History of ethnicities, peoples, nations
Chediya, A.R. (2018). The Gift of "Pishkesh" as a Policy Method of the Ottoman Empire in the Western Caucasus in the First Third of the 19th Century (On the Example of the Document Hatti hümayün 1103/4569-R from the Ottoman Archive of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Turkey). History magazine - researches, 4, 1–19. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0609.2018.4.26944
The research subject of this article is the policy methods of the Ottoman Empire (in particular, the gift of Pishkesh) in the Western Caucasus in the first third of the 19th century. In the context of the existing fears associated with the loss of the region, the Ottoman Empire introduced various new methods to its policy. The gift of Piskesha (gift, bribe) was used in earlier periods, but in the first third of the 19th century it was applied in full scale. The Ottomans through all means tried to retain under their influence the numerous ethnic groups of the Western Caucasus, using the gift-giving practice on both the representatives of the upper class (Princes, nobles), as well as on prisoners and peasants. Upon writing this article, the author analyzed and generalized the policy methods of the Ottoman Empire in the Western Caucasus. Upon translating the archive document, the author used the main theoretical and practical methods of historical research. The novelty of this research lies in its study of the Ottoman Empire's policy method of the gift of Pishkesh, which in both Russian and foreign historiographies has practically not been examined. The previously unpublished archival document from the Ottoman archive of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Turkey is introduced into scientific circulation for the first time, in which the author found valuable information about the named gift-giving practice.
The Black sea, Trabzon, the politics of the Ottoman Empire, Anapa, The Western Caucasus, Pishkesh, archive document, the peoples of the Western Caucasus, inventory, the Ottoman language
Voronov, V.N. (2018). Trubnaya Ploshchad - the Trade Center of Moscow. History magazine - researches, 4, 20–32. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0609.2018.4.26921
The subject of this study is the revelation of the historical prerequisites of the origin and development of entrepreneurship in Moscow. The article examines the factors that had influenced the emergence of trading places in Moscow. The author places particular attention on the undeservedly forgotten trade center in Moscow that was Trubnaya Ploshchad. The object of this study is the social and everyday aspects and the interactions with the authorities that affected the formation of trade in Moscow. The author examines in detail the evolution of trade on Trubnaya Ploshchad from Lubyanov Torg in the 17th century to the Central Market in the 21th century. The aim of this study is to identify the main historical prerequisites for the emergence of the Trubnaya Ploshchad and its major trends in trade development. The methodological basis of this research lies on general scientific methods: logical, induction and deduction, analysis and synthesis, system; as well as on special historical methods of research: historical description, comparative-historical, problem-chronological, periodization, statistical, and others. The study's main conclusions are the author's assertion that Trubnaya Ploshchad is a historically established commercial and cultural center of Moscow. It had various retail outlets, the restaurant "Hermitage" was opened there, and the Central Market, opened in 1921, tied these places together. The author's special contribution to the research of this topic is his successful identification of sources previously unknown to a wide range of researchers. The novelty of this study consists in the author for the first time in historiography carrying out a comprehensive analysis of the named topic, which has been insufficiently examined in Moscow studies, that has made it possible to eliminate inaccuracies in the history of Moscow and Moscow entrepreneurship. The results of this study can be used to reveal the continuity between modern trade and its historical retrospective.
bast, floral, avian, central, market, trade, entrepreneurship, bargain, Tube, area
Salomatina, S., Kulenkova, E. (2018). The Securities Market in Moscow in the 1910s: a New Look Through the Ryabushinsky Bank Archives. History magazine - researches, 4, 33–57. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0609.2018.4.25404
In this article, the author examines on a micro-level the securities market in Moscow in the 1910s. The author's focus is placed on the banking segment of this market, for which the main source is the complete set of bookkeeping records on demand loans guaranteed by securities (on-call credit) in the Moscow Bank (Ryabushinskiy Bank) for 1912. The research objects of this study are the clients (369 people), their accounts and the notes on the purchase and sale of securities on these accounts (12,406 transactions). Based on the results of the author's cluster analysis, the clients of the Ryabushinsky Bank differed in their behavioral patterns on the securities market: some clients bought securities only to open an account; others engaged in long-term investments; some sold their securities. In addition to this, the author identified a large and homogeneous in behavior group of stock speculators of different proportions. The stock speculation involved a special technique for buying shares with the subsequent quick sale. The author was able to identify a figurehead among the major clients, on behalf of whom the bank owners were speculating, as well as the group of securities market professionals who had direct access to the Moscow stock exchange and were more likely to serve their own clientele. Thus, the market of bank credit and the securities market were closely intertwined in Moscow in the 1910s, and the author's research was also able to demonstrate that the Moscow intermediaries had direct access to the St. Petersburg securities market, which broadens our understanding of how the regional securities markets worked in the 1910s Russia.
the Moscow Stock Exchange, the Russian Empire, credit accounts, bank credit, joint-stock commercial banks, securities market, the Ryabushinskys, shares, bonds, bank lending
Yudin, K.A. (2018). The Cinematographic Art in Russian Studies of 1920 - the Early 1940s and the Questions of Modern Historiographical Retrospection. History magazine - researches, 4, 58–70. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0609.2018.4.25973
The subject of this study is the cinematographic art as a phenomenon of spiritual and intellectual culture and its reflection in Russian historiography and cinematography of 1920 - the early 1940s. In this article, the author undertakes an expert-analytical generalization of the existing historiographic background on this topic, establishes the degree of relevance and demand of cinematographic-scientific works of scientific and scientific-popular natures. The aim of the presented research is to determine the over-discursive scientific and theoretical potential of the pre-war Russian historiography of cinematographical art, the particularities of its influence on the direction of post-Soviet research in this topic-thematic field, as well as the ideological and aesthetic face of modern cinematic art in general. The methodological base of this study is constructed on the methods of comparativistics and integral synthesis, which is founded on traditional epistemological landmarks: the principles of historicism, scientific objectivity, dialectical wholeness, and dynamics. The scientific novelty of this study lies in its creation of a survey and complex retrospective picture of a large-scale "historiographic transit", which is tied to successive discursive reconversions. The author comes to the conclusion that the relative freedom of creativity in the "beautiful" and "post-beautiful era" is absorbed by the political bias of the "classical" Soviet historiography, replaced by the short-term surge in epistemological emancipation, which led to a new disease - relativism, postmodernist rationalist experiments which marked the destruction of the traditional intellectual culture.
discursiveness, relativism, hyperreality, cinema theory, Cinema Science, intellectual history, historiography, theatrical art, cinematography, postmodernism
Akimov, A.V. (2018). "The Iron Industry of Southern Russia" as a Source for Studying the Pipe Industry of the Early 20th Century. History magazine - researches, 4, 71–84. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0609.2018.4.26614
The article presents a source study analysis of the statistical collection "The Iron Industry of Southern Russia", published by the Statistical Bureau of the Council of the Congress of Mining Industrialists of Southern Russia in 1901-1917. The subject of this work is an in-depth study of the quantitative data presented in the named collection in relation to pipe production. The author examines in detail the quality and reliability of the calculations presented in the historical source regarding the production of iron and metal pipes and their parts, their production and stock in sections of monthly and annual information, as well as of the increasing total. In order to determine the comparative reliability of production and market indicators, the author used mathematical methods. In particular, to identify possible inaccuracies and errors, the author compared the indicators of the source's various tables, which were also subjected to a cross recheck. In addition, the author applied the systematic approach when the examined data were included in a system of other indicators. The study's main findings are the revealed inaccuracies in calculations and the detection of errors, which when eliminated and the corrected data used instead creates the foundation that significantly improves the quality of the historical material. Additionally, the author proved that the existing errors and inconsistencies do not distort the overall structure of the production and market indicators, as their total number and share is extremely small in the total volume of the quantitative data, which thus makes it possible to recognize the statistical collection "The Iron Industry of Southern Russia" as a reliable source.
Analysis, Statistics, Source, Early 20th century, Period, Southern Russia, Production, Pipes, Metallurgy, Comparison
Bogdanov, A.P. (2018). The Results of an Examination of Arseny Sukhanov's "Debates with the Greeks on Faith". History magazine - researches, 4, 85–99. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0609.2018.4.26642
In this article, the author draws up the results of the 350-year history of interpretations and studies of one of the largest monuments of Russian social thought: "Debates with the Greeks on Faith" by Arseniy Sukhanov. The article presents the results of a monographic examination of all the circumstances behind the creation, existence, and study of this work. The author completely revised the historiography of the "Debates", which served as the arena for a heated ideological struggle. The author also brought to light the hidden motives of the written monument's various editions and obtained a scientific explanation of the cause of their failure. The article presents the archaeography of the "Debates" in a new light, with the number of their identified lists doubling. For the first time in historiography, the author restores and publishes the texts of Sukhanov's own revisions of his work, created when he was the official representative of Russia in Targovishte, the capital of Wallachia, from June 6 to September 23, 1650. The article's author proves that the "Debates" is a diplomatic report on actual disputes with the Greek and Wallachian Orthodox clergy in which Sukhanov defended the official position of Russia as the new center of the Orthodox world. The article substantiates the conclusion that Arseny did not have hidden motives in the disputes, caused by some ecclesiastical disagreements in Moscow. The arguments, which the experienced diplomat was obliged to bring into the debates and to record in his embassy report, reflected the system of views adopted in Russia at the highest state and church levels. The prepared scientific edition of the author's editions of the "Debates" gives us a reliable source for studying the fundamental ideas of Russian society on the eve of Nikon's reforms and the Split of the Russian Church.
Eastern Orthodox Church, Patriarch Paisius of Jerusalem, Debate with the Greeks, Arseniy Sukhanov, Ambassadorial Department, Moscow, Constantinople, New Rome, Nikon, Split
Personality in history
Vinyukova, N.V. (2018). J. I. Fudel on Public Education (1890s - Beginning of 1900s). History magazine - researches, 4, 100–109. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0609.2018.4.26038
The subject of this study is the views of the priest and publicist Joseph Ivanovich Fudel on the development of primary education at the turn of the 19th - 20th centuries. The article's author refers to the discussion on church-parish schools and analyzes Fudel's position in it, his arguments and motives. The author also compares Fudel's publicism on the issue of national schooling with his social work and examines how it fits into the intellectual context of the era. Particular attention is paid to the genesis of Fudel's ideas and to clarifying what were the main influences that formed his position. The author resorts to the historical-genetic method and comparative analysis (to trace the evolution of J. I. Fudel's views and to compare them with the position of his contemporaries), adhering to the principles of historicism, scientific objectivity, and verifiability. There are no existing individual studies on the life of father Joseph in historiography. At the same time, the issues regarding education, which are still relevant today, were an important part of Fudel's intellectual biography. At the core of the discussion on public education, Fudel saw, first of all, not the problems of managing the system of education, but the opposition of various worldviews at the base of ministerial and church schools. The topic of education was considered by Fudel as an issue of the future cultural development of Russia. He substantiated the fundamental role of the church-parish school as the guardian of the Orthodox faith and of "the people's ideal." In many respects, this position was in line with the late Slavophile thought, having also experienced the influence of Pochvennichestvo and Narodnichestvo. His aspirations were directed not to the conservation, but to the revitalization of the public's life. Fudel's ideas of Christian enlightenment, popular intelligentsia, parish activity, and development of an original culture differed from the protective direction of K. P. Pobedonostsev's views.
popular education, parish schools, Synod, Konstantin Pobedonostsev, Joseph Fudel, The Russian Orthodox Church, Slavophilia, the Russian conservative thought, Russian idea, Christian enlightenment
Tribunskikh, N.I. (2018). The Image of Physical Suffering in the Regional Periodical Press of the USSR in the mid-1950s: the Political and Ideological Context. History magazine - researches, 4, 110–122. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0609.2018.4.25778
The article is focused on the topic of the representation of human corporeality in Soviet periodical editions. The relevance of this study is founded on the fact that corporality and its key feature as a social construct are exposed to the external influences of socio-political institutions and, in turn, they themselves influence the formation of individual and collective values. On the example of the sources from the central Voronezh newspaper "Molodoy Kommunar", the author analyses the most common images of physical suffering (illness, mutilation, death) and their political and ideological content as a means of influencing the public consciousness. The central place in this study is occupied by M. Foucault's postmodernist concept of power which regards the human body as an object of social control, placed in special disciplinary spaces and subject to constant external influence, including through mass media. The presented work is of an interdisciplinary nature, as it integrates the methods of discourse analysis, cognitive history, and historical visualistics. The scientific novelty of this article lies in its recourse to conduct an analysis of the history of corporality through an examination of the provincial periodical press as its main source. The author introduces into scientific cirrculation previously unused text and illustrated material. The author comes to the conclusion that the representation of suffering as a physical feature was of an ideological nature. Within the framework of the becoming of Soviet indoctrination, the formation of a lasting stereotype of the socialist system's superiority over the capitalist one played an important role. This is why the author pays special attention to the sources' contrasting images of the physical perfection of Soviet citizens with the bodily defects of the other peoples which were affected by the policy of the countries from the imperialist camp. The author also demonstrates how the positive image of Soviet medicine was used for the implementation of the strategy of state control over the corporality of citizens.
death, disease, suffering, social engineering, visual history, history of the body, body, medicine, public health, periodical press
Regions of the world in the global historical process
Fediushin, V.V. (2018). The Political Organization of the Region of Ahcupul on the Eve of Conquest: a Critical Revision. History magazine - researches, 4, 123–129. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0609.2018.4.26525
The subject of this study is the organization of the political formations in Ahcupul (a region in the eastern part of northern Yucatan) at the end of the late post-classical period (first half of the 16th century). The author resorts to an analysis of the region's political geography, criticizing S. Quesada's dominant interpretation in Mayan Studies which deliberately neglects the "European" concept of territoriality. Special attention is focused on the question of the nature of the political relations within the supralocal polities, which are traditionally considered to be built on personal ties between the rulers of individual nomadic formations. At the heart of this study's scientific approach lies the concept of historicism, and an important role in the topic's examination is played by the auxiliary historical discipline - political geography; additionally, historical linguistics is also used. The author drew a number of conclusions from the study. In the first place, the predominant in Mayan Studies reconstruction of the political geography of Akhkupul is identified as not corresponding to reality. Instead of the four supralocal capitals indicated by S. Quesada (Popola, Saki, Chichen-Itza, Ek'Balam), seven villages can be recognized as such (including Khukhbilchen, Ts'ikab and Tepop). Secondly, there is no serious basis for the idea that Saki was the capital of two supralocal policies at the same time. Lastly, the interpretation of the term "idzincab", to which researchers have not paid attention up to now, suggests the existence of symbolic links not only between members of the political elite (local and regional rulers) but also directly between subordinate polities.
cuchcabal, Conquest, Late Postclassic period, Pre-Columbian Mesoamerica, political organization, political geography, Yucatan, Maya, Ahcupul, cah
Regions of the world in the global historical process
Filinov, A.V. (2018). The Soviet Leadership's Far Eastern Program and the Manchurian Crisis (September 1931 - March 1935). History magazine - researches, 4, 130–144. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0609.2018.4.27001
The article is focused on an examination of the measures taken by the USSR's top leadership to increase economic independence and, in particular, to strengthen the defensive capability of the Soviet Far Eastern Territory (FET) in the first half of the 1930s. In the author's opinion, a significant part of these measures was directly related to the foreign policy situation in the Far East that arose after the beginning of Japan's occupation from September 1931 of the north-eastern part of China - Manchuria. In this article, the author discusses the insufficiently studied complex issue of the development and implementation mechanisms of the Soviet Far Eastern policy in the period of the Manchurian crisis' unfolding. Among the scientific methods applied in this work, the fundamental place is occupied by the principle of historicism, which implies the consideration of all known facts in the form of a complex process of their appearance and development, in direct connection with certain features inherent in one or another particular historical epoch. Additionally, the author uses the comparative-historical method in order to analyze the manifold views of contemporaries on the events that occurred during the Manchurian crisis. The article's scientific novelty lies in its use of both published sources, such as thematic collections of documents from the archives of various departments and sources of personal origin (correspondence, speeches, and statements by representatives of the leading strata of the USSR), as well as unpublished archival materials from the collections of the State Archives of the Russian Federation (SA RF), the Russian State Military Archives (RSMA), the Russian State Archive of Social and Political History (RSASPH). Within the framework of an integrated approach, the author proposes to evaluate the planned, special domestic political program in the Far East, implemented on the initiative of the political, economic and military elite of the Soviet Union as a natural consequence of the "Manchurian crisis".
defense construction, military-industrial complex, the USSR, The Soviet leadership, Far East, The Manchurian crisis, transport, OKDVA, MSDV, Pacific Fleet
Sidorchuk, I.V. (2018). Between a Joke and Hooliganism: a Campaign to Combat the "Semenovshchina" in the Factories of Leningrad in 1928. History magazine - researches, 4, 145–154. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0609.2018.4.26490
This article is focused on the causes and the course of the 1920s campaign on combating hooliganism, named in honor of the Leningrad "Electrosila" factory worker Alexey Semenov. His failed joke led to the tragic death of another factory worker and became the reason for an attack on various kinds of petty hooliganism, which was a traditional form of deviant leisure in factories. This topic has never been made the object of a focused historical study. Through the reconstruction of the events and the description of the particularities of the propaganda campaign launched after the tragedy, the author adds significantly to the notions of the scale and types of hooliganism that took place in the 1920s, as well as to the understanding of the causes for its spread in the working environment. The examination of this behavior was conducted on the basis of the methodology of the "new cultural history", which includes the history of leisure. Additionally, the author applied the methods of historical anthropology, including the history of everyday life, which focuses on the everyday discourses and practices. As a result of the conducted research, the conclusion of a number of researchers was confirmed, namely, that one of the goals of combating hooliganism was the politicization of this type of crime. Behind the task of combating "Semenovshchina" was also the desire to break the pre-revolutionary traditions of factory culture, of which "jokes" were part, and to stop the involvement of young workers in it. The campaign did not receive significant government support due to the presence of more serious problems in the eyes of the authorities: absenteeism, staff turnover, drunkenness, change in the policy on specials, and others. In this regard, the campaign did not achieve its goals and various kinds of hooliganism remained a common form of leisure for Soviet workers.
New economic policy, labor discipline, working history, deviant leisure, history of everyday life, hooliganism, history of leisure, Chubarovshhina, Semenovshhina, Elektrosila
Beliefs, religions, churches
Egorov, S. (2018). The Missionary Work of Soviet Protestants (Based on the Materials from the Council for the Affairs of Religious Cults). History magazine - researches, 4, 155–164. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0609.2018.4.25130
The research subject of this article is the conceptual categories that highlight the missionary work of the Protestants who lived in the Soviet Union between 1944 and 1965. At the heart of the source base for this study lie the documents stored in the collections of the Council for the Affairs of Religious Cults under the Council of Ministers of the USSR, primarily from the collection of the commissioner for Moscow and the Moscow Region. Particular attention is paid to the linguistic features of these documents, many of which combine terminology from different cultural areas. The research was carried out within the framework of the methodological approach to the history of concepts, which involves examining both the terminology used and the context of their application. Relevant terms are analyzed not only as components of the professional language but also as tools for carrying out political activities. The novelty of this study lies in the fact that for the first time in scientific research the history of the missionary work of Protestants during the Soviet period is examined within the framework of the methodology of the history of concepts. The author shows how the use of such categories as "agitation", "recruitment", "evangelism", "teaching", "missionary work" and "mission" influenced the perception of the work under examination by the target audience of the research documents.
Soviet Union, USSR, evangelism, missionary work, Pentecostals, Baptists, Adventists, Protestantism, religious policy, history of concepts
Lunev, S.M. (2018). "In the Womb of Electoral Fraud": Coverage in the Soviet Press of the Elections to the British Parliament in 1931. History magazine - researches, 4, 165–173. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0609.2018.4.25289
The article examines how the elections to the British Parliament in 1931 were covered in the Soviet Union based on an analysis of the sources from the periodical press (the newspapers "Pravda" and "Izvestia", the magazines "Ogonek" and "Abroad"). The extraordinary elections to the parliament of the United Kingdom in 1931 were called as a result of the political crisis caused by the aftermath of the Great Economic Depression. The topic of the elections to the British Parliament became one of the main news in October 1931 in the Soviet press and articles on this topic were published on a daily basis. The Soviet press covered extremely critically and in a publicist manner the activity of the main British parties (Labor and Conservatives) and exaggerated the role of the British Communist Party. The submission of information was of a propagandistic nature and materials were composed according to their negative content for the British political system, some features were even distorted. But at the same time, in the opinion of this article's author, the Soviet reader had the opportunity to familiarize himself with the course of the political struggle during the election campaign, the party programs and the peculiarities of the British electoral system.
press, parliament, politics, Soviet-British relations, Imagology, 1930s, elections, mass media, propoganda, Soviet press
History of science and technology
D'yakonova, P.G. (2018). The Work of Umberto Nobile and Italian Specialists on Airships in the USSR in 1931 - 1935. History magazine - researches, 4, 174–183. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0609.2018.4.26391
The subject of this article is the work of the Italian airship designer Umberto Nobile in the Soviet Union in 1931-1935. Upon writing this article, the author used the memoirs of Umberto Nobile published in Italy, as well as numerous archival sources from Italian archives: the Documentation Center of Umberto Nobile in Vigna di Vale and the Central State Archives of Rome. The author attempts to demonstrate the importance of further studying this topic in light of today's newly available sources, including those from Italian archives. The methodology of this research is based on the principles of historicism, objectivity, and systematics. The author places particular focus on the interdisciplinary approach in the examination of Soviet-Italian relations in the field of aviation. In order to achieve this, the study uses the historical-genetic and comparative-historical methods, which allow to reveal the general and particular in the developmental patterns of Soviet-Italian relations in the field of aviation during the period under study. The figure of Umberto Nobile has been studied by Russian scholars for a long time, but the scientific novelty of this work comes from its novel composition of the source base. In addition to published sources (the memoirs of Umberto Nobile), the author draws archival documents in Italian from the Documentation Center "Umberto Nobile" and the Central State Archives of Rome, which have not been previously studied by Russian historians. At the end of the article, the author comes to the conclusion that during the period under review the ideological antagonism had no decisive influence on the development of cooperation between the two named countries, including in the sphere of airship construction. The arrival of Umberto Nobile and Felice Trojani in the USSR made possible the rapid development of this industry in Russia.
Soviet airship construction, Italian airship construction, Felice Trojani, Umberto Nobile, airship construction, USSR, Italy, airship V-6, aviation, international relations