The methodology this study is based on historicism. The historical and genetic method was used to assess the expansion of the practice of applying veterinary restrictions during the customs war. The systematic approach allowed us to comprehensively consider the problem of the application of veterinary measures and identify possible motives for their introduction. The method of source analysis was used to assess the value and significance of archival documents. The application of veterinary and police measures in the context of the customs war is non-studied topics in historiography, primarily due to its interdisciplinary nature. The author attempts to find out what caused the widespread use of veterinary measures by the German authorities: the desire to prevent the spread of epizootics or the desire to limit Russian exports and competition. The article pays considerable attention to the problems of organizing veterinary affairs in the Russian Empire in XIX-XX centuries; the issue of introducing veterinary restrictions on livestock, poultry and grain. In addition, the author presents excerpts from previously unpublished archival documents housed in the National Historical Archive of Belarus in Grodno.
tariff war, export and import, epizootics, customs duty, veterinary restrictions, veterinary supervision, non-tariff restrictions, veterinary and police measures, customs war, trade agreement
History and historical science
Kovrigina, L.M. (2025). P.I. Bartenev and I. E. Zabelin: Publisher and correspondent communication as an instrument of the editorial policy of the Russkii archiv. History magazine - researches, 1, 42–51.
The subject of this article is the communication between Peter Ivanovich Bartenev and Ivan Egorovich Zabelin as one of the tools of the editorial policy of the historical and literary journal "Russkii archiv". From 1863 to 1912, Bartenev was not only the publisher, but also the editor of this magazine. He received most of the materials for publication from correspondents with whom he conducted extensive correspondence. An important role was played by the personal relationship of the authors with the publisher, on whom the publication of the material sent to the editorial office depended. Ivan Egorovich Zabelin was one of the numerous correspondents of the Russkii archiv. Using the example of his relationship with Peter Ivanovich Baretnev, one can consider how the process of communication between the editor and the authors who published their research in the journal under study took place. The methodology of this research is based on historicism. A combination of chronological, analytical, historical and biographical methods was used in the work. The novelty of the work consists in studying unpublished letters from Peter Ivanovich Bartenev to Ivan Egorovich Zabelin from the OPI, which allow us to conclude that Bartenev's personal communications play a crucial role in his efforts to attract historical materials for the Russkii archiv. The preserved correspondence reflects the process of interaction between the publisher and the author at different stages of cooperation. The establishment of strong business and sometimes friendly ties allowed Bartenev to initiate publications himself. This article also highlights in detail the participation of Ivan Egorovich Zabelin in the controversy about the heroes of the Time of Troubles, which began on the pages of the periodical press. To answer his opponent, the historian turned to Bartenev to have his work published in the Russkii archiv.
The Time of Troubles, communication, correspondents, Sources of personal origin, historical journalism, Russkii archiv, Ivan Zabelin, Peter Bartenev, Editorial policy, periodical printing
Galushko, I.N. (2025). The Russian Empire stock market regulation on the pages of the newspaper "Birzhevye Vedomosti": speculation and state control. History magazine - researches, 1, 52–62.
Periodicals are one of the most important sources of stock market history. By studying them, we can gain valuable information. from newspaper issues about the dynamics of stock prices, the agendas of shareholder meetings, and the balance sheets of commercial banks. Periodicals formed the information field of bidders, often setting the mood of the market. In this article, we would like to outline in detail how discussions about state regulation of the Russian Empire's stock market and securities speculation unfolded on the pages of one of the main stock market newspapers, Birzhevye Vedomosti, at the beginning of the 20th century. It seems productive to try to analyze which issues from the life of the stock market were of concern to readers in principle and, accordingly, were reflected in the texts of relevant newspapers. From the point of view of institutional analysis, it is extremely interesting to clarify the expectations of bidders from the regulatory authorities represented by the Ministry of Finance and exchange committees. In the presented article, the forms of displaying stock market life on the pages of the newspaper "Birzhevye Vedomosti" in the early 20th century were considered in detail. To summarize the results of the study briefly, it can be said unequivocally that the average bidder perceived the process of stock trading mainly through the prism of periodicals. Shareholders were informed about the results of the meetings through newspapers; the stock exchange chronicler briefly recounted the results of the trading day; reports to the State Duma on stock market regulation were published in the relevant columns. By studying the financial history at the micro level of individual stock market agents, we must strive to reliably restore the information field in which the bidders were. And as our analysis has shown, in any such study it is impossible to do without referring to the materials of the periodical press. Periodicals represent one of the most significant sources for reconstructing the history of stock markets. Through their study, valuable insights can be gleaned regarding the dynamics of stock prices, the proceedings of shareholder meetings, and the financial statements of commercial banks. Periodicals played a pivotal role in shaping the informational landscape for market participants, often influencing the overall sentiment of the market. This article aims to provide a detailed examination of how discussions concerning state regulation of the Russian Empire’s stock market and securities speculation were articulated in one of the leading financial newspapers of the time, Birzhevye Vedomosti, during the early 20th century. It is particularly instructive to analyze which aspects of stock market activity captured the attention of readers and, consequently, were prominently featured in the pages of such newspapers. From the perspective of institutional analysis, it is of considerable interest to explore the expectations of market participants regarding regulatory authorities, particularly the Ministry of Finance and exchange committees. This article delves into the ways in which the life of the stock market was portrayed in Birzhevye Vedomosti during the early 20th century. To summarize the findings briefly, it is evident that the average market participant primarily perceived the stock trading process through the lens of periodicals. Shareholders relied on newspapers to stay informed about the outcomes of meetings, while stock exchange chroniclers provided concise summaries of daily trading activities. Additionally, reports on stock market regulation submitted to the State Duma were published in dedicated columns.
The economy of the Russian Empire, Exchange committees, Stock market regulation, St. Petersburg Stock Exchange, speculation, efficient-market hypothesis, behavioral finance, historical newspapers, Birzhevye vedomosti, stock market
Historical sources and artifacts
Lakhtionova, E.S. (2025). Participation of VOOPIK in the preservation and popularization of industrial heritage monuments through a network of industrial museums in Izhevsk in the 1980s. History magazine - researches, 1, 63–70.
The object of the study is the Udmurt Republican branch of the All-Russian Society for the Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments. The purpose of the article is to assess the degree of participation of the Society in the preservation and popularization of monuments of domestic industrial heritage in the 1980s. through a network of industrial museums in Izhevsk. The relevance of the research topic is determined by the important role that industrial (now corporate) museums have played and continue to play for the preservation and popularization of industrial heritage. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that so far no one has analyzed the involvement of regional branches of VOOPIK in the work of museums of industrial enterprises from the point of view of their activities in preserving monuments of industrial heritage. As part of the research, archival materials were used, some of which are being introduced into scientific circulation for the first time. When conducting the research, both general scientific methods (analysis, synthesis, induction, evidence) and specifically historical ones (problem-chronological, historical-typological) were used. As a result, the author came to the conclusion that the republican branch of the All-Russian Society for the Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments provided methodological, consulting and practical assistance to factory museums in order to most effectively and competently identify, preserve and popularize monuments of science and technology that made up the fund of the domestic industrial heritage. And the provision of such assistance was fully consistent with the requirements of the all-Russian movement for the preservation of monuments of science and technology in the 1980s.
monument, Izhmash, Izhstal, exposition, factory museum, Izhevsk, Udmurtia, VOOPIK, industrial heritage, science and technology
Historical facts, events, phenomena
Kostyunina, E.D. (2025). Promotion of political leaders in social networks: experience of the 2011-2012 election campaigns. History magazine - researches, 1, 71–80.
The article covers the social media promotion strategies of political leaders during 2011 Parliamentary Elections in Russia and 2012 Presidential Elections in Russia. Author researches technological, infrastructure, domestic and international contexts of mentioned campaigns. The scientific novelty of the research should be referred to as the lack of the articles covering this field alongside with holistic approach to studied processes. Leveraging comparative and classification methods, the author demonstrates two key versions of political promotion strategies: positive and negative strategies (focus on promotion of the candidate vs focus on the criticism of the opponents); centralized and decentralized strategies (focus on less number of channels and resources vs focus on high number of channels and resources).The novelty of the study lies in the identification of two opposing strategies for promoting political leaders in social networks in 2011-2012, inherent in United Russia and the parliamentary opposition, as well as a comprehensive description of the technological and infrastructural context of the penetration of Internet resources in the Russian Federation at the stage under consideration. The article uses general scientific (analysis, synthesis, deduction, induction, classification) and specialized social and humanitarian research methods - comparative-historical, historical-systemic, content analysis, etcThe novelty of the study lies in the identification of two opposing strategies for promoting political leaders in social networks in 2011-2012, inherent in United Russia and the parliamentary opposition, as well as a comprehensive description of the technological and infrastructural context of the penetration of Internet resources in the Russian Federation at the stage under consideration.
election campaign, social networks, internet, Parliamentary Elections in Russia, Presidential Elections in Russia, President of Russia, State duma in Russia, elections in Russia, political leaders, political PR
Personality in history
Ageev, A. (2025). Between Admiral F. Ushakov and the Sicilian Court: the diplomatic mission of A. Italinsky in Naples (1799). History magazine - researches, 1, 81–101.
The history of the Russian Empire's relations with "small" allies during the war of the Second Coalition (1798-1802), diplomatic preparation of military operations and the role of specific Russian diplomates in this process require study based on archival materials. The subject of this study is a biografical episode of the Russian diplomat A. Italinsky (Russian Embassy Counsellor at the court of the King of the Two Sicilies), who since July 1799 was the "commissioner for military Affairs", interacting with the Sicilian Court, Vice Admiral F. F. Ushakov and other commanders of the Allied forces. Based on the principles of historicism and objectivity, using general and special methods of historical research, the author reconstructs activity of Italinsky in the spring and autumn of 1799, using official reports and materials from the diplomat's personal archive. The article examines the reasons for new appointment of Italinsky, examines the Russian diplomats' perception of the suppression of the Neapolitan Revolution, analyzes the role of Italinsky in the negotiations between Ushakov, the Sicilian Court and British Admiral Nelson, which resulted in subordination of the Russian squadron to the regional interests of the Sicilian cabinet, that sought to ensure security of Naples and fought against the Austrian influence in Central Italy. The author paid special attention to the Italinsky's stay with Ushakov's squadron in Naples, analyzing the nature of Italinsky's correspondence with admiral and the royal administration, as well as role of the diplomat in organizing the campaign of the Russian detachment to Rome and preparation of Maltese expedition. Admitting merits of Italinsky in maintaining communication between Ushakov and Neapolitan administration, the author concludes that diplomat's personal views, along with other factors, inevitably influenced the nature of the Russian squadron's activity, which became dependent on the plans of the Sicilian Court in autumn 1799.
Rome, Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, Neapolitan Revolution, F. Ruffo, Naples, H. Nelson, F. Ushakov, A. Italinsky, Malta, Second Coalition
Social history
Kondrateva, Y.G. (2025). Discussions on labor motivation in social history. History magazine - researches, 1, 102–119.
In this paper the attention is drawn to the phenomenon of labor motivation among workers in social history. Motivation is a psychological phenomenon that depends on both behavioral mechanisms and socio-cultural factors and author tried to consider the main problems of research on labor motivation. The author pays special attention to the history of soviet factory sociology and western discussions of labor motivation: Herzberg's two-factor theory, the classification of labor incentives by Charles Tilly and van der Linden are analyzed. Also, within the framework of modern theories of motivation, the author identifies common similarities in labor motivation that are relevant for modern sociology and social history. The influence of incentive schemes on the motivation of industrial workers is widely presented in domestic and foreign historiography, while internal motivation remains out of sight. Organizational practices have a significant impact on motivation, addressing not only salary formation but also the creation of a favorable psychological climate within teams. The paper further explores how these practices can enhance or hinder worker motivation, emphasizing the need for a holistic understanding of labor dynamics. By examining case studies from various historical contexts, the author highlights the interplay between individual aspirations and institutional structures, advocating for a more nuanced approach to studying labor motivation. This research contributes to the ongoing discourse on worker engagement and productivity, suggesting that a balance of external incentives and internal satisfaction is crucial for fostering a motivated workforce. In conclusion, the paper advocates for a more nuanced exploration of labor motivation that not only addresses the visible aspects of incentives but also delves into the often-overlooked internal drivers that significantly impact worker satisfaction and performance.
self-determination theory, labor productivity, USSR, Two-factor theory, labor, factory sociology, sociology, motivation of labor, social history, motivation
Chudosai, D.E. (2025). Electrification of Altai (late XIX – 50s of XX centuries) in Russian historiography. History magazine - researches, 1, 120–135.
The energy sector is one of the most priority areas of industrial development in any country. The regional component in the state electrification is also an important component element, since it is from such components that the entire energy system is composed. The problem of Altai electrification continues to be poorly studied, nevertheless, certain stages of the history of regional energy have a fairly high degree of elaboration. In this regard, the primary task is to identify and analyze the patterns of change and approval of historical concepts and theoretical and methodological approaches in the study of Altai energy throughout all historical periods. This article presents and analyzes works related to various aspects of the electrification of the Altai territory in the context of the electrification of Siberia and the USSR as a whole. The historiographical research used traditional methods of historical research (historical-genetic, historical-comparative). The presentation is based on a chronological principle, based on which it is possible to demonstrate the formation and transformation of various points of view. The literature analyzed in the article is divided into pre-revolutionary, Soviet and modern in accordance with the periodization accepted in Russian historiography. It is concluded that despite the abundance of published literature on the country's energy sector, the topic of electrification of Altai remains poorly studied. Researchers often considered in more or less detail individual chronological segments of the history of regional electrification (the pre-revolutionary period, the period of the Great Patriotic War) or specific energy facilities (the Central Power Plant in Barnaul, Zyryanovskaya HPP, etc.), however, collectively, the history of Altai energy was practically not a single object of study in time, except for a small number of works, having not so much scientific as educational value. The only exception is the fundamental work of V.V. Alekseev "Electrification of Siberia", but even here Altai is considered only as one of the numerous regions of the country.
historiography, Altai Territory, Siberia, industrialization of the USSR, electrification, energy industry, history of technology, article, the Russian Empire, GOELRO plan
Ryabova, Y.V. (2025). The Economics of Forced Labor in the Soviet Union: a Historiographical Overview. History magazine - researches, 1, 136–146.
The subject of the research is the Russian historiography of the post-Soviet period, which examines the genesis of the Soviet punitive system and the mechanism of functioning of such a state structure as the Main Directorate of Correctional Labor Camps (GULAG). The article contains an overview of the scientific literature devoted to the production issues of the GULAG's economic activities and the work of the special agent. The object of the study was the economics of forced labor as an important component of this state unit, an integral part of the Soviet economic system of the 30-50s of the XX century. The purpose of the work is to trace the dynamics in the study of this issue by Russian researchers, identify the main problem-thematic blocks, identify discussion topics and questions, and present the opinions of leading experts. The article pays special attention to the works of modern authors, their positions and opinions. The author used traditional methods for historical science as the main research methods: historical-genetic, comparative-historical, problematic-chronological, descriptive. Their application made it possible to analyze the studied processes and phenomena in the most complete way. The main contribution of the author to the study of this topic can be considered the systematization of the available material presented in the scientific and historical literature of the late 80-90s of the XX century - 10-20 years of the XXI century, reflecting the role of the GULAG in the development of the Soviet national economy. Based on the results of the work, the author concludes that despite the existence of many research papers examining the problem of forced labor economics in the Soviet Union, there is currently no consensus among researchers in assessing this historical phenomenon, its essence, effectiveness and expediency. Many issues are still debatable and further involvement of additional sources and materials, mainly of a regional nature, will contribute to their solution. The topic has prospects for further study.
camp and industrial complex, production activities, special contingent, forced labor, the camp economy, historiography, the USSR, THE GULAG, economic efficiency, mobilization economy
Eylbart, N.V. (2025). The Josephites and the concept of "Moscow-the Third Rome" in Polish historiography and journalism of the XX-XXI centuries. History magazine - researches, 1, 147–155.
The article analyzes the views of Polish historians and publicists on the Josephite movement, the personality of Joseph Volotsky, and the role of the Russian Orthodox Church in the history of the Russian state. The material includes the works of Polish researchers written during the period of the so-called "independent Poland", that is, from 1918 to 1939 and from 1990 to the present. The range of materials under consideration includes not only scientific, but also popular scientific works, as well as publications by journalists and bloggers.The texts published on the website of the Institute of Oriental Studies at the University of Warsaw deserve special attention, since its staff specialize in the study of the countries of the former USSR. As noted above, the time frame of our study covers the period from the early 1920s (the restoration of Poland's state independence) to the present (excluding the period of Poland's membership in the socialist bloc). The methods used are both general scientific (analysis, synthesis, comparison, induction, deduction) and special historical methods (historical-chronological, historical-genetic). The author adhered to the principles of objectivity and historicism. This kind of research was carried out for the first time in Russian historiography. Translations of Polish works were made by the author of the article and are partially presented in the text of the article.It is concluded that the stereotypical narratives contained in Polish studies characterizing the Josephites and their ideology of "Moscow – the Third Rome" have not changed over the past hundred years and have an exclusively negative emotional connotation. It is noted that the evaluative characteristics given in these studies are closely related to the policy of the Polish state and to Poland's positioning as an outpost of Western civilization, with Poland's search for its own cultural and national identity. It is emphasized that the analytical narratives used by Polish authors are secondary to the stereotypical and cliched anti-Russian views broadcast by the West.
The Russian Orthodox Church, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, Moscow-The Third Rome, Polish studies, Russophobia, stereotypes, Ivan the Terrible, Andrey Kurbsky, Joseph Volotsky, The Josephites
Gizzatov, D.Z. (2025). Predatory excavations as a factor of archaeological heritage loss: the current state in the Republic of Bashkortostan. History magazine - researches, 1, 156–168.
The paper aims to assess the current scale and dynamics of the illegal search and seizure of archaeological artifacts from archaeological heritage sites in the Republic of Bashkortostan. The following tasks are highlighted: 1) to determine the current state of archaeological heritage sites (included in the unified state register) in the Republic of Bashkortostan; 2) to compare indicators of “black diggers” destructive activities to display its dynamics over the past decade; 3) to consider law enforcement practice in relation to black diggers in the Republic of Bashkortostan. The scientific and theoretical basis of the study is the results of monitoring the technical condition of archaeological heritage sites under state protection, included in the unified state register of cultural heritage sites; regulatory legal acts governing the protection of immovable cultural heritage sites. The methodological basis is field archaeological research, statistical analysis, comparison, and cartography. The study revealed a general deterioration in preservation of archaeological heritage sites included in the register in comparison with the 2010-2011 indicators, and found a significant increase in the number of archaeological sites subject to predatory excavations over the past 13 years. Cartographic analysis demonstrated a heterogeneous distribution of archaeological sites with traces of plunder, revealing a concentration of the latter in the Bashkir Trans-Urals and in the northwest of the Republic of Bashkortostan. The results of the study are practically applicable in state protection of cultural heritage sites. The continuing trend of predatory excavations followed by illegal removal of archaeological material will lead to mass destruction of archaeological heritage, which will negatively affect the possibilities of interpreting the results of archaeological research and subsequent reconstructions of historical and ethnocultural processes.
material value, archaeological microdistrict, judicial practice, Predatory dig, metal detector, cartography, historical and cultural heritage, archaeological heritage site, Treasure hunters, The black diggers
Auxiliary historical disciplines
Markova, E.V. (2025). The question of the emergence and possible future of bibliometrics: some examples from the world history of libraries. History magazine - researches, 1, 169–182.
This article presents an analysis of a number of historical sources in order to study the emergence and potential prospects of bibliometrics based on examples from the world history of libraries. The object of this investigation is bibliometrics and libraries from different countries, from Ancient Nineveh to the present. A problem-chronological approach was applied to study issues related to the emergence and future of bibliometrics. The main focus is on the principles of historical knowledge, as well as how historicism and scientific research contribute to understanding the development of bibliometrics, based on the significance of examples from the world history of libraries. At the same time, special care should be taken to take into account the accumulated volume of historical data that has been collected and published to date. The research methodology combines both general scientific and specialized methods. In the process of analyzing and comparing historical documents, as well as their descriptions, the proposed methods of working with archives are used to address issues related to the emergence and future of bibliometrics using examples from the world history of libraries. Bibliometrics is an integral part of the activities of scientific libraries around the world, playing a key role in assessing the publication activity and scientific effectiveness of researchers and scientific organizations. Moreover, bibliometrics is not just a tool for counting publications. Modern bibliometric methods make it possible to identify trends in the development of science, identify the most promising areas of research, study the relationship between various scientific disciplines, and identify key authorities in specific fields. This is how bibliometrics becomes a powerful tool for strategic planning in science and education. The use of bibliometric analysis in the search for historical and other materials is also expanding significantly. The capabilities of modern digital libraries and specialized databases allow for complex search queries, identifying relevant documents by various parameters: author, publication date, keywords, citation, etc. This is especially important for interdisciplinary research that requires access to a large amount of heterogeneous information. At the same time, the role of scientific libraries remains key – they should not only store and provide access to information, but also actively promote the understanding and application of bibliometric methods among scientists.
Ancient world, Ancient Nineveh, Europe, Russia, bibliometry, scientometry, libraries, library history, world history, Middle Ages
Auxiliary historical disciplines
Stepanova, I.V. (2025). Scientific Archive of the Tver State United Museum: museum archive in the study of archaeological collections. History magazine - researches, 1, 183–196.
The article presents the results of studying the materials of the XIX – early XX century on archeology, stored in the Scientific Archive of the Tver State United Museum (TSOM). The loss of a significant proportion of the old collection in the twentieth century prompts a detailed study of archival documentation. The purpose of the study was to correlate archival materials with preserved archaeological objects from the TSU collections in order to attribute them, as well as to identify the pictorial material at TSU. The object of the study is books of receipts of objects to the museum fund, inventories, acts, statements reflecting the composition and movement of funds of the pre-revolutionary Tver Museum before the 1870s and 1910s, documents of the 1940s and 1950s, as well as items currently stored in the funds of the TSOM. The subject of the study is the composition of the archaeological collection of the Tver Museum of the pre–revolutionary period. The main research method was a comparative analysis of textual descriptions, museum numbers and ciphers, with archaeological objects of the XI–XVIII centuries available in the museum's collections, and the dating of objects based on chronological scales developed in Russian archeology. The result was a detailed characterization of a series of items based on museum descriptions, as well as their comparison with preserved objects, which made it possible to add additions to the attribution of objects: to clarify their origin and dating. The attribution was made for a collection of earrings from the XVI–XVIII centuries, individual linings and pendants from the Middle Ages and early Modern times. Of particular interest are the materials of the foundation of the founder of the Tver Museum, A.K. Zhiznevsky. The fund contains a valuable set of visual sources – drawings and photographs of museum objects, made to continue the work of A. K. Zhiznevsky according to the description of the Tver Museum, but not published. Among the images of objects from the Middle Ages are a cross and details of a belt set, metal beads of the XI century, linings and a ring of the XIV–XVII centuries. The images of the objects were compared with the records of their admission to the museum. The study showed the high potential of the preserved documentation of the Tver Museum, which significantly complements the ideas about the composition of the museum collection and the history of medieval culture of the Upper Volga region.
Tver, Middle Ages, finds, attribution, archaeology, archive, collection, museum, dating, visual sources
Personality in history
Klinko, M.M. (2025). Professor I. M. Shaden from a personal perspective. History magazine - researches, 1, 197–206.
The subject of the article is personal relationships and behavioral patterns of German professor at Moscow University Johann Matthias Schaden (1731–1797). The purpose of the article is to reconstruct the realities of life and social connections of Shaden. A graduate of the University of Tubingen, Schaden arrived at Moscow University at the dawn of its existence and served it for more than forty years, first as rector of gymnasiums, and then as a university professor. At the university, Schaden zealously and responsibly fulfilled his duties, but he was distinguished by a short temper, which at the beginning of his service resulted in a confrontation with his ideological opponents. At the same time, Schaden was quite actively involved in university processes. The professor spent his free time in the German Settlement, an area of Moscow where foreigners historically prevailed. This research is based on the principle of historicism and the study of written sources: clerical materials, epistolary sources, memoirs of contemporaries. For the first time, two letters directly related to a German professor are introduced into scientific circulation. An analysis of Schaden's activities and leisure allows us to come to the following conclusions: first, the contrast of Schaden's unsightly behavior, described by colleagues who were at odds with him, and the lifestyle of a pedantic professor, cited by one of his students, allows us to suggest an age factor: in his youth, Schaden could behave more at ease than in adulthood. Secondly, in his official relations, Schaden did not divide colleagues into Russians and Germans, but built relationships with them based on his own beliefs and the good of the university. The professor preferred to build off-duty relationships with his fellow countrymen, which was the reason for his choice in favor of the German settlement. And thirdly, Schaden came into contact with the same German scientists in Moscow as himself, and sought to use these acquaintances both for academic and personal purposes.
letters, behavior patterns, relationships, service, German Quarter, Germans in Russia, university gymnasiums, Moscow university, Johann Matthias Schaden, personal connections
History of ethnicities, peoples, nations
Albogachiev, M.M., Dolgieva, M.B. (2025). The Nazran Act of Oath of 1810 is the result of forcing the peace of the lowland Ingush. History magazine - researches, 1, 207–222.
The subject of this study is a historical document called “The Act of Oath of Six Ingush Families of Russia,” signed by the Nazran Ingush on August 22, 1810 in the Vladikavkaz fortress, and the processes that took place on the river Terek at the beginning of the 19th century. Particular attention in the text is paid to the political and religious views of famous leaders of the Chechen abreks of the first third of the 19th century – foreman Beybulat Teimiev, the fugitive Kabardian prince Almaksid Mudarov (Kanchokin), the pro-Russian Chechen princes Magomed and Mussa Turlov, and their role in the confrontation between the Nazran Ingush and the tsarist administration. The contradictory nature of their relationship with the tsarist administration in the North Caucasus, as well as with the lowland Ingush societies, is shown. To solve the set goals and objectives, the author used a significant amount of scientific literature and archival data. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the approach to studying the reasons for signing this document and in an attempt to give a more complete picture of the events that preceded its signing. The author comes to the conclusion that the Nazran act was the result of a year-long confrontation between the Ingush foreman Shikh-Murza and the tsarist administration in Vladikavkaz, which began in April 1809. Realizing that on their own they would not be able to effectively resist the tsarist troops, the Ingush entered into an alliance with the abreks, headed by Sergeant Major B. Teimiev and Prince A. Kanchokin. However, the Russians eventually managed to overcome the resistance of the Nazran Ingush and force them to sign the above-mentioned “act of oath.”
abreks, Nazranites, Ingush, Shikh-Murza, Teymiev, Turlovs, Kanchokin, Delpozzo, Act of oath, princes
Regions of the world in the global historical process
Smirdov, O.I. (2025). Problems of security and defense of the British Commonwealth at the 1937 Imperial Conference: Canada's position. History magazine - researches, 1, 223–232.
The article presents an analysis of the views of the canadian delegation on security and defense issues within the framework of the British Commonwealth of Nations at the 1937 imperial conference. The contradictions between canada's position and Britain's attempts to establish closer cooperation within the Commonwealth to ensure imperial defense in the event of war are revealed. The approaches of other "white" dominions, Australia, New Zealand and the Union of South Africa, to current international political and military-strategic issues are considered, which allows them to be compared with the canadian point of view. Special attention is paid to the factor of public opinion in Canada, since a significant part of canadian society, especially the french canadian minority, was opposed to the involvement of the dominion in military conflicts abroad, which was taken into account by the canadian establishment when developing a foreign policy line. It is also shown that one of the factors influencing Canada's position was the isolationist policy of the United States, with which the dominion actively developed extensive economic and political ties. During the writing of the article, the author turned to both special historical methods and used the tools of the theory of international relations. The problem of Canada's position at the 1937 imperial conference on the security and defense of the British Commonwealth was practically ignored in Russian historiography, which prompted the author to fill in this gap in the history of, on the one hand, the transformation of the British Empire, on the other – in the prehistory of the Second World War. In this study, we rely on a wide range of diverse sources, represented by canadian, english and american documents of an official and personal nature. We conclude that the evasive position of the canadian establishment was the result of a breakdown in the coordination of the Commonwealth's defense policy and one of the factors contributing to Britain's policy of appeasing aggressors during the crisis of the Versailles-Washington system of international relations during the interwar period.
defense issues, Anglo-Canadian relations, imperial relations, the interwar period, The dominions, the policy of appeasement, The British Commonwealth of Nations, The imperial conference, British foreign policy, Canadian foreign policy
Regions of the world in the global historical process
Kerchelaev, I.V., Chedia, A.R. (2025). Relations between Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan 1991-2022. History magazine - researches, 1, 233–243.
This study is devoted to the analysis of the dynamics of relations between Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan in the period from 1991 to 2022. Taking into account the importance of these two countries in the Caspian Sea region and their influence on the geopolitical situation, the authors consider the key stages of cooperation and conflicts that have influenced the development of bilateral relations. The political, economic and cultural factors influencing the dynamics of cooperation are analyzed, as well as changes in world and regional politics that could affect relations between Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan. The study also draws attention to the prospects for further cooperation and identifies potential challenges facing these two States in the future. The results obtained contribute to a deeper understanding of the dynamics of relations between Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan and serve as a basis for further research in the field of international relations. The paper uses methods to study the dynamics of relations between Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan in 1991-2022. Conducting extensive archival analysis, including official documents, government correspondence, treaties, and international agreements related to State relations. Analysis of articles, reports and analytical materials in periodicals to identify public opinion and reaction to events. and. The scientific novelty of this study lies in a comprehensive analysis of the dynamics of relations between Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan for the period from 1991 to 2022, taking into account political, economic and cultural factors. Unlike previous studies, the focus is not only on traditional aspects of cooperation, such as energy and transport projects, but also on the impact of regional and global events on the development of bilateral relations. In conclusion, the authors summarize the evolution of relations between Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan, identify the main trends and factors shaping the dynamics of relations, and provide recommendations for strengthening cooperation in the future. The study provides valuable scientific data that can be used in the development of foreign policy strategies for both countries, and also serves as an important contribution to understanding the dynamics of international relations in the South Caucasus and the Caspian region.
Caspian Sea, Central Asia, relationship, History, Political science, Global affairs, Caucasus, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Economy
Issues of war and peace
Kokorev, M.A. (2025). The USSR policy on information and propaganda coverage of the military presence of a Limited Contingent of Soviet Forces in Afghanistan (1979-1989). History magazine - researches, 1, 244–263.
The article reveals the specifics of the USSR's policy of information and propaganda coverage of the military presence of a Limited Contingent of Soviet Forces in Afghanistan (1979-1989). The military and political intervention of the USSR is one of the stages of the unfinished military conflict in Afghanistan. The scale of the USSR's military and political involvement requires a deep understanding of the price of war: political consequences, economic costs, human losses, which determines the scientific significance and relevance of the research problem. The objective of the article is to determine the content and results of the work of the state censorship and propaganda agencies of the USSR in covering the military conflict in Afghanistan (1979-1989). The methodological basis of the research is the principle of historicism and a systematic approach, which make it possible to identify the content and results of the work of the state censorship and propaganda bodies of the USSR in covering the military conflict in Afghanistan (1979-1989). Special attention is paid to the impact of the "glasnost" policy of perestroika and renewal of Soviet society on the nature of information and propaganda coverage of the military presence of a limited contingent of Soviet troops in Afghanistan. The scientific study of the issue is complemented by an objective picture of public attitudes towards the war in Afghanistan (1979-1989), determined by the study of published sources and new archival materials from the RGANI, RGASPI and GARF. The introduction into scientific circulation of sources of personal origin (interviews with internationalist soldiers, the author's personal archive) allows a unique description of the socio-psychological factors of the Afghan war.
afghans, soldiers-internationalists, state censorship, The Red Star, Pravda, USSR media, LCSF, The war in Afghanistan, mujahideen, The cold war
Historical memory
Kyrchanoff, M.W. (2025). Problems of memorial culture and historical memory in modern Lebanon. History magazine - researches, 1, 264–275.
In the article the author analyses the features and directions of development of historical politics as wars of memory in modern conflict societies of the Middle East in Lebanese contexts. Social, political and economic reasons contradictions based on mutually exclusive ideas about the past also stimulates memorial conflicts in Lebanon. The author shows that wars of memory are characteristic of both relations between countries of the region and national societies. The purpose of the study is to analyse the role of collective historical memory in Lebanon as a factor that stimulates political and military conflicts in the region. The novelty of the study lies in the comparative study of wars of memories as a factor in the development of memorial cultures in modern politically unstable and unsustainable societies of the Middle East. The article shows that 1) different visions and versions of history and the past stimulate political conflicts, 2) political elites of Lebanon are involved in the process of manipulation of history, which stimulates the instrumentalisation of the past, turning it into a political resource, 3) wars of memory stimulate the nationalisation of history. The processes of a nation-state building in the region are not completed, forcing the ruling political elites to use the symbolic potential of history as a mobilisation resource. It is assumed that history in Lebanon became a symbolic battlefield, and memory wars became a universal form of development of memorial cultures. The author believes that 1) the elites actively use the symbolic resources of history and will continue this policy in the near chronological perspective, 2) hypothetically military-political conflicts can be resolved, which will turn history into a battlefield, since contradictions cannot be completely overcome, 3) memory wars can become a universal form of internal and external communication of conflicting societies.
Islam, nationalism, memorial culture, historical memory, historical policy, memory wars, conflicts, Lebanon, Middle East, identity
Historical memory
Salchinkina, A.R. (2025). Regimental memo by L. A. Rzhevussky and G. P. Fisenko in the development of historical culture of the 1st Volga Regiment of the Tersk Cossack Army. History magazine - researches, 1, 276–286.
Using the example of the Memoirs of the 1st Volga Regiment of the Terek Cossack Army by L. A. Rzhevussky and G. P. Fisenko, the article examines the role of regimental historiography in the development of the historical culture of the Terek Cossacks who were part of the regiment. The study of military historical works devoted to the history of regiments is very interesting, since they not only contain ideas about the past that are fixed in the mass consciousness of the regiment's representatives, but also contain meanings and judgments that are perceived by a social group at a certain period as valuable or even important components of collective self-identification. The research focuses on such issues as the identification of the author, the definition of tasks assigned to him by the official authorities and the command of the regiment, the identification of sources that formed the basis of the historical essay. Important for the research are the historical conditions in which the military historical work was created, the target audience for which it was intended, and the ways in which it was distributed to intended recipients. The study of regimental histories and memoirs requires an interdisciplinary approach combining historical research methods with a semiotic method and an identity approach. The novelty of the work is determined by the little-studied problem of the influence of regimental historiography on the development of the historical culture of the Cossacks, including the Terek. It is concluded that in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, regimental histories and memos were one of the ways to study, preserve and broadcast the combat history of the regiment. Their appearance was actively promoted by the official authorities. It is shown that the regimental historiography, including the "Memo of the 1st Volga Regiment of the Tersk Cossack Army", emphasized the importance of historical memory and continuity, and also established certain algorithms of actions for military units in conditions of war or intra-state conflicts. In addition, the regimental stories and memos conveyed corporate values that contribute to the preservation of the collective identity of the social group.
corporate value orientations, ideas about the past, G. P. Fisenko, L. A. Rzhevussky, The Tersk Cossack Army, 1st Volga Regiment, regimental memo, regimental historiography, historical culture, group identity
History of state and law
Makarov, E.P. (2025). Reaction of the Virginia Legislature to the Stamp Act of 1765. History magazine - researches, 1, 287–297.
The article examines the reaction of the Virginia legislature and society to the adoption of the Stamp Act of 1765. The subject of the study is the initiatives of legislators aimed at maintaining opposition to the new tax. The object of the study is the circumstances of the adoption by Great Britain of colonial tax legislation, the purpose of which was to cover the public debt. Important attention is paid to the role of Virginia politicians, thanks to whom the campaign for the repeal of the Stamp Act grew into a protest against the arbitrariness of the central government. A special role is given to the analysis of documents that form an idea of the events of the Virginia protest of 1765. The author uses chronological and historical-comparative research methods, which allow for a more complete analysis of protest sentiments in the Virginia Legislative Assembly. Several theses can be formulated as conclusions of the study. First, in discussing the reaction to the adoption of the Stamp Act in the Virginia Legislature, there was a parity of radical legislators and supporters of a moderate approach, while the participants in the May debate of 1765 perceived the events as a natural part of the political process. Secondly, the power of the richest families of the colony allowed them to keep any opposition aspirations under control, negotiate with the central government regarding better terms of interaction, and not provoke open conflict with its inherent radical methods of struggle. Thirdly, in the 1760s people from the ruling class of Virginia managed to contain the growth of popular protest. The richest families of Virginia began to realize that it was more profitable to lead the revolutionary processes than to try to continue to resist them.
social protest, public opinion, colonial politics, North America, House of Burgesses, Stamp Act, Virginia, Great Britain, Patrick Henry, eighteenth century
History of state and law
Solovev, K.A. (2025). Retrospective analysis in managerial thinking at the beginning of the XIX century. According to the report of Prince P.V. Lopukhin to Emperor Alexander I "On the transformation of the Commission for Drafting Laws". History magazine - researches, 1, 298–309.
The subject of the article is managerial thinking, which manifests itself in the activities of the Commission for the Codification of the Laws of the Russian Empire in the early nineteenth century. The activity of systematization of Russian legislation was perceived as one of the most important management tasks throughout the XVIII century. But the results of this activity were negligible. This task passed into the XIX century, along with the understanding that without a serious study of the theoretical basis of work on the codification of law, this task cannot be solved. The activities of the commission of Prince P. V. Lopukhin became the first attempt to theoretically study all the problems of codification. The result of the commission's work was the report "On the transformation of the Law Drafting Commission", which served as the main source for this article. The basic method of the work carried out is a systematic analysis of the text of the article, the purpose of which is to identify and describe the methods of analytical work of the Prince Lopukhin commission used in the preparation of the commission's Report. The result of the analysis is the identification, as the basic method of the Commission's work, of a method of retrospective analysis of the activities of previous codification commissions, starting from the time of Peter I and ending with the beginning of the reign of Emperor Alexander I. The retrospective analysis applied by the commission was based on the study of the normative documents of the Russian Empire and the documentation of previous commissions in order to establish the composition and principles of the organization of the work of these commissions, the goals of their work and the results achieved. In the Report submitted by the commission, the principles of historicism and consistency were strictly observed, which allowed the authors to identify the stages of codification work, point out their features and evaluate them. The retrospective analysis carried out by the commission made it possible to draw significant conclusions on which the work on codification of Russian laws in the subsequent period will have to be based. The analysis of the report of the Prince Lopukhin commission has not been carried out before, which determines the novelty of this study. His conclusions can be applied in the study of managerial thought and public administration activities in Russia.
codification of law, retrospective analysis, codification commissions, managerial thought, Russia nineteenth century, history of public administration, Russian history, Alexander the First, Prince Lopukhin, Baron Rosenkampf
Zyuzin, K.A. (2025). Directions, volumes and structure of freight traffic along the Amur at the beginning of the 20th century: analysis of transport statistics. History magazine - researches, 1, 310–326.
The article is devoted to the history of the development of trade along the Amur before the First World War. The important role of freight traffic along the Amur in the development of trade in the Far East is often noted. However, that in their assessments, researchers often rely on the works of contemporaries, which provide only fragmentary information on the movement of goods along the Amur. This article attempts to reveal the information potential of some statistical sources on the topic as well as to consider on their basis the main trends in the development of river trade in the Amur region during the specified period. In order to recreate the general picture of trade along the Amur, the work uses transport statistics of Amur shipping, the materials of governor's reports and the analytical materials of contemporaries. The intensification of the general dynamics of freight traffic occurred in the period after the end of the Russo-Japanese War: firstly, as a result of the increase in the volume of goods supplied to the population of the Russian Amur region, which was actively growing due to the influx of settlers, and secondly, the mass transportation of materials for the construction of the Amur Railway. In quantitative terms, the shipment of goods up the Amur was inferior to the shipment down the river, but it was in this direction that goods were mainly supplied to parts of Transbaikalia and Primorye, as well as the entire Amur Region. The commissioning of the Trans-Siberian Railway also contributed to the development of the intermediary role of Amur shipping in the export of goods from the Far East. The railway did not contribute to a reduction in the volume of goods transported along the Amur, but rather changed their directions and structure.
Blagoveshchensk, customs statistics, transport statistics, russo-chinese trade, Trans-Siberian Railway, the Amur river, Manchuria, Far East, Russian Empire, Khabarovsk