Question at hand
Kormin, N.A. (2019). Aesthetics and modern discussions on the meaning of art. Philosophy and Culture, 2, 1–17.
This article analyzes the results of discussion on contemporary art, determines the place of aesthetic science in studying the specificity of the currently ongoing artistic processes, defines the difference in approaches towards aesthetic study of high art and the so-called actual art, traces the origins of representations that formed the idea of apparent antagonism of art in aesthetics. It is demonstrated that the answers to the questions raised by the researchers of the so-called contemporary art, perhaps, are somewhat important for anthropology or psychology; but from the perspective of aesthetics and philosophy of art are insipid. Therefore, it becomes clear why the analysts of the so-called contemporary visual art criticize namely the aesthetics. The main conclusion lies in the positions on the capabilities of aesthetic analytics of the so-called contemporary visual art that are rejected by the theoreticians of actual art. The author determines the aesthetic tools that allow examining the various structures of the field of contemporary artistic and creative reality. Special attention is given to the criticism of the attempts to invent a new analytical language for describing actual art that would differ from the aesthetic language. The author substantiates the new understanding of the subject matter of aesthetics, as well as the interpretation of certain vectors of the actual art (Actionism).
techne, painting, creativity, meaning of art, modern fine art, philosophy of art, aesthetics, Êànt, Husserl, Mamardashvili
Question at hand
Popov, E.A. (2019). How to find and opponent for dissertation on philosophy. Philosophy and Culture, 2, 18–23.
This article analyzes the problem that may be considered scientific, sociocultural or institutional, namely looking for an opponent for dissertation on philosophical sciences. Such work allows beholding the evolution of philosophical world, as well establishing the range of questions that concern modern researchers. It is a known fact that currently, the philosophers are not as much interested the works of their colleagues, and thus, image of the empress of the sciences can change. Eventually, the philosophy becomes mosaic, but the search for opponent helps observing what is important for national philosophy and philosophers. Determination of certain development trends in philosophy is important for consolidation of the philosophical community, strengthening the influence of philosophical science upon other fields of knowledge. Search for opponent converts to area studies and analysis of multiple works of the compatriots. Overall, this article correlates such search with a positive moment – studying the insights of the philosophers and cognition of the philosophy itself, alongside its scientific resources and potential. For solution of the set tasks, the author applies the systemic methodology that allows viewing the world of modern philosophy in relation of certain trends and patterns. The article demonstrates the difficulties in looking for an opponent for dissertation on philosophical sciences associated with the extra-scientific and intra-scientific issues; analyzes the state of modern philosophy focused mostly in universities; establishes the features of development of the philosophy, and gives characteristics to the status of a philosopher in modern world.
philosophy of images, cognition, integration of Sciences, the philosophy of science, finding the opponent, the opponent, Philosophy, methodology, science, interdisciplinarity
Question at hand
Poliakova, I.P. (2019). Daily routine as an object of scientific cognition. Philosophy and Culture, 2, 24–37.
The current interest of social philosophy towards the problems of daily routine is caused by the fact that on the background of global changes affecting all spheres of personal and social life, everyday life remains the most stable social phenomenon. However, the rate of changes in various social changes along with the globalization processes, also influence the human social practices. Transformations in the spheres of labor, leisure and daily routine of a modern human aroused scientific interest to the area that was previously considered secular and did not deserve specific scientific research, being just the background for the more significant historical events, rather than an independent subject for scientific study. The examination of daily routine carries interdisciplinary character due to the complexity and multidimensionality of the problem under consideration, which substantiates the use of different methods that comprise methodological arsenal of the modern social philosophy. The author demonstrates how the aspects of daily routine were viewed within the framework of historical, sociological, psychological science and culturology. The peculiarities daily routine are viewed as the object of scientific cognition. The everyday life is deemed as an attribute of social existence, the field of direct presence of the subject of daily routine. The conclusion is made that acquisition of the holistic representation on everyday life requires the application of methods for studying everyday life of an individual and society. The scientific cognition of daily routine allows apprehending the social reality in its all entirety.
transformation of everyday life, daily history, Interdisciplinary nature of research, structure of everyday life, daily personality, scientific knowledge, daily life of society, everyday life, communication in everyday life, research methods of everyday life
Philosophy of science
Surovyagin, D.P. (2019). To the problem of reduction of normative statements. Philosophy and Culture, 2, 38–44.
This article explores the problem of the reduction of normative statements to descriptive statements. The starting point for discourse became the philosophical thesis “is–ought problem” (known as Hume’s guillotine) that speaks of the logical incompatibility of the statements on facts statements on values and norms. There have been determined three approaches towards solution of the question on norms reduction: semantic-ontological, emotive, and naturalistic. Each of the approaches has its merits and demerits. The semantic-ontological approach allows structuring and substantiating any deontic system, but does not suggest the selection criterion between these systems. The emotive approach denies the presence of logical meaning in normative statements and rejects the possibility of their reduction to the descriptive statements. However, the merit of such approach consists in the precise designation of the criteria of validity and falsity of statements. The naturalistic approach attempts to substantiate the normative statements using factual evidence on the animal behavior and theory of evolution, but faces the philosophical objections against physicalism and behaviorism. The scientific novelty lies in comparison of the aforementioned approaches and determination of their principal merits and demerits.
ontology, semantics, meaning, Hume's guillotine, normativity, deontic logic, reduction, emotivism, naturalism, constructivism
Spiritual and moral search
Efimova, L., Lopatinskaia, V. (2019). C. S. Lewis: the origins of the philosophical, religious and aesthetic views (based on autobiography “Surprised by Joy”). Philosophy and Culture, 2, 45–54.
This article examines the stages of establishment of the philosophical and religious-aesthetic views the British writer, poet, teacher, scholar and theologian Clive Staples Lewis. The authors explore the biographical and historical material of the essay "Surprised by Joy", analyze the impact of sociopolitical, literary and social life of England in the early XX century upon C. S. Lewis’ philosophical and religious views. Special attention is given to the evolution of the writer’s perception of Joy, which transformed from the childhood feeling of the joy of life through “approaching remoteness”, admiration with the beauty of nature, passion for occultism, fascination with literature, to the joy of genuine faith. The research is carried out via analyzing an extensive range of sources, including biographical, religious, philosophical works of C. S. Lewis, as well as memoirs of his contemporaries. The scientific novelty consists in systemic examination of the key landmarks in evolution of the spiritual world of the writer, his philosophic and theological views. The article reveals the influence of these stages upon further works of the writer, as well describes the factors of C. S. Lewis’ long path towards sincere and genuine faith.
philosophical and religious views, autobiography, atheism, Christianity, joy, Clive Staples Lewis, philosophy, spiritual search, gaining faith, delusion