Ethnography and ethnology
Zinnatullina, G. (2024). The fortune telling in the Siberian Tatars culture. History magazine - researches, 1, 1–8.
The purpose of this article is to describe, study and analyze traditional methods of divination in the culture of the Tatars of Western Siberia. Such practices occupy an important place in the spiritual heritage of the people. They are valuable material for studying the traditional culture of the people, their worldview. They allow us to highlight the transformation of the worldview of the people under the influence of different cultures. These methods of divination were widely used by the people in the past, and some of them have been preserved and used to this day. The research was based on ethnographic sources and field materials collected by the author in 2002-2023. The works of domestic researchers in the field of history and traditional culture of Turkic and Muslim peoples served as a methodological basis for the article. The paper gives a historical and comparative analysis of traditional rites of divination widespread among the Tatars of Western Siberia. The novelty of this study lies in the fact that the article is the first to record and describe the method of divination among Siberian Tatars called "tastar tartu", which, according to the available information at the moment, was widespread only among the Tatars of Western Siberia. In addition, the article provides a historical and comparative analysis of such methods of divination as "nogyt bulu", "kitap atsu", with other Turkic and Mongolian peoples. The study has shown that some of the described methods of divination among Siberian Tatars, having arisen on the basis of the common Altai, Turkic tradition in the early period, were transformed under the influence of the Muslim worldview in the later period. Also through the Islamic culture the methods of divination of other Muslim peoples began to spread among Siberian Tatars.
tastar tartu, nogyt bulu, predictions, divinations, rituals, spiritual culture, shamanism, Turks, Siberian Tatars, kitap atsu
Social history
Popovich, N.D., Malysheva, O.G. (2024). Charity of Moscow entrepreneurs: Bakhrushin Brothers Hospital. History magazine - researches, 1, 9–18.
The object of the study is the charitable activities of Moscow entrepreneurs in the pre-revolutionary period. The subject of the study is the hospital named after the brothers P., A., V. Bakhrushins (representatives of the famous merchant dynasty). The authors consider in detail such issues as the contribution of Moscow entrepreneurship to the development of the city, for example, through assistance to the poor or health care support. Special attention is paid to what exactly the money given by Moscow merchants, industrialists or bankers to the city Duma was spent on. The funds invested in the hospital by the Bakhrushin brothers are considered as an example. The authors investigate how the money invested in the specified institution could have been spent and to what extent its activities justified these investments. To answer these questions, the authors studied the materials of the fund of the Central State Archive of Moscow – "Moscow City Duma and Council (1870-1917)". Among the materials found, there is information with a detailed description of the income received for the construction of the hospital, as well as final expenses and those subsequent approximate amounts that the hospital subsequently spent annually on the example of 1897. The methodological foundations of the study include the principle of historicism, the principle of objectivity and the principle of consistency. The main methods used in this study include the historical-genetic and retrospective method. The main conclusions of the study are that from the standpoint of today, the charitable activities of Moscow entrepreneurs at the turn of the XIX–XX centuries had a deep historical significance. Using the example of the Bakhrushin Brothers Hospital, it was proved that the huge funds donated by Moscow merchants for its creation were not spent in vain and fully corresponded to the activities of this institution. A special contribution of the authors to the study of the topic is the introduction of a new source into scientific circulation – a review of the activities of the Moscow City Duma and a report on the movement of office work in the office for 1897. The novelty of the study lies in a deeper study of the topic of charity of Moscow entrepreneurs, a more detailed study of sources (and the introduction of new materials into scientific circulation), as well as research on how specifically, the money was spent after it was given to the creation of specific institutions.
health development, city Council, cash donations, pre-revolutionary period, Bakhrushin Brothers Hospital, Moscow, entrepreneurship, patronage, merchants, charity
Ethnography and ethnology
Gogolev, A.I., Yakovleva, K.M., Mikhailova, S.M., Mikhailova, S.A. (2024). Yakut National Holiday – Ysyakh: traditions and modernity. History magazine - researches, 1, 19–34.
The subject of the study is the transformation of rites and rituals in the structural part of the traditional Ysyakh holiday among the Yakuts. In the traditional sense of the Yakuts, ysyakh was a calendar and ceremonial holiday after which the economic cattle breeding year began. In addition, the traditional holiday vividly reflected the religious ideas of the Yakuts – receiving blessings from the bright deities of Ayyy. During the genesis and transformation of this holiday through the prism of historical periods, the appearance of the holiday and religious beliefs are transformed, but the use of ritual utensils and food remains within the framework of rituals. In the work, the subject of research is mainly revealed through the prism of tradition and modernity. The work is divided into the structure and rituals of the traditional holiday in the first part, in the second half the authors' materials on the modern celebration of Ysyakh in 2022. The main methods in the article are diachronic, the method of included observation, as well as interviewing. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that the national holiday Ysyakh is considered within the framework of its genesis, from tradition to modernity. Today, the holiday is an important ethnocultural and regional event in the territory of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), the work contains relevant materials from the Olonkho Ysyakhs and the local urban district in the territory of the Vilyui group of uluses for 2022. As a result of the work, the authors conclude that despite the historical conditions through which this holiday passed, it retained its original idea: the beginning of a new economic cycle, the birth of nature, the worship of the bright deities of Ayyy, the preservation of the sacredness of food in rituals and rituals.
cultural code, transformation, sprinkle koumiss, rite, food, Ayyy, ysyakh, holiday, ritual, yakuts
Social history
Zagorodnyuk, N.I. (2024). The population of the cities of Tobolsk province (based on the materials of the 1917 census). History magazine - researches, 1, 35–47.
On the basis of archival sources introduced into scientific circulation for the first time, the issues of preparation, the peculiarities of conducting the census of the urban population of the Tobolsk province in 1917 are revealed, and its results are analyzed. The census materials were in demand to coordinate the food issue, supply the population with food, the urban economy as a whole, and prepare for elections to the Constituent Assembly and local authorities. In the study of the processes of formation of urban settlements and their transformation, various methodological approaches are traced. In this regard, the modernization theory of social development is of interest, where, according to the concept, urbanization is considered through the prism of demographic processes primarily in cities. The work is based on the materials of the 1917 urban census in the Tobolsk province. To analyze documentary sources, a set of statistical methods was used, as well as historical-genetic, historical-comparative, historical-typological research methods, methods of graphical representation of the obtained statistical data. Based on newly introduced and published sources of population statistics. The author made the following conclusions: despite the presence of general instructions, there are specific features in the preparation and conduct of the census associated with tight deadlines, lack of qualified personnel and other reasons; the results obtained, although they had a number of drawbacks, suggest an increase in the proportion of the alien population, a decrease in the number of males due to mobilization to the front. The author made the following conclusion: despite the presence of general instructions, there are specific features in the preparation and conduct of the census associated with tight deadlines, lack of qualified personnel and other reasons.
Instruction, Statistical accounting, Urban settlements, Population census, age and gender composition, Population size, Demographic modernization, Urbanization, Western Siberia, Tobolsk province
Interdisciplinary research
Gasanov, A. (2024). Industrial heritage in Russia and abroad: traditions and innovations of the interdisciplinary direction. History magazine - researches, 1, 48–62.
This article discusses the evolution of the study of industrial heritage in domestic and foreign historiography. According to the Nizhny Tagil Charter of the International Committee for the Preservation of Industrial Heritage (TICCIH), industrial heritage means the values of industrial culture that have historical, technological, social, architectural or scientific significance. Despite the fact that industrial heritage has been a topic of study for more than half a century, it is still often overlooked (not included in the register of cultural heritage), which sometimes puts industrial monuments at risk. Interest in industrial heritage is not a momentary trend or a local topic of individuals, but a significant scientific direction for decades, deserving the attention of researchers, the public and the state. Post-industrial development, characteristic of the XIX century, leads to the completion of the life cycle of a large number of industrial objects, which turn out to be unclaimed due to changes in production processes and, therefore, the loss of their original functions by objects. The question of how the future fate of the former industrial buildings should develop remains open. Therefore, it becomes important and necessary to collect and comprehend many years of experience in interdisciplinary work in the field of studying and preserving industrial heritage. Attention is also paid to innovations in this field, such as the use of virtual 3D-reconstruction and virtual reality technologies in the study and preservation of industrial monuments, which became possible both due to the rapid development of technologies and a large amount of work carried out by researchers to integrate these technologies into scientific research.
reprofiling, museumification, preservation of monuments, industrial architecture, industrial monuments, industrial archeology, cultural heritage, industrial heritage, virtual 3D reconstruction, virtual reality
Bochkarev, M.M. (2024). New materials about the secret supervision of A. I. Turgenev (reports of gendarmes and agents from the archive of the III Section). History magazine - researches, 1, 63–89.
It has long been known in historical literature that the III Section conducted secret supervision of the statesman and public figure of the first half of the XIX century, historian, archaeographer and writer Alexander Ivanovich Turgenev (1784-1845), but researchers rarely turned to the surveillance materials themselves. The purpose of the article is to familiarize readers in more detail with the gendarmerie documents, highlighting the characteristic features of the supervision of A. I. Turgenev in Moscow and Simbirsk. This will allow us to raise questions again about the effectiveness of the supervision of the III Section for cultural figures of Pushkin's time and about the overall value of the reports. In the process of research, it is established how much information from the papers of the III Section correlates with real facts from the life of A. I. Turgenev, which is important for studying the biography of the historian and writer. The article uses a comparative method: the reliability of information from the documents of the III Section is checked by comparing them with information from the correspondence of A. I. Turgenev and his friends and from the formulary list of our hero. In addition, in order to better visualize the specifics of the content of supervision materials, the data are systematized, similar plots are grouped. As a result of the study, we come to the conclusion that A. I. Turgenev knew about the supervision of the III Section for himself. The supervision was not effective, did not lead to the adoption of specific measures against our hero, because there were no legitimate grounds for that. When reviewing the gendarmerie materials, the opinion of the different qualifications of the informants of the III Section, which has developed in historiography, is convincingly confirmed: high gendarmerie officials in their reports admit that Turgenev's speeches and actions were monitored by domestic servants. In general, the analyzed documents expand our understanding of the daily life of A. I. Turgenev in Moscow and Simbirsk, however, caution is required when working with them: the information contained in them is not always confirmed by other sources (this applies to a number of dates of the arrival / departure of our hero, his relationship with his brother and future plans for life).
power and society, correspondence, everyday life, secret supervision, reports of gendarmes, perlustration, Third Section, Alexander Benkendorf, Nikolay Turgenev, Alexander Turgenev
Social history
Vasil'ev, M.A. (2024). Historical and pedagogical aspects of the formation of fire education in the Baikal region in the 60s and 70s. History magazine - researches, 1, 90–96.
The subject of the research of the scientific article is the peculiarities of the process of formation of the educational and pedagogical base in educational institutions of the fire department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR in the 60-70 years of the XX century on the territory of the Irkutsk region. A brief analysis of the transformation of structural units of educational and pedagogical orientation is given, and a list of heads of educational cycles and departments is indicated at the stage of formation and development of the Irkutsk Fire Technical School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, as well as the Irkutsk branch of the Higher Engineering fire Technical School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR. The research methodology includes a concrete historical approach (M.V. Astakhov, I.D. Kovalchenko, V.F. Kolomiytsev, A.P. Pronstein, etc.), as well as generalization, comparison, synthesis, classification, concretization; analysis of archival documents, legislation and scientific literature; retrospective analysis; method of historical analogies. The novelty of this scientific article lies in the fact that during the scientific research, historical and pedagogical sources, archival data describing in detail the history of the formation and development of the structure of the educational and methodological base in educational institutions of the fire department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR were identified and summarized. The conducted research is of interest to a wide range of readers, since the study of educational, pedagogical, structural and organizational activities in educational institutions of the fire department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR is a very important component in the study of the formation and development of departmental education of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR in the territory of the Baikal region in the XX century. The scientific article analyzes the features of the implementation of pedagogical activity at the stage of formation of educational institutions of the fire profile. Examples of professional development of educational and structural units of cycles and departments of these educational institutions are considered, indicating the academic disciplines taught. The list of heads of these structural divisions at the stage of formation and development of the Irkutsk Fire Technical School and the Irkutsk branch of the Higher Engineering fire Technical School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR is considered.
training cycle, fire safety, Ministry OF Internal Affairs OF the USSR, scientific potential, curriculum, educational process, educational department, special education, training of personnel, educational institution
Zingis, K.A. (2024). The White Sea-Baltic Canal and the Moscow-Volga Canal: historiography of the construction. History magazine - researches, 1, 97–107.
Historiography of the construction of the White Sea-Baltic Canal and the Moscow-Volga Canal, the activities of the White Sea-Baltic and Dmitrov camps are the subjects of the study. A review of studies of the large-scale GULAG system was carried out. In such researches the role of the Solovezkiy, Belbaltlag and Dmitlag is outlined as stages of the Soviet penitentiary system development. It reflects the transformation of the country's leadership views on the role of forced labor in the construction of the economy. Special attention was paid to the studies of the channel Army daily life, historical and cultural phenomena that appeared in the conceptual landscape of the country together with the construction of canals, cultural, educational, creative and ideological components of camp life. A historiographical review of the White Sea-Baltic Canal and the Moscow-Volga Canal construction, as well as the activities of the White Sea-Baltic and Dmitrov camps as an integral system, was not carried out before. But namely this approach to the topic seems logical due to the continuity of both the canal construction organizations themselves and the camp systems that provided the construction with labor (Solovetsky, Belomorsko-Baltiyskaya and Dmitrovskaya). A comprehensive study of these materials allowed us to take a fresh look at the subject of research and identify a number of urgent tasks for the historian of the GULAG system.
Reforging, historiography, kanaloarmeets, Solovetsky Camp, Moscow-Volga Canal, White Sea-Baltic Canal, The White Sea-Baltic Canal, GULAG, Dmitlag, camp press
Historical facts, events, phenomena
Vakhrushev, I.I. (2024). Populism and Anti-Intellectualism: the Evolution of the Political Views of the Italian "Five Star Movement" (2005–2022). History magazine - researches, 1, 108–120.
Among the characterizing features of populism, which has become an integral part of the party-political systems of Western countries, anti-intellectualism is often listed. It is understood as distrust of intellectuals, expert knowledge and the scientific community. Italy, the “political laboratory of Europe,” provides rich material for studying the connection between anti-intellectualism and populism. This article attempts to analyze the role and evolution of anti-intellectualism in populist discourse using the example of the Italian Five Star Movement (M5S). Five Stars, founded by comedian Beppe Grillo and IT entrepreneur Gianroberto Casaleggio, has become one of the main parties in the country, while expressing controversial views from the point of view of the scientific community. Using qualitative text and discourse analysis, the party's official blogs, M5S bills, articles from Italian and foreign media are analyzed. As a result, this work offers a balanced view of the gradual development of anti-intellectual sentiments within the Movement in the context of the overall process of institutionalization of the party into the mainstream of Italian politics during the period of 2005–2022. The subject of this article remains completely unexplored in Russian scientific literature and little studied in foreign science. Analysis of this subject shows that in the process of institutionalization, the long stay of the anti-establishment party in government, populist rhetoric, including anti-intellectual rhetoric, is emasculated and approaches the “mainstream”.
Gianroberto Casaleggio, Beppe Grillo, Five Star Movement, Italy, vaccination, COVID-19, freemasons, conspiracy theories, anti-intellectualism, populism
Dolidovich, O.M., Marinenko, L.E., Revyakina, D.O. (2024). Peasant woman and Soviet power in the Yenisei Province during the New economic policy. History magazine - researches, 1, 121–132.
The authors analyze the work of the Soviet government with peasant women in the Yenisei province during the New economic policy. The collection, systematization, summarization of data and construction of the narrative were carried out on the basis of the problem-chronological method. The historical-genetic method is used to analyze the activities of women's departments from 1920 to 1929, the emphasis is placed on the first, most difficult stage of their creation and the beginning of work (until the mid-1920s), when the Soviet government brought the country out of acute political and economic crisis after the Civil War, intervention and war communism. The historical-systemic method made it possible to consider the work of womens' departments to involve women in social production and political life in the context of the changes taking place in the country and the socio-economic conditions of the Yenisei province. Based on the comparative historical method, the tasks and their practical implementation in the field of womens' issues are compared. It is shown that in the conditions of economic devastation after the First World War and the Civil War, famine, and mass epidemics, the harsh tax policy of the Soviet government among the East Siberian peasantry caused an increase in anti-Bolshevik sentiment. Experience of women's departments working with peasant women in the 1920s showed that without solving urgent economic and social problems of society (mass illiteracy, lack of modern industrial sectors, technical backwardness in agriculture, manual labor, low standard of living, etc.), the transformation of womens' position and their involvement in socio-political life were impossible. It became obvious that this kind of large-scale task could only be solved gradually with an increase in the educational level of the population, the qualifications and professional level of women, and the solution of many everyday issues. All these tasks were related to the need to modernize the state's economy.
New economic policy, illiteracy of the population, peasant woman, woman question, zhenotdel, Yenisei province, delegate, Eastern Siberia, volost organizer, prodrazverstka
Issues of war and peace
Borovkov, D. (2024). The battles of the 108th Tank Division near Trubchevsk in the memoirs of M. T. Kalashnikov and other narrative sources. History magazine - researches, 1, 133–143.
The work is devoted to the study of narrative sources about the battles of the 108th tank division of the Red Army west of Trubchevsk on August 30 – 31, 1941. Central attention is paid to the memoirs of the famous Russian weapons designer M. T. Kalashnikov, who took part in this battle as part of the 216th tank regiment. In the work, fragments of M. T. Kalashnikov's memoirs, as well as memories of other participants in the events, on the one hand, and documentary sources, on the other, are subjected to comparative analysis. For example, among the documentary evidence one can name the log of combat operations of the 108th tank division, reports of its headquarters from September 4 and 6, 1941. Among the narrative evidence, the most important are the memoirs of L. G. Katz, an ordinary tankman of the 216th tank regiment, and the future general of tank forces, Soviet Union Hero I. N. Shkadov, in 1941 – chief of reconnaissance of the regiment. In addition, a number of memories of front-line correspondents are used. The author comes to the conclusion that, despite the fact that from a chronological point of view, M. T. Kalashnikov’s memoirs are completely unreliable, in detail they quite accurately reflect the reconstructed events of August 30-31. In particular, almost any specific combat episode of these memoirs can be compared with any specific message in the documents. In addition, the designer’s memories practically do not contradict the memoirs of other participants in the events. Moreover, as the experience of comparing narrative monuments has shown, M. T. Kalashnikov’s memoirs are the most voluminous and detailed among them. It should be recognized that no scientific reconstruction of the battles of the 108th Panzer Division is possible without taking into account this monument.
Bryansk Front, Battles near Trubchevsk, Kalashnikov: The trajectory of fate, Notes of the gunsmith's designer, Roslavl-Novozybkovskaya operation, Great Patriotic War, Biography of Kalashnikov, memoirs of Kalashnikov, Kalashnikov, Ermakov 's Mobile Group
Historical memory
Timshina, E.L. (2024). The Civil War (1918-1922) in the historical politics of Russian political parties. History magazine - researches, 1, 144–159.
In the Soviet Union, the history of the Civil War was one of the important parts of the historical "myth", which ceased to exist shortly before the collapse of the country. Although three decades have passed since the collapse of the USSR, there has not been a unified attitude in society towards this conflict. The article presents a study of the collective memory of the Civil War in Russia based on the narratives of political parties. Modern parties, as part of the formation of their historical policy, offered their own vision of the events of the Civil War. The author of the article analyzes the attitude of parties to the parties to the conflict and personalities, highlights the key features of the image of the past formed by them. The main sources were official documents of the parties, election programs, speeches and publications of party leaders, books, materials of official websites. The results of the study are based on the use of general scientific methods and principles of scientific cognition, comparative analysis, and a systematic approach. The main conclusion of the study is the lack of a unified approach among modern political parties in assessing the events of the Civil War. Liberal and conservative-patriotic parties blamed the beginning of the conflict on the "Reds", the Communist Party – on the anti-Bolshevik camp, the rest expressed the opinion that all parties to the conflict were to blame. The parties also assessed the degree of foreign influence differently – communist and patriotic associations believe that the conflict has escalated into a large-scale war due to the intervention of the Entente countries. In modern political discussion, appeals to personalities are rare: parties resort to generalizations "Bolsheviks", "whites" and similar synonyms, the parties to the conflict in party narratives, as a rule, are faceless. From the personalities of the Civil War, they often turned to the figures of V. I. Lenin and A.V. Kolchak, evaluating them depending on their political preferences. The only conclusion common to all political parties was the unacceptability of a repeat of civil conflicts in Russia, in their opinion, the country should develop, avoiding such shocks.
Edinaya Rossiya, Civil war, Spravedlivaya Rossiya, New peoples, Rodina, Yabloko, Collective memory, Historical politics, KPRF, LDPR
Baibakova, L.V. (2024). Secret diplomacy of the US President T. Roosevelt during the Peace Conference in Portsmouth (August 1905). History magazine - researches, 1, 160–187.
The author discusses the mediation mission of the US President T. Roosevelt, who made a significant contribution to the end of the bloody Russian-Japanese war of 1904-1905. Having offered assistance to the conflicting parties in search of a mutual compromise, he sought to use the contradictions between the great powers through skillful maneuvering in the interests of the increased influence of his own country on world politics. In the theory of the "balance of power" formulated by him, the main attention is paid to the distribution of control zones between major geopolitical players, while a significant place in international relations was given to the United States, which at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries actively joined the struggle for sales markets. When considering the "good deeds" of the President, the main emphasis is placed on the analysis of the various diplomatic means used by him to achieve his goals. He was one of the first to resort to the so-called "multilateral" diplomacy, which involved the complex application of both conventional and non-traditional measures of mediation. By assuming the role of an intermediary, he was able not only to achieve the delimitation of spheres of influence with Japan in East Asia, but also to "open the doors" for American capital to Northern China on the basis of the principle of the most favored nation. The Portsmouth Peace led to a change in the balance of power in the Asia-Pacific region, in which the United States, thanks to the successful mediation of Roosevelt, became the main player in international diplomacy. .
back channel diplomacy, shuttle diplomacy, multilateral diplomacy, peace talks, mediation, Portsmouth Conference, Teodore Roosevelt, Russo-Japanese War, spheres of influence, regional conflicts