Man and mankind
Minnullina, E.B. (2020). Postmodernism: between the subject and absolutely external. Philosophy and Culture, 4, 1–10.
The subject of this research is the contours of philosophical reasoning on the authenticity of human existence from the perspective of postmodernism. Comparison is conducted on interpretations of subjectivity in different philosophical discourses. The article examines the postmodern stage as an inversion of values and traditions of modernism and postmodernism in the context of new realities of the digital virtualized society. The author reviews the postmodern inter-worldliness of a subject and externalized selfness of a human, who on the one hand seeks self-identification, and om the other – avoids it, falling under the sway of symbolic identity, determined by the social institutions, norms and standards. Research methodology is based on the historical-philosophical approach, phenomenology of social, existential analytics and object-oriented ontology. A conclusion is made that the situation of s postmodern human is reflected in transition from the idea of diluting metanarrative to ethical universalism, from the regression of the philosophy of identity to object-oriented ontology, from skepticism to sincerity, from ironic sensibility of postmodernism to aesthetic experiencing of the tragic, from the power of text to metaphoric access to reality.
decentration, the external, Graham Harman, Gille Deleuze, neo-romanticism, object-oriented ontology, subject, metamodernism, human being, post-postmodernism
Philosophy of technology
Khasieva, M.A. (2020). Human and technology in the philosophy of Lewis Mumford. Philosophy and Culture, 4, 11–19.
The subject of this research is the problem of technicalization of human nature studied in the works of an American historian, sociologists and philosopher of technology Lewis Mumford. The Western philosophical tradition marks the existence of the traditional juxtaposition of technology and nature, technology and human. The impact of scientific and technological progress upon human mind and his corporeal nature is incontestable. However, the evolution of technology itself reflects the intentions of development of intellectual culture. Thus, technology is initially ambivalent with regards to human, producing disintegrating and organizing influence simultaneously. Technology separates human from nature and forms new subject and value systems. The article applies a descriptive method of research, gives characteristics to the most significant works of L. Mumford, as well as utilizes hermeneutic approach and method of structural analysis of his writings. The author’s main contribution consists in versatile analysis of L. Mumford’s interpretations of the philosophical problems of technology. Multiple existing research emphasize his negative evaluation of technology: he correlates process of technicalization with dehumanization, militarization and strengthening of totalitarian means of social organization. Nevertheless, it is worth mentioning that throughout his path, L. Mumford has substantially modified the context of studying technology: in his early work “Technology and Civilization (1934) Mumford optimistically determines the modern “neo-technological” type of social development. The conclusions are made on the sociocultural and socioeconomic meaning of technology, with focus on the anthropological problem of the impact of technology upon human nature.
Russoism, utilitarianism, industrialization, urbanization, technicalization, Megamachine, Mumford, romanticism, masses, totalitarianism
The new paradigm of science
Ursul, A.D. (2020). From Neolithic towards space revolution: emergence of a new means of socio-natural interaction. Philosophy and Culture, 4, 20–34.
The subject of this research is the ongoing drastic transformations in interactions between nature and humankind at the stage of space exploration. Earth’s material production will continue being developed, but at the same time, a completely new process will emerge, brought about by human interaction with extraterrestrial natural environment. This means predictions of taking production into outer space, especially heavy industry, which was even conceptualized by Konstantin Tsiolkovsky. Special importance in its development will be played by extraterrestrial mining industry. The author demonstrates that sustainable mining will continue to on Earth even after development of space mining, and these processes will be closely connected. Without development of space mining, it would be practically impossible to continue exploring space or ensure space security. It will be space mining that will play the defining role in formation of a new, space means of socio-natural interaction, which will define further evolution of our civilization in broad exploration of the Universe.
socio-natural contradiction, preservation of the biosphere, Neolithic revolution, cosmonautics, space socio-natural revolution, space mining, extraterrestrial resources, method of socio-natural interaction, sustainable development, sustainable mining
Spiritual and moral search
Varakina, M.I., Trofimova, E.S., Levchenko, Y.A. (2020). The formation of the national idea of Chinese environmental culture. Philosophy and Culture, 4, 35–45.
This article examines the formation of a new environmental culture that promotes a positive spiritual transformation of the individual. The analysis of the environmental culture in China shows that in the center of the eco-ethical system of Confucianism is a social person, follower of environmentally moral behavior. China’s future is impossible without sustainable development of society, where positive environmental imperatives play a serious role. This paper shows the role of the Chinese leadership in the formation of a new radical and global policy that has new challenges for social thinking, the problems of environmental development of society and a new environmental strategy. The findings suggest that the problem of getting out of the environmental crisis can be solved through formation of environmental culture, as it includes all the material and spiritual values created by humanity in the process of socio-natural interactions.
ecological traditions, ecological unity, socio-natural interaction, ecological imperative, ecological culture, environmental development, ecological principles, Confucianism, eco-ethical system, ecological crisis
Philosophy and culture
Klimov, Y. (2020). Representation of reality in filmmaking: philosophical and culturological aspects. Philosophy and Culture, 4, 46–54.
This article explores the issues pertaining to perception of reality through cinematography, including modern film editing. Analysis is conducted on modern surrealistic portraying of the world in movies, highlighting the importance of created reality in movies and its perception by the viewers. The article presents brief analysis of the works of such renowned philosophers as André Bazin, Henri Bergson, Jean Baudrillard, Maurice Merleau-Ponty and Walter Benjamin. Modern cinematography in form of “movie universes” and “movie franchises” is used as an example. This research covers modern films, which reflect popular demand for maximal realism as an opportunity to identify and reach maximal immersion into story on the screen. Cinematography began be showing real events as chronicles, later undergoing changes, and with development of technology becomes more distant from portrayal of specific reality and people. In the 1980s the conceptual idea changes, and cinematography becomes more realistic. However, in the early XXI century, while chasing realism modern movies became hyper-realistic, causing gradual degradation of sense of reality of the picture.
representation, culture, philosophy, film franchise, hyperreality, film editing, reality, movie, movie universe, perception