Zaretskiy Yu. P. (2012). A document for the historian. History magazine - researches, 1, 7–26.
the article deals with basic ideas about the historical document and its’ transformation
from the beginning of XIX century to the present.
history, theory, source, certificate, text, methodology, Ranke, Michel Foucault, positivism, post-structuralism.
Okorokov A.V. (2012). Single-log and block-single-log boats. History magazine - researches, 1, 27–40.
the articles describes old facilities for transportation on water — bugouts. Author highlights
the history of its’ creation, geography of distribution and use. The main attention is given to the blocksingle-
log boats. Author brings the evidence of archeological findings of such boats and tells about the
unique exemplars, found and studied during the historical and ethnographic researches in Dedinovo
village in the Moscow region.
history, archeology, ethnography, researches, findings, boatbuilding, dugout, block-single-log boats, tools, masters.
Historical facts, events, phenomena
Shinin O.V. (2012). The creation and establishment of the military intelligence of the
People’s Revolutionary Army of the Far Eastern Republic. 1920–1922. History magazine - researches, 1, 41–56.
the article investigates the problems of creation of the military intelligence of the
People’s Revolutionary Army of the Far Easter Republic, their organizational and stuff changes and
the organization of residency of military intelligence in China, Mongolia and Primorye region in
history, Far Eastern Republic, People’s Revolutionary Army, military intelligence, Political Inspection department, Intelligence Agency, residency of military intelligence, Kalnin-Ezeretis K., Misker Ya., Pshenitsin K.
Kovalev I.G. (2012). Life peerages Act in 1958: a turning point or an illusion of the House
of Lords reformation. History magazine - researches, 1, 57–68.
the article studies the role of the Life peerages Act 1958 in means of the House of Lords
of the British parliament reform in order to make it more effective element of the legislative system. It
analyses the specific moments of preparation and discussion of the reformation plan, advantages and
disadvantages of the different plans, offered by representatives of the ruling party and opposition. The
main attention is driven to the parliamentary debates and attitude of the leading political UK forces
and public associations towards the Act. Author gives en evaluation of the impact made by the Act
acceptance on changing the membership of the House of Lords and quality of its work, determines the
nature of the reform and its relationship with previous attempts to modernize the House of Lords.
history, reformation of the House of Lords, the Conservative Party, the Labour Party, the parliamentary debates, the cabinet, opposition, life peerages, the Marquis of Salisbury, “the guests of the backwoods”.
Social history
Bezgin V.B. (2012). Suicides of peasants in the Russian village in the late XIX –
early XX century. History magazine - researches, 1, 69–76.
the article deals with the problem of suicide in among the peasants in late XIX – early
XX century. It covers the legal side of this question, as well as attitude of the villagers towards the facts
of voluntary withdrawal from life, tells about methods and motives of peasants’ suicides. Based on ethnographical
materials and police reports author makes the analysis of the dynamics of village suicide,
reasons for voluntary withdrawal from life, gender characteristics.
history, legislation, peasants, village, statistics of suicides, motives of suicides, gender factor, the Church, ordinary perception of suicide, modernization.
Culture and cultures in historical context
Shvidkovskiy D.O. (2012). John Webb and the birth of the exotic universalism
in the XVII England. History magazine - researches, 1, 77–83.
the article shows key milestones of the biography of a professional architect and amateur
philologist Webb J., shows the feature of his world of thinking, which can be described as an exotic universalism — a search for the ideal culture not only in classical sources, but also in very unexpected
spheres, as well as ways to solve on of the key questions of British architectural culture of the XVII century —
the question of the primacy of the classical or natural ideal.
history, history of British architecture, Jones I., Webb J., exotic universalism, Stonehenge, “Antiques of China” by Webb J., art “protolanguage”, “architectural” mentality, fatigue of the domination of the classical ancient origin.
Tyulenev V.M. (2012). Redemption of captives in the context of the establishment
of the Christian community in Western Europe in V – early VI century. History magazine - researches, 1, 84–91.
the question of redemption of captives in Early Middle Ages is viewed in this article in
connection with the forming of a new ideology of war and a new attitude to the man in the era of
Christianity, as well as in connection with the formation of new practices. The redemption of captives
is seen as a part of charitable activity of bishops, as well as the consolidation of political power of the
barbarian kings. The article covers both ideological aspect of redemption of captives (the preaching of
releasing from captivity, redemption of captives as a part of the image of the ideal bishop) and social
and historical aspect (approval of the bishops regional patronage, participation of the secular power
in the charitable activities of the Church). The main attention is given to the activities of Epiphanius Titsinsky and Caesarius of Arles.
history, Early Middle Ages, history of Western Church, hagiography, the episcopate, the redemption of captives, patronage, charitable activity, Epiphanius Titsinsky, Caesarius of Arles.
Civilizational approach and civilizational commonality
Girin Uy. N. (2012). Latin America: equivalence or selfness?. History magazine - researches, 1, 92–107.
Latin America is not just a geographical term. It is a civilization of specific, borderline
type, which is also the type that Russia belongs to. To recognize the status of a borderline for this regions
is to come to the path of understanding their essence, their “special stand”, which is not by chance was
noted both Russian and Latin American thinkers. Next comes the analysis of what, how and why.
This article is a particular exercise in such analysis. Indeed, both Russia and Latin America are not
actually live its’ own reality but attempt to build it.
Latin America, Russia, borderline, civilization, imagination, self-making, the picture of the world, identity.
Industrial era, postindustrial world
Shpakovskaya S.V. (2012). The reliability of modern Russian media, the Internet and popular
scientific literature on the example of the “incident in Fiume”
media coverage. History magazine - researches, 1, 108–114.
the article deals the theme of “the incident in Fiume” – with a very popular in today’s
media and Internet space, as well as in the popular literature, which is a typical example of a social
myth. It is clear that positive reform of Russian society can not be properly carried out under similar
documents, reports, log book, incident in Fiume, “the honor of the flag”, media, Internet, popular scientific literature, social myth, positive reformation of society.