Philosophy and culture
Smirnova, G.E. (2018). To the question of patriotism in Russia of the period of enlightened absolutism. Philosophy and Culture, 10, 1–7.
The subject of this research is the worldview of the Russian elite of the period of enlightened absolutism; while the subject is the peculiarities of patriotism in Russian in the late XVIII century. The questions of patriotism always spark interest, because love for the country is one of the basic values of the Russian culture. Historical, social and cultural contexts affect the content of the socially significant constants. The concepts of “patriotism” and “serving country” are prone to transformation with the flow of historical development, but always remain the foundation of national mentality. Analyzing the statement s of the Russian of noble descent of the examined period, the author finds it important to determine what did the contemporaries imply speaking of the true “Sons of the Motherland”, patriots; what was the essence of serving ountry during the period of enlightened absolutism in Russia; what was the impact of the ideology of Enlightenment upon such perception. The scientific novelty lies in analyzing the cultural peculiarities of the era through the prism of the concept of “patriotism”. Patriots of the late XVIII century are the educated, mindful, working for the good of fellow citizens, valuing their roots and cultural traditions, respecting the human person. Their duty to the country differs from the duty to the reigning person; their Motherland is the God granted home; and the foundation of love for the country is the love for home and care for your neighbors.
Russian noble estate, patriotism, Enlightened absolutism, national consciousness, XVIII century, Russian culture, state, virtue, upbtinging, place of birth
Ontology: being and nihility
Kutyrev, V.A. (2018). Speculative realism as the philosophy of facticity of the beginning of the end of humanity (world). (Reasoning on the book: Quentin Meillassoux. After Finitude: An Essay on the Necessity of Contingency). Philosophy and Culture, 10, 8–17.
The landmark for speculative realism book of Q. Meillassoux solves the problem of gaining access to the “reality as it is”. The arguments are put forward against correlationism of classical philosophy, the main of which is the refusal of the principle of necessity of sufficient foundation to the benefit of the principle of contingent facticity. As the new “non-dogmatic” Absolute in introduced the notion of mathematized Chaos. The post-theoretical (speculative) realism is the reflection of expansion of the artificial virtual reality that claims the paradigmatic explanation of all things in existence. As the converted form of philosophy computer science, he substantiates the finitude of the substantive physical reality by depriving human of his lifeworld. This is the version of nihility and manifestation of apophatic state of modern consciousness. Speculative realism is opposed to the philosophy of phenomenological substantialism. Analysis of the text demonstrates that this is essentialistic analogy of the ideas of structuralism, ontology of communication and synergetics that were formulated more persuasively in the methodology of science. Preservation of Homo Genus is attainable only in terms of preserving his lifeworld as the facticity of “realization” of one of the possible worlds. The philosophy of such approach leans on the dialectics of nonlinear interaction between the necessary and contingent, which allows the existence of various scenarios without rescinding the causes of origin.
mathematics, chaos, factuality, correlationism, contingency, absolute, speculative realism, Meillassoux, virtualizm, phenomenological substantialism
Cycles and tides in the global world
Tuzovskii, I.D. (2018). Humanistic trends of information society. Philosophy and Culture, 10, 18–27.
The author examines the problem of evolution of the social and cultural institutions that emerge within the framework of implementing the project of “Information Society”. The subject of this research is the development trends, which ensure the process of humanization of the society. Information society is designed at two levels – the level visionaries and technical specialists, and the level of global politics, presented by the state leaders and transnational corporations. In both cases, the project of information society is the version of scientist utopia; however, the most noticeable trends underline the dystopian character of the nearest future. Therefore, it is so important to identify the trends towards humanization of the society, which became the result of the processes of establishment of information society. To the number of the determined humanistic trends of the development of information society the author refers the following: qualitative increase of the level of cooperation and self-organization of human communities; voluntarism and collective action; quality change in the monetization models of intellectual property and exclusive rights of the author; transition towards post-capitalistic exchange logic, for example, digital daronomics; growing control of civil society over the political sphere; information permeability of margins; work release; increasing the number of creative industry employees and scientific workers. The scientific novelty lies in actualization of the discourse of strong humanistic utopia in the context of social transformation, caused by the development and implementation of digital technologies.
mass online courses, open license, open content, participatory journalism, hactivism, humanization, information society, Digital Ages, giftonomics, network society
Philosophy of science
Gusev, D.A., Potaturov, V.A. (2018). Science and religion in the context of polemics between scientism and anti-scientism. Philosophy and Culture, 10, 28–44.
The relevance of this topic is defined by the new twist in worldview antagonism between religion and atheism, creationism and evolutionism, materialism and idealism, anti-scientism and scientism at the current post-secular stage of development of the Russian society. The object of this research is the correlation and interaction of heuristic capabilities of such forms of spiritual culture as science and religion. The subject is the reflection of correlation and interaction of heuristic capabilities of science and religion, as well as their role and meaning for human life and society from the perspective of such sociocultural paradigms as scientism and anti-scientism. The research methods include comparative analysis, inductive generalization, modus tollens, analogy of relations as a variety of mediated conclusion, intellectual experiment and model schemes of dimensional relations between the notions. The scientific novelty is defined by the author’s reference to the problem of correlation and interaction from the standpoint of scientism and anti-scientism, science and religion, empirical and theoretical levels of scientific cognition, technique and technologies as problematic criterion of the truth, enlightenment and education, “physical” and metaphysical questions, and capabilities of scientific worldview. One of the conclusions lies in the statement that science, due to its instrumental nature, cannot be a worldview, while scientism is such, conferring the glorified by it science a bad favor by imposing the expectations that it is not able and does not have to deliver. Due to this, the scientifically interpreted antagonism between science and religion may be re-interpreted by anti-scientism into the peaceful existence and even mutual complementarity.
enlightenment, technique, knowledge, truth, philosophy, antiscientism, scientism, religion, science, worldview
Philosophy of science
Valiev, G. (2018). Two outlooks on the nature of the infinite: Georg Cantor and Ludwig Wittgenstein. Philosophy and Culture, 10, 45–51.
The subject of this article is the problem of mathematical apprehension of the nature of the infinite. The author demonstrates the crucial incompatibility of the two approaches towards the mathematical infinity: the first of them was suggested by the German mathematician G. Cantor; the second was developed by the Austrian philosopher L. Wittgenstein. The article proves that Cantor’s approach to the infinite is paradigmatic for the attempts to substantiate mathematics. This approach was formulate as the “multiplicity theory”. A detailed analysis of ontological obligations and prerequisites of the “multiplicity theory” shows that the hypothesis of relevant infinity is the only possibility of the “strict” substantiation of mathematics as science. The conceptual analysis reveals that according to Cantor, namely the relevant infinity establishes conditions of the validity of mathematical reasoning. The comparative analysis of the positions of Cantor and Wittgenstein underlines that the latter rejected the need for external criteria of mathematical validity; it is based exclusively on following the rule. Special attention in this work deserves the author’s criticism of the concept of potential infinity and its institutional analogy – “the environment of free establishment”. Particularly the author points to crucial dependence of both, the potential infinity, and “the environment of free establishment” from now constantly presumed relevant infinity. The conclusion is made that Wittgenstein’s understanding of the rule, and thus the mathematical algorithm, makes the concept of infinity irrelevant for the mathematical problems equally proportionate to the irrelevancy of the very problem of mathematical foundations according to the Austrian philosopher.
oughtness, operation, rule-following, potential infinity, rule, actual infinity, foundations of mathematics, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Georg Cantor, continuum
Social philosophy
Zakharchenko, G.V. (2018). Max Stirner on the man, revolution and revolutionary man. Philosophy and Culture, 10, 52–62.
The author attempts to views Stirner’s philosophical heritage and analyze the role of revolution within his philosophical system. This refers to revolution and revolutionary character of the ideas and indentions of Max Stirner in the broadest social, political and anthropological sense. The final part of the cycle is dedicated to Stirner’s ideas on the revolutionary nature of man and its role for in the prospects of global transformations. The author tends to interpret Stirner’s socio-philosophical thought as a distinct utopian project oriented towards the possible practical implementation. Methodology of this study is based on determination in the philosophical context of Stirner’s “The Ego and His Own” of the ideas and theoretical constructs that carry revolutionary meaning, and comparing them with the established in the same historical conditions theories of the European utopic socialism and Marxism. The scientific novelty lies, first and foremost, in the desire to see in the philosophy of Max Stirner not one of the version of the traditions of German classical philosophy, as much as the creator of the unique theory of revolutionary transformation of the word, society and man. The author describes such ideas and concepts of Max Stirner, which in his opinion, carry not only theoretical, and may be not always evident practical, applied character. The author believes that many of the designed by creative thought of Max Stirner sounds much more significant at the present time, rather than the time of its creation.
personality, society, revolution, peretvorennya, revolutionary man, only, Man., covenant, egoism, revolutionary will
Philosophy of history
Linchenko, A.A. (2018). Morality and historical culture in the mirror of philosophical reflection. Philosophy and Culture, 10, 63–72.
The object of this research is the moral component of historical culture. Based on the analysis of foreign and national interpretations of historical culture, the article makes an attempt of philosophical analysis of the concept of “historical culture”. It is demonstrated that the historical culture is the configuration of space of interaction between the various types and forms of memory and memorial cultures. The author conducts a comparative analysis of the notions “historical culture”, “cultural memory”, “memorial culture”, as well as substantiates the thought on the viability of philosophical approach to understanding and interpretation of historical culture. Leaning on the works of J. Rüsen, D. Wolf, representatives of the cultural-historical theory of L. S. Vygotsky and activity approach, the conclusion is made on the historical culture as mediative environment of the system of narratives of the past. Namely the attribute of mediativeness is the paramount foundation for interpreting the philosophical status of this concept. A thought is substantiated that the moral component of historical culture represents not the static system of values and assessments of the past, but the combination of dynamic processes of assessing and coordinating the gaps between various value environments. The author analyzes the theses on conflictogenity of the space of moral component of historical culture, on the absence of synchronicity in dynamics of its values, on actualization in modern philosophy of the idea of transition from the ethics of persuasion towards the discourse of historical responsibility.
historical responsibility, activity approach, ethics of history, morality, values, cultural memory, historical culture, historical consciousness, practical turn, philosophy of history
Spiritual and moral search
Matveichev, O.A. (2018). Ancient Greeks about themselves. To the problem of genesis of the Greek philosophy. Philosophy and Culture, 10, 73–85.
This article represents the historiographical and theoretical overview of the views of Greek thinkers from Pythagoras to the representatives of Greek Patristics regarding the question of origination of the philosophy. The author ascertains that among the Greek thinkers were prevailing the supporters of so-called adoptive hypothesis, according to which philosophy was borrowed from other nations. Many of the ancient authors believed that oriental wisdom was perceived by the Greek philosophers during their “philosophical journeys” to Egypt, Babylonia, Persia; or brought to Greece by the descendants from remote lands. The representatives of Greek Patristics, as well as Jewish apologists, in turn, were finding the origins of Hellenic wisdom in the ancient Biblical texts. Usually, Greeks considered similar borrowings as blessing for their culture. Opinions of the ancients also divided with regards to the religious source of philosophy. The main conclusion of this research lies in the fact that the task for reconstructing the system of representations of the ancient Greeks on the genesis of philosophy remains relevant to this day, as it opens the opportunity to answer the question on the formation of metaphysical foundation of the entire European civilization.
Ancient Greece, science, culture, religion, historiography of ancient philosophy, history of philosophy, philosophy, Greek Patristic, sophists, the genesis of philosophy