Bolbochan D.V..
Ideological and phonetic analysis of the Old Testament Christian and Jewish name of God יהוה
// Philology: scientific researches.
2024. № 12.
P. 125-143.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2024.12.72499 EDN: DTAJCW URL:
The article is devoted to the analysis of the historical, cultural, linguacultural and theological aspects of the tetragrammaton יהוה, used in the texts of the Jewish Tanakh and the Christian Bible as the name of God. The author examines the phonetic reconstruction, Masoretic vocalization and cultural and ideological semantics of the tetragrammaton in the context of Jewish and Christian hermeneutics. The research examines its phonetic reading, vocalizations and cultural and ideological significance in the context of Judaism and Christianity. The study focuses on the comparison of lexical and phonetic pronunciation variants of the tetragrammaton, such as "Jehovah" and "Yahweh", as well as on the analysis of their etymological origin. The study compares the pronunciation options of the name - "Jehovah" and "Yahweh", considers the reasons for their occurrence, and also, based on linguocultural factors, a conclusion is made about the more correct from theological point of view, pronunciation and spelling of the tetragrammaton in languages other than Hebrew. Particular attention is paid to the influence of biblical onomastics and translation strategies on the loss and transformation of the phonetic appearance of the name of God יהוה. The author analyzes the prohibitions on the pronunciation of the name in Judaism, their historical and theological roots, as well as the ways of replacing the tetragrammaton with titles ("Lord") in Christian texts and in later editions of the Tanakh. The article uses the methods of comparative-historical and contrastive linguistics, as well as the principles of biblical exegesis and linguistic hermeneutics. The originality of the work lies in the integration of linguacultural analysis with a historical-religious approach, which allows for a deeper understanding of the cultural and symbolic meaning of the tetragrammaton in the Jewish and Christian traditions.
Christian onomatology, Linguistic hermeneutics, Qumran manuscripts, Old Testament, Bible Translations, Masoretic vowels, Yahweh, Jehovah, Tetragrammaton, Name of God
Bezrukov A.N..
Metacriticism of an artistic writing style: Venedikt Yerofeyev on Vladimir Mayakovsky
// Philology: scientific researches.
2020. № 10.
P. 65-74.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2020.10.32003 URL:
Venedikt Yerofeyev is a remarkable and complex figure in Russian literature of the second half of the XX century. He is one of the first to expresses a different perspective on the realities of life and propose a new type of assessment of being. The object of this research is the introductory composition of Venedikt Yerofeyev written in 1961, at the time of joining Vladimir State Pedagogical Institute. The main subject of the analysis is the objectification of V. Yerofeyev’s metacritical assessment of “All Right!” Research methodology is at the edge of conceptual evaluation of the text, hermeneutical interpretation of the composition, structural and comparative approaches. The basis of receptive criticism, which in the author’s opinion was taken by Venedikt Yerofeyev as the principle of interpretation of Mayakovsky’s poetic construct, unites the outlines circle of methods. The novelty and relevance of this work consists in the fact that Yerofeyev’s introductory composition has not been previously examined and commented upon in of a number of scientific sources. Yerofeyev’s writing has a clearly humanistic and philological connotation. The author creates the text by a unique research pattern: from the emotionally sensible focus of experiences of Vladimir Mayakovsky to verification of the positions of synthesis of personal and social order in the poem “All Right!” Metacricisim of Mayakovsky's style and artistic manner in the composition of Venedikt Yerofeyev is given not only from the perspective of point estimation of text of the futurist poet, but also from the standpoint of intensive reduction of the potentially inherent meaning.
reader, interpretation, receptive criticism, author's discourse, small prose, metatext, Vladimir Mayakovsky, Venedikt Erofeev, individual position, philological analysis
Podchasov A.S..
The concept of glory in the Russian religious culture and secular discourse
// Philology: scientific researches.
2020. № 8.
P. 36-44.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2020.8.31778 URL:
This article is dedicated to conceptualization of the notion of glory in the Russian religious culture and secular discourse. Texts of the Holy Scripture indicate etymological relation of glory to the Ancient Hebrew root kbd (to be heavy, important, liver), which imposes additional meanings to the concept, not recorded in the dictionaries. For example, ancient Jews interpreted glory as a true value of the objects of corporeal and incorporeal world, which could be measured, “weighed”. Usage of the word glory in folklore, particularly in Christmas carols, as an imperative incantation can testify to the belief in the magic qualities of this word, as well as to connection of paganism and a religious rituals in people’s mind. As a result of comparative and hermeneutic analysis, the author concludes that in the religious context, glory retains the idea of the interconnectivity and interconditionality of hearing and speech, typical to the Indo-European root kleu, from which is stems from. A centuries-old process of de-ontologization led the loss of the internal form and value elements of semantic structure of glory, which caused distortion of this Christian concept in consciousness of the Russian native speakers. In the secular, profane discourse, fame became the key meaning of glory. However, in consciousness of the Russian native speakers, the word glory remains a significant source of cultural-linguistic information, which cannot be understood without reference to the history, traditions and religion of the nation.
weight, doxa, liver, Old Covenant, public image, intangible asset, opinion, fame, folklore, incantation
Vorobey I.A..
The 'Poor' God in Rainer Maria Rilker's 'The Book of Hours'
// Philology: scientific researches.
2015. № 4.
P. 340-344.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2015.4.67372 URL:
The subject of the present article is the linguistic execution and interpretation of the poetic concept of God in the cycle of poems 'The Book of Hours' written by an Austrian poet of the 20th century Rainer Maria Rilker. The author of the article offers his own definition of the poetic concept within the framework of the linguistic poetic research. Special attention is paid to the definition of 'sense'. Poetic senses form the sense of the concept that differs from the generally accepted sense. Vorobey analyzes lexical and sense bearing structures of the concept of God. The main content of the article is devoted to the interpretation of the concept under review. The researcher also establishes relations with other concepts from the cycle of poems. To study the poetic concept, the authr offers to apply the hermeneutic-linguistic method that is based on the combination of Roland Barthes' method of textual analysis as well as the method of predicate nests and the method of hermeneutic circle. Researchers who study Rainer Maria Rilker's poetry mostly focus on his late period of writing while the cycle of poems 'The Book of Hours' which he wrote in his late period is often left out. The present research fills the gap. The novelty of the research is also caused by the fact that the author creates a new method for analyzing a poetic text. This method combines linguistic and hermeneutic methods.
poetic concept, interpretation, sense crystallization, Rainer Maria Rilke, sense dispersion, poverty, sense, God, The Book of Hours, poor men - Arme
Popov, E. A..
Alogisms in Newspapers: Research Issues
// Philology: scientific researches.
2012. № 2.
P. 25-30.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2012.2.59598 URL:
The article is devoted to the problems of studying alogisms in newspapers. As it is known, development of
printing mass media causes appearance of new linguistic mistakes due to production of all kinds of logic errors. On the
one hand, it makes it difficult to understand the written text and creates different interpretation of the information
received. But on the other hand, alogisms are quite often used in newspapers on purpose. In such a case alogisms raise
stylistic expression. The present article is devoted to the problem of differentiation between these levels of production
of alogisms.
philology, alogism, speech, text, newspaper, mistake, failure, problem, issue, language, style.