Beliefs, religions, churches
Lazarev, A.B. (2024). On the issue of recreating the former Church of the Presentation of the Lord in the Feldjegersky Corps as a departmental church of the State Feldegersky Service of the Russian Federation. History magazine - researches, 4, 1–20.
The study subject is recreation of the former Church of the Presentation of the Lord at the Feldjegersky Corps as departmental church of the Russian Federation Feldegersky Service. The study objects are the works of the researchers studying the Church history, archives and periodicals covering the Church history and the Russian Federation legal acts. The study is relevant because of increasing activities of organizations and individuals aimed at eliminating or changing traditional Russian spiritual and moral values. The issue discussed in this article is a proposed measure for the Russian Federation to counter emerging threats. The article uses the following methods: historical and legal analysis and synthesis, systemic-structural, functional and formallogic approaches. The subject itself presents scientific novelty, as it has not been previously explored by other researchers. The article for the first time accumulates the works of Church history researchers and provides new sources, containing new information about the Church history. The article concludes that it is possible to recreate this Church as a departmental temple of Feldegersky Service and that this meets the interests of the Russian Federation, the Russian Orthodox Church and the Russian Federation State Feldegersky Service, which in this regard would benefit from the interaction, that will enable the latter to expand the program of patriotic, historical and ethical education of its employees. This in its turn will increase the level of historical knowledge, patriotism and compliance with ethical standards and rules as well as standards of official conduct among its employees. The Russian Orthodox Church will be able to legally carry out its missionary activities in the State Feldegersky Service of Russia. For Feldegersky Service employees, the Church will become a place to unite them, transmit traditional spiritual and cultural values, historical traditions, and support them additionally in their official tasks.
Revival of traditions, Departmental temple, church history, Russian Orthodox Church, SFS of Russia, Feldjegersky Corps, Re-creation of the church, Church of the Presentation of the Lord, Spirituality and culture, Traditional Russian values
Social history
Yarnykh, V.S. (2024). The possessions of Gerald of Aurillac: on the question of a network of elite spaces in the Carolingian Auvergne (IX – X centuries). History magazine - researches, 4, 21–35.
The subject of the is the lands owned by a Carolingian lay saint, Gerald of Aurillac (d. 909), through the perspective of social anthropological research on the history of Early Medieval elites and elite sites. It confronts textual sources with the results of archaeological and linguistic studies of the recent decades. The dense evidence of the saint’s early life compiled by Odo of Cluny some 20 years after his death (the so-called Vita Prolixior Prima) allows to revisit the question of the aristocratic residence in the late Carolingian Auvergne (mid-9th – mid-10th Centuries). The elite locus of Gerald’s holdings is seen within the framework of dependent sites and chapels, whereas the spatial perspective of the vita is reconstructed with taking into account not only the hagiogrpher’s intentions and vision of centre and periphery, but also symbolic factors of prestige and local piety. Count Gerald’s castle in Aurillac, the adjacent monastery founded by him, newly discovered cemetery, and a number of his holdings that it has been possible to localize, serve as a case of an aristocratic residence and its connections to a network of dependent settlements, religious edifices and farmed lands. This analysis is made possible by new archaeological excavations in Aurillac in 2013–2014. Moreover, we can trace the sphere of an aristocrat’s authority over the lands dominated by his central residence. In the case of Count Gerald this holds true not only for the territory of Auvergne but also for the adjacent pagi of Quercy, Rouergue and Limousin. A special emphasis is put on the questions of sacral topography of the count Gerald’s domain in the vita as a mirror of Odo’s concept of sainthood and his reinterpretation of the local tradition on the aristocratic saint.
Quercy, archeology, Early Medieval elites, Odo of Cluny, hagiography, Gerald of Aurillac, Early Medieval Auvergne, Early Medieval aristocracy, Carolingian Age, elite sites
Culture and cultures in historical context
Lachugina, N. (2024). Representation of freedom in the chivalric biographies “Bruce” by John Barbour and “The Book of Good Jean” by Guillaume de Saint-André. History magazine - researches, 4, 36–47.
The medieval communities of Western Europe, due to the unique historical and cultural development of each of them, had different ideas about what the concept of “freedom” includes. The article compares two chivalric biographies “Bruce” by John Barbour and “The Book of Good Jean” by Guillaume de Saint-André, the authors of which paid special attention to this phenomenon. Literary monuments were composed in the form of chanson de geste in the last third of the 14th century. Although the sources of the article were written in different European regions (Scotland and Brittany), the circumstances of the poetic works creation are very similar: both works were composed by the authors at a time when the inhabitants of the two countries suffered from attempts by other states to influence their domestic politics. To study how the Scots and Bretons understood the concept of "freedom", standard methods of historical research were used (historical-genetic and historical-comparative methods). It is concluded that the ideas about freedom in the two poems concern the worldview not only of a certain class or religious group, but demonstrate the peculiarities of self-identification of the Scots and Bretons as a whole. To emphasize the need to fight the enemy, both John Barbour and Guillaume de Saint-André describe in detail the oppression from "strangers" experienced by absolutely everyone living in their countries. The influence of Christian and ancient traditions on the compilers of gesture texts is examined in detail, and the influence of the law of each individual region is traced. It is noted that the compilers of the works, telling about the desire of each community to defend the independence of their native place, turn to popular stories in the late Middle Ages about the Maccabean War (166-142 BC) from the Old Testament.
consciousness, thralldom, Guillaume de Saint-André, John Barbour, Brittany, Scotland, chivalry, Robert the Bruce, identity, freedom
Social history
Gritsenko, A.I. (2024). Student obstruction at Moscow University in the second third of the 19th century as a form of protest activity. History magazine - researches, 4, 48–55.
The object of the study is the phenomenon of student obstruction at the Moscow University of the XIX century as a form of student protest against lecturers who caused dissatisfaction. The subject of the study is the reasons for student protests against professors, reasons for demarche, as well as the results and consequences of obstruction for the teachers, the most active students as well as the organization of the educational process and ways of student management by the university authorities. In addition, within the framework of this article, based on official sources, memoir literature and archival documents, an attempt is made to reconstruct the mechanics of student protest itself using the example of two of the most high-profile and significant cases in the history of Moscow University of the specified period, namely the "stories" with professors Malov and Varnek. The research methodology is classical for works on social history: It is based on the fundamental principle of historicism and a number of traditional methods for historical science (historical-genetic, historical-typological, comparative). The novelty of the research lies in the fact that in the Russian literature there have been practically no attempts to study the phenomenon of student obstruction at the pre-reform Moscow University. A special contribution of the author of the work is the study of the topic of student protests in the context of the formation of a student corporation with its inherent ethics, an unspoken set of rules, special ways of defending their rights in conflicts with teachers and university authorities. The author of the study also concludes that the university leadership in this era was generally quite lenient towards cases of obstruction and protests against teachers, although after the "Varnek's story" the university authorities treated the instigators and participants of the protest more strictly than the initiators of the obstruction against Professor Malov in the 1830s.
Professorship at Moscow University, the history of higher education, The Nicholas Era, Vissarion Belinsky, Alexander Herzen, students of the Moscow University, Varnek's story, Malov's story, Imperial Moscow University, Student obstruction
Social history
MOROVA, O.V. (2024). Humanitarian activities of the county police in the second half of the XIX– early XX centuries (on the example of the Vladimir province). History magazine - researches, 4, 56–67.
Law enforcement agencies have been and remain an important part of the Russian state system. The field of responsibility of the police authorities of the Russian Empire at the turn of the XIX–XX centuries was extensive and diverse. It included issues of state, community and public administration, management in the field of economics, industry, transport, finance, control over compliance with laws and regulations, protection of personal rights and property, health care, social security, education, the spiritual sphere and monitoring the moral condition of the population. The article is devoted to the activities of the district police of the Vladimir province in the field of struggle for the physical and moral health of the population. This aspect is insufficiently covered in local-level research, so the author used archival materials from the Vladimir province to complement the image and the scale of the activities of local law enforcement agencies by the beginning of the XX century. Pokrovsky County was the most densely populated due to the high concentration of factory industry and workers. The research is based on the principles of historicism, reliability and scientific character, chronological and historical-systemic methods are used. Specific examples show the role of the county police in combating the spread of infectious diseases and drunkenness among the population, carried out in difficult conditions of active migration flows in cities and counties of the Vladimir province and an ever-growing number of residents. The staff of the Pokrovsky district police department, in addition to the functions of law enforcement and public peace, controlled the opening of hospitals, the provision of medical care, strictly monitored the referral of syphilis-infected residents to county hospitals for treatment, and fought against public drinking in villages and towns of the county. Statistics collected from the field by district police officers were sent to the provincial government, to statistical committees and became the basis for state and public decisions in the relevant areas.
medical and police activities, migration flows, bailiff, district police officer, district police department, the Vladimir province, police authorities, Law and order, public drinking, public morality
Social history
Orchakova, L.G., Ilmiev, R.I. (2024). The role of boarding houses in the urban housing system funds of Moscow at the turn of the XIX–XX centuries. History magazine - researches, 4, 68–80.
The subject of this study is apartment buildings in Moscow during the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, and their significance in the context of the urbanization and industrialization of the city. The research aims to investigate the architectural features, functional characteristics, and socio-economic impact of these apartment buildings on the urban landscape. Special attention is paid to the quantitative and qualitative growth of these structures, as well as their contribution to addressing the issue of housing shortages in light of rapid urban population expansion. The focus of the study is on apartment buildings in Moscow during this period. The article examines specific examples of these buildings, their architectural design, construction stages, ownership, and occupancy. Attention is given to analyzing how these buildings were integrated into the city's infrastructure and influenced Moscow's appearance. The research employs diachronic, statistical, and chronological methods. The novelty of this study lies in its exploration of the previously understudied history of apartment houses in Moscow from a financial, economic, and social perspective. Apartment buildings played a significant role in Moscow's urban life. On the one hand, they provided housing for different segments of the population, making housing more accessible and helping to solve the problem of housing shortages. It was common to rent a room or apartment. On the other hand, apartment buildings became not only a social, but also an economic phenomenon. They were attractive for investing capital and contributed to their proliferation. The success of constructing such buildings led to the formation of joint-stock companies that focused on building apartments. These companies invested in real estate projects, expecting to generate significant profits from renting out apartments. The emergence of these companies indicates that the residential real estate market was a lucrative business.
Moscow, entrepreneurs, architecture, urbanization, homeowners, households, boarding houses, the history of Moscow, Moscow studies, merchants
History and historical science
Beliaev, A.V. (2024). The dynamics of academic interest in the Great Game in foreign historical science in the second half of the XX — early XXI centuries. History magazine - researches, 4, 81–101.
The subject of the study is the dynamics of academic interest in the problem of the Great Game in foreign historiography of the second half of the XX – early XX centuries and the factors that influenced this process. The traditional study of historical thought practically does not take into account quantitative indicators of the prevalence of certain concepts in historiography. At the same time, there is a genuine revival of interest in Anglo-Russian rivalry in Central Asia. The article analyzes the content of foreign historiography after the Second World War and the prerequisites for the growth and decline of research interest in certain periods of time. The aim of the work is to trace the correlation between foreign policy events and trends in the study of the Great Game. To do this, an array of more than 300 papers was formed in order to graphically display bursts of scientific interest in the problem by plotting a time series. The work uses quantitative methods that allow you to build an initial graph and perform its mechanical alignment for greater reliability of the results. Also, the main technique for interpreting the data obtained was the analysis of bursts of research interest in the problem of the Great Game, for which historical-systemic and historical-comparative methods were used. The use of quantitative methods and the display of results in graphical form determines the novelty of the work. The catalyst for the intensification of research on this issue has almost always been an aggravation in the confrontation between superpowers or a significant change in the international situation. It is also worth noting the emergence of the term The New Great Game in the mid-1990s and its subsequent expansion beyond the Central Asian region and historical science in general. In British historiography, the growth in the number of publications on the Great Game is due to the development of postcolonial studies. In the USA, there is a significant difference between the pre-war and post-war volumes of research on this topic, the penetration of the concept of the Great Game into American science and gaining popularity among researchers. Further study of the patterns of development of the foreign historiography of the Anglo-Russian rivalry, including using statistical methods, will allow us to more accurately characterize the relationship between political conjuncture and academic discourse in the bipolar and post-bipolar world, as well as the place of the image of the Great Game in modern public consciousness.
dynamics of academic interest, The New Great Game, Russia, USSR, USA, Great Britain, Central Asia, quantitative methods, historiography, The Great Game
Personality in history
Sichev, N.F. (2024). Interior Minister A.A. Makarov and the newspaper campaign against Grigory Rasputin in public opinion (January-March 1912). History magazine - researches, 4, 102–112.
The article is devoted to the activities of the Minister of Internal Affairs A.A. Makarov during the newspaper campaign against Grigory Rasputin in January-March 1912. In preparation for the elections, the leader of the Octobrist party, A.I. Guchkov, decided to use attacks on the government and the supreme power as the main tool, one of which was a newspaper campaign against Grigory Rasputin, who was close to the imperial court. Nicholas II demanded that the Minister of Internal Affairs stop publications of this kind, however, Makarov could not fulfill the emperor's instructions, and the newspaper campaign stopped only in the spring of 1912 in connection with the events at the Lena gold mines. Public opinion reacted to the current situation by spreading persistent rumors about the imminent resignation of the Minister of the Interior, however, the emperor postponed the adoption of this decision. The study of this problem allows us to reconstruct one of the mechanisms of political struggle in the form of newspaper campaigns and assess its impact on the functioning of the "updated" state system in the Russian Empire at the beginning of the twentieth century. The methodological basis of the research is both general scientific methods (analysis, descriptive method) and general historical methods (historical-comparative, historical-systemic), which allows us to create a complete picture of the domestic political situation in Russia at the beginning of 1912. This study has a scientific novelty, since this problem is currently poorly studied and is mentioned in historiography in the context of other plots. In addition, the research is based on archival materials, as well as publications in periodicals of the early twentieth century, introduced into scientific circulation in recent times. The following conclusions were formulated in the course of the study: 1) The Rasputin theme temporarily left the pages of periodicals and did not lead to the immediate resignation of A.A. Makarov, but, nevertheless, significantly damaged the reputation of the minister in socio-political circles. 2) Nicholas II was somewhat disappointed in Makarov, since the newspaper campaign against Rasputin affected the private life of his family, and Makarov, in turn, could not comply with the emperor's request to stop publishing materials about the "Siberian elder".
Public opinion, Periodical press, Rasputin, Alexandr Alexandrovich Makarov, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Internal policy, Russian empire, Emperor Nicholas II, Vladimir Nikolaevich Kokovtsov, Oktobrists
Social history
Nikitina, O.A. (2024). Experience of reconstruction of family relationships among the nobility at the turn of the 19th–20th centuries (on the basis of the epistolary sources belonged to Professor Zhukovsky). History magazine - researches, 4, 113–133.
Epistolary sources, or letters, have significant information potential for research and identification of informal connections, interpersonal relationships, emotions and experiences of certain historical figures. This is especially valuable for studying the history of a single family that lived in a different era, and the relationships between relatives. The research focuses on the scientist in the field of mechanics Nikolai Zhukovsky and his family connections. The subject of the study is the relationship between Professor Zhukovsky and his illegitimate daughter Elena. This case is important from the point of view of identifying opportunities for the integration of illegitimate children of nobles into Russian privileged society at the turn of the 19th–20th centuries. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the introduction of previously unpublished letters and drafts from the family correspondence of Professor Zhukovsky, which are stored in the archive. As a result of the study, the potential of epistolary sources was proven in the study of interpersonal connections and for the reconstruction of family relationships of nobles. At the next level, a reconstruction of family relations was carried out: it was established that Professor Zhukovsky was able to construct a new status for his illegitimate daughter. At the formal level – official adoption, noble status and education, at the informal level – raising her to the rank of mistress of the house. An analysis of Professor Zhukovsky’s family correspondence also revealed the significance of his daughter’s poor health for the specifics of their relationship and the importance of this topic in intrafamily discourse. The studied case reveals some typical features of the mentality of the post-reform nobility, a synthesis of liberal trends with remnants of the old way of life, which persisted even after the liberalization of the legal system.
nobles, family relations, epistolary sources, personal sources, ego documents, gender history, family history, illegitimate children, scientists, everyday life history
History of ethnicities, peoples, nations
Buyarov, D.V., Skatov, D.R. (2024). Demographic situation in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region in the 2000s. History magazine - researches, 4, 134–145.
The subject of this article is the analysis of the demographic situation in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China in the 2000s. The demographic situation in the largest autonomous region of the People's Republic of China is considered in a historical context. Xinjiang, inhabited by Turkic-speaking peoples, the largest of which are the Uighurs, has traditionally been a troubled region and has caused concern to the Chinese authorities. To stabilize the situation, the central Government of the People's Republic of China is launching economic programs aimed at developing the autonomous region and improving the standard of living of the local population. The demographic policy of the People's Republic of China, aimed at regulating the birth rate, but providing benefits for representatives of national minorities, is proving to be quite effective. In the first quarter of the XXI century, the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region has seen an increase in population and a certain improvement in the quality of life, including income levels, the development of education and healthcare. This study is based on historical analysis of public sources of the central government, government statistical reports, and Chinese academic articles. The methodological basis of the research is the work of foreign historians and sociologists who characterize the specific features of China's demographic policy. In general, this study was carried out in accordance with the methods of historical periodization, retrospective and socio-psychological methods. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the analysis of insufficiently studied aspects of the demographic development of Xinjiang at the present stage in the national historical science. Previously, stories related to the development of the XUAR in the context of the economic development of the People's Republic of China as a whole were popular among scientific circles. At the same time, little attention was paid to the intraregional specifics of Xinjiang itself, especially in connection with the local ethnic and religious situation. This paper examines the factors determining the importance of the region for the Chinese government, analyzes official measures aimed at regulating the demographic situation and the response from representatives of national minorities. The article focuses on the conflict-prone nature of the region, in which, despite ongoing socio-economic reforms, the threat of terrorism and religious extremism persists.
national minorities, Uighurs, Han Chinese, demographic development, national policy, Xinjiang, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Central Government, China, migration policy
History of ethnicities, peoples, nations
Albogachiev, M.M. (2024). Feringas and Galgai expansion in the Terek and Argun interfluve in the XV-XVIII centuries. History magazine - researches, 4, 146–167.
The subject of the research in the article is the question of the Galgai expansion in the interfluve of Fortanga and Argun in the XV–XVIII centuries, in the context of the question of the tribal affiliation of the Ferings from the Akka folk legend about the Ferings. The analysis of information from historical sources related to these issues is carried out. The purpose of this article is to show the Galgai presence in the interfluve of Fortanga and Argun in the XV–XVIII centuries, as well as their connection with the mythical Feringami people, who, according to information from the Akka legend, came from the "Galgai societies" around the XV century, seized the upper reaches of the Gekhi River and tried to subjugate this territory through its colonization and the spread of the Christian religion among the local pagan population. To achieve this goal, the author has attracted a significant amount of scientific literature and archival data, comparing them with information from Ingush and Chechen folklore. In the course of the study, the author comes to the conclusion that the in XV–XVIII centuries there was an active expansion of the Galgai tribes in the interfluve of Fortanga and Argun and their colonization of this territory. This is reflected in some Chechen legends. After the crushing blow inflicted in the XVI century by the Kabardino-Nogai army, the Galgaevites were forced out of the flat territories. However, in the second half of the XVII century, led by Etagai Agishbatoysky and with the support of the Avar princes Turlov, they managed to liberate the flat lands between Argun and Terek from the Nogais, after which they founded their settlements here. The relevance of this article lies in the fact that it additionally highlights an important issue for the study of the main migration routes of Ingush tribes in the XV–XVIII centuries.
Galanchozh, Galgayche, expansion, Egahoy, Ferings, Atagai, Agishbatoi, Galgaevites, Late Middle Ages, Chechens
Issues of war and peace
Gusev, A.A. (2024). The defeat of France in 1940: The road to armistice. History magazine - researches, 4, 168–183.
The article is devoted to the study of the causes, circumstances and consequences of the armistice between France and Nazi Germany in 1940. After the invasion of Hitler's army into Belgium, Holland and France in May 1940, in conditions when Franco-British troops suffered heavy defeats and retreated, the highest political and military circles of France began to discuss the possibility of ending hostilities by reaching an agreement with the enemy. Ultimately, these discussions and the struggle of various political currents, accompanied by changes in the composition of the government of the republic, ended in June 1940 with the adoption of a decision to conclude an armistice with Germany on German terms, which led to France's withdrawal from the war and its de facto subordination to the Third Reich. The article, relying on published sources and documents extracted from the funds of the National Archives of France, reconstructs the course of events that led to this outcome. The positions of key statesmen and representatives of the military command on the issue of the armistice are analysed, and their evolution is traced. The role of the British factor in the debates on the choice of military-political strategy is revealed. The author substantiates the point of view according to which the conclusion of an armistice was not the only option for France: it was possible to continue the resistance in case of the evacuation of the government and part of the troops to the French colonies in North Africa. The decisive factor that predetermined the choice in favour of an armistice was the position of some of the high military command and some members of the government (primarily P. Pétain and M. Weygand), who, adhering to right-wing political views, were inclined to reconciliation and cooperation with Nazi Germany.
Paul Reynaud, Franco-British relations, armistice, defeatism, occupation, strategic defeat, Battle of France, World War II, Maxime Weygand, Philippe Pétain
Industrial era, postindustrial world
Seytimbetov, M.K. (2024). The strategic importance of the development of railway transport communications in the Republic of Uzbekistan. History magazine - researches, 4, 184–195.
This article is devoted to the analysis of the state policy implemented in the field of railway transport in Uzbekistan. It evaluates projects launched during the period of independence to develop railway infrastructure, establish constructive and mutually beneficial relations in the transport sector. The priority importance of the railway industry in the foreign policy of Uzbekistan and the implementation of strategic objectives in this area are also considered. The methodology of the work is based on local material. The use of local material implies a focus on the peculiarities of the development of railway transport in Uzbekistan during the period under study. The article analyzes the current state of the railway industry, its role in the country's economy, and traces the impact of decisions taken on the development of transport infrastructure and the strengthening of international partnerships. The methodology of the work is based on local material. The use of local material implies a focus on the peculiarities of the development of railway transport in Uzbekistan during the period under study. The main conclusions of the conducted research are the analysis of the state policy implemented in the field of railway transport in Uzbekistan. It evaluates projects launched during the period of independence to develop railway infrastructure, establish constructive and mutually beneficial relations in the transport sector. The priority importance of the railway industry in the foreign policy of Uzbekistan and the implementation of strategic objectives in this area are also considered. The methodology of the work is based on local material. The use of local material implies a focus on the peculiarities of the development of railway transport in Uzbekistan during the period under study. The article analyzes the current state of the railway industry, its role in the country's economy, and traces the impact of decisions taken on the development of transport infrastructure and the strengthening of international partnerships.
strategy, highway, infrastructure, transit, strategic region, electrification, state joint stock company, railway system, Communications and transport, transport
History of state and law
Soloveichik, M.V. (2024). Organization of service for the protection and escort of persons detained in the Russian Empire in the period 1718-1917 on the example of the Peter and Paul Fortress. History magazine - researches, 4, 196–204.
The subject of the study is the specifics of the organization of the service for the protection and escort of persons detained in the Russian Empire in the period 1718–1917, using the example of the Peter and Paul Fortress. The object of the study is the main directions of organizing the activities of the Peter and Paul Fortress as a place of detention in our country for the protection and escort of persons held in it in the period 1718–1917. Studying the history of the experience of organizing the activities of places of detention in our country is necessary to understand the origins of the requirements for the organization of security and escort services for persons held in modern similar institutions. After all, ensuring security during protection and escort is part of the overall national security of modern Russian society. Research method: general scientific research methods (analysis, synthesis, description, comparison) were used, the basis was the dialectical method of cognition. It was important to study the historical experience of the organization of this service and to trace its transformation and change of tactical techniques for its improvement during the time indicated in the title in order to understand the main weaknesses of these activities. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that it was proved that during the specified historical period, only constant vigilance during the guard and escort service in relation to persons in custody made it safe for the employees themselves and for the citizens of the country. It is concluded that the measures for protection and escort on the basis of the specified place of detention were improved depending on the behavior or actions of the persons held in it. Therefore, every modern employee of the convoy service of our time should remember that any tricks of persons in custody will be stopped if you are brave, vigilant and resolute. In this regard, it is important to conduct classes and trainings based, among other things, on the experience of previous generations of convoy units, since the tricks of detainees may be repeated over time, taking into account the development of new technologies.
consequence, shackles, search, camera, gendarme, guards, prisoner, dungeon, fortress, caretaker