Social philosophy
Shakir, R.A. (2019). Max Weber’s “understanding sociology” and cynicism as a form of social behavior. Philosophy and Culture, 4, 1–11.
This article is an approbation of thesis on the topic of “The nature of social reality in the context of modern forms of cynicism”, dedicated to research of the fundamental of dynamic approach towards understanding of the essence of social reality. The object of this research is the social action as a behavioral model that always correlated with the behavioral patterns of other subjects of social interaction. The subject of this study is cynicism as a specific pattern of social behaviors. The goal of this work consists in the analysis of characteristics of “understanding sociology” in the context of reinterpretation of the question on the nature of social reality; as well as explication of the grounds of Weber’s concept of the “ideal types”, necessary for structuring the models that explain cynic social action. The author’s special contribution into this research lies in determining Weber’s idea on the reduction of value orientation to the “ideal types” in the course of analysis of the problem on ambiguity of value meanings. Such reduction results from the interpretation of values as the flexible heterogenic formations appearing in within social reality and coming into collision with each other. Such understanding of axiological structures reveals social reality for the dynamic description as the continuously reproducing and transforming in the course of social interaction. This idea is applicable to the analysis of the behavioral patterns of cynicism as they are also the axiological structures. Thus, it is acceptable to consider cynicism as a model of social behavior, and at the same time, the value-subjective foundation of social action.
Social, Purposefulness, Ideal type, Value orientations, Social action, Understanding sociology, Cynicism, Social reality, Deaxiologization, Moderate subjectivism
Reverence for life
Zubkov, S.A. (2019). Religion of nature for technogenic civilization. Philosophy and Culture, 4, 12–19.
The object of this research is the eco-friendly and eco-phobic trends in social consciousness. The subject of this research is the concept of religious eco-friendliness. Due to the eco-friendly attitude towards nature, a human tends to minimize the environmental damage. On the other hand, human design within the framework of transhumanism in modern society, combined with technocratism, hedonism and eco-phobia, does not allow improving the quality of life. The theoretical aspect of this work consists in the insufficient study of the philosophy of ecology, eco-friendly and eco-phobic indicators of civilizational and religious development as an ecological worldview; practical aspect is associated with the need for ensuring favorable living environment in Russia. Civilizational importance regards to global sustainability of the development of humanity and the need for positioning nature as the object of special care and reverence. The following conclusions were made: the attitude of religious problematic towards environment and life can be reflected in certain indicators confirming the eco-friendliness of religion; the religions based on eco-friendly views, possess particular characteristics and actualize for solving the ecological issues. The author examines the interaction between eco-friendly and eco-phobic strategies of human and society in the context of religious consciousness. Religion is viewed as a constraining factor in the relationship of human and environment. Transhumanism and technocratism as the strategies of civilizational development are subjected to critical analysis. The creative use of eco-friendly traditions in noosphere dialogue manifests as the resource for accessing the new civilizational paths of development.
religion of nature, religious culture, noosphere, quality of life, ecophobicity, ecophile thinking, religious ecology, phytolatry, conservatism, zoolatry
History of ideas and teachings
Gorokhov, P.A. (2019). Historiosophical and philosophical-anthropological views of A. I. Solzhenitsyn in the trilogy “Archipelago Gulag” . Philosophy and Culture, 4, 20–32.
The subject of this article is the historiosophical and philosophical-anthropological views of A. I. Solzhenitsyn, who synthesized the autobiographic prose and artistic-historical research in his trilogy “Archipelago Gulag”. The article addresses the following tasks: 1) determine of the role of autobiographic character in historiosophical concept of A. I. Solzhenitsyn; 2) identify of the place of historiosophical ideas and philosophical-anthropological concepts of the trilogy “Archipelago Gulag” within the writer’s worldview; 3) outline the genetic affinity of Solzhenitsyn’s trilogy and the impact of the traditions of philosophical memoirs upon it. The new concepts created in the trilogy “Archipelago Gulag” were included into the treasure-house of philosophical and cultural codes of the modern age. It originated a new type of autobiographic character, which is not only a literary reflection of the author, but also an ethical construct that generalizes his ideological and moral stand. The inclusion of autobiographic, confessionary and philosophical reasoning into Solzhenitsyn’s book, turns it into a historiosophical masterwork, which depicts person’s life on the background of historical cataclysmic events.
history of the Soviet Union, confession, autobiography, ethics, Solzhenitsyn, philosophical anthropology, philosophy of history, social philosophy, historical cataclysm, totalitarianism
Philosophy and art
Ying, Z., Kryukova, O.S. (2019). Transgressive reconstruction of art: challenge to educational system of the universities with focus on art. Philosophy and Culture, 4, 33–48.
This article examines such aspects of the topic as the integration of innovative technologies of the augmented and virtual reality into art. Transgression is viewed from the two perspectives – the convergence of art and its reconstruction. The approach towards to teaching young talents in the fields of cinematography, theatre, design, choreography, and others undergoes critical changes. This poses a pressing issue for the Russian system of education and pedagogues, which implies the use of new technologies in educational process. The creative projects of the students demonstrate that the key directions contain the use of VR and AR technologies for creating design; VR technologies for filmmaking; VR and AR technologies for inventing virtual museums; AR technologies as the elements for choreographing. The article is based on the experiment in form of questionnaire and the analysis of student works, conducted among 550 fourth-year students of art disciplines (Interior Design, Film and TV Direction, History of Art, Choreography) in three different universities. The author concludes that the analyzed projects set the trend for the development of the new direction in terms of student dramaturgy – design with the use of AR technologies, which suggests the replacement of classical decorations with graphics. The realization of such project is currently impossible on the basis of educational establishment of the respondents due to insufficient funding and technical capabilities.
Theater education, Art reconstruction, Convergent art, Cross-border art, New technologies, Vr-Cinematography, Virtual reality, Augmented reality, Innovative technologies, Students
Philosophy of science and education
Chebunin, A. (2019). The establishment of Buddhist education in China . Philosophy and Culture, 4, 49–60.
Buddhist education represents the key instrument in reproduction of the Buddhist model of personality and Buddhist sangha. With the development of Buddhist doctrine, the three basic personality models have formed – Arhat, Bodhisattva, and Buddha, introduced trough the focus on a teacher. In China, Buddhism faced the established by that time traditional models of personality of a benevolent husband in Confucianism and a profoundly wise husband in Taoism. During the continuous interaction with Chinese culture, took place the complex processes of Sinification of Buddhism, when the image of Bodhisattva became the fundamental model of personality, oriented towards social virtue. Chinese Buddhists made a substantial contribution to the theory and practice of Buddhist education, manifesting as the mechanism of personal improvement. The research methodology is defined by the basic conceptual approaches towards examination of the spiritual culture as a whole, and Buddhist doctrine in particular, in the context of its functional significance for the society. The scientific novelty and main conclusions consist in the recognition of Buddhist education as the key instrument in reproduction of the Buddhist religious and cultural tradition. The multilevel orientation towards the diverse types of personality in Buddhism reflected the comprehensive character of its education, aimed at the various levels of people’s spiritual development. The selection of Bodhisattva model in Chinese Buddhism is determined by its social focus and complementarity to the images of benevolent husband and profoundly wise husband, which substantiated the formation of the Chinese religious syncretism and sustainability of the of China’s spiritual culture overall.
Sinicization of Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, personality, Buddhist education, China, Buddhism, Arhat, Bodhisattva, Buddha