Philosophy and art
Bezenkova, M.V. (2019). Theme of creativity and transformation of the screen image of the world in Gleb Panfilov’s films. Philosophy and Culture, 8, 1–13.
The subject of this research is the theme of creativity and transformation of the screen image of the world as the paramount elements of development of the director’s style. The object of this research is the films of the prominent Soviet director Gleb Panfilov made in the 1960’s – 1980’s. The author examines the dramaturgical peripeteias of the plot, formation of a particular female image in the films, development of constructive component of the character. Special attention is given to cinematographic analysis of the director’s elements forming the realm of the screen picture of the world and comprising the holistic foundation of perception and suggestive component of the film. The main research method is the film analysis reel, which is based on aesthetic concepts of the general or cinematographic genesis, as well as includes the review of dramaturgy, characters and plastic means of screen expression. The main conclusion lies in the statement on the gradual development of the images of female characters in the films of Gleb Panfilov from individualizes creator to the creator adapted in society. Synthesis in the analysis of the characteristics of heroes and their impact on the screen picture of the world, allowed the author of the article to draw the conceptual conclusions concerning the changes in the original style of G. Panfilov within the specified timeframe.
women character, film composition, chronotope, Soviet cinema, russian cinema, Gleb Panfilov, screen reality, canonical film language, film canon, misenscene
Aliev, R.T. (2019). Image of the Other on the Internet: ethnopolitical aspect. Philosophy and Culture, 8, 14–31.
The subject of this study is the image of ethnopolitical Other framed on the Internet. The author formulates a hypothesis that the image of the Other is structured as a combination of various markers, which can be united into four groups of patterns: alimentarism, vestigency, sexuality, and ethnopolitical aspect. While the virtual space of the modern Internet and its byproducts (social networks, forums, search engines) aptly accumulate in themselves, and like a litmus test, reveals certain markers of designing the image of ethnopolitical Other. Research methodology leans on the theoretical basis of structuralism reflected in the works of the prominent ethnologist C. Lévi-Strauss, as well as includes the methods of Internet data collection, compilation of correlation matrix, calculation of Pearson correlation coefficient for each of the structural markers, and identification of the strongest correlation links between these markers. For designing, structuring and classification of the models of Ethnopolitical Other, the author applies visualization of correlation links between markers on a plane. The main conclusions consists in the following: identification of the basic general models of otherness in accordance with the obtained structural markers of the Other; determination of the three important independent models: Americans, Chinese, Ukrainians with high level of alert (alert-aggressive); majority of the models of the Other, related to the ethnoses of former Soviet republics, have common structural markers from various groups. The conducted research suggests the new method of modeling of the image of Other, also aimed at identification and understanding of certain negative sides of these processes.
politics, Internet, the Other, alien, matrix, correlation, modeling, model, ethnopolitics, ethnos
Tradition and innovation
Popov, E.A. (2019). Sociocultural aspects of studying professionalization of labor in management system. Philosophy and Culture, 8, 32–37.
The subject of this research is the sociocultural aspect of studying professionalization of labor in management system. Emphasis is made on viewing professionalization of labor not as an economic phenomenon that testifies, for example, to the efficiency of exercising of certain labor functions, but rather a sociocultural phenomenon. In this case, professionalization implies the cultivation of values and norms that ensure the development of professional culture in management system. The article also analyzes the correlation between the concepts of “professionalization”, “professionalism” and “professional culture”. The choice of research methodology is substantiated from the standpoint of studying simultaneously several key objects: sociocultural aspect of the problem, professionalization of labor, and management system. Therefore, the interdisciplinary methodological approach is recognizes as most relevant. The following conclusions were made: 1) professionalization of labor in management system should be viewed in sociocultural aspect; 2) interdisciplinary approach is most suitable for studying the problem of professionalization of labor from the perspective of sociocultural level; 3) cultivation of values and norms is the crucial characteristics with regards to professionalization of labor in management system.
interdisciplinary approach, philosophy, value system, work, professional culture, management system, value, sociocultural aspect, society, values and norms
History of ideas and teachings
Saimiddinov, A. (2019). Question of automation in the context of Alexei Gastev’s theory of scientific organization of labor . Philosophy and Culture, 8, 38–45.
This article attempts to elucidate the nature of automation of labor in the context of works of the Russian revolutionist and founder of the Central Institute of Labor Alexey Gastev. The author depicts his legacy as an important conceptual resource with regards to comprehension of the constructive nature of automation, obscured in the context of the existent cultural background. Within the framework of this problem, the author articulates the human-machine system, as well as explicates the idea of “training” of psychophysiological qualities and the concept of socio-technical time within A. Gastev’s theory of scientific organization of labor. The research methodology contains the concept of “reappropriation” introduced by the contemporary theoretician Yuk Hui for designation of the ability to develop alternate forms of interaction with the technical objects; as well as the results of philosophical inquiries dedicated to the phenomenon of automation of labor, presented by such theoreticians as Paolo Virno, Bernard Stiegler and Benjamin Noys. The author determines that A. Gastev understands the work of human-machine system upon the conditions of training, presented as specific practices of materialization and modification of psychophysiology, as well fundamental shift in the nature of work of a technical object. This leads to the conclusion that automation does not represent an elemental process on substituting labor functions of a human, because its nature carries more constructive and holistic character. In other words, the nature of automation can be understood as a range of variable means of reappropriation or organization of the human-machine system.
reappropriation, Time, Gastev, Taylorism, technique, automation, organization, labor, Production, behavior
Perestoronina, M.G. (2019). The evolution of art forms on the example of “art blockbuster” of the Latest Hollywood. Philosophy and Culture, 8, 46–52.
Leaning on the views of the sociologist P. Sorokin upon the cyclic changes of sociocultural systems alongside the views of the Doctor of Art History A. A. Artyukh upon the paradigm shift in development of modern cinematic art, this article examines the formation of the universal formula of pseudo-catharsis within the framework of postmodern aesthetics based on the example of “art blockbuster” of the Latest Hollywood. The author describes how in cinematography of the Latest Hollywood stemming from the synthesis of the “high” and “low” concept films was born the universal formula of “art blockbuster”, which initiated the new paradigm in the development of film industry. As a result of such synthesis, the “art blockbuster” combined in itself the antagonistic cultural values. The author associates sociological views with aesthetical views through correlation between the basic aesthetic categories of the form and content, which correspond with the sociocultural stages of P. Sorokin’s concept. On the example of the synthesis of idealistic harmony and eclectic chaos in the context of “art blockbuster” of the Latest Hollywood, the author illustrates the origination of the universal formula of pseudo-catharsis in postmodern aesthetics. As a result, the “art blockbuster” is consistently able to invoke the cathartic state, which do not lead to “transformation of the mind”, allowing their qualification as “pseudo-catharsis”.
high concept, society, culture, New Hollywood, art-blockbuster, postmodern, eclectic art, form of art and content, low concept, humanitarian knowledge