Question at hand
Sytykh, O.L. (2021). From logos to image: the trends in transformation of modern culture. Philosophy and Culture, 2, 1–11.
The subject of this study is the transformation of modern culture associated with the visual turn. Using the dialectical method and systemic analysis, the author determines the trends in transformation of modern culture. The goal of article is to demonstrate the essence such changes, their vector and impact upon individual and society. The factors of transformation, its manifestations, and consequences are revealed. The works of the representatives of philosophy, culturology, sociology, history, etc. comprise the theoretical framework for this research. The empirical base contains the results of sociological survey conducted 2020 on the premises of two universities in the Altai Krai. The novelty consists in identification of the trends of cultural transformation under the influence of visual turn, their positive and negative consequences for individual and society, as well as generalization of numerous manifestations of these trends. The main conclusion of this study is the author's position about serious and contradictory transformations in society under the influence of visual rotation. The impact of visual rotation has both positive and negative development trends and their consequences. Among the positive effects of the visual turn, the author highlights stimulation of the development of visual thinking, which depends on functioning of the right brain. The author also indicates negative consequences of the visual transformation of culture. Perception through images weans people from thinking. Receiving information through images, rather than through speech, increases the clipping nature of consciousness. This entails the possibility of formation of an individual subject to manipulation. The presentation of images on the Internet and arrangement of visual series develops the habit of expecting “the solution of your problems by someone else” in the situation of choice. Another consequence of the transition from logos to image is the formation of prerequisites for “easy” submersion into virtual situations.
globalization, youth, consumer society, society, visual culture, visual turn, image, logos, thinking, information
Philosophy of knowledge
Popov, N.A. (2021). Unambiguous determinism in the captivity of illusory perceptions. Philosophy and Culture, 2, 12–41.
This article attempt to clarify whether the accusations brought by modern physics and probabilistic thinking against unambiguous determinism are justified. Is it incompatible with the existence of various possibilities, coincidences, free will, and certain laws of microcosm? Does it really lead to absolute predetermination? Is the perception of universality and fundamentality of unambiguous causation really outdated? Can the dynamic laws be limited in their manifestation? Can they be replaced with probabilistic laws? At the same time, the logic of research is founded on determination of the essence of all the phenomena that are supposedly incompatible with the unambiguous determinism. In the course of research, the author adheres to gradual implementation of the principle of materialistic monism. The conclusion is made that the classical representation of universality and fundamentality of unambiguous causality remains relevant and is fully compatible with the presence of various possibilities, coincidences, free will, and probability. The author reveals the nature of possibilities and coincidences, as well as indicated inseparability of these phenomena from the predictive activity of a human. The article also determines inextricable link between the dynamic laws and the materiality of the cognizable world, which testifies to their unlimited fundamentality. The nature of probabilistic laws and their inseparability from dynamic laws is underlined. The author provides arguments that unambiguous causality does not lead to absolute predomination of events, emphasizes the importance of the worldview criterion of validity of scientific representations; and clarifies the definition of matter.
probabilistic patterns, dynamic patterns, probability, randomness, opportunity, causality, unambiguous determinism, freedom, free will, absolute predetermination
Social philosophy
Avakyan-Forer, A.G. (2021). Economic Ideas of the Renaissance era: philosophical analysis. Philosophy and Culture, 2, 42–52.
This article examines the economic views of the Renaissance philosophers. The socio-philosophical thought of this period raises the value and moral-ethical problems in economic sphere, as well as attempts to solve them. The subject of this research is the attitude towards the economic wealth of an individual and society. The goal is to reveal and structurize the economic ideas of the Renaissance philosophers. The relevance of this work lies in the overview of the philosophical concepts that reflect the economic ideas and value peculiarities of that time. Special attention is given to the development of foreign trade, which was accelerated by the Age of Discovery. The Renaissance era is complex phenomenon of human culture, where opens a new perspective upon articulation and solution of the old problems. For example, in discussing wealth and poverty, the philosophers raised the problem of social inequality, claiming the many people are poor not because they do not want to work, but because they were born to be poor. In this era, the bourgeois class, feudal lords and the highest royal nobility owned almost all lands, making it extremely difficult for ordinary people to become wealthy. This marked the “revolution” within the system of values, as well as in sociopolitical and economic spheres. Among the factors affecting the evolution of economic thought, the author indicates the problems of the development of economic activity and change in the subject area of economic tasks, both of which required a theoretical reflection. The author explores the solution of these tasks by different philosophers, as well as follows the evolution of the internal logic of economic views.
wealth, poverty, waste, secularization, anthropocentrism, humanism, philosophy of economics, economic values, honest work, material goods
Maltsev, Y.V. (2021). The practice of self-nurturing in the concept of the Tyumen philosopher Y. M. Fyodorov . Philosophy and Culture, 2, 53–60.
The subject of this research is the philosophy of the Tyumen philosopher Yuri Mikhailovich Fyodorov – a representative of the Tyumen philosophical tradition, who focused on the problems of ethics, namely practical implementation of the ethical in the context of development of the North and establishment of a new society from fundamentally different individuals. Tyumen philosophers were concerned with the question of how to form a single moral essence out of the agonistic society. For solving this problem, Yuri Mikhailovich Fyodorov turned to Neo-Platonism, cosmism, and Russian religious philosophy, as well as paid particular attention to the question of elevation of human to a moral entity. The ways for such subjectification proposed by Fedorov are examined in this article. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that the philosopher is not widely known, as well as in the emphasis on the process of subjectification, epimeleia heautou in interpretation of M. Foucault, or the self-nurturing practices. It is illustrated that creativity, freedom, kindness and love are the key practices of self-nurturing which Y. M. Fyodorov indicated as the procedures of subjectification. From his perspective, these four concepts are the goal and practice for an individual, who seeks to surpass his own foundations. The philosophy of Y. M. Fyodorov aims to substantiate the unity of man with man, man with being; as well as attach meaning, value and vector to human life; contra pose something genuine, profound and eternal to the concepts that deprive an individual of the right to power over himself and the right to the long-term existence.
neoplatonism, ethics, subject, subjectivity, subjectivation, the care of the self, practices of the self, cosmism, russian philosophy, philosophy
Kuznetsova, T.V., Welch, L.V. (2021). Family videography is a highly demanded genre of modern popular culture. Philosophy and Culture, 2, 61–69.
The subject of this research is a new form of creativity emerging in the social environment – family videography. This is one of the first articles dedicating to this developing genre of popular culture. The author touches upon the general changes that take place in modern creative environment, the role and relevance of the new forms of culture. The modern period is characterized by transition of many exclusive creative knowledge into popular culture. The knowledge in the field of cinematography is of particular demand. Youth is fascinated with the art of cinematography, audio engineering, and film directing. There are new technologies that allow learning and working from any corner of the planet. What used to be just a dream becomes the reality of a new world. The article outlines the current trends in youth culture – seeking new forms and personal fulfillment in a new sphere. The new forms of culture emerge from the depths of professional creativity and affect the formation of moral, aesthetic, and social values of people. The question is raised whether these forms of culture can be considered art. The authors reflect on the topic art through the prism of new direction – family videography. The aesthetics of family cinematography has not become the subject of systemic research. The authors provide a scientific definition to family videography. The main conclusions are as follows: 1) the modern period is characterized by the transition of many professional creative knowledge into the sphere of popular culture; 2) multiple training events and schools of art are created on the online platforms; 3) new genres, among which is family videography, are created by amateurs in art environment. The scientific novelty lies in analysis of establishment of this new genre, and reflection on whether it can be attributed as art.
values, harmony, sign system, popular culture, documentary film, videography, philosophical knowledge, aesthetics, creativity, a new form of culture