Bychkov, V. (2020). Towards the Aesthetics of Early Friedrich Schlegel. Philosophy and Culture, 11, 1–14.
The subject of the study is the aesthetics of early Friedrich Schlegel. In his aesthetics, Schlegel continues the traditions of German classical philosophy, focusing special attention on the principles of the beautiful and sublime in art. Schlegel considers beauty, like morality, to be inherently inherent in a person who, along with the moral, has an "aesthetic imperative". As a "transcendental factor", beauty is based on disinterested pleasure and represents an ideal that ancient Greek art approached at one time, and the aspiration for which modern art lacks so much. The highest beauty is organic ("vegetative") like nature; two main "elements" make up the essence of beauty: "phenomenon" and "good". The beautiful in its broad sense also encompasses the sublime. Schlegel pays special attention to the ugly as an aesthetic category opposed to the beautiful and sublime, and gives an outline of the future theory of the ugly. He connects the ugly with the animal nature of man and shows that it is based on the disgusting, painful, monstrous, "beggarly chaos" of being, manifesting an absolute denial.  The central aesthetic principles – the beautiful and the sublime – are opposed by two types of the ugly: the own ugly and the "sublimely ugly". Schelling considers art to be one of the main components of culture as a humanitarian factor and sees three types of culture: natural, organically growing on the basis of mythology (reached a high level in Antiquity), artificial, created on the basis of reason according to aesthetic laws (New European) and aesthetic, which means a special emphasis in culture on aesthetic essence, on artistry. Schlegel is convinced that further positive development of culture and art is possible only under the guidance of the "correct" aesthetic theory, the beginnings of which he learns from his contemporaries.
the phenomenon, culture, art, ugly, sublime, beautiful, aesthetics, Schlegel, the benefit, artistry
Question at hand
Pavlova-Borisova, T.V. (2020). About the first part of the collection "100 Yakut songs" (songs for voice and piano arranged by M.N. Zhirkov and G.G. Lobachev, song fragments from operas by M.N. Zhirkov, G.I. Litinsky). Philosophy and Culture, 11, 15–26.
The object of the research is the processing of Yakut folk songs stored in the fund of the first Yakut composer M.N. Zhirkov (1892-1951) in the National Library of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). The subject of the study is the manuscript "100 Yakut songs". Some of them were published in the collections "Sakha Yryalara" (1948) and "Yakut folk Songs" (1958). Special attention in the comparative aspect is paid to the already published samples, in particular, in the music collections of A.V. Scriabin and F.G. Kornilov. The article examines the internal content of the treatments of the songs included in the manuscript "100 Yakut songs", expert reviews, testimonies of contemporaries. The article for the first time raises the problem of co-authorship of tunes and completed treatments, some of which are folk tunes. Samples characterized by a developed melodic structure are considered as the result of the melodic creativity of amateur authors, as well as the impact of musical professionalism of the European type. As a result of the analysis of M.N. Zhirkov's handwritten heritage, it was found that many treatments of Yakut folk songs were performed by him in collaboration with Moscow composers G.I. Litinsky and G.G. Lobachev. Also, for the first time, a comparative analysis of the corpus of song treatments from M.N. Zhirkov's manuscript "100 Yakut songs", which is stored in the collections of the National Library of the RS (Ya), was carried out.
collection, Zhirkov, yakut songs, processing, the problem of co-authorship, structure, musical folklore, handwritten legacy, genre, content
History of ideas and teachings
Kovalev, A.A. (2020). Conceptual pluralism in foreign philosophy and sociology of law: history and modernity . Philosophy and Culture, 11, 27–43.
This article analyzes conceptual representations of the prominent foreign philosophers of law as a reality of social existence and a form of collective consciousness, which are traditionally attributed to philosophy and sociology of law. The goal of this research consists in the following: 1) assess the attitude of analytical jurisprudence towards theoretical integration of various aspects of law by analogy with the sociology of law; 2) follow the correlation between philosophical and sociological approaches towards interpretation of socio-legal meanings of modernity; 3) analyze the dependence of development of the philosophy of law, which was often searching for explanations in distinct underlying logic inherent to practice of law, on the sociology of law, which tends to comprehend law in relation to various aspects of organization of social life (including professional legal and administrative practice). The novelty of this of this work is defined by the following aspects. The article makes an attempt of comprehensive analyze of various approaches and theories, as well as assesses feasibility of examination of questions of social and legal nature in the context of sociology of law. Attention is given to the experience of Western law, which in the author’s opinion virtually implies national state law, i.e. what British philosopher, the founder of legal positivism John Austin, called independent political societies. The article reveals the question of critical potential of sociology of law, which criticized the assumption that nature of the social is not a problem for legal theory
locality, transnationalism, globalization, pluralism, international law, national legal systems, sociology of law, philosophy of law, social philosophy, philosophical thought
History of ideas and teachings
Urbanaeva, I.S. (2020). Introduction to the treatise “Ocean of Reasoning: a Great Commentary on the Nāgārjuna's Mūlamadhyamakakārikā” by Je Tsongkhapa. Philosophy and Culture, 11, 44–58.
The subject of this research is the content of the Tibetan text – famous commentary work of the prominent Buddhist reformer and founder of the Gelugpa School Je Tsongkhapa (1357-1419) – “Ocean of Reasoning: a Great Commentary on the Nāgārjuna's Mūlamadhyamakakārikā” known as "Wisdom"." (“dBu-ma-rtsa-ba’i-tshig-leur-byas-pa-shes-rab-ces-bya-ba’i-rnam-bshad-rigs-pa’i-rgya-mtsho-zhes-bya-ba-bzhugs-so”). It analyzes the content of the chapter of preliminary guidelines Tsongkhapa's writing, and preambular part of Tsongkhapa's authorial commentary to “Mūlamadhyamakakārikā”, referred to as the “introductory part” of the “Ocean of Reasoning”. The research is based on the materials translated by the author from the Tibetan language, which is the first ever translation of the original text into the Russian language. Analysis of the works of Tsongkhapa allows concluding that it is the fundamental logical-analytical research of the “Nāgārjuna's Mūlamadhyamakakārikā” carried out in Indo-Tibetan scholastic tradition, with attraction of multiple Buddhist primary sources – Sutras and Shastras, including basic Indian commentaries to Nāgārjuna's thesis, written by the ancient Indian philosophers Buddhapalita, Bhāviveka, and Candrakīrti. This text is an important source for introducing into the modern philosophical discourse of the doctrine of Madhyamaka School, represented particularly by the Tibetan Prāsaṅgika interpreters through Je Tsongkhapa.
dependent origination, suchness, selflessness, emptiness, Madhyamaka, philosophical schools, Mahāyāna, logical argument, Bhavaviveka, Candrakirti
Philosophy and culture
Kibasova, G.P., Galkova, O.V. (2020). Landscape in space and landscape space (Anglo-American historiography) . Philosophy and Culture, 11, 59–71.
The subject of this research is analysis of the problem of interaction between cultural landscape and space in the Anglo-American literature. Special attention is given to examination of concepts that interpret space as encompassing both, physical and symbolic components, which create the concepts of space as the network of relations. Particular interest of researchers towards determination of interconnection between the communities, their habitats and weakening of these interconnection in the process of globalization. Analyzing the problem of the “sense of place”, the author refers to the concept of design of space. Characteristics is given to different positions on the question of correlation of landscape and space. The authors highlight actively developing phenomenological approach towards studying cultural landscape. Since the metaphor of palimpsest is crucial in disclosure of the essence of landscape, consideration of space as a multilayered phenomenon that incorporates past and current functions, ideologies and physical contexts as an intertext, is demonstrated. The conclusion is made that one of the most promising trends is the understanding of landscape space as relational, when the landscape is viewed as a product of practice, trajectory and interconnection. Relational representations on the constantly changing world to a significant extent are formed by the actor-network theory, the “theory of becoming” or “new vitalism”, and hybrid geography. The actor-network theory is intended for overcoming the perceptions of world as comprised of discrete and limited objects, and suggest seeing the world comprised of networks. Each object or person can be interpreted as the cumulative result of network relations, and the sense of individuality and will is merely a relational effect.
Anglo-American historiography, sense of place, place, landscape as an intertext, cultural landscape, landscape, space as a network, space, actor-net work theory, hybrid geography.