Ideology and psychology of the masses
Muradov, A.B. (2017). Characters in the first film series dedicated to the Great Patriotic War: dramaturgical solutions and historical context. Philosophy and Culture, 6, 1–14.
This article presents the analysis of some narrative and compositional aspects and dramaturgical solutions in creating the characters of the three telefilms dedicated to the Great Patriotic War (“Call the fire itself” (1965), “Major Whirlwind” (1966), and “The Shield and the Sword” (1968). These are the first three telefilms, two of which are the very first fictional film series in the history of Soviet television, demonstrate the evolution of establishment of the tradition and principle of television narration: from a real hero to fictitious superhuman devoid of weaknesses; from preserving and transmitting memory of the historical events to adventurous film that resolves the existing ideological tasks; from random solutions to the principles of creating film series. The results of such evolution are demonstrated in the TV series about the wartime, filmed in the following decades, and namely in contract to war, in the author’s opinion, will be structures the first post-Soviet motion pictures.
Post-Soviet motion pictures, Ideological tasks, Film series about wartime, Historical context, Evolution of tradition, History of Soviet television, Image of the main character, Dramaturgical solutions, Film series, Great Patriotic War
Tradition and innovation
Illarionov, G.A. (2017). Problem of correlation between the notions “tradition” and “culture”: structural-phenomenological hypothesis. Philosophy and Culture, 6, 15–24.
The subject of this article the problem of correlation and demarcation between the two key notions of sociocultural discourse – the “culture” and “tradition”. Pluralism of the use of such universal terms for denoting the complex of reconstructed sociocultural content lead to a situation when it becomes difficult to demarcate them. Thus, for example, the “Christian tradition” and “Christian culture” are similar terms in many ways by expressing the assemblage of Christian social relations, as well as material and immaterial products of activity of the Christians. The problem is aggravated by an extensive history of the diverse use of both notions, which substantiates the necessity in their phenomenological analysis, separate from multiple contradictory variations of the definitions. On the other side, for identification of the problem of the immense amount of individual manifestations of both phenomena – culture and tradition, it is essential to combine the phenomenological approach with structuralistic holism, which allows speaking of culture and tradition apart of their particular manifestations. For overcoming the established pluralism in order to demarcate the notions, but preserve their content, the author uses the method that unites phenomenology and structuralism, meaning the phenomenological reductions and orientation towards holism – dominance of common over private. A hypothesis is advanced that culture is viewed as a “universe of sociality” – a system that includes the results of activity, perceptions, and relations, where the tradition is a dynamic structure of culture, or its function of self-reproduction. Tradition consists in the passed down through the generations structural relation between the elements of culture and its variable actualization that depends on the interpretation of the transmitted content. Besides the theoretical prospect, the hypothesis provided methodological tool for studying of the cultural elements with respect to traditionalism through analyzing their structural relation and actualization that allows demarcating the traditional and speculative elements of culture.
Subjectivism of tradition, Objectivism of tradition, Structural-phenomenological method, Post-traditionalism, Traditionalism, Actualization of tradition, Core of tradition, Dynamic structure of culture, Tradition, Culture
Natural philosophy
Boldin, P.N. (2017). Semiotic ontology in ancient science. Philosophy and Culture, 6, 25–35.
The establishment of ontological models of the accurate scientific knowledge is an urgent task, developed in the framework of realistic approaches. Major attention is focused on the problem of correlation between the theoretical objects and reality. Insufficient attention in this context is turned to the historical conditions of formation of the metaphysical foundations of exact sciences. At the same time, historical analysis of the primary attitudes allows identifying the initial meanings that appear to be natural. Therefore, the historical reconstruction of such process is relevant. The article presents such reconstruction, which considers the formation of ontological models of science over the period of antiquity. It is suggested that the basis of such ontologies lies in semiotic analogy that draws parallel between the communicative relations human/human and human/nature, realized in the perception of Speech or the Book of Nature. Leaning on the aforementioned statement, the reconstruction of ontological models is based on determination of the semiotic connotations of conceptual framework of the ontological models of the key philosophical doctrines. The conducted analysis allows claiming that the evolution of semiotic models in Ancient Greek philosophy during the transition from mythology to philosophy, as well as in terms of the main philosophical systems, was established on realization of the semiotic analogy. The difference between them is substantiated by the choice of science, the objects of which were taken as the ontological basis. As a result, in the context of Ancient Greek philosophy, the author identifies the three lines of development of the ontological models of science. The acquired results can be used for formulation of the questions of the ontology of science at present time.
science, historical reconstruction, naturalization, ontological model, Book of Nature, semiotic analogy, ontology of science, subject and predicate, number and shape, atomism
Philosophy of language and communication
Antonova, E.M. (2017). Scaffolding around Cathedral: Martin Heidegger and poetic thinking. Philosophy and Culture, 6, 36–43.
This article attempts to analyze the texts of M. Heidegger’s seminars and lectures over the period of 1934-1935 dedicated to the hymns “Germania” and “The Rhine” by Friedrich Hölderlin. These works already indicate the targeted by Heidegger grounds for the realized so-called “turn” (die Kejre), focused on the role of “poetic thinking” in the questions of apprehending the true Being, which later had a significant impact upon the entire philosophical though of the XX century, and still remains an object of interest among the scholars. The article uses the method of analysis of the primary source, comparison of the text with the earlier and later works, hermeneutic methodology, problem-thematic way of analysis and interpretation of the material. The main conclusions consist in the following: for the first time, based on the aforementioned texts, was revealed the method of determination of Martin Heidegger’s “poetic thinking”; understanding of the phenomenon of poetic in philosophical heritage of M. Heidegger as the key notion of his later philosophy is being realized; analysis alongside interpretation of the notions used by the philosopher for structuring the concept of cognizing the being using the “poetic thinking” is being conducted.
Ontology, Speech, Language, Present being, Turn, Aletheia, Unconcealedness of Being, Poetic thinking, Friedrich Hölderlin, Martin Heidegger
Connection of times
Iakovlev, V.A. (2017). Plato’s philosophy of creativity in light of the modern science. Philosophy and Culture, 6, 44–55.
The subject of this research is the key positions of Plato’s philosophy of creativity in its relation to science. The author examines the basis categories of this theory alongside the definition of creativity, as well as analyzes the structure of creation of cosmos, structure of origination of innovations, and establishment of innovation in academic discussions. The interrelation of the modern academic programs in natural science with Plato’s philosophy of creativity is determined. The article conducts a comparative analysis of the paradigm of global evolutionism and creativity, as well as reveals the information communication mechanism of origination of innovations in science leaning on the conceptual analysis of Plato’s theory. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that the aforementioned theory of Plato contains and reconstructs the main principles of creativity, which play an important role in formation and development of research programs of the modern science. It is demonstrated that the origination and evolution of all objects takes place due to the existence of specific information programs that express the fundamental creativity of the nature. It is stated that Plato’s philosophy of creativity remains relevant, because it allows modelling and correcting the modern forms of collective discussions, considering constant expansion of their scale based on the new technical opportunities of the means of communication.
information, being, discussion, analysis, programs, paradigm, creativity, method, evolution, science
Social philosophy
Korotky, G.A. (2017). Hitler, intellectuals and masses. Philosophy and Culture, 6, 56–80.
This article is dedicated to the denunciation (explication) of Nazi ideology. The author attempts to highlight the philosophical and psychological roots of this extremist movement, as well as answer the question: why did it not receive a proper rebuke from the side of German intellectuals and masses? According to the author’s opinion, Nazism, as a phenomenon, cannot be explained by economic or political generating reasons; its profound beginnings require a clearer disclosure, including the struggle against it. The research leans on the interdisciplinary synthesis as a modern trend of philosophical methodology. Particularly, detailed attention is given to the analysis of primary sources of Nazi ideology. The scientific novelty consists in the search for new approaches to the old topics. The ideology of Nazism is illustrated from the eyes of its creators. The author also attempts to find the new explanations: why it did not receive a rebuke in Germany – the country of great science and culture, and which “sensitive spots” in German’s soul Hitler was able to exert.
anti-fascist struggle, modern society, criticism of modernity, nationalism, anti-Semitism, racism, Nazi ideology, analysis of ideology, social philosophy, cultural studies
Political philosophy
Dragel', L.V. (2017). Legitimation and violence. Philosophy and Culture, 6, 81–89.
The subject of this research is the determination of peculiarities of interrelation between the government and society. The object is the examination of notions of “legitimation” and “violence” that characterize such interrelation. The author meticulously reviews various approaches towards the understanding of relationship between the government and society, which are provided in form of the normative and descriptive theories. Due to this fact, the article considers the possible level of congruency of the terms “legitimation” and “violence”, as well as their correlation with other notions, such as “discourse”, “physical violence”, “legitimate violence”, “justice”, “and agreement”. Methodology of this research is the analysis of interrelation between the government and society in form of reflection of the terms “legitimation” and “violence”, as well as viable synthesis of these notions. The main conclusion of consists in determination of the position of violence as a certain stage of evolution of legitimation in capacity of legitimate violence, the highest level of which is the legality. Perception of the legitimate violence as a final stage of evolution of legitimation leads to the distorted understanding of legitimation. Thus, legitimation is viewed as a process of development of a discourse that is based on the unspoken agreement towards active cooperation that is centered around the mutual understanding of individuals.
physical violence, legitimate violence, discourse, society, government, violence, legitimation, agreement, justice, legality
Philosophy of history
Lazarev, V.V. (2017). Poetry of P. A. Vyazemsky on the path to cognizing the unknowable. Philosophy and Culture, 6, 90–109.
This article presents the worldview of Pyotr Andreyevich Vyazemsky (1792-1878) in a fairly broad historical perspective, from the spiritual prerequisites in the works of N. M. Karamzin and original worldview orientations and insights of the poet to determination of the prospects of further spiritual development within it (to Slavophilia, Vladimir Solovyov, and beginning of the period of religious-philosophical renaissance). Peculiarities of Vyazemsky’s outlook do not fit into the usual for modern readers, precise and unambiguously established categories of trends and directions. His creative path is multi-aspect, and in each separate case is complicated by the used by him contrast comparisons, inseparability of antipodes, harmonious accords that breathe and bloom in his works. The work applies the method of holistic organic approach, turned to the antinomy of monodualism, which overcomes the dualism of rational and ultrarational. Questions regarding the nature of Vyazemsky’s philosophical outlook were touched upon the researchers very briefly. It is associated with the difficulty of understanding the actual contents of the poet’s pursuits in his stiff life journey, which also involves us and allows speaking of not only Vyazemsky in the past, but our Pyotr Andreyevich Vyazemsky as well. The scientific novelty consists in another attempt to reveal the successive connection of the poetic heritage of Vyazemsky with the further spiritual development through determination of the commonness of approaches of the art of poetry and intuitive-philosophical insight into the foundations of rational consciousness based on the principle of continuity in antinomy of monodualism.
Solovyov, Khomyakov, Bulgakov, holistic, Trinity, tragism, Slavophilia, paradox, monism, Vyazemsky
Philosophy of liberty
Gizha, A.V. (2017). Genesis of reflexive-conceptual activity as the beginning of overcoming practical need. Philosophy and Culture, 6, 110–119.
This article is dedicated to the questions of methodology of humanitarian knowledge specifies in the problem of interpretation of the beginning of philosophy. The latter is viewed in its relation to the material and practical activity, which does not imply the reduction of metaphysics to the exceptionally material reality. As an aspect of the claimed topic, the author examines the interrelation between a myth and rationality. Any philosophical topic requires a substantiated and obligatory clarification of the essential methodological approaches towards it within a current individual case, as well as from the perspective of realization of the ultimate conceptualization overall. Specificity of genesis of the philosophy consists in the detecting a metaphysical events allocated outside the timeframe in its historicity. Thus, the subject of this article is the problem of freedom, as well as foundations and framework of its achievement. The Hegelian methodological principle of concretization of a notion is being applied. Successfulness of the conceptually conducted concretization is defined by attention towards the bases of reasoning, and therefore, the following aspect of methodology can be indicated as deductive-hypothetical. Another essential element of methodology is the principle of connectivity of the forms of reflexive activity. Importance of the question about genesis lies in its consideration not as a formerly accomplished event that once and for all is given in its archaeo-cultural consistency and permanence, but rather possessing the quality of recurrence. The specificity of such recurrence does not carry a mathematically abstract regulative-iterative character, but is described as a state of auto-process. In such way, it appears as semantically recursive event. As a result of such peculiarity, the beginning of philosophy laid not only the foundation for theoretical and abstract constructs about the world and man, but also actualized the process of its personal-historical liberation, initially in consciousness and daily life, and in long view – in social existence as well.
ahistoric retrospective, myth, theorization, necessity, freedom, tradition, genesis, event in metaphysics, fundamental question of philosophy, auto-process
Philosophy and culture
Maltsev, Y.V. (2017). Subject of modernity: essential characteristics. Philosophy and Culture, 6, 120–129.
The subject of this article is the modernity that is perceived as an immanent experience by a subject of its time, reflection over it, and creation in current temporality of the new symbolic space (the “big Other” in terminology of J. Lacan and S. Žižek). At the same time, the new symbolic register is created through the polylogue of subjects that interact on the temporal-rhizome platform in accordance with Theory of Communicative Action (J. Habermas). The object of this work is the subject of modernity – an attempt to provide its essential characteristics. The main conclusion of the conducted research lies in a particular view of modernity and subject of modernity. Thus, it is suggested to understand modernity as a situation, in which a subject faces the problematic of its own being and is obligated to give certain “answers” to the “challenges” before him, leaning on the resources of cogito and polylogue with other subjects. A subject is suggested to be considered a social actor with the following characteristics: ability to transformation (construction and reconstruction) of the symbolic order (J. Lacan), solid ethical position (ethics in understanding of I. Kant and ethical stage of S. Kierkegaard), pursuing the particular self-practices (M. Foucault), creativeness (utopic project as a version of the future structure), and intersubjectivity (existential polylogue between the subjects on the established polyfocal platform. However, it is implied to distinguish a subject from an individual and personality, depicting it as a highest stage of human evolution, at which he creates culture in cooperation with others.
existential polylogue, intersubjectivity, technologies of the self, Lacanian triad, permanent modernity, modernity, subject, creativeness, ethics, subject of modernity