History of ethnicities, peoples, nations
Zhilina, E.V. (2020). The Difficulties of Adapting the New Wave of Immigrants from Europe to New York at the Turn of the 19th-20th Centuries (Socio-Economic and Psychological Aspects). History magazine - researches, 3, 1–11. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0609.2020.3.32713
The research subject of this article is the reasons behind the increase in social problems in American cities, examined through the prism of psychological factors. The author chose as the main example the city of New York, which at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries experienced rapid urbanization and was one of the first cities to face the growth of social deviations in a rapidly changing urban environment. Additionally, the author is particularly interested in the destructive behavior of the “new” citizens in the context of national-cultural specifics. In order to study this phenomenon, the author applied an interdisciplinary approach, using the experience of related sciences, such as sociology and psychology. The author's main conclusion is that the difficulties associated with the fast adaptation of people to new living conditions often became a determining factor in pushing the poor New York population, which mainly consisted of immigrants, to antisocial behavior, which was expressed not only in addiction to drugs and alcohol, but also drove to violations of the city's laws.
immigration, destructive behaviour, social problems, New York City, USA, urbanization, criminality, poverty, over-population, metropolis
Fedorov, N. (2020). From Compromise to Nonconformism: the Impact of the 1919 Revolutionary Demonstrations on the Radicalization of the Wafdist Movement in Egypt. History magazine - researches, 3, 12–19. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0609.2020.3.32930
The research subject of this work is the formation of the Egyptian nationalist Wafd Party and the main points of its program. The author examines in detail the impact of the 1919 anti-British revolutionary demonstrations on the radicalization of the Wafdist movement, which had previously held a moderate stance on the issue of gaining independence from Britain. Particular attention is focused on the social composition of the participants in the nationalist movement, the main reasons that prompted people to oppose the country's dependent status, and the personality of Wafdist leader Saʻad Zagul, as well as the particularities of how his figure was perceived in light of the persecution initiated by the colonial authorities. This study is based on the principles of historicism, scientific objectivity, as well as a systematic approach and the comparative-historical method. The novelty of this study lies in the fact that the author successively examines the changes in the key Wafd positions against the backdrop of the development of the liberation movement in Egypt. Additionally, the author raises the question of the coherence of the real aims and ambitions of the Wafdist movement and of the image of the party that was formed during the years of the Egyptian Revolution and to which it was forced to conform in its future political activities.
radical nationalism, declaration, revolution, anti-British demonstrations, high commissioner, Saad Zaghloul, Wafd, Protectorate, liberation movement, negotiations
Baikalov, N.S. (2020). Sanitary situation in the districts of construction of Baikal-Amur Mainline (1970s – 1980s) . History magazine - researches, 3, 20–32. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0609.2020.3.33115
Sanitary situation in the developing Siberian and Far Eastern settlements that occurred in the course of industrial modernization of the late XX century represents one of the insufficiently research topics within Russian historiography. The goal of this work lies in examination of sanitary situation in the districts of construction of Baikal-Amur Mainline during implementation of the large-scale transport project. Detailed analysis is conducted on the problems of providing services and amenities to the developing settlements, as well as sanitary-hygienic conditions of social and industrial. Special attention is given to the assessment of impact of sanitary situation of new settlements upon population health of the territories in question. The research methodology leans on the modern concepts in the area of urban planning, social and common history. Alongside the traditional documentary analysis, the author employs the methods of oral history and historical anthropology. Empirical framework is comprised of archival documents, Soviet periodicals, personal sources, and the field research results. Unlike other research that determine natural and climatic conditions as the key factors of unfavorable sanitary situation, the author places emphasis on imperfections in construction operations. Settlements of Baikal-Amur Mainline were characterized by high-density construction, littering of territories, ubiquity of “temporary barracks” and “squatter settlement”, disruption in heat and water supply, etc. Sanitation and hygiene standards were not upheld in building and upkeep of facilities of social and cultural designation, in worksite organization in construction, industrial and transport enterprises. This led to high incidence of cold-related and infectious diseases, as well as industrial traumatism. Due to the efforts of authorities and public organizations, some settlements achieved high results in municipal improvement and sanitary situation. In majority of cases, sanitary and hygienic living conditions in the districts of Baikal-Amur Mainline remained unsatisfactory throughout the entire period of construction of the railway.
sanitary condition, improvement, social infrastructure, housing construction, new development areas, transport construction, Baikal-Amur Railway Mainline, incidence, medical care, labor protection
History of ethnicities, peoples, nations
Kostyleva, A. (2020). The perception of “new” immigration in different strata of American society (late XIX – early XX centuries). History magazine - researches, 3, 33–42. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0609.2020.3.33099
The subject of this research is the factors that led to formation of a negative image of “new” immigration and the occurrence of anti-immigrant moods in the United States in the last decades of the XIX – beginning of the XX centuries. The author examines the social interaction processes between the local Anglo-Saxon population and the representatives of the so-called “new” immigration from Asia and South-Eastern Europe, which replaced the traditional labor immigration from Western and Northern Europe. Special attention is given to studying the origins of hostility and xenophobia towards migrants manifested in different strata of US society – the representatives of working and middle class, academic and cultural intelligentsia, and political elite. The author concludes that all social classes showed antagonism towards the “new” immigration. Although, the rhetoric on immigration varied depending on affiliation to one or another social segment. Working and middle class were concerned about competition on the job marker, social tension and nonconformity of immigrants to the image of the “ideal American”; while the ruling elites adhered to the ingrained in public discourse idea of Anglo-Saxon supremacy, which later on became the foundation for restrictionist policy towards migrants who were trying to get established in their land.
USA, restrictionism, национализм, nativism, social problems, image, social stereotypes, xenophobia, new immigrants, Immigration
Personality in history
Zagora, M. (2020). N. V. Adlerberg: life and service prior to the appointment as the Governor-General of the Grand Duchy of Finland in 1866. History magazine - researches, 3, 43–58. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0609.2020.3.33105
The subject of this article is the activity of N. V. Adlerberg (1819-1892), not widely known representative of the count's family. In 1866, he was appointed the Governor-General of the Grand Duchy of Finland. Taking into consideration the privileged status of this part of the Russian Empire, such event is remarkable for the life of a particular individual, as well as for rating success of his career. This fact remains insufficiently studied by the national historians, and the official activity of N. V. Adlerberg prior to 1866 is virtually a puzzle. The novelty consists in the fact that his article is first within Russian historiography to conduct comprehensive analysis of the official activity of N. V. Adlerberg priori to his appointment to Finland. In the course of this research, the author raises such questions as the career development of the member of count’s dynasty, closest to the imperial family; his service experience; the circumstances of his appointment in 1866. The applied systemic and historical-comparative methods allow concluding that at the time of holding an appointment of the Governor-General of the Grand Duchy of Finland, N. V. Adlerberg sets the example of an outstanding executive with leadership qualities, capable of taking responsibility. The key traits of his career were promptness, personal service to the monarch, and first and foremost, skills of impression management and representation of the Imperial power outside of Saint Petersburg.
imperial bureaucracy, Grand Duchy of Finland, Governor-General, military agent, Caucasian War, Crimean war, Russian Empire, national question, Adlerberg’s clan, Nikolai Adlerberg
Historical sources and artifacts
Brovina, A., Egorova, S.L. (2020). Academician in Arctic expedition: reminiscences of B. L. Isachenko on the expedition in the Soviet ice-breaker “Georgiy Sedov” in 1930. History magazine - researches, 3, 59–72. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0609.2020.3.33005
The object of this research is the historical role of academic community in cognition and development of northern Russian territories. The subject of this research is the information value of the Arctic diaries of microbiologist B. L. Isachenko in the context of scientific development of Arctic territories in the early XX century. Detailed analysis is conducted B. L. Isachenko;s Artic diary, written in 1930 in the course of expedition in the ice-breaker “Georgiy Sedov”, and its potential scientific application. The authors not only assessed the content of the diary note, but also pursued correlation with the historical context of expedition work in the Arctic during the late XIX – early XX centuries. The conducted analysis is of great interest to the historians of science, as it allows viewing the key milestones of life and creative path of the academician, as well as his contribution to the development of the Arctic. Systemic approach is used analyzing B. L. Isachenko’s Arctic diary in the context of history of Arctic development, as well as political and academic objectives of the country in 1930s. The author examines the field diary of the scholar based on then formation approach for understanding the essence of the document through its informational nature and determining its role in the social and personal space. The novelty of this work consists in introduction into the scientific discourse of the unique archival document, as well as in detailed analysis and citation of the personal diary of B. L. Isachenko, written in 1930 during the Arctic expedition in the ice-breaker “Georgiy Sedov”. The content and emphasis of the document appeared to be more extensive than the scientific tasks solved by academicians in the course of expedition. The conclusion is made that diary of B. L. Isachenko clearly traces two thematic lines: records of external occurrences, and description of the ideas and concerns of the author. There are several factors that define information value of the source (scientific component; detailed breakdown of expedition rout and observations; description of daily routine during the expedition). The author demonstrates the ability to “walk” the Arctic route using diary notes, follow the impressions of the participant, and determine the scientific tasks set by the academician during the expedition.
history of science, Arctic exploration, icebreaker George Sedov, microbiology, arctic expedition, The Diary, Isachenko Boris Lavrentievich, information potential, personal space, collective memory
Belyj, K.V. (2020). Stenographic transcriptions of reminiscences of the executives and employees of Moscow Automobile Factory as a source on socio-psychological aspects of the history of its establishment (1915-1924) . History magazine - researches, 3, 73–85. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0609.2020.3.32298
This research is dedicated to stenographic transcriptions of reminiscences of the executives and employees of the Moscow Automobile Factory named after I. A. Likhachev (AMO ZIL). The goal consists in determination of information capacity of stenographic transcription of reminiscences as a source for studying the socio-psychological aspects of the history of industrial enterprises. The author examines the following aspects: reflection in stenographic transcriptions of the views of company’s executives and technician engineers upon the industrial process; different aspects of economic culture of the company; socio-psychological image of employees and their relation to development of the company, local and nationwide sociopolitical processes, technological difficulties; perception of collective environment by the staff members; working and living conditions. In the course of study, the author applied socio-psychological and illustrative methods based on the comprehensive analysis of sources. As a result, the author determines high informational vale of stenographic transcriptions of reminiscences, demonstrate possibilities its implementation in studying socio-psychological aspects of the history of industrial enterprises, namely economic culture, mentality of technical officers and staff members, atmosphere inside the collective, motivation and incentive system for employees, role of interpersonal relations in establishment and functionality of the company, views of executives and technician engineers on the industrial process, etc. Previously unstudied archival materials were introduced into the scientific discourse.
socio-psychological aspects, AMO ZIL, plant, workers, engineers, managers, memories, Verbatim reports, company history, business culture
Ethnography and ethnology
Sukhodolskaya, E.S. (2020). The role of the Bagratuni royal dynasty in preservation of ethnic identity of Armenians in the late IV – VI centuries . History magazine - researches, 3, 86–95. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0609.2020.3.32956
This article explores the establishment and retention of the ethnic consciousness of Armenians in the conditions of Persian and Byzantine dominion based on the example of the activity of Bagratuni royal dynasty. The subject of this article is the activity of the Bagratuni princely family that alongside other Armenian dynasties (Mamikonyan, Siunia, Artsruni, Amatuni) was an important actor of the political process in the region in the conditions of Byzantine-Sasanian rule. The object of this research is the naharars (elite household guards) of Bagratuni, who played a significant role in the question of restoration of the Armenian Kingdom in the late IV – VI centuries. Special attention is given to the problem of ethnic consciousness of the Armenian people at the time of the loss of statehood, and commitment of Armenian princes to restore the national state and recover from the dominance of neighboring powers. Methodological framework is comprised of the methods that help to determine certain traits in formation of ethnic identity. Spatial analysis is used in studying the geographical conditions affecting people’s worldview and self-identification. Comparative analysis reveals the peculiarities of ethnic groups. For detailed explanation of specificities of the evolution of identity, the author employs comparative-historical method. Historical-typological comparison contributes to revelation of common features of heterogeneous ethnic elements. The novelty consists in comprehensive analysis of the activity of naharars of Bagratuni dynasty from the perspective of ethnic consciousness n the conditions of Byzantine-Sasanian rule. The attracted materials allowed assessing the nature of activity of the Bagratuni princes on the Byzantine Emperor’s service, as well as at the Persian court. This conducted analysis indicates the degree of engagement of Armenians in the social structure of Byzantium and Sasanian Iran. The conclusion is made that the Armenian political elite was committed to preserve ethnic identity by restoration of sovereignty of the Armenian Kingdom in the conditions of –Byzantine-Sasanian dominion. Bagratuni princes were the most appropriate candidates for the Armenian throne. By the end of the IX century, namely due to the efforts of Bagratuni princes the Armenian Kingdom was restored.
medieval Armenia, middle Ages, Bagratuni, national struggle, Iran-Byzantine wars, Armenian princes, Sassanian Iran, Byzantine Empire, Armenia, Armenian marzpanism
Historical facts, events, phenomena
Bogdanov, A.P. (2020). “Mother School" of Grand Duke Alexei Petrovich of Russia. History magazine - researches, 3, 96–110. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0609.2020.3.32756
This article reviews the emergence and content of textbook system for “Mother School”, written by the court poet and educator Karion Istomin for Grand Duke Alexei Petrovich of Russia. The concept belonged to grandmother of Alexei Petrovich – Grand Duchess Natalia Kirillovna, who enrolled her son Peter to “Mother School” at the age of 3 instead of usual 5. The idea of preschool education was advanced by the prominent pedagogue John Amos Comenius based on his concept of developmental psychology. The very thought that a child is not a small adult and his perception transforms with age was innovative for the Age of Scientific Revolution. In the countries of Central and Western Europe, where John Amos Comenius pursued his activity, promotion of this thought encountered difficulties. Although in Russia, where the works of Comenius enjoyed wide popularity, was created a solid foundation for assimilation of this thought. All children of the Romanov family (there is no records on education of their predecessors) received multiple educational toys and visual materials, which were purchased at first, and later illustrated in books. By combining the Russian tradition with the ideas of Comenius, Karion Istomin the entire series of books, in which upbringing and education was in the form of pictures and poems to them. The most famous book, which retains its relevance today, is the unique Russian Alphabet Book (Bukvar). The author is first to examine the entire system of these textbooks, which mark gradual transformation from visual learning to logical.
mother school, Bukvar printed, Bukvar handwritten, Tsarevich Aleksey Petrovich, Natalya Kirillovna Naryshkina, Jan Amos Komensky, Karion Istomin, Eden, Ecclesia, City of Heaven
Social history
Baibakov, S.A. (2020). Behind the scenes of the only session of the Supreme Soviet of RSFSR during the Great Patriotic War (March 1944) . History magazine - researches, 3, 111–120. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0609.2020.3.33369
This article is first within the Russian historiography to reconstruct the backstage of life of the deputies of the Supreme Soviet of RSFSR that is not reflected in the published official documents or media materials of that time. It includes the arrangement of cultural and everyday services for the deputies of the Supreme Soviet of RSFSR during the 5th session held in Moscow on March 1-4, 1944. Leaning on the archival materials, the author demonstrates how the deputies were notified about the upcoming session in the time of war; organization of their meeting at the train station, accommodation in the Hotel Moskva and Grand Hotel, as well as the sanitary and epidemiological measures taken thereof. Representation of food menu, cultural and entertainment program, organization of bookselling, rendering of reference and information services that met requests of the deputies, are also of great interest. Alongside the institutional and functional methods of studying the activity of government branches well-established within the Russian historiography, the author also employs the historical-anthropological approach focused on examination of the human factor. The author believes that hosting such national forum was a representation of the “festive” form of Soviet culture, which acquired a unified and pronounced ideological character during the Soviet rule. Taking into consideration complexity of the situation in the conditions of wartime, creation of an “isle” of relatively luxury life for the deputies, even for a short time, can be viewed as one of the forms of ensuring their loyalty towards the ruling government.
cultural and consumer services, transport services, deputies, fifth session, Supreme Soviet of Russia, the Great Patriotic War, Moscow hotels, sale of books, information and reference service, food ration
Deveykis, M. (2020). Stages of museum development of Saint Petersburg in the Imperial Russia . History magazine - researches, 3, 121–130. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0609.2020.3.32896
This article examines museum construction in one of the major Russian regions – Saint Petersburg of the XVIII – early XX centuries. The author determines four stages: early museums, specialized museums, new field-specific groups, museum expansion; as well as their key traits and peculiarities. Special attention is turned to the latter stage – museum expansion (1894-1916). The author presents the matrix of all established museums in chronological order, their founders, year of creation, and relations with the field-specific groups. The scientific novelty consists in the attempt to fill the gap by carrying out a first comprehensive research dedicated to museum development in Saint Petersburg of the imperial period. In order to reflect the processes unfolding in the history of museums of Saint Petersburg, the author reveals the trends and patterns, indicates the significance of museums created by the contemporaries, and demonstrates the link between the emergence of museums and the economic upswing in the country. Colossal experience of museum construction of Saint Petersburg, understanding of its importance in preservation of cultural and historical heritage, as well as progressive ideas of museum figures served as the prerequisite for creating the state supervision system and museum legislation, and allow outlining the ways for future development of museums.
museum dynamics, museum construction, specialized groups, imperial period, museum history, stages, St.Petersburg, museum, imperial Russia, museum sector
History of state and law
Solovev, K.A. (2020). P. P. Shafirov on goal-setting of public administration (the concept of “value” in the text of “Dedication”, 1716). History magazine - researches, 3, 131–143. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0609.2020.3.33215
“Dedication” by P. P. Shafirov is one of the few texts of the early XVIII century that reflects goal-setting of public administration through the concept of “value”. The object of this article is the establishment of Russian administrative thought in the early XVII century. The subject of this article is the process of development of the concept of “value” as fundamental in substantiation of the goal of public administration. The author attempts to reveal the content of this concept in the text of “Dedication” in juxtaposition to the texts of Western European philosophers of the XVII century who rely on the concepts of “value” and “common good”, and to the similar in tasks texts of Russian authors – P. P. Shafirov and his contemporaries. The main conclusion consists in determination of fundamental difference between the Russian and the European concept of “value”. It implies that in Russia, the concept of “value” is primarily attributed to the state, while in Europe the basic concept was the “common good”. Shafirov deemed it possible to interpret the “state value” not only as creation of the conditions for expansion superiority and strength of the state, but also as the “value to its nationals”. It opened the door for transformation of “state value” into the “common”. Such transformation was not complete, which resulted in parallel existence of the two concepts: “value of state” and “common value”
Dedication, concept, history of managerial thought, history of public administration, history of Russia, Peter I, Shafirov, XVIIII century, history of political thought, governance
Volodin, S.F. (2020). Financial incentives to motivate workers during the civil war (on the example of Tula Cartridge Plant) . History magazine - researches, 3, 144–159. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0609.2020.3.32912
The subject of this research is the questions of motivating the workers of Tula Cartridge Plant during the civil war. Based on methodology of economic and social microhistory, the author analyzes the practice of using methods of war communism and monetary measures to encourage worker of Tula Cartridge Plant in accomplishment of strenuous government contracts. The research results can be valuable in training management professionals in the context of comprehension of the phenomenon of national economy through the prism of social practices, particular administrative experience in crisis conditions. Writing company’s history necessitates the inclusion of methodology of economic and social microhistory into the research process. Scientific analysis of life of the company as a holistic socioeconomic phenomenon allows determining corporate practices that are essential for understanding the functionality of national economy in a specific historical period. The conclusion is made that objectively, the differentiated plant production significantly adjusted to mobilization regime of war communism using special mechanisms. Among them is the unlimited efficiency wage, non-tariff ways of incentivizing skilled workers, and determination of the urgent work areas with accord wages. At the same time, the war communism method of mobilization of industrial production implemented specific measures of financial incentives for workers. It included the guaranteed minimum of means for each employee, bargain-collective forms of bonuses, and simultaneously, directive allocation of major operations and byworks with due remuneration. The contradictory combination of all these methods of financial incentives ensured a specific effectiveness criterion reflected in the material items of military consumption.
labour productivity, bonus payment, material incentives for labor, red army ration, wage, civil war, war communism, Tula weapons factory, Tula cartridge plant, extraordinary Commissar
History of science and technology
Filippova, T.P. (2020). Exploration of the European North of Russia by the Geological Committee during the 1882-1918. History magazine - researches, 3, 160–177. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0609.2020.3.33326
The object of this research is the history of scientific development of the European North of Russia in the late XIX – early XX century. The subject of this research is the historical role of the Geological Committee in exploration of this territory. The chronological framework covers the period from 1882 to 1918, since the establishment of scientific institution until its reorganization as a result of revolutionary events of 1917. Based on the archival and published sources, the author analyzes expedition activity of the Geological Committee in Northern Ural, Timman, Novaya Zemlya, and the Kola Peninsula in the late XIX – early XX centuries, the results of which became the first systematic integrated explorations on regional geology of the European North of Russia. The indicated problematic has not previously become the subject of separate research. It is proven that research of the European North of Russia was one of the priority vectors of the Geological Committee at the time. The following expedition results are highlighted: a substantial territory of the European North of Russia is explored; thorough geological surveying is conducted; extensive paleontological collection is amassed; mineral deposits are discovered that gave science conceptually new data on geological development of this region. Research conducted by the Geological Committee demonstrated the resource potential of northern territories and raised the question on the need for their inclusion into economic development of the country, which became an important factor for further development of the European North of Russia.
European North of Russia, scientific development, mineral raw material resources, Geological committee, geology, science history, Arctic, Timman, Northern Urals, Kola Peninsula