Chang, X. (2019). Theoretical framework of environmental design. Philosophy and Culture, 11, 1–12.
This article explores the question of theoretical principles of environmental design. The writings of the Russian and Chinese authors became the key historiographical and literary materials for this research. To address the question at hand, the author takes the following steps: examines information on classification of the specialty “environmental design” in education systems of various countries, primarily in Russia and China; correlates the concepts of “art” and “environmental design”, dedicating particular attention to similarities of these two areas of knowledge; systematizes the levels of environmental design; formulates the goal, method and content of the indicated academic and scientific scope of activity. The method of historiographical analysis for studying the original sources on education systems of Russia and China was applied in the course of this research. The comparative analysis was used for identification of similarities and differences with regards to classification of the specialty “environmental design” in various countries. The author determined that the concept of “artistic” environmental design exists only in Russia and China. The conclusion is made that environmental design, as a separate category of scientific and academic knowledge, is similar to visual arts from the perspective of purpose and object, in other words, “coordination of the relations” (for environmental design it is the interaction between human and environment) and “Image”. The method of environmental design incorporated the theoretical results of adjacent areas – the design of architectural environment and landscape architecture. The scientific novelty is define by comparison of the sources and literature of Russia and China.
Integration of disciplines, Relationship coordination, Image, Process, Art, Landscape architecture, Design of architectural environment, China, Russia, Environmental design
Characteristics of society
Lysova, N.A. (2019). Media culture as a factor in the formation of subcultures: culturological aspect (on the example of the movements of survivalism and “reclusion”). Philosophy and Culture, 11, 13–22.
This article analyzes the phenomenon of media culture as one of the aspects of modern sociocultural realities and its interpretation from the perspective of culturological and philosophical discourses. Special attention is dedicated to the impact of media culture overall and media images (as cultural texts) in particular upon the mentality and worldview of its carriers and consumers. An attempt is made to examine media culture as one of the factors contributing to the formation of such subcultures as survivalism and “reclusion”. The author uses information approach to explore the aforementioned subcultures as a process and result of the synthesis of social and information phenomena. System approach suggest viewing media culture and subcultures, forming around and within it, as a part of sociocultural realities. The scientific novelty consists in the author’s attempt to determine in the context of culturological research the grounds of the established in modern postindustrial information type of culture and developing subcultures of survivalists and “recluses”; as well as in the analysis of representation of these subcultures in media culture and forms of their popularization.
reclusion, survivalism, subculture, basic culture, media images, information society, media culture, media, subcultural formation, Internet space
Philosophy of history
Buller, A., Linchenko, A.A. (2019). How does the historical forgiveness work? Historical guilt and historical responsibility as a subject of philosophical realization. Philosophy and Culture, 11, 23–36.
The subject of this research is the modern philosophical conceptualization of the notions of “historical guilt”, “historical responsibility” and “historical forgiveness”. On the works of Paul Ricœur, Aleida Assmann, Hans Jonas the authors analyze the logical content and volume of these notions, as well as their correlation with such notions as “historical memory”, “historical consciousness” and “nation”. The article is based on the comparison of the Russian and German contexts of rethinking the historical experience. Analysis is conducted on the key aspects of the problematic of historical forgiveness. Results of the use of comparative method of research are applied to allow juxtaposing various interpretations of the notions of “historical guilt” and “historical responsibility”, as well as determining their logical content and volume. The novelty of this research consists in substantiation of the need for further philosophical interpretation of the problem of historical forgiveness. It was discovered that the content and volume of the notions of “historical guilt” and “historical responsibility” demonstrate a vivid trend towards expansion, which is related not only with reevaluation of modern philosophy of such notions as fear, desecration and repentance, but also refers to the notions of “nation” and “historical memory”. The concept of “nation” cannot serve as a reliable foundation for the historical memory, as well as historical reflection. The past should be evaluated leaning not on the national interests, but ethical criteria. The authors determine the specificity of the interpretation of historical guilt and historical responsibility within the framework of antagonistic, cosmopolitan and agnostic modes of functionality of historical memory. The author substantiates the importance of the role of historical consciousness within the discourse of historical responsibility, demonstrating the need to transition from ethics of persuasion towards ethics of responsibility in the process of analyzing modern forms of historical forgiveness.
agonistic memory, ethics of responsibility, ethics of persuasion, philosophy of history, historical forgiveness, historical responsibility, historical guilt, cosmopolitan memory, antagonistic memory, historical consciousness
Man and mankind
Guseva, A.A. (2019). Once again about the national idiom (to the question on the historical form of Philhellenic tradition). Philosophy and Culture, 11, 37–45.
The subject of this research is the Philhellenic tradition as a possible form of history. Philhellenic discourse is structured as a complex correlation between national and universal. “Greece” as topos becomes an important stage of historical narrative, through which the gnoseological gap leads to the beginning of history and identification of human with universal. Philhellenic tradition implies particular interest to writing that is viewed through the prism of history. Jacques Derrida’s concept of writing helps interpreting the early Philhellenic texts (Chernorizets Hrabar “On The Letters”), which become the subject of the philosophy of history. Johann Gottlieb Fichte’s concept of language is viewed as a contrasting example. The scientific novelty of which work consists in the following: Philhellenic discourse, which contains the problematic of national and universal, begins with writing; the narrative on the emergence of alphabet, written by Chernorizets Hrabar as a historical treatise, flows from the field of the history of language to the field of the theology of language, namely Christ-centered. The national idiom, aligning with the Greek form, strives to see the whole, since it is impossible to reach the source by expressing everything, but not becoming universal. This generates the lust for “Hellenism” in the texts of Philhellenic tradition; and here are the roots of hierotopic, which allows the Philhellenic discourse to become the universal form of modern history.
writing, Jacques Derrida, historical consciousness, historical form, hierotopia, narrative, the national and the universal, Chernorizets Khrabr, grecophile tradition, Johann Gottlieb Fichte
Social philosophy
Avakyan-Forer, A.G. (2019). Behavioral economics in the theories of Daniel Kahneman, Amos Tversky and Richard Thaler: socio-philosophical analysis. Philosophy and Culture, 11, 46–53.
This article reveals the problem of behavior of an economic entity. The author analyzes the ideas of Daniel Kahneman, Amos Tversky and Richard Thaler, who in their theories explore the decision-making process of an economic entity and which motives affect their economic choice. The research gives answers to the questions of how great is the gap between the theoretical model of economic human and the reality, which consequences it leads to, hos the modern behavioral economic theory transforms the understanding of the rational economic subject and develops an irrational component. Socio-philosophical analysis of establishment and transformation of behavior of en economic entity leans on reconstructions of the philosophical, social and economic theories, objective socioeconomic relations in the public arena. The scientific-theoretical analysis suggests examining the basic structures and patterns of the process of transformation of behavior of an economic entity: 1) economics represented in socio-philosophical theories; 2) critical socio-philosophical reflection. The article determines the socio-philosophical status of economic entity; proposes and substantiates the objective differentiating criteria of their behavior in the classical and nonclassical socio-philosophical theories; reveals and analyzes the mechanism of transformation of an economic entity within the system of subject-practical activity and social philosophical culture. On the example of historical and theoretical-philosophical material, the author analyzes the key trends in transition of behavior of an economic entity; as well as defines the merits and flaws caused by such transformations.
state paternalism, Architect of choice, framing effect, homo oeconomicus, theory of nudge, irrational economic subject, behavioral economic theory, libertarian paternalism, compatibilism, economic freedom
Philosophy of religion
Zobkov, R.A. (2019). Initiation, symbol and discourse in René Guénon’s system. Philosophy and Culture, 11, 54–64.
This article explores the metaphysical and ontological topic of René Guénon’s discourse, gnoseological levels of cognition in his system, as well as his categorical apparatus: transcendentalities, universalities and categories. System-structural analysis of metaphysical, ontological and anthropological levels demonstrated that the metaphysical and ontological levels are characterized by the particular gnoseological levels of cognition; at the level of taxonometry they correlate with transcendentalities, in Guénon’s system pertain to the universal; their interrelation with the anthropological levels reveals such states as “universal” and “transcendent” human. Using the system-structural and hermeneutic methods, the author describes the concept of initiation, mechanism of its translation, such its criteria as “potentiality”, “virtuality” and “actualization”, as well as the concepts of “pseudo-initiation” and “counter-initiation”. The system-structural and comparative analysis illustrate the correlation between the initiations of “Lesser Mysteries” and unformed manifestation, gnoseological status “Ishwara-Vidya”, ontological level and “universal human”. It also demonstrated the correlation between initiations of “Great Mysteries” and Universal Opportunity, gnoseological status “Brahma-Vidya”, metaphysical level and “transcendent human”. System-structural analysis emphasized the difference of teleological approaches in initiatic and mystical paths: initiatic path is aimed at ultimate universalization of subject – liberation, while mystical always remains within the boundaries of the individual. Metaphysical and hermeneutic methods allowed determining universal nature of a symbol, its primacy with regards to the discourse. Comparative analysis reveals the identical symbolic structures in various traditions associated with initiation. The author compares the approach to initiation of René Guénon with the approach of Carl Jung, Mircea Eliade, Evgeny Torchinov and Stanislav Grof.
symbol, initiation, transcendence man, universal man, anthropology, Rene Guenon, integral traditionalism, lesser mysteries, great mysteries, metaphysics
Babanov, A. (2019). Ontological ethics of V. V. Bibikhin. Philosophy and Culture, 11, 65–79.
This article is dedicated to the study of ontological ethics of V. V. Bibikhin. He does not separate human from other types of animals; and ethics is interpreted as a revived Aristotelian ethology – science of the natural behavior. However, Bibikhin does not transport data of biology as a science onto the philosophical soil. He creates the original philosophy, which only at certain points intersects with biology, but overall, is a distinct phenomenology – “vision” of the natural. Reading texts of the philosopher, the key one was the hermeneutic paradigm: the desire to understand the delivered, following the thought of the author, while noticing the difficulties faced by this thought. The following conclusions were made: 1) return to oneness with the world is the fundamental goal of ontological ethics; 2) based on distinction of culture (inauthentic) and truth (space of strangeness), V. V. Bibikhin underlines the capability of natural existence of a human, captured in raw emotion, pure presence and willful action; 3) human essence is understood as “vision” – outlook on the prospects of personal growth and success in life; V. V. Bibikhin believes that human is a religious animal, and religion is the continuation of biology of the living; 4) living creature is a self-existent machine included into the global machine; at the same time, machine is understood based on the idea of Primum Mobile Aristotle and is juxtaposed to the artificial machine, which does not exist independently; 5) freedom consists in seeing or not seeing of the personal (good); formula of the personal, i.e. willful action, is conveyed in the words “unable to do otherwise”.
weirdness, Living being, automate, freedom, morality, vision, truth, ontological ethics, culture, presence
Savvina, O.V. (2019). Principles of professional ethics of a modern scholar. Philosophy and Culture, 11, 80–86.
This article raises a question on determination of ethical principles in the activity of scholars within the framework of modern research corporations. The author analyzes the discourse on the ethical imperatives of scientific ethos of R. Merton, as well as presents their critics with S. Fuller and J. Ziman. The article demonstrates that the critical study of imperatives is just; they are not widely implemented for the realities of “big science” as the initially did not reflect the essence of scientific activity nor consider the technical rationality of science and production of scientific knowledge; however, they clearly reflect the scholar’s proclivity for the truth as a value of scientific ethos. Leaning on the concept of “technoscience”, the author suggests relying not on the ethical imperatives of the modern scientific activity, but outline the values of scientific cognition and system of prohibitions intended to protect these values. The study determines the two fundamental values of modern science – truth and social responsibility. The aforementioned values should be protected by a number of taboo within the framework of activity of the modern scholars. This implies the traditional prohibitions of scientific ethics, such as prohibition on falsification and fabrication of scientific knowledge, forms of plagiarism, or those that shield social responsibility and transform throughout history.
value, negative ethics, moral imperatives, Ziman, Fuller, Merton, science ethics, truth, social responsibility, Guseinov