Ignatov, I.A. (2019). The Word 'Personage': Development of Semantics and Today's Meaning for the Russian Language. Philology: scientific researches, 3, 1–17.
In his article Ignatov analyzes the word 'personage' and structural component of the semantic field 'personality'. He demonstrates that the word 'personage' came into the Russian literary language by the end of the XIXth century. The beginning of the XXth century was marked with rapid development of this word semantics including the use of the word for denoting an individual. Lately the word 'personage' has been actively used in combination with other words that describe a person as an individual (human creature or figure) or a person from the point of view of his or her qualities and traits (personality). The author bases his analysis on the use of contextual and lexical-semantic research methods based on the material of the national corpus of the Russian language. The word 'personage' has never before become an object of special analysis in personality studies because the meanings of personage as an individual are not so often found in Russian dictionaries. However, the results of the research demonstrate that today this lexeme is actively used in the development of the semantic field 'personality' in Russian.
human, vocabulary, Russian language, semantic field, personage, lexical-semantic variants, word semantics, lexical-semantic method, contextual method, meaning widening
Sysoeva, O.A. (2019). Parody Function of Genre Inserts in Sasha Sokolov's Novel 'A School for Fools'. Philology: scientific researches, 3, 18–29.
The subject of the research is the analysis of the parady function of genre inserts in a literary text. The object of the research is the novel A School for Fools written by Sasha Sokolov and published in 1975. In the course of her research Sysoeva compares genre inserts that can be found in the novel (business letter, petition, explanatory memorandum, lecture, oath and composition) with 'primary' conversational genres and describes common features and differences. Sysoeva demonstrates how Sasha Sokolov brightly and vividly uses stylistic cliches of these genres. In her research Sysoeva analyzes the systems typological, historical literary methods as well as the method of intertextual analysis. The methodological basis of the research includes works of M. Bakhtin, D. Likhachev, V. Proppa, V. Novikov, L. Kikhney, V. Ivanyuk, I. Silantiev, M. Lipovetsky and S. Fedyurko. The main results of the research are the following. In his novel A School for Fools Sasha Sokolov uses varied compositional inserts, for example, business letter, explanatory memorandum and petition (business style) and composition and lecture (academic style). There is also a genre modification that remind an oath used in the novel. The parody effect is created as a result of revealed conventions of expressive means and techniques, stereotypical characters and plot situations. Cliches of conversational and literary genres do not always bring additional meanings to the novel but acquire additional meanings themselves. In Sasha Sokolov's novels literary parody is not only means of overcoming of traditions and canons and demythologization but also a condition for creation a game situation of a dialogue.
Lecture, Explanatory Memorandum, Petition, Business letter, Genre insert, Sasha Sokolov, Comic, Parody, Genre, Oath
Shukurov, D.L. (2019). Analysis of Hermeneutical Approaches to Interpretatin of Divinely Revealed Name in the Biblical Book The Exodus in Terms of Greek Judaic Cultural Synthesis. Philology: scientific researches, 3, 30–42.
The question about the principles of naming God in original Biblical texts and their translations is a key problem for modern linguistics and philosophy of text. The hermeneutics of The Exodus focuses on so called divinely revealed name of god (Yahweh). The importance of exegetical and hermeneutical analysis of God's name is conditioned by the need to conceptually overcome the methodological gap in modern linguistics and Hebrew studies as a result of the absence of typical Biblical Jewish forms in the languages The Bible has been translated into. In his article Shukurov analyzes hermeneutical approaches to interpretation of a tetragrammaton (the name of Yahweh) in The Bible. The research is based on the most representative works of foreign and Russian researchers such as Feofan (Bystron), Haupt, Albright, Cross, Fridman, Shield, Lindbloom, Buber and Rosenzweig, Propp, Childers, Barr, Boman, Tremontan, Riceour, Averintsev, Januarius (Ivliev) and others. The researcher provides the results of his hermeneutical analysis of the grammatical and syntactical formula constructs in the Biblical book The Exodus (The Exodus 3:14). Linguistic principles of God naming used in the translation of Yahweh as the Name of God correlate to the cultural phenomenon of Greek-Judaic synthesis and receive hermeneutical interpretation. The aim of the research is to prove the advantage of the synthesis of Greek (Hellenistic) and Semito-Judaic traditions. This is what causes the scientific novelty of the research.
onomatology, biblical studies, Tetragrammaton, the theology of the Divinely Revealed Name, Greek culture, Judaic tradition, Middle Eastern culture, Christian theology, Name of God, the theory of nomination
Palanchuk, N.V. (2019). Precedent Phenomena of Russian And English Linguo Cultures in Western Media Discourse. Philology: scientific researches, 3, 43–52.
The subject under research is precedent phenomena of English and Russian linguo cultures as these are demonstrated in the discourse of foreign mass media about the winter Olympics in Sochi. Precedent phenomena of English and Russian linguo cultures in this media discourse play varied functions and connotations. Appealing to precedent phenomena of their own linguo culture, journalists give vivid characteristics of phenomena they describe. These phenomena are well-known for readers and serve as a key to understanding unfamous aspects of the Russian culture. They can also add some humorous or ironic tone. In their turn, precedent phenomena of Russian linguo culture do not play an explicative function in this discourse but have a role of negative connotation intensifiers. In this research Palanchuk carries out a linguo cultural analysis of precedent phenomena in Russian and English linguo cultures as these are demonstrated in Western media discourse. As a result of the research, Palanchuk describes the following features of the use of precedent phenomena in Russian and English linguo cultures in Western media discourse about Olympics 2014: - precedent phenomena of English linguo culture play an explicative function as well as add humorous or ironic tone; - precedent phenomena of Russian linguo culture serve as intensifiers of negative connotation.
explanatory function, English linguaculture, Russian linguaculture, media discourse, precedent name, precedent text, precedent phenomenon, connotation of precedent phenomena, political context, Olympics in Sochi
Poetry and the poet
Patolyatov, D.A. (2019). Rhythmic Speech Division in Free Verse Based on the Example of Igor Holin's Poem 'I am Greeting Everyone'. Philology: scientific researches, 3, 53–60.
The subject of the research is the rhythmic speech division in free verse based on the analysis of the poem 'I am greeting everyone' written by a brilliant representative of the second wave of Russian poetic avant-garde, Igor Holin (1920–1999). The object of the research is the main components of rhythmic division and line as a rhythmic unit of a text. The author of the article focuses on the primary, secondary and vertical rhymne of lines and potential influence of a syllabic-accentual metre on the text rhyme. The researcher pays special attention to rhythmic structures of speech that ensures free division and intonational variety of free verse. In his research Patolyatov uses observation and description as the common methods of research in poetry linguistics as well as statistical and experimental methods. This is the first article in the academic literature to analyze the rhythmic structure of Igor Holin's free verse. The results of the research demonstrate that the growth in the number of divisible elements in a text is caused by the poet's focus and emphasis on particular words or word combinations. The author's special contribution to the research is the combination of methods that are used in poetry studies and the method of linguistic text analysis.
speech division, poetic speech, intonation, verse line, metre, rhythmic structure, free verse, rhythm, enjambement, versification
Le, A. (2019). Abbreviation as the Means of Word Formation in Russian Military Vocabulary (the Case Analysis of Mass Media Texts). Philology: scientific researches, 3, 61–66.
The object of the research is abbreviation as the means of word formation in Russian military vocabulary. The subject of the research is military abbreviations in mass media texts. The aim of the research is to describe such terms as 'abbreviation' and 'abbreviatura', to classify military abbreviations and to discover peculiarities of these words formation. Based on the analysis of authoritative mass media, the author of the article has selected and analyzed new military abbreviations, some of them are still left unrecorded by dictionaries, the latter also causing the novelty of this research. The researcher has applied teh following methods: linguistic description, directional sampling, classification and component analysis. The research data included military publications posted on a specialized website 'Military review', 'Star TV', e-newspapers Gazeta.Ru and RIA News, Komsomolskaya pravda, Lenta, and TASS. The scientific novelty of this research is caused by the fact that for the first time in the academic literature the author of the research classified abbreviations of military terms. The researcher also concludes about subdivision of military abbreviations into types and subtypes and features of these words formation. The article can be of interest for all those who are interested in military vocabulary and military terms.
concise words, mixed aabbreviatura, alphabetic abbreviatura, sound abbreviatura, initial abbreviatura, abbreviatura, abbreviation, military term, military terminology, component
Selemeneva, O.A. (2019). Lexical Explication and Contents of the FROST Concept in the Russian Linguistic World View of the XIXth Century. Philology: scientific researches, 3, 67–77.
The subject of the research is the means of lexical objectivization of the FROST concept in the Russian linguistic world view of the XIXth century. Selemeneva appeals to lexemes as linguistic signs of the mental phenomenon under research because means they give a full explication of the cognitive content of the communicatory relevant part of concepts. The aim of the research is to define the main cognitive signs of the FROST concept by analyzing the indivisible means of its representation in the Russian language. The research is based on data provided by the National Corpus of the Russian Language, in particular, about 1900 expressions that were taken by the researcher as examples. To systematize and describe the facts, the researcher has used the descriptive analytical and distributive methods, the method of contextual analysis and the method of linguo-cognitive analysis. The main results of the research are the following: 1) the FROST concept is represented in the Russian linguistic world view of the XIXth century as a combination of lexemes attributable to different parts of speech (nouns, adjectives, verbs, categories of state); 2) analysis of syntagmatic compatibility of defined lexemes allows to discover and describe 14 cognitive signs that form the macro-structure of the FROST concept; 3) in the concept, cognitive signs have different relations with one another (complementarity relations, independence relations, adversarial relations). The results of the research emphasize the importance of the FROST concept for the national consciousness with its many-level and rich content, the latter caused by the ambivalence of its nature as a result of preservation of archaic world perception in the Russian world view of the XIXth century.
lexeme, linguistic sign, Russian language, representation, picture of the world, the concept FROST, the conceptosphere NATURE, syntagmatic compatibility, the structure of the concept, cognitive sign
Osipova, O.I. (2019). Travel as a Motive Structure and Genre in Mikhail Kuzmin's Prose. Philology: scientific researches, 3, 78–83.
The subject of the research is the semantic complex 'travel' in Mikhail Kuzmin's novels. The semantic complex of travel in Kuzmin's novels reflects the acmeism orientation at 'craving for world culture', however, it is more likely a trigger for the search of a creative code engraved in in the global literary process. Within the framework of the research, the semantic complex means, firstly, a genre structure and secondly, a combination of motives that play different roles in a literary work. Kuzmin's prose presents a semantic complex 'travel' both at the level of the genre structure of the novel and the level of motive organisation. To analyze the complex of motives and genre structures, the researcher used the complex approach which included intertextual analysis and biographical commentary. The analysis carried out b the author has allowed to discover and describe peculiarities of the genre and motive of travel in Kuzmin's prose. In his novel 'Wings' the image of travel is represented at the motivational level and relates to the idea of the personal growth of the hero. Travel is also a structure-forming genre in his novels' Deeds of Alexander the Great' and 'Wonderful Life of Joseph Balsamo, Cagliostro Earl'. The life path of these heroes can be conditionally divided into two parts, the 'upward' path towards glory and 'downward' path towards death.
the chronotope, the motive of the way, motivic complex, travel, traveloh, genre, the novel, story, Kuzmin, a myth