Shilnikova, I. (2023). Water energy as a factor of industrialization in Russia at the beginning of the twentieth century (based on the materials of industrial censuses). History magazine - researches, 6, 1–17.
One of the main issues in the course of industrialization is the provision of dynamically developing industrial production with energy sources. Despite the rapid spread of new types of engines in Russia in the late XIX – early XX centuries, water as an energy source continued to be actively used in industrial production. The research, the results of which are presented in the article, based on the published materials of the first (1900) and second (1908) industrial censuses showed that at the beginning of the twentieth century the share of water engines in the structure of the total power in industry as a whole not only did not decrease, but, on the contrary, increased. Groups of industries and provinces distinguished by the active use of water energy in industry have been identified. Analysis of statistical sources allows us to conclude that industrial enterprises are moving from water wheels to water turbines that exceed them in power. On the basis of industry data, the interrelations between the specific values of the use of water engines in the overall structure of the energy capacity of enterprises and their main production indicators (net profit, cost structure, etc.) are revealed. On the basis of correlation analysis, the hypothesis of a higher level of labor concentration at enterprises and in industries that have retained a significant proportion of water engines in the structure of their energy base has been confirmed.
wage, labor concentration, labor productivity, industrial censuses, steam engines, water engines, water resources, energy base, industrialization of Russia, correlation analysis
Tatarnikova, A.I., Saifulina, N.A. (2023). Rural settlement network of Tarsky district (uyezd) at the end of the XIX – first third of the XX centuries: patterns and features of transformation. History magazine - researches, 6, 18–28.
The paper characterizes the development of rural settlements on the territory of the Tarsky district, the planned settlement of the urban spaces of which under the control of the government began in the mid-1890s and continued for several decades. The subject of the study is the network of rural settlements of the Tarsky district, the object is the key indicators of the state of the network: the number of settlements, their typology and size by the number of yards and the number of inhabitants. The development of the settlement network can be traced in historical dynamics, according to several time slices (for 1893, 1903, 1912 and 1926), the choice of which is due to the peculiarities of the source base of the study. The novelty of the presented work consists in a comparative analysis of the indicators of the development of Tar villages in the late Imperial and early Soviet periods, determining the scale of the settlement network, identifying patterns and specifics of its functioning and transformation. Conclusions are drawn about the increase in the number of settlements in the district in the period from 1893 to 1926 by more than four times (from 447 to 1946 villages), changes in the typical structure of the network: the predominant in the late 1890s resettlement settlements and villages in the 1900s were replaced by farms that in the mid-1930s began to forcibly settle in large collective farms (collective farms). There has been a reduction in the number of households and the population of settlements.
settlement of the farm, infrastructure, the size of settlements, typical structure, Tarsky district, settlement network, rural settlements, resettlement settlement, household, transformation
History of ethnicities, peoples, nations
Kharitonov, R.M. (2023). Composite Manchu-Mongolian bow from the collections of the Ethnographic museum of the peoples of Transbaikalia (Ulan-Ude): on the issue of weapons refit. History magazine - researches, 6, 29–39.
The subject of the study is a composite Manchu-Mongol bow identified and studied in detail during direct inspection from the collections of the Ethnographic Museum of the Peoples of Transbaikalia (Ulan-Ude). Based on a study of its morphological and design features, during a comparative analysis with similar products of imported and Buryat production, it was revealed that the item was redesigned during its use. Examples of this kind are quite rare and allow, based on the study of specific products, to draw conclusions about the possible reasons and methods for rearranging weapons to change their characteristics. Analysis of the context of application can significantly complement the understanding of this process. The novelty of the research is associated with the introduction into scientific circulation of a previously unpublished fully preserved composite bow. At the moment, such work is rare in russian weapons science. The analysis of specific weapons is important in the context of studying the military art of the peoples of Siberia and Central Asia, since in order to compile the most correct idea on this issue, a comprehensive study of the entire array of sources is necessary. An important component of the study was the analysis of the redesigned elements, and their interpretation is given. Based on a number of reasons, most likely the owner was trying to adapt the item to stable shooting with lighter arrows and to make it easier to care for. It is possible that some damage was repaired in this way. As a result of the refit the morphology and metrics of the functional zones of the product are closest to composite bows made in Transbaikalia.
weapon refit, weapons, museums, Manchus, composite bow, Transbaikalia, Buryats, horn plates, competitions, hunting
Beliefs, religions, churches
Orbodoeva, M.V. (2023). Prerequisites for the formation of schools of Chinese Buddhism in the Nanbeichao period. History magazine - researches, 6, 40–46.
The article examines the initial stage of the formation of schools of Chinese Buddhism in the era of Nanbeichao (Northern and Southern kingdoms). Buddhism of the era of the Southern and Northern Kingdoms (386–589) is a little-studied period in the history of Buddhism in China in domestic science. At the same time, this period represents a very important stage in the development of Buddhism in China, characterized by the completion of the adaptation of Buddhism to the political, social, cultural and mental traditions of this country and the formation of Chinese religious and philosophical principles of Buddhism, which began during the reign of the Eastern Jin Dynasty (317–420) and which continued during the period of the division of China into Southern and Northern kingdoms. The division of China began with the capture of the nomadic tribes of the Tobians of the northern part of the Eastern Jin (317–420). By this time, the rule of the Eastern Jin Dynasty was characterized by political chaos, internal strife, economic decline, famine and devastation. The research is based on translations of sources from Chinese, as well as on the works of Russian scientists. As a result of the study, it can be concluded that it was the period of the Northern and Southern Kingdoms that became a kind of prerequisite for the formation of Chinese schools of Buddhism, the appearance of which marked the final formation of Buddhism in China, known as "Chinese Buddhism". Translations of texts into Chinese became the basis for the formation of schools of Buddhism. The translation activity of Buddhist missionaries of the era of the Southern and Northern Kingdoms, despite the political, economic and social difficulties caused by internecine strife, the invasion of nomadic tribes, devastation and famine, steadily continued. The tradition of translation activities of the Eastern Jin was continued in the Southern and Northern kingdoms. During Southern and Northern Kingdom epoch was made a significant contribution to the development of Buddhism in China, preparing the textual ground for the formation of schools of Chinese Buddhism, which began in the subsequent Sui era (581–618) and ended in the Tang era (618–907).
historical chronicles, Buddhist texts, formation, preconditions, Northern kingdoms, schools, Nanbeichao, translation tradition, Buddhism, China
Historical sources and artifacts
Larionova, M.B. (2023). Sources for the reconstruction of the "parade" and "non-parade" portraits of students of the state labor reserves (1904–1950s). History magazine - researches, 6, 47–62.
The socio-cultural appearance of students in the system of state labor reserves has not been the subject of special study by specialists. At the same time, the creation in 1940 of the system of state labor reserves of the USSR was accompanied by the formation of a specific social group, the study of the socio-cultural characteristics of which will complement the already existing ideas about the working youth of the Soviet period. The subject of the study are documents as historical sources. The object is students of the system of state labor reserves as a separate social group. The purpose of the article is to present a corpus of official documents and documents of personal origin, which are historical sources for the reconstruction of stable, integral images of students, forming the basis of "ceremonial" and "non–parade" portraits as a set of characteristics (markers) aimed at highlighting socio-demographic features, cultural values and mental characteristics, behavioral practices and appearance of representatives of this social group. The methodological basis of the research is the methods of source analysis and synthesis, which allow to reveal the content component of documents for the study of the declared topic. The results of the study are: 1) the allocation of six types of historical sources from the official records of the central and regional labor reserves management bodies to fiction, allowing to reconstruct the "parade" and "non-parade" portraits of students of the state labor reserves system as a separate social group; 2) disclosure of the information potential of these six types of historical sources, taking into account their source-study features for the reconstruction of the socio-cultural appearance of students.
appearance, cultural values, socio-cultural image, railway schools, vocational schools, factory training schools, non-parade portrait of a student, ceremonial portrait of a student, state labor reserves, behavioral practices
History of ethnicities, peoples, nations
Kharitonov, R.M., Mikhienko, V.A. (2023). Sources of supply of composite bows to the Buryats. History magazine - researches, 6, 63–78.
The article discusses the main sources of supply of composite bows to the Buryats. In the works of domestic researchers, starting from the 18th century, individual theses appear on the local and imported nature of objects, their characteristics and differences are mentioned, and the manufacturing process is described, but these data have not been generalized to date. The subject of the study is a complex of written, material and pictorial sources containing information about the place and time of manufacture of composite bows used by Buryat archers. The article analyzes data from written sources and published works of specialists on the topic. The data is compared with identified composite bows from museum and private collections collected in the territory of Buryat residence or received from Buryat archers, as well as with a series of published images. As a result of the analysis, it was possible to identify and prove the existence of two sources of supply of composite bows to Buryat archers: imports and local production. Imported products are represented by various variants of the “Manchu-Mongolian” tradition, differing in the general ideas of the craftsmen about morphology, sizes and basic manufacturing techniques; Bright decor was used for decoration. The most common were locally made compound bows. Despite some differences, locally produced items are fundamentally different from imported ones in terms of morphometric features, which confirms that the Buryats have a local, distinctive culture of shooting and making composite bows.
buryats, Cisbaikalia, Transbaikalia, local production, import, sources of supply, composite bow, written sources, production tradition, weapon
Beliefs, religions, churches
Khomyakov, S.V. (2023). The Old Believers of Burytia in the 1920s and 1950s: Transformations of the Way of Life. History magazine - researches, 6, 79–91.
The subject of the research in the article is the problem of transformational modification of various aspects of the life of the Old Believers of Buryatia in the 1920s and 1950s. The object of the study is the Old Believer population of the Buryat-Mongolian ASSR (since 1958 – the Buryat ASSR). Based on the purpose of a comparative analysis of the transformations of the Old Believers' lifestyle in the 1920s and 1950s, this article examines such aspects of the topic as: characterization of examples of both negative and positive processes for preserving identity (atheistic campaign, introduction of communist ideology, cultural modernization) in designated time periods, as well as the attitude of generations of the 1920s and 1950s to these processes, which allows us to show the evolution of various social practices. The historical-genetic method used to consider a social group at different time intervals is necessary to demonstrate changes in the lifestyle of Old Believers in the 1920s and 1950s. The comparative historical method was needed when comparing the contribution of the Soviet government and internal movements among the Old Believers in the process of the decline of religious identity. Atheistic propaganda, as well as the communist ideology introduced among the Old Believers, were the main channels for the group's incorporation into the unified Soviet society that had been under construction since the 1920s. By the 1950s, based on the stable potential of the cultural identity of the Old Believers (even with the decline of the religious one), these tools gradually adapted in the form of a set of formal instructions and recommendations, which in turn led to the transformation of the way of life of the Old Believers in the context of mutual adaptation to reality (socially approved behavior). The novelty of the study lies in the fact that personal memories of Old Believers of the 1920s and 1950s (from the village of Nadezhino, Tarbagatai district of Buryatia) are introduced into scientific circulation, allowing to compare the real attitude of people to the processes taking place with the official market position of the designated period.
social transformations, cultural modernization, atheistic propaganda, Soviet ideology, religious identity, ancient orthodoxy, Old Believers, National history, technical innovations, personal memories
Akhatov , A.T. (2023). The problems of cultural genesis in the Southern Urals in the Early Middle Ages in the works of N. A. Mazhitov in the second half of the 1950s - mid-1960s. History magazine - researches, 6, 92–100.
The article is dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the birth of the famous Soviet and Russian archaeologist, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of Bashkir State University Niyaz Abdulkhakovich Mazhitov. The object of the research is the works of the scientist published in the second half of the 1950s - the first half of the 1960s. The subject of the research is the theoretical developments of N.A. Mazhitov on the problems of cultural genesis in the Southern Urals in the Early Middle Ages, considered through the prism of his archaeological research and ethnocultural constructions. It is shown that despite the so-called "non-theoretical" period established in the studied period of time in archaeology and the absence of methodological works on cultural genesis in general, N. A. Mazhitov's publications showed a historical and cultural approach to studying the history of the Southern Urals in the I millennium AD. The methodological basis of the study is the analysis of the main publications of Niyaz Abdulkhakovich written in the initial period of the scientist's research activity related to the study of mainly the monuments of the 1st millennium AD. Bakhmutin, as well as the Pianobor and Turbasli archaeological cultures. An analytical review of N.A. Mazhitov's works devoted to the study of the ethnic history of the Southern Urals in the Early Middle Ages, conducted for the first time, allows us to conclude that his research was based, among other things, on the theoretical positions of cultural studies both in the study of the development of individual archaeological cultures of the Southern Urals in the I millennium AD, and in the study of ethnogenetic processes occurring in the region in general. Considering the ethnic history of the Bashkiria population in the designated period of time, Niyaz Abdulkhakovich largely appealed to the ethnocultural processes taking place in the region associated with changes in spiritual and material culture. Based on his work, the main factors that influenced their transformation can be called migration, socio-economic factor, intercultural interaction, traditions and innovations.
archeology, earlier Middle Ages, interdisciplinary approach, Turbasli culture, Bakhmutin culture, cultural genesis, ethnic history, South Urals, Niyaz Abdulkhakovich Mazhitov, ancient Bashkirs
Social history
Kirillov, A.K., Reznikova, M.A. (2023). Income inequality of peasants of a suburban district according to tax assessments: Semiluzhnaya volost of Tomsk county at the beginning of the XX century. History magazine - researches, 6, 101–111.
The article is intended to provide historians with new data to discuss the problem of income inequality in pre-revolutionary Russia. Authors aim at obtaining figures that can be used to compare with the already available digital estimates of inequality in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century, as well as to include pre-revolutionary Russia on a par with other countries and eras. Since income data for the period studied is particularly scarce for rural areas, the authors focused on peasants. The task was to obtain data that would allow us to get a picture of inequality at the micro level – within individual villages. As a data source, layout sentences are used – resolutions of rural gatherings on the distribution of taxes between members of the community. The choice of Semiluzhnaya volost is due to the opportunity to obtain the greatest chronological diversity of data for the Tomsk collection of folding sentences. The work is based on the results of the archival search. Based on personal data extracted from the lists of peasant tax payers, a number of Gini indices were calculated for individual villages over individual years, with further assessment of their reliability. A number of Gini indices have been obtained, which make it possible to talk about a significant or even high level of inequality in the studied villages against the background of well-known world values and estimates for pre-revolutionary Russia. It is shown that the proximity of a large city (Tomsk) contributed to an increase in income inequality by creating the possibility of earning as a waste worker and by creating demand for non-agricultural goods created by peasants. It is shown that the primary values of the index should be considered underestimated due to their high dependence on the per capita distribution of taxes, and the values cleared from the per capita component should be considered overestimated due to the underestimation of personal non-agricultural earnings of peasants. The difference between the values of the purified indices for different villages is explained by the special economic appearance of the village of Semiluzhny as an important point on the Siberian route.
migratory labourer, peasant commune, tax distribution resolution, Gini coefficient, tax history, Siberian studies, peasant studies, inequality, late imperial Russia, economic history
Ethnography and ethnology
Ilikaev, A., Sharipov, R.G. (2023). Parallels in the solar myths of the Turks, Mongolian peoples and Eastern Finno-Ugric peoples. History magazine - researches, 6, 112–134.
The subject of this study is parallels in the solar myths of the Turks, Mongolian peoples and Eastern Finno-Ugric peoples. This article is a continuation of a previously published article devoted to the review and analysis of lunar motives in the beliefs of these ethnic groups. As in the previous work, the authors attempted, based on a comparative analysis of mythological images and plots, and specifically solar myths, to provide additional arguments in favor of confirming V.V. Napolsky's hypothesis about the existence of a special North Asian community of mythologies of the peoples of Northern Eurasia. Based on the conducted review analysis, based on the research scientists, the authors came to the following conclusions. Firstly, among the Turks, Mongolian peoples and eastern Finno-Ugric peoples, solar myths retain a number of common archaic features: the insignificant role of the sun compared to the role of the moon in some beliefs and rituals, the idea of ancient, several suns. Secondly, as it was already pointed out in the previous article, the mythologeme about the emergence of the sun from water acts as a characteristic Ural-Altai element. Images of the sun in the form of a man, an animal, an eye, a monster, and a predominantly female character should also be attributed to the category of ancient features in the solar myths of these peoples. Thirdly, the Turks, the Mongolian peoples and the eastern Finno-Ugrians already have a noticeable rise in the role of the sun, the cult of the "sun king", which is associated with the change of matriarchy to patriarchy, the transition to agriculture and cattle breeding. Thus, new arguments were obtained in favor of V.V. Napolsky's assumption about the existence of a North Asian mythological union.
Northern Eurasia, Mari people, Bashkirs, Eastern Finno-Ugrians, Mongolian peoples, ancient Turks, Turks, solar myths, Goddess of the Sun, sun horse
Zubarev, I.Y. (2023). The disarmament of anarchists in the provinces of the Central Chernozem region in the spring of 1918 (based on the materials of the Orel and Voronezh provinces). History magazine - researches, 6, 135–144.
The article examines the confrontation of the armed anarchist detachments of the "Black Guard" with the Bolsheviks in the spring of 1918. The causes and features of the emergence of anarchist detachments, the position of anarchists in the political arena of the country in 1917 - early 1918 are illustrated. The author gives an assessment of some early Soviet studies on "anarchist uprisings" in the provinces of the Central Chernozem region. After the February and October revolutions of 1917, anarchism in Russia embarked on a new path of development, which was characterized by attempts to unite and create a single combat force to protect the "revolutionary gains" from the interventionists and White Guard forces. The object of the study is the history of the anarchist movement in the Central Chernozem region during the establishment of Soviet power. The subject of the study is the armed actions of anarchists against the authorities in Orel and Voronezh in March-April 1918. The methodological basis is the consideration of historical phenomena and their interrelations in the context of the studied time (the principle of historicism). A comparative historical method was used to establish the similarities and distinctive features of the armed actions of anarchists in Orel and Voronezh. The article attempts to comprehensively study the history of the anarchist movement in the Central Black Earth region. The author analyzes only a small fragment of this topic. The spring of 1918 was a period of the defeat of anarchist detachments and organizations throughout Russia, these processes took place on the territory of the Central Chernozem region. Based on the works of his predecessors and memoir sources, the features of the defeat of the anarchist detachments in Orel and Voronezh are analyzed. During the analysis, it was possible to demonstrate that the anarchists were only part of the rebel forces, consisting of detachments arriving from the Ukrainian front, dissatisfied with the supply. Some Soviet authors often saw in these speeches a "Socialist-Revolutionary" conspiracy" or assigned the anarchists a leading role, making them the main instigators of uprisings. Which, according to the author, is an erroneous position.
Central Chernozem region, the city of Orel, Voronezh, The Black Guard, The Bolsheviks, anarchism, Revolution, Political history, the history of Russia, regional history
Safin, T. (2023). Kinship ties of the ancient Huaxia: correcting one historiographical inaccuracy. History magazine - researches, 6, 145–152.
The study focuses on Huaxia's beliefs regarding their kinship from the seventh to sixth century BC. One theory holds that the people living in the many ancient Chinese states at that time came together to form an ethnic group known as the Hua, Xia, or Huaxia, based on concepts of shared ancestry among other things. Citations from ancient Chinese texts are provided as confirmation, drawing a comparison between the "barbarians" and the foreign and unconnected polities and the "fraternal" and "related" states of the Huaxia. There are issues with this interpretation, though, as genealogical kinship between certain individuals is seen as evidence of the ethnic identity among the Huaxia, while translations of ancient texts are sometimes erroneous and the statement's context is disregarded. This work offers revised translations and interpretations of certain sections from Chun Qiu Zuo Zhuan (Commentary by Zuo [Qiuming to the] Chun Qiu). The author concludes that these statements refute any notion of a shared ancestry among the ancient Chinese as a whole. Rather, they deal only with the family links that existed between the several governing dynasties. Moreover, even in cases where there were no significant linguistic or cultural divide, the principalities ruled by unrelated monarchs or those whose relationship was deemed too remote could be left out of the list of "related," "fraternal" states. The question is raised as to whether the commoners were part of the emerging community of Huaxia, or whether this term still referred to representatives of the elite. It is obvious that the Huaxia are opposed to "barbarians", but it is not entirely clear whether the commoners were taken into account in the context of this comparison.
Eastern Zhou, Chinese nation, Axial Age, Barbarians, Chun Qiu, Ethnic history of the Chinese, Chun Qiu Zuo Zhuan, Ethnogenesis, Early China, Huaxia
Historical sources and artifacts
Beklemisheva, M.M. (2023). Review of the personal collection of A. A. Bashmakov and M. N. Bashmakova in the Bakhmeteff Archive of Russian & East European Culture. History magazine - researches, 6, 153–165.
The subject of the study is the archival fund of A. A. Bashmakov and M. N. Bashmakova in the famous archive of Russian emigration - the Bakhmeteff Archive. Most of the documents consist of correspondence, manuscripts of essays, lectures, copies of publications by A. A. Bashmakov and M. N. Bashmakova created during their life in Paris (1924-1958). After the death of Maria Nikolaevna, Alexander Chekan, priest of the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral in Paris, donated their collection to the archive. The purpose of the article is to introduce the contents of this archival fund to Russian researchers, which is of significant interest to specialists in the history of emigration, foreign archival Rossica, and the history of the Civil War. The article presents documents which highlight Mr. and Mrs. Bashmakov's family ties, circle of contacts, scientific and social activities, publications. The author reviewed an extensive archival material, not introduced into scientific circulation before, gave an overview of it, noted a number of remarkable documents that provide new information about the activities of A. A. Bashmakov and his wife in pre-revolutionary Russia and in emigration, and their socio-political views. Despite the presence of several articles about A. A. Bashmakov, valuable archival materials remained outside the field of view of researchers, including his personal collection in the Bakhmeteff Archive. The materials of this archive, difficult to access for Russian researchers, have not been used before in scientific works. In addition to issues related to A. A. Bashmakov’s contacts with other émigré figures, the article is the first to study in detail the origin and content of the memoirs of his wife M. N. Bashmakova and daughter N. A. Bashmakova.
foreign archival Rossica, legitimism, ethnography in the 1930s, Bashmakova Nadezhda Aleksandrovna, Bashmakov Vladimir Aleksandrovich, Bashmakova Maria Nikolaevna, memoirs, Russian emigration, Alexandre Baschmakoff (Alexander Bashmakov), Bakhmeteff Archive
Beliefs, religions, churches
Fajzullina, G.C. (2023). The servants of the Muslim cult of the Tobolsk province in the late 1890s – 1920s. History magazine - researches, 6, 166–175.
The subject of the study is information about the servants of the Muslim cult of the Tobolsk province in the late 90s of the XIX century - the 20s of the XX century, contained in various archival sources: Muslim metric books in the Old Tatar language, the First general census of the Russian Empire in 1897, documents (charter, protocols of the founders, lists of members and inventory of property Mohammedan religious communities, an agreement on the use of a Mohammedan liturgical building, minutes of general meetings, lists of parishioners, etc.) of Mohammedan religious communities for the 20s (Ishtama yurts, Komarov yurts, Medyan yurts, Mirim Yurts, Sabanak yurts, Sauskansky yurts, Suklem yurts, Escalba yurts). The purpose of the research is to study the composition of the Islamic clergy by introducing little-studied sources into scientific circulation. When studying the composition of the servants of the Muslim cult of the Tobolsk province in the late 1890s - 1920s, such scientific methods as historiographical analysis, comparative historical method, and source analysis were used. The novelty of the research is seen in the involvement of poorly studied sources in Russian and Tatar languages and in the systematization of disparate materials about Muslim clerics according to the chronological principle. An analysis of archival documents on the servants of the Muslim cult of the Tobolsk province in the late 1890s - 1920s showed that priests previously approved in the spiritual rank continued to serve in the Mohammedan religious communities organized in the early 1920s. Moreover, in the early years of Soviet power (up to 1925), new persons were appointed to various positions – imam, imam-khatib, mugallim, mullah, muezzin. It has been established that in the Soviet period, continuity in the service of a religious cult by blood relationship continues to be traced. Some ministers of the cult did not cease to indicate their ethnic origin, namely Bukhara. The author has revealed variability in the spelling of personal names of priests, which is associated with the formation of linguistic norms concerning the spelling of anthroponyms of the Tatar population: fused, separate, semi-alphabetic (hyphenated).
mugallim, Imam-khatib, Imam, Bukharians, Siberian Tatars, Mohammedan religious communities, Tobolsk province, the servants of the Muslim cult, The Islamic clergy, muezzin
History of ethnicities, peoples, nations
Zagorodnyuk, N.I. (2023). The influence of modernization processes on the formation of a network of settlements in the Yamalo-Nenets National District in the 1920s and 1930s. History magazine - researches, 6, 176–187.
In the modern world, the Arctic region retains its important strategic importance. Close interest in the formation and development of a network of settlements in the polar countries can be traced in modern research. The purpose of the work is to trace the influence of modernization processes on the transformation of the settlement network on the example of the Yamalo-Nenets National District in the 1920s and 1930s. The object is the settlement network of the studied region, the subject is its spatial and quantitative characteristics. The analysis of the data obtained takes into account the influence of natural, geographical, socio-economic and other conditions for the development of a network of settlements. In the study of the processes of settlement network formation and its transformation, various methodological approaches are traced. In this regard, the modernization theory of social development is of interest, where, according to the concept, urbanization is viewed through the prism of not only demographic, but settlement processes in both cities and rural areas. The work is based on the materials of the Circumpolar Census of 1926-1927 and the All-Union Census of 1939. To analyze documentary sources, a set of statistical methods was used, as well as historical-genetic, historical-comparative, historical-typological research methods, methods of graphical representation of the obtained statistical data. Based on the newly introduced and published sources of statistical accounting of the population of the Yamalo-Nenets National District, the influence of modernization processes on the development of the settlement network is traced. The factors contributing to the growth of the number of settlements have been identified. In 1939, the national settlements of the indigenous inhabitants of the tundra were the most numerous – out of 222 settlements, almost half were yurts (107), more than a quarter (44) were trading posts. During the 1920s and 1930s, new features in the settlement network of the district can be traced on the territory of the district: the district center was transformed into a city; the number of working settlements increased; new types of settlements appeared, most of their names reflected the features of industrial and economic activity (fishing, fish patch, sand, St. John's wort, forest patch, state farm, farm, weather station, radio station). Thus, against the background of the preservation of the complexity of the economic life of the population and the traditional types of settlement, some features of urbanization were traced.
the size of settlements, typology of settlements, trading posts, city, yurts, Yamalo-Nenets National District, settlement network, modernization, peasant exile, special settlement
Issues of war and peace
Bogdanov, A.P. (2023). Polish campaign A.V. Suvorov 1794: truth and myths. History magazine - researches, 6, 188–214.
The legendary personality of Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov seriously complicates the study of his thoughts and deeds, forcing the scientist to approach the analysis of sources especially critically. Nevertheless, an objective look at the development of Suvorov’s thought and actions based on his ideas and beliefs are quite possible. The article shows this using the example of one, relatively short event in the commander’s biography: the Polish campaign of 1794. The author rejects both speculation about Suvorov’s campaign as a punitive expedition, and ideas rooted in Russian historiography about a dashing raid staged by Suvorov on Warsaw with small forces. Reliable sources indicate that the commander’s campaign in Poland was not only undertaken by him with humane goals, but was also carefully organized for a quick victory with the help of a massive army well trained by him along the way. Suvorov's ideas, his instructions to the troops and the dispositions of the main battle for Warsaw were studied using authentic documents and letters from the commander, correlated with the entire complex of sources left by him. The article examines the circumstances of Suvorov's campaign in Poland, his instructions for preparing and training troops for actions in the new campaign, orders for careful treatment of the civilian population. For the first time, the number of troops concentrated by the commander for the assault on Prague, a suburb of Warsaw, was accurately calculated, and the course of the assault on the city by superior forces was examined. Objective data refute both Western and later Russian journalism, which accused Suvorov’s troops of excessive cruelty. The study shows that Suvorov’s entire organization of the actions of the Russian army was aimed at protecting the civilian population of Poland, and Warsaw in particular, from the consequences of the war, and that these actions were successful. The commander managed not only to prevent the destruction of the capital of Poland, but also to save a significant part of the civilian population of Prague.
Serakovsky, Potemkin, Catherine the Great, Partition of Poland, Prague, Warsaw, Polish Uprising, Repnin, Rumyantsev, Suvorov
Shapovalenko, D.A. (2023). Suppression of the uprising led by S.T. Razin in Tambov and Shatsky counties in autumn-winter 1670. History magazine - researches, 6, 215–224.
The object of the study is the government's actions to suppress the uprising of Stepan Timofeevich Razin in Tambov and Shatsky counties. The subject of the study is the actions of government troops against the rebels in these regions. The author examines in detail such aspects as: the activities of the voivodes (Y. T. Khitrovo, I. V. Buturlina, E. Pashkov, S. Khrushchev, A. Eropkin and B. E. Myshetsky) and a detailed description of the clashes of the military men of the Russian state with the rebels. Special attention is paid to the successes of the rebels, the number of forces, the number of trophies received after the battles, the interaction between cities, the problems faced by the voivodes, the composition of the troops, including the regional aspect of the serving people, the change in the leadership of the Y. T. Khitrovo regiments to B. E. Myshetsky and the relationship of the voivodes with Moscow. The research methodology is based on the principles of historicism, scientific objectivity and consistency. The methods used are logical and historical-genetic. The novelty of this study lies in a detailed analysis of the actions of government troops in Tambov and Shatsky counties. This is especially relevant in connection with the analysis of the situation in neighboring regions, where by the end of 1670 it was possible to localize the Razin movement. A special contribution of the author is a detailed analysis of the source database, which helped in achieving the research goal. The main conclusions of the study are: the situation in these regions that has developed negatively for government troops is due to the large number of military personnel living in Shatsky and Tambov counties who actively joined the ranks of the rebels; the presence of a large number of problems in the regiments and the incompetence of the commanders. Also, as a conclusion, we can note the rather prompt response of the government to such an urgent and rapidly changing situation in the regions.
Myshetsky, Buturlin, Khitrovo, Tambov, Shatsk, Razin, Cossacks, suppression, uprising, Eropkin
Metel'kov, A.S. (2023). Novosibirsk Samizdat of the 1980s — early 1990s: Oleg Volov and the "Blumkin Shelter" Partnership. History magazine - researches, 6, 225–234.
The object of the study is the Novosibirsk samizdat of the 1980s - early 1990s, the subject is the socio–cultural ties underlying its creation and distribution. The aim of the work is to present a picture of the existence of the Novosibirsk samizdat of the late Soviet period on the example of the local art community and its involvement in the cultural context of the region. Special attention is paid to the interrelationships between various artistic, literary and musical circles operating in the general field of unofficial culture of the late Soviet era and the first post-Soviet years. The study is not limited to Novosibirsk, it also analyzes the precedent of a large number of republications between independent publications in Novosibirsk and Kostroma. At the center of the study is the figure of the leader of the cultural community (kulturtrager), around whom creative forces unite. The study used comparative historical, source studies, textual methods, the method of content analysis, as well as general scientific methods of analysis and synthesis. The work introduces for the first time into scientific circulation a wide range of sources related to the history of Novosibirsk samizdat and the field in which it was distributed, describes the mutual influences of various local communities of Novosibirsk, which were based on informal publishing practices. The article considers in detail the samizdat magazine "Zelen'", which appeared at the turn of the 1980s - 1990s and is an example of late Soviet samizdat, the traditions of which were preserved in the regional book culture throughout the 1990s. The data given in the article will further serve to recreate the real cultural landscape of Novosibirsk of late Soviet and post-Soviet times with an emphasis on the informal sector of book culture.
Perestroika, Novosibirsk, YRC Vostochny, Oleg Volov, Blumkin Shelter Partnership, unofficial culture, underground, alternative book publishing, samizdat, Zelen’
History of state and law
Shirko, T.I. (2023). The role and importance of parliamentary associations of the subjects of the Russian Federation in the formation of a system of managed interregional integration in 2000-2005. History magazine - researches, 6, 235–250.
The article is devoted to the study of the place and role of parliamentary associations of the subjects of the Russian Federation in the formation of a unified system of interregional integration at the initial stage of the federal reform in 2000-2005. The object of the study is the parliamentary associations of the subjects of the Russian Federation, the subject is the process of including parliamentary associations in the emerging system of interregional integration and cooperation. The following aspects of the problem are considered: the formation of state policy regarding interregional cooperation of the subjects of the Federation and the participation of parliamentary associations in this process; the organization of interaction between the Federation Council, presidential plenipotentiaries in federal districts and parliamentary associations; the conditions and main directions of activity of interparliamentary associations in the context of the redistribution of powers on subjects of joint jurisdiction of the center and regions. General scientific and special historical research methods were used as the methodological basis of the work: methods of analysis and synthesis, historical-genetic, problem-analytical and historical-comparative methods, as well as the method of structural and functional analysis. The author concludes that the potential of parliamentary associations operating in Russia since the early 1990s has been used to form a system of managed interregional integration. They were included in the joint legislative process on the subjects of joint jurisdiction of the center and the subjects of the Federation by establishing cooperation with the Federation Council and exercising general control over their activities by the presidential Plenipotentiary representative in the federal districts. The study showed that in response to the centralizing policy of the federal center, the parliamentary associations operating in 2000-2005, in order to promptly respond to the requests of the federal center, centralize their organizational foundations and transfer the main levers of management of associations to the heads of legislative authorities of the regions. It is noted that under the conditions of legislative restrictions, the activities of associations are mainly concentrated around issues that are jointly managed by the center and the regions. At the same time, their ability to influence the legislative process is significantly reduced, as well as to defend the consolidated position of the legislative bodies of state power of the subjects of the Federation before the federal authorities.
interparliamentary cooperation, centralization, powers, administrative reform, integration potential, integration, subjects of the Russian Federation, legislative branch, Interparliamentary associations, federal policy