History and historical science
Danilov A. A. (2011). Main tendencies and perspectives in the evolution of doctoral dissertations
in historical sciences. History magazine - researches, 4, 7–20. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58462
the article reveals the modern requirements for doctoral dissertations on the history, gives the statistics on
doctoral theses for the past four years, analyzes the dynamics of the network of dissertation councils for the history, states the
main problems interfering the preparation of highly qualified specialists in the Russian Federation.
history, science, organization of science, scientific personnel, training of highly qualified specialists, appraisal, dissertation, tips on dissertations, the Higher Attestation Commission, the main problem.
Magadeev I. E. (2011). On the edge of two worlds: the problem of dual socialization of the historian
and its solutions. History magazine - researches, 4, 21–26. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58463
the article proposes a new answer to the traditional question of the nature of the relationships in the pair
«the historian — the source». Using the work of Emile Durkheim, the author poses the problem of dual socialization of the
historian: in the «world of sources» and in the «world of people». The article offers its own classification of types of historians,
describing the structure of the professional community and the rules of the game in it.
history, socialization, Emile Durkheim, A. Schyuts, community, M. Weber, world of sources, types of historians, classification, methodology.
Academic schools and paradigms
Gallyamova L. I. (2011). Anniversary of the Institute of History, Archaeology and Ethnography
of the Peoples of the Far East of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy
of Sciences. History magazine - researches, 4, 27–31. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58464
the article provides information on the events held to celebrate the 40-year anniversary of the Institute of
History, Archaeology and Ethnography of the Far East of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, about
the VII Krushanovskiy readings and the main activities of the institute.
history, IIAE FEB RAS, Academician of RAS A.I. Krushanov, Doctor of History, Professor V.L. Larin, areas of researches, scientific potential, historical school of Far East, the «round table» on the «10th anniversary of the Agreement of good-neighborliness, friendship and cooperation between the Russian Federation and the Republic of China», celebration, anniversary.
Auxiliary historical disciplines
Soboleva N. A. (2011). Russian national symbols in the context of the problems of reconstruction
of national identity. History magazine - researches, 4, 32–41. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58465
one of the most important areas of the modern human sciences is the study of problems of national identity, a
key element of which is to recreate a picture of the historical past of the nation, the history of its national symbols in particular.
The author attempts to trace the origins of the symbols of the Russian state since the tenth century. The question about
the comparison with other European countries, primarily with countries «Byzantine region» is discussed.
history, emblem and seal, heraldry, national symbols, national identity, power, insignia, coronation, sovereignty, ideology.
Historical sources and artifacts
Fedorets A. I. (2011). Moscow merchants of XVIII-XIX centuries in the mirror of confession statements
(based on the example of the Tretyakovs’ family). History magazine - researches, 4, 42–47. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58466
the article reveals the informational potential of the confession statements of XVIII-XIX centuries. On the
example of the famous merchant family Tretyakovs’, the author shows that from this historical source a unique information
about various aspects of the lives of several generations of pre-revolutionary Moscow merchants can be extracted: the
denominational activity, links with a particular parish, places of residence, consisting of residents of each house, everyday
side of the life, etc. The author also lists some of the limitations associated with using this source.
history, source study, Tretyakovs’ family, merchants, Moscow, confession statements, parishes, soroka (group of churches, formed the diocese), everyday life, Orthodoxy.
Historical time and space
Samatovinskiy D. V. (2011). The World on the eve of the «last times»: modern historical consciousness
in Robert Le Roch, a French theologian of the XVI century. History magazine - researches, 4, 48–57. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58467
the article discusses the historical consciousness of a little-known French philosopher of XVI century, poet
and theologian Robert Le Roch, author of historical and eschatological poem «The Mirror of Eternity». The study focused
on Le Rock’s perception of present as an epoch in the history of mankind, which he conceptualizes through the lens of two
concepts — the history of Christian theology and medieval ideas about God’s chosen people and the special mission of «Christian
» Kings of France. It is the interaction of these two concepts that determines the identity of Le Roch’s representations
about «our time» as a historical epoch.
History, Apocalypse, Second Coming, historical consciousness, the Holy Roman Empire, Renaissance, sacred history, theology of history, France.
Personality in history
Usov V. N. (2011). Last year life of the last Chinese emperor Pu Yi. History magazine - researches, 4, 58–68. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58468
the article deals with the historical fate of the last emperor of the China Pu Yi, its tragic pages at the end of
his life — in 1967. It tells about what happened to the former emperor, what impact has a beginning of the «cultural revolution
» had on him, how and where he was buried.
history, Pu Yi, Pu Jie, Changchun, Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, Li Yuqing, cultural revolution, dazibao, XI plenum of the Communist Party of China, 8-th convocation.
Social history
Zaytseva A. A. (2011). Bourgeoisie of Bogorodsk and the All Russian Conventions of bourgeois society
of 1917: in search of social adaptation. History magazine - researches, 4, 69–79. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58469
the article shows the process of consolidation of the bourgeois class — this «forgotten by the state and society»
estate of the Russian cities — in the revolutionary 1917. High potential of middle-class estates was shown in the creation
of the All-Russian Union of bourgeois societies at the I and II All-Russian Congress of bourgeois societies, where were also
outlined the contours of the further development of middle class after the liquidation of estates.
history, philistine class, classes, society, urban middle classes, Labor Union of citizens of Bogorodsk, All Russian Union of bourgeois society, All Russian conventions of bourgeois society, citizen, corporativity.
Regions of the world in the global historical process
Shulgina O. V. (2011). Formation of the territory of the Moscow metropolitan area in the twentieth
century: historical and geographical analysis. History magazine - researches, 4, 80–87. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58470
the article examines the history of the formation of the capital region in the twentieth century. Author gives
a description and analysis of the basic administrative and territorial changes over the course of this century. The statistical
and cartographic data reflecting these changes is given. The questions of scientific and effective administrative and territorial
division is discussed.
history, historical geography, an administrative-territorial division, Moscow Province, Moscow Region, Moscow Area, the history of the formation of the capital region, demographic, administrative and territorial boundaries, stewardship areas.
Beliefs, religions, churches
Volodikhin D. M. (2011). Political context of the transfer of the Metropolitan Philip’s relics to Solovki. History magazine - researches, 4, 88–91. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58471
the article demonstrates how significant was the influence of the Russian-Swedish war 1590–1593 on
the formation of church worship of Metropolitan Philip. A successful offensive in the north-west and the preparation of a
confrontation with the Swedes on the White Sea formed the main political context of the initial stage of this process. No less
important was the change of monarch.
history, the Church, foreign policy, Moscow State, Metropolitan Philip, the Russian-Swedish war, canonization, monasticism, the Baltic region, the White Sea region.
Historical memory
Feigelson K. K. (2011). Media policy and the ways to use the past in Russia. History magazine - researches, 4, 92–98. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58472
author states that the major periods of Soviet history have always caused debate on memory questions. In
this regard, the article raises the question of adjusting the periodization of social and political history of Russia in connection
with the historical forms of media representation. The article attempts to go beyond the pure chronology (to the area of
interpretations, carried out in the space of aesthetic and political, social needs and more or less imposed by instrumentalization
of the media), to show what relations between history and memory were made on the screen.
Soviet history, the modification of the Soviet interpretation of history, influences, memory, creation of myths, media representation of history, writing an alternative history, Soviet cinema, audiovisual history, the methods of the political usage of the past.
History of state and law
Danilova E .N. (2011). The Constitution of the RSFSR in 1937: the history of preparation, discussion
and enactment. History magazine - researches, 4, 99–109. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58473
the history of creation and enactment of the Constitution of the RSFSR in 1937 is for the first time studied
based on the archival materials. The article highlights some features of these processes in comparison over the preparation of
the Stalin Constitution of 1936. The article emphasizes that the development and adoption of the new republican constitutions
was a part of the Soviet Union of the constitutional reform carried out in the second half of the 1930-ies. A conclusion
about a special role of party structures — the Politburo and Central Committee of the CPSU(b) controlling the entire process
of creating and adopting new republican constitution is made. The study of the materials of the brief national discussion
of the draft of the Constitution of the RSFSR in 1937 reveals the range of the most significant problems that worried the people of the Russian republic. Among them — the national ratio, the position of autonomous regions, the equalization of
economic and social rights of urban and rural population, education, repression.
history, constitution, constitutional reform, the Commission, the Politburo, a project of the RSFSR, the Allnational debate, an extraordinary session.
Borodkin L. I. (2011). Gedenkbuch: the Memory book of German Labour Army members
of Bogoslovlag. 1941–1946 gg. Authors-compilers: V.M. Kirillov, P. M. Kuzmin,
N.M. Paegle, A.A. Permyakov, S.L. Razinkov. M: RND, Nizhny Tagil: NTGSPA, 2009.
T. 1, 520. Volume 2, 920. History magazine - researches, 4, 110–114. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=58474
the article illustrates the contribution of both fundamental edition «Gedenkbuch: the Memory book of German
Labour Army members of Bogoslovlag. 1941–1946» and the project «Returned Names» as a whole in the development
of a topical scientific issues of totalitarianism and authoritarianism in the USSR and the creation of the Book of
Memory — a historical source, which appears as a result of purposeful work of researchers with substantial massif of different
types and sources of and returns forgotten names to the historical memory of the people.
history, concepts of totalitarianism and authoritarianism, repressive system, a historical source, the Book of Memory, the project «Returned Names», the Soviet Germans Labour Army members, analysis of labor activity, collective social portrait, map of Bogoslovlag.