Rashkovskiy E.B. (2011). Repressive in history, the historical in repression: notes on the margins of the book
by G. Yakovenko. History magazine - researches, 6, 7–16.
the article presents an analysis of the ideas of great modern Russian scientist-humanist professor Igor
Yakovenko. It examines the views of the author on the problem of repression as one of the basic problems of understanding
the national and world history. Yakovenko draws attention to the strengthening of the repressive and neoarchaistic
trends in the current world of “ post-modernization” — the tendencies that are in flagrant contradiction
with the objective increases of the personalistic and creative aspects of the modern human society
Russia, the philosophy of history, repressions, protest, state, anarchy, criminals, post-modernization, the principle of correlation.
Comparative history research
Gorskiy A.A. (2011). Primary Chronicle of Ryurik's Rus. History magazine - researches, 6, 17–23.
the article is devoted to analysis of information about ancient ancestor of the royal dynasty Ryurik in
the Primary Chronicle. It is concluded that the editor of the Chronicle puts Ryurik and his people (original Rus) in
Denmark. This could be due to the receipt of information about the origin of Rurik, received during the conclusion of
the Russian-Danish marital union in 1116.
history, Russia, Middle Ages, state, chronicles, Ryurik, the Varangians, Denmark, Schleswig, Rorik.
Interdisciplinary research
Bogdanov A.P. (2011). Italy in the culture of the Moscow court during the last quarter of the XVII century. History magazine - researches, 6, 24–27.
the article presents characteristics of the relations of the Russian Cultural Society and Italy. Based on
the material of the XVII century it shows that in terms of educated Russian, except Russia, namely Italy has a genuine
historical and cultural value in Europe and that the Italians, as well as Russians, clearly stand out among the nations
of Europe.
history, the Moscow court, Russian-Italian ties, Italian, Latin, Rome, fryags, foreign prints, “the Italian icon”, the historical and cultural value.
Dergacheva L.D. (2011). Shuvalov I.I., Lomonosov M.V. and the creation of the “Moscow Vedomosti”
newspaper. History magazine - researches, 6, 28–37.
the article focuses on the initial period of the history of the newspaper “Moscow Vedomosti”. It raises the
question of what was the role of the founders of the Moscow State University Ivan Shuvalov and Mikhail Lomonosov
in the organization of this university press. This article reviews opinions on this issue that exist in historiography.
Analysis is based on both long-known material and new documents issued in connection with the 200th anniversary
of the death of Igor Shuvalov (1998) and the 250th anniversary of Moscow State University (2005).
history, the Moscow State University, the decree of the Senate, Igor Shuvalov, Mikhail Lomonosov, the newspaper “Moscow Vedomosti”, the founder of the newspaper, typography, the Academy of Sciences, university magazines.
Historical sources and artifacts
Kravchuk M. I. (2011). North Caucasus: the problem of restoring the List of the collections
of documentary photographs of the Moscow ethnographic expeditions (1920–1931),
stored in Russian State Archive for Film and Photographic Documents. History magazine - researches, 6, 38–50.
in 1934 in the Russian State Archive of Film and Photographic Documents received the negatives of
ethnographic content from the Institute of Nationalities of the USS. Based on the data collected from these photo documents,
it has been suggested that they represented a range of photo collections of the Moscow ethnographic expeditions
1920-1931. The article shows how and why these visual sources dropped from the academic use, describes the work to
restore their original line-up and making a List of photo collections based on the resulting documentary based. The
results of this work again confirms the correctness of the position of a fund statement on archival records of documentary
photographs, whose main task is to preserve the use of documentary photographs as a historical source.
archiving, photographic documents, source study, CMN, history, ethnography, Yakovlev N.F., Schilling M.E., Pchelina E.G., the Caucasus.
Historical time and space
Siyukhova A.M. (2011). Urban myths and symbolic spaces of the peripheral multicultural city
(based on the example of Maikop). History magazine - researches, 6, 51–58.
the article discusses the gradual formation of symbolic spaces in Maikop and positive mythology in the historical
discourse. It explains the rationale for the emergence of myths: “Maikop — the City of Military Glory”, “Maikop —
the Green City”, “Maikop — the City of classical Russian culture”, “Maikop — the City-Worker”, “Maikop — the center of
the urban culture of ethnic Circassians”. It is concluded that the combination of polyphonic symbolic spaces and urban
myths is the basis of psychological comfort and security of multi-ethnic and multi-confessional population of the city.
history, urban planning, the province, a symbolic space, urban myths, mythologems, cultural policy, architectural appearance, ethnicity, multi-confessional.
Personality in history
Shushkin V.V. (2011). “True Catholic” married to the Huguenot leader: the example of Marguerite de Valois. History magazine - researches, 6, 59–67.
the article deals with the religious ideas and the resulting political steps of Marguerite de Valois (1553-
1615) in the civil wars in France during the second half of the XVI century. Based on the “Memoirs” of the Queen,
contemporaries and other sources, the author concludes that, as, in her own words, “the true Catholic”, Marguerite
tried to actively mediate between the warring camps — Catholic and Protestant. Following the ideals of Neo-Platonism,
which she professed, the Queen of Navarre sought to maintain interfaith peace through diplomatic and political
efforts, as well as religious tolerance. Individual manifestations of the religious hostility were associated only with
threats to her life and diminish the prerogatives of the royal rank.
history, the Valois, the Huguenots, Catholic, Queen, Marguerite, Navarre, religious wars, France.
Regions of the world in the global historical process
Babynina L.O. (2011). Denmark and the European integration processes: how to solve the “integration
dilemma”?. History magazine - researches, 6, 68–77.
the article analyzes the relationship of Denmark with the European Economic Community, the reasons
for entry into it, and especially participation in the EEC/EU. Particular attention is paid to the ratification of the Maastricht Treaty in Denmark and providing the country a number of exceptions from the general rules of the EU.
Denmark had the opportunity not to participate in the four areas of cooperation: European citizenship, the European
single currency, European defense and cooperation on justice and home affairs at EU level. Author considers how
these exceptions affect the position of countries within the EU in practical and political terms. Saving the “Danish
reservations” reduces the impact of the country in the EU, but allows it to save more autonomy within the framework
of European integration. This “integration dilemma” is constantly on the agenda of the Danish government. Currently,
Denmark is an active debate about the possibilities of withdrawal of some reservations, which is certainly in
the interests of the country.
history, Denmark, European integration, European Union, the Maastricht Treaty, “the Danish reservations”, the Lisbon Treaty, integration dilemma, the referendum, the European single currency.
Issues of war and peace
Khormach I.A. (2011). Forgotten recognition: the restoration of the diplomatic relations between
the USSR and Italy in 1944. History magazine - researches, 6, 78–83.
being based on a large number of published and archival documents the article reconstructs the history
of the process of diplomatic recognition of Italy by the Soviet Union. It shows the struggles of the anti-Hitler coalition
countries for Italy out of World War II, reflects the British and U.S. attempts to dominate the economy and politics of
Italy, to prevent the Soviet government to negotiate with the democratic and anti-fascist forces of Italy to accept the surrender.
It analyzes domestic and foreign policy problems Italy faced in connection with its exit from the Hitler coalition
and the country’s transition to democratic rule. Author proves the primacy of the Soviet Union in recognition of the
government of liberated Italy, de jure and significance of this event for the state.
history, USSR, Italy, war, fascism, Benito Mussolini, Stalin, democracy, agreement, policy.
Culture and cultures in historical context
Shvidkovskiy D.O. (2011). Catherine II and Pavel I: political relations in architecture. History magazine - researches, 6, 84–94.
the focus of the article’s author is on the destruction of two grand imperial palaces (the Tsaritsyno and
the Pella) at the end of the XVIII century soon after their construction. These dramatic “architectural event” considered
in the context of the struggle for power in the Russian Empire at that time. Article analyzes the development
of the artistic language of this type of constructions, from 1775, when Russian architecture began to gain unusual
history, cultural history, architecture, Catherine II, Paul I, the Tsaritsyno, the Pella, change in the artistic forms, the idea of sovereignty as a source of victories, the question of succession.
Beliefs, religions, churches
Lazarova E.G. (2011). The Tree of Life and the Cross Tree in the Bogomil-Cathar tradition and Strigolniki
teaching. History magazine - researches, 6, 95–102.
the article presents an original interpretation of the phenomenon of the Tree of Life — The Cross Tree
in the teachings of the Bogomils and Strigolniki, which the Christian Church considered heretics. The author sees the
Bogomils as one of the most significant phenomena of social and cultural life, religious identity and the moral philosophy
of the Middle Ages. Perception has become a powerful anthropo-creative, social and reformative force for the
followers of this doctrine. In this area, the influence of Bogomils’ philosophy in medieval freethinkers from the Balkans
to the Iberian Peninsula and from the Balkans to the Urals is particularly noticeable.
history, the Middle Ages, the Church and heresy, Bogomils, Strigolniki, Cathar, The Tree of Life, the Cross Tree, Cross as a symbol, stechka.
Beliefs, religions, churches
Tokarchuk P. E. (2011). The value of German criminal law for the evolution of the theft and robbery
compositions in Russia of the XVIII century. History magazine - researches, 6, 103–114.
the article reveals that in Russia until the XVIII century the ancient terms “theft” and “robbery” designated
cowardly and courageous theft, respectively. Their later appliance to the German forms of non-violent and
violent theft in the Military Article of Peter I and in the laws of Catherine II led to the imposition of the old division
(in names) onto the new (in meanings). Thus arose the division of theft into an “open violent”, “secret non-violent”
and “open non-violent”.
history, Peter I, Military Article, Catherine II, Order of Catherine II, theft, robbery, fraud, theft, stealage, violence.