Iagafarova, G.N., Sharafutdinova, Z.T., Arslanova, M.S. (2020). Nomination of individuals in Bashkir language based on verbal behavior: tendency towards rudeness. Philology: scientific researches, 6, 1–8.
The object of this research is the concept of “rude person” and its expression in Bashkir language. The subject of this research is the lexical and phraseological units, representing the concept of a “rude person” in Bashkir language and its jargons. Based on the materials of definition, multilingual and dialectological dictionaries, as well as the “Electronic database of Bashkir language” the authors identify a layer of words and expressions denoting a rude person. This article presents the research on the motives for nominations of words in this topic, which allows understanding the peculiarities of the perception of human character in the language picture of the world by its native speaker based on verbal characteristics. The novelty of this research consists in the fact that for the first time in Bashkir linguistics this group of words is highlighted as a separate layer. The main conclusions of the conducted research include discovery of 45 words and expressions denoting the concept of “rude person”. The image of such person is created through lexical units of secondary nomination.
rudeness, rude person, Bashkir dialect, dialecticism, naming motive, Bashkir language, Turkic languages, nomination, speech, representation
Tatarinov, M.K., Britsyna, N.M., Kovshikova, E.V. (2020). Common differences between the Anglo-American and Romano-Germanic legal systems as the main extralinguistic factors in verbalization of criminal and criminal procedural law. Philology: scientific researches, 6, 9–20.
This work examines the fundamental differences between legal systems, defining uniqueness of the Russian-language and English-language criminal legal discourses, which should be taken into consideration during communication. Moving general-to-specific, the authors analyze the main differences at the legal system level, directly impacting translation of criminal procedural terminology (primary source of law, its role in formation of juridical technique, etc.), and concentrate their attention on the unique traits of lingual and non-lingual element (idea of the criminal legal system, ways of verbalization, etc.), characteristic to Russian and Anglo-American criminal legal discourses. The novelty of this research is justified by the fact that extralinguistic factors of legal discourse and their role during representation has only been generally studied, without sufficient work being done on verbalization of criminal legal system in the Russian and English languages. Referring to separate articles of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, the authors propose a way of transmitting the essence of the Russian legal institution of investigation and the stage of preliminary inquiry by means of Anglo-American legal terminology.
cross-legal-system translation, equivalence, discourse analysis, legal linguistics, legal discourse, legal translation, criminal law, criminal procedure, common law, civil law
Kuzmina, R.P. (2020). Analysis of the word-formation nest with the meaning of “nomadity” in the Even language. Philology: scientific researches, 6, 21–27.
The subject of this research is the means of modeling cognate formations within word-formation nest with the top of “nomadity” in the Even language. The relevance of this research is justified by the need for systematization and comprehensive research of Even word formation. The goal of this article is to determine the semantics and word formation structure of derivative words of Even word-formation nest with designation “nomadity”, not previously examined in the works of Even language experts. The acquired results can be used in creation of word-forming dictionary of the Even language, and can be included into materials of special courses on lexicology and word formation. Based on the research of the word-formation nest with the meaning of “nomadity”, a discovery is made on the main features of the key concept, expressed using word-forming means. The authors also determine the semantics of these lexical units, and introduce new linguistic material on jargon and dialects of the Even language into the scientific parlance.
verb forms, semantics, word formation, dialects, derivatives, derivative words, even language, substantives, formants, adverbialization
Belozerova, E.Y. (2020). Phraseology for characteristics of personal and status position (on the example of fiction literature for teenagers). Philology: scientific researches, 6, 28–41.
This article examines the modern phraseological units in the aspect of pragmatics on the example of modern British fiction literature. Phraseology of English language being enriched with new lexical units of idiomatic character, which serve the pragmatics of expression according to narration of the text. The paper analyzes a number of modern phraseological units (phraseologisms, derivatives of phraseologisms, and authorial formulations), aimed at designation of personal or generally recognized status of heroes in the society. Authors of the analyzed literary works are the representatives of modern British linguistic community, with different life experience and views, whose work were displayed in various literary nominations and received positive assessment from the critics. All presented phraseological units are viewed in accordance to the context. The results demonstrate that the pragmatics of expression of modern phraseology is relevant not only within the framework of the described situation. Phraseological units, used for characterizing personal traits of the hero, convey his positive attitude or judgment of others, as well as cultivate formation of a certain image of the hero among audience. This research contributes to the development of principles and approaches towards studying phraseology of English language, its enrichment, and understanding of phraseology in a broader sense.
lexicology, derivation, modern phraseological units, fiction, communicative task, speech act, pragmatic function, phraseology, idiomatics, author idiomatic units
Lagutina, A., Lalova, T. (2020). Lexical and stylistic means of the texts of election debates as one of the ways of communicative impact upon electorate. Philology: scientific researches, 6, 42–51.
This article is dedicated to the description of results acquired in the course of conducting lexical-semantic analysis of the texts of televised election debates. Speech of the candidates of the head of the Fifth Republic in the course of election campaigns of 2012 and 2017 served as the material for this study. The goal lies in examination of the ways of influencing the potential voters using the linguistic means. The authors carried out e lexical-semantic-stylistic analysis of research material, as well as explored substantive structure of the selected texts. The article also analyzes content of the speech of televised election debates, presented by the combination of the conveyed explicit and implicit information. The work also includes a summary table that demonstrates nuclear lexemes of the juxtaposed semantic complexes of texts. The results obtained in the course of lexical-semantic-stylistic analysis confirm the authors’ assumption that the texts of televised election debates contain semantic dichotomies that are one of the ways of influencing the electorate.
key lexemes, semantic opposition, communicative impact, semantic complexes, lexical and semantic analysis, presidential TV debates, communicative intention, appellative function, framing effect, conflict of meanings
Zvereva, M.I. (2020). Taboo. Political correctness. Euphemism. Correlation of concepts. Philology: scientific researches, 6, 52–59.
The inspiration source for writing this article became the detected in scientific literature fusion of terms and concepts denoted by them. The object of this research is the concepts of “taboo”, “political correctness” and “euphemism”. The subjects is the key characteristics: functional and semantic peculiarities that allow correlating these concepts. The analysis captures the contamination of dictionary definitions, as well as examples from the texts of modern media. The author examines such aspects of the topic, as the general characteristics of taboo, political correctness and euphemism, their semantic structure and function. Special attention is given to interpretation, search of the meeting points, and demarcation of the notions. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that for the first time these concepts are being analyzed “in tandem”, and that taboo is viewed in relation to euphemism and political correctness as a linguistic phenomenon (word-taboo) and non-linguistic phenomenon (rule-taboo). The main conclusions consist in the following: firstly, reasoned confirmation of the diversity of the concepts of taboo, political correctness and euphemism; secondly, correlation between the word-taboo and euphemism as the “replaced” and “replacing”; and thirdly, the determination that rule-taboo and political correctness are two powerful boosts for creation and utilization of euphemisms.
a function of taboo, contextual meaning, basic meaning, semantic structure, taboo-word, taboo-rule, political correctness, euphemism, a function of political correctness, a function of euphemism