Philosophy and culture
Chernova, A.S. (2017). Marginality - marginal personality - marginal culture: general and special. Philosophy and Culture, 8, 1–8.
This article is dedicated to examination of notions of "marginal", "marginality" and "marginal culture". The object of research is the socio-cultural space of a modern city. The author attempts to indicate the boundaries between the aforementioned notions, as well as determine their common features and specificity. The article reviews the causes led to emergence of the phenomenon of marginality, interrelation of marginal culture with the dominant culture alongside the phenomena of subculture and counterculture. At the same time, the author holds to an extensive view upon marginal personality that combines features inherent to various cultures. The work implies the method of “ideal types”, method of typology of cultures, as well as dialectical method, which suggested considering culture as a developing, internally contradictory, and multifaceted phenomenon. The scientific novelty consists in determination of the specific features common to marginal culture. As a result of the research, the author concludes that the concepts of "marginality", "marginal" and "marginal culture" are basically borderline and dualistic. Marginality is understood as a state of individuals who ended up in a limbo between two cultures combining their elements. They become the carriers of marginal culture, which also holds a place "at the outskirts" of dominant culture.
subculture, minority culture, dominant culture, urban culture, marginal culture, marginal personality, marginality, counterculture, conflict, borderline
The issues of holistic world
Malova, O.V. (2017). Culture as “common cause”: is the “culture of the future” by V. N. Muravyov achieable? . Philosophy and Culture, 8, 9–23.
The subject of this research is the project of “culture of the future” by V. N. Muravyov. It represents an attempt of unification of the “common cause” values of N. F. Fyodorov with the ideals and methods of organization of people’s activity promulgated by the Soviet State in 1920’s. The goal of the work consists in examination of the aforementioned project from the perspective of possibility of its implementation, prerequisites for oncoming “future” mentioned in the writings of V. N. Muravyov. The author analyzes the strong and weak aspects of the project and compares them with modernity. Based on the materials to the work “Culture of the Future” alongside other compilations of the philosopher, the author restores the project of transformation of culture compared to its status at the present stage. Similar research of V. N. Muryavyov’s project of culture have not been previously conducted. The author notes maintenance of the interest towards some ideas of the project that undergone transformation in modern research, for example, an attempt to overcome human life and pursuit of a possibility for achieving immortality. Complete realization of the project in author’s version does not seem possible; the necessity of the suggested changes in culture is in doubt.
projectivism, eugenics, immortality, resurrection, common cause, rhythm, culture, creation, collectivism, cosmism
Fates and outlines of civilizations
Nikonova, S. (2017). The crisis of civilization: optimism of catastrophic transformations or pessimism of the completed progress? Using Materials of the 17th Likhachov International Scientific Conference of 2017. Philosophy and Culture, 8, 24–39.
This article analyzes the results and conclusions of the discussion that took place at 17th Likhachov International Scientific Conference that took place on May 18-20 of 2017 at the St. Petersburg University of Humanities and Social Sciences. The Conference was devoted to the problem of civilizational crisis. The subject of the research lies in comparison of the two provided in the reports approaches towards the problem of crisis. The concept of civilizational crises is being problematized; the author examines its origins in the context of specificity of the modern global world, analyzes difficulties emerging in the path of overcoming the crisis. Two approaches to the crisis presented in the reports of the participants of the discussion are subject to comparison with certain trends of the philosophical-historical descriptions alongside the problems common to the concepts of the Western philosophy of history. The main conclusions of the research can be summarized as follows: there are two opposing understandings of the crisis of civilization – the crisis as transformation and the crisis as stagnation and impossibility of transformation – which are interconnected in their origins; both, the sense of stagnation and the sense of inevitability of breakage are caused by the awareness of the absence of alternative to the selected path of development, homogenization and unification of the modern world; the desire to overcome the crisis in the way of rationalization of society remains on the existing path of development that leads to crisis; therefore, overcoming the crisis can be associated only with catastrophic events and assumption of a certain irrationality of the action; such irrationality, leading to destruction transformation, manifests as the result of rationalization itself that appears to be self-destructive and causing the sense of crisis.
irrational action, rational action, catastrophe, change of paradigm, transformation, crisis of civilization, stagnation, philosophy of history, humanitarian knowledge, deconstruction
Tradition and innovation
Pereverzeva, M.V. (2017). Aleatoric music in H. Pousseur's works. Philosophy and Culture, 8, 40–48.
The object of this research is the compositional methods of Belgian composer Henri Pousseur, who pursued the aleatoric principle in music. Over the period of 1960’s – 1970’s, such principle was extensively applied by the composers of North America and Europe. Americans from J. Cage's circle referred to the unlimited aleatoric music, including improvisation of the graphic and verbal scores, while their European colleagues preferred the limited aleatoric music. Pousseur also turned to the limited aleatoric composition in performing process, which substantiated the diverse degree of the fluidity of form – from mobile, when the score remains unchanged, but its spate parameters vary, to the modular, in which the order of parts is unpredicted, and thus, the process of evolution of the musical thought. The author gives attention to the most notable oeuvres of H. Pousseur in aleatoric writing technique, as well as how the compositions are executed and formed. The plays by Pousseur are subject to analysis from the multiple perspectives: sound material, its properties, structure, dramaturgical process, which allows formulating an integral concept of a composition. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that the aleatoric writing technique of H. Pousseur is being explored in the Russian language for the first time on the example of specific compositions, considering the author’s commentaries that have also been translated from French. Special contribution of the author into the national musicology consists in studying the individual "method of windows" of Pousseur, which prior to that was barely mentioned in the literature, as well as the analysis of forming of such opuses as "Characters I" and "Mobile".
improvisation, method of windows, mobile form, composition, Pousseur, coincidence, aleatoric composition, music, creativity, performance
History of ideas and teachings
Klimkov, O. (2017). Reception of Byzantine-Athos hesychasm in the teaching of Nil Sorsky. Philosophy and Culture, 8, 49–61.
The subject of this research is the teaching of Nil Sorksy placed in the context of evolution of the ideas and spiritual practice of the Byzantine-Athos hesychasm, which greatly influences the establishment of the Russian medieval culture and mentality. The article suggests analysis of the fundamental texts that belong to Nil Sorsky, which makes relevant the contained within them religious-philosophical problematic. A general overview of his literary legacy with consideration the socio-historical realities of the era is provided in the research. The author notes certain conceptual moments in development of the Russian Orthodoxy, associated with the famous disputes between Josephites and Nonpossessors. Special attention is given to revelation of the philosophical and psychological aspects of Nil’s teaching, as well as the peculiarities that accompanied his reception of the theoretical, and mostly, practical legacy of hesychasm. There is noted dominance of the ascetic-psychological and moral-ethical ideologies over the theological-contemplative. A conclusion is made on the direct correspondence of the spiritual-mystical and socio-political components in the Russian hesychasm.
Christian anthropology, knowledge of God, Nil Sorsky, Orthodoxy, asceticism, mysticism, poverty, hesychasm, theosis, Christian psychology
The history of humanitarian science
Makhamatov, T. (2017). Systemic nature of the cultural policy. Philosophy and Culture, 8, 62–70.
The object of this research is the cultural policy of modern Russia. Cultural policy is being reduced to the policy of the ministry of culture or state policy in the field of visual, theatrical, or other art disciplines. Such approach is substantiated by the very narrow view of culture as the sphere of material and spiritual art. Due to such comprehension of the concept of culture and cultural policy, the key objectives of the cultural policy, which lies in formation of the multifaceted personality with active civil position, remains unaccomplished. The subject of this research is the essence of policy as a system of activity of the government institutions aimed at ensuring the integrity of society and its sustainable development, as well as the objective grounds of systematicity of the cultural policy. The scientific novelty consists in the position that the systematicity of social life and philosophical essence of politics substantiates the need for realization of the intended systemic cultural policy, as well as determines the connection of culture with the phenomena of identity and tolerance as the results and factors of preserving the stability of social life. The conclusion is made that the systematicity of cultural policy is achieved through creation in the structure of each ministry of culture of the continuous improvement of the overall culture of worldview orientation of the personnel, formation among them of the idea of democratic equality, humanistic values, culture of tolerance, and active civil position.
civil society, national-ethnic culture, tolerance, identity, policy, systemic cultural policy, culture, globalization, multiculturalism, unified Russian culture.
Philosophy of religion
Babintsev, E.O. (2017). The legend of Thomas Becket's holy anointing oil and its role in the sacral legitimation of the English royal power of the XIV-XV centuries. Philosophy and Culture, 8, 71–77.
The article is devoted to the consideration of the legend of the heavenly anointing oil of Thomas Becket, originated in the XIV century and used by the English kings to strengthen the prestige of their power. The author analyzes the content of the legend, its history, and connection with the cultural and religious tradition of this time, as well as its role in legitimizing the power of the rulers. The legend of the miraculous oil is explored in the context of other ideas about the sacred character of the monarchy, its place is determined in the system of corresponding representations and rituals. The study was carried out by analyzing a wide range of sources, including historical chronicles, texts of coronation services, the lives of saints, papal bulls, letters and other documents. The author concludes that in this legend several ideas about the sacralization of royal power are connected, it is the rite of royal unction, the cult of St. Thomas Becket, the French legend of the Holy Ampulla. The legend of the holy anointing oil was used twice to legitimize the power by the English kings Edward II and Henry IV, and played an important role in justifying the accession of the Lancaster dynasty.
Thomas Becket, holy anointing oil, unction, coronation, legend, legitimation of power, sacralization of power, Henry IV, royal dignity, history of religion
Mysteries of the human being
Grishatova, Y. (2017). The theme of anthropodicy in philosophy of P. A. Florensky and N. A. Berdyaev. Philosophy and Culture, 8, 78–89.
This article examines the doctrine of humanity – anthropodicy, in works of the Russian philosophers P. A. Florensky and N. A. Berdyaev, as well as pursues correlation between their views and interpretations. The theme of anthropodicy as a philosophical attempt of “justification of man” can be characterizes as one of the key directions of the Russian philosophical thought, particularly in the early XX century, the pinnacle of the Russian philosophy, religious and cultural pursuits, which is called the “Russian religious Renaissance” by the majority of scholars. The study analyzes the fundamental theses, conclusions, and philosophical constructs, as well as determines the similarities and discrepancies in understanding of anthropodicy as a separate discipline in the philosophical and humanitarian thought by the Russian philosophers. Conclusion is made that in the philosophical comprehension of anthropodicy, the philosophers of the Russian religious Renaissance claimed their highest spiritual values: necessity of presence within human of the supra-subjective divine beginning (P. A. Florensky); freedom and creativity as the concept and goal of human existence (N. A. Berdyaev).
personality, Silver Age, religious philosophy, creative activity, Christianity, philosophical synthesis, Russian religious Renaissance, justification of humanity, macrocosme and microcosme, philosophy of freedom
Kudaev, A.E. (2017). The phenomenon of theurgy in N. A. Berdyaev’s aesthetics: sources and approaches towards the problem. Philosophy and Culture, 8, 90–107.
This article analyzes one of the crucial problems of Berdyaev’s artistic legacy – the problem of theurgy, which is intertwines with the main theme of his entire «life and thought» – the theme of creativity and, above all, the tragedy of creative path of humanity. Namely the comprehension of creativity as tragic in its nature substantiated Berdyaev’s reference to the problem of theurgy, in which he saw a way out of the common “tragic state of the world”, as well as overcoming the tragedy of creativity. The article demonstrated the connection of the problem of theurgy with aesthetics of Berdyaev. Taking into account the importance of such problematic for Berdyaev’s aesthetics alongside the entire Russian religious philosophical-aesthetic and artistic thought, the author provides a brief insight into the history of establishment of the concept of theurgy, its fusion with the philosophy, and particularly Neo-Platonism. Being an integral theoretical concept, theurgy already had a number of important basic provisions in its origins, which can be easily recognized in the works of Russian thinkers, writers and artists, including the aesthetics of Berdyaev. The author illustrates the continuity of Berdyaev’s perception of theurgy with the tradition of late antiquity alongside the Russian national tradition; and at the same time, the specificity of his solution associated with the deep metaphysical understanding of the nature of creativity, which was viewed in the context of the hypostatic doctrine. The scientific novelty consists in the authorial reconstruction of the fundamental provisions of Berdyaev’s concept of theurgy, which allows characterizing his aesthetics as theurgical. Special contribution of the author into this research is the revelation of the role of theurgical problematic for the overall philosophical-aesthetic thought of Berdyaev, inevitability of his way of cognition, as well as the philosopher’s understanding of theurgy and its inscription into the extensive historical context of Neo-Platonic and Russian religious philosophical-aesthetic thought alongside the author’s context of the philosophy of creativity as a whole, including the concept of artistic tragedy that predetermined Berdyaev’s way of comprehension of the theurgical problematic.
incompleteness of divine creation, theurgy and Christianity, theurgical symbolism, theurgy and Neo-Platonism, origins of theurgy, theurgical aesthetics, tragedy of creativity, theurgy, artistic calling of man, new era of Creativity
Philosophy of science and education
Rostovtseva, M.V. (2017). Approaches towards examination of social adaptation within the education system. Philosophy and Culture, 8, 108–114.
The subject of this research is the process of social adaptation and methods of its examination within the educational environment. The author provides definition to the process of social adaptation as an active relationship of man and social environment aimed at resolving the emerging contradictions between them, which results it evolution and establishment of man as a social being. The article defines the structure of social adaptation, highlighting the three key components: adaptation resources, adaptive behavioral strategies, adaptedness (result of adaptation). The conclusion is made about the application of structural approach towards examination of the process of social adaptation as the study of peculiarities of each indicated component. The author underlines that the methodological frame of philosophical comprehension of social adaptation of personality in the context of education system can imply the understanding of such process in unity of its three key components – stages: adaptivity as combination of personal resources necessary and sufficient for solving the problem situation; adaptive strategy as a selection of trajectory for specific activity on solving the issue; and adaptedness as a result of adaptation that can be assessed in accordance with the objective (compliance with the requirements of social environment) and subjective (internal contentment) criteria.
Evolution, Activity, Contradiction, Social environment, Personality, Adaptive behavior, Adaptation resources, Adaptedness, Education, Social adaptation
The stream of books
Borisov, S.V. (2017). Philosophical practice in the "Plato's cave". Philosophy and Culture, 8, 115–127.
Philosophical practice in the "Plato's cave" This article represents an extensive review of the book by the American philosopher-practitioner Ran Lahav "Stepping out of Plato's Cave: Philosophical Counseling, Philosophical Practice and Self-Transformation” (2 ed., Hardwisc, Vermont (USA): Loyev Books, 2016, 226 p.). The book under review is the fruit of more than twenty years of the author's work in the field of philosophical practice. Leaning on the content of the book, the article carries out a meticulous analysis of the evolution of movement of the philosophical practice, content of the main approaches and methods applied in philosophical practice, relationship between the philosophical practice and psychotherapy, as well as the author’s original theory. The work is based on the comparative-historical method and a critical analysis of the theory of philosophical practice of Ran Lahav with reference to his main complitaions. This detailed peer review allows the Russian readers to familiarize with the basic ideas Ran Lahav’s book, which has yet to be translated into the Russian language. The described in the article original methodology of the author of the book under review, can be implemented in the practice of philosophical counseling and adjusted to the Russian philosophical tradition.
critical thinking, psychotherapy, phenomenology, philosophical counseling, philosophical practice, Modern philosophy, perimeter, pattern, Ran Lahav, Pierre Hadot
Connection of times
Ivanova, M.G. (2017). Spiritual development as a reflection of archetypical plots and meanings of culture. Philosophy and Culture, 8, 128–146.
The article is devoted to the philosophical analysis of the archetypes of Russian culture. The author focuses on the archetypes of Hero and anti-Hero in their various guises. The texts of folk fairy tales is used as the primary source for analysis of the archetypes. The archetype of the Hero is regarded by the author out of the gender bind, as a symbol of spiritual growth and self-realization in a particular ethno-cultural tradition. Special attention is paid to the archetype of the Shadow, symbolically embodied in the images of fabulous anti-Heroes, as an essential element of integrity of national identity. The article is based on the methodology of analytical psychology, semantic and genetic analysis of myths and fairy tales of folk culture and methodological principles of philosophical comparative studies.Based on the study of the archetype of the Hero in the Russian tradition the author comes to the conclusion about the influence of archetypal stories of national culture on the processes of self-realization and spiritual development. The article shows considerable heuristic potential of the analysis of the plots of folk fairy tales to identify the archetypes of the national culture.
symbol, spiritual development, fairy tale, myth, Carl Jung, culture, archetype, hero, Aurobindo Ghosh, philosophical comparative studies