The dialogue of cultures
Liubivaia, I., Korol'kova, N.E. (2020). The phenomenon of personality of T. L. Schepkina-Kupernik in the context of theatrical process of the late XIX – early XX century. Philosophy and Culture, 6, 1–8.
The interest to the almost forgotten names of female writers of the Silver Ages gas grown over the recent decades. Among them is a prominent and talented Russian and Soviet poetess, translator, writer, play writer, memoirist, journalist T. L. Schepkina-Kupernik. She dedicated approximately 60 years of her life to literary work, and in 1940 was awarded the title of “Honored Master of Arts of RSFSR”. Relevance of the article is defined by the fact that presently the artistic heritage of T. L. Schepkina-Kupernik became undeservingly forgotten, even though it represents great value not only for the Russia, but also for word art history, especially for historians of theatre and literature. Thanks to the translations of T. L. Schepkina-Kupernik, the Russian stage enriched its repertoire, and the audience became acquainted with world-renown dramaturgists. Connoisseurs of the theatrical art were able to appreciate performance of the actors thanks to the memoirs on the actors and peer reviews on their stage performances. An important detail in biography of Tatiana Lvovna consists in her personal experience of acting on stage. The author analyzes the persona of Schepkina-Kupernik from various aspects of her creative work. Analysis is conducted on her work as an actress, writer, translator, and memoirist. Her contribution to the history of the Russian theater is reviewed.
dramaturgy, theater translation, literature, memoirs, living portraits, theater, Schepkina-Kupernik, review, writer, repertoire
Philosophy of language and communication
Nagornaya, L.A., Nagornyi, N.N. (2020). Popularization of Russian sign language as one of the conditions for inclusion of deaf people in the modern Russian society. Philosophy and Culture, 6, 9–32.
This article discusses the importance of timely overcoming of language barrier between a deaf person and the society for formation and functionality of such component of the psyche of a deaf person as image of the world. A question is raised on the need for elapse of socialization process of the people with severe hearing impairments in the environment of verbal-gesture bilinguality. The subject of this research is interrelation between the process of popularization of Russian sign language and the process of inclusion of deaf people in the modern Russian society. The scientific novelty consists in revealing mutual determinacy of the process of popularization of Russian sign language and the process of inclusion of deaf people in the modern Russian society from the socio-philosophical perspective. It is proven that full inclusion of deaf people in the society is impossible without a significant increase in the number of the hearing socialization agents who know the Russian sign language. The author underlines that there are certain prerequisites in the modern Russian society for popularization of sign language, as well as indicates the main methods for its popularization. The presented materials can be applied in further research of the various aspects of socialization processes and inclusion of deaf people in socio-philosophical aspect; linguistics (first and foremost psycholinguistics and sociolinguistics), and linguistic philosophy for better understanding of psychosocial component of sign languages; as well as serve as the theoretical framework for solution of practical questions of interaction between deaf people and the society.
bilingualism, education system, subculture, socialization, image of the world, people with disabilities, Deaf people, Russian Sign Language, Russian society, inclusion
Question at hand
Glazov, E.A. (2020). Competence approach to professional education of stage directors in creating visual image in theatrical and concert in the conditions of innovative decisions. Philosophy and Culture, 6, 33–44.
This article raises a question on the essence, types and role of competence approach to professional training of stage directors. The subject of this research is the competence approach to professional education of stage directors in creating a visual image in theatrical and concert in the conditions of innovative decisions. The goal consists in substantiation of the importance of competence approach to preparation of students in this field and their professional fulfillment, determination of acting and music competencies that could and should become the key results of professional education. The main research method is the analytical examination of sources, which allows clarifying the logic and content of the concept “competence approach to professional education of stage directors”. The methods of comparative analysis were used of identification of the quality of artistic education and its functions. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that this article is first within the framework of professional training of stage directors to consider comprehensive approach to realization of the modern ideas of stage direction. The key parameter is the ability to utilize modern innovative lightening of the audience halls. An example of advanced use of the modern technological capabilities is the events held in the State Kremlin Palace. The results of this work are reflected in the following statements: examination of any pedagogical phenomenon requires clarification of its components; many researchers pay attention to determination of the essence of competences, their elements and the need for their structurization; the questions of competence approach in the area of artistic education, and its functions in preparation of future stage directors have repeatedly become the subject of research. The analysis of scientific literature give grounds to state that professional competences of the students in this field are not sufficiently defined. Artistic education currently experiences a difficult period of modern transformations, when on the background of traditional classical methodology, advances the practice of implementation of innovative learning technologies.
manufacturability, technology, innovative solutions, competency-based approach, concept, professional education, director, Kremlin Palace of Congresses, theatrical production, performance
Philosophy of science
Umylina, D. (2020). Types of rationality and the genesis of science: comparative analysis of two worldview systems. Philosophy and Culture, 6, 45–59.
This article examines an aspect of “Needham’s Question” related to the specificity of scientific rationality formed within the framework of new-European worldview. The research is dedicated to the comparative analysis of New-European and Chinese types of rationality. Based on studying the specificity of the dominant cultural paradigms, the author highlights and describes the features of Chinese and European worldview systems. Characteristic is given to Chinese and New-European rationality with emphasis on their essential differences, although they have some external similarities. The goal of this work consists in revelation of characteristic qualities of the European and Chinese worldview systems that predetermined the essential peculiarities of the types of rationality established in terms of these civilizations and influences the process of scientific development. The scientific novelty consists in examination of worldview components of New-European and Chinese as the particular manifestations of different types of rationality. The conclusion is made that structural elements of the two worldviews led to formation of various types of rationality. Among the fundamental differences are the discrepancies in understanding the concept of the “law of nature”, representations on uniformity of laws of the world, ontological status of a human being, purposes of cognition of the world and character of cognitive activity. The author underlines the practical nature of European rationality and mainly ethical nature of Chinese rationality. In order to explain the genesis of science, along with identification of the rationalizing component of worldview, it is necessary to clarify the nature of that rationality.
Desacralization of nature, European science, Chinese science, Order of nature, Law of Nature, Ethical rationality, Practical rationality, Scientific style of thinking, Worldview, Subject-object opposition
Social dynamics
Linchenko, A.A. (2020). Cultural memory of the migrants and accepting society in Russian and abroad: conflict dimension. Philosophy and Culture, 6, 60–82.
The goal of this article is the socio-philosophical conceptualization of memory conflicts in the migration society, as well as comparative analysis of the Russian and foreign contexts. Foreign experience was examined within the framework of the policy of assimilation and multiculturalism, as well as politics aimed at formation of transnational identities. The analysis of Russian context was conducted on the basis of determination and classification of conflictogenic factors, main parties of the conflicts, settlement strategies, and types of conflicts in the condition of internal and external migration challenges. The author leans on the constructivist approach, which suggests that perception of the past is predetermined and formed by sociocultural contexts and practices of memory and obscurity. In comparison with the foreign, Russian context demonstrates the prevalence of latent forms of conflict. Russia marks the formation of “parallel” memory communities, when the migrants and accepting society maintain a forced neutrality. If the foreign research indicate mostly status conflicts, in the Russian conditions, the migrants are oriented towards defensive type of memory conflicts. The oversea conflicts of memory mark the clash of modernism and traditionalism, while Russia demonstrated the clash of different versions of traditionalism.
historical consciousness, conflicts of cultural memory, external migration, internal migration, identity conflict, migrants, cultural memory, ethnocentrism, multiculturalism, transnationalism