Zakharov V. V. (2011). Between Berlin and Moscow: the chief of special group «R» of the German Reichswehr Oskar Ritter von Niedermayer. History magazine - researches, 2.
the article tells of the life and work of German military intelligence officer Oskar Ritter von Niedermayer, who played a key role in the Soviet-German military cooperation in Rapallo period.
History, Niedermayer, Rapallo, Reichswehr, the Red Army, the Wehrmacht, intelligence, orientalism, Afghanistan, Iran.
Comparative history research
Timoshina S. A., Shpakovskiy V. O. (2011). The Government’s strategy of informing Soviet citizens in the 1920–1930 about life abroad. History magazine - researches, 2.
The article discusses the features of a communications strategy of the authorities on informing the Soviet citizens
of life abroad in 1920–1930-ies. The major activities of the Soviet media to raise awareness of the foreign events are listed. Concludes that, despite of existing contradictions in the organization of information process at the time the system of the Soviet press was completely controlled by government structures.
History, information, strategy, media, newspapers, Soviet, state, news, foreign, policy.
Historical sources and artifacts
Volkov V. A. (2011). «Igneous fight»: handguns in the Russian army. History magazine - researches, 2.
in the early years of the Russian army not only the sovereign’s servitors people were armed with the handguns, «Igneous fight» as it was then called, but also many of taxpayers (townspeople and county people), especially on the southern borders. Improvement of the handguns, new forms of its production and patterns of use has allowed the political and military leaders of the country to more successfully solve the problem of defense of the Muscovy against external and internal enemies.
history, army, weapons, «Igneous fight», hand cannon, arquebuses, pistols, carbines, muskets, bandelers.
Historical sources and artifacts
Shvidkodskiy D. O. (2011). Aristotele Fioravanti and «old Greek divinely established godliness». History magazine - researches, 2.
the article shows the history of Aristotele Fioravanti as an evidence that Moscow attracted masters of Renaissance
Italy, and that in the last quarter of the XV century here came the outstanding figures of Italian construction art of the time. The type of Renaissance culture brought by Fioravanti is analyzed, the evidence of his acquaintance with the leaders of the Byzantine humanism are provided. In the development of architecture of Moscow Kremlin it is traced how the ideal of «old Greek divinely established godliness» was fulfilled with the aborning ideal of the Third Rome during last quarter of the XV century.
history, Aristotle Fioravanti, the Assumption Cathedral in Moscow Kremlin, the church «Russian piety», a new type of temple space, «former Greek divinely instituted piety», Byzantine Humanism, Moscow — the Third Rome, «historicity » of the Moscow artisticideology, the relationship of national spiritual history of the Byzantine .
Personality in history
Chetyrina N. A. (2011). The mysteries of Erofeevs’ portraits. History magazine - researches, 2.
The portraits of merchants Erofeevs from Sergiev Posad attract the attention with its unusual composition, the brightness of women’s images. The Erofeevs made a significant contribution to the development of a landmark for Posad’s doll craft. The appeal to the historical sources (registers, confessional statements, spiritual testament and contracts) has helped the author to establish the names of all family members, to clarify the time of the creation of portraits, to trace the history of the family. It is shown that demographic factors (high infant mortality, prolonged lack of a male heir, and then his death) led to suppression of the dynasty, that life dramas influenced value systems and stimulate charity activities of the head of the household - Alexey Yegorovich Erofeev.
History, Sergiev Posad, merchants, family, heirs, tradition, continuity, portraits, Erofeev.
Social history
Kurenysheva E. P. (2011). The experience of Stolypins reform in evaluations the peasants during NEP period. History magazine - researches, 2.
based on the analysis of the source, which was always underestimated in historical scholarship, that is, the peasants’ letters of the NEP period, the article reveals the meaning and consequences of Stolypin’s agrarian reform in the process of modernization of the Russian village.
History, Stolypin’s agrarian reform, peasants’ letters of the NEP period as a historical source, communal form of land use, farming and branny, the idea of a kulak, the direct and indirect taxes, the difference in food prices, the monopoly of foreign trade, the principles of the peasant self-government.
Issues of war and peace
Steiner E. S. (2011). The Kitaev’s Collection of Japanese art: a hundred years ago and now. History magazine - researches, 2.
The article tells about the Japanese art collector S. Kitaev (1864–1927) and his collection of Japanese art, it was the largest one in Russia and one of the largest ones in Europe. A few years after the October Revolution of 1917 the collection became part of the collection of the State Museum of Fine Arts named after A. S. Pushkin and was never fully analyzed or exhibited. The author worked on the catalog of engravings from this collection and found that compared with archiv information on the items of the collection the what is now kept in the Pushkin Museum is much less on the contents and quality.The article is devoted to the study of this problem.
cultural history, collections, art, painting, drawing, art collectors, Japan, Russia, devastation, museums.
Culture and cultures in historical context
Peltonen M. (2011). On the methodological roots of micro-history. History magazine - researches, 2.
The article is devoted to the formation of research on micro-historic level as a scientific field in the European historical thought. It characterizes the position of the founders of this direction, the formation of its conceptual apparatus, the opposition of the «micro» and the «macro».
history, micro- and macro-history, methodology, K. Ginzburg, economic researches, sociological studies, interaction of science, communication, dichotomy, «the method of signs» as an epistemological practice.
Aksenova G.V. (2011). «In respect of known perceptions and works in the architectural arts»: about the value of life and work of the restorer F.F. Richter. History magazine - researches, 2.
the article is devoted to the work of the architect, Professor, Academician F.F. Richter, who entered the history of Russian culture as a prominent restorer, created a unique museum in Moscow – the Chamber of Romanovs’ boyars. Architectural
drawings made by F.F. Richter influenced the development of Russian architectural thought and encouraged the opening up of Russian cultural heritage, the recognition of the Russian style in art. Analysis of F.F. Richter works allowed to show his contribution to the study and preservation of historical heritage of ancient Russia and its role in the interpretation
of these traditionsin the XIX century.
history, history of Moscow, architecture, restoration, conservation, Russian style, Old Culture, Imperial Kremlin Palace, the Chamber of Romanovs’ boyars, Richter.
Historical memory
Usov V .N. (2011). Zhōngnánhǎi secrets: who and how were wiretapping Mao Zédōng. History magazine - researches, 2.
The article informs us about the little-known events of the history of modern China and the history of the CCP (1950–1960) — the «illegal» tape recording conversations, presentations and guidance of Mao Zedong and how they reacted to the author himself. The head of the Office of the CCP Central Committee, Yáng Shàángkūán (chairman of China in 1988–1993) was declared as the main culprit of organization of such recordings. His version of events is given.
history, modern history of China, Mao Zedong, Yáng Shàángkūán, Wang Dongxing, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), the disclosure of secrets of the party, plays, intra-party differences, socio-political history.
Parkhomenko T. A. (2011). Emigration in pre-revolutionary Rrussia: the betrayal of authorities, treason or escape
to freedom?. History magazine - researches, 2.
The article analyzes the transformation process of emigration from Russia, since the period of the Muscovy until eve of World War I, including its scale, social groups, migrants, education in the world of various Russian diasporas (literary,scientific, religious, national, political) . The author presumes the fact that in the triad of meaning formative concepts
(person, society, state), the interests of the state and the emperor were placed as the cornerstone, and that the person in Russia could get the relative freedom of action in three ways: through long service to the state, bribery and emigration.
history, national history, emigration, the Russian diaspora, identity, society, state, freedom, defector, «Russian Europeans».
Industrial era, postindustrial world
Ulyanova, G.N. (2011). Economical discourse in higher education schools of the Rrussian Empire: higher education institutions of the Ministry of Ttrade and Industry in the early twentieth century. History magazine - researches, 2.
The article deals with the issue of funding of engineering and business schools in the Ministry of Trade and Industry system, which was after the Ministry of Education the second largest agency with a network of institutions of higher education. In the forced development of higher education in the early twentieth century there was a transition to a multivariate model of learning that is manifested in the coexistence of high schools with state-owned, public, private and mixed funding. Based on the analysis of a large amount of statistical data the article shows that the social basis of students’ democratized by freeing students from tuition fees, giving state and charitable grants.
history, colleges, Russia, financing, students, benefactors, scholarships, civil, modernization, economics
Kurenyshev A. A. (2011). The Agrarian reform of Stolypin and agricultural intelligentsia in 1906–1917. History magazine - researches, 2.
the article is devoted to the history of relations of agricultural intelligentzia and the state during the years of Stolypin’s agrarian reform.
History, Stolypin, intelligentzia, agrarian reform, peasants, state, district council, agronomists, nobility.