Historical memory
Vinokurov, A.D. (2025). Genealogical legends about Tyuluyen-oyuun of the Bordons Yakuts of the Nyurbinsky district as a historical and ethnographic source. History magazine - researches, 1, 1–10. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0609.2025.1.72818
The subject of the research is the study of genealogical legends about Tyuluyen-oyuun as a historical and ethnographic source about the Bordons Yakuts. The purpose of the research is a comprehensive study of genealogical traditions as a historical and ethnographic source by analyzing and verifying historical and ethnographic information with archival documents. To achieve the goal, the following tasks are set: 1) to trace the historiographical experience of accumulation and study of Yakut historical traditions; 2) to reveal the reliability of historical and ethnographic information of traditions by checking with archival documents; 3) consider the specifics of compiling, storing, and transmitting written versions of pedigrees. The folklore material collected by N.T. Stepanov occupies a central place in the research. The source base of the study is represented by published (collections of archival documents on the early history of Yakutia) and unpublished documents (revision tales, 1917 census materials, separate statements, etc.). The chronological scope of the study is limited to the period from 1632 to 1768. The research methods are based on general scientific (dialectics, comparison, system-structural) and historical methods (historicism, historical-genetic, source analysis). The novelty of the research lies in the fact that, based on the involvement of a wide range of sources and folklore materials, an attempt has been made to historically and ethnographically study Yakut genealogies using the example of the Bordons. Based on the results of the work, it was concluded that further research is necessary due to the presence of a large number of unpublished documents. The research materials can be used in the process of teaching historical subjects, developing textbooks, conducting individual and generalizing research on the history of Yakutia.
review of documents, administrative and territorial structure, nasleg, yakuts, bordons, malzhegars, Nyurbinsky ulus, Yakutia, ancestral composition, genealogy
Comparative history research
Kuznetsova, N.Y. (2025). Statistical accounting of religious groups: some data on the history of Old Believer statistics in the Olonets and Arkhangelsk provinces. History magazine - researches, 1, 11–20. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0609.2025.1.72628
The article examines the features of the statistics of accounting for religious groups in the Russian Empire on the example of the Old Believer community in the Olonets and Arkhangelsk provinces in the XIX century. A brief digression is made into the history of the formation of statistics in Russia within the framework of the XIX century. This allows you to see on what data the registration of believers took place, as well as who and how it was conducted. Within the framework of the study, special cases of statistical accounting of Old Believers in the Olonets and Arkhangelsk provinces are considered, demonstrating the difficulties encountered in this matter. In particular, statistical tables are provided for a number of counties, which show discrepancies in the data. Such discrepancies became possible due to the difference in approaches to accounting for Old Believers among officials, the police and the clergy. The research is based on the analysis of archival data from the National Archive of the Republic of Karelia and the State Archive of the Arkhangelsk region. Materials from the funds of the provincial statistical committees are compared and compared. The author comes to the conclusion that despite all the standardization of state statistics and the importance of the issue of accounting for religious groups of the population, the statistics of the Old Believers in the northern provinces had a number of difficulties. They concerned both the field accounting itself and the data consolidation into single tables. In particular, the question of who more accurately counted representatives of other religious groups that do not belong to official Orthodoxy remained open. The statistical tables provide data from both the police and the priests of local parishes. They are often very different. Another point that the author comes to in the study is the importance of comparing data over several years and the moment they are reflected in statistics. The research was carried out at the expense of a grant from the Russian Science Foundation No. 23-28-10260, https://rscf.ru/project/23-28-10260 / conducted jointly with the Republic of Karelia with financing from the Venture Capital Investment Fund of the Republic of Karelia (FVI RK).
government statist, Old Believers, religious groups, northern frontier, Arkhangelsk province, Olonetsk province, European North, Old Believers statistics, old belief, Russian Empire
History of science and technology
Vasil'ev, M.A. (2025). The role of scientific and technical achievements in the formation of fire fighting in Russia in the XVIII - early XX centuries. History magazine - researches, 1, 21–29. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0609.2025.1.70395
The subject of the research is the process of development of the national scientific and technical thought of fire fighting in Russia in the XVIII – early XX centuries.The scientific article highlights in detail the issue of the development of both theoretical and scientific and practical aspects of the research activities of Russian and foreign scientists and inventors who aimed to develop fire extinguishing technologies and rescue people in extinguishing fires and eliminating both natural and man-made disasters. The issue of historical experience in the practical application and approbation of the received samples of fire equipment in practical conditions and the introduction of these samples into the activities of fire brigades is considered. The issue of studying the experience of foreign colleagues by domestic inventors in the study, design and production of samples of fire equipment is considered. The research methodology includes a concrete historical approach (M.V. Astakhov, I.D. Kovalchenko, V.F. Kolomiytsev, A.P. Pronstein, etc.), as well as generalization, comparison, synthesis, classification, concretization; analysis of scientific literature; retrospective analysis; method of historical analogies. During the scientific research, the factors that influenced the formation and development of Russian scientific and technical thought were identified and analyzed. The issues of historical and technological evolution in the technologies of fire fighting in Russia in the XVIII – early XX centuries are considered. This aspect entirely became the basis for the formation of technological independence of the young Soviet state, in matters of invention and production of domestic fire equipment, during its formation and development, as well as in later periods of the 1930s – 1940s. The conducted research is of interest to a wide range of readers, since the development of scientific and technical thought of fire fighting in Russia was the basis for the development of not only fire fighting in general, but also was the basis for the development of departmental education of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation in the modern period.
technology development, fire fighting equipment, the practical aspect, the theoretical aspect, scientific thought, scientific research, scientific technologies, historical experience, Equipment level, historical research
History of state and law
Kulakov, A.A. (2025). The use of veterinary police measures in the Russo-German Customs War (1892-1914): deliberate restriction of exports or forced necessity?. History magazine - researches, 1, 30–41. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0609.2025.1.73222
The article is devoted to the use of veterinary and police measures during the Russo-German customs war (1892–1914). The trade agreement of 1894 significantly limited ability to arbitrarily increase customs duties, and therefore it became possible to influence export volumes only through the introduction of non-tariff restrictions. Such restrictions included veterinary measures. The German Empire, which was an epidemiologically more prosperous country than Russia, repeatedly resorted to their use, citing the risk of epizootics. At the same time, veterinary restrictions met the interests of the Junkers and could be used to extract economic benefits and limit competition from Russian agricultural products. The Tsarist government introduced veterinary and police measures only as a symmetrical response to unfriendly actions. The methodology this study is based on historicism. The historical and genetic method was used to assess the expansion of the practice of applying veterinary restrictions during the customs war. The systematic approach allowed us to comprehensively consider the problem of the application of veterinary measures and identify possible motives for their introduction. The method of source analysis was used to assess the value and significance of archival documents. The application of veterinary and police measures in the context of the customs war is non-studied topics in historiography, primarily due to its interdisciplinary nature. The author attempts to find out what caused the widespread use of veterinary measures by the German authorities: the desire to prevent the spread of epizootics or the desire to limit Russian exports and competition. The article pays considerable attention to the problems of organizing veterinary affairs in the Russian Empire in XIX-XX centuries; the issue of introducing veterinary restrictions on livestock, poultry and grain. In addition, the author presents excerpts from previously unpublished archival documents housed in the National Historical Archive of Belarus in Grodno.
tariff war, export and import, epizootics, customs duty, veterinary restrictions, veterinary supervision, non-tariff restrictions, veterinary and police measures, customs war, trade agreement
History and historical science
Kovrigina, L.M. (2025). P.I. Bartenev and I. E. Zabelin: Publisher and correspondent communication as an instrument of the editorial policy of the Russkii archiv. History magazine - researches, 1, 42–51. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0609.2025.1.73385
The subject of this article is the communication between Peter Ivanovich Bartenev and Ivan Egorovich Zabelin as one of the tools of the editorial policy of the historical and literary journal "Russkii archiv". From 1863 to 1912, Bartenev was not only the publisher, but also the editor of this magazine. He received most of the materials for publication from correspondents with whom he conducted extensive correspondence. An important role was played by the personal relationship of the authors with the publisher, on whom the publication of the material sent to the editorial office depended. Ivan Egorovich Zabelin was one of the numerous correspondents of the Russkii archiv. Using the example of his relationship with Peter Ivanovich Baretnev, one can consider how the process of communication between the editor and the authors who published their research in the journal under study took place. The methodology of this research is based on historicism. A combination of chronological, analytical, historical and biographical methods was used in the work. The novelty of the work consists in studying unpublished letters from Peter Ivanovich Bartenev to Ivan Egorovich Zabelin from the OPI, which allow us to conclude that Bartenev's personal communications play a crucial role in his efforts to attract historical materials for the Russkii archiv. The preserved correspondence reflects the process of interaction between the publisher and the author at different stages of cooperation. The establishment of strong business and sometimes friendly ties allowed Bartenev to initiate publications himself. This article also highlights in detail the participation of Ivan Egorovich Zabelin in the controversy about the heroes of the Time of Troubles, which began on the pages of the periodical press. To answer his opponent, the historian turned to Bartenev to have his work published in the Russkii archiv.
The Time of Troubles, communication, correspondents, Sources of personal origin, historical journalism, Russkii archiv, Ivan Zabelin, Peter Bartenev, Editorial policy, periodical printing
Galushko, I.N. (2025). The Russian Empire stock market regulation on the pages of the newspaper "Birzhevye Vedomosti": speculation and state control. History magazine - researches, 1, 52–62. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0609.2025.1.73464
Periodicals are one of the most important sources of stock market history. By studying them, we can gain valuable information. from newspaper issues about the dynamics of stock prices, the agendas of shareholder meetings, and the balance sheets of commercial banks. Periodicals formed the information field of bidders, often setting the mood of the market. In this article, we would like to outline in detail how discussions about state regulation of the Russian Empire's stock market and securities speculation unfolded on the pages of one of the main stock market newspapers, Birzhevye Vedomosti, at the beginning of the 20th century. It seems productive to try to analyze which issues from the life of the stock market were of concern to readers in principle and, accordingly, were reflected in the texts of relevant newspapers. From the point of view of institutional analysis, it is extremely interesting to clarify the expectations of bidders from the regulatory authorities represented by the Ministry of Finance and exchange committees. In the presented article, the forms of displaying stock market life on the pages of the newspaper "Birzhevye Vedomosti" in the early 20th century were considered in detail. To summarize the results of the study briefly, it can be said unequivocally that the average bidder perceived the process of stock trading mainly through the prism of periodicals. Shareholders were informed about the results of the meetings through newspapers; the stock exchange chronicler briefly recounted the results of the trading day; reports to the State Duma on stock market regulation were published in the relevant columns. By studying the financial history at the micro level of individual stock market agents, we must strive to reliably restore the information field in which the bidders were. And as our analysis has shown, in any such study it is impossible to do without referring to the materials of the periodical press. Periodicals represent one of the most significant sources for reconstructing the history of stock markets. Through their study, valuable insights can be gleaned regarding the dynamics of stock prices, the proceedings of shareholder meetings, and the financial statements of commercial banks. Periodicals played a pivotal role in shaping the informational landscape for market participants, often influencing the overall sentiment of the market. This article aims to provide a detailed examination of how discussions concerning state regulation of the Russian Empire’s stock market and securities speculation were articulated in one of the leading financial newspapers of the time, Birzhevye Vedomosti, during the early 20th century. It is particularly instructive to analyze which aspects of stock market activity captured the attention of readers and, consequently, were prominently featured in the pages of such newspapers. From the perspective of institutional analysis, it is of considerable interest to explore the expectations of market participants regarding regulatory authorities, particularly the Ministry of Finance and exchange committees. This article delves into the ways in which the life of the stock market was portrayed in Birzhevye Vedomosti during the early 20th century. To summarize the findings briefly, it is evident that the average market participant primarily perceived the stock trading process through the lens of periodicals. Shareholders relied on newspapers to stay informed about the outcomes of meetings, while stock exchange chroniclers provided concise summaries of daily trading activities. Additionally, reports on stock market regulation submitted to the State Duma were published in dedicated columns.
The economy of the Russian Empire, Exchange committees, Stock market regulation, St. Petersburg Stock Exchange, speculation, efficient-market hypothesis, behavioral finance, historical newspapers, Birzhevye vedomosti, stock market
Historical sources and artifacts
Lakhtionova, E.S. (2025). Participation of VOOPIK in the preservation and popularization of industrial heritage monuments through a network of industrial museums in Izhevsk in the 1980s. History magazine - researches, 1, 63–70. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0609.2025.1.73480
The object of the study is the Udmurt Republican branch of the All-Russian Society for the Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments. The purpose of the article is to assess the degree of participation of the Society in the preservation and popularization of monuments of domestic industrial heritage in the 1980s. through a network of industrial museums in Izhevsk. The relevance of the research topic is determined by the important role that industrial (now corporate) museums have played and continue to play for the preservation and popularization of industrial heritage. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that so far no one has analyzed the involvement of regional branches of VOOPIK in the work of museums of industrial enterprises from the point of view of their activities in preserving monuments of industrial heritage. As part of the research, archival materials were used, some of which are being introduced into scientific circulation for the first time. When conducting the research, both general scientific methods (analysis, synthesis, induction, evidence) and specifically historical ones (problem-chronological, historical-typological) were used. As a result, the author came to the conclusion that the republican branch of the All-Russian Society for the Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments provided methodological, consulting and practical assistance to factory museums in order to most effectively and competently identify, preserve and popularize monuments of science and technology that made up the fund of the domestic industrial heritage. And the provision of such assistance was fully consistent with the requirements of the all-Russian movement for the preservation of monuments of science and technology in the 1980s.
monument, Izhmash, Izhstal, exposition, factory museum, Izhevsk, Udmurtia, VOOPIK, industrial heritage, science and technology
Editor-in-Chief's column
Kostyunina, E.D. (2025). Promotion of political leaders in social networks: experience of the 2011-2012 election campaigns. History magazine - researches, 1, 71–80. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0609.2025.1.73446
The article covers the social media promotion strategies of political leaders during 2011 Parliamentary Elections in Russia and 2012 Presidential Elections in Russia. Author researches technological, infrastructure, domestic and international contexts of mentioned campaigns. The scientific novelty of the research should be referred to as the lack of the articles covering this field alongside with holistic approach to studied processes. Leveraging comparative and classification methods, the author demonstrates two key versions of political promotion strategies: positive and negative strategies (focus on promotion of the candidate vs focus on the criticism of the opponents); centralized and decentralized strategies (focus on less number of channels and resources vs focus on high number of channels and resources).The novelty of the study lies in the identification of two opposing strategies for promoting political leaders in social networks in 2011-2012, inherent in United Russia and the parliamentary opposition, as well as a comprehensive description of the technological and infrastructural context of the penetration of Internet resources in the Russian Federation at the stage under consideration. The article uses general scientific (analysis, synthesis, deduction, induction, classification) and specialized social and humanitarian research methods - comparative-historical, historical-systemic, content analysis, etcThe novelty of the study lies in the identification of two opposing strategies for promoting political leaders in social networks in 2011-2012, inherent in United Russia and the parliamentary opposition, as well as a comprehensive description of the technological and infrastructural context of the penetration of Internet resources in the Russian Federation at the stage under consideration.
election campaign, social networks, internet, Parliamentary Elections in Russia, Presidential Elections in Russia, President of Russia, State duma in Russia, elections in Russia, political leaders, political PR