Historical facts, events, phenomena
Fedorov, N. (2020). The initial stage of the Muslim Brotherhood's activity: from political self-isolation to the demand to create an "Islamic party" (1928-1936). History magazine - researches, 5, 1–8. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0609.2020.5.33895
The subject of the research in the article is the development of the political doctrine of the Egyptian organization "Muslim Brotherhood" in the period from 1928 to 1936. The author examines in detail the historical context in which the Brotherhood arose and developed at the initial stage of its existence. The political situation that developed in Egypt by the end of the 1920s - early 1930s, as well as the peculiarities of the socio—economic development of the country in the interwar period (1919-1939) are analyzed. The author examines in detail the evolution of the views and rhetoric of the founder of the organization Hassan al-Banna. Special attention is paid in the article to the formation of the structure of society, its apparatus, as well as the political doctrine and the question of the positioning of the "Brotherhood".  The main conclusions of the study are the existence of a visible connection between the nature of al-Banna's statements and the political situation prevailing in Egypt at a particular time, as well as the conscious desire of the founder of the organization to isolate himself from participating in the struggle for power for the sake of further strengthening the Muslim Brotherhood. A special contribution of the author is the deconstruction of the events of 1936, which led to a sharp politicization of the Brotherhood, reflected in the demand to create an "Islamic party". The novelty of the research lies in the involvement of a large array of materials in Arabic, as well as in an attempt to compare the development of nationalist and Islamist movements in Egypt.
islamic party, multiparty system, political doctrine, true islam, Wafd, Hassan al-Banna, The Brotherhood, Muslim Brothers, islamic state, murshid
Borovikova, Z.V. (2020). The dynamics of sanitary and epidemiological situation in Kemerovo Region during the 1946 – 1950s . History magazine - researches, 5, 9–25. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0609.2020.5.34133
The subject of this research is the sanitary and epidemiological situation in Kemerovo Region during the 1946 – 1950s. The article describes the dynamics and peculiarities of sanitary state and epidemiological situation in the initial postwar years in one of the most industrialized and urbanized regions of the Soviet Union. Analysis is conducted on the factors of the severe epidemiological situation that formed in Kuzbass after the end of the Great Patriotic War. The impact of sanitary state of cities upon population health is indicated. The research is based on the concept of demographic transition; one of its implications was the modernization of mortality. Accelerated industrialization in Kuzbass predetermined the rapid growth of urban population and stagnation of the entire social and general-purpose infrastructure, which led deterioration of sanitary situation, spread of infectious diseases, and increase of mortality rate in the region during the late 1940s. The development of housing and utility sector, and improvement of the population welfare in late 1950s contributed to stabilization of sanitary and epidemiological situation in Kuzbass. However, intensive industrial development in the region significantly worsened the ecological situation, which resulted in the increase of malignant tumors among the population. Throughout the entire period under review, the unfavorable sanitary and epidemiological situation led to not only excess incidence and mortality, but also the outflow of local population to other regions, as well as low adaptability of the migrants.
ecology, housing and communal infrastructure, industrialization, death rate, morbidity, infectious diseases, epidemics, sanitary and epidemiological situation, demographic transition, Kuzbass
Social history
Demidova, Y. (2020). Collectivism and individualism in patrimonial estate communities on the example of two ecological settlements in Central Russia . History magazine - researches, 5, 26–41. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0609.2020.5.34131
This article examines the correlation between individualism and collectivism with regards to economic and household activities, as well as festive culture in the settlements during fairs, festivals and holidays. Characteristics is given to the phenomenon of ecological settlements. Chronology of the development of this movement is provided. The author reviews the economic practices alongside private and collective leisure activities, determines the features of individualism and collectivism thereof. Analysis of the content of leisure activities demonstrates the clear prevalence of collectivism, which indicates the need for realization of the ideological principle through social practices within the community. However, the economic activities of Anastasians mark the prevalence of individualism, which is widely described in the narratives, and illustrates significance of the processes of personal fulfillment and self-actualization in the new environment. In realization of the aforementioned practices, inhabitants of the settlements resort to the “traditional, passed down through generations lifestyle”. The author believes that sociocultural practices represent an attempt to integrate positive aspects of modern individualism and archaic collectivism and communalism. The conclusion is made that the practices of patrimonial estate communities are collective in nature, which distinguishes them from the practices of urban life; however, they remain individualistic. What was considered an ordinary collective practice in peasant environment, now can be interpreted as the infringement of personal space, since the individual becomes the supreme unit, initiator of most cultural practices, both individualistic and collectivistic (harvest festivals or community help on birthdays). The communities of patrimonial estates mark the formation of new social reality, which intertwines the individual and the collective.
neopaganism, New-Age, sustainable development, collectivism, individualism, archaic, anastasiystvo, ecovillage, community, downshifting
Social history
Shilnikova, I. (2020). Salary of the employees of textile industry of Yaroslavl Governorate in the early XX century. History magazine - researches, 5, 42–58. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0609.2020.5.34191
This article considers the questions of labor compensation of the industrial workers in prerevolutionary Russia based on the materials of one of the largest textile factories – Yaroslavl Big Manufactory (YBM). Attention is focused on the dynamics of nominal and real salaries at different phases of business cycle, as well as the ratio of salaries between high- and low-paid groups of workers in the early XX century (depending on the level of qualification and gender affiliation). The research contains the archival materials preserved in the State Archive of Yaroslavl Oblast in the fund of the Yaroslavl Big Manufactory (F. 674), including personal records of the employees and payroll registers for the period from the end of the XIX – beginning of the XX centuries. The conclusion is made that during the period of economic depression until 1908, the nominal salary of YBM employees grew faster than during the industrial ramp-up of 1909 – 1913, which was justified by the policy of factory’s administration, which in 1905 – 1907 raised the prices in order to meet the demands of the strikers. At the time of economic depression, the gap in salaries of high- and low-paid categories of workers (by professional, gender, and age groups) was reduced. In 1909 – 1913, the previous level of salary differentiation gradually came back to the situation of the period of depression. The conducted research allows formulating the hypothesis that at the time of unfavorable economic conjuncture, the entrepreneurs were oriented towards reduction of salary differentiation by raising salaries of the low-paid categories to the level of higher-paid workers; while during the years of economic upswing, the level of salary differentiation was increasing again, which was justified by intention to improve labor motivation among most qualified workers.
living standards of workers, wage differentiation, wages, textile industry, economic conditions, pre-revolutionary industrialization of Russia, factory inspection, price index, labor relations, strikes
Veselova, I. (2020). Ángel María Garibay (1892-1967): the analysis of Nahuati poetic texts as a contribution to Mexican historical science. History magazine - researches, 5, 59–65. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0609.2020.5.34160
The subject of this research is scientific activity of the Mexican philologist and historian Ángel María Garibay (1892-1967), who dedicated his life to accumulation, translation and analysis of various types of texts written in the Nahuatl language during the pre-colonial period and Spanish colonization of the Americas. The goal consists in clarification of schoolar’s contribution to the development of Mexican historical science, namely the ancient history of Mexico. The article analyzes the key stages in scientific career of A. M. Garibay, as well as examines his major works. The persona of this scholar and his writings unfortunately did not receive due attention in the Russian Latin American Studies. The conclusion is made that the works of A. M. Garibay predetermined the vector of research in the area of culture of pre-Columbian period of Mexico for decades ahead. His outlook upon the history of pre-Columbian civilizations in a remarkable manner intertwines with the perception of ancient history of the region by Creole historians of the late XVIII century. Garibay alongside Creole historians analogizes the culture of ancient Mexicans with the cultures of European antiquity. This article can be valuable to national researchers dealing with Mexican historiography and Mexican history overall.
Contemporary history, historical sourses, Indigenous peoples, nahuatl, Garibay, XX century, historiography, Mexico, nahua, Leon-Portilla
Khaikunova, N.A., Vinogradova, E.A. (2020). Stone industry of the Kamennobalkovsky culture – current state of research (on the materials of the 2nd cultural layer of sites Kamennaya Balka II and Tretiy Mys) . History magazine - researches, 5, 66–85. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0609.2020.5.34301
The subject of this research is the collection of tools from the middle cultural layers of Upper Paleolithic monuments Kamennaya Balka II and the Tretiy Mys located in the Lower Don. The monuments that have been studied over the course of 50 years by scientific archaeological expeditions of Moscow University and State Historical Museum required additional examination and clarification of the main characteristics of stone industry, according to which was determined the Kamennobalkovsky Paleolithic culture. The traditional typological method of research was applied in working with the collections. The basic categories of tools processed via morphological analysis served as the foundation for this research. The author describes and compares the main categories of instrument, such as microliths with a blunted point, incisors, scrapers, burins, scaly and denticulate tools. The author identified and verified the signs that confirm similarity of the monuments and discrepancies in morphology of the groups and categories of tools. As a result, belonging of the middle cultural layers of monuments to Kamennobalkovsky culture was verified, which implies the 1,500-2,000 years of existence and development of the culture. It is also noted that the differences can be of temporal or industrial in nature at different sites of the monuments. The inventory of the main cultural layer of Kamennaya Balka II and 2nd cultural layer of the site Tretiy Mys is characterized with individual attributes that are distinct from the earlier or later layers of Kamennaya Balka sites.
Kamennaya Balka site, flint tool, flint industry, kamennobalkovskaya culture, Lower Don, Upper palaeolith, Tretiy Mys site, bladelet, multilayer sites, burin
Soboleva, A.N. (2020). Housing and living conditions of working youth in the plants of Buryat-Mongolian ASSR during the Great Patriotic War . History magazine - researches, 5, 86–93. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0609.2020.5.34352
The object of this research is the youth of Buryat-Mongolian ASSR as most active social group within the social structure of 1941 – 1945, which was the major source for replenishment of labor reserves. The subject of this research is the examination of core financial and social problems faced by the youth working at the defense industry plants of the republic. Special attention is given to analysis of the impact of wartime struggles and hardships upon household and food procurement. It is noted that shortage of housing, low salaries, insecure life, poor nutrition, deficit of clothing and footwear often led breach of employee discipline. The article explores the important vectors in the activity of Komsomol with regards to housing and living conditions, as well as various forms of financial and psychological incentives that promote adaptation of youth to working at the industrial plant. The scientific novelty consists in introduction into the scientific discourse of a number of previously unpublished source that were collected specifically for this research. As a result of the conducted research, it was established that working youth, who for the most part came from rural localities to the city, were put in quite difficult social and living conditions, experiencing critical problems in the process of adaptation; however, they accomplished significant labor achievements and made their contribution to the common Victory.
PVRZ, Ulan-Ude aircraft plant, living conditions, working youth, Buryat-Mongolian ASSR, The Great Patriotic War, military daily routine, everyday life, food, кomsomol
Beliefs, religions, churches
Korytko, O. (2020). The Quranic concept of al-samad, history of its Greek translations, and correlation with the “Eternal God" in Slavic liturgical texts . History magazine - researches, 5, 94–107. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0609.2020.5.34455
The author examines the history of emergence of the controversial translation of “Eternal God” in the Slavic liturgical ceremony of the acceptance of Muslims into Orthodoxy; as well as reviews canonical texts and refers to the relevant scientific data to describe the known facts on the sources of the origin of this concept. Special attention is given to the problem of interpretation of the Islamic doctrine by John of Damascus, Theodore Abū Qurrah, Niketas Choniates, Bartholomew of Edessa, who had a remarkable impact upon the Byzantine perception of Islam. Leaning on the history of interpretation of the fundamental Quranic concept al-samad, the author provides a cross-section of the Orthodox – Muslim relations that have evolved over several centuries. The article demonstrates that the interpretation of the corresponding Quranic passage in the Christian polemical texts took the path of distortion and loose interpretation of the Islamic doctrine. The authentic Islamic description of al-samad along with the research dedicated to etymology of this word and its ancient pre-Islamic meaning are presented. The question is raised on the existence of various Slavic revisions of liturgical ceremony of acceptance of Muslims into Orthodoxy, since the initial centuries of the Christian mission on the Slavic lands until the amended versions of text emerged in the Russian Empire in the late XIX – early XX centuries, which expelled this term from circulation as improper.
Orthodox-Muslim relations, liturgical texts, Slavic rites, forged god, Greek translations of the Qur'an, Islam, orthodoxy, creed, Koran, research
Bogdanov, A.P. (2020). Manuscript tradition of the “Chosen Chronicler” . History magazine - researches, 5, 108–122. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0609.2020.5.33777
This article examines over twenty lists of a popular chronicle of the XVII century, discovered only in the middle of the XX century. Historiography mentions approximately ten of them, and even fewer were described. Although the “Chosen Chronicler” enjoyed wide popularity and has a rich history. Such compositions that were revised by virtually every scribes and continued in their chronicles, represent a remarkable source on the history of culture. However, present considerable difficulties for research. The first one consists in detection, examination, and comparison of the greatest possible amount of list. This is the only accurate method to elucidate the evolution of the literary monument and the novelty introduced by each editor and continuator. The attribution of each list allows determining in which social circles and regions of Russia were created the lists and revisions of the literary monument, as well as their correlation in time. Preliminary comparison of the texts indicates the time, place, and composition of protographs of the chronicle tradition under review. Studying the lists also demonstrates the evolution of the “Chosen Chronicler”, who was born and became popular in the XVII century, evolved into the new monuments of historical thought of the next century.
Yaroslavl Chronicle, Pskov Chronicle, Vologda Chronicle, Concise Moscow Chronicler, Choice Chronicler, Russian Chronicle, Simon Azaryin, Boltins, Buturlins, Chernyshevs
Hu, W. (2020). Certain aspects of functionality of Baskachestvo in Rus’: a historiographical overview. History magazine - researches, 5, 123–135. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0609.2020.5.34196
From the perspective of historiography, the question of functionality of the institution of Baskachestvo in Rus’ is an integral part of the major problem of relations between Rus’ and the Golden Horde. This article is dedicated to determination and interpretation of the views of Russian scholars upon the following aspects of functionality of the Organization of Baskaks in Rus’: functions and duties; life span; factors of establishment and abolishment; its location. The object of this research is the scientific works of prerevolutionary, Soviet and contemporary Russian scholars. The writings are presented in chronological order of their creation, and grouped by the topic. As a result of this research, the author invented the fullest list of scientific works dedicated to peculiarities of functionality of the Institution of Baskachestvo in Rus’. The snalysis of scientific literature on Mongolian problematic revealed various opinions of the scholars on the key aspects of functionality of the Organization of Baskaks in Rus’. Various duties are assigned to Baskaks, the main of which is the collection of tribute. The scholars are unanimous with regards to the leading role of the Institution of Baskachestvo. Majority of researchers nominate Baskaks as the viceroys of the Mongolian khans. The emergence of the Organization of Baskaks in Rus’ is usually associated with the conduct of census in Rus’. The reason for the liquidation of the Institution of Baskaks is considered the transition in of the function of collecting the Horde tribute from Mongolian officials to the Rus’ princes in the XIV century. In the Soviet historical science, wide recognition gained the idea of A. N. Nasonov on the Baskaks as the leaders of the Mongolian military units. The contemporary researchers express different points of view.
Russian princes, Horde Khan, Location of the Baskaks, Liquidation of the Basque organization, Tatar yoke, Obligations of the Baskakov, Basque organization, Golden Horde, Urban uprising, Historiographic research
Social history
Ovcharenko, A.O. (2020). The peculiarities of women's socialization in the United States (turn of the XIX – XX centuries) . History magazine - researches, 5, 136–146. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0609.2020.5.34289
Throughout the XIX century in the United States of America firmly established the ideals of the “Victorian Era”, according to which American women were considered the home keepers, had to create comfort and coziness, while men had to provide for their families. However, due to a number of factors, namely social consequences of the development of industrial society, and thus, emergence of the middle class, the prevalent in the society ideas underwent certain transformations. The article not only discusses the origin of the concept of “Victorianism” in Great Britain and its interpretations in the United States, but also explains the reasons that at the turn of the XIX – XX centuries led to the distortion of the long-held beliefs on gender roles in the society. In examination of peculiarities of self-determination of the American women, the author employs historical-genetic method that allows to grasp the reasons, according to which the representatives of “softer gender” traditionally were engaged in private sphere of life, as well as to follow the evolution of liberalization of their views in the context of the United States history of the turn of the XIX – XX centuries. Leaning of the principle of systematicity, the author views feminist movement not only as an attempt of American women to earn their place in public sphere, but also as part of the commenced process of social modernization. The author demonstrates how the American women, influenced by the subjective and objective factors, gradually were earning their place in public sphere, while changing their character, image and lifestyle. The article outlines the key difficulties faced by women at the turn of the XIX –XX centuries in their attempt overcome the traditional beliefs prevalent in the United States. An important role played their gender self-determination, which reflected sociocultural stereotypes established in the American society, as well as the new trends of socialization and professionalization of an individual.
American woman, New Woman, education, Victorian ethics, feminism, the USA, woman, hearth, women's rights movement, industrial society
Social history
Bukalova, S.V. (2020). Labor assistance to the families of soldiers of the Central Black Earth region during the World War I. History magazine - researches, 5, 147–156. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0609.2020.5.34293
The author examines the system of labor assistance to the families of soldiers during the World War I. The object of this research is the problem of decline in living standards of the families which members were called up to the army. Along with government ration, labor assistance was intended to compensate for the impact of this factor. The phenomenon of labor assistance that established during war in the Russian Empire was multi-component, including charitable initiatives, their encouragement by the government, as well as participation of the local structures of self-governance. The article summarizes the information on labor assistance in the agricultural Central Black Earth region. The author determines the differences in the types and designation of labor assistance in cities and rural areas. Labor assistance in rural areas, provided in the form of communal mutual aid, agronomic and technical assistance, work of student labor squads, was oriented towards supporting the potential of peasant economy. Labor assistance in cities consisted the distribution of orders for sewing of linens and establishment of sewing workshops, which was a form of social support for wives of the soldiers. It is demonstrated that creation of the system of labor assistance can be viewed as a vector of state policy of the Russian Empire in the social sphere.
peasant community, toloka, zemstvo, soldier wives, labour squads, labour aid, rear, World War I, Russian Empire, Committee of Grand Duchess Elizaveta Feodorovna
Regions of the world in the global historical process
Breslavskii, A.S. (2020). The results of Soviet urbanization of Chita Oblast: structure, count and functional significance of urban settlements . History magazine - researches, 5, 157–167. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0609.2020.5.34014
The article is dedicated to the results of urbanization of Chita Oblast in the late Soviet period. The author examines the established structure of urban settlements, count of cities and industrial townships, as well as their functional designation in the late 1980s. A brief characteristic of production base formed in the Soviet period (organizations, enterprises, etc.) is given by each city and large worker’s settlement. Calculation is conducted on separate demographic parameters of urbanization of the region: share of the urban population, share of the population of cities and industrial townships in the urban population, etc. The research leans on the official results of the All-Union Census of 1989, as well as the data from the official websites of urban settlements in Zabaykalsky Krai. It is underlined that by the end of the 1980s, on the territory of Chita Oblast was formed a broad and dispersed network of urban settlements, which for the most part scattered along Trans-Siberian Railway and southward towards the border with China. Trans-Baikal Railway and mining industry played the leading role in formation of majority of cities and workers’ settlements. The structure of urban settlements highlighted the capita of the region – Chita by demographical and functional aspects. However, nine more cities and five large townships with over 12,000 population and developed infrastructure, smoothed out the territorial imbalances in urbanization of the region.
Far East, Chita Oblast, city population, city, urbanization, Chita, Russia, Zabaykalsky Krai, historical demography, urban settlements
Khairlapova, M.M. (2020). Organization of salt extraction on Lake Baskunchak of Astrakhan Governorate in f the XIX century. History magazine - researches, 5, 168–179. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0609.2020.5.33810
The object of this research is the Baskunchak industry. The subject of this research is organization of salt extraction on Lake Baskunchak in the late XIX century. The chronological framework covers the period from the second half of the XIX century, i.e. from the beginning of regular state-ran salt extraction in the Baskunchak deposit until the abolishment of excise tax on salt, transfer of salt extraction to private Industrialists. The article provides detailed description of the methods of salt extraction on the lake, social composition of personnel engaged in the industry, transportation of salt on trucks and railways, statistical data on salt prices, salaries, and rent of salt plots by salt producers on Lake Baskunchak is given. The novelty of the research consist in comprehensive examination of the previously researched direction – development of salt industry on Lake Baskunchak in the late XIX century. As one of major salt deposits of Russia, Lake Baskunchak is of special value for the salt trade. In the second half of the XIX century Baskunchak was the large supplier of salt in Russia. The acquires materials can be used in educational process of the universities of Astrakhan Region in teaching general and specialized courses on the History of Russia.
workers' pay, rent, Vladimirskaya pier, Astrakhan province, salt mining, salt miners, organization, Baskunchak, pood, price