Ayusheeva, L.V. (2018). Regarding Interjections and Onomatopoeic Words in the Buryat Language. Philology: scientific researches, 3, 1–6.
The subject of the research is interjections and onomatopoeic words as individual units of the Buryat language and their semantic characteristic. The rationale of this research is caused by the fact that this is a rather understudied issue in Buryat language researches even though interjections and onomatopoeic words are widely used by Buryat speakers. The purpose of this research is to define the place of interjections and onomatopoeic words in the system of the Buryat parts of speech, their classification and analysis of the way they perform as parts of speech. The main research method was the synchronous descriptive method that implied structural semantic analysis of speech constructs. The material for the research involved literary works, dictionaries, examples of verbal speech of Buryat speakers, and practical experience of the author in speaking the Buryat language. All examples are translated into Russian. The theoretical importance of the research is caused by the fact that the results of this research can be used to analyze the problems of the use of interjections and onomatopoeic words as well as pragmatically oriented researches in Mongolian languages. The results of the research can be also used when teaching the Buryat language at schools, universities, and writing school and university text books.
imperative interjections, emotional interjections, part of speech, grammar, Buryat language, onomatopoeic word, interjection, sounding, borrowing, lexical meaning
Literary criticism
Safarova, Z.A., Khalitova, G.A. (2018). Narrative Features of Graham Swift's Novel 'Waterland' in Terms of Literary Tradition. Philology: scientific researches, 3, 7–12.
The subject of the research is the narrative strategies used by Graham Swift as a post-modernist writer. The object of the research is Graman Swift's novel 'Waterland'. The specific content of Swift's novels make him a remarkable and interesting author, especially the narrative techniques and methods used by the author. The aim of this research is to analyze narrative features used by Graham Swift in his novel 'Waterland'. Literary scholars share practically the same opinion that Swift's prose has a very distinguished interest in serious philosophical issues. Quite frequently researchers have emphasized that this interest leads to certain consequences and influences both the topic, personalitiues and style of writing chosen by Swift. Along with other methods, the authors of this article have used such methods as historical genetic analysis and structural-functional analysis. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the authors view the novel 'Waterland' from the point of view of its narrative structure and post-modernism features. Conclusions. The novel 'Waterland' presents the trend of 'historization' of prose which makes it comparable to historical novels. The other feature of Graham Swift's style of writing is the subjectivity of his prose evolving around a learning and suffering man. The 'narration' of the novel is also very unique because it is comprised of separate pieces that are often unrelated to one another which makes the aforesaid novel worthy of special attention of both readers and literary critics.
historicizing, point of view, subjectivization of prose, stream of consciousness, narration, objective reality, narrative models, postmodernism, fragmentation, chronological order
Zvereva, M.I. (2018). Euphemism as a Multi-Aspect Concept. Philology: scientific researches, 3, 13–18.
In her research Zvereva presents the results of an in-depth analysis of the concept of 'euphemism' carried out for the purpose of discovering relationships between different aspects of the concept. The object of the research is the definition of euphemism and its elements. The subject of the research is the relationships between these aspects. The author of the article pays special attention to the analysis of the semantic, functional and linguistic and cultural aspects. The research material involves euphemisms found by the author in texts of modern Russian printing media (mostly the Izvestia Newspaper articles because Izvestia is the most popular broadsheet newspaper in Russia that is targeted at wide readership and is not affected by far right or far left views). To achieve this oal, the authr of the article has used many methods, the main method being the descriptive analytical method and its basic elements including observation, generalisation and interpretation. To analyze euphemistic words and expressions in terms of a particular aspect, the author has used the contextual analysis method (semantic aspect) and comparative analysis and survey (functional and linguistc and cultural aspects). This approach has demonstrated the diversity and variety of the nature of euphemisms and outline hirozons and prospects of their analysis as well as to actualize the research of euphemism in terms of modern scientific paradigm. In addition, based on the research results the author has made a conclusion that there is a close interdependence between specific topics and pragmatic focus of mass media texts as well as the ability of euphemisms to reflect features of a particular linguoculture.
functional aspect, semantic aspect, linguopragmatics, comic effect, speech manipulation, political correctness, intercultural communication, linguistic and cultural features, euphemism, linguistic and cultural aspects
Nagaeva, K. (2018). The 'Tolerance' Ideological Concept in French and Russian Linguocultures. Philology: scientific researches, 3, 19–25.
The subject of the research is the 'tolerance' ideological concept in French and Russian linguocultures, in particular, conceptual development of the key word concept in the languages being compared. Linguistics views tolerance as a linguocultural category, communicative category, linguocultural phenomenon, cognitive concept, segmented concept of interpersonal communication, and fundamental idea of the Russian linguistic view of the world. The problem of tolerance has been studied based on the comparison of different languages (Russian, English, German, Polish, Turkish, Chinese, etc.) and discourses (political, publicistic, scientific and academic). In her research Nagaeva has used the following methods: lexical-semantic analysis, definition method, component analysis method and linguocultural commentary method. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the 'tolerance' linguocultural concept never before has been viewed as an ideological category, especially in the French language. As a result of her research, Nagaeva makes a conclusion that there are certain differences in the French and Russian concepts of tolerance from the point of view of the conceptual development of this concept's key word.
terpimost', tolerance, key word of concept, ideological concept, linguoculture, linguocultural concept, lexeme, semantic family, meaning, synonym
Comparative-historical studies of literature
Vorobev, K. (2018). The Saturday Akathist Service in Slavonic Triodions of the 12th - 14th Centuries. Philology: scientific researches, 3, 26–39.
The subject of this research is the structure of the service devoted to the fifth Saturday of the Great Lent (the Saturday Akathist). This is a unique service because it is when Akathist, the ancient hymn in the honor of the Holy Mother that relates to the Feast of the Annunciation, is being read. The object of the research is a series of manuscripts of Slavonic Triodions of the 12th - 14th centuries. In his research Vorobiev presents and analyzes data from nine manuscripts. Eight manuscripts were studied de visu, and a fascimile edition of one manuscript was studied. The main research method used by the author is the typological analysis that allowed to define similiarity between the present Saturday Akathist service and the services described by Greek sources that described the procedure of the Byzantine service. The results of the research demonstrate that the Saturday Akathist service was often compiled on oe of famous West Byzantine liturgical models. Such compilation can be proved by both typological and textological features. This conclusion made by the author creates a new understanding of the process of creating and changing the Slavonic-based Triodion liturgical books.
compilation, South Italian worship, Slavonic service, Saturday Akathist, Slavonic manuscripts, Triodion, Akathist, redaction, liturgical texts, Slavic liturgical books
Question at hand
Klyuev , N.A. (2018). Viber and WhatsApp in Russian Linguistic Consciousness: Analysis of Area and Category Structures. Philology: scientific researches, 3, 40–51.
The subject of the research is the structure of WhatsApp and Viber subconcepts in Russian linguistic consciousness. The aim of the research is to describe the response of the brain association areas to WhatsApp and Viber stimuli and develop a classification of cognitive criterions. In his research Klyuev pays special attention to comparison of subconcepts category structures, in particular, he carries out a comparative analysis of classifiers that were obtained as a result of cognitive interpretation of nominative areas subconcepts. The resaerch material included responses that were recorded during a free association experiment (on the Internet network). The method of the author's conceptual research is a cognitive interpretation of linguistic units that nominate the content of subconcepts (associates are united into cognitive features that were later developed into a list of classifiers based on the data obtained). The main results of the research include the following: determination of similarity of subconcepts at the level of their area organization and category structure; definition of cognitive features "color and elements of the graphic style' and 'WhatApp and Viber names' as the primary methods of differentiating between subconcepts in a user's mind; and definition of a significant share of affective features in the structure of both subconcepts.
cognitive linguistics, social media, psycholinguistics, Viber, WhatsApp, associative experiment, messenger, concept, internet-communication, digital communication
Question at hand
Suleymanova , O.A., Petrova , I.M. (2018). Explanatory Potential of the Theory of Classies for Linguistic Research: Word Order in Attributive Group. Philology: scientific researches, 3, 52–64.
The subject of this research is the theory of classes from the point of view of its ability to exlain the word order in attributive group. The object of the research is the cognitive mechanisms that influence the word order in attributive group. The authors of the article demonstrate that each new object that arises in a speaker's area of interest is reffered to a certain class by the speaker based on particular relevant characteristics. The position of adjective in attributive group in relation to noun is determined by the importance of this particular class of words for a speaker at a particular point of his or her speech. Thus, the more important this class of words is for a speaker, the closer adjective is located to noun. The research methodology is based on the analysis of experimental data obtained by the researcher through using the Google search. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author uses an innovative linguistic experiment that allows to demonstrate how the word order depends on classes of words individually ranked by a speaker. By using the experimental material on the basis of the Google search, the authors have demonstrated and proved that aforesaid pattern and underlined some cultural features of attributive groups in the Russian and English languages.
semantic classes, noun phrase, Google search engine, experiment, word order in attributive group, adjectives, cognitive mechanisms, theory of classes, subjective criteria of speaker, categorization
Question at hand
Qin', P. (2018). Deliberative-Causative Component of Congratulations in Russian and Chinese Business Letters. Philology: scientific researches, 3, 65–74.
The subject of the research is the deliberative-causative component of a 'congratulation' speech genre in Russian and Chinese business letters. The author of the article examines such aspects of the topic as the origin of the verb 'congratulate', classification of congratulation reasons and deliberative-causative component that coincides wiht a name of a holiday or synonym thereof. The author of the article pays special attention to different reasons and particularities of their expression in Russian and Chinese cultures. The rationale of the research is caused by the fact that particularities of business letter congratulations have been understudied, especially in terms of their comparison. The main research method used by the author is the method of comparison that implied the component and context analysis. The purpose of a congratulation is to evoke positive emotions in an addresse. According to the author, only a proper congratulation reason may create such a positive effect. Therefore, in cross-cultural communication it is important to take into account different kinds of official and individual congratulation reasons and stereotypes. The purpose of this research is to describe similarities and differences in reasons (motives) of congradulations in Russian and Chinese business correspondence and how these are expressed in writing. The research involves anslysis of congratulation letters published by mass media and official corporation and company websites. The theoretical importance of the research is that the results of the research can be used in the process of comparing Russian and Chinese congratulations. Analysis of cliches and syntactical structures of a business congratulation letter, along with their morphological and syntactical peculiarities, is practically important for writing congragulations in Russian and Chinese. Knowing differences and similarities of congratulations in these two languages contributes to efficient cross-cultural communication.
business letter, deliberative-causative component, culture, holiday, occasion, congratulation, speech genre, peech etiquette, Russian language, Chinese language
Question at hand
Zhavoronkov, D. (2018). Writer and Critic: Letters of Mikhail Menshikov to Lev Tolstoy in the 1890s - Early 1900s. Philology: scientific researches, 3, 75–89.
The subject of the research is the correspondence of Mikhail Osipovich Menshikov, one of the most affluential Russian journalists, with Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy, in relation to their ideology, creative writing and correspondence. The object of the research is the letters written by the journalist and the writer. The purpose of the article is to analyze the corpus of the letters exchanged by Tolstoy and Menshikov, to define the range of the main themes and topics discussed by those two, and to refer them to their biographies and historical period. As a journalist, Menshikov admired Tolstoy which allowed their contemporaries and researchers to consider him as an adherent of the writer. Meanwhile, Menshikov critized Tolstoy in 1900s. When writing this article, the author has practiced the principles of historicism, scientific objectivity, determinism, viewing views and positions of Menshikov and Tolstoy in relation to the realities of their epoch. In his research Zhavoronkov has also used both general and special research methods typical for history and philology researches, in particular, comparative historical and problem-oriented chronological analysis. The author has also applied biographical and historical psychological methods. Based on the analysis of the correspondence between Mikhail Menshikov and Lev Tolstoy, most of their letters being discussed in the academic literature for the first time, the author proves that the journalist was not a 'blind' adherent of Tolstoy, disagreed with the great Russian writer on some points and even disputed with him in their letters. The results of this analysis have also uncovered circumstances of Lev Tolstoy publishing his article 'Hunger or Non-Hunger' which he asked Mikhail Menshikov to publish.
Nikolay Semyonovich Leskov, Russian people, hunger, Novoye Vremya (, journalism, Knizhki Nedeli (“Week’s Books”) magazine, Nedelya (“Week”) newspaper, Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy, Mikhail Osipovich Menshikov, Nikolay Nikolaevich Zhedenov
Abliametova, S.M. (2018). The Role of Synonyms Studies in the Developmentn of Speech Skills in Crimean Tatar People. Philology: scientific researches, 3, 90–97.
The subject of the research is the problem of studying the Crimean Tatar language in the bilingual environment. The object of the research is synonyms in the Crimean Tatar language. The use of synonyms ensures accuracy of expression of this or that meaning, enriches the literary language and increases the expressive power of the language. Frequent use of synonyms denotes a good knowledge of a language and is important not only in the process of learning a foreign language but also improving one's native language skills. Synonyms enrich one's speech and allow to better express one's thoughts. In her research Ablyametova has used the method of description as the main method of linguistic research, and the method of distributive analysis. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author of the article analyzes particular exercises that are used to teach Crimean Tatar synonyms. As a conclusion, the author underlines that the most efficient method of teaching Crimean Tatar synonyms is to choose synonyms consulting Russian-Crimean Tatar dictionary and to scan texts for synonyms. To increase efficiency of teaching exercises, it is also good to expand the range of synonyms based on different ways of synonym origin in the Crimean Tatar language. Exercises should be aimed at a more efficient and frequent use of synonyms in one's speech.
semantics, lexicon, efficiency, speech, communicative features, exercises, vocabulary, study, Crimean Tatar language, synonyms
Varfolomeeva, Y.N. (2018). Classification of Verb Predicates of Visual Perception in Colloquial Description. Philology: scientific researches, 3, 98–104.
In her research Varfolomeeva offers a semantic classification of verb predicates used in colloquial description. The object of the research is descriptive texts that can be heard in colloquial speech. Taking into account the fact that a descriptive text is a priori designated to verbalize the space, verb predicates that constitute the 'constant' of the descriptive structural-semantic model verbalize spatial parameters. The subject of the research is the semantics of verbal prediates that express the locative semantics in a description. Analysis of semantics of verb predicates used in colloquial description implies their classification. The researcher offers her own classification of lexical-semantic groups depending on an identifying seme and differentiating semes. The researcher analyzes the material from the point of view of synchrony. One of the main research methods used by the author is the semantic-contextual method that is based on the analysis of semantic particularities of verb predicates in terms of colloquial description. In addition, the author also applies the quantitative analysis method that implies calculation of productivity of using lexical-semantic groups of verb predicates in colloquial descriptions. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the researcher refers to description in general because earlier researches focused on analyzing literary and academic texts. Colloquial description may use two groups of verb predicates that define the spatial location of objects: 1. Predicates that define spatial parameters of an item in relation to another item (geometrical arrangement, position, coverage of an object, space filling, space boundaries, directions, spatial relation between objects); and units that define spatial characteristics of an object (shape of an object, characteristics of flat surface, position of objects within pace; and 2. verb predicates that describe an observer's spatial features (based on light/color characteristics).
lexic-semantic variant, lexic-semantic group, semantic classification, verb predicate, colloquial description, productivity, text of descriptive type, colloquial speech, space in language, semantics
Literary criticism
Spivakovsky, P. (2018). Vladimir Sorokin: On the Other side of Postmodernism. Philology: scientific researches, 3, 105–113.
In this article Spivakovsky analyzes the creative writing of Vladimir Sorokin outside the customary borders of post-modernist paradigm, in terms of the contemporary theory of metamodernism. In particular, the researcher focuses on those works the classical postmodernist theory cannot possibly explain. Thus, the short stories 'Sergey Andreevich' and 'Love' from the series of novels 'The First Saturday Workday' demonstrate such feature as depthiness besides deconstructing postmodernist games, and the novel 'Marina's Thirtieth Love' and the short story 'Avaron' analyze the tragic basis that is so important for these works. The main instruments of the analysis used by Spivakovsky include the key concepts of the metamodernist theory, oscillation and depthiness. The tragic is also an important element of metamodernist approaches to analyzing the creative writing of Vladimir Sorokin. The short stories 'Sergey Andreevich', 'Love', Lonely Accordion' and 'Avaron' as well as the novel 'Marina's Thirtieth Love' are viewed by the researcher as metamodernistic works which allows to see Vladimir Sorokin's creative writing in a new light.
Marina's Thirtieth Love, tragic, depthiness, oscillation, metamodernism, postmodernism, Vladimir Sorokin, The First Saturday Workday, Avaron, The Norm
Literary criticism
Belikova, N.S. (2018). The Temptation of Quasi Existence in Contemporary School Prose (the Case Study of E. Chizhova's Novel 'Little Zacheses' . Philology: scientific researches, 3, 114–119.
The object of the research is the novel 'Little Zacheses' written by E. Chizhova as an example of contemporary school prose. The aim of the research is to analyze psychological conflicts and communication issues faced by an adult and child as the heroes of the novel. In her research Belikova focuses on the personality type of a contemporary teacher as well as the nature of interpersonal and child-and-adult relations. The author pays special attention to the problems of education and moral education that are viewed from the point of view of the phenomenology of the novelistic word, axiological category and chronotopical reality of the theatre stage. The methodology of the research implies analysis of the novel in terms of philosophy and pedagogics. Psychologism of the novel is conditioned by the untypical role of spiritually and profesionally immature personality who creates the quasi existence and calls them 'students'. The philosophical context of the novel is enriched with retrospective images that play a crucial role in the development of the character's personality. The main conclusion of the research is the statement of a non-trivial interpretation of the fathers and sons topic and education issues in a contemporary school novel. The teacher's idea to create the quasi existence demonstrates unusual dominants of the education process and special status of a teacher who does not handle the role of a perfect mentor in the usual school environment.
modern litarature, school prose, school novel, school, phenomenology of the word, phenomenology, psychology of teacher, teacher, irreality, Chizhova
Khakimova, G. (2018). The Abbreviation Process in German Veterinary Terminology. Philology: scientific researches, 3, 120–131.
In her research Khakhimova analyzes abbreviation as the productive methods of word formation in relation to German veterinary terms. The subject of the research is different types of abbreviated lexical units created as a result of the abbreviation process. The abbreviation process is based on the linguistic economy rule aimed at minimization of lingustic expressive forms used to denote a particular content. The object of the research is German veterinary terms. The research material includes reduced lexical units that can be found in German veterinary vocabularies including Internet vocabularies. The main research methods is the continuous sampling method, statistical analysis, structural and comparative analysis. The importance of studying new abbreviations in the veterinary vocabulary is explained by the influence of extratextual factors, in particular, rapid development of veterinary as a science aimed at prevention and treatment of animal diseases, and protection of population against diseases common for human and animal. The results of the analysis allow to conclude that the most productive types of reduced units in a veterinary dialect of the German language are initial three-letter abbreviations, initial-syllabic acronyms and partially abbreviated words consisting of initial abbreviations and notional words.
partially abbreviated words, apocope, acronym, clipping, initial abbreviations, classification of the reduced units, German veterinary terminology, method of word formation, abbreviation, initial-syllabic acronyms
Maiorov, K.A. (2018). Lexical Aspect of Synchronous Communication in Computer Mediated Communication. Philology: scientific researches, 3, 132–138.
Modern researches demonstrate that synchronous computer mediated communication has specific features such as physical absense of communication partners and consequently the absense of traditional communication barriers as a result of personality traits of interlocutors and the influence of various psychological factors. The object of the resaerch is synchronous computer mediated communication and the subject of the research is the vocabulary created in the process of such communication. Internet is a unique platform for researches because it has both writing and verbal dialects. The aim of the research is to analyze modern slang units created in the process of synchronous computer mediated communication. The research material includes log files of chats that imply synchronous communication. The authro analyzes three extracts, each containing 1000 - 1200 messages. Synchronous communication means provide the best opportunity to create not only one's own language image on the Internet but also to create one's own world that can be described using a specific discourse. This is a discourse of a special type and each user combines the language representation of his or her own individuality with verbal parameters set by the discourse.
communicative features, internet communication, slang, communication, vocabulary, computer mediated communication, verbal culture, communication tools, synchronous communication, internet
Sevastianova, A.L. (2018). The Value-Concept Paradigm of FAMILY in the Political Discourse. Philology: scientific researches, 3, 139–145.
The article is devoted to the linguocultural interpretation of values and value concept from the point of view of the value-concept paradigm. The author of the article analyzes the terms 'value-concept paradigm' and 'value hyperconcept'. Sevastyanova analyzes the FAMILY hyper concept as a generating value concept and the basis for the FAMILY value-concept paradigm, and studies the concepts that generate therefrom, too. The emphasis is made on the analysis of a language representation of the FAMILY value hyperconcept in the political discourse based on the analysis of speeches that had been made by the USA political leaders since 2008 till 2009. In her research Sevastyanova uses such research methods as definition, semantic and pragmatic analysis, linguistic description, linguocultural analysis, and elements of discourse analysis. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that value-cocnept paradigm, hyper concept and generated concept are understudied terms in the academic literature. The FAMILY concept is viewed as a hyper concept that make the basis for the value-concept paradigm for the first time in the research literature.
worldview, axiology, discourse, political discourse, value, concept, language and cultural studies, antopocentric paradigm, value-concept paradigm, hyperconcept
Question at hand
Vishnevskaya , E.M., Nersesova , E.V., Zots , I.V. (2018). Interpretation and Communication of National Language Features in the Situation of Culture Contact. Philology: scientific researches, 3, 146–155.
The subject of the research is the cross cultural communication as an essential element of the globalization processes that are so active in the world today. To ensure an efficient communication between representatives of different cultures as well as to overcome langauge barriers, it is necessary to take into account extralinguistic factors besides just applying linguistic means. The rationale of the topic is caused by the fact that the problem of accurate translation is viewed from different pionts of view, i.e. in machine translation, non-verbal communication, opposition of different national personalities, and graphic and textual presentation of urban territories. The aim of the research is to provide a brief description of the means that are used to describe cultural and historical realities, and to ensure transliteration, communication of urbanonyms and expression of cultural connotations. The research is based on the content analysis and pre-translational analysis of texts. The authors provide examples of efficient cultural communication and emphasize the need to apply a culture oriented approach to communication. The theoretical importance of the research is caused by the fact that the results of the research can be used to analyze the problems of interaction between different cultures and reflection of cultural and historical realities. The research materials can be also used in research and teaching practice to teach theoretical disciplines (general linguistics, lexicology, and sociolinguistics) as part of the theory and practice of translation.
urbanonims, city navigation, culture, interpretation, culture oriented approach, intercultural competency, communicative situation, machine translation, non-verbal communication, transliteration
Literary criticism
Osovskii, O.E., Kirzhaeva, V.P. (2018). They Ascribe to me...: the Disputed Texts in Bakhtin Studies of the Late 1980s - 1990s. Philology: scientific researches, 3, 156–168.
The subject of the research is Bakhtin heritage reception in Russian literary studies of the late 1980s - 1990s. That was the period when researchers came close to the problem of so called 'disputed texts' using new approaches of literary studies and other humanities. The object of the research is the polemics about the authorship of Medvedev-Voloshinov corpus of texts. The authors of the article analyze arguments of protagonists and opponents of the point of view that the texts were written by Mikhail Bakhtin. Based on the traditions of academic literary studies, experience in textual analysis, and case studies technique, the authors offer a complex method of viewing the aforesaid problem in the historico-literary and sociocultural terms. Keeping in mind that for many decades there has been a tradition to think of Bakhtin as the author of 'the disputed texts', memoirs published in 1990 and a great number of researches including those that were not so famous allow the authors of the article to conclude that already in late 1990s a Russian expert in Bakhtin studies N. Nikolaev offered a model and text analysis methods that proved the authorship of Mikhail Bakhtin.
the disputed texts, the problem of authorship, Pavel Medvedev, Valentin Voloshinov, Bakhtin heritage reception, Bakhtin studies, Mikhail Bakhtin, Russian intellectual history, authorial mask, textual analysis
Literary criticism
Aleksandrova, T. (2018). Homeric Borrowings in the Impress Eudocia's Poem 'Martyrdom of Saint Cyprian'. Philology: scientific researches, 3, 169–175.
The subject of this research is the means of working with Homeric texts that were used by the impress Eudocia in her poem 'Martyrdom of Saint Cyprian' (V century). According to the author, these means provide an insight into the principles of creative writing of not only Eudocia but all poets of the late Ancient period. Generally, Eudocia demonstrated a very good knowledge of Homeric texts and wide erudition. In terms of morphology, the poetess followed the rules of the Homeric dialect but at the same time understood the high variability of the epic langauge and sometimes broke the rules without breaking the Homeric tradition in general. Eudocia's method of versification sometimes neared the cento method that she also often sued. Using the TLG corpus search system, the author discovered over 150 examples of direct textual concurrences (in this research Alexandrova gives only some examples). The results of the research demonstrate that in Eudocia's text epic formulas could be either used in the same metric position as in the referred Homeric text, or transferred into others. In the Homeric formula, one word could be changed to another that sounded alike but had a better meaning. Thus, Homeric vocabulary can be reviewed taking into account new Christian realities. Archaization tendencies could be observed both in metrics, borrowings of Homeric syncopated forms and frequently used elisions (including those in content words). The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that this is the first research devoted to Homeric borrowings used by Eudocia in her creative writing.
late ancient literature, Christian poetry, archaization, epic formulas, homerism, poetic language, Homer, Martyrdom of saint Cyprian, empress Eudocia, Byzantine literature
Question at hand
Abzhelieva, D.A. (2018). Lexicographical Mediatext of Ornithonyms. Philology: scientific researches, 3, 176–182.
In her article Abzhelieva analyzes the main approaches to explaining the term 'mediatext', definitions, description and main features. This has been a new phenomenon in both linguistics and literary studies of the last decade and thus a subject of direct focus. Latest researches describe the main aim of media linguistic or literary text as to the presentation of data of intra- and intertextual connections in a particular speech situation. For the present time the question about the author's modality (the author's attitude to the information) is an essential element of any vocabulary entry. The methodological basis of the research implies the general dialectic method that allows to study phenomena and processes of the surrouding reality from the point of view of their historical development, interrelation and interdependence. In her research Abzhelieva also used the description method, contextual and component analysis. Over the last decades mediatext has been one of the most important issues in philology. Thus, this is an important research topic because researchers' interest towards lexicographical mediatext often faces the great variety of ornithonyms (meta operators) of a vocabulary entry. Very often a set of individual author's meta operators creates a false reference.
metafunctiions, intertextuality, features, lexicography, concept, definition, metalanguage, metatext, ornithonym, dictionary entry
Question at hand
Kletckaya, S. (2018). Specific Features of Novelistic Narration in L. Petrushevskaya's Writings (the Case Study of the Series 'In the Gardens of Other Opportunities' and 'Songs of East Slavs'. Philology: scientific researches, 3, 183–190.
The article is devoted to individual features of the novelistic narration in L. Petrushevskaya's prose. The research material is her novelets about death from the series 'In the Gardens of Other Opportunities' and 'Songs of East Slavs'. The subject of the research is the variants of realisation of the 'turning point' (pointe) in Petrushevskaya's novelets as well as the man groups of means used by the author. Special attention is paid to the analysis of Petrushevskaya's works against the genre of novelet that has a rich historical tradition. In the course of her research the author has also used such research methods as analysis, synthesis, structure analysis method, compositional analysis, linguo-poetic analysis. As a result of the research, the author describes two types of preparation for the 'turning point': clues that prepare the reader for an alternative (fantastic, non everyday) turn of events but do not fully tell about it, and double-meaning expressions that may mean both fantastic and everyday interpretation of events. The research allows to conclude that Petrushevskaya's writings follow the tradition of late European novelet writing that focused on the psychological but not external side of the story. However, Petrushevskaya's creative writings have its own specific features, for example, the focus on the internal is expressed as a sudden re-thinking of novelet events that touch the hero, story teller, narrator and/or reader.
ambiguity, fantastic, dwarfism, pointe, turning point, Petrushevskaya, novelet, composition, plot, Russian literature
Literary criticism
Khalkharova, L. (2018). The 'Military Diary' Genre in Buryat Literature. Philology: scientific researches, 3, 191–197.
The article is devoted to the military diary genre in Buryat literature of the Great Patriotic War period. Being both a historical document and work of literature, the diary genre takes a special place in documentary and fiction. The aim of the research is to define particular features of the military diary genre, their documental and autobiographical grounds. The subject of the research is the perception of the war by the authors of military diaries. The object of the research is the Buryat military prose. The rationale of the research is caused by the fact that military diary is quite an understudied genre of Buryat literature. The research material involves military diaries of veteran writers Zh. Tumunov and Ts. Nomtoev. Extracts in the Buryat language are accompanied with their translation into Russian. Teh research was carried out using such methods as the biographical analysis, problem typological, comparative analysis. The research expands our views on the diary prose, in particular, military diary genre. The author of the article concludes that the nature and contents of military diaries in Buryat literature were predetermined by the need to preserve the eyewitness observations and memory of the events.
autobiography, documentary, documentary beginning, military diary, genre, Buryat literature, publicism, type of narrative, image of the narrator, fragmentation
Literary criticism
Gladilin, N.V. (2018). Two Comedies of Friedrich Maximilian Klinger (1780) as the Stage of Klinger's Ideological and Artistic Growth. Philology: scientific researches, 3, 198–204.
Out of all the works written by Friedrich Maximilian Klinger, the most famous ones are his early dramas of the Sturm und Drang artistic epoch and late novels inspired by late Enlightenment. The 'transitional' period between them that falls on the 1790s is left practically understudied by the Russian theory and history of literature. To fill in this gap at least partially, the author of the article analyzes two comedies written by Klinger in 1780, 'Prince Silkworm, Reformator and Crown Seeker', and 'Dervish'. These comedies mark Klinger's retreatfrom aesthetics and ideology of the Sturm und Drang. In his research Gladilin used the historical typological research method taking into account attribution of a literary work to a certain artistic paradigm. The author of the article concludes that these plays have an eclectic artistic style that combines the features of sentamentalism, rococo and Englightenment satire, the first play also having the conmmedia dell’arte feature. During that period Klinger's worldview had such typical features as retreat from youthful rigorism and acceptance of imperfection of human nature combined with playful orrational attitude to literature.
irrationalism, enlightenment satire, rococo, sentimentalism, evolution, late Enlightenment, Sturm und Drang, Klinger, playfulness, mask comedy
Lyu, S. (2018). The Russian Functional Word Combination 'Da Vse Ravno' (Whatever) in a Monological Text. Philology: scientific researches, 3, 205–211.
This article is devoted to the functions of a word combination 'da vse ravno' (whatever) in different kinds of constructions. The object of the research is the combination of the alternative conjunction 'da' and the connecting conjunction 'da' with the lexical unit 'vse ravno' used as a conjunctional specifier, as well as the expression 'da vse ravno' used as the principal part of a one-member sentence in a monological text. The main target of the research is to define specific structure and semantics of a syntactical construction with 'da vse ravno'. The research involves data from the National Corpus of the Russian Language. To achieve the aforesaid target, the author has applied the functional-semantic method as well as the functional-syntactic method. As a result of the analysis, the author discovers that the expression 'da vse ravno' brings forth the concessive-adversative sense of constructions first of all, moreover, it may function as a relatively independent expression that means 'all variants would be good' or 'equal'. The results of the research can be used in the process of composing a vocabulary entry in a dictionary of functional words.
pessimistic scenario, concession, status category, semantics, specifier, conjunctional construction, conjunction, syntax, monological text, functional-semantic method
Konovalova, M.V. (2018). Regarding Definitions of Media Text and Media Discourse. Philology: scientific researches, 3, 212–219.
The article is devoted to the theoretical and practical interpretation of definitions 'media text' and 'media discourse'. Within the framework of this research, media text is viewed from the point of view of media linguistics. Konovalova clarifies the definition of media text based on Teun Adrianus van Dijk's interpretation taking into account modern approaches thereto. The aim of the research is to analyze features of media text and media discourse in classical and contemporary concepts. The object of the research is media discourse, the subject of the research is media text as a static cut of it that enables the analysis of verbal components and discursive featurse of a media speech work. In her article Konovalova provides an example of the analysis of a media text where she analyses linguistic means used to represent discursive features of media texts. The research methods include observation, analysis of media text parameters based on T. Dobroskkonsky, elements of the discourse analysis of the formal content and contextual cognitive levels of media discourse. The novelty of the present research is caused by the fact that the author provides the theoretical substantiation of the interpretation of news media text as a static 'cut' of media discourse as well as carries out a practical study of the language means of representing its formal content and contextual cognitive levels. The main results of the research is the description of the language means, and their classification depending on the levels and features of media discourse.
Discourse analysis, Genres of journalism, News media text, Speech activity, Media properties, Media linguistics, Media discourse, Media text, Discourse, Text
Vishlenkova, S.G., Burkanova, O.P. (2018). On the Question about Functioning of Opposite Figures in German Religious Text. Philology: scientific researches, 3, 220–230.
The article is devoted to the functional potential of opposite figures in contemporary German religious text, in particular, preaching text. According to the authors of the article, as a religious style, preaching is an important source of various expressive means as well as tropos and figures that serve different functions, from structuring relgious text, its rhythmic organisation, images, and telling the moral message. The subject of the research is the opposite figures, in particular, antithesis, chiasmus, parallelism that function in the homiletical genre. The research is based on the lexicographical, descriptive and comparative methods as well as the methods of classification and lexico-semantic analysis. The research material implies texts of preaching of an Austrian cardinal Christoph Schönborn. The need and importance of linguistic study of opposite figures in German religious text have created the rationale of this research. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the authors define peculiar features of opposite figures from the point of view of compositional and stylistic principles of constructing the preaching text. The following conclusions have been made in the course of the research: 1. German preaching as a religious text has such opposite figures as antithesis, chiasmus, and parallelism; 2. antithesis is frequently used and denotes accurate and convincing expression, thus can be considered to be a compositional principle of text; 3. chiasmus and parallelism in German preaching define the main topic as well as convey the completeness of a religious text.
antithesis, opposite figures, preaching, homiletically genre, text, religious style, German language, linguistics, chiasmus, parallelism
Khoroshikh, P.P. (2018). Psycholinguistics: From an Individual Branch of Knowledge to Polyscientific Knowledge. Philology: scientific researches, 3, 231–236.
In his article Khoroshikh analyzes the modern status of psycholinguistics as a branch of scientific knowledge. The author notes that this science has developed as a result of the dichotomy of humanities and natural science, thus combining these two approaches. This is the specific relation of psycholinguistics research object, subject and methods that allows to refer it to complex science. Different definitions of psycholiguistics demonstrate that there are different approaches to interpreting it as a science. The author of the article analyzes how psycholinguistics correlate to other sciences. For example, psychology and language studies have contributed a lot to the development of psycholinguistics as a complex science in general. These sciences have formed the basis and methodologies of psycholinguistics. Khoroshikh pays special attention to the role of anthropology, development and transformation of human as a system in the process of philogenesis and anthropogenesis. Psycholinguistics offer a new concept, so called 'language personality'. The mutual influence of psycholinguistics and anthropology have also formed the basis for a new approach, anthropocentrism. The development of anthropocentrism ideas in psycholinguistics has also given an impulse to studying the language as a special form of culture. Thus, it can be seen that psycholinguistics is still at the stage of development and gets into contact with different branches of knowledge.
linguistic personality, anthropocentrism, linguistics, antropology, psychology, culturology, psycholinguistics, language, ethnopsycholunguistics, Charles Osgood
Reshetnyak, M.V. (2018). Formulaic Expressions Perception of Information: Historico-Philosophical Approach. Philology: scientific researches, 3, 237–243.
The subject of the research is the perception of information by the means of cliches (formulaic expressions) in business communication. Until recently linguists had been having a negative attitude to cliche and hackneyed phrases. It used to be thought that both information and emotional components are lost in a cliche. However, Wilhelm von Humboldt's linguistic concept changed the attitude to the language and individual language ability. Later the idea of generative grammar was offered by N. Khomsky, the idea became very popular with Western linguists. Russian linguistic school was represented by L. Vygotsky and A. Leontiev. This research contains analysis of linguistic concepts and ideas of Russian and foreign researchers that formed the basis of psycholinguistics as an academic discipline. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that never before cliches have been viewed from the point of view of text and feeling formation factors. Despite rigid equivalents used to translate cliches, their translation effects the translation of the rest of the text and creates a necessary information field for information perception. Based on the example of the translation of cliches from international treaties and diplomatic correspondence, the author of the article illustrates and explains certain cases of cliche translation.
text forming function, cliche translation, cognitive linguistics, problems of translation, formulaic expressions perception, cliche, psycholinguistics, emotion ctreating fuction, differences in perception, psecholinguistic aspect of translation
Kartushina, E.A. (2018). Semantics of English Loan Words in the Russian Language in Terms of the Language Play. Philology: scientific researches, 3, 244–258.
The aim of this research is to derscribe functions of English loan words in the Russian language communication, in particular, based on the analysis of lexical meanings of English loan words and processes of their semantic transformation under the conditions of the language game. The author also focuses on the contextual use of these lexical units in mass media and Internet as well as everyday Russian speech. The object of the research includes five English loan words, trash, pressing, drive, driver, and holly war. The subject of the research is the transformation of the loan word meanings in the functional space of the Russian language. The author appeals to vocabulary definitions of the aforesaid English loan words. Then the author analyzes how these words are usually used and, finally, at the stage of analysis, the author provides the data of an association experiment. The research sources include English and Russian dictionaries, texts and polycode mass media texts and Internet posts. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author defines and differentiates the meanings of English loan words in accordance with semantic changes. The theoretical importance of the research is caused by the opportunity to use the results of the research to complete definitions of English loan words, carry out psycholinguistic and cross-cultural communication researches, and for further analysis of borrowings from foreign languages.
language play, contextual analysis, association experiment, English loan words, language in mass media, semantics, borrowings, psycholingustics, semantic shift, meaning in context
Antonova, N.A., Ignateva, T.S. (2018). Patterns of Formation of Phraseological Units in the English and Chuvash Languages. Philology: scientific researches, 3, 259–265.
The aim of this word is to study the process of formation of phraseological units in the English and Chuvash languages. The authors of the article try to analyze phraseological variants, explain their origin and patterns of formation, and to define how these are related to the units that existed in the language before them, and what units remain in the language today. The subject of the research is the phraseological units expressive means in the English and Chuvash languages. The main research method used by the authors is the structured semantic analysis of phraseological units. The research material includes Shakespear's plays as well as writings of Chuvash authors. The researchers describe the origin of a certain group of phraseological units in detail. The theoretical importance of the research is caused by the fact that the results of the research can be used in further comparision and analysis of the English and Chuvash languages, as well as in teaching English and Chuvash. The rationale of the research is caused by the fact that cross-lingual matching of phraseological units in English and Chuvash is an understudied topic in the academic literature. As a result of analysing variants from the point of view of semantic relations between interrelated components, the authors come to the conclusion that substitution of components with synonyms is possible not only in free word combinations but also phraseological units. The increasing number of variants does not make a word combination 'free' but leaves it within the borders of phraseology.
the origin of phraseological units, etymology, the use of phraseological units, Chuvash, English, formation of phraseological units, phraseological variants, phraseological units, phraseology, phraseological phrase
Sokolova, A.Y. (2018). Particular Features of the Language Situation in Early Medieval England. Philology: scientific researches, 3, 266–272.
The article is devoted to an in-depth research of the language situation in early medieval England. The rationale of the research is caused by the fact that adoption of Christianity of the British Islands made a significant influence on the language situation all over the medieval Europe and England in particular. In her research Sokolova compares the language situation in England before and after adoption of Christianity. Before adoption of Christianity, the main feature of the language situation was the functional paradigm, the highest level being taken by the elaborated folklore language and the lowest level being taken by the everyday dialect that was different in different territories. After adoption of Christianity, the language situation in England was defined by the existence of two langauges that had equal and equivalent functions and opportunities, Latin and Old English, the scope of the application of the latter extended with time. In her research Sokolova used the historical research method that allowed to analyze the dynamics of transformations of the language situation in a certain period of the history of the language. The main conclusion made by the author is that the milestone in the historical-cultural situation of early medieval England was the opposition between pre-Christian and Christian cultures and thus existence of two literary traditions, previous literary tradition that had the features of previous epochs, mostly represented by epic poetry, and new literary tradition that was mostly represented in prose and demonstrated the process of the English language transformation.
new literary tradition, previous literary tradition, functional paradigm, language situation, Latin, Old English, adoption of Christianity, medieval England, poetic ancient manuscripts, prosaic ancient manuscripts
Nasibullaeva, E.R. (2018). Dominants of the Lexico-Semantic Field with the Invariant 'Education' in the English and Russian Languages. Philology: scientific researches, 3, 273–278.
The article is devoted to the lexico-semantic field with the invariant 'education' in the Russian and English langauges , domiments and constituents thereof. In her research Nasibullaeva demonstrates the dynamics of the use of lexemes in the sphere of education, and gives definitions of important terms such as semantic mutliplier, semantic field, and archilexeme. The author compares micro fields of the lexico-semantic field 'education' in English and Russian, describes particular lacunas, and compares Russian and English lexemes. The research methods include semantic analysis, comparison and quantitative research methods. The method of semantic analysis allowed to define dominants of a lexico-semantic field with the invariant 'education'. Comparison gave an opportunity to discover common and distinguished features of that lexico-semantic field in the English and Russian languages. Quantitative analysis allowed to define the main trends of translation of lexemes from English into Russian and vice versa. Despite numerous researches on the matter, intensive development of lexicography, and changes in English and Russian education vocabularies as a result of modern trends and processes, still remain an understudied topic. The rationale of the research is caused by the fact that the author develops new approaches allowing to better describe the vocabulary of contemporary English and Russian as well as to define their national and cultural features.
translated equivalent, microfield, lexico-semantic group, archilexeme, semantic field, dominant, constituent, lexis, lacuna, seme
Mamonova, N.V. (2018). The Comical in Animalistic Fairy Tales (the Case Study of a British Folklore Fairy Tale 'The Story of the Three Bears'. Philology: scientific researches, 3, 279–284.
The subject of the research is the linguoculturological and linguosynergetical aspects of the fractal organisation of PROSPERITY concept in the British fairy tale discourse. The object of the research is the British fairy tale discourse viewed by the author as a fractally organised verbal and cogitative process functioning in a discursive space. Such approach extends the idea of the discourse as a non-linear fractally organised semantic system and allows to analyse and describe lingjuoculturological and linguosynergetical features of the fractal self-organisation of the British fairy tale discourse in general and in particular. The author of the article focuses on the realisation of the HOUSE concept based on the 'unwinding spiral' model based on the analysis of a British folklore fairy tale The Story of the Three Bears. Fractal simulation of the British fairy tale discourse demostrates its structural features through determination of self-similar irregular semantic structures (fractals). The author emphasizes specific features of animalistic fairy tales in which animals have human features viewed from the 'wrong or right' point of view. The author concludes that British animalistic fairy tales illustrate ethical standards of behavior, inevitability of punishment for wrongful acts and triumph of justice.
spiral, fractal simulation, humour, comical, folklore, British fairy tale discourse, linguasynergetics, concept, animalistic fairy tale, semantic development
Pogorelova, I.V. (2018). Information Distortions in Media Hypertextual Headlines. Philology: scientific researches, 3, 285–291.
The object of the research is hypertextual (interactive) headlines of Russian Internet media resources (newsportals, Internet newspapers, aggregators). The subject of the research is information distortions that can be found in media online headlines. The author of the article examines such aspects of the topic as classification of information distortions and their influence on the perception of information by a recipient. The author focuses on the analysis of theoretical grounds for creating an effective headline in order to underline the discrepancy between established media practices and the situation of hypertextual headlines on Russian internet media resources. The methodology of the research implies contextual and functional semantic analysis of actual material (media online headlines) and at the same time analysis of media manipulations made by headlines that distort the content of a message. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author offers her own classification of information distortions that can be found in hypertextual headlines of Russian online media. The main conclusion of the research is the author's statement that there are two classes of information distortions (cognitive distortions and contextual semantic distortions) as well as kinds of distortions that refer to the aforesaid to classes. The author's special contribution to the topic is the development of a general direction for analysing media headlines in terms of information relevance.
effective headline, cognitive distortions, media manipulations, information distortion, headline, relevance, information, media text, relevance theory, information optimisation
He, S. (2018). Semantic-Syntactic Specificity of Constructions with the Conjunction Unity of the Russian Conjunction 'A' ('But') is Being Used as 'I' ('And'). Philology: scientific researches, 3, 292–297.
The object of the research is the combinations of the Russian conjunction 'A' ('But') with specifiers typified as conjunction unities. The subject of the research is the semantic and syntactic specificity of constructions that are created on the basis of such combinations. The author of the article focuses on the semantics of relations that arise in constructions with the aforesaid unity. The author also refers to a complex theoretical issue of addition, analyzes the semantic structure of the unity as well as the relation of a lexical content of constructions to the semantics of relations formed by the use of the unity under research. The researcher uses a traditional method of description that is implemented as part of contextual analysis followed by classification of linguistic facts. In addition, the author applies a method of corpus linguistics, in particular, request-based search. As a result of the research, the author discovers that combinations of the A conjunction with aforesaid specifiers when viewed as a conjunctive unity may create different types of syntactic constructions: row, monosubject construction, and compound sentence. Moreover, the unity also has the textual function. In different contexts, the conjunctive unity creates the relation of identity and generalisation. The antonymy in constructions creates the generality relation the conjunctive unity is a marker of.
conjunctive unity, specifier, coordination, conjunctive construction, conjunction, syntax, semantics, comparison relations, addition, identity
Comparative-historical studies of literature
Komkov, A.V. (2018). The Reception of Schopenhauer's Thanatology in Afanasy Fet's Poetry. Philology: scientific researches, 3, 298–305.
The subject of the research is the peculiar features of Afanasy Fet's perception of Schopenhauer's thanatology and voluntaristic world view of the German philosopher. Based on the analysis of the poems 'Death' (1878) and 'To The Death' (1884) Komkov analyzes such aspects of the topic as Afanasy Fet's perception of the irrational philosophy, peculiarities of the Russian poet's interpretation of Schopenhauer's thanatological philosophemes, and particularities of the artistic image of death in Fet's poems 'Death' and 'To The Death'. In conclusion, the author describes peculiarities of Afanasy Fet's interpretation of Schopenhauer's thanatological concepts. The methodological basis of the research implies opportunities of the systems approach, historico-cultural, comparative historical and receptive-aesthetic kinds of analysis. In his creative writing Afanasy Fet used a lot of elements of the German philosopher's world view. Nevertheless, certain features of a creative dialogue between the Russian poet and German philosopher still remain unclear. The main conclusions of the research are the following: Afanasy Fet's reception of Schopenhauer's thanatological philosophemes is a complex phenomenon. Death is seen as a natural, constant and essential component that is hidden behind each event or phenomenon of life and opposed to changing, inconstant and illusive life. On the other hand, death is an ephemeral substance, some kind of a chost, illusion of human mind.
Intercultural dialogue, Thanatology, The theme of death, Pessimism, German philosophy, Irrational philosophy, Fet, Schopenhauer, Russian literature, Comparative studies
Liashenko, T. (2018). The Tragedy of the Jester: Linguistic Means of Creating the Image of a Trickster in Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin's Novel The Golovlyov Family. Philology: scientific researches, 3, 306–316.
The article is devoted to the analysis of linguistic means that are used to develop the image of Stepan Golovlyov in Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin's novel The Golovlyov Family. This character is certainly the best and the fullest image of trickster in the Russian literature of the XIXth century. The influence of the image of Stepan Golovlyov on the further literary processes is also practically assured. The archetypical image of trickster is one of the oldest myphologemas. By analysing the image of Stepan Golovlyov from the point of view of the mythopoetic approach, Lyashenko provides an insight into the ideological and psychological contents of the novel. The methodological basis of the research implies the concepts offered by M. Lotman, E. Meletinsky, S. Agranovich, and the theory of archetype of Carl Jung. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that for the first time in the academic literature the image of Stepan Golovlyov is analyzed on the basis of the mythopoetic approach. The author comes to the conclusion that by using the linguistic means that create the image of trickster, Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin brings the narration to the level of the broadest philosophical generalisations, thus creating an eschatological picture of the life-and-death opposition on the pages of his novel.
Russian literature, trickster, archetype, lexis, mythopoetic approach, literary image, linguistic means, novel, satire, folklore