History and historical science
Belyakova E.V., Vasileva O.Yu. (2011). Shchapov Ya.N. and the beginning of a new stage in studying of the history
of the Church. History magazine - researches, 5, 7–15. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58812
the article gives an evaluation of the contribution of Shchapov Ya.N. into the development of the national
historical science, study and preservation of written records (Slavic, and in connection therewith, Byzantine), in the
genealogy (as a researcher of Shchapovs’ family history). It covers his activities as a founder and director of the Center of
History of Religion and the Church, shows that his name is associated with a new stage in studying of the history of the
Church, and that because of his efforts a substantial amount of historical sources were introduced into scientific use, marks
his role in the returning of historic sites in the Holy Land to society.
history of religion and the Church, Archeography, Source, Old bookishness, medieval manuscripts, monuments of law, helmsman and their codes, genealogical researches, Shchapov Ya.N., keeper of the traditions of the Russian intelligentsia.
Listov V.S. (2011). Non-feature films: a document or a mystification?. History magazine - researches, 5, 16–22. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58813
the paper discusses the value of reliability and specificity of non-fiction films as a source for historical
research. The author’s filed of view includes problems of the relations of visual and verbal sequences of the film, as well
as defined by this relation specifics of the source study of the on-screen show. The problem of reconstructing the events of
the past with the later staging is brought up. According to the author, staging may be akin to such written sources as
history, film-source, reliability, non-feature films, mystification, space in front of the camera, verbal attribution, filmed frame, lettering, a hoax, film language, cross-cutting, film, documentary films, memoirs.
Historical facts, events, phenomena
Shinin O.V. (2011). The Bolshevist “party” secret service during the period of existence of the
bourgeois governments in the Primorskaya province (May 1921 - October 1922). History magazine - researches, 5, 23–36. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58814
the article covers the problem of foundation of the Bolshevik “party” intelligence after the May 1921 takeover
in Vladivostok, its role in the struggle against the bourgeois governments of the Primorskaya province and interaction with
the military intelligence agencies with the People’s Revolutionary Army of the Far Eastern Republic.
history, civil war and foreign intervention in the Far East, Primorskaya province, Primorsky Regional Committee of the RCP (b), Regional Revolutionary Committee, “party” secret service, intelligence subdivision, military intelligence, military intelligence residency, Burlakov L.Ya., Salnyn Kh.I..
Verchenko A.L. (2011). Xinhai Revolution: some aspects of the Chinese society renewal. History magazine - researches, 5, 37–43. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58815
the article deals with the struggle that unfolded after the Xinhai Revolution, which overthrew the 267 year
yoke of alien Qin dynasty and established the Republic of China. Population feared any changes and did not realize that the past has been an obstacle to national development. The fight of the progressives against the old society fetters was
played a significant role in country’s life, perhaps no less important than changes in the economy and political system of
the Republic of China (1911-1949). Xinhai Revolution became a turning point in the pathway to the renewal of China.
Going by this path, the country has achieved that its economy at the beginning of the XXI century was recognized as the
second economy in the world.
history, the Xinhai Revolution, the Republic of China, Sun Yat-sen, Yuan Shikai, traditions, bandaging legs, weaving braids, smoking opium, the Gregorian calendar.
Personality in history
Stolyarova L.V., Belousov P.V. (2011). The price of a medical mistake in the end of the XV century: the death
of “kamchuga”. History magazine - researches, 5, 44–48. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58816
the article examines the dynastic struggle between the heirs of the Grand Duke of Moscow Ivan III from
his two marriages — to the Grand Duchess Maria Borisovna and Sophia Fominichna Paleolog. The chronicles on the
illness and death of Ivan Ivanovich the Young (Molodoy) from “kamchuga in the legs” are analyzed in connection with
the assumption of “murdering” of the unwanted heir by his father and stepmother. The article attempts to establish the
true cause of death of Ivan the Young and characterize the therapeutic measures taken by physician Leon Zhidovinov
of Venice. The authors conclude that the cause of early death of the eldest son of Ivan III was in the wrong diagnoses.
It is obvious that the death of Ivan the Young was beneficial to Sophia Paleolog, clearing the way to the throne to her
children, most of all, Vasily III. Medical error of a medieval physician, which cost him his life and resulted in the death
of his patient, led to the fact that the dynastic struggle between the heirs of Ivan III at the end of the XV century developed
with renewed vigor.
history, the Russian Middle Ages, the Moscow State, dynastic struggle, Ivan Ivanovich the Young (Molodoy), Sophia Paleolog, medicine, “kamchuga in the legs”, gouty arthritis, rheumatic joints.
Social history
Gaysina A.V. (2011). The activities of the Orenburg order of public assistane. History magazine - researches, 5, 49–52. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58817
the article highlights the work of the Orenburg order of public charity. Creating of the orders (at the end of
XVIII century) initiated far-reaching changes in the care of the needy. Their efforts were aimed at improving the situation for
those in need through the opening of the almshouses, hospitals, pharmacies, workhouses and restraints homes, madhouses.
Those who found themselves in a difficult situation could apply to an institution of the order for help. The duties of the
orders was not only in charity: they served as the bank, lending institution. Orders have joined state and society in helping
the needy, because only by the joint efforts it was possible to achieve the desired result — the welfare of society.
history, philanthropy, charity, care, compassion, almshouses, orphanages, societies, orders, Ufa.
History of ethnicities, peoples, nations
Borovkov D.A. (2011). About Russia and the “Russian khaganate”. History magazine - researches, 5, 53–59. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58818
this article analyzes the evidence of old Russian (Primary Chronicle), Byzantine, Latin and Arabic sources
of IX-X centuries mentioning ethnonyms “Russia” and “Khagan” of Russians. The focus is on containment of “Russia”
and the evolution of this concept from ethnicity to social meaning, as well as the historiographical representation of the
“Russian khaganate” in IX century (the most probable location of which is the Middle Dnieper).
history, Russia, Varangian, Slavs, Khagan, Khaganate, the Khazars, the record, title, localization.
Culture and cultures in historical context
Rodionova N.A. (2011). The problems of raising children in exile: works and days of the Shumen High
School (1922-1934). History magazine - researches, 5, 60–70. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58819
Russian teachers have seen the main task of raising children in exile in the prevention of denationalization,
keeping the younger generation to work for the good of the motherland after returning to Russia. This task was mainly
entrusted to a Russian school abroad. Experience of the High School in Shumen (Bulgaria) is unique: it simultaneously
taught teenagers and adults who have passed through the hell of fratricidal war. Highly qualified teaching staff of the
school was able to facilitate the socialization of the younger generation immigrants in the foreign culture environment.
Setting the goal to preserve the “Russianness”, foster a sense of belonging to Russia, the school, on the one hand, facilitates
adaptation, softened the cultural shock, on the other contributed to the growth of national consciousness, heightened sense
of national identity and thereby hindered the entry of foreign cultural environment.
history, emigration, Bulgaria, the Russian school, everyday life, upbringing, education, Shumen, cultural differences, denationalization.
Historical memory
Kirillov V.M. (2011). The Book of Memory of Victims of Political Repression: Historiography
and Methodology. History magazine - researches, 5, 71–86. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58820
the article presents the historiography of the Books of Memory of victims of political repressions that were
published within the territory of the former Soviet Union since the late1980s to present time. It concludes that this books make
an intermediate between the genre of collections of documents and scientific research. Article analyzes the methodological
problems of making a memorial book, the author’s theoretical model based on the category of “social portrait of the repressed”
is proposed.
history, the Book of Memory, rehabilitation, recovered names, historiography, methodology, historical source, prosopography, the new social history, social portrait of the repressed.
Civilizational approach and civilizational commonality
Shemyakin Ya.G. (2011). The problem of the relation of universal and local – center of semantic space
and epistemological limit of the civilization study. History magazine - researches, 5, 87–103. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58821
the article analyzes the key problems of the methodology of the civilizational approach.The author argues
that the semantic center of any civilization is to study the problem of the relation of universal and local dimensions of the
historical process. This issue is at the same time a cognitive limit before which the human mind always and invariably stops
and again and again returns to it, trying to overcome. The author believes that the greatest potential for solving difficult
theoretical problems in this epistemological “frontier” is given by the theory of “frontier” of civilizations. The author’s
opinion is based on the belief that the unity and diversity of the “peoples’ world”, the universal and local dimensions of
human existence are “equal-dignity”, “unmerged” and “indivisible” ontological reality. Only with this understanding of
their relationship the dialogue is really possible in the form in which it was understood by Bakhtin M.M.
scientific method of Descartes, civilization, border civilization, universal, local, dual (binary) opposition, epistemological limit, semantic space, ontological dynamics, global context, dialogue, constructive tension vector.
History of science and technology
Kleshev D.S. (2011). Pythagorean axioms of arithmetic: the historical roots of the second problem
of Hilbert. History magazine - researches, 5, 104–114. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58822
the article deals with an ancient theorem of the incommensurability of side and diagonal of a square,
particular attention is drawn to the axiom of the indivisibility of units (μονάς), that plays a key role in the ancient Pythagorean
theory of evidence of disparate segments. Subsequent development of this theory led to the formation of the theory
of irrational numbers and the theory of infinite sets of Cantor. However, in modern mathematics the continuous decimal
fractions are used, which were not used in Pythagorean arithmetic. The operation of the infinite division of a unit, through
which the continuous use of decimal fractions was introduced, is contrary to the axiom of indivisible units. Consequently,
there is an axiomatic contradiction in the grounds of the standard of mathematics, which recognizes the validity of the
Pythagorean theory of incommensurability, which led to three crises in the foundations of mathematics: ancient, associated
with the discovery of incommensurable line segments, the new European associated with infinitesimal greatness, modern,
getting out of which, as proved by Godel, is impossible within the framework of the standard mathematics.
history of mathematics, the Pythagorean axiom of arithmetic, irrational numbers, Brouwer L., second problem of Hilbert.