Question at hand
Stepanova, P.M. (2019). The impact of specificity of dramaturgical structure of Yuan drama upon scenario constructs in Chinese cinematograph using the example of the film “Spring in a Small Town” (1948), director Fei Mu, screenplay Li Tianji. Philosophy and Culture, 7, 1–8.
The contemporary methods of analysis and creation of scenario structures in theory and practice of the European, American and Russian cinematography primarily refer to the Aristotelian pattern of the development of dramatic action, reconsidered by the screenwriting mentors Linda Seger, Syd Field, and others. The Eastern Region countries have their own development theories with regards to dramatic action, construction of characters, and symbolism of visual and verbal scripts, which greatly affect the creation and perception of films of these culture. The author applies the method of cultural anthropology, leaning on the works of the leading sinologists V. Sorokin and S. Serova. The analysis of the Chinese classic film of the mid XX century “Spring in a Small Town” (1948) directed by Fei Mu proves that the structure of narrative arc of this film complies with the laws of dramaturgical construct of the classic Yuan drama of the XIII-XIV centuries. The structure of script corresponds to the four-act canon; creation of the main character is based on the principle of leading vocal arias, which within the film fabric transform into the voiceover technique. The characters of the film have traditional “introductory monologue” mandatory for the Yuan drama. The basic visual and audio images closely related to the national Chinese culture. Clear understanding of interfusion of the classics of dramaturgical construct film material opens a potentially new approach towards analysis of the films created in China, and possibly, used in the creation and development of joint film projects in modern production.
psychological drama, melodrama, genre, script structure, zaju, Yuan drama, Chinese cinema, dramatic structures, monologue, voiceover
Philosophy of religion
Markova, N.M. (2019). Islamic-Christian dialogue: first pursuits of the forms of mutual religious tolerance in the late XIX century. Philosophy and Culture, 7, 9–16.
The subject of this research is the images of Islam and Christianity formed by the Orthodox theologians in the XIX century in the context of possibility for mutual dialogue. For a considerable time, the problem of Islamic-Christian dialogue has been viewed from various perspectives by the scholars and theologians. In Russia, it attains the character of a special phenomenon, called in a number of publications the “Orthodox-Islamic” relations (dialogue, conflict, and coexistence). Christianity and Islam coexist in the Russian territory for many centuries, having experienced both, antagonism and respectful coexistence. The author leans on the general scientific methods: comparative, systemic, and factor analysis. The topic is of religious tolerance is relevant to the present, since mutual acceptance creates a certain image that influence not only the worldview, but also the formation of political beliefs. The conclusion is made that the asserted by the government as a “primary and predominant” tradition in the territory of the Russian Empire Orthodox Church, on the one hand, expressed its tolerant attitude towards all non-Orthodox confessions, while on the other, especially within missionary circles, described the latter as hostile social forms. All attempts of the Russian Muslims to prove legitimacy and religious tolerance of Islam, faced opposition from a number of synodical authors, who preferred to see Islam as a “religion of fanatics”, demonstrating bellicose attitude towards the entire non-Islamic world.
non-Orthodox faiths, Mohammedans, Muhammad, dialogue, Orthodoxy, Christianity, tradition, Islam, Orthodox conversion, tolerance
Social philosophy
Garshin, N.A. (2019). The phenomenon of precariat: methodological and social aspects . Philosophy and Culture, 7, 17–22.
The subject of this research is the phenomenon of precariat and its comprehension in the context of social philosophy. The author examines the key features of this “class”, its specificity and role in the modern world. Special attention is given to the methodological aspect of the problem. The article analyzes various approaches towards social differentiation, as well as establishes the causes for using the new methodology of such differentiation. The author determines the correlation between the growing number of precariat and dismantlement of the social state, associated with the refusal of precariat to perform mutual obligations. The following conclusions were made: the growth of precariat seems a dangerous and negative tendency, affecting the representatives of diverse social groups; becoming precariat may be caused by either difficult life circumstances or voluntary. The latter is especially risky for youth, as an unstable heterogeneous social group, which should be prevented by education, science and political authority. The author’s main contribution lies the examination of the role of risk society in establishment of precariat, as well as identification of main risks related to its expansion.
intolerance, modern challenges, modern philosophy, social science methodology, European values, risk society, marginality, prekariat, social Security, rights and obligations
Religions and religious renaissance
Medvedeva, A. (2019). Irony as an exegetical trope in the writing of the Saint John Chrysostom “Homilies on the Acts of the Apostles”. Philosophy and Culture, 7, 23–29.
The subject of this research is functioning of the concept of “irony” in one of the monumental exegetical writings of the Saint John Chrysostom – most copious Christian preacher of the IV century and one of the three “great Cappadocians” and “pious mentors”. The term “functioning” implies the frequency of use of the root “εἴρων” in the Greek text of the treatise, as well as clarification of the meanings of words with the same root by analyzing the context they occur in. Fragments of the Greek text are accompanied by the Russian version and commentaries. The research methodology is based on the analysis of selected fragments from the Greek text and synthesis of the exposed meanings of words with the root “εἴρων” in the treatise “Homilies on the Acts of the Apostles”. The article enlists factual material in the discussion on the possible forms of combining ironic and religious. Over the past decade, the question on allowability of irony in religious consciousness manifests in various forms. In a broad field of public discussion, this problem relates to the attack against the magazine "Charlie Hebdo” in 2015, Performance of the band “Pussy Riot” in 2012, interreligious polemic, as well as dialogue between the religious and non-religious parts of modern society.
language of patristic texts, patristics, irony in Scripture, John Chrysostom, biblical exegesis, irony in Christianity, irony and religious, the irony, The Golden age of Christianity, The Great Cappadocians
The Conference
Nikonova, S. (2019). Western ideals against Western politics: unpredictability of crisis processes and moral value of utopia. Overview of the International Likhachov Scientific Conference of 2019. Philosophy and Culture, 7, 30–46.
This article examines and analyzes the main conceptual moments of the discussion unfolded in May 2019 at the annual International Likhachov Scientific Conference. This year the forum was dedicated to the problem of predictability and manageability in modern global development. The author notes that the majority of reporters determine the crisis character of current situation, in which the global world has reached the moment of unpredictability, stands at the threshold of multiple possible vectors, including catastrophic development. Therefore, the need for in-depth theoretical comprehension of the ongoing processes becomes essential. The article reviews a number of key topics approached in many reports, which carry either general philosophical character or refer to the analysis of current situation. The author concludes that the common idea of the majority of reports became the criticism of political trends of the global world, acknowledgement of internal contradictions in the actions of Western countries, caused by the escalating conflict between the values of the Enlightenment and the idea of world hegemony that actually takes roots in consolidation of such values. This drives the need for reconsideration of some basic paradigms of the global world, repudiation of the idea of hegemony and transition towards the more complex system of organization. At the same time, many reporters showed their preference towards one or another type of projects, which may seem utopic at first sight, finding a regulative idea for the political action within them.
multilateralism, globalization, hegemony, utopian projects, European cultural values, crisis processes, modern culture, Likhachov Scientific conference, international organizations, predictability and unpredictability