Minova M.V., Mamukina G.I., Kazimirova I.S., Dolgova E.G., Fedorova A.V..
Formation of new phraseologisms as word creation
// Philology: scientific researches.
2022. № 6.
P. 40-53.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2022.6.38232 URL:
This article is devoted to the review of the main ways of increasing the phraseological units of the language in the context of word creation. The purpose of this article is to study phraseological neologisms as one of the forms of word creation in the lexical system of English, Spanish, French and Russian languages, as well as to identify the main trends in the formation and functioning of new phraseological units. The research is based on lexicographic, descriptive, comparative methods, as well as lexico-semantic analysis and the continuous sampling method. The peculiarities of the formation of phraseological neologisms are illustrated by numerous examples in English, Spanish, French and Russian from modern media, blogs and social networks. The scientific novelty of the research lies in an integrated approach to the study of linguistic and extralinguistic factors influencing the emergence of new phraseologisms in different languages. Phraseological neologisms can either be an integral part of the vocabulary of a particular language, or have only a temporary, momentary, occasional character. The conducted research has shown that in the creation of new phraseologisms, certain samples are most often used, and the most productive ways are borrowing phraseological units, the formation of new phraseologisms by analogy and the creation of author's phraseological neologisms. Of particular interest are cases when the source of new phraseologisms are the titles of books and films, as well as the lyrics of songs.
French language, Spanish language, English language, borrowings, calques, word creation, phraseological neologisms, phraseological units, phraseologisms, Russian language
Karpov E.S., Murzina O.V., Gegelova N.S., Balashova K.A..
The specifics of the pronoun "we" as an instrument of author's self-identification in new youth media (based on podcasts)
// Philology: scientific researches.
2022. № 6.
P. 54-61.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2022.6.38284 URL:
The subject of the study is the specifics of the functioning of the pronoun "we" in the self-presentation of authors and presenters of modern podcasts. The object of the study is a semantic shift in the profile of this pronoun, due to the increasing popularity of the podcast as a genre. The authors consider in detail such aspects of the topic as the differentiation of the inclusive and exclusive pronoun "we" and the distinction within the inclusive meaning of extended and nuclear inclusiveness. Particular attention is paid to the implementation of extended inclusion in various podcasts and tracing the trend of expansion of this form in the speech of the presenter. The texts of various podcasts focused on children and youth audience are considered. The main conclusion of the study is the statement of the increasing role of the extended inclusive semantic version of "we" in modern Russian media, as well as the distinction according to linguistic criteria between the genre of podcast and radio. A special contribution of the authors to the study of the topic is the analysis of the contexts of the use of the pronoun "we" and its derivatives in modern podcasts and the generalization of the patterns of its use. The novelty of the research lies in the study of changes in the semantic profile of the pronoun "we" on the example of podcasting: previously, such studies were conducted only in relation to children's radio shows, podcasts, despite their increasing popularity with the audience, are practically not analyzed in terms of linguistic content and influence on the linguistic landscape of the modern Russian language.
podcaster, youth media, mass media, oral speech, media, grammar, self-presentation, pronoun, podcast, journalism
Izumrudov Y.A..
Pushkin's context of Boris Sadovsky's play "Lisa"
// Philology: scientific researches.
2022. № 5.
P. 32-43.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2022.5.37988 URL:
The object of research in this article is the mystery play "Lisa", as well as the ideologically related "Blokovskaya" hoax "Soldier's Tale" and the story "Arakcheevskaya joke". The purpose of the work is to identify the Pushkin context in the play "Lisa", to clarify the nature of B.A. Sadovsky's perception of the Pushkin tradition. The author examines in detail such aspects of the topic as the evolution of B. Sadovsky's perception of Pushkin's personality and his work, designates Pushkin's contexts in the mystery play "Lisa". The appeal to this work is motivated by Sadovsky's use of the image of the Pushkin era without mentioning the poet's name. The article uses comparative typological, biographical methods, as well as the method of intertextual analysis. A special contribution of the author is a study of the unexplored work of B. Sadovsky, which makes it possible to significantly clarify the nature of his creative evolution, to highlight the features of the writer's worldview in the post-revolutionary period. In the course of the analysis, the author comes to the conclusion that genetically the play "Lisa" is connected with such works as "The Arakcheev joke" and "The Soldier's Tale", written from anti-Bolshevik positions. It is proved that the concept of Arakcheev's personality in them is determined by Pushkin's judgments about Arakcheev, expressed on the pages of the Diary of 1833-1835 and in a letter to his wife (April 20-22, 1834). The study was carried out as part of the preparation of the scientific edition of the complete works of B.A. Sadovsky.
creative dialogue, hoax, story, the Pushkin era, tragedy, Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin, mystery play, Boris Alexandrovich Sadovskoy, the writer 's worldview, silver age literature
Shuiskaya Y.V., Murzina O.V., Karpov E.S..
Linguistic peculiarities of text component of the creolized Internet memes
// Philology: scientific researches.
2021. № 12.
P. 30-36.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2021.12.37123 URL:
The object of this research is the text component of Internet meme as a signifier of special type. The subject of this research is the peculiarities of text captions to the images posted in the Russian-speaking and English-speaking segments of the Internet. The authors dwell on such aspects as the syntactic, theme-rhematic, and orthographic peculiarities of the text component of Internet memes. Special attention is given to the problem of intentional misspellings in text captions. In most cases, namely the text actualizes the image; the memes usually involve film stills, drawings, and photo images, and text captions turn these images into the relevant Internet memes. The main conclusions lies in determination of the peculiarities of the text part of creolized Internet memes on all linguistic levels. Due to the specificities of Internet memes, the texts usually represent short sentences. The syntactic structure of used phrases often resembles a marked construction, and in a number of instances with intentional misspellings. The novelty of this research lies in the analysis of Internet memes from the perspective of linguistics. Although there are Russian and foreign research dedicated to semiotic and communicative components of the Internet memes, as well as their evolution and transformations, the analysis of linguistic component is carried out for the first time.
communication, internet meme, orthographic mistakes, syntax, social media, memes, internet, mass media, semiotics, mass communication media
Liudmila I.M..
The role of title and epigraph in the essay “The Vision of Mirza” by Joseph Addison
// Philology: scientific researches.
2021. № 12.
P. 37-45.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2021.12.37204 URL:
The object of this research is the essay “The Vision of Mirza” by Joseph Addison. The relevance of studying J. Addison's essay is substantiated by undue attention to his works in the Russian literary studies, as well as the need for tracing the dynamics in the genre of vision in the Age of Enlightenment. The subject of this research is the title and epigraph as parts of the work that determine its structure and artistic distinctness. Analysis is conducted on the images of the viewer, visionary hero, and his guide, chronotope of the essay and allusive links. The essay is based on the combination of systemic-structural, comparative-historical, and hermeneutic methods. The novelty consists in the fact that the comprehensive examination of the role of the title ensemble within the structure of the essay allows reconstructing the link of the essay with the traditions of the medieval genre of vision manifested in the traditional topic and consistent motifs, imagery system, space and time arrangement, and dialogical structure of the text. The author provides interpretation to the allusive links between J. Addison's essay and Greco-Roman mythology, epic poem “The Aeneid” by Virgil, and psalms from the New Testament, and “The Voyage of St. Brendan”. It is established that the dialogue set by the epigraph passes through the entire plotline of the essay and reveal the characters of its participants. The extensively presented Christian theme alongside the images from ancient mythology and Virgil’s texts are essential for the author to express the enlightening program.
image of the author, image, allusion, chronotope, Enlightenment, genre of vision, essay, motif, title, epigraph
Pushkareva Y.G., Zharnikova A.V..
Memorial urbanonymy of Ulan-Ude as commemoration of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War
// Philology: scientific researches.
2021. № 9.
P. 20-31.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2021.9.34512 URL:
This article examines the inner-city names of the capital of the Republic of Buryatia – Ulan-Ude. Using the method of continuous sampling, the author determined the lexical-semantic group “Heroes of the Soviet Union, Participants of the Great Patriotic War” in the memorial urbanonyms. The research leans on the reference dictionary “The Streets of Ulan-Ude are Historical Monuments”, and online map of the city of Ulan-Ude 2GIS. The goal of this research is to analyze the memorial urbanonyms of Ulan-Ude, determine the names of Heroes of the Soviet Union, natives of Buryatia and other cities of the Soviet Union recorded in the urbanonymicon of the capital of the republic, as well as compile the list of proper names of this lexical-semantic group that are not inscribed in the map of Ulan-Ude. The subject of this study is the memorial urbanonyms of Ulan-Ude, motivated by the lexical-semantic group “Heroes of the Soviet Union, Participants of the Great Patriotic War”. The conducted research reinforces the thesis statement that memorial urbanonyms are the universal category and reflected on the maps of multiple Russian cities, including Ulan-Ude. The conclusion is made that the creation of new names for inner-city objects should be based on the established traditions and rules of nomination in order to fit into the existing linguistic system of the city, be attributable to the object, and contribute to its differentiation. The article reveals the names of Heroes of the Soviet Union that are neither included in the urbanonymicon of Ulan-Ude nor reflected in the map. The acquired results can serve as the recommendation for the municipal administration to use memorial names from the lexical-semantic group “Heroes of the Soviet Union”, which are not included in the urbanonymicon of Ulan-Ude.
Heroes of the Soviet Union, Great Patriotic War, lexical-semantic group, urbanonimicon, memorial names, nomination motive, Republic of Buryatia, inner-city object, urbanonyms, Ulan-Ude town
Vadzhibov M.D..
Rhetorical portfolio for the Bachelor of Law Education in Dagestan
// Philology: scientific researches.
2021. № 9.
P. 32-43.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2021.9.36194 URL:
The subject of this research is the currently relevant question of the formation of rhetorical portfolio for the Bachelor of Law Education in the Dagestan State University (discipline 44.03.01). This portfolio is highly demanded due to the need for improving the quality of professional competencies of students during the spread of COVID-19 pandemic, which allows the student to share educational information with the group remotely. The term “Rhetorical Portfolio” suggests which course it should applied in. It may perform the function of a legal document. The scientific novelty of this research lies in detailed description of the topic; offer of a possible structure and approximate thematic content of the rhetorical portfolio; advise to include in the rhetorical portfolio student's achievements, various tasks and reference materials, legal documentation, flaws in the educational process, and recommendations that would allow the future pedagogue of law to succeed in their activity. Rhetorical portfolio is a new technology developed on the basis of extensive experience in teaching eloquence to the humanities students; what needs to be implemented in the educational process and effectively used in modern educational system. Therefore, the material is prepared using the method of observation over educational process, various surveys, and analysis of rhetorical classes. The author underlines the importance of considering local peculiarities in communication to ensure the success of any constructive rhetorical speech in multinational Dagestan. This would also contribute to the development of skills of peer review, critical re-evaluation of the content of the material, and reflection. This document, which consists of three parts, is one-off nature and has variations, should turn into a collective rhetorical portfolio in order to activate the educational process. This is the reflection of an alternative point of view to demonstrate a true picture of personal and collective academic performance.
individual and collective, diary, lawyer, law, bachelor's degree, document, achievements, shortcomings, Teacher Education, Rhetorical portfolio
Nerents D.V..
New approaches towards creating journalistic content in the US media
// Philology: scientific researches.
2021. № 8.
P. 48-57.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2021.8.36115 URL:
Media convergence and digital revolution have become the reason of the important transformation processes that affected the editorial offices of all mass media. Constant information flow, public access to foreign media resources contributed to an unprecedented struggle for the audience. At the same time, the development of new technologies and software prompts the journalists to draw attention to the new opportunities and prospects that open up due to this. The subject of this research is the modern approaches towards interaction between the journalists and journalist with their audience, as well as use of technological capabilities within the framework of creating journalistic materials in the US mass media. The scientific novelty lies in the attempt to explore and systematize the new approaches towards creating media content that have emerged in the United States in the first half of the XXI century due to information and communication technologies and globalization of the information space, and commence to appear in Russia. Such research would allow to not only reveal the peculiarities of implementation of new techniques and methodologies in the US journalism, but also to see the development trends of the Russian journalism, since the experience of foreign colleagues has been used for decades. In conclusion, the author highlights the shift in priorities of the journalists, who prefer cooperation in creating large-scale resonance projects, rather than competition. Moreover, livening up the audience allows the journalists to involve it to creation of media content, and artificial intelligence may significantly reduce the time and financial costs to produce journalistic stories.
artificial intelligence, crowdfunding, crowdsourcing, collaborative journalism, massmedia, multimedia, journalistic content, audience, cooperation, robotic journalism
Kontsevaya N.A..
The Impact of pandemic upon the attitude of the audience towards the communicator
// Philology: scientific researches.
2021. № 8.
P. 22-34.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2021.8.36166 URL:
PR-campaign requires an effective communication process between the communicator and the audience. Therefore, with the development of social networks and increasing importance of the audience and its positive feedback for promotion of the brand, the popular bloggers-influencers are being used as the communicators. These are the people who have certain authority and trust among their followers. They share not only their life events, but also opinions on various issues: from politics to environmental protection, as well as give recommendations for purchasing certain goods and services. Based on the two closes survey conducted by the author in 2019 and 2021, this article traces the change in the attitude of the online audience towards bloggers-influencers due to the coronavirus pandemic. Comparing the results of surveys, the author captures such tendencies as drop in the level of trust in the popular bloggers, an increase in the level of trust in medical doctors and niche bloggers. The author attempts to explain these tendencies by advancing the hypotheses that involve the emotional component of the concept of “trust”; namely, the content used by popular bloggers could cause negative emotions in the audience at the time of pandemic, while niche bloggers used relevant content and established better connection with their audience. As far as trust in the medical doctors, the author indicates a possible link with the increased number of medical doctors being the key speakers in mass media.
bloggers, audience behavior, public relations, audience trust, opinion leaders, communication process, audience of the PR Campaign, trends, key messages, poll
Shal'nova E.P..
Pattern of the literary work (based on the “formula” of the literary work of S. I. Sukhikh)
// Philology: scientific researches.
2021. № 7.
P. 61-72.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2021.7.36078 URL:
The subject of this research is the structure of the literary work. The goal consists in the establishment of correlation between the parts of the literary work, expressed in the research of S. I. Sukhikh “The Theoretical Poetics of A. A. Potebnja”. The author meticulously examines such aspects of the theory of literary work of A. A. Potebnja as the interrelation between the external form, internal form, artistic image, and content of the literary work, as well as outlines the structure of the literary work. The article describes the parts of the literary work (external form, internal form, artistic image, content). The article offers the patter of the literary work, distinguishing the parts and interrelation between them. The author formulates the definitions of external form, internal form, artistic image, and content of the literary work; reveals the characteristics and distinctive features of each part of the literary work. This led to the formation of representation of the literary work as a structure, where each of the parts expresses its own meaning, and serves as a means of creating the meaning for the other part. The result this research consists in the creation of the pattern of literary work that gives an idea on the structure of the literary work. The acquired materials can be used in studying the general concepts of the theory of literature: the form, content, artistic image, definition of artistic merit of the literary work. The offered pattern of the literary work cab be also applied to the analysis of the literary work. The scientific novelty of this study lies in the formation of representation of the literary work as a structure, where each part expresses its own meaning and serves as a means of creating meaning for the other part, as well as in creation of the pattern that conveys this idea.
the content of the work, artistic image, internal form, external form, the dialectic of the art form, art form, the ratio of the parts of the work, artwork, the structure of the artwork, the scheme of the artwork
Sulaimanov M.U..
Genre analysis of the text in the context of the structure and composition of the work of Sh. Selim "Shamil Alyadin, about charyks and a penknife"
// Philology: scientific researches.
2021. № 6.
P. 23-33.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2021.6.35863 URL:
The relevance of the article is due to the lack of research in the field of genre analysis of the text in the context of structure and composition in the Crimean Tatar literature in general and on the example of the work of Sh. Selim "Shamil Alyadin, about charyks and a penknife" in particular. The subject of the study is a genre analysis of the text in the context of structure and composition on the example of the work under study. The purpose of this article is not an attempt to define any particular genre or its features in a work, which in this case is practically impossible, but an analysis of the relations of various literary and journalistic genres in the context of the structure and composition of the text under study. The main conclusions of the study are that in the work under study there is an "ambivalent" hybrid genre form of a deeply emotional diary of memories (essay) with a pronounced expression and literary-critical essay (article), with a clear logical methodology. Hidden genre forms of monologue, correspondence dialogue or discussion also manifest themselves in the text. The author enters, if not into a direct, then into a reflexive dialogue with his characters and the reader. The synthesis and interaction of different genre forms forms the originality of the work, focusing the reader's attention on the ethics of literary craft. If we talk about the general unifying genre of the work, then this is spiritual and intellectual prose. Thus, the analysis of the structural and compositional features of the work allowed us to identify important, although not absolute criteria for determining and interconnecting adjacent genres, which in turn made it possible to identify the main and auxiliary genre forms of the text under study.
phenomenology, hermeneutics, criticism, literary-critical article, methodological pluralism, composition, structure, hybrid genres, genre analysis, Shakir Selim
Lagutina A., Lalova T..
Phonological peculiarities (segmental level) of the French language in Pondicherry (India)
// Philology: scientific researches.
2021. № 5.
P. 19-26.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2021.5.35603 URL:
This article is dedicated to examination of phonological peculiarities of segmental level of the French language in Pondicherry, one of the regions of the Republic of India. This region is a former trading post of the Fifth Republic, and currently is part of the preserved so-called “French India”. The goal of this research consists in determination of phonetic peculiarities of the French language of the population of Pondicherry in comparison with the central norm of pronunciation in France. The authors conducted an auditory analysis of the text recorded by the broadcasters, as well as thoroughly analyzed its results. In the course of research, the authors examined the level of realization of phonological oppositions within the system of vowels; as well as peculiarities of pronunciation of consonants, preservation or non-preservation of the phenomenon of “binding”, along with the instances pronunciation or fall out of [ə] caduc. The main conclusion consists in confirmation of the assumption on the causes of certain difficulties in realization of the French norm of pronunciation among the residents of Pondicherry. The differences in phonological systems of the French and Tamil languages (native to the population of Pondicherry) are the cause of the emergence distortions or replacements of certain French phonetic sounds. The conducted determined the pronunciation characteristics of French language of the population of Pondicherry, which were affected by their native Tamil language.
pronunciation norm, segment level, phonological features, interference, Tamil, audit analysis, Pondicherry, French India, french language, pronunciation characteristics
Zinina Y.M., Androsenko A.N..
Research of the concept of “wedding” in modern linguistics and related traditions in the Russian and foreign worldviews
// Philology: scientific researches.
2021. № 5.
P. 51-62.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2021.5.35660 URL:
This article examines the concept of “wedding” and related traditions in the Russian and foreign worldviews. Using the Russian-language and English-language explanatory dictionaries, the author analyzes the meaning of the concept of “wedding”, gives a brief description of some aspects of the wedding ceremony of the past on the example of Russia, Hungary and Great Britain; as well as provides the results of the original survey created in the Russian and English languages and conducted in electronic form on the platforms Survio and GoogleForms, which determined the attitude towards wedding traditions and customs in Russia and abroad. The survey involved unmarried 120 people, aged from 17 to 26; among them, 60 people are the residents of Russia (Russians) and 60 people are the residents of foreign countries of different nationalities – Bulgarians, Hungarians, Italians, Mexicans, Venezuelans, Vietnamese, Malaysians, Nigerians, and citizens of the United Arab Emirates. Based on the conducted survey and dictionary sampling, the author concludes that despite the identical semantic content of the concept in different languages, the national concept spheres are vary depending on the customs characteristic to each nation. If in the past, the wedding was a grand event with lots of guests and the observance of all the necessary national customs and traditions, then modern society suggests that wedding should be a memorable event, however rather unpretentious. All respondents have certain knowledge about wedding traditions and customs of their nation that should be observed and kept dearly; however most of them see their wedding day among just closest relatives and friends.
foreign countries, Russia, Russian language, English language, picture of the world, wedding, concept, traditions, customs, semantic features
Itskovich T.V..
Modern Orthodox sermon: categorical-textual aspect
// Philology: scientific researches.
2021. № 4.
P. 1-8.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2021.4.35269 URL:
Examination of functionality of the genres of religious functional style is a relevant direction of modern linguistic research, which is substantiated by the change of social situation in Russia at the turn of the XX – XXI centuries, and thus, the growing role of religion as a form of public consciousness and a type of human activity. Sermon is a genre that functions in the Russian language, which makes it understandable and influential. The author applies the categorical-textual method, which gives an objective perspective and determines the characterological features of the genre, perceived as a type of similar texts with a standard way of explicating text categories; it also allows identifying the signs of invariant and outlining the transformative trends in the genre of sermon, substantiated by the new communication channels. The sermons delivered during liturgy belong to the core of the genre and feature predominant reverent tone, thematic duality: mandatory spiritual theme, with explication of situational and sacred themes, and reduced explication of profane theme; classical compositional structure, where the main theme is accompanied by spiritual interpretation, comprising a compositional complex, while the situational theme serves for creation of a circular plot. Sermons delivered outside liturgy are attributed to the mediated distant communication, which employs modern media channels: television or Internet, which substantiated a way of explication of textual categories that differs from the invariant. Non-liturgical sermons are classified as periphery of the genre and characterized by prevalence of the preaching, and at times aggressive tone, implementation of profane theme in the text, and reduced role of sacred and spiritual themes. Compositionally, non-liturgical sermons are noted for optional introduction and conclusion, with situational theme, which is explained by usage of modern communication channels. The categorical-textual method allows observing the transformation of the genre of sermon from the core towards the periphery.
composition, theme, sermon, genre, text categories, text, religious style, time, space, tonality
Nerents D.V..
The specifics of working with “big data” in modern media
// Philology: scientific researches.
2021. № 4.
P. 28-37.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2021.4.35354 URL:
As of today, Big Data is the source of information that journalists can no longer neglect. Data sets, databases, unstructured data on the official websites of the government or commercial institutions are a resource for the work of journalists. Big Data is not only the source of information, but also the evidence base. Using quantitative and statistical indicators as the arguments for their theses, the journalists increases the level of audience loyalty and trust to the publication. Data analysis, establishment of correlations, making forecasts and ratings allows creative exclusive, attractive and reliable content that attracts the audience and improves reputation of the publisher. This article is dedicated to determination of the role of “big data” in the work of information and analytical departments of the publisher, as well as in coverage of the socially relevant topics and outlining trends in further work of the journalists with such information. Over the study period (from 2017 to the present) the author employed the methods of description, comparative analysis, and generalization. In conclusion, the author notes that the collection and processing of the data requires a strong approach and utmost attention of the journalists.
research, visualization, fact-checking, social networks, massmedia, databases, data journalism, Big Data, digitalization, verification
Melezhik K.A., Petrenko A.D., Khrabskova D.M..
Technological innovations in teaching foreign languages – from connectivism to hyperconnectivity
// Philology: scientific researches.
2021. № 1.
P. 11-22.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2021.1.34846 URL:
The subject of this research is the influencing factors of information and communication technologies upon the theory and practice of teaching English language in the institutional and noninstitutional environments. The object of this research is the analysis of structure and content of Android and iPhone applications. Special attention is given to the development of mobile services as a prevalent model of using information and communication technologies, which open the possibility for individualized range of hyperconnectivity regulated by resource of a personal phone. The authors examine distance learning, which allows implementing innovations and creativity, employs new technologies, performs social task on expansion of technologically uniform educational space. The main conclusions are as follows: 1) of e-learning pedagogy requires the results of pedagogical practice in both, institutional and noninstitutional programs and courses; 2) the modern online learning of English language features new methods of implementation of hyperconnectivity in the Internet on the basis of technological and pedagogical innovations, active interactions and common culture. The scientific novelty consists in the statement that the use of distance learning is especially relevant on the current stage of modernization of education system, as it incorporates innovation technologies of teacher-student interaction. The current situation is characterized by the long-term trends associated with globalization socioeconomic relations, as well as by COVID-19 pandemic that requires taking immediate and radical measures in order to ensure protection of educational community from possible disastrous consequences in record time. The primary task of the authors consists in the analysis of relevant aspects of using information and communication technologies of teaching foreign languages, namely mobile applications, as well as in substantiation of the thesis on transition from collective connectivism towards individual hyperconnectivity in the educational process.
non-institutional environment, institutional environment, mobile telephony, online environment, hyperconnectivity, connectivism, applications, communication technologies, distance learning, online textbook
Polyarush D.N., Chelak E.A..
Psycholinguistic and linguoculturological aspects of carrying out exam for the status of native speaker of the Russian language for foreign citizens and stateless persons
// Philology: scientific researches.
2020. № 12.
P. 59-70.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2020.12.34591 URL:
The subject of this research is psycholinguistic and linguoculturological aspects of the procedures carrying out an exam for the status of “Russian native speaker”. Relevance of this work is substantiated by the need to develop a unified strategy for commissioners in decision-making procedure of recognition of foreign citizens in all regions of the Russian Federation. The research objective is to accelerate unification of the procedure by specifying the requirements for the status of “Russian native speaker”. In substantiation of the term that has descriptive character and is not codified in reference literature, emphasis is placed on the notional, content-related component. An attempt is made to set a requirement that the tasks must correspond to the content of modern representations on history, culture and national values. The examples of tasks with high though-provoking potential that can demonstrate the commonality of cultural and axiological worldview with the Russian society among the applicants for the status of “Russian native speaker”. The examples of practical application of such types of tasks by the authors of this article in terms of sitting of the commission on designation of the status of “Russian native speaker” to foreign citizens or stateless persons in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug –Yugra. The novelty lies in consideration of the concept from the perspective of axiology. The article is first to raise the question on correspondence of not only the level of command of grammatical rules of the language, but also the level of congeniality of the content of answers to the cultural worldview of the Russian society. This research authors can serve as the materials for formation of tasks in all regions of the Russian Federation, and help the applicants to prepare for the procedure.
language personality, exam for migrants, native speaker, cultural linguistics, psycholinguistics, Russian language, cultural worldview, language policy, migrant, worldview
Lenkhoboeva T.R..
Criminal TV report: assessment methodology (on the example of the Republic of Buryatia)
// Philology: scientific researches.
2020. № 11.
P. 49-55.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2020.11.34285 URL:
This article attempts to develop methodology for assessing criminal TV reports. The subject of this research is the criteria for assessing the quality of criminal TV report. For conducting detailed assessment of criminal TV report, all criteria were divided into four groups: compliance with legal norms; observance of ethical standards; usage of legal terminology; and adherence to technological parameters. For the assessment of first criterion, all legal norms in criminal TV report can be divided into the following categories: appropriate coverage of investigation, coverage trial, and coverage of situation when the offender or the victim is a minor. In assessment of the parameter “usage of legal terminology", it is emphasized that the journalist should apply such terms as “suspect” and “offender” properly. In analysis of the third parameter, we author relies on the criteria proposed by S. A. Muratov. The questions of improvement of TV content, specifically with regards to criminal journalism, remain relevant. This described methodology would help to improve the forms of submission of the materials and heighten the interest of target audience of mass media. The research was conducted in several steps. Firstly, the author examined the structure of criminal content of Arig Us TV channel. Secondly, , carried out classification of criminal TV reports by topic. Thirdly, developed parameters and criteria for quality assessment of criminal TV reports. And finally, at the stage of testing, analyzed the quality of criminal TV reports. The methods used in the course of this research include classification, analysis, and paperwork.
technique, ethics, evaluation algorithm, quality criteria, TV channel , criminal television report, criminal journalism, precepts of law, classification, analysis
Severina E.M., Larionova M.C..
New philological practices: semantic edition of A. P. Chekhov’s texts
// Philology: scientific researches.
2020. № 10.
P. 13-21.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2020.10.33970 URL:
The authors present the concept of semantic digital publication of A. P. Chekhov's texts, giving special attention to the research project Chekhov Digital implemented in Southern Federal University and the Southern Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The goal of the project consists in creation of semantic marling of the compilation of writer’s works supported by the standards for digital publication Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) that allows presenting the text in format that can be processed by a computer, as well as the standards for electronic format of Russian-language literary texts displayed in the Semantic edition of the texts of L. N. Tolstoy. The crucial task of the project consists in provision of digital tools useful for the researchers, including convenient semantic search, statistical processing and visualization tools. The main source is the Academic Compilation of Complete Works and Letters of A. P. Chekhov in 30 volumes (1974-1983). Currently, a preliminary structure of markup is developed for some categories that exist in Chekhov's texts, notes, commentaries, and description of the volumes of Academic Compilation of Complete Works and Letters of A. P. Chekhov, which arranging semantic search of information, make editorial notes computer-readable, and more adjusted to studying not only the traditional approach, but also computer methods. It is underlined that text markup would expand due to inclusion of new categories; and the semantic edition itself would broaden its network due to inclusion of reference and editorial-peered texts that are beyond the scope of the Academic Compilation of Complete Works and Letters of A. P. Chekhov. Semantic edition Chekhov Digital gives grounds for a new type of commentary that incorporates meanings and facts, complicates and enriches the interpretation of text. Such edition is valuable for the researchers, pedagogues, students, and audience interested in the topic.
digital environment, Digital Humanities, semantic network, Chekhov Digital, Chekhov, semantic markup, TEI, digital edition, philological research, Natural language processing
Zhgun D..
When emotions cannot be expressed: pragmatic analysis of the cases of alexithymia in English-language prose
// Philology: scientific researches.
2020. № 10.
P. 22-31.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2020.10.33974 URL:
This article is focuses on the cases of alexithymia, which are analyzed for the purpose of revealing their pragmatic capacity in fiction literature. Alexithymia is viewed from the perspective of linguistics, and is defined as the difficulty or inability to verbally express emotions verbally. Emotions, in turn, are considered as social phenomenon that manifests in the communicative situation. The goal consists in examination of emotions in a new perspective. Research methodology is comprised of definitional, semantic, and pragmatic analysis of emotional and evaluative utterances that reflect and implicate alexithymia, selected by the method of continuous sampling from the English-language literary texts. For the first time, alexithymia is viewed not as mental deviation or disorder, but as a linguistic attempt of the author to exert and increase pragmatic effect on the audience by explication or implication of the additional, hidden information and emotional evaluative meanings. The conclusion is made that inability to convey emotional state linguistically is often used an implication technique in fiction literature. Emotions, however, can be detected despite their linguistic inexpressiveness. In the course of this research, the author determines that namely context helps to understand the emotion, its intensity, polarity, and pragmatic capacity.
pragmatic potential, pragmatics, appraisal, implication, alexithymia, emotional and evaluative utterance, emotion, pragmatic effect, context, English fiction
Romanova N.G..
Consumption of information provided by mass media and professional competence of a student
// Philology: scientific researches.
2020. № 9.
P. 18-28.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2020.9.33932 URL:
The subject field of this article is the problem of formation and actualization of professional competences of future specialists in the area of advertising and public relations in the context of peculiarities and dynamics of information consumption of modern youth. Articulation of the problem on the one hand is substantiated by the relevant vectors of scientific works – transformation of the practices of media consumption by mass audience, crisis of confidence in broadcast media and the institution of journalism, quality and specificity of modern media texts, professional competence of the representatives of mass media; whole on the other hand – by the need to resolve practical tasks in educational process in terms of formation of philological fundamentals of professional activity. In the course of this research, the author applied sociological methods. The respondents became the firs-year students majoring “Advertising and Public Relations”, who proceeded with discipline “Theory and Practice of Mass Media”. The first part of the questionnaire allowed determining the general attitude to the phenomenon of mass information and the key behavioral patterns of the students as its consumers, as well as the levels of identification and personification of the modern mass media. The second part was focused on the criteria of selection and the desired set of characteristics established by mass media, as well as potential development prospects of mass media. As a result of the conducted survey, the author determined variations of the content-thematic structure of information requests, range of time input, “standard” requirements of young audience to modern media sources, overall picture of consumer preferences of the students by the type of mass media, which altogether defines the relevant model of media consumption. The article reveals the problematic areas within the system of perceptions of modern media, which are substantiated particularly by insufficient level of information culture among the first-year students: difficulties with identification of the representatives of mass media sphere, stereotypical assessments and “desirable” qualities of new mass media. The conclusions and recommendations are formulated on practical implementation of the acquired results with regards to solution of the task of formation professional communication qualities of a specialists of media sphere.
digital media, media consumption, communication culture, information consumption, philological activity, mass communication, mass media, information culture, journalism, media text
Taraskina I., Tsyrempilon A.O., Platitsina T.V..
Localization of a university website: translational aspect
// Philology: scientific researches.
2020. № 3.
P. 22-31.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2020.3.30092 URL:
This article is dedicated to one of the actively developing translation aspects in the Russian translation studies – the technology of website localization of Buryat State University. The author determines its key stages and analyzes the main translation techniques. Special attention is paid to the main aspects of localization (content, translation techniques, special lexicon, grammatical transformations, intercultural peculiarities, pragmatic adaptation). The subject of this research became the translation technique of the content of university website from Russian to English. The scientific novelty consists in identification of the aspects of localization of a university website and determination of techniques for translation of terms of the academic discourse. A conclusion is formulated that website localization is a creative process of adaptation of the content to language and cultural peculiarities of the local market. It is not limited just by the translation of text, but rather represents a form of intercultural communication, which successfulness is possible upon the condition of taking into account the sociocultural markers of the language of users.
web-site, academic discourse, digital technology, internationalization, globalization, localization, strategy, adaptation, terminology, translating method
Otsomieva Z.M..
Names of fauna in Avar toponyms-conversions
// Philology: scientific researches.
2019. № 6.
P. 127-133.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2019.6.31400 URL:
The subject of this research is the review of the system of toponyms-conversions that are based on appellatives meaning the names of fauna of Bezhtinsky, Gergebilsky, Gumbetovsky, Kazbekovsky, Tlyaratinsky, Hunzakhsky and Tsumadinsky districts of Dagestan. The article reviews the toponyms containing a biological term or name present in the Avar toponymy, and reflecting various stages in ethnolinguistic history of the region of residence of the Avars, which are one of the elements of their toponymic picture of the world. Their reflection and peculiarities of functionality in micro-toponymy are characterized. The problems of formation of the regional phyto- and zoo-toponymy attract attention of onomatologists, since they touch upon the subject of interaction between proper names and appellatives, semantics and functionality of toponyms. The scientific novelty consists in the thesis that despite their multiplicity, zoo-toponyms as the object of linguistics have been unaddressed. The author raises the relevant for the Avar toponymy questions: whether zoo-toponymic names reflect any real or metaphorical peculiarities of an object; as well as reveal their specificity and highlight the characteristic attributes. Examination of the names of zoo-toponymic formations, as most ancient lexical strata, is relevant with regards to revealing their potential in objectification of physical-natural living conditions of the Avar ethnic group, type and peculiarities of their economic activity, specificity of ancient beliefs and history of language allows establishing the historical path, restore the boundaries of settlement, outline the area of distribution of language.
fauna, zootoponim, toponymic conversion, geographic feature, toponymic microsystem, regional toponymy, toponym, microtoponym, semantics, appellative
Temirbulatova S.M..
Affixes of spatial cases, somatic names derivatives in the Dargin language
// Philology: scientific researches.
2019. № 6.
P. 134-139.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2019.6.31794 URL:
The subject of this research is the determination and description of the structure and semantics of spatial cases, affixes ascending to somatic names in the Dargin literary language and its dialects, as well as the Lak language. In a number of cases, somatic names and their forms of spatial cases in the Dagestanian languages subsequently transform into the adverbs-postpositions, comprising the most ancient core of these functional worlds. Some of them, continuing to shed its particular meaning, transform into affixes of spatial cases. Such forms represent the Dargin-Lak isogloss and rise up to the era of the Dargin-Lak language unity. This lexicological research reveals the role of lexical units referring to one of the most ancient lexical-semantic groups in emergence of the grammatical forms of the language: gradual desemanticization of somatic names and their transformation into the affixes of locative cases. The scientific novelty consists in determination of the semantic changes, shifts in the meanings of semantic terms that gradually transform into the formants of spatial cases. Among the affixes, derivatives of the somatic terms, the author underlines the following: a) class, meaning the class of substantives, supported by somatism as the marker of a specific additive; b) nonclass, as the markers of a particular case that express the more general, indicative movement direction of an object towards a specific target, regardless of it is going to reach this target or not.
semantic development, semantics, affixes of spatial cases, dialects of the Dargin language, Dargin language, somatisms, semantic shifts, desemantization, grammarization, figurative values
Kieva Z.K..
Aspects of Interpretation of Comparative Phraseological Units Used in the Ingush Language
// Philology: scientific researches.
2019. № 4.
P. 39-43.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2019.4.30495 URL:
In her article Kieva analyzes comparative phraseological units used in the Ingush language from the point of view of formal, lexical and grammatical and syntagmatic aspects of their presentation. The author offers her own structural and grammatical classification of idioms with comparison semantics and states that estabished phraseological units perform a certain syntactic function. Comparative semantics of Ingush idioms is formally expressed as the object of comparison. In speech comparison may be expressed by different means incuding comparative phraseological expressions that take a special place in phraseology of different languages. Kieva presents and uses the following methods: 1) the method of structural organisation when a formal component of a phraseologica unit is anayzed; 2) lexical and semantic aspect of presentation of phraseological units; 3) valence of opportunities presented by idioms with comparison semantics. The material presented in the artice provides an insight into the linguistic picture of these estabished expressions in the Ingush language. These comparative phraseoogica units or established expressions in the Ingush language have different component contents from the point of view of lexical and grammatical reference of the main word in an idiom.
grammatical reference, valence relatedness, valence, structure of phraseological unit, lexical and grammatical reference, formal indicator, comparative turn, comparative unit, phraseological units, ingush language
Gotovtseva L.M..
Antonymic Relations in Yakut Phraseology
// Philology: scientific researches.
2019. № 4.
P. 50-56.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2019.4.30526 URL:
The object of the research is the phraseological system of the Yakut language. The subject of the research is paradigmatic relations, in particular, antonymic relations of phraseological units. In her article Gotovtseva describes the history of research of phraseological antonyms in Russian studies and Turkish studies, clarifies and competes their classification taking into account lexical-grammatical and semantic-stylistic characteristics of units under study. The author of the artice pays special attention to the definition of phraseological antonyms. She also examines the nature of relations between phraseological antonyms and mutiple-meaning phraseological units. She discovers that full opposition of all meanings of multiple-meaning phraseological units is quite a rare case. Phraseoogical units usually become antonymic only in one meaning. In her research Gotovtseva has applied the continuous sampling method to select phraseological antonyms from lexicographical souces, the method of semantic identification to isolate phraseological units, the method of description accompanied with cassification, observation, comparison and generalisation, the method of oppositions and component analysis. The rationale of the research is caused by the fact that there are very few researches on phraseological units in the Yakut language. Having analyzed theoretical literature on the problem and practical material, the author states that phraseological antonymy has not become a frequent practice in the Yakut language. This circumstance may be explained by the complexity of the semantic structure of phraseological units as the signs of secondary nomination.
polysemy, typology of antonyms, classification, phraseological antonyms, semantic structure of a phraseological unit, antonymic paradigm, phraseology, Yakut language, semantics, stylistics
Barsukova E.A..
Arranging Translation Neo-Terminologies (the Case Study of the Management Domain Terms)
// Philology: scientific researches.
2019. № 4.
P. 26-31.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2019.4.30593 URL:
The matter under research is the degree of linguistic and logical-conceptual arrangement of translation neo-terminologies borrowed from the English language. Barsukova focuses on challenges and limitations that may arise in the process of translation of such terminologies. Based on the analysis of the 'management' domain terms as these are presented by the standards of the International Standartization Organisation (ISO) 9000 (management quality), ISO 31000 (risk management) and ISO 19600 (compliance management), the author of the article carries out a contrastive analysis of initial terminology systems in English and their Russian analogies. Besides comparison as the main research method, the author has also used qualitative, semantic and syntagmatic analysis. Comparative analysis of English neoterminologies and their translations has allowed the author to discover that the latter lacks briefness, systematicity, objectiveness and arrangement of original terms. The Russian terminologies viewed by the author may be referred to terminologies that are at the stage of deveopment and therefore need further regulation. Specifics of the matter under research alow to analyze traditional principles of terminography in terms of translation.
harmonizing, requirement, compliance management systems, quality management terms, risk management terms, terminology management, translation, terminography, international standards, lexicography
Markasova O.A..
Emotive Analysis of M. Bulgakov's Writings
// Philology: scientific researches.
2019. № 2.
P. 34-43.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2019.2.29388 URL:
In the article, the subject of the study is M.A. Bulgakov's writings and the object - peculiar features of vocabulary and syntax of writer's epistolary art. The author examines such aspects of the subject as a circle of emotive and destructive vocabulary, expressing a state of grief and sadness, despair and death, and dependence of epistolary word on the interpersonal relationship between communicators and orientation of the writer on the dialogue with one or other addressee. Special attention is paid to the analysis of syntactic models, expressing an emotional state, and to metaphors. The work consists method of analysis of the material considering communicative, semantic, and functional directions of syntax and lies at the junction of philological and art criticism interpretation of the text. The principal conclusions of the conducted research are the following ones: a peculiar feature of Bulgakov's linguistic persona is that through figurative destructive vocabulary he presents himself and his works being either "alive" or "half-dead" and "dead". Among syntactic models, expressing emotional state, verbal and participial ones dominate.
reflection, discourse, vocabulary, destruction, genres, world picture, SEMA, writing, metaphor, communication
Mashrabbekova A..
Lexical Parallels in Turkic Languages and Their Origin
// Philology: scientific researches.
2019. № 2.
P. 51-61.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2019.2.29444 URL:
The author examines such aspects of the subject as the detection of causes of occurrence, ways of expressing a phenomenon of similarity of the external form of words of lexical parallels in Uzbek, Turkish and Kazakh languages. Semantic change of words, similar in their form but different, opposite in meaning in Uzbek, Turkish and Kazakh languages, is studied. The views on the problems of lexical parallels in the process of translation and language learning are presented.By comparing the meanings of the words in three Turkic languages, the reasons why words once similar in meaning obtained different meanings are revealed, and these words are united by a common term "lexical parallels". This research is based on various methods: comparative-historical method, the method of sampling linguistic material from lexicographical sources, the method of comparative and component analysis, and comparative-parametric method of linguistic research. Study of the lexical parallels will allow detecting the original meaning of the words (idioms), unique way of development of each language, the manner of world perception by native-speakers of a particular language, making conclusions regarding the linguistic view of the world, inherit in this nation. Interlanguage lexical parallels are a universal linguistic phenomenon. They appear between kindred and non-kindred languages. Commonly, they appear between two kindred languages. Lexical parallels between Uzbek and Turkish, Uzbek and Kazakh languages appeared as a result of semantic changes of a Turkic word (idiom) in two kindred languages. In the process of study lexical parallels cause certain difficulties for students. However, these difficulties can be avoided by applying the approaches outlined above.
lexical parallels, development of meaning, external linguistic factors, difference in meaning, similarity in form, Turkic languages, family of languages, language, phenomenon, linguistic research
Lushnikova G.I., Kurakova I.A..
Image of a Leader-Teenager in Psychological Thriller "Secret History" by Donna Tartt
// Philology: scientific researches.
2019. № 2.
P. 83-95.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2019.2.29553 URL:
The article is devoted to the research of the fiction image of leader-teenager on the material of the novel "Secret History" by modern American writer Donna Tartt. Plot situations, which express the behavioral characteristics of the hero and his manner of speech, are observed. The special attention is paid to the personality development of the character as a leader in the process of interaction with surrounding people: a teacher and fellow students. In the process of the analysis, the specificity of the representation of the fictional image of the leader-teenager, which manifests itself in the usage of a delegated narrative, is revealed, and also the author's position in the text of the analyzed novel is presented. The methodological basis of the work was the works of famous Russian literary scholars on the concept of "image", as well as works on social psychology, revealing the concept of "leader". The scientific novelty is due to the fact that for the first time the image of a teenage leader is analyzed on the material of the novel "Secret History" by Donna Tartt, the positive and negative qualities of the character, describing a typical leader, are shown. The study showed the paradox of this image, which manifests itself in the fact, that character's charm, high education, erudition developed in him a sense of permissiveness, which led to the commission of crimes.
secret history, youth leadership, Donna Tartt, American literature, methods of representation, literary text, psychological thriller, image of a leader-teenager, paradoxical image, sense of permissiveness
Pradid O..
New Units in Russian Language Vocabulary: Word-Formation Aspect
// Philology: scientific researches.
2019. № 2.
P. 78-82.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2019.2.29562 URL:
The aim and the subject of this study are verbal neologisms which represent one of the most numerous and creative lexical classes in the general class of neologisms, in which the flexibility of a language system and the intention of a speaker to add additional features to the speech are realized, also new semantic manifestations of words on the material of periodicals of the late XX century, systemized in a dictionary edited by T.N. Butseva, the main attention is paid to the word-formative aspect: determination of the most common ways of word-formation of verbal innovation, the construction of word-formation models, the identification of the most productive means. The purpose of this article is to study the verbal neologisms and new semantic manifestations of words with the help of descriptive, structural and functional methods on the material of periodicals of the late XX century, systemized in a dictionary edited by T.N. Butseva, the main attention is paid to the word-formative aspect. During studying the problem, verbal innovations were distinguished from the total number of neologisms, word-formation models were constructed, the most productive word-formation models, methods, and means were revealed. The results of the study are necessary for the systematization of lexical units, they are an element in the teaching of various branches of linguistics, for example, morphemics and word formation, lexicology, etc., a source for study in the field of psycholinguistics and other sciences that arose on the border with linguistics.
prefix postfix device, prefix device, suffix device, word-formation pattern, word formation, lexicology, neologisms, verbs, productive device, affixes
Yakhno M.D., Akhnina K.V., Makarova M.A..
Use of Evaluative Vocabulary in Magazine Advertising Text (on the Example of Regional Advertising)
// Philology: scientific researches.
2019. № 2.
P. 111-121.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2019.2.29752 URL:
Despite the fact that many domestic and foreign linguists write about the role of evaluative vocabulary in the text, not only in advertising one, to date, there is no common term for the complex concept, which is named "evaluative vocabulary" in our research. Given idea is formulated in one form or another in scientific works of E. M. Galkina-Fedoruk, M. N. Kozhina, E. Pesotsky, N. P. Belousova, and others. However, unfortunately, in science, there still exists insufficiently investigated problems, referring to the role of evaluative vocabulary in magazine advertising text. A description and the analysis of this phenomenon are the aims of our study. We have selected examples of texts of magazine advertising in Orenburg by random sampling as a material of the study. In the article, the following methods were used: analysis, description of the language material, as well as the method of statistical processing of the results. The scientific novelty of the study is due to determining the role of the use of evaluative vocabulary in the modern advertising magazine text at the regional level. This issue has not yet been subjected to scientific and practical consideration. The theoretical significance of the work is due to the fact that it attempts to determine the importance of language means, in particular, evaluative vocabulary, as a means of influence in the advertising regional text. The results of this study can be used in the further study of linguistic means of influence at different linguistic and speech levels, as well as practical materials and results can be used in the creation of texts of journalistic style.
evaluation vocabulary functions, regional advertising, advertising, linguistics, magazine advertising, language exposure means, advertising text, evaluative vocabulary, language vocabulary, journalistic style of language
Liudmila I.M..
"Gulliver's" Allusions in the Artistic Space of the Novel in S. Beckett's Novels More Pricks Than Kicks
// Philology: scientific researches.
2019. № 2.
P. 132-140.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2019.2.29795 URL:
The subject of the study is the connections between the early prose of the modernist writer and the novel Gulliver's Travels. The relevance of the topic is due to S. Beckett's attention to English Enlightenment and the work of D. Swift. The aim of the study is to examine the current perceptions of early S. Beckett's art in the aspect of the artistic "dialogue" analysis. Convergence between the novels of S. Beckett's novel More Pricks Than Kicks and the novel by D. Swift of Gulliver's Travels appears at the level of subtext and form harmony in the plots of the stories about Gulliver and Belaqua. Gulliver's travel, covering a long way from Lilliput to New Holland and return to England, accompanied by transformations in the image of the hero from "man of the mountain" to "despicable Yahoos", is projected in different facets to Belaqua Shua's "circle of the earth". The study of literary and philosophical parallels in S. Beckett's novel is based on a combination of the system-structural, comparative-historical methods, and hermeneutics. The novelty of the research is due to the following facts: interpretation of the story matches, the category of the movement, the dichotomy of body and soul, ties with the world in the minds of the characters allows to actualize innovative, aesthetic tradition of novelistic prose of the eighteenth century and uncover experimentalist modernist novel in Samuel Beckett's works. The results of the study can be used in the course of studying the history of foreign literature and a special course on the history of the modernist novel.
chronotope, plot, novella, novel, modernism, Descartes, Swift, Beckett, allusions, subtext
Beloshitckaia N..
Analysis of Anti-Migration Discourse from the Point of View of the Critical Discourse-Analysis
// Philology: scientific researches.
2019. № 1.
P. 66-74.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2019.1.28882 URL:
The subject of the research is the approaches to the analysis of anti-migration discourse. The aim of the research is the universal nature of the mechanism of information processing during perception of anti-migration discourse texts. The author of the article tries to extend the currently used method of analysing anti-migration discourse. The main approaches to a fuller analysis implies critical discourse-analysis and evolutionary psychology. The traditional methods are extended by taking into account the impact of heuristic rules of conclusion making which is a new approach to such research. The research is based on the analysis of media texts. The analysis has such stages as the determination of a key topos, means of the ideological square realisation through semantic analysis, analysis of discursive strategies taking into account the historical environment, reconstruction of a set of socio-pragmatic presupposition. The scientific novelty of the research is that the author synthesizes the practices of traditional philological analysis taking into account the socio-historical environment, critical discourse-analysis, cognitive and evolutionary psychology. The author offers her own analysis structure in order to demonstrate the universal nature of mental constructs that ensure the achievement of communication targets when knowingly erroneous argumentation is applied.
discursive strategy, heuristics rules, manipulative argumentation, topos, mental scheme, critical discourse-analysis, anti-immigration discourse, political discourse, perlocution effect, ideological square
Otsomieva Z.M..
Spelonims in the Toponymic System of the Avars
// Philology: scientific researches.
2018. № 4.
P. 241-245.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2018.4.26826 URL:
The subject of this research is the review of the main types of spelonims and phonetic variants of the nohjo appelative 'cave' common in the territory inhabited by the Avars, this appelative being a component of their toponymic picture of the world. It is important to study the names of oronomic units as the most ancient lexical layers in order to define their potential to objectify environmental conditions of the Avars ethnos, types and peculiarities of their economic activity, specific features of their beliefs, the history of the language, etc. This provides a better insight into their history, dispersion borders, outlines the territory where their language was spread. The research methods include the descriptive method, comparative history method and the method of contextual analysis of terms, as well as analysis and generalisation of theoretical and practical data. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that as the object of linguistic studies, spelonims have never been studied closely despite their diversity and variety. The author of the article brings forth important issues for Avar toponymy: spelonim names describe real or metaphoric features of an object. The results of the research also allow to define specific features of spelonims.
spelonim, microtoponym, oronim, geographic feature, toponymic microsystem, regional toponymy, toponym, subclasses spelonims, semantics, appellative
Kulayeva E.E..
Means of Expressing the Language Meaning of 'Object Feature' in Sergey Sergeev-Tsensky's Individual Style
// Philology: scientific researches.
2018. № 4.
P. 246-253.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2018.4.27294 URL:
The article is composed of such sections as the problem statement, literature analysis, interpretation and conclusion. The subject of the research is the onomastic aspect of language researches of the second half of the XXth century from the point of view of the language category 'object feature'. In her article Kulaeva provides a review of concepts offered by T. Kalugina, E. Sidorenko and E. Kasyanova about the language meaning of 'object feature' and relevant expressive means using dissected name units such as prepositional-nominal forms, lexias and phrasal nominations. In the course of her research Kulaeva has applied the general research methods (observation, experiment, classification and modelling). The article provides numerous examples of how 'object features' are expressed in Sergeev-Tsensky's individual style and detailed description of the results of the analysis in accordance with research targets. The author concludes that prepositional-nominal forms and lexias are one of the most famous means that express object features in Sergeev-Tsensky's individual style. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that attention of linguistic studies to connotation categories relates to the shift in the academic paradigm as a result of analysing systemic language links of different degrees. Onomasiological approach to language studies allows to define system essences, units, and links, i.e. as due to its generalising nature, the form of a category determines scientific interpretation of the language.
means of expression, onomasiology, adjective, the language meaning, aspect, language categories, Sergeyev-Tsensky, expression, category, meaning
Demiral H..
Estrangement and Loneliness of the Man of Culture as the Matter of Artistic Introspection in Vladimir Makanin's Novel 'She-One and He-One'
// Philology: scientific researches.
2018. № 4.
P. 66-71.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2018.4.27390 URL:
This article is devoted to the estrangement of a modern representative of intelligentsia in Vladimir Makanin's novel 'She-One and He-One'. Demiral talks about the process of estrangement of an intelligent from the society under the influence of modern circumstances, and his changed relations and attitudes to others as a result. This research implies psychological and social analysis of the image of a member of the intelligentsia. Demiral focuses on the philosophical message of loneliness of a member of the intelligentsia in a modern society. In his research Demiral discusses the principle of Makanin's narration which is the principle of the mirror of composition elements. As a result of his analysis, the researcher comes to an interesting conslusion that culture and life, literature and reality in Vladimir Makanin's novel 'She-One and He-One' swap places. The writer who describes the lives of his prototypes and thinks about loneliness comes to the conclusion that he is lonely, too.
art culture, society, loneliness, estrangement, intelligentsia, One and one, Vladimir Makanin, literature, crisis of culture, reflection
Kefileva A.R..
The Semantic Field of 'Age' in Contemporary Crimean Tatar Language
// Philology: scientific researches.
2018. № 4.
P. 16-20.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2018.4.27449 URL:
The linguistic implementation of an axiologically important semantic category of 'age' gives an insight into the current conceptual worldview of a language speaker. The subject of this research is the semantic field of 'age' as an element of the Crimean Tatar national worldview. The object of the research is the one-word and many-word nominations of man's or woman's age that can be found in modern Crimean Tatar - Russian dictionaries of different kinds. The aim of this research is to provide a system description of the semantic field of age in contemporar Crimean Tatar. The main research methods included the continuous sampling method of the linguistic material from lexicographical researches, the method of dictionary identification to describe the units under study, the method of the field description of the linguistic material, and the method of the component analysis. As a result of the research, Kefileva describes the structure of the semantic field of age that has three complex microfields. She also provides an integral description of the semantic field and focuses on the linguocultural interpretation of the concept of age as an element of the linguistic worldview of Crimean Tatar speakers.
core of semantic fied, structure of semantic field, linguistic worldview, lexico-semantic grup, lexico-semantic field, the Crimean Tatar language, semantic field, concept, worldview, age
Dvoeglazov V.V..
The 'Righteous' Conception of Existence in Nikolay Gogol's Works
// Philology: scientific researches.
2018. № 4.
P. 254-264.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2018.4.27765 URL:
The article is devoted to Gogol's concept of true human existence, i.e. existence according to the highest or ontological rightness, as well as the search therefor. Taking into account that the highest 'truth' is the category of conscious and sphere of individual experience of existence in the first place, the author of the article focuses on Gogol's system of characters as being mostly related to the writer's image-based understading of life constants in general. The object of the research that reveals essential features of 'righteous' existence is the mature writings of the writer, the ones that are recognized as 'classical' by critics and literature experts. In order to describe the writer's 'righteous' concept, Dvoeglazov discovers moral problems raised by Gogol in his novels and analyzes means that were used by the author to express his ethical and philosophical views. The researcher also analyzes the relation between the conscious and intuitive in the image of characters. In his novels Gogol demonstrates interest towards the ontological order of life. Existential issues are accompanied with Gogol's description of objective reality and everyday life. Out of this interaction between romantic 'spirituality' and realistic descriptions, Gogol creates his world with characters who express the writer's view on the highest 'truth' and 'rightness'. The highest 'truth' or 'rightness' is the Christian moral standards that teach responsiveness, love, kindness both in terms of communication and individual life.
type of «righteous character», hero-type, «righteous» conception, ontological problems, everyday life and existence, author’s views, aesthetic problems, Moral problems, Gogol’s works, the ontological truth
Gerasimova E..
Stylistic Potentials of the Expressive Means Used to Express the Category of Multiplicity in the Yakut Heroic Epos 'Olonkho' (the Analysis of the Olonkho Epos 'Female Warrior Dzhyrybyna Dzhyrylyatta')
// Philology: scientific researches.
2018. № 4.
P. 91-97.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2018.4.27858 URL:
The aim of this research is to define and describe expressive means used to express the category of multiplicity in the Yakut heroic epos Olonkho (the analysis of the Olonkho epos 'Female Warrior Dzhyrybyna Dzhyrylyatta'). The subject of the research is the lexico-grammatical category of multiplicity in the Yakut language. The object of the research is the use of the multiplicity category in Yakut poetry. In her research Gerasimova examines stylistic peculiarities of using morphological and syntactic expressive means of multiplicity in Yakut creative writing. To achieve the goal of this research, the author has applied semantic-stylistic, comparative and descriptive research methods. The analysis of stylistic peculiarities of the multiplicity category in the Yakut heroic epos Olonkho allowed to discover a great variety of morphological and syntactic expressive means of this category in the Yakut language. In Olonkho morphological means of the multiplicity category represented by nouns, adjectives, and verbs with intensifying and expressive meanings are used to define category diversity, dispersion of individual units, and to create hyperbolic portraits of the heroes, etc. Syntactic expressive means of the multiplicity category represented by combinations of numerals, singular and plural nouns, plural numbers, adverbs in reduplicated form are used to denote multiplicity and intensity of actions, reproduction of the epic time, space and hyperbolization in the texts of the Yakut heroic epos Olonkho. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that for the first time in the Yakut language studies the author makes an attempt to carry out an advanced study of expressive means of multiplicity in the Yakut heroic epos Olonkho.
art style, style, syntactic method, morphological method, multiplicity, category, Yakut language, functional style, epic, olonkho
Vlasova Y., Vavichkina T..
The Range of Problems Raised by Khani Nakshabandi in His Novel 'Confession of an Arab Woman'
// Philology: scientific researches.
2018. № 4.
P. 158-168.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2018.4.28208 URL:
The subject of the research is the range of problems raised by a Saudi writer Nakshabandi in his new social novel 'Confession of an Arab Woman' (2007). Nakshabandi analyzes the gender topic and problems that arise between men and women in the West and East. The writer describes and compares their mentalities and raises the problem of inequal rights of men and women in Saudia Arabia. The writer discusses the free choice as an issue, casts light on the home violence experienced by Arab women, and brings forth the topic of women's loneliness. Using the methods of the historical analysis and systems analysis, the researchers prove that the problems raised by the writer are important and nettlesome for the Arabian society. As the main conclusion of the research, the authors of the article emphasize the need to change the patriarchal society of Saudi Arabia. Nakshabandi blames zealous muslims for being hypocritical and misrepresenting their ignorance as demonstrated religiosity. It is concluded that the main hero of the novel, Sarah, is a typical woman of the Arabic East who suffers from severe Shariat laws. Before death she sends off her biography to a journalist Khisham who becomes a critic of the Saudi Arabian society.
East and West, problem of violence, problem of loneliness, freedom of choice, Arab women, modern Arabic literature, Confessions of an Arab woman, Saudi writer Nakshabandi, modernization the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, The Islamic society
Sekova J.A..
From the History of Studying the Yakut Phonetics and Morphology
// Philology: scientific researches.
2018. № 4.
P. 150-157.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2018.4.28087 URL:
In her article Sekova analyzes the history and current research of phonetics and morphology in Yakut philology and gives a brief review of the stages of the Yakut language development in these fields. She also examines the history of the development of morphonology in Turk languages, prospects for the development of morphonology as a new branch of modern Yakut language studies. The methodological and theoretical basis of the research includes researches of O. Betling, N. Poppe, P. Barashkov, L. Kharitonov, N. Dyachkovsky, and others. The research method used by the author is the method of description and comparative-historical method. The research is devoted to the issues of phonetics, morphology and morphonology of the Yakut language. The results of morphonological research based on the anlaysis of different languages prove the importance and viability of this section of linguistic studies and create the need in detailed analysis of the morphonological system of the Yakut language. The development of mophonology and analysis of morphonological processes of the Yakut language give opportunities for further development of the corpus-based analyzer of the Yakut language, Yakut-Russian electronic translator, etc.
inflection, derivation, morphemes, allomorphs, affixes, phonemes, morphonology, morphology, phonetics, Yakut language
Muratova T.A..
Axiology of an Easter Novel in L. Andreev's and I. Shmelev's Novels
// Philology: scientific researches.
2018. № 4.
P. 265-271.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2018.4.28240 URL:
The object of the research is a set of spiritual values of an Easter novel, its narration criteria and embodiment of Christian ideals and peculiarities of Orthodox consciousness represented through Russial classical literary tradition. Examples illustrating the genre of Easter novel include 'In Saburov' of Leonid Andreev and 'God's Summer' of Ivan Shmelev that have never been compared from the point of view of their Orthodox messages before. Muratova focuses on the role of a Christian Resurrection idea in the development of the main heroes' novels. The research methodology includes literary analysis combined with analysis methods that are used in other disciplines including Orthodox anthropoplogy, axiology and philosophy. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author discovers and interprets the axiology of Easter novel in Andreev's and I. Shmelev's writings as the system of values typical for both writers and the genre in general. The author of the article also describes similar views that the writers shared on creative writing and world.
Moral reference point, Evil, Spirituality, Ideal, Christianity, Verity, Orthodox consciousness, Resurrection, Existence, Axiology
Yakhno M.D..
The Role of Evaluative Vocabulary in Outdoor Advertising Text
// Philology: scientific researches.
2018. № 4.
P. 197-206.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2018.4.28306 URL:
Advertising text is now part of everyone's life and great source for research. The influence of advertising on a customer or client requires in-depth theoretical and practical research that would give answers to the questions about efficient influence on human using linguistic means, in particular, evaluative vocabulary. The rationale of the topic is caused by the fact that there are still understudied issues left in science that relate to the role of evaluative vocabulary in advertising text. The subject of the research is the evaluative vocabulary as part of regional advertising text. The aim of the research is to select and describe evaluative vocabulary units and to define functions of evaluative vocabulary in texts under research. The research material included lexical units with evaluative components, these units have been selected by the author from regional printed advertising texts using the continuous sampling method. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author defines the role of linguistic means, particularly evaluative vocabulary, in advertising text. This is the topic that has never been covered by linguistic studies before. The practical importance of the research is defined by the opportunity to use the results of the research to write texts of different styles and genres.
linguistics, outdoor advertising, language impact, language tools, regional advertising, advertising text, evaluative vocabulary, advertising, evaluation vocabulary functions, journalistic style of language
Bilyalova S.S..
Semantic Derivation of Names of Kitchenware in the Crimean Tatar Language
// Philology: scientific researches.
2018. № 4.
P. 235-240.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2018.4.28435 URL:
In recent years the seamtncis of word or particularly lexico-semantic groups have been the matter of research more often than usual. In this article Bilyalova analyzes the process of the new meaning formation in a lexico-semantic group 'kitchenware' in the Crimean Tatar language and carris out an etimological analysis of lexemes. The aim of this research is to analyze the semantic structure of polysemantic lexemes of this thematic group and to define the main semantic peculiarities as well as methods of formation of lexico-semantic variants and the main types of links. Through component analysis, the author has studied the semantic structure of polysemic lexemes and has discovered the method of formation of new lexico-semantic versions. The rationale of the research is caused by the fact that this is an understudied topic in Crimean Tatar linguistic studies. As a result of the analysis, the researcher discovers that each name of kitchenware is polysemantic which is determined by the association links between items and formed by metonymic transfer of meaning.
metaphorization, metaphor, lexico-semantic version, lexico-semantic group, semantic structure, polysemy, semantics, metonymy, metonimization, Crimean Tatar language
Klyuev N.A..
Viber and WhatsApp in Russian Linguistic Consciousness: Analysis of Area and Category Structures
// Philology: scientific researches.
2018. № 3.
P. 40-51.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2018.3.26683 URL:
The subject of the research is the structure of WhatsApp and Viber subconcepts in Russian linguistic consciousness. The aim of the research is to describe the response of the brain association areas to WhatsApp and Viber stimuli and develop a classification of cognitive criterions. In his research Klyuev pays special attention to comparison of subconcepts category structures, in particular, he carries out a comparative analysis of classifiers that were obtained as a result of cognitive interpretation of nominative areas subconcepts. The resaerch material included responses that were recorded during a free association experiment (on the Internet network). The method of the author's conceptual research is a cognitive interpretation of linguistic units that nominate the content of subconcepts (associates are united into cognitive features that were later developed into a list of classifiers based on the data obtained). The main results of the research include the following: determination of similarity of subconcepts at the level of their area organization and category structure; definition of cognitive features "color and elements of the graphic style' and 'WhatApp and Viber names' as the primary methods of differentiating between subconcepts in a user's mind; and definition of a significant share of affective features in the structure of both subconcepts.
cognitive linguistics, social media, psycholinguistics, Viber, WhatsApp, associative experiment, messenger, concept, internet-communication, digital communication
Suleymanova O.A., Petrova I.M..
Explanatory Potential of the Theory of Classies for Linguistic Research: Word Order in Attributive Group
// Philology: scientific researches.
2018. № 3.
P. 52-64.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2018.3.26758 URL:
The subject of this research is the theory of classes from the point of view of its ability to exlain the word order in attributive group. The object of the research is the cognitive mechanisms that influence the word order in attributive group. The authors of the article demonstrate that each new object that arises in a speaker's area of interest is reffered to a certain class by the speaker based on particular relevant characteristics. The position of adjective in attributive group in relation to noun is determined by the importance of this particular class of words for a speaker at a particular point of his or her speech. Thus, the more important this class of words is for a speaker, the closer adjective is located to noun. The research methodology is based on the analysis of experimental data obtained by the researcher through using the Google search. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author uses an innovative linguistic experiment that allows to demonstrate how the word order depends on classes of words individually ranked by a speaker. By using the experimental material on the basis of the Google search, the authors have demonstrated and proved that aforesaid pattern and underlined some cultural features of attributive groups in the Russian and English languages.
semantic classes, noun phrase, Google search engine, experiment, word order in attributive group, adjectives, cognitive mechanisms, theory of classes, subjective criteria of speaker, categorization
Qin' P..
Deliberative-Causative Component of Congratulations in Russian and Chinese Business Letters
// Philology: scientific researches.
2018. № 3.
P. 65-74.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2018.3.26865 URL:
The subject of the research is the deliberative-causative component of a 'congratulation' speech genre in Russian and Chinese business letters. The author of the article examines such aspects of the topic as the origin of the verb 'congratulate', classification of congratulation reasons and deliberative-causative component that coincides wiht a name of a holiday or synonym thereof. The author of the article pays special attention to different reasons and particularities of their expression in Russian and Chinese cultures. The rationale of the research is caused by the fact that particularities of business letter congratulations have been understudied, especially in terms of their comparison. The main research method used by the author is the method of comparison that implied the component and context analysis. The purpose of a congratulation is to evoke positive emotions in an addresse. According to the author, only a proper congratulation reason may create such a positive effect. Therefore, in cross-cultural communication it is important to take into account different kinds of official and individual congratulation reasons and stereotypes. The purpose of this research is to describe similarities and differences in reasons (motives) of congradulations in Russian and Chinese business correspondence and how these are expressed in writing. The research involves anslysis of congratulation letters published by mass media and official corporation and company websites. The theoretical importance of the research is that the results of the research can be used in the process of comparing Russian and Chinese congratulations. Analysis of cliches and syntactical structures of a business congratulation letter, along with their morphological and syntactical peculiarities, is practically important for writing congragulations in Russian and Chinese. Knowing differences and similarities of congratulations in these two languages contributes to efficient cross-cultural communication.
business letter, deliberative-causative component, culture, holiday, occasion, congratulation, speech genre, peech etiquette, Russian language, Chinese language
Zhavoronkov D..
Writer and Critic: Letters of Mikhail Menshikov to Lev Tolstoy in the 1890s - Early 1900s
// Philology: scientific researches.
2018. № 3.
P. 75-89.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2018.3.26881 URL:
The subject of the research is the correspondence of Mikhail Osipovich Menshikov, one of the most affluential Russian journalists, with Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy, in relation to their ideology, creative writing and correspondence. The object of the research is the letters written by the journalist and the writer. The purpose of the article is to analyze the corpus of the letters exchanged by Tolstoy and Menshikov, to define the range of the main themes and topics discussed by those two, and to refer them to their biographies and historical period. As a journalist, Menshikov admired Tolstoy which allowed their contemporaries and researchers to consider him as an adherent of the writer. Meanwhile, Menshikov critized Tolstoy in 1900s. When writing this article, the author has practiced the principles of historicism, scientific objectivity, determinism, viewing views and positions of Menshikov and Tolstoy in relation to the realities of their epoch. In his research Zhavoronkov has also used both general and special research methods typical for history and philology researches, in particular, comparative historical and problem-oriented chronological analysis. The author has also applied biographical and historical psychological methods. Based on the analysis of the correspondence between Mikhail Menshikov and Lev Tolstoy, most of their letters being discussed in the academic literature for the first time, the author proves that the journalist was not a 'blind' adherent of Tolstoy, disagreed with the great Russian writer on some points and even disputed with him in their letters. The results of this analysis have also uncovered circumstances of Lev Tolstoy publishing his article 'Hunger or Non-Hunger' which he asked Mikhail Menshikov to publish.
Nikolay Semyonovich Leskov, Russian people, hunger, Novoye Vremya (, journalism, Knizhki Nedeli (“Week’s Books”) magazine, Nedelya (“Week”) newspaper, Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy, Mikhail Osipovich Menshikov, Nikolay Nikolaevich Zhedenov
Abzhelieva D.A..
Lexicographical Mediatext of Ornithonyms
// Philology: scientific researches.
2018. № 3.
P. 176-182.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2018.3.27026 URL:
In her article Abzhelieva analyzes the main approaches to explaining the term 'mediatext', definitions, description and main features. This has been a new phenomenon in both linguistics and literary studies of the last decade and thus a subject of direct focus. Latest researches describe the main aim of media linguistic or literary text as to the presentation of data of intra- and intertextual connections in a particular speech situation. For the present time the question about the author's modality (the author's attitude to the information) is an essential element of any vocabulary entry. The methodological basis of the research implies the general dialectic method that allows to study phenomena and processes of the surrouding reality from the point of view of their historical development, interrelation and interdependence. In her research Abzhelieva also used the description method, contextual and component analysis. Over the last decades mediatext has been one of the most important issues in philology. Thus, this is an important research topic because researchers' interest towards lexicographical mediatext often faces the great variety of ornithonyms (meta operators) of a vocabulary entry. Very often a set of individual author's meta operators creates a false reference.
metafunctiions, intertextuality, features, lexicography, concept, definition, metalanguage, metatext, ornithonym, dictionary entry
Vishnevskaya E.M., Nersesova E.V., Zots I.V..
Interpretation and Communication of National Language Features in the Situation of Culture Contact
// Philology: scientific researches.
2018. № 3.
P. 146-155.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2018.3.27282 URL:
The subject of the research is the cross cultural communication as an essential element of the globalization processes that are so active in the world today. To ensure an efficient communication between representatives of different cultures as well as to overcome langauge barriers, it is necessary to take into account extralinguistic factors besides just applying linguistic means. The rationale of the topic is caused by the fact that the problem of accurate translation is viewed from different pionts of view, i.e. in machine translation, non-verbal communication, opposition of different national personalities, and graphic and textual presentation of urban territories. The aim of the research is to provide a brief description of the means that are used to describe cultural and historical realities, and to ensure transliteration, communication of urbanonyms and expression of cultural connotations. The research is based on the content analysis and pre-translational analysis of texts. The authors provide examples of efficient cultural communication and emphasize the need to apply a culture oriented approach to communication. The theoretical importance of the research is caused by the fact that the results of the research can be used to analyze the problems of interaction between different cultures and reflection of cultural and historical realities. The research materials can be also used in research and teaching practice to teach theoretical disciplines (general linguistics, lexicology, and sociolinguistics) as part of the theory and practice of translation.
urbanonims, city navigation, culture, interpretation, culture oriented approach, intercultural competency, communicative situation, machine translation, non-verbal communication, transliteration
Kletckaya S..
Specific Features of Novelistic Narration in L. Petrushevskaya's Writings (the Case Study of the Series 'In the Gardens of Other Opportunities' and 'Songs of East Slavs'
// Philology: scientific researches.
2018. № 3.
P. 183-190.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2018.3.27323 URL:
The article is devoted to individual features of the novelistic narration in L. Petrushevskaya's prose. The research material is her novelets about death from the series 'In the Gardens of Other Opportunities' and 'Songs of East Slavs'. The subject of the research is the variants of realisation of the 'turning point' (pointe) in Petrushevskaya's novelets as well as the man groups of means used by the author. Special attention is paid to the analysis of Petrushevskaya's works against the genre of novelet that has a rich historical tradition. In the course of her research the author has also used such research methods as analysis, synthesis, structure analysis method, compositional analysis, linguo-poetic analysis. As a result of the research, the author describes two types of preparation for the 'turning point': clues that prepare the reader for an alternative (fantastic, non everyday) turn of events but do not fully tell about it, and double-meaning expressions that may mean both fantastic and everyday interpretation of events. The research allows to conclude that Petrushevskaya's writings follow the tradition of late European novelet writing that focused on the psychological but not external side of the story. However, Petrushevskaya's creative writings have its own specific features, for example, the focus on the internal is expressed as a sudden re-thinking of novelet events that touch the hero, story teller, narrator and/or reader.
ambiguity, fantastic, dwarfism, pointe, turning point, Petrushevskaya, novelet, composition, plot, Russian literature
Karaban' N.A., Dikareva A.V..
Verbal Aggression in Internet Communication
// Philology: scientific researches.
2018. № 2.
P. 1-8.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2018.2.25581 URL:
The object of the research is Internet communication as a new sphere of language functioning. The subject of the research is the methods of expressing verbal aggression on the Internet. The authors of the article pay special attention to new forms of verbal behavior that are specific for virtual communication, these are flame, flood and trolling. Based on the example of two genres of Internet communication, forum and commentaries, the authors of the article analyze specific expressions of verbal aggression in virtual environment, describe what causes users' aggression and offer ways to prevent it. The source of the reserach is non-specialized forums and newspaper websites deoted to various topics and nettlesome issues the majority of citizens concern about. By using the method of continuous sampling, the authors have chosen over 500 polylogue discussions of a conflict nature. Verbal aggression is a complex phenomenon that still remains understudied despite a great number of researches in various branches of knowledge. On the Internet verbal aggression is not only frequently met but has also acquired new forms of expression. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the authors describe new verbal phenomena that needs to be further studied and systematized.
Internet forum, speech manipulation, elfing, flood, flaming, trolling, Internet communication, verbal aggression, Internet comment, speech conflict
Ayusheeva L.V., Makarova O.G..
Comparative Analysis of Buryat and Russian Vocabularies
// Philology: scientific researches.
2018. № 2.
P. 9-14.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2018.2.25772 URL:
The subject of the research is the comparative typological analysis of Buryat and Russian vocabularies. The rationale of the research is caused by the fact that this is a rather understudied issue in the Buryat language studies. The purpose of the research was to provide a brief description of the structural typological differences and similarities in lexical and semantic systems of the Buryat and Russian languages based on current studies by Buryat and Russian language researchers, and to carry out a comparative analysis of lexical units of the aforesaid languages and functions they perform. The main research method used by the authors was the synchronous descriptive method that implied a structural semantic analysis of speech constructs. The material for the research involved dictionaries and examples of the verbal speech of Buryat speakers. All examples are translated into Russian. The theoretical importance of the research is caused by the fact that the results of the research can be used to compare lexical systems of the Buryat and Russian languages. The results can be also used in teaching the Buryat language at schools and universities and writing school and university study books.
synonyms, semantics, lexical meaning, comparative analysis, Buryat language, Russian language, word, homonyms, antonyms, omoforms
Melezhik K.A..
Marked Articulation of English Consonants in Pronunciation of Russian-Speaking Students
// Philology: scientific researches.
2018. № 1.
P. 8-13.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2018.1.25225 URL:
The subject of the research is identification of deviations made by Russian-speaking students in articulation of English consonants. The object of the research is English lingua franca of representatives of the main Russian socio-demographic sector, Russian students who comprise the University community. The author examines such aspects of the topic as functioning of the English language as international contact language, English lingua franca of communication where participants, firstly, represent different initial languages and, secondly, one of them is used as the second language. The author focuses on analysing deviations in articulation of English consonants and explanation of of some regular particularities of Russian students' pronunciation. The research is based on the hypothesis of Ekman's differential markedness that relates pronunciation difficulties to the most marked structures. The main conclusions of the research are the following: 1) results of the analysis define nuclear markers of pronuncing consonants in speech activity of students that include devocalisation of final sonorous, dentalisation of alveolates, palatalisation, velar shift and reinforcement of /h/ spirant; 2)the author proves that informants transform English consonants into contiguous less marked structures based on similar articulation in the Russian language. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that for the first time in the academic literature the author deffines dependence between the range of semantic markers transformation of sociophonetic variables and skills in the English language of Russian students studying at V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University.
problem of the first language interference, interference, marked structures, Eckman's hypothesis, consonant articulation, English pronunciation, Crimean federal university, English consonants, international contact language, phonetic norm
Khachatryan L.E..
Etymological Description of Russian Terms in Teaching Foreign Languages
// Philology: scientific researches.
2018. № 1.
P. 22-30.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2018.1.25270 URL:
The subject of this research is the analysis of sources and process of developing Russian language terms in relation to the methods of teaching foreign languages. The object of the research is the Russian terms in relation to the methods of teachign foreign languages. The author of the article examines such aspects of the topic as particularities of term formation. Khachatryan pays special attention to one of the most discussed terminological issues today which is distinction between terms and commonly used words. This is a topical issue and thus is studied in this research because one of the most important tasks faced by the researcher is to select terms to be used in teaching foreign languages. At the present time there is a growing interest in etymology and diachronic research as a result of researchers' attempts to trace back the development of human mind. This has been reflected in semantic changes of words, too. Modern etymology researchers emphasize the need and immenince to define the relationship between the form of the word and the meaning of it throughout the history of the language and historical sequence and historical correspondence of each stage of the word history. The methodological basis of the research involves classification of studied terminological units based on the 'term formation' scheme. The main conclusions of the research is that 54% of studied terms are formed semantically. Large part of lexical units is a group of terms that were formed as a result of expansion of their initial meaning. Other terms include a group of words formed through metonymic transfer.
ellipsis, semantic change, metaphorization, native words, terminology, term, etymological analysis, etymology, conversion, shortening
Pyrkov I.V..
'The Light Noise of Nature'. On the Question about the Artistic Function of Microdetails in Ivan Goncharov's Novel 'Oblomov'
// Philology: scientific researches.
2017. № 4.
P. 1-8.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2017.4.24191 URL:
The subject of the research is the microdetails used by Ivan Goncharov in his novel 'Oblomov' and their artistic function in the text. The author of the article pays special attention to the dialectical contradiction between the 'shadow' image of the dust on which the key word 'oblomovschina' is written and which defines the internal dynamics of the novel and the solar essence of the main hero himself. The author of the article analyzes the microdetails of the novel 'Oblomov' in close relation to the macrolevels of the novel and interpreting the phenomenon of scale in the artistic world created by Ivan Goncharov. The methodological basis of the research involves analysis of particular aspects of the linguistic microstructure of the novel that are systemically important in Ivan Goncharov's novel. The method of 'reading after the author' combined with cognitive commentary allows to analyze very little, even individual graphemes, artistic components that nevertheless have a metastatus in Goncharov's text. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that attempts to combine the 'higher' and the 'lower' artristic structures in Goncharov's studies that have been made by researchers earlier are now being viewed in a completelty different analytical light. For the first time in the literature the author of the article describes the dialectical contradiction between the image of the dust on which the key word 'oblomovschina' is written and which defines the internal dynamics of the novel and the solar essence of the main hero himself
interdisciplinary links, Universe, dust, metagrapheme, life cycle, scale, Oblomov, artistic detail, microdetails, Goncharov