Grozyan, N.F., Prudnikova, T.I., Nepomnyaschaya, A.R. (2024). Images-symbols of the elements in the phraseological linguistic picture of the world (based on the Ukrainian language). Philology: scientific researches, 12, 1–14.
The subject of the study is the features of the implementation of symbolic meanings of images-symbols of the elements in the phraseological picture of the world based on the material of the Ukrainian language. Research objectives: to identify phraseological units with components-names-of-elements from the phraseological composition of the Ukrainian language; to determine the place of phraseological units of the Ukrainian language of the studied group in the language picture of the world; to consider the characteristic manifestations of the implementation of symbolic meanings of components-names of the elements in Ukrainian phraseological units. The research methodology is based on a combination of theoretical and empirical approaches using the methods of analysis, generalization and synthesis. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that phraseological units with the components water, fire and earth are analyzed using the material of the Ukrainian language: the study of phraseological units associated with the designation of natural phenomena makes it possible to identify the features of the linguistic picture of the world and folk thinking and allows for a better understanding of the value attitudes and specifics of the worldview of the Ukrainian people. Over the centuries, the elements have personified various aspects of human life and nature, thereby creating a rich palette of images that are reflected in phraseology. The symbolic meaning of the image-symbol fire is most often realized in the meanings: destructive or dangerous force, intensification of feelings, anger, speed, test. The symbolic meanings of the image-symbol fire are represented in the phraseology of the Ukrainian language by the following semes: danger, speed, suffering, illness, anger, excitement, blushing, negative character traits, exaltation. Phraseologisms with the symbolic image of earth are often associated with the concepts of social status, respect, life.
culture, phrase, origin, meaning, phraseological unit, group, image-symbol, earth, water, fire
Shen, M. (2024). Peculiarities of perception of the play "The Storm" and the image of the heroine in Fang Xin's translation. Philology: scientific researches, 12, 15–25.
The relevance of the study is determined by the core role of female characters in the dramatic world of A. N. Ostrovsky’s plays and the interest in studying the peculiarities of perception of Russian writers’ works by Chinese translators. The theme is the peculiarities of the translation reception of the image of the protagonist of the play “The Storm” by the Chinese translator, Fang Xin. The purpose of this study is to find out the peculiarities of perception of the play “The Storm” and the image of Katerina in Fangxin’s translation. To achieve the above research objectives, the following tasks should be solved: 1) analyze the main features of Fang Xin’s translation of the play “The Storm”; 2) examine the character traits of Katerina’s image in Fang Xin’s translation; 3) analyze the reasons for the peculiarities of Fang Xin’s perception of the heroine’s image of the play. The method of comparative analysis is used to solve these problems. Besides, the cultural-historical method is used to identify the reasons that influenced the Chinese translator’s perception of Katerina’s character image. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that it is the first time to consider the peculiarities of Fang Xin’s perception of the heroine image of the play. As a result of the study, it was found that the translator retained all the lines of the characters. However, his translation emphasizes the heroine’s lack of freedom as well as the painful desire caused by it. In addition, he also emphasizes the love, death and the motif of “The Dark Kingdom”, which are closely related to Katerina’s image. What’s more, Fang Xin fully preserved the lyricism of Katerina’s image in this version of the translation. The interpretation of the heroine’s image is conditioned by Chinese history and literature.
motif of The Dark Kingdom, motif of love, motif of death, the Isolated Island Period, translation, Fang Xin, perception, image of Katerina, The Storm, A. N. Ostrovsky
Mutalov, R.O. (2024). The distribution of the palatalization processes in the Dargwa languages. Philology: scientific researches, 12, 26–34.
The article is devoted to the study of the palatalization processes in the Dargwa languages (the Nakh-Dagestanian group of languages). The main purpose of the study is to identify the cases of velar consonants’ stop before i and e vowels in various Dargwa languages and dialects. For this purpose the following issues are set: a) to identify the number of Dargwa languages and dialects where the palatalization processes are expressed; b) to classify the Dargwa dialectal units according to a degree of susceptibility of velar consonants to palatalization; c) to study the palatalization processes in the Dargwa idioms where the palatalization is strongly expressed; d) to study the issue on the process of standard palatalization; e) to identify the number of dialects to which partial palatalization is characteristic. For solving the above-mentioned issues the following research methods are used: the methods of field linguistics, the comparative method and the method of synchronous analysis. The scientific novelty is a proposed hypothesis according to which palatalization started it's distribution from the southern and southwestern Dargin idioms when the speakers of the Mekegi dialects migrated to the north-east and lived far from the major groups of Dargwa people. As a result of the study, the idioms in which the processes of palatalization are present, and idioms where this phenomenon is absent are revealed. The processes of palatalization are characteristic to the southern languages and a number of dialects of the northern Dargwa language. According to the degree of susceptibility of velar consonants to palatalization in the different Dargwa languages and dialects, strongly expressed palatalization in Kaitag idiom, standard palatalization and partial palatalization are distinguished. These processes does not occur in the Northern Dargwa dialects of the Mekegi type.
affricates, stop consonants, fricatives, palatalization, phonetics, migration, the dialect, the Dargin languages, the Caucasian languages, labialized consonants
Khalimzoda, Z.A. (2024). Status of the Russian language in modern Tajikistan. Philology: scientific researches, 12, 35–44.
This article explores the status of the Russian language in modern Tajikistan. The presented research examines key aspects such as the history of the use of the Russian language, its presence in education and mass communications, as well as sociolinguistic aspects of its use. The article presents an analysis of the situation with the Russian language in Tajikistan, as well as the situation with its study in schools and universities of the country, where it is studied as a second language, starting from the 2nd grade. The article also examines the problems and challenges associated with the preservation and development of the Russian language in the context of strengthening the national identity and language of the Tajik people. Russian researchers analyze various approaches to the study of the Russian language, the presence of Russian-speaking schools and institutions in Tajikistan, as well as the role and importance of the Russian language in international communication and global relations. The Russian language remains the main means of interethnic communication in the communicative language space of Tajikistan, despite the significant outflow of the Russian-speaking population. The overwhelming majority of the Tajik intelligentsia, including high-ranking government officials, demonstrate a desire to preserve the cultural, scientific, educational and information space shared with Russia. The study revealed the main characteristics of the status of the Russian language in Tajikistan, such as its use in the educational environment and in public speeches, as well as the decline in its popularity in everyday communication. In conclusion, the author draws conclusions about the status and prospects of the Russian language in Tajikistan, emphasizing its importance in various spheres of life, despite changes in the political and socio-cultural context.
language, The Constitution, Russian studies in Tajikistan, the title language, migrant workers, linguistic and cultural competence, internal motivation, dialogue of cultures, the language of international communication, the post-Soviet space
Golovanivskaya, M.K., Efimenko, N.A. (2024). The concept of "good" in Russian and Chinese. Philology: scientific researches, 12, 45–55.
The article explores the concept of "goodness" in two linguistic worldviews – Russian and Chinese. The study is contrastive, and the results obtained are compared to identify the specific features of each culture. The description of each concept is carried out according to a clear and consistent algorithm: the etymology of the word, the mythological roots of the concept, its compatibility, from which the material connotation is isolated, based on the works of V. A. Uspensky, and a comparison of dictionary definitions of the concept in various languages is carried out. The purpose of the study is to identify the peculiarities of the representation of the concept of "good" in these cultures using the material of semantic fields in Russian and Chinese, as well as to analyze how this concept changes in different cultural contexts and what philosophical and moral foundations lie in its perception. Next, a comparison is carried out, the purpose of which is to see both similarities and differences in the worldview of different peoples, which will allow us to understand how the concept of "goodness" reflects the worldview and value orientations of Russian and Chinese cultures. Research methods include the comparative historical method, the method of generalization, the method of semantic analysis, as well as contextual analysis, which helps to better understand how the word "good" interacts with other lexical units in each language. The results obtained contribute to the establishment of mutual understanding between cultures, forming a kind of conceptual bridge for representatives of different cultures and languages, and can also be used when reading training courses on regional studies, comparative study of cultures, philosophy and during the teaching of relevant languages. This research will help to deepen knowledge about cultural differences and similarities in the perception of moral and ethical concepts, which, in turn, contributes to a better understanding of cultural specifics and promotes intercultural communication.
semantic analysis, the national mentality, the material connotation, Russian language, contrastive research, Chinese language, goodness, philology, linguoculturology, the linguistic picture of the world
Dolgopolova, L.A., Mustafaeva, A. . (2024). Features of verbalization of the creolized text of the magazine "Der Spiegel". Philology: scientific researches, 12, 56–65.
The article is devoted to identifying the features of the verbalization of the cover texts announcing the central article of the magazine at the early stages of its formation. The subject of the study is the structural and functional features of the verbalization of creolized texts. The object of the study is the verbalized element (main and secondary texts-signatures) of the creolized text of the magazine cover. The material for the study was the issues of the German magazine Der Spiegel for 1946-1949 during its formation. Research objectives: to establish the features of the location of the verbalized text of the magazine cover; to identify the specifics of the functioning of the main and auxiliary texts in relation to the non-verbal means of the cover; to determine the structural features of the verbalized text of the magazine cover. The authors consider in detail the role of the main and auxiliary phrases in the organization of the creolized text. Special attention is paid to the choice of the main theme of the magazine cover, determined by the cultural and historical conditions of the magazine's creation. The research was based on methods of structural and functional analysis, as well as methods of generalization, systematization and classification, contextual and component analysis of the conceptual features of the cover. For the first time, the research material is the creolized texts of the cover of Der Spiegel magazine from 1946 to 1948; it is new to identify the specifics of the functioning and choice of linguistic means of the verbalized text in relation to the image and cultural and social conditions of post-war Germany. The main functions of the creolized texts of the journal and the means of their expression are determined. It was found that the traditions of the magazine's cover design were generally laid down from its first issue, however, the design and arrangement of the verbalized text changed over time. The main text stood out graphically and performed nominative, informative and presentative functions. Lexical and stylistic means are not diverse, there is practically no irony, sarcasm, puns; idioms are rarely used. Structurally, there is a wide use of noun phrases. The secondary text supplements, summarizes, clarifies the content of the main text and refers to the content of the announced journal article. The relative inexpressiveness of the verbalized part of the creolized text of the Der Spiegel cover during its formation is partly due to the lack of need to struggle to attract a wide range of readers.
direct nomination, nominal phrase, presentative function, informative function, nominative function, verbalization, Creoliated text, indirect nomination, structure, the idiom
Yaremchuk, A.V. (2024). The pragmatic function of neologisms in the modern Russian media discourse. Philology: scientific researches, 12, 66–76.
The subject of this article is the pragmatic function of neologisms in the modern Russian media discourse. The work is devoted to the study of the mechanisms of integration of both intra-linguistic and foreign-language neologisms into the media space of Russia, their role in creating expressiveness and effectiveness of communication. Special attention is paid to the analysis of lexical units capable of adapting to changing social and cultural conditions. Their influence on the formation of public perception, the implementation of various functions in media texts and their connection with current events are investigated. Examples include neologisms such as "anti-masochist", "remote", "storytelling" and "coworking". The analysis demonstrates how these elements contribute to the modernization of the language, its enrichment and reflection of current realities. The work focuses on the importance of media discourse as a tool for spreading and consolidating linguistic innovations. The work uses methods of contextual analysis, lexico-semantic classification and interpretation of linguistic units, which allows to systematize and classify neologisms according to their functions in the media discourse. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the identification of the pragmatic function of neologisms in media discourse, demonstrating their key role in the formation of modern media texts. The author reveals that intra-linguistic neologisms contribute to the preservation of cultural identity by creating emotional expressiveness of texts, while foreign-language borrowings emphasize the international character of events and the modernization of language. The work reveals that the integration of neologisms allows the media discourse to remain relevant, modernized and communicatively effective. It is concluded that the use of neologisms in the media enriches the Russian language, contributes to the development of the cultural context and forms new ways of perceiving information. This research can become the basis for creating lexicographic and translation solutions, as well as for optimizing media and advertising communication strategies.
foreign neologisms, media discourse, syntactics, semiotics, semantics, pragmatics, linguistics, pragmatic function of neologisms, informative function, borrowings
He, Z. (2024). Constructions with a secondary union connection in the Russian dialects of the Amur region. Philology: scientific researches, 12, 77–85.
The object of the article is the secondary union connection, and the subject is constructions with this type of connection. A secondary union connection takes place when a particular union is included in the syntactic relations between the components of a subordinate phrase, which brings special communicative and pragmatic meanings to its semantics. The purpose is to describe these regional dialect constructions in comparison with similar constructions of the modern Russian literary language. Russian Dialects Dictionary of the Amur Region and the National Corpus of the Russian Language are the empirical basis of the work. Constructions with elementary compositional conjunctions "and", "but", "a", "yes" are considered, because they are the oldest means of syntactic communication and therefore provide an opportunity to analyze the available material taking into account its prototypical features. The article uses the methodology of the Far Eastern Syntactic School, which consists in a multidimensional description of the means of syntactic communication through constructions in the organization of which they participate. Comparative and quantitative methods of analysis are also used. In contrast to the modern Russian literary language, constructions with a secondary union connection in the Russian dialects of the Amur region are of a limited nature. The main array of examples is fixed with the conjunction "but" and with the conjunction "yes" when used in the opposite sense. Constructions with other elementary unions are practically not marked, including with the union "a", which, like the union "but", is also a carrier of oppositional semantics. This, we believe, is a consequence of the fact that the union "a" in the language of consciousness of speakers of Russian dialects of the Amur region is still closely connected with its original meaning – connective-comparative, whereas the secondary connection tends to a contrastive-concessive semantics. The novelty of the research and the personal contribution of the author of the article lies in the fact that for the first time in Russian studies a systematic description of the secondary union connection was made on dialect material. The results of the study provide an opportunity to better understand the principles of the functioning of the secondary union connection not only in the Russian dialects of the Amur region, but also in the system of the Russian national language as a whole.
semantics, dialects, syntax row, syntactic relations, syntactic connection, constructive properties, construction, conjunction, syntax, pragmatics
Drozdova, E.A. (2024). Linguopragmatics of the speech act of accusation in American English (using the example of the film "Green Book"). Philology: scientific researches, 12, 86–100.
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The subject of the study is the presentation of speech acts of accusation in cinematography, taking into account the discursive situation presented in the film . The object of the study is the linguopragmatics of the speech act of accusation in the American version of the English language. The author examines in detail such aspects of the topic as the expression of the act of accusation through a direct or implicit representation of a tort (crime, misconduct), the consequences of a tort, opposition to a pattern or alternative model of behavior. Special attention is paid to the issues of contextual antithesis, which runs through the entire text of the analyzed film, since the antithesis becomes the leading way of formulating an accusation and an appropriate reaction to it – a communicative act of self-defense, expressed in the denial of a tort, eliminating its seriousness and consequences. The film text emphasizes the juxtaposition of the two main characters, and the communicative antithesis accompanies their dialogues throughout the film. The 2018 film "Green Book", which contains a large number of speech acts of accusation, was chosen as the research material. To achieve the goals of the study, all speech acts containing an accusation were isolated in the dialogues of the characters of the film using a continuous sampling method, and then the ways of its expression were analyzed. The main conclusions of the study are the revealed similarities in the communicative tactics of the two main characters: despite the significant social difference and significant differences in the lexical and syntactic content of phrases, the main characters of the film choose similar tactics to express accusations. A special contribution of the author to the study of the topic is the identification of two leading means of formulating accusations in the film discourse: the juxtaposition of "I" – "they", "you – they", "we – they" and the culminating juxtaposition in the dialogue of the two main characters "I – you", which is resolved by the happy ending of the film. The novelty of the research lies in the identification of accusation tactics in the film discourse. Previously, these speech acts were studied using the example of fiction, in which dialogues are widely amplified in the absence of visual support characteristic of the film discourse.
dialogue, speech tactics, antithesis, implicit information, accusation, cinema discourse, discourse, pragmatics, linguopragmatics, speech act
Chikina, E.E., Chikina, A.A. (2024). On the formal-semiotic aspect of utterance pragmatics in English and German languages. Philology: scientific researches, 12, 101–113.
The subject of the study is the illocutionary force of an utterance in the formal-semiotic aspect. The paper describes three main variants of synchronisation of communicative and semantic interaction components for declarative, interrogative and imperative utterances. The material for the analysis was the basic intentional constructions of English and German. The main methods of research, conditioned by the purpose of revealing cognitive-syntactic models of basic intentional constructions, are the method of semiotic analysis, the method of component analysis, the method of conceptual analysis, and the method of linguistic description. The main conclusions of the study include three basic illocutionary situations – declarative, interrogative and imperative – which represent three models of structural-functional coordination of elements of communicative and semantic interaction. The addressee of the utterance is synchronised with the meaning of the sign in declarative and imperative structures and with the referent of interrogative structures. The addressee of the utterance in the declarative structure correlates with the referent of the utterance, with the meaning of the utterance in interrogative structures and with the form of the sign in imperative utterances. The message as an element of communicative interaction in declarative and interrogative structures is synchronised with the form of the sign, and in imperative structures - with the referent of the utterance. German and English declarative utterances in their syntactics reflect the natural onomasiological process of name creation. In the interrogative structures of these languages, the mirror-spatial symmetry in relation to syntactics declarative utterances is realised, as well as the model of ‘deictic emptiness’. The syntactics of imperative utterances reveals the model of ‘semiotic singularity’, reflecting the neutralisation of the semiotic triangle in self-referential utterances.
imperative utterance, interrogative utterance, declarative utterance, cognitive model, illocution, English, German, semiotics, pragmatics, syntax
Tolparova, D.V. (2024). The means of verbalizing will expression in a literary text as the dominants of the author’s idiostyle (exemplified by I. Bachmann’s novel "Malina"). Philology: scientific researches, 12, 114–124.
The imperative mood expresses the will of the communicative act’s producer and requires a verbal or non-verbal reaction from the recipient. This article is devoted to the study of ways to implement voluntariness in the language of a literary work. The material for this work is the novel "Malina" by the Austrian writer Ingeborg Bachmann. The object of the study is the category of motivation as a way of expressing the will of the producer. The article examines the grammatical and lexical means of verbalizing will that are presented in the analyzed novel by a wide range of forms of explicit and implicit expression of motivation. Special attention is paid to the verb form of the 2nd person singular which forms the core of the imperative mood category and takes priority by the highest frequency of use in I. Bachman's idiolect. The following methods were used in the course of the study: descriptive method, structural method, component analysis method, logical comparison method, statistical analysis method. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that for the first time an attempt was made to establish a correlation between the degree of use frequency of will manifesting means of the writer, characterized by the desire to change the surrounding reality. The analysis of empirical material revealed the tendency for Ingeborg Bachmann to use most of the methods of verbalizing the imperative mood available in the German language. The main conclusion of the study is that indirect ways of expressing will (as well as direct ones) can be represented in artistic discourse by both grammatical and lexical means which are part of imperative structures with modal verbs, as well as elliptical constructions and can be narrative or interrogative sentences from the standpoint of communicative purpose.
degree of imperativeness, dominant form, ellipsis, implicit motivation, explicit motivation, imperative sentence, interrogative sentence, voluntary function, expression of will, imperative mood
Bolbochan, D.V. (2024). Ideological and phonetic analysis of the Old Testament Christian and Jewish name of God יהוה. Philology: scientific researches, 12, 125–143.
The article is devoted to the analysis of the historical, cultural, linguacultural and theological aspects of the tetragrammaton יהוה, used in the texts of the Jewish Tanakh and the Christian Bible as the name of God. The author examines the phonetic reconstruction, Masoretic vocalization and cultural and ideological semantics of the tetragrammaton in the context of Jewish and Christian hermeneutics. The research examines its phonetic reading, vocalizations and cultural and ideological significance in the context of Judaism and Christianity. The study focuses on the comparison of lexical and phonetic pronunciation variants of the tetragrammaton, such as "Jehovah" and "Yahweh", as well as on the analysis of their etymological origin. The study compares the pronunciation options of the name - "Jehovah" and "Yahweh", considers the reasons for their occurrence, and also, based on linguocultural factors, a conclusion is made about the more correct from theological point of view, pronunciation and spelling of the tetragrammaton in languages other than Hebrew. Particular attention is paid to the influence of biblical onomastics and translation strategies on the loss and transformation of the phonetic appearance of the name of God יהוה. The author analyzes the prohibitions on the pronunciation of the name in Judaism, their historical and theological roots, as well as the ways of replacing the tetragrammaton with titles ("Lord") in Christian texts and in later editions of the Tanakh. The article uses the methods of comparative-historical and contrastive linguistics, as well as the principles of biblical exegesis and linguistic hermeneutics. The originality of the work lies in the integration of linguacultural analysis with a historical-religious approach, which allows for a deeper understanding of the cultural and symbolic meaning of the tetragrammaton in the Jewish and Christian traditions.
Christian onomatology, Linguistic hermeneutics, Qumran manuscripts, Old Testament, Bible Translations, Masoretic vowels, Yahweh, Jehovah, Tetragrammaton, Name of God
Khalimzoda, Z.A. (2024). Russian language in the educational environment of the Republic of Tajikistan. Philology: scientific researches, 12, 144–152.
This article is devoted to the issue of studying the Russian language in the field of education of the Republic of Tajikistan, as well as in secondary schools, where education is conducted entirely in the Tajik language, taking into account the increased efficiency of mastering the Russian language. The question is raised about the need to take into account the native language of students when teaching Russian to Tajik schoolchildren. The grammatical categories of number, gender and case of the noun in the analyzed languages are analyzed, and the similarities and differences of the concepts under consideration are determined. Particular attention is paid to the issues of teaching the Russian language due to the fact that in the linguistic conditions of Tajikistan, in the absence of a natural Russian-speaking environment, the education system bears the main burden in learning and preserving the language. Today, among the various directions of socio-economic development of Tajikistan, special attention is paid to the issue of learning languages, especially Russian. Indeed, every year in our country the number of people interested in learning Russian and other languages of the East and West is increasing, and the number of young people interested in learning several languages is increasing every year. In the Republic of Tajikistan (RT), the educational process in the Russian language in secondary schools is built on a new program.Today, among the various directions of socio-economic development of Tajikistan, special attention is paid to the issue of learning languages, especially Russian. Indeed, every year in our country the number of people interested in learning Russian and other languages of the East and West is increasing, and the number of young people interested in learning several languages is increasing every year.
comparative typology, Tajik language, textbook, the language of international communication, the post-Soviet space, internal motivation, education, Russian, Tajik school, Russian school
Zibrov, D.A., Sludneva, L.V., Skopintseva, T.A., Kim, E.O. (2024). The emblematization of the discursive markers of the new ethics. Philology: scientific researches, 12, 153–160.
The subject of the study is the functional and semantic features of emotive vocabulary. Based on a review of works on related topics, it is concluded that the neologism "new ethics" correlates with linguistic material, which is the rhetorical antipode of the rational mode of discourse. The object of the study is represented by statements and lexemes conveying the ideas of the new ethics as a denial of the practice of discrimination based on gender, nationality, appearance, religious affiliation, self-identification and others. The article provides examples of discursive markers that function in the texts of news articles, as well as occur in network communication in the form of posts and comments. The hypothesis is presented that the new ethics has a certain linguistic expression and has discursive emblems that act as indicators of the specifics of discourse and perform certain functions. During the work on the article, the continuous sampling method was used to collect empirical material. The units that actualize the semantic field of ethics and shaming were selected. The fragments extracted from the texts were analyzed using the linguistic stylistic method and contextual analysis to identify the formal and expressive content of the text units. The main conclusions of the conducted research are the conclusions that the discursive emblems of the new ethics are easily recognizable signs that have the following functions: unification, polarization, mobilization of society. These signs, being correlated with existing classifications of emblems, are presented in the work as open sign phenomena. Their belonging to historical, cultural, moral and other values is shown. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that the criteria of the language of new ethics are proposed and described in the form of inclusivity, sensitivity to context, trigger, virality of content. A special contribution of the authors to the study of the topic of influencing in communication is the description of the linguistic symbols of the new ethics in the media discourse, which receive an emblematic interpretation. An intermediate conclusion is that emblems can serve as a kind of codes that convey certain ideas or values, both negative and positive properties.
context, trigger, emblematization, unification, polarization, communication, discourse, emblem, marker, new ethics