Rozin V.M..
Stages of formation of ideas about cognition (from the Ancient world to the New Time)
// Philosophy and Culture.
2024. № 12.
P. 12-24.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2024.12.72364 EDN: YAEVOW URL:
The article presents the author's reconstruction of the main stages of the origin of ideas about cognition. The picture of the reality of cognition accepted in modern science is presented, in which the yet unknown world is contrasted as a source of latent knowledge and patterns and a person as a cognizer striving to discover this knowledge. It is argued that in the Ancient World, such a familiar picture for a modern person did not take place. An analysis of the way of mastering the world related to this period shows that it represented the resolution of problematic situations through the invention of knowledge and schemes (local and fundamental), opening the way to understanding and new behavior. Together, local and fundamental schemes set the Ancient world, understandable and epistemologically transparent, requiring no knowledge. Man lived in a world of souls, spirits and gods. Although he created this world himself, solving problematic situations, he perceived it as having always existed. Cognition begins to take shape, starting with ancient culture; its prerequisites are the formation of an ancient personality and the invention of a new way of obtaining knowledge, not on diagrams, but in reasoning. The contribution of Plato and Aristotle to this revolutionary epistemic process is considered. The first introduces cognition as a dialectical and partly sacred way of understanding a new way of obtaining consistent knowledge. Stagirite transfers knowledge from heaven to earth, and places the source of new knowledge in things. Aristotle interprets this source as a hidden natural movement, calling it nature. The author reconstructs two more stages of the formation of knowledge related to the Middle Ages and modern times. It turned out that nature is not only movements hidden from human eyes, but those that are "written in the language of mathematics" and "constrained," as Francis Bacon wrote, by human art. The article ends with an indication of the next stage in the evolution of cognition, characteristic of the study of humanitarian and social phenomena.
reality, movement, schemes, knowledge, comprehension, explanation, reconstruction, the picture of the world, cognition, nature
Skorokhodova T.G..
The Poet-Creator of Philosophy: To the Methodology of Research in Philosophical Thought by Rabindranath Tagore
// Philosophy and Culture.
2024. № 10.
P. 30-42.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2024.10.71941 EDN: XEEHAS URL:
The Indian poet and educator Rabindranath Tagore was the creator of an original philosophy that gives additional meaning to the picture of the history of Indian philosophy in the 20th century. He usually emphasized his identity as a poet and an artist, not considering himself a philosopher. However, Tagore embodies the phenomenon of a poet-thinker who comprehends universal philosophical problems and, in the process of philosophizing, offers his own vision of them. Moreover, he owns a number of texts of a religious-philosophical and socio-philosophical nature, in addition to the content of poetry and fiction. The philosophy created by the poet requires a comprehensive holistic study, which, in turn, raises the problem of research methodology. The article proposes the author's methodology for the reconstruction of Rabindranath Tagore's philosophy, based on an understanding of his personality, the contexts of thought and the hermeneutics of texts. The methodological model of philosophy reconstruction includes three levels. The first involves analyzing the personality of R. Tagore using the categories "cross-cultural thinker" and "problematic thinker". The second is a description of the contexts of his philosophizing: external general civilizational, internal epochal and internal biographical. The third is the hermeneutics of texts, taking into account the poetic component and the philosophical problems of speeches and fiction. The novelty of the described methodological model is due to the possibilities and prospects of reconstructing Tagore's philosophical thought and concepts. 1. Description of the phenomenon of a poet and writer creating a philosophy in which the experience of artistic creation generates a universal religious and social meaning and actualizes humanistic issues. 2. Presentation of the process of formation of cross-cultural philosophy of the XX century on the material of a particular thinker. 3. The analysis of the contexts of the unfolding of philosophy helps to trace the continuity of the thinker and his ideas with the Indian philosophical tradition in a broad sense and at the same time identify innovation, not least due to his dialogue with Western culture and modernity. 4. Seeing Tagore's philosophy as a kind of quintessence of the Bengali Renaissance heritage, it is not difficult to notice its significance and relevance for modernity. 5. Reconstruction along the proposed methodological path will open up not only direct, but also comparative prospects for studying Tagore's philosophical thought in comparison with the reflections of philosophers from different cultural areas, primarily peripheral to the West and non-Western ones.
religious philosophy, model of reconstruction, context, hermeneutic key, philosophizing, Rabindranath Tagore, Modern Indian Philosophy, the Bengal Renaissance, Methodology of History of philosophy, social philosophy
Rozin V.M..
Ideal objects in philosophy and science: genesis and concept
// Philosophy and Culture.
2024. № 3.
P. 58-74.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2024.3.69650 EDN: OSDVWW URL:
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The author discusses the concept of an ideal object. The statement of O.I. Genisaretsky is quoted and problematized, stating that the obligatory feature that has been preserved for the object and the terms "object" and "ideal object" is, apparently, its representability or visibility. The author shows that ideal objects began to be created during the formation of ancient philosophy and thinking. Faced with contradictions, ancient thinkers dealt with this situation in different ways. If Protogoras recognized the right of the reasoners to receive contradictions and, accordingly, to consider the world contradictory, then Parmenides considered the world consistent, arguing that the criterion for the correctness (truth) of knowledge is not a reasoning person, but this world, existence, which still needs to be reached with the help of correct thought. It was within the framework of the implementation of the Parmenides program that ideal objects began to be created, which, as the author shows, performed three main functions: they allowed us to think consistently, to know the world and its phenomena, to comprehend and interpret empirical phenomena (facts) in a different way. Based on the case of Plato's "Feast", the semiotic schemes on the basis of which Plato creates ideal objects are analyzed. It is argued that it is impossible to build ideal objects, bypassing schemes, since their inventors (creators) are people. By solving problems, they synthesize meanings belonging to different areas of consciousness. The analysis of Galileo's "Conversations" allowed the author to suggest that the construction of ideal objects is due to the historical type of philosophical or scientific thinking. The author considers it necessary, before claiming to create a modern doctrine of ideal objects, to analyze the main typical cases of the construction of these objects in philosophy and science, and such an analysis can make significant adjustments to the understanding of the nature and features of this concept. Nevertheless, he suggests, it is already clear that the construction of ideal objects is an important link in philosophical, scientific and a number of other types of thinking.
the individual, scheme, conscience, the science, philosophy, definitions, reasoning, mind, the ideal object, object
Mironova A.M..
Typologization of modern concepts of metaphilosophy
// Philosophy and Culture.
2023. № 10.
P. 62-76.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2023.10.44170 EDN: JSOJDD URL:
The subject of the study is the concepts of "metaphilosophy" in the works of several modern domestic and foreign scientists-metaphilosophists. The relevance of the article is due to the presence of a variety of metaphilosophical concepts, which, pursuing one common goal – to understand and explain what philosophy is, come to different and often contradictory conclusions. The article aims to compare the metaphilosophical concepts of domestic and foreign authors (T. I. Oizerman, M. K. Mamardashvili, J. Deleuze and F. Guattari, T. Williamson and N. Rescher) according to certain criteria. Within the framework of the task, it is proposed to identify the essential characteristics of the concept of "philosophy" of the listed authors and to propose a variant of the typology of modern concepts of metaphilosophy. The article uses the method of comparative analysis. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that the author, analyzing the existing typologies of metaphilosophical concepts (on a conceptual and methodological basis), offers a third variant of the typology in relation to the possibility of progress in philosophy and its prospects. The author draws attention to the fact that the understanding of metaphilosophy in the concepts of the scientists under consideration (Oiserman, Williamson, Rescher, Deleuze and Guattari) reveals interesting parallels and collisions. The author comes to the conclusion that in order to better understand the nature of metaphilosophy, it is necessary to identify the essential characteristics of the concept of metaphilosophy in the concepts of different scientists. The picture of metaphilosophy turns out to be diverse and contradictory, because according to the authors considered, metaphilosophy is "cabinet"; - pluralistic; - "aporic"; - self-reflexive; - dialectical; - is in constant development; - guided by the principles of pragmatism and efficiency; - able to give satisfactory answers to current questions; - is not absolutely rational, but contains an element of intuition.
mamardashvili, Oiserman, dialectics, methodology of philosophy, typology, progress in philosophy, comparative analysis, philosophy of philosophy, metaphilosophy, the essence of metaphilosophy
Sedaev P.V., Kochkurov A.S..
The Correct Link to the Article: Sedaev P.V., Kochkurov A.S. — Traditionalist Philosophical Ideas of A. Onegova in his "Dialogue with conscience"
// Philosophy and Culture.
2022. № 9.
P. 1-9.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2022.9.38628 EDN: VAAEWO URL:
In this article, the subject of the study is the philosophical ideas of traditionalism, which were considered by writers-villagers and, in particular, by the writer A. Onegov. Russian people have these values, such as the cult of the family, the idea of a collective beginning in Russian society, the priority of the general over the private, a special attitude to work. These cultural values sharply distinguish the Russian civilization from the Western one, which is built largely on other grounds opposite to these. Unfortunately, those value foundations inherent in the Russian civilization and which were described by A. Onegov are largely lost. However, it is time to study and revive them. The main conclusions drawn by the authors should be considered that it is time to return to their Russian traditional values, especially since this is being talked about today from the highest tribunes in Russia. Summing up, we can confidently state the fact that the traditionalist ideas of A. Onegova, expressed by him in his work "Dialogue with Conscience" will be in demand today. He managed to grasp the necessary factors, the conditions without which modern Russian society cannot develop. The study of A. Onegov's literary heritage is important not only from an artistic but also from a philosophical point of view.
The cult of the family, Education, Work culture, Behavioral styles, Customs, National cultural values, Russian civilization, Traditionalism, Tradition, Worldview
Rozin V.M..
The problem of demarcation of modernity and social reality after modernity philosophical dialogue)
// Philosophy and Culture.
2021. № 10.
P. 43-55.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2021.10.36860 URL:
This article discusses the conditions for delimitation of modernity and futureculture, as well as the concept of modernity. Vadim Belyaev claims that what the author refers to as futureculture, in fact does not go beyond the boundaries of modernity; these are rather the processes of promodernity and countermodernity. Vyacheslav Maracha polemicizes with Belyaev’s statements. Belyaev substantiates his critical rhetoric, gives characteristics to his interpretation of modernity, and claims that the author did not explain the thesis on the completion of modernity and the establishment of futureculture. The author partially agrees with the criticism and provides additional arguments: characterizes the definition of modernity used by him; distinguishes between the new worldview, semantic reality of culture, and projects of modernity, realization of these projects and objective reality results from implementation of the projects of modernity and responses to new challenges of the time, as well as construction of the social institutions of modernity. The latter statement is illustrated on the example of the formation of state institution, the study by Martin van Creveld “The Rise and Fall of the State”. The conclusion is made that all plans and fundamental structures of modernity (worldview, semantic reality of culture, projects of modernity, social institutions) can no longer ensure normal flow of modern life, but rather generate problems and social destructions. Objectively, modernity has been reborn and is nearing completion. The author formulates certain ideas and meaning that reveal the formation of the future culture.
meanings, projects, reality, sociality, modernity, formation, completion, crisis, culture, activities
Rozin V.M..
The problems and peculiarities of G. P. Shchedrovitsky's reform of mindset, science, pedagogy and other fields of knowledge
// Philosophy and Culture.
2021. № 6.
P. 15-28.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2021.6.36322 URL:
This article analyzes the creative path of G. P. Shchedrovitsky and the programs for reforming different fields of knowledge (mindset, science, pedagogy, design, etc.). The author claims that Shchedrovitsky formed the approach towards studying the indicated fields of knowledge under the influence of the works of A. A. Zinoviev and L. S. Vygotsky, Marxist doctrine, Scientist attitudes of that time. However, there was a different perspective on the reforms in the three key periods and programs of the Moscow Methodological Circle – creation of the theory of reasoning, theory of activity, and concept of mental activity. In the first period, it was deemed that the reforms will be successful if the reformers follow the method of reasoning developed by Marx in “Das Kapital”; in the second period – if the subjects and fields of knowledge under reform will be viewed as transformed in the context of philosophical, scientific, and practical reasoning; as well as activity (including mental activity). within the framework of which these subject and fields were created, will be subsequently reconstructed. The author examines the peculiarities of implementation of Shchedrovitsky’s reforms and assesses this work negatively. Namely because from the author’s perspective, Shchedrovitsky, on the one hand, did not give due attention to the structure and life of the studied complex phenomena, while on the other hand, designing them as the ideal objects, which is a necessary condition for philosophical and scientific research, he first and foremost fulfilled his personal values and attitudes, ascribing corresponding values to the ideal objects. The author believes that this is an expected outcome, since Shchedrovitsky's methodology for creating the ideal objects did not suggest ascertainment of the structure and life of the corresponding real phenomena.
knowledge, objects, implementation, methodology, programs, thought activity, activity, thinking, theories, development
Rozin V.M..
Which meaning is instilled in the idea of the ultimate ontology and existence of the world
// Philosophy and Culture.
2021. № 4.
P. 13-28.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2021.4.35987 URL:
This paper discusses the concept of ultimate ontology and the mechanism of its projection upon reality. The article consists of two thematic parts: the first analyzes the general cultural processes of the establishment of ultimate ontology and worldview, while the second traces the evolution of representations of the reality and ultimate ontology in the Moscow Methodological Circle. The article discusses the example of representation of nature, which fulfills the functions of ultimate ontology and worldview of the European Art Nouveau. Leaning on the personal research, the author outlines the following stages of the establishment of ultimate ontology: construction of narratives (i.e., initially these were schemes only, and thus, virtual semantic reality); perception and proliferation of these narratives (acquisition in the course of communication); practicing the acquired narratives (schemes) with behavioral transformations of the individuals; functioning of the new social reality, including its examination, and in some instances, attempts to make changes therein, Not every ultimate ontology is recognized in culture as the worldview, it pertains only to such that allows explicating the practices (including epistemic), which determine the core processes of functionality and development of the culture. The article also offers a reconstruction of the history of the Moscow Methodological Circle, which with time has replaced the three ultimate ontologies – attitude, activity, and mental activity. In the first two cases, these ontologies were suggested for the role of the worldviews (namely the category of activity); in the third case, G. P. Shchedrovitsky, who created the scheme of mental activity, for the most part considered it as a method of configuration of other methodological schemes, rather than a unified ontological reality. The article explores the reasons that impeded Shchedrovitsky and the members of the Moscow Methodological Circle to comprehend the essence of thinking, forgo the interpretation of the worldview as an activity, and shift towards the development of the theory of mental activity.
reconstruction, picture of the world, ultimate ontology, thought activity, activity, thinking, culture, history, development, nature
Kovalev A.A..
Correlation and dialectical connection of law and culture as a problem of the philosophy of law
// Philosophy and Culture.
2020. № 12.
P. 11-24.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2020.12.34508 URL:
The dialectical connection of law and culture is the relevant subject of research in philosophy, theory, and sociology of law, first and foremost due to the fact that insufficient theoretical substantiation lawmaking activity of politicians currently generates serious issues. Those of one cultural-legal traditions are unable to understand their partners belonging to another legal culture. Any modern legal theory should take into account the definition of culture the backbone factor for modern civilization. The novelty this research consists in examination of the fundamental aspects of “law-culture” system alongside on the analysis of views of Western researchers previously unfamiliar to the Russian science. The goal of this work lies in revealing the key aspects of dialectical connection of law and culture and their correlation in modern era. The philosophy of law features ambivalent interpretation of the phenomenon of law: 1) as one of the forms of collective consciousness – along with culture, morality, philosophy, science ,or religion; 2) in broad view of culture as a synonym of civilization, law would manifests as the crucial element of culture that generates multiple realities of sociocultural life of the people, society and the state. The research of dialectical connection of law and culture developed in the modern era, may contribute to resolution of complex problems that emerge in the contradictory “law-culture” system, which is of vital importance for the existence of separate national communities, as well as for survival of all the entire humanity.
philosophy, philosophy of law, social philosophy, legal system, legal awareness, law, law-culture, legal culture, dialectics, civilization
Mikhailov I.A..
Scheler in the shadow of Husserl’s phenomenology
// Philosophy and Culture.
2018. № 12.
P. 28-39.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2018.12.28481 URL:
This article gives a brief characteristic to the philosophical evolution of Max Scheler in the “pre-phenomenological” period of his works; describes the circumstances of his philosophical encounter with Edmund Husserl. The scientific novelty of the conducted analysis lies in determination of the fundamental parameters of Scheler’s comprehension of phenomenology: as a “contact with the world”, as ontology. The author explains the reasons of Scheler’s negative attitude towards the theory of cognition and elucidation of the “criteria” of cognitive activity; demonstrates the boundaries of applicability of the phenomenological reduction according to Scheler: human personality. In Scheler’s works reduction can also be interpreted as a religious practice, type of asceticism, or in general, as moral behavior. The author uses the methods and methodology of historical-philosophical reconstruction, conceptual analysis, approach from the perspective of the sociology of knowledge. Initially, leaning on the tradition of Neo-Kantianism and philosophy of life, Max Scheler, getting with the phenomenology of Husserl, positively perceives the idea of eidetic reduction (the study of essence), partially agrees with the phenomenological reduction (uses it only as a getting away from the factual particularity of the phenomenon under consideration), and adamantly refuses to accept the idea of the absolute consciousness.
ontology, history, ethics, positivism, phenomenology, Husserl, Scheler, axiology, values, spiritual practice
Mikhailov I.A..
Ambiguity of phenomenology
// Philosophy and Culture.
2018. № 11.
P. 66-77.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2018.11.28380 URL:
This article demonstrates that the fundamental approaches, which are currently suggested for determining the phenomenology and unity alongside standing behind the “phenomenological movement” unity, are not satisfactory: they either do not reflect the actual common thematic or methodological features inherent to each of the thinkers included into the “movement”, or appear as general and trivial principles that guide the philosophy regardless of its affiliation to one or another school. It is revealed that all this “attributes” of phenomenology can equally be acknowledged as the characteristics of other philosophical movements or are insignificant with regards to the phenomenological method. The author underlines that the aforementioned ambiguity of phenomenology smoothly conjoins and partially supported by persuasion in the distinctness of this tradition as a scientific method and its ability to manifest as one of the methodologies of scientific cognition. The scientific novelty consists in stressing the need for development of alternate approaches to phenomenological movement.
intuition, existentialism, hermeneutics, method, phenomenological movement, phenomenology, Husserl, essence, reduction, absolute consciousness
Mekhed G.N..
Philosophy as a borderline of rationality
// Philosophy and Culture.
2018. № 6.
P. 1-16.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2018.6.26304 URL:
This article is dedicated to examination of the nature of philosophy. The author juxtaposes the common within the former USSR definitions of philosophy as a type of worldview or a specific science with his own definition of philosophy as an autonomous meta-rational discipline, which subject is the detection and research of the universal and antecedent bounds of knowledge. The major difference of the proposed concept of philosophy is the negative transcendentalism – an appeal to the conceivable absoluteness and universality of the bounds of mind, such as the Gödel's incompleteness theorems of any formal system, in the conditions of an evident inconceivability of the absolute truth and crisis of classical rationality, based on the free from value dimension objectivism and the idea of absolute justification. At the same time, the author questions if there is a way to compile a list of threshold questions, as well as how to make certain of its boundedness. Although the author does not come to an unequivocal conclusion, the reasons about such potential feature of boundedness as a need for exceeding the bounds of present discourse into a richer logics, meta-discourse for the final solution of a question. To illustrate his position, the author refers to the so-called “hard problem" of consciousness” posed by D. Chalmers, as well as briefly discusses the “transcendental naturalism” of C. McGinn.
McGinn, Popper, Metaphilosophy, Trancendental naturalism, Epistemology, Rationality, Philosophy, Chalmers, Gödel, Nagel
Mosienko M.K..
Design thinking as a style and method of philosophy
// Philosophy and Culture.
2018. № 4.
P. 1-7.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2018.4.24620 URL:
This article examines the design thinking as a potentially progressive style and method of philosophizing. The object of this research is the methods and terms of philosophical inquiry, while the subject is the design thinking as a style and method of philosophizing. The goal lies in determining whether there exists the conceptual limitations of application of the design thinking in philosophical practice, as well as finding out the value of such instrument for a modern philosopher. The author sees the design thinking as a potentially valuable heuristic instrument. The used in the course of this work conceptual analysis is understood as explication of the latent meanings of language; the logical methods are interpreted in a traditional way. The author concludes that the design thinking as a method should be acknowledged as a private case of hypothetical-deductive method, while as a style of philosophizing cannot be reduced to the already existing style and has significant novelty. Design thinking exists as a created and exercised by the Stanford School of Design algorithm for solving the creative tasks, but simultaneously can be applied by the philosophers outside this rigid form as a common research approach. The distinct features of such approach towards the philosophical practice imply the following: pragmatic focus, creation of hypothetical models, and carrying out of mental experiment for solution primarily not the intradisciplinary, but rather extradisciplinary problems. It could potentially become an effective step towards identification of crisis of the modern academic philosophy.
design, synthesis, analysis, creativity, philosophical method, methodology, scientific method, thinking, mind, cognition
Vetushinskiy A.S..
Analogy as a philosophical method: does computer really help to cognize the world
// Philosophy and Culture.
2017. № 12.
P. 13-23.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2017.12.24967 URL:
This article is dedicated to the conceptual difficulty occurred in philosophy directly when the latter attempts to comprehend the analogies to which constantly refers. Indeed, in order to understand something obscure, we are force to lean on something that seems common and familiar. As a result, something obscure becomes comprehensible by analogy with what we have seemingly discerned. Thus, human consciousness begins to cogitate by analogy with the computer; society – with the Internet; and world – with the computer game. Is it possible in such instance to rely on philosophy if its results appear to be just a consequence of the selected analogy? In order to answer this question, the author specifically refers to the analysis of media determinism, the unspoken foundation for the modern media research. It is demonstrated that media determinism is inevitable, if behind analogy stands not just a philosophical method, but profound possibility to achieve the “action itself” (in other words, media determinism is inevitable because the analogy is understood improperly). The author concludes that analogy should be acknowledged as the imperative method of philosophical work. Therefore, it is necessary to specifically examine the analogies used by the philosophers, give critical insight, as well as verify if they selected analogies actually lead to significant results, or on the contrary, only confuse the researcher.
metaphor, mediadeterminism, philosophical methodology, analogy, media studies, philosophy of media, digital technologies, computer, Internet, video games
Smirnov S.A..
Anthropological turn: its meaning and lessons
// Philosophy and Culture.
2017. № 2.
P. 23-35.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2017.2.22058 URL:
The article provides an overview of contemporary interpretations of the phenomenon which has received in the scientific literature the name of anthropological turn, and applicable to the whole line of research, concepts and practices, the authors of which are authors such as M. Scheler, M. Bakhtin, M. Heidegger, and others. The author considers different interpretations to explain this phenomenon. The article concludes that the anthropological turn is not confined to philosophical and scientific direction of philosophical anthropology. It is a paradigm shift in the thinking of a man and the search for a new language for the development of a new anthropological discourse. This change does not mean the "death of man". It means re-orientation of basic reference points of human existence and recovery of the original ontological foundations of anthropology, on the one hand, and filling a living anthropological content of human ontology, on the other hand. The article explains that virtually all of the authors of anthropological turn were searching not for a new concept of human, but rather his place, and the new way of reasoning on this matter. They were not looking for the final formulization of the essence of a man, but that specific type of existence, which makes the human a human being. In this sense, the representatives of the turn worked on human navigation in dual sense: as the search for human place and the word about him. The specificity of the place consists in the fact that it is not ontologically predetermined and prepared far in advance. This metaphysical spot each is consistently equipped with certain type of practices and thinking. And thus, the word about human each time is structured based on his cognitive, symbolic grounds and landmarks.
deanthropologization, anthropological discourse, re-orientation, anthropological navigation, human being, man, philosophical anthropology, anthropological turn, meta-anthropology, radical anthropology
Prokhorov M.M..
Being and/or mystification
// Philosophy and Culture.
2016. № 5.
P. 629-649.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2016.5.67842 URL:
The subject of this research is being and its reproduction in various worldview forms, ant/or its mystification. The research is divided into four key problems. The first one is the combination of being and its mystification on the example of the works of V. A. Kutyrev: recognizing being, he denies the ontological meaning of dialectics which represents a so-called second layer in determination of being, expressing it in the system of universal categories that form an “attributive model of any object”. The second – is an analysis of the attempts of imagining “technologization” (emerging from theory into practice technocratic reasoning) as an exit beyond the boundaries of posing and solution of the main question of philosophy. The third – is the examination of differences in the foundations of mythological, religious, and philosophical beliefs, which determine the specificity of each of the stated forms, predestining their ability or inability towards reproduction of the characteristics of being, in other words their mystification. The fourth one restores the ontological content of procedural categories and their methodological importance. Special attention is given to the principle of unity of the historical and the logical. The author believes that currently the fundamental values of dialectical-materialistic methodology are put behind by the conjuncture circumstances, the applied value of the falling under the authority of the capital and officialdom of knowledge, which becomes a commodity. Scientific novelty is characteristic to all four parts of the article and consists in the following:
The ontological content of dialectics as a second layer in determination of being becomes restored; history of humanity is considered to be the third level of determination of being in its highest form;
The philosophical foundations of technologization and technocratic thinking, shifting from the theoretical level into practical level are being defined;
An analysis of the qualitative differences within the foundations of mythological, religious, and philosophical outlook is being presented.
The connection of technologization with the religious and idealistic beliefs, enclosed in the principle of transcendence, is being revealed.
dialectic of irreversibility, philosophical, religious, mythological, technologization, mystification, being, comparison, transcendental idealism, post-modernism
Kulikov S.B..
Phenomenological Principles of Structuring Science Images
// Philosophy and Culture.
2015. № 10.
P. 1433-1440.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2015.10.67067 URL:
The subject of the research is the mechanisms of structuring images of science within implementation of the phenomenological program of researches first founded by Edmund Husserl in the first third of the XXth century. The relevance and importance of the topic is caused by the two facts. Firstly, the relevance is caused by the great value which phenomenological development in modern philosophy has. The phenomenological program of researches is realized in the field of art, policy and culture in general. Secondly, researches that are based on the phenomenological approach to structuring images of science possesses the heuristic potential to overcome manipulative strategy revealing in the process of demystification (more precisely, demythologization) pf procedures for creating scientific knowledge. The methodology of the research includes the comparative analysis and hermeneutic reconstruction which allow to compare phenomenology with other options of understanding of science images and to reveal complete sense of phenomenology. The novelty of the research is caused by the special turn of philosophical thought which was required to be executed in order to understand the object under research, i.e. the image of science. The author comes to the conclusion that within phenomenology reviving some ideals of antiquity in modern culture, images of science are structured within the general denaturalization of knowledge which, however, doesn't coincide with historical forms of knowledge. From the phenomenological point of view, scientific activity is a process of creation of knowledge which implies procedures of justification and description as part of the cognitive mind. Such understanding of science images allows to understand their ineradicable plurality in modern culture and to explain the reasons of this plurality.
historicism, naturalism, methodology of philosophical research, phenomenology, ancient legacy, science images, demystification of discoveries, ideal, horizon, world of science
Pol'skov K.O..
Theological Method VS Method in Theology
// Philosophy and Culture.
2015. № 9.
P. 1277-1285.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2015.9.67041 URL:
The subject of the present research article is the structure and performance features of the scientific theological method. Modern discussions often involve diametrically opposite views on whether it is possible to speak of a specific method for obtaining new knowledge in terms of theology or we should better deal with the problem of applying scientific methods to theological reserches. In his article Polskov demonstrates that this situation is mostly created by the fact that participants of discussions usually have a different understanding of the term 'method'. The author of the present article keeps to the broad definition of method as the mean to achieve a result. The author shows that such an approach consistutes the specific features of the theological method. In his research Polskov analyzes the structure of the theological method. He demonstrates that a scientist who applies the theological method performs the three interdependent procedures proceeding from the semantic structure analysis of a phenomenon under research to the exegesis of this phenomenon. To describe the procedure that is applied by a theologist at the third stage of his research, the author of the article introduces the term 'theological correlation'. By performing 'theological correlation', a theologist conforms results obtained at previous stages of his research to soteriological ideals that are set forth by the Church authority and fixed in the Holy Tradition. The main research method used by the author in his research is the philosophical analysis of the process of theological research combined with the axiological approach to viewing a theological research as the research with the eschatological orientation and existential meaning for human. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author describes a special nature of dialogueness of the theological method as well as views the theological method not only as the method studying the 'inside' of a theological research but also the method that studies the 'outside' of a theological research including all kinds of cultural phenomena and processes. In conclusion, the author provides a number of practical examples of the research model offered in this article.
onto-gnoseological phenomenon, dialogueness, theological correlation, method in theology, theological method, methodology of science, divinity, theology, science, epistemology
Aseeva I.A., Mayakova A.V..
Philosophical Grounds and Methodological Resources of the New Paradigm of Complexity
// Philosophy and Culture.
2015. № 8.
P. 1117-1125.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2015.8.66925 URL:
In their articles Aseeva and Mayakova examine the systems approach and the theory of complexity based on the research 'Complexity and Philosophy' of 2007 conducted by foreign scientists Frencis Heylighen, Paul Cilliers and Carlos Gershenson and published by the British publishing as 'Complexity, Science and Society' (Radcliffe, Oxford). The research was presented in mass media in English and adapted by the authors of the present article. In this article they analyze the prerequisites for creating the systems (interdisciplinary) approach and the theory of complexity and trace back the historical development of the new paradigm of complexity focusing on its philosophical grounds. In their research the authors of the article have used the methodology of postnonclassical science and the theory of complexity as the most universal meta languages used for describing complex self-developing systems. An important element of the methodological tools applied in the article is the analysis of foreign discourses on the theory of complexity and philosophical concept of quality. The main conclusions of the research are the following: the authors defined the grounds for the modern theory of complexity, described the main categories and parameters of the theory of complexity and formulated the central paradigm of this science. Thus, the theory of chaos and quantum mechanics have thrown down a challenge to determinism. Reductionism has been replaced with the systems theory based on scientific holism. Cybernetics and post-modernist social studies have demonstrated that knowledge is subjective. These premises have all been gathered under the title 'science of complexity'. The central paradigm of this science is the system of the multi-agent. Subjectivity and doubts are attributive to agents and their local interactions create the global organization. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the authors provide 'qualitative' argumenation of the main provisions of the theory of complexity as well as integration of the ideas of different philosophers, in particular, post-modernists, that create the basis for further assimilation of the paradigm of complexity in philosophy. According to the authors of the article, this would cast light on the existing philosophical issues such as origin of the universe, organization of the society, structuralism of items and phenomena. The research has been supported by the Russian Science Foundation (the project No. 15-18-10013).
holism, emergent, Gershenson Carlos, Cilliers Paul, Heylighen Frencis, category of quality, philosophy of science, chaos theory, complexity, systems approach
Tyugashev E.A..
Pitirim Sorokin: At the Origins of the Sociocultural Research of Philosophy
// Philosophy and Culture.
2015. № 6.
P. 802-809.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2015.6.66611 URL:
Philosophy is the central issue in Pitirim Sorikin's book 'Social and Cultural Dynamics' as the main types of cultures - ideational, sensate and idealistic - differentiate based on their philosophical grounds and represent the types of philosophical cultures that influence the order of social life. Based on the ideas of cultural and social dualism, Pitirim Sorokin initially described philosophy as a cultural phenomenon. Understanding culture as the internal and external experience, Pitirim Sorokin was able to introduce the concept of philosophical mentality that is usually expressed in items, life style and behavior. As a result of his researches, Pitirim Sorokin proceeded to describing philosophy as a social phenomenon. Such an ambivalent vision of philosophy as a cultural and social phenomenon creates the perspective to view culture as a sociocultural phenomenon. In his research the author of the article uses the version of the sociocultural approach that describes society as an assembly of cultures. Based on that approach, Pitirim Sorokin's method of philosophical research can be defined as a sociocultural phenomenology. The author of the article emphasizes the importance of the principle of isomorphism for describing the invariant structure of the cultural phenomena (philosophy, religion, science and art) as well as the need in preliminary theoretical development of associated abstrac models. The author of the article also uses quantative methods to analyze statistical data provided by Pitirim Sorokin and to compare the influence of different cultural mentalities in the XVIth - XXth centuries. The author of the article: 1) provides his interpretation of Pitirim Sorokin's teaching on social and cultural dynamics as the experience in the research of sociophilosophical dynamics, i.e. development of the society from prehistory to the modern age as it was determined by the fluctuations of philosophical cultures; 2) shows the philosophical nature of cultural mentalities described by Pitirim Sorokin and associated cultural types - idealistic, ideational and sensate cultures; 3) pays attention to the relation between interpretation of culture as the internal and external experience and solution of the so called 'main question of philosophy' about the relation between the ideal and the material; 4) through summarizing ideas of Pitirim Sorokin, the author also demonstrates the need to introduce the terms 'philosophical mentality' 'philosophical behavior', and 'philosophical activity' in metaphilosophy; 5) systematizes Pitirim Sorokin's views on the sociocultural content of the phenomenon of philosophy; 6) describes a complex spiritual and practical structure of the phenomenon of philosophy including both mental formations of different levels and behavior and lifestyle that have been changing during long historical processes of social and philosophical revolutions; 7) corrects Pitirim Sorokin's statement about the triumph of sensate culture in the modern period and the decline of sensate culture in the XXth century and concludes that sensate culture will only strengthen its positions in the future.
sociocultural, philosophy, sociocultural dynamics, pseudo-ideational mentality, philosophical culture, sociocultural phenomenology, Pitirim Sorokin, idealistic mentality, ideational mentality, sensate mentality
Shokhin, V. K..
Philosophical Classicism and Modern Devotion to the Spirit of Times
// Philosophy and Culture.
2014. № 11.
P. 1555-1561.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2014.11.65720 URL:
The purpose of the research is to clarify the main peculiarities of philosophical discourse by comparing it to
other branches of theoretical knowledge (first of all, science). As a result, philosophical discourse is described by the
author as a special theoretical activity which peculiarities include unique auto-reflectivity, broad competiveness in
interpretation of both objects and methods of this activity, the absence of both scientific verifiability of results and
consistent succession of the problem definition. This leads to the path of ‘eternal return’ to ‘eternal issues’ The article
is focused not only on the results of philosophizing but also on the philosophical practice itself (as it was defined by
Alasdair Maclntyre). Noteworthy that to differentiate between different types of philosophy, it is necessary to answer
the question whether a philosopher has a goal to solve particular, usually traditional, problems (for example, metaphysical
questions) by the means of common rationality (philosophical classicism) or a goal to create the ‘newspeak’
where concepts are replaced with metaphors (so called philosophical avant-garde). This delimitation offered by the
author is an innovation in the sphere of comparative studies of American and continental philosophy. The author also
establishes the thesis that being one of the modern philosophical trends, analytical tradition – the modern version
of traditional philosophy – is more capable of producing ‘philosophical results’ than others. The author of the article
shows that the most significant drawback of Russian philosophy is the absence of serious interest towards researches
of concepts, terms and controversial topics. According to the author, today these researches are replaced with the
imitations of post-modernistic ‘literature philosophizing’.
philosophy, research activity, reflection, metaphysics, counterversion, classical science, post-modernism, analytical tradition, science, literature.
Reznik, Yu. M..
The General-Subjective in the World of Phenomena as the Subject of Philosophy
// Philosophy and Culture.
2014. № 4.
P. 494-504.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2014.4.64222 URL:
The subject of the present research article is the philosophy as a special form of the knowledge of being. The
purpose of the research is to describe the subject content and ontological nature of philosophy in terms of phenomenology.
The essence and the mission of philosophy have been actively discussed by philosophers throughout the past
century. Researchers offer several approaches to describing the subject of philosophy. The process of interpreting philosophy
involves several procedures of the analytical analysis of being: definition of the subjective measure of being
(being-for-myself), description of the phenomenal picture of being (conceptual structure of being) and determination
of the features of integrated phenomena in terms of the ‘general subjective’. The main research method used by the
author is the phenomenological approach that defines the place of the discourse as well as its mental landscape.
Based on this approach, philosophy sees being (and the world) as a subject of interpretation. Philosophers try to
understand the meaning (or meanings) of the integral phenomena of being. The author also offers his own interpretation
and definition of philosophy. According to the author, philosophy is the existential phenomenological analytics
and pragmatics of the general-subjective being that can be understood only if we focus on human existentials and
the general-subjective in the world of phenomena that are reflected in human mind. The results of the research and
aforesaid provisions can be used in teaching philosophy as well as arguments in never-ending discussions about the
subject of philosophy.
philosophy, knowledge, subject of philosophy, existence, world, meaning, being-in-general, being-for-myself, phenomenon, general-subjective.
Rozin, V. M..
Formation of the Ancient Thinking Methodological, Phenomenological, Technological and Institutional Aspects
// Philosophy and Culture.
2014. № 3.
P. 319-328.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2014.3.64163 URL:
The author of the article offers a new outlook on the process of ancient thinking formation. The novelty of
the research is that the author tries to show that from the very beginning, thinking has had both methodological
and phenomenological aspect, although the latter were not understood specifically due to the fact that philosophical
disciplines were formed only in the culture of the Early Modern Period. Moreover, the author of the present article
suggests that we should view Aristotle’s rules and thinking categories as the creation of some kind of the intellectual
technology as well as the first attempt to design the institution of thinking. The author substantiates his new views on
ancient thinking based on the analysis of the genesis and development of ancient philosophy as well as the description
Parmenides’, Plato’s and Aristotle’s views. Noteworthy that the author shows that the concept of thinking introduced by
Parmenides was nothing else but the image of the intellectual path and discussion of certain criteria showing whether
the path was correct or not. After him Plato and Aristotle discussed how to put the idea into life and convey the solution
(method) to others. Solution of the aforesaid problems results in creation of the concept of the ancient thinking.
cogitation (thinking), methodology, phenomenology, technology, institution, reasoning, knowledge, personality, rules, categories.
Shipovalova, L. V..
Objectivity as a Scientific Value or Possibilities of Science as an Element
of Culture
// Philosophy and Culture.
2014. № 1.
P. 12-19.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2014.1.63767 URL:
The subject matter of this research is objectivity as the main feature of science and scientific value. The
author of the article raises a question whether the synthesis of cultural and philosophical researches is possible.
The subject of such researches is the science as a cultural phenomenon, in particular, objectivity as the basic
scientific value. Such interpretation of objectivity is shared by many experts in the sphere of modern epistemology.
The problem is that interpretation of objectivity not only as the scientific criterion but also as the scientific value or
even scientific virtue makes objectivity as a possible subject of research of both philosophy of science and cultural
studies as well as other associated disciplines. At the same time, such interpretation necessarily connects scientific
knowledge with human activity and therefore may even relativize it. The author of the article establishes that
cultural research methods can be successfully used in solving relativism problems related to studying scientific
values in modern philosophy of science. The author of the article uses the analytical research method which is
caused by the need to define the essential differences in definitions of scientific values and determine their status in
terms of philosophy of science. It has been established that the modern interpretation of objectivity as a scientific
value or virtue creates a threat for relativism in reviewing the grounds for scientific activity. However, this
threat can be overcome if the objectivity is related to human activity. In this case objectivity is understood as the
efforts made by a scientist in order to overcome his own limits and involves versatile thinking and self-concern.
Cultural researches have a particular subject of research and therefore often deal with the problem of relativism.
Consequently, results of cultural researches can be successfully used in philosophy of science as well.
science, objectivity, philosophy of science, cultural studies, scientific value, scientific virtue, subjectivity, relativism, universalism, versatile thinking.
Prokhorov, M. M..
Connection Between Existence and History as a Principle of Philosophical Ideology
// Philosophy and Culture.
2013. № 2.
P. 144-154.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2013.2.62325 URL:
The author of the article raises a question about renovation of philosophical ideology. It is achieved through
implementation of the unity of existence and history as the foundation of the philosophical picture of the world, human
and human’s attitude to the world. It is shown that being a human ability, consciousness is interpreted in the history
of philosophy not only in comparison with the existence but also as a part of this or that type of human’s attitude
to the world that reflects his subjective position from the point of view of contemplative, activist and co-evolutional
attitude to the world. The author describes the profound meaning of the objective concept of existence and how it
developed and affected human and his consciousness towards overcoming of his subjective attitude to the world. The
author gives the three definitions of existence: substantial, attributive and historical. The author also proves the connection
between human activity and existence/its development and explains that estrangement of human activity
from the existence development may lead to an anthropological catastrophe.
philosophy, world perception, existence, history, principle, unity, substance – attribute, substance – subject, constructivism.
Amelchenko, S. N..
Philosophical Analysis of the Relation Between Culture and Civilization:
Onto-Deontological Aspect
// Philosophy and Culture.
2012. № 12.
P. 23-34.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2012.12.61743 URL:
Philosophical and social sciences gave birth to different approaches to understanding of the relation
between culture and civilization. Depending on the approach to this issue, culture is described as the
part of civilization (Arnold Toynbee); one of the two sides of the historical process, civilization being the
other side (Weber); an entity that includes civilization (Kagan). Some researchers viewed civilization as
the death of culture (Spengler) and others view peculiarities of culture as the source of conflicts arising between
civilizations (Samuel Huntington). Additional opportunities to research the issue are revealed by the
modeling approach that allows to show the ontological unity of culture and civilization achieved through
the balance of their ontological element. Analysis of the ‘must’ modes that form the structure of culture and
civilization in the system of existence allows to clarity contradictions of the modern age and outline the paths
of future human development.
philosophy, culture, civilization, existence, the must, ideal, social, material, modeling, system.
Amelchenko, S. N..
Modeling as an Instrument of Ontology and Cultural Gnoseology
// Philosophy and Culture.
2012. № 6.
P. 19-29.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2012.6.60233 URL:
Method of modeling is not studied enough and rarely used in modern ontology and cultural gnoseology.
A rare example of this method is M. Kagan’s conception describing the place of culture in the system
of human existence. Some of Kagan’s ideas can be developed and compelted which would allow to make
changes in the process of formation of objective knowledge in culture. This is the goal of the research of the
structure of ontological system that includes existence of objectivized and individual ideal approaches (elements
not mentioned by Kagan). The author of the article shows that this is the part of existence (human being)
where meaning, ideals and life goals of human and society are being produced. The research also shows
a dialectic connection between structure of existence (which levels and forms are conditioned by the formation
of culture) and the role of culture causing the variety of these elements and creating a representation of
such existence elements as the human, social and ideal.
philosophy, culture, being, modeling, human, society nature, system, ideal, social, material.
Ivanov, S. Yu..
Constructs of the Universal, Peculiar and Singular in the Context of a Structural Model of the World View
// Philosophy and Culture.
2011. № 5.
P. 43-49.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2011.5.58413 URL:
The article considers the main constructs of the world view. The author proves the need in distinguishing between the
world view and scientific world view. Viewing the world view as a concept of conception and conception of conception, the author
outlines the basic constructs of it: ontological, gnoseological and ideological. Regarding each of these constructs the author
also describes the general, peculiar and singular aspects of the world view.
philosophy, world view, ontological aspect of the world view, gnoseological aspect of the world view, ideological aspect of the world view, existence, substance, scientific world view, local world views, particular scientific world views.
// Philosophy and Culture.
2008. № 3.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2008.3.55683 URL:
It happened many times that successful social management resulted in political explosion. The social managerism is often manipulative. For example, the great gap between the rich and the poor in Russia is quite an example of technocratic thought, aimed to deal with management issues. Another excellent example is the competition between two political parties, both of which were born in the Kremlin administration….
// Philosophy and Culture.
2008. № 3.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2008.3.55684 URL:
Phylosophical systems, directions means and methods can be divided based on various bases. The author of this article considers that is important to classify the philosophers by the manner, in which they express their ideas. This difference seem to have existed for many centuries, but now it became especially obvious.