Kormin, N.A. (2020). The dramaturgy of coloristics. Philosophy and Culture, 3, 1–35.
This article analyzes the approaches to understanding the aesthetic architectonics of coloristics and transcendental clarification of the dramaturgy of knowledge on color, as well reveals potential for its spiritual dimension. Viewing aesthetics as a form of metaphysical history of origin that changes modus of the ability to reason, and the aesthetics of color itself as what R. Arnheim calls metaphorical clash of modalities, the author demonstrates the emergence of text linguistics of coloristics as a manifestation of the observed at the limit, as a perception of unthinkable in creativity. The question that still remains open is one of how it is possible speak of transcendental vision of color, if the transcendental itself cannot be captured in a burst of passion or get inspired by it. Nonetheless, namely these acts are of great importance for comprehending all that suggests the presence of aesthetic predicates. For the first time it is shown that the conducted by Husserl analysis of the problem of perception of color is a paramount prerequisite for the phenomenological concept of intentionality of aesthetic consciousness. Transcendental phenomenology discovers fundamental grounds of this concept (also enabling aesthetic interpretation of the phenomena of consciousness) by modally intentioning understanding of the concept of color perception, finely structuring and describing it as a manifestation of activity of the consciousness on different levels.
painting, color, aesthetics, consciousness, postphenomenology, phenomenology, Transcendentalism, creativity, Kant, Husserl
Philosophy of history
Anikin, D.A. (2020). Religious community in modern cultural space: transformation of identity and memorial practices. Philosophy and Culture, 3, 36–44.
This article discusses the problem of transformation of memorial practices of religious community in the context of modern cultural space. The subject of research is the memorial practices of religious communities, while the main goal is to determine their specificity in terms of intensification of post-secular trends and individualization of culture. The author reveals the initial correlation of religious community with the processes of maintaining collective identity and the ways of preserving collective remembrances; and later analyzes the process of their changeability, highlights the development stages and fundamental characteristics of religious communities. Based on functional approach proposed by E. Durkheim, M. Halbwachs and D. Hervieu-Léger, the article analyzes the situation of transformation of functions of collective memory and ways of referring to it in the context of spatial dynamics. The author’s main contribution consists in determination of transformation stages of the cultural space (culture of canon, culture of trauma, culture of dialogue), which allows indicating the prerequisites for secularization of memorial practices, as well as possibility for their studying in the context of post-secular trends. The conclusion is formulated that in modern culture, the religious community is established on the principles of individualization, homogenization and migration, which implies the refusal of presumption of continuity of collective memory, and transition towards its interpretation as a configurable element of the identity of religious community. The emerging gap between the need in religious beliefs and affiliation to the tradition creates a social request for the formation of local religious communities.
functions, cultural space, identity, memorial practices, religious community, collective memory, cultural memory, individualization, migration, group
Social philosophy
Prozumentik, K. (2020). The phenomenon of human alienation: socio-ontological aspect. Philosophy and Culture, 3, 45–57.
This article is dedicated to one of the key problems of social philosophy – the phenomenon of human alienation. The subject of this research is the ontological grounds of alienation. The goal consists in determination of the existential foundation of alienation as a complicated socio-ontological phenomenon, as well as differentiation of the narrow and broad sense of the concept of “alienation”. In the narrow sense, alienation implies the process, when the products of human activity and activity itself obtain the status of autonomous agents opposing to human. In a broad sense, alienation is interpreted as an ontological distinction within the structure of being. For revealing the ontological grounds of alienation, the author attracts and reconsiders the ideological arsenal of philosophical anthropology, fundamental ontology, existentialism, personalism, Marxism, and post-phenomenology. The ontological interpretation allows comprehending the anthropogenesis, historical development of human, and evolution of human mind in the context of the terms of alienation. Thus, the first is interpreted as a self-alienation of the world; the second – as alienation of human from himself; and the third – as an ideal of appeal of the world towards itself, realized through human spiritual activity. All elements of the triad form an ontological basis doe alienation in the narrow sense.
existence, ideal, labor, activity, anxiety, development, difference, alienation, openness, eccentricity
Social dynamics
Zabneva, E.I. (2020). “Russian way” of formation of civil society. Philosophy and Culture, 3, 58–64.
The subject of this research is the process of formation of civil society. The author presents a comparative analysis of the Western and Russian models. Based on such positions as the stance on private property, peculiarities of social community, agency of social transformations and source of social initiatives, the article highlights the key characteristics of the two described models. Particular attention is turned to the problem of personal spiritual and economic freedom as one of the fundamental factors for the establishment of civil society. The author outlines its external and internal determinants. The research methodology is based on the comparative analysis of the Western and Russian models of the formation of civil society, considering the specifics of cultural and historical context. The Russian model of civil society, being functionally identical to the Western, represents a peculiar social phenomenon, differed by the type and genesis. Within the national context, civil society acquires a unique content, defined by nature and dynamics of interaction between the government and people. In this regard, the formation of mentality of a Russian person is of particular significance.
Christianity, nation, society, model, personality, power, freedom, civil society, state, ideology
Philosophy and art
Batova, M.A. (2020). Dramaturgy of the image of antihero: temptation of evil. Philosophy and Culture, 3, 65–73.
The subject of this research is the main dramaturgical techniques of creation of the image of antihero in modern cinematography. Similar type of personality is characterized by destructive behavior, controversy and unresolved inner conflict. An antihero tilted towards external and internal destruction suffers from injured pride, and his main goal becomes an attempt of self-affirmation. Despite his negative characteristics, the image of antihero is always complemented with personal philosophy or story preceding its creation, which makes the hero ambiguous and attractive for the audience. The method of research consists in the theoretical analysis of dramaturgical film material. In the context of film dramaturgy, the reflection of human nature allows expressing the multifacetedness and ambiguity of the hero, since behind the negative manifestations of his personality lies the distorted by negative experience axiological system that allows violating the social norm and leads to chaos and destruction. However, despite the negative manifestations, the antihero retains the panhuman qualities, reflected in the need for achieving a certain social status.
attraction, character, axiology, conflict, violence, dramaturgy, plot, antihero, cinema, desire