History of ideas and teachings
Knyazev, P. (2020). Charles Davenant on the objectives and principles of “political arithmetic” as an instrument of public administration. Philosophy and Culture, 1, 1–14. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0757.2020.1.31953
In the late XVII century in England has establishes the school of “political arithmetic”, which goal consisted in the analysis of social phenomena on the basis of quantitative indicators. Its main representatives became William Petty, John Graunt and Charles Davenant (1656-1714). The latter left a mark in the history of England as a philosopher, politician and publicist, who made a significant contribution to the development and implementation of the methods of “political arithmetic”. The object of this research is the views of the English thinker, reflected in his pamphlets and treatises of the 1690’s. The subject is the Davenant’s views on the principles and tasks of “political arithmetic” in the context of his political theory. Special attention is given to correlation between Davenant’s views on the development of “political arithmetic’ and his concept of public administration. The scientific novelty lies in the comprehensive examination of the political and economic views of Charles Davenant within the framework of his attitude on the method of “political arithmetic”. The author delivers a thesis on the importance of the political and epistemological context, which formed Davenant’s views on the quantitative indicators. Grasp of quantitative data Davenant correlated directly with the practice of administration. According to the philosopher, a public official having the capacity for “evaluation” and proper interpretation of data could avoid many mistakes in decision-making and reliance on “bad” advices. The thinker suggested that possession of quantitative data and their competent interpretation could increase the efficiency of administration.
Thomas Hobbes, Early Modern period, English Enlightenment, public administration, political arithmetic, English political thought, social and political thought, William Petty, economic thought, scientific revolution
Space and time
Popov, N.A. (2020). The concept of time and space in light of the reflective activity of human brain. Philosophy and Culture, 1, 15–38. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0757.2020.1.31713
The subject of this research is defined by the following question: what allows a person to differentiate time phenomenon from all other; is inconsistency of materialistic world alone enough for encountering the time phenomenon; what are the sources of inseparable link between time with action and space; what is duration and how it differs from time; what is the substantiation for all properties assigned to time; what is the nature of qualities attributed to space? The author proposes an original approach towards solution of the problem of time: before speaking of one or another nature of time, it should be clearly realized which phenomenon is in question, what is the distinctive feature allowing its identification, and what are the form, way and conditions of its manifestation. The article determines an inseparable link of the time phenomenon with the function that people unconsciously assign in the course of their practical activity to sequence of occurrences, formed by the shift in current states of rotation of the Earth. Active role of brain of the subject in “organization” of time phenomenon is revealed alongside. The affiliation of the concept of time to the range of concept-statuses alongside general specificity of the objective concept of such concepts are determined. The conclusion is made that there was a time when time did not exist. The author provides definitions to the fundamental time concepts based on the revealed objective content of these concepts. The fact is stated on the emergence of a completely new concept of time that gives the key to unraveling all of its mysteries.
irreversibility of time, one-dimensional time, present, ontology of time, duration, time current, nature of time, time, relationships of appearance's sequencing, space
Philosophy of religion
Kurganova, I.G. (2020). The influence of Christian anthropological thought on a person’s decision regarding participation in organ donation programs: the concepts of flash and sacrifice in the context of transplantology. Philosophy and Culture, 1, 39–53. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0757.2020.1.28280
This research carries an interdisciplinary character. The problems of religious-philosophical anthropology are viewed in the context of transplantology. The Christian concepts of flash and sacrifice are selected for the analysis. Natural determinacy and freedom of will represent the two poles of countless religious-philosophical factors influencing the person’s choice of potential participation in organ donation programs. The article explores these piles based on the concepts of flash and sacrifice. The first concept is analyzed within the framework of the Christian anthropological thought (mostly Eastern Orthodox tradition), while the second one – in a broader context of Christian religious philosophy in relation to existential philosophy. The method of the phenomenology of religion is applied for identification and comprehension of the specific religious meanings, which comprise the content of the referred concepts and influence the formation of perception models of organ donation in the society. The author is first to examine the impact of the concepts of Christian anthropology upon a person’s decision regarding participation in the organ donation programs. The study also analyses the religious meanings within concepts of flash and sacrifice, which most likely may be viewed as the “pros and cons” arguments of participation of a Christian in transplant programs.
religion and transplantology, organ donation, transplantology, religious and philosophical anthropology, Christian anthropology, concept of sacrifice, concept of flesh, interdisciplinary studies of man, death and resurrection, body and soul
Philosophy of postmodernism
Toropova, A.A. (2020). European project of designing new corporeality: mutant body, body without organs, agender body. Philosophy and Culture, 1, 54–62. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0757.2020.1.31430
The object of this research is the introduced into postmodernist discourse concept of body without organs. This article advances a hypothesis regarding the causes of occurrence of the aforementioned concept replacing the Cartesian teaching on parallelism of body and soul. Cultural practices of postmodernism fight against thinking of binary oppositions, which led to repression of the corporeal beginning. On the examples from the field of art and fashion, it is demonstrated that the theoretical model of body without organs finds its practical implementation. In this research the author applies analytical, hermeneutic and comparative methods with regards to the outlined ideas from the area of philosophy and art. The scientific novelty consists in interpretation of art phenomena through the concept of body without organs. The concept of the Theatre of Cruelty developed by Antonin Artaud inspired the philosophers and art community to pursue the experience of a “living body”. Cunningham carried over the principle of coincidence from music to dance, undermining the traditional perception of body as a hierarchical system with organs subordinate to the center. In a commercial sphere, Gucci Luxury Fashion House created a visual reflection of the idea of agender. Abreaction practices in performance art are aimed at liberation of body from imagery. Postmodernists are sure that freedom from dyadic thinking, idea of the center and periphery, principles of hierarchy and teleologicity that are so common to any mind, would lead to regeneration of corporeality and human as such, realizing the true value of the European culture – value of freedom.
actionism, postmodern, Deleuze, Artaud, body without organs, corporeality, body, agender, dance, fashion
On top of the wire
Gonotskaya, N. (2020). Can philosophy be autonomous in the XXI century?. Philosophy and Culture, 1, 63–70. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0757.2020.1.32018
This article discusses the image of philosophy in modern world in the context of synthesis of the various intellectual and cultural traditions. The author explores the correlation between philosophy and politics, knowledge and power as a certain discursive practice that in an organic part of Western European culture; demonstrates the limits on establishing dialogue between philosophical traditions, schools and strands of thought. Leaning on the ideas of Kant and Foucault in viewing the phenomenon of Enlightenment, the author analyzes the role and place of a philosopher in the political and intellectual environment. The procedure of double sample realized by the philosopher holds the risk of losing its position on the pedestal taken by intellectualism and serve ideology instead, since orientation towards socially-pragmatic actions inevitably requires involvement into a political game. It demands conscious demarcation of the two types of decisions made: on the one hand, it is an existential choice pertinent to the held by philosopher intellectual position; while on the other – a socially-pragmatic, associated with interval choices, not affecting the ultimate grounds of existence. Due to the fact that preservation of the autonomy of philosophical territory in the era of globalization is an acute problem, there is a need for extremely cautious attitude to any attempts of shifting traditions and cultures, which usually assign primary role to the “philosophical reason”.
existentialism, dialogue of cultures, theory and practice, philosophy and politics, intercultural philosophy, autonomy of philosophy, Enlightenment, tradition, East-West, globalism