Question at hand
Beishenova, A.T. (2018). The West and the East in a specific historical context. Philosophy and Culture, 2.
This article identifies the factors that to one or another extent affected the establishment of the traditional paradigms in the West and the East, reveals the reasons of contraposition and nonoccurrence of these concepts, as well as the origin of discrepancies of the dissenting concepts. Currently, the generally accepted fact is the difference of the socioeconomic and cultural peculiarities of the West and the East that exists in a constant struggle, however implicating each other’s presence. And in order to understand this process, it is necessary to be able to differentiate the concepts of “West” and “East”. Depending on the goal, methodological approach, and certain perspective, the West and the East can be differentiated in a variety of ways: either civilizational approach towards the history of social development, or the naturalistic approach. The author underlines that the assessment of certain phenomenon or a large combination of facts and relation to them are significantly defined by the multiplicity of external circumstances, real state of the things, balance of forces of the adversaries, purposefulness, current and strategic goals, interests of people and the states; and much lesser the generous search for the scientific truth. On the contrary, the truth is often necessary for increasing the efficiency of implemented actions, due to which it can be demanded in defiance of the current goals and short-run interest, through which pierces the scientific analysis.
context, phenomenon, culture, tradition, civilization, globalization, paradigm, approach, East, West
History of ideas and teachings
Klimkov, O. (2018). Doctrine on mysticism of Symeon the New Theologian and his role in development of the Athos-Byzantine hesychasm. Philosophy and Culture, 2, 1–13.
The object of this article is the mystic-ascetic doctrine of the prominent representative of the religious tradition of Athos-Byzantine hesychasm Symeon the New Theologian. The author examines his role in development of the theological-mystic ideas that saw their final realization in the era of hesychast revival in Byzantine in the XIV century, which marked the continuous so-called hesychast disputes, followed by the victory of hesychast party led by Gregory Palamas. The works of Symeon greatly contributed into the development of this religious movements and its further systematization and conceptualization in Byzantine and Medieval Rus’, affecting the formation of the religious-traditional and philosophical-theologian culture of multiple countries that were a part of the Orthodox-Byzantine civilizational space. The main sections of this research are the following: overview of Symeon’s compilations and history of their translation; consideration of his role within the framework of the Orthodox-Hesychast tradition; brief research of the teaching of Isaac of Nineveh as his religious ancestor; analysis of the mystic-theological ideas of Symeon; determination of his role in development of the doctrine of late-Byzantine hesychasm; comparison of the key moments of his doctrine with the concept of Gregory Palamas; revelation of the religious-cultural meaning of the reception of his views in the Russian medieval thought.
mysticism, theosis, orthodoxy, silence, asceticism, knowledge of God, palamism, hesychasm, christian anthropology, Simeon New Theologian
Social philosophy
Borovinskaia, D.N. (2018). Tourism: modern approaches to research. Philosophy and Culture, 2, 14–23.
This article is dedicated to the methodological problem of the study of tourism at the present stage of development of the scientific knowledge. The key goal consists in determination of the peculiarities of relevant approaches towards studying of tourism depending on such academic spheres as economics, culture, and philosophy. At the interdisciplinary level, the author examines the spatial, sociocultural, and anthropological approaches, as well as the approaches of cultural and creative industries. Particular attention is given to the philosophical concepts that underlie the foundation of the methodology of tourism. In the course of this research, the author applied the methods of analysis and synthesis of information from the open sources, including modern monographs of the national and foreign experts in the area of organization and development of tourism. For achieving the set goal, the author used the method of classification of the relevant scientific approaches to studying of tourism. The accent is made on the need for using the philosophical approach towards understanding the specificity of the development of tourism. The article carries out the comprehensive analysis of the modern scientific approaches in the area of tourism, which allowed determining the priorities in research of the national and foreign experts in the indicated area, as well as systematizing the acquired experience.
sociocultural approach, economics of culture, economic geography, philosophy, culture, economics, scientific approaches, tourism, anthropological approach, philosophical approach
Political philosophy
Zakharchenko, G.V. (2018). On some peculiarities of Max Stirner’s rejection of state. Philosophy and Culture, 2, 24–32.
The subject of this research is the complex socio-philosophical issues related to modern understanding of the ideas of rejection of the political and social role of the state. The object of this research is the socio-philosophical and socio-political ideas of Max Stirner. The author considers the peculiarities of comprehending the historical role of the state and its rejection in the process of social development. Special attention is given to the modern interpretations of the thoughts and ideas of Max Stirner, their consoance with new challenges and problems arising in the process of state’s activity. The author insists on the relevance of multiple ideas and regulations of Max Stirner, as well as their theoretical and practical applicability in modern sense of the complicated and contradictory tendencies of social development .The author is also assured in the value of Stirner’s understanding of human, society, and the state in creation of the new, alternative forms of socio-political organization of humanity. The key method of this research consists in analyzing of the text “The Unique and Its Property”, aimed at determination of the insufficiently clear sense of his comprehension of the rejection of state and social functions of the “union of egoists”. The author pursues correlation between certain principles of Max Stirner and the ideas of Kant and Fichte. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that the author negates to accept the established interpretation of the creative heritage of Max Stirner as an Orthodox anarchist of the individualistic sense. The author concludes that some ideas of Max Stirner cannot be reduce to the purely anarchist rejection of the state, and his concept of the “union of egoists” contains practically valuable for the modernity regulations that help to better understand the concept and essence of the transformation taking place in the modern world in perception of the social role and functions of the state. In addition, the author examines the certain aspects of Stirner’s philosophy as a distinct social utopia that contains certain scientific value for understanding the possible prospects of human and social evolution.
revolution, freedom, individualism, human, deconstruction, unique, state, anarchism, union of egoists, laws
Theological foundations of being
Timoshchuk, E.A. (2018). To the centenary of "Das Heilige" by Rudolf Otto. Philosophy and Culture, 2, 33–42.
The object of this study is the influence of the book of one of the best authors of the XX century, Rudolf Otto. The subject of this study is the conceptual core of his teaching: the state of otherness and its transcendence through the numinous feeling. Phenomenology of religion R. Otto is consonant with the theme of interconfessional and interreligious dialogue, as it puts in front of the researchers the actual issues of interaction between secular and religious, liberal and conservative, legal and moral. What are the principles and levels of interreligious and interconfessional dialogue? Is interaction possible between religious and secular discourses? Are religious discourse and religious rhetoric permissible in politics, education and other "secularized" spheres of public life? The idea of the paper is to reveal the phenomenology of Otto as a method of transcending humanistic communication.The paper is based on general scientific methods of theoretical level: comparative, genetic, system, and structural types of analyses. General scientific methods of the empirical level are represented by an counting. From general methods, the author relied on analysis / synthesis, abstraction / concretization, generalization / restriction. From the private scientific philosophical methods, hermeneutics was used. The toolkit of scientific research includes the following arrays of scientific knowledge:,, The main conclusions of the conducted research are: 1) the construction of socio-cultural objects is connected with the individuation and concretization of diverse cultural worlds; 2) the Rudolf Otto’s phenomenology of religion is a method of contextual correlation of various spiritual practices, that contributes to the formation of consensus formations, semantic clusters; 3) "Das Heilige" establishes communication between rational and irrational trends in philosophy, seeks to resolve their disputes; 4) the phenomenology of Otto is of value to the state policy in the field of religion representation in secular societies. The novelty of the research is the positioning of Otto on the field of the pluralistic-synergistic process of the noosphere among K. Jung and R. Fricke, W. James and M. Eliade. The field of application of the results: history of philosophy, phenomenology of religion, intercultural communication.
phenomenology of culture, the Sacred, Das Heilig, Mircea Eliade, Rudolf Otto, transcendence, Other, numinous, Otto's phenomenology, life world
Myths and modern mythologies
Plakhin, V.T., Korosteleva, O.T. (2018). From honey to Pepsi (problem of metamorphoses in the archaic myth and modern advertising). Philosophy and Culture, 2, 43–55.
The object of this research is the difference between the archaic (primeval) myth and modern commercial advertising, which in foreign and national literature is often interpreted as one of the mythological practices that mystifies the public consciousness. The subject area of this research is the specificity of the provided in these discourses metamorphoses, viewed in terms of the binary opposition “consistency – arbitrariness”. The goal of this work is to identify the indicated peculiarities and demonstrate that they are determined by nature and designation of one or another narration as the historically and functionally defined element of the sociocultural system. For achieving of the set goal, the author applied the comparativist methodology, complemented at the level of advertising semiosis by the methods of semantic and discursive analysis. As a result, it is established that metamorphoses valuable for the myth and advertising relate to the diverse – ontological and structural-semantic dimensions of the discursive realm. If for the classical myth, the conceptual transformations are the subject metamorphoses as such, which reflect its cosmogenic essence, the key idea of advertising is associated with metamorphosis of the trade name of denotative sign to primarily connotative. At the same time, it is demonstrated that unlike the mythological transformations, subordinated to a number of sustainable principles, the connotative explication in advertising has a pronounced arbitrary character.
axiology, discourse, connotation, sign, metamorphoses, advertising, myth, convergence, divergence, arbitrariness
Kudaev, A.E. (2018). Theurgy and tragedy of creativity in the aesthetics of N. A. Berdyaev. Philosophy and Culture, 2, 56–68.
This article is a continuation of the author's previous work "The Phenomenon of Theurgy in Aesthetics of N. A. Berdyaev: Origins and Approaches to the Problem" (Philosophy and Culture, 2017. No. 8), which analyzes the key problem of Berdyaev's creative heritage – the problem of theurgy that is interlinked with his concept of the tragedy of creativity. Namely the understanding of creativity as tragic in its nature, justified Berdyaev’s reference to the problem of theurgy, in which the author saw the opportunity to overcome the creative tragedy. This aspect is the subject of the article. The focus of attention lies in the most characteristic aspects that form the common contours of the future era and peculiarities of the new creativity. Highlighted by the author above all; this includes anthropomorphic character of creativity, and comprehension of its nature as immanent-religious. The article examines Berdyaev’s interpretation of symbolism as the expression of a profound cultural crisis, and simultaneously, the final act of the tragedy of creativity, which theurgy is called to overcome. But since the theurgist will "create the world in beauty”, the new creativity will be capable of revealing the actual aesthetic basis and essence of the universe. The scientific novelty consists in the author’s reconstruction of Berdyaev’s concept of theurgy. It determines the key role of the indicated problem for the philosophical-aesthetic thought of Berdyaev, as well as the concept of the tragedy of creativity. The author analyzes the pivotal, according to Berdyaev, features of the future era of creativity and peculiarities of the theurgical creativity, as well as the link between the latter and the “failure of culture”, symbolism, and aesthetic problematic as such.
theurgy and tragedy of creativity, crisis and symbolism, creative calling of a person, religious meaning of creativity, antropomotphic nature of creativity, creativity and theurgy, new era of creativity, creative overcoming of culture, theurgy as superculture, theurgy and beauty
Philosophy and art
Mikhailov, N.E. (2018). “Apollo” and “Tyche”: order and fortuity as fundamental morphogenetic elements in design. Philosophy and Culture, 2, 69–80.
Based on examination of the design activity, this article analyzes the creative act and approaches towards morphogenesis, determines the fundamental principles of creation marked as “order” and “fortuity” that have ontological foundation. The work provides ahistorical review of the role of such principles in formation of the antique philosophical concepts and related aesthetic representations, ias well as reveals the impact upon the human creative activity of the principles of “order” and “fortuity”. Drawing a parallel between the morphogenesis in nature and such in culture, the author explores the evolution of mathematical-geometrical concept of world structure of the antique thought as an expression of the principle of “order”, as well as demonstrates the development of this concept in subsequent views on morphogenesis in works of the theorists of art and design. The understanding by the Hellenic mythological consciousness of the principles of “order” and “fortuity” in presented in the work as a favorable background for successful divergence of the fundamental beginnings of the creative act. The methodology consists in combination of aesthetic and sociocultural approaches, which allow emphasizing the dialectic nature of the phenomenon of cultural morphogenesis. The author concludes that a creative act of a person not only assimilates with the natural morphogenesis, but also is limited by it: cultural transformation is realized through the absolute pair of the ontological principles of “order” and “fortuity” that the human creativity fails to overcome. It is also noted that the modern design, as a type of spiritual-practical activity, aimed exceptionally at the pure cultural and aesthetic morphogenesis most vividly demonstrates the dependence from the “order” and “fortuity”; however, the specified principles, being the basis of wonderful, manifest themselves in the historical development of art overall as the universal aesthetic paradigms.
Tyche, fortuity, Apollo, space, geometrism, order, abstract form, morphogenesis, design, aesthetic paradigm