Philosophy and culture
Zhernosenko, I.A. (2021). Culture as the key factor in the establishment of noospherogenesis . Philosophy and Culture, 11, 1–10.
The subject of this article is the substantiation of the fundamental link between culture and modern problem of searching for the vector of positive social development. The object of this research is the concept of noospheric development as one of the productive futurological strategies that gives adequate responses to the challenges of modernity. Leaning on the unified nature of the sphere of noumena, regardless of the methods of cognition of existence (science, religion, art), and integrating the conceptual grounds of the theories of noosphere and pneumatosphere, the author proves that cultural phenomena are capable of fulfilling the functions of the attractor of social development as the bearers of scientific ideas, axiological and aesthetic values, and aspirations for spiritual ideals. The artifacts that are yet to be implemented, but of exists as ideas, do influence the future. The noospheric strategy of social development requires elaboration of new educational approaches. Special attention is given to the substantiation of culture-making educational model as an effective methodology in preparation of “man on the future”. Analysis of the works of the founders of the theory of noosphere and the theory of pneumatosphere, as well as their contemporary adherents allows concluding on the natural integration of the concepts of V. I. Vernadsky and P. A. Florensky in modern concept of noospherogenesis, as scientific, artistic, and social ideas have the single information nature. The acquired conclusions explicate the culturological component of the concept of noospherogenesis and substantiate the effectiveness of culture-making educational model that contributes to the formation of noospheric type of mentality among younger generation. The author’s special contribution consists in presentation of the model of culture-making school, tested on the public schools of Altai Krai, which also has high heuristic potential for humanities and art universities.
noospheric attractor cone, education, culture, synergetic approach, information society, cosmism, pneumatosphere, theory of noospher, cultural and creative model of education, competence paradigm of education
Question at hand
Bondareva , N.I., Mamaeva , Y.V. (2021). Urban estates in Astrakhan of the late XVIII – early XX centuries: typological aspect . Philosophy and Culture, 11, 11–25.
The subject of this research is the typological groups of urban estates in Astrakhan of the late XVIII – early XX centuries. The object is the peculiarities of urban estates in Russia of that time. The goal lies in studying the urban estates in Astrakhan of the late XVIII – early XX centuries from the perspective of their classification. The article touches upon the question of phenomenology of the Russian estate, the architecture and typology of urban estates in the Russian province, as well as the architecture of urban estates in Astrakhan. The research employs the general scientific method (analysis of the historical and logical), historical-architectural approach, and art history techniques for studying estates in urban environment and photographic evidence. The author also attracts historical references, archival and other documents on the topic. The theoretical framework is comprised of the works of M. B. Mikhaylova and E. I. Kirichenko on the estate construction in Russian cities; T. V. Vavilonskaya and G. G. Nugmanova on the classification of urban estates. The scientific novelty lies in outlining the typological groups of urban estates of Astrakhan from the perspective of their architectural and artistic characteristics, as well as social rank of the lords. It is established that the urban estates of Astrakhan are divided into wealthy estates of the merchants that are an artistic phenomena in the architectural image of the city; prosperous and middle-class of the merchants and officials oriented towards eclectic architecture; wooden estates of modest merchants and philistines that carry certain artistic value. The practical importance of this research consists in contribution to the creation of the holistic picture of the development of Astrakhan architecture.
typological group, social rank, architectural and artistic qualities, cultural heritage, estate of Astrakhan, estate of the province, phenomenology of the estate, composition of the estate, main house, urban development
Axiology: values and relics
Popov, E.A. (2021). Solidarity as the phenomenon of modern culture . Philosophy and Culture, 11, 26–32.
This article elucidated the phenomenon of solidarity from the perspective of value-semantic characteristic. The existing research on solidarity focus attention on the social nature and social aspects of the formation and development of this phenomenon. However, this is insufficient to get a clear picture of the factors that determine the solidary interaction of individuals: sacred values, values of the good, historical memory, etc. Examination of solidarity from such perspective allows developing such independent avenue of research as axiology of solidarity, etc. The main conclusions acquired in the course of studying solidarity as the cultural phenomenon consists in the following statements: 1) values are the determinants of solidarity, although the type of values (political, ideological, social) are of little significance; 2) solidarity is rather associated with universal values that are present in each culture, regardless of its national distinctness; 3) special role in studying solidarity is played by the empirical techniques that allow specifying the value aspects of manifestations of solidarity in various social groups and communities, as well as sociocultural systems
society, consolidation, culture, knowledge, universal value, knowledge about society, cultural phenomenon, solidarity, values, activism
Philosophy and culture
Zaótseva, N.V. (2021). “Natural” in the philosophical and moralistic literature of the XVII century . Philosophy and Culture, 11, 33–45.
In philosophy, “natural” is viewed as an ontological characteristic of the objects of internal and external reality along with the concept of “artificial”. However, in the XVII century, the philosophical and moralistic literature undergoes aestheticization. Numerous appeals of the writers, moralists and philosopher, as well as dialogues and arguments on the topic of “natural” indicate that this was of crucial importance for the aesthetic thought of the XVII century. The answer to the question ‘what natural is’ has become the cornerstone of the new gallant aesthetics, and in behavior was associated with fluency and aristocratic inattention, which are opposed to pomposity and affectation. In art, “natural” was perceived as a desire to purge from the Baroque ostentation. In literature, it is the result of hard work on the language that allows achieving lightness and fluency. Ultimately, in the philosophical thought, “natural” is perceived as the correspondence with truth. Until the present, the question of aestheticization of the “natural” did not draw the attention of Russian researchers. This is partly explained by the historical tradition. Russia enters the European philosophical thought only in the Era of Enlightenment in the XVIII century; thus, the XVII century seems somewhat archaic on the background of the topical issues. However, the XVII century is the advent of the history of modern philosophical and aesthetic thought, and creates the foundation of modern European mentality. This period marks the formation of the new aesthetic ideal, new aesthetic norms, and the system for assessing the work of art, which assign an important role to the “natural”.
culture of everyday life, French literature, galanteri, literature of XVII century, moralistic literature, gallant aesthetics, naturel, history of XVII century, beau monde, philosophy of XVII century
Philosophy and art
Popov, E.A. (2021). Philosophical reception in modern art history. Philosophy and Culture, 11, 46–56.
This article explores the applicability of philosophical reception in terms of analysis of the phenomenon and the essence of art and artworks. The goal of this research lies in substantiation of the need for proliferation of the philosophical reception in art history for the holistic study of art in the aspect of its “ontologization”. Emphasis is placed on the fact that modern art history sets the tone in examination of the formal and substantive sides of art, its types and genres. Methodological and theoretical framework for art history is the philosophy of art, which recently however does not hold the leading position in the analysis of art, and even yields to aesthetics. The problem of comprehending the essence of art and the value role of artwork in life of a person and society remains open. It is rather not the subject of close attention of the art historians, but may become such. Thus, the art history analysis should be complemented with the philosophical reception. Namely this aspect is given special attention in this research. Philosophical reception is a peculiar algorithm for understanding the meanings and ideas of the artwork, as well as realization of the essence of this phenomenon. Art is often viewed as one of the forms of collective consciousness (along with science, mythology, etc.); however, the philosophical reception helps to establish the value-semantic nature of art that prevails over the social and aesthetic. Comprehension of any genre or type of art through the prism of art history is essentially refracted in the philosophical reception. In this case, the researcher is able not only assess the style and genre nature of the artwork, but also to trace its position in the turn of eras, personality concepts, ideologies, and worldviews. It is undoubtedly gives an apparent advantage to any modern researcher who aims to perceive the essence of art.
methodology, philosophical reception, culture, knowledge, the role of art, àrt history, art, art research, values, the essence of art