Space and time
Ursul, A.D. (2018). The information context of inflation futurization. Philosophy and Culture, 7, 1–12.
The author continues to study the phenomenon of accelerated flow of time at the inflation stage of the Bing Bang named as inflation futurization. Such form of futurization represents the very first process of “advanced futurization” that unfolded in the Universe and has a data component. The data component of inflation futurization is revealed from the perspective of the attributive concept of information. The Inflation state of Bing Bang at the data level kind of “simulated” at a rapid pace, as well as ahead of schedule “forecasted” what started happening in the Universe in a much slower pace in the main line of universal evolution. It is demonstrated that evolution and information are immanently interconnected, which allows forming the information (or even digital) pattern of the Universe, including as a giant quantum supercomputer. It is suggested that in a certain sense the Bing Bang can be interpreted as an information “explosion”, because the accumulation of data is possible only within the expanding in three dimensions space and formation aimed towards the future of time arrow. Time acts as a dimension with a discrete nature in form of the almost indistinguishable quantum of duration, which flow can be examined through the information methods. Thus, the temporal changes (including the “advanced futurization”) will be allowed to simulate and code as a specific “digital” process.
informational the Universe, information, inversion-reduction approach, inflationary futurization, global evolution, future, the Big bang, quantum informatics, cosmological singularity, dark energy
Philosophy of science
Shipovalova, L.V. (2018). To the question of identification in the modern historical epistemology. Philosophy and Culture, 7, 13–23.
The subject of this research is the new scientific discipline – the modern historical epistemology, which defines its task as a historical reference to the scientific practices that substantiate the emergence of basic scientific concepts, as well as clarification of the current philosophical problems of scientific studies. The attention is focused on the problem of identification of this discipline, specificity of the introduced historical scientific research. The author analyzes the two basic works that represent the modern historical epistemology – “Objectivity” by Lorraine Daston, Peter Galison and “Toward a History of Epistemic Things” by Hans-Jörg Rheinberger. The key method of identification and simultaneously the research method is the problematization, which in this case is understood as a reference to such intellectual discussions and challenges, to which the historical epistemology can become a relevant response. Problematization, first and foremost, addresses to the historical context, whereof is interpreted the specificity of the subject and method of the indicated discipline. The author determines the three contexts that serve to a disciplinary identification of historical epistemology – the discussion on interdisciplinary interaction of the history and the philosophy of science; crisis of scientific representations; and the criticism of universalism of the norms of social and cultural practices. The scientific novelty lies in combination of the aforementioned three context of identification of the historical epistemology.
historical epistemology, social sciences, epistemic things, objectivity, problematization, imagination, scientific representatations, philosophy of science, history of science, disciplinary identification
Social philosophy
Chepiuk, O.R., Fortunatov, A.N. (2018). Economy: seeking the postclassical research paradigm. Philosophy and Culture, 7, 24–31.
The subject of this research is the processes of economization as a universal phenomenon affecting the processes of cultural reproduction. The authors associated this occurrence with transformation of the place and role of a subject in economic life. As a result, the modern life observes a global monetization of the various spheres of human activities, including culture, sports, education and science. One of the reasons of such transformations, in the authors’ opinion, relates to the epistemological peculiarities of economic science, one of the basic questions of which remains the correlation between the economic reality and simulated reality. Examination of the communicative nature of economic management allows transferring the economic questions not into the rational-mathematical platitude, but rather anthropological, opening the new opportunities for studying the socio-philosophical aspects of economization. A conclusion is made that the modern economy changes the status of economic subject, forms the realm of subjectlessness that leads to the establishment of technosphere and posthuman economy, where the phenomenon of “alienation of work results” attains the sociocultural connotations. The results of this publication are relevant for further development of the philosophy of economy and economic science in light of the postclassical rationality.
alienation, economic communication, performativity, economic subject, philosophy of economy, economization, non-subjectiveness, objectification, economics, humanism
Meaning and silence
Urbanaeva, I.S. (2018). Cross-cultural analysis of the two main traditions of Mahayana in the aspect of conceptualization of the Path. Philosophy and Culture, 7, 32–42.
The object of this philosophical-theological research is the Indo-Tibetan and Chinese traditions of Mahayana in the aspect of conceptualization of the Path: a comparison is drawn according to the method of posing and solving of the problem of “gradual”/ “sudden” path, conceptualization of correlation between the “gradual” and “sudden”. The author analyzes the place of “sudden” (“quick” or “straight”) methods of achieving enlightenment in the Indo-Tibetan Mahayana; describes the controversy of “gradual” and “sudden” in the Chinese Buddhism and its origins in the traditional patterns of Chinese thought; reveals the meaning of the notions “gradual” and “sudden”. The article applies the comparative historical-philosophical methodology and cross-cultural method of philosophical research of Buddhism based on the principle of coupling of the “external” academic approach and “internal” approach of the representatives of classical Buddhism learnedness. The scientific novelty is associated with the choice of a subject of comparative philosophical study, with the applied cross-cultural philosophical method that alongside the academic standards of scientific rationality takes into consideration the Buddhist criteria of philosophical rationalism. A conclusion is made that the two main traditions of Mahayana – the Into-Tibetan and the Chinese have significant differences in conceptualization of the Path, as well as solution of the problem of “gradual” path / “sudden” path, understanding of their interrelation that allows stating that in a certain sense they are the alternative strategies of achieving of one and the same soteriological goal of Mahayana – the state of Buddha.
Tantra, Swift Path, Sudden Path, Gradual Path, Indo-Tibetan Buddhist tradition, Mahayana, Mahamudra, Dzogchen, Ch'an, Daosheng
Philosophy of religion
Zhirtueva, N. (2018). The role of mystical teachings in the history of culture and religion. Philosophy and Culture, 7, 43–50.
The subject of this research is the phenomenon of mystical viewed in context of the history of religion and culture of mankind. Reference to the mystical experience attains special meaning at the current stage of civilizational development – the search for exiting the spiritual crisis. The “mystical” is typified as the “internal religion” opposite to the “external religion” – the religious cult and religious organization. Mysticism, being the inner part of religion, is identified with the most sacred knowledge and feelings o f a human being aimed at cognizing the Absolute. Mysticism is a conceptual core of the religious experience and the overall goal of any religious practice. Based on the conducted research, the author concludes that the evolution of religions took a path from magical to mystical. The magical (primal) religions are deprived of mystical beginning. The phenomenon of mystical occurs only within the national and world religions that recognize a human as a carrier of the absolute beginning. The peculiarity of current situation consists in the return to pre-mystical religious representations. The author determines the two types of mystical teachings – the immanent and the transcendent immanent. The importance of mystical religious first and foremost lies in development of the gnoseological abilities of a human being, and then in the revolutionary psychological transformations of mind and personality.
external religion, mistical religion, magic religion, enlightened consciousness, egocentric consciousness, transcendent and immanent misticism, immanent misticism, Absolute, internal religion, transcendent religion
Philosophical anthropology
Prozumentik, K. (2018). Dorealogy: origins and establishment of philosophy of the gift. Philosophy and Culture, 7, 51–58.
This article is dedicated to the history of evolution of philosophy of the gift. The goal of this work is to trace how the topic of gift and reciprocity of gifts, formulated within the framework of ethnographic studies in the early XX century, eventually exceeded the limits of ethnography and social anthropology, and became the subject of philosophical reflection on the background of widely different intellectual traditions – from structuralism to post-phenomenology. The author demonstrated that the attempts to solve the “riddle of gift” lead to the emergence of a specific dorealogical pattern in the modern philosophy. The author comes to a conclusion that on evolutionary path of dorealogy, the philosophers proposed the four key interpretations of the gift: 1) the gift was discovered as an archaic, but at the same time the best and most preferable principle of organization of the public relations; 2) the gift was viewed as a source of the relations of power; 3) the experience of gift giving was associated with the procedure of mutual recognition between people; 4) the grounds have been detected for aligning the concepts of “gift” with suc important concept of phenomenology as “givenness”.
Paul Ricoeur, Georges Bataille, Marcel Mauss, givenness, recognition, reciprocity, dorealogy, gift, Marcel Henaff, Jean-Luc Marion
Philosophy and culture
Raitina, M.Y. (2018). To the question about the irrationalistic conceptualizations of creativity in philosophy. Philosophy and Culture, 7, 59–68.
The subject of this research is the analysis of the dynamics of irrationalistic conceptual constructs of creativity in the history of philosophical thought of the XIX and XX centuries. It is determined that the artistic, political, general, philosophical and other discourses form in accordance with the discovery and elevation to highest importance of one or another part of the aspect of the irrational. Particular attention is given to examination of the problem of creativity in the concepts of A. Schopenhauer, H. Bergson; philosophy of life of G. Simmel, F. Nietzsche, Novalis, F. Schleiermacher, J. Ruskin and N. Berdyaev, who analyzed creativity as an attribute of human existence that to a considerable degree is an embodiment of human irrationality. The scientific method consists in comprehension of the trends of genesis and formation of the concepts of creativity in the philosophy of irrationalism. A conclusion is made that examination of the problem of creativity through the prism of irrational to one or another extent is characteristic to all theoretical philosophical systems of the time of renunciation of the cult of reason, which demonstrates the determinant role of sociocultural context, the mental content of the cultural aura of the era. Therefore, the irrationalistic interpretations of creativity in philosophy are an important component within the holistic comprehension of the conceptualizations of creativity in the cultural-historical reconstruction.
values, reason, freedom, man, culture, irrationalism, creativity, conceptualization, context, sociocultural reality
Philosophy and art
Zverev, A.S. (2018). Hans Sedlmayr on the two sciences about art. Philosophy and Culture, 7, 69–74.
This article analyzes the views of the Austrian historian of arts Hans Sedlmayr on the science about art, which main problem he believed was that it turns into science about art without art and is reduced to the external description. The reason lies in the fact that such science about art studies the universal and singular uncoupled from each other. The foundation of the second science about art in Seldmayr’s opinion must become the studying of separate works of art, under which, following the traditions of German classical philosophy, he understands not the external objects, but the phenomena that represent the unity between the subject and object. The scientific novelty consists in actualization of the views of Hans Sedlmayr upon the work of art. A holistic work of art, in his opinion, must be reconstructed according to certain orientation of a subject towards an object that forms the perception of such object. The attitude, defined by the cultural context, touches upon not only the conscious, but also unconscious scope of activity of a subject.
concrete, individual, art history, universal, science of art, symbol, whole, work of art, attitude, Sedlmayr
The Conference
Nikonova, S. (2018). Intercultural communication and historical fate of Marxism. Overview of the International Likhachev Scientific Readings of 2018 . Philosophy and Culture, 7, 75–86.
The goal of this article is to provide an overview of the latest International Likhachev Scientific Readings that took place at Saint-Petersburg University of the Humanities and Social Sciences in May 2018, as well as analyze the major questions associated with the philosophical-culturological problematic being raised in the course of the Readings. The author examines the relevance of the raised question, scientific novelty of the proposed solutions, as well as suggests an interpretation of the possible conclusions. Special attention is given to the problem of intercultural communication, which is a leitmotif of the Readings, and the difficulties experienced by the modern Russian culturology in this regard. Another important topic is the idea of Marxist interpretation of culture due to the anniversary of Karl Marx, The research is structure as a theoretical and comparative analysis of a number of the remarkable and polemical reports presented within the framework of the aforementioned scientific forum, as well as the contextual analysis of the ongoing discussion. The main conclusion lies in the thesis that the modern Russian culturology has a development potential for expansion of its problematic and theoretical field. The analysis of the causes of the rejection of Marxism in post-Soviet culturological tradition especially clearly indicates the possibility of such expansion by including the experience of most recent foreign research, particularly in the area of Marxist and Neo-Marxist theory of culture and theory of media. It is proven that the Marxist concept gives lots of room for the interpretation of culture.
Intercultural Communication, Theory of Media, Soviet Marxism, Neo-Marxism, Marxism, Interaction of Cultures, Contemporary Cultural Studies, Humanitarian Knowledge, Dialog, Anthropology