Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich P.S. (2016). The 100th issue of the journal. Philosophy and Culture, 4, 473–476. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67798
This article is dedicated to the analysis of the general scientific policy of the journal “Philosophy and Culture” as this is the 100th issue of this journal. The author examines the development of the journal from its very first issues until present, marking the main milestones in its path. Over the years, the publication that is being issued under the authority of Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of sciences became a platform for the philosophical discourse for the scholars from various regions of the country – from Astrakhan to Odessa, from Belgorod to Vladivostok. The council of editors consists from the prominent Russian and foreign researchers. The journal was able to establish the permanent connections with a number of higher education facilities throughout the country – in Barnaul, Perm, Nizhny Novgorod, Vladivostok, and others. The author uses the methods of historical-philosophical research, as well as the abilities of hermeneutic analysis of philosophical texts presented in the articles of the journal. This work is first to examine the difficulties of the philosophical periodicals in Russia. The author underlines the hardships faced by the historical-philosophical process in our country. The attempts to “limit” philosophy have been noticed yet in the Imperial Russia. There have been tragic pages in the history of Russian philosophy after the Bolshevist Revolution. Over the recent years, the officials “pressed” philosophy in the educational system, as well as narrowed down the minimum requirements for the Candidate degree. Special attention in this article is given to the substantiation of the main directions of the journal during these years, as well as the future prospects of its existence.
Social crises, Methodology, I, Consciousness, Spiritual-moral pursuit, Spiritual-moral pursuit, Social processes, History, Culture, Philosophy
Ontology: being and nihility
Faritov V.T. (2016). Transgression as a lifestyle in Nietzsche’s philosophy. Philosophy and Culture, 4, 477–487. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67799
The subject of this research is Nietzsche’s philosophical doctrine in the perspective of transgression. The authors reviews the main categories of Nietzsche’s philosophy (superhuman, will to power, eternal return, nihilism) and determines their correlation with transgression. Special attention is given to the problem of being and becoming with regards to the prospects of transgression. Questions, associated with the problems of culture and state in the philosophy of Nietzsche, are also being examined. A separate paragraph is dedicated to the question about the status of transgression as the principal strategy of life and philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche. The main result of the conducted research consists in the conclusion about the status of transgression as a fundamental horizon of Nietzsche’s philosophical doctrine. The author determines that the modern non-classical ontology is based on transgression. Within the existing philosophical discourse the prospect of transgression pushes out the prospect of transcendence.
culture, transcendence, nihilism, eternal return, will to power, Superman, transgression, Nietzsche, being, becoming
Cycles and tides in the global world
Dzekh A.V., Kotelevskiy D.V. (2016). Philosophical foundations of environmentalism. Philosophy and Culture, 4, 488–496. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67800
The subject of this article is the concepts of nature and human in the works of the authors – representatives of environmentalism, and the philosophers and sociologists whose ideas were included into the context of the environmentalistic thought. The goal of this research is to demonstrate how these authors solve the task of overcoming the classical cognitive opposition of nature and culture, which allows the representatives of such direction to observe the entire system of human activity and the prospects of social development from the new angle. Special attention is given to the examination of the peculiarities of the modern European understanding of nature, which in many aspects determined the sway of living of a European person, as well as the logic of development of almost all elements of the human life. It is also illustrated how the modern European model of world perception, based on the subject-object model, is being surmounted within the contemporary environmentalistic thought. The article explores the philosophical grounds of the new ways of understanding of nature in environmentalism, as well as highlights the major disputes related to his topic. The scientific novelty consists in description of the philosophical foundations of environmentalism that are yet to be completed, and currently presented by several programs with certain advantages and disadvantages. The conclusion is made that within the framework of environmentalism there is an active process of search and formulation of the new principles of human and social existence, which imply the new ways of understanding of the human-nature relations, and the new types of social activity that include nature into the other contexts of human activity.
Hybridism, Subject-object orientation, Binary oppositions, Naturalism, Actor-network theory, Environmentalism, Modern European culture, Human, Culture, Nature
The new paradigm of science
Dydrov A.A. (2016). Post-nonclassical science in light of human adaptation to the future. Philosophy and Culture, 4, 497–505. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67801
The subject of this research is the modern post-nonclassical science. The author determines some signs of the post-nonclassical paradigm (interdisciplinarity, domination of methodological anarchism, combinatorial character, oversaturation, performativity). The peculiar feature of the post-nonclassical science is that it dedicates great attention to the future. Today, the amount of projects, models, and scenarios of the future is rapidly increasing; many of them differ drastically. The increase of projects and models of the future is associated with the pragmatic orientation of the post-nonclassical science: the criterion of scientificity implies not only the concordance between the scientific research and the truth, but the leading criterion includes the practical value of the constructed model. The author’s main contribution into this work is the determination of the specific signs of the post-nonclassical science, which are yet to be thoroughly discovered in the philosophy of science. The attention is given to the introduction into the scientific discourse of the notion futuropluralism. It designates the multiplicity of projects, models, and scenarios of the future. The author evaluates the ambiguous influence of futuropluralism upon the human life. One of the means of harmonization of human being and culture is education, which encompasses the resources for human adaptation to the rapidly changing world.
Education, Futuropluralism, Performance, Text, Palimpsest, Culture, Pluralism, Rhizome, Science, Future
Philosophy of knowledge
Matveychev O.A. (2016). On the approaches towards study of the Ancient Greek sophistry. Philosophy and Culture, 4, 506–513. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67802
A Special attention in this article is given to the study of the Ancient Greek sophistry established by the XIX-XX century. The author underlines that there is a consensus of indifference and neglect within the historical-philosophical science with regards to the sophists. The two different ways of reconstruction of the “systems” and outlooks, existed at that time in philosophy, are being proposed. The first way consists in the reconstruction of the teacher “system” through the follower; and the second way consists in the in-depth interpretation of the present fragments, which tries to leave the vulgar interpretations, emerging from the initial orientation on the primitivism of the Greeks, outside the framework. Thus, we can build a genealogical tree of the early Greek philosophers. The main conclusion lies in the fact that over the last decades the attempts were made in rehabilitation of the sophists. In particular, such attempt was made by Barbara Cassin, but her post-modernist approach cannot be fully recognized as satisfactory, because she rejects the ontology of the sophists in favor of the rhetoric. The author comes to an understanding that the sophists give us a so-called “ontology of imagination”, a more initial ontology, than the ontology of traditional metaphysics with its millenary separation into “visible and invisible”, into the “world of senses and world of ideas”.
philosophical thought, interpretation, history of philosophy, metaphysics, sophistry, Ancient Greek philosophers, founders of Sciences, irreligiousness, Greek world, criticism
Information and ideas
Baeva L.V. (2016). Ethics of the information world: problems of establishment and development. Philosophy and Culture, 4, 514–522. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67803
The modern society, in which a significant portion of communications shifted into cyberspace, regulates a specific type of ethics, a so-called information, computer, or ethic of information society, intended to ensure the civil rights and liberties in both, real and virtual sphere of activity. At the same time, the ethical codices of information society, as the information society itself, continue to be in the stage of development, and the virtual interaction is often realize outside the universal ethics or have its own specificity and rules. These problems comprise the subject of the research of a peculiar section of information ethics, which is aimed at the analysis of the moral aspects of development of information technologies, ethical principles and norms of virtual communication, moral issues associated with media community. The object of this work is the characteristics of the problems of information ethics, its status, as well as the review of the ethical codices encouraged to regulate the information society that are introduced on the international level. The development of information ethics is examined with relation to the phenomena of electronic culture and process of virtualization of a lifestyle of a contemporary human being. The article presents an original definition of the “information ethics”, as well as the analysis of the subject of its study and specificity. The author determines the subjective and objective factors of formation of information ethics, and substantiates its special status and place within the system of scientific philosophical knowledge. Special attention is given to the role of UN and UNESCO in development of the ethnical codices and Declarations of information society; the main trends of development of international activity in this area are being systematized.
Cybersecurity, Cyberthreat, NBICS-technologies, Electronic culture, UNESCO, UN, Information society, Ethical codex, Virtualization, Information ethics
Connection of times
Cholanyuk V.R. (2016). The “living metaphor” of Paul Ricœur and its anthropological priorities in interpretation . Philosophy and Culture, 4, 523–529. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67804
This article represents a research of anthropological content of the “living metaphor” associated with hermeneutics of the “world of texts” in the theory of a prominent French scholar and philosopher Paul Ricœur. The subject of the research is the intelligible nature of the “living metaphor” delivered by the narrative intrigue, the anthropological vector of which is interpreted in the timely correspondence. Thus the article makes an attempt to introduce the anthropological importance of the “living metaphor” through the number of symbolic episodes in the texts of Paul Ricœur, in which the problematics of the world and the essences are suggested as an interpreting subject. The methodology of the research consists in the modern perspective and philosophical interpretation of the additional conceptual meanings of the text with regards to the anthropological understanding of the “living metaphor” phenomenon within the Paul Ricœur’s heritage. The author comes to the conclusion about the anthropological priorities in the “living metaphor” study in the aspect, where the metaphoric discourse is a referential moment between the initial understanding of the world of action which complies with the acquired by civilization human experience, and refiguration of the daily reality by the virtue of fluent language activity in a form of intrigue.
distancing, symbolism of evil, infinity, split of light, narrative identity, historicity, intentionality, temporal resistance, metaphoric reference, idea of plot
Social philosophy
Garshin N.A. (2016). Patriotism and cosmopolitism in the conditions of the modern society: systemic analysis. Philosophy and Culture, 4, 530–535. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67805
The subject of this work is the systemic analysis of dialectic correlation between patriotism and cosmopolitism within the modern society. In the author’s opinion, in the conditions of globalization, this issue gains new essences and aspects, as well as includes news questions which lead to the involvement of new disciplines for its solution. The goal of this work is the formation of such model of understanding of the global political and cultural space, which will encourage a maximal productive dialogue of cultures and its carriers, but produce minimal damage for the uniqueness of each culture and consider the rights of a human. The author concludes that the problem of interrelation and interaction between patriotism and cosmopolitism in order to reach the maximal efficiency, have to be solved systemically and comprehensively, or the attempt to improve the situation without taking into account one or another factors or parameter can negatively affect the social system. At the same time, a special role belongs to understanding, “empathy” into the cultural and historical specificity of the conflicting sides, which besides the practical implementation of these knowledge, carries an important social and pedagogical aspect in educating the current and future generations. In order to prevent interchange of the terms patriotism, nationalism, and Nazism, these aspects should be better explained; and in order to prevent the spread of extremism among youth, the should know the real life of other nations alongside their living conditions, which will increase tolerance on one hand, and also preserve patriotism as love and pride for their own country, but eliminating the hatred towards other nations, on the other. The scientific novelty consists in the systemic approach and integration of various issues into e unified complex, which allows lowering the risks of the improper solution of the problem, as well as the possible negative consequences during the course of its solution.
fascism, humanism, tolerance, systems approach, patriotism, cosmopolitanism, social philosophy, modern society, policy, global problems
Value and truth
Yakovlev V.A. (2016). Information paradigm of value modalities of science. Philosophy and Culture, 4, 536–545. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67806
The subject of this research is the analysis of the value modalities within the information-communicative paradigm of science. It is underlined that genesis (ontology) of science in the area of culture is not only an example and model of the information-communicative innovative processes in all spheres of human activity, but also possesses the essential ethical characteristics. The author claims that the newest discoveries in physics, cosmology, and especially biology, not only significantly affect the information resources and worldview attitudes, but also touch upon the in-depth, existential characteristics of the scholars, as well as the entire population of the Earth. The scientific novelty consists in the following statement: the relevance of the value problematics of science is tightly connected with the solution of the question about the methodology of research of the values from the perspective of their information-communicative importance. The author determines the main value modalities of science on the three principal levels of the system of scientific activity within the conceptual contexts of sociocultural historical process. It is stated that the universal human values of solidarity, information awareness, communication skills, integrity, tolerance, and humanism are more carefully expressed through the ethical norms and ideals of scientific community.
Culture, Sociology, Ethics, Principles, Binarity, Scholars, Science, Communicativeness, Information, Value
Dubovitskiy V.V. (2016). Art, beauty and the good in Plato's aesthetics. Philosophy and Culture, 4, 546–558. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67807
The reasoning of Plato on beauty, art is often criticized, especially from the time when the aesthetic sphere began to be understood as a purely autonomous (superficial interpretation of the concept of autonomy is not allowed to consider the phenomena of art and beauty in the long term benefits), and the usefulness of art, which Plato put acutely philosophical issues, has moved into the sphere of social-democratic ideology and social thought, has acquired a journalistic character. In this article the aesthetics of Plato is seen in the horizon of good ideas. Attempts to draw parallels between the critical reasoning of Plato on art and a number of ideas of such thinkers as J. Winkelmann, J. J. Rousseau, F. Nietzsche, S. Freud. So, we can talk about overcoming the habit of talking about art in general only in the positive sense, about the protest against the aesthetics of the passion as a socially harmful phenomenon, etc. In the context of reflections about the beauty and art reveals the comparison at first glance alien to each other phenomena - the "natural" man Rousseau, a citizen of the ideal state of Plato. The paper shows also how in the future the idea of the good of Plato develops the theme of pure pleasure - a theme that has continued in the areas of post-classical art, abstractionism and minimalism. In the context of the good ideas also emphasized the erotic relationship of the philosophy of Plato with the sphere of theology. In this article, we have used some of the principles of ontological studies, hermeneutics, and comparative and phenomenological methods. This study revealed a positive sense of criticism of Plato common "cave" views on art and beauty and is accented existential dimension of these phenomena in the philosophical aesthetics of Plato. All analogies and parallels given in the study, not random. They allow to identify a still relevant content of Plato's aesthetics, which as the entire Plato's philosophy, is a search of good, and its foundations within the human being.
fun, use, imitation, passion, beauty, art, ontology, aesthetics, good, erotic experience
Philosophy and culture
Larin Yu.V. (2016). Dreams about culture. Philosophy and Culture, 4, 559–567. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67808
In the context of polarization of the modern scientific discourse with regards to the assessment of the historical roles and prospects of culture, this article examines the problematics related to the explication of essence and meaning of culturocentrism. Based on the critical analysis of the existing points of view, an idea is formed that in the scale of the global-historical trajectory of humanity – Syncretism of Primordiality – Cosmocentrism of Antiquity – Theocentricism of Medieval Times – Anthropocentrism of Renaissance – Naturocentrism of New Time – Sociocentrism Modern Time – Culturocentrism of Postmodern Time –, the latter can be understood as a quite regularly maturing in this list era of the positioning of culture as a constituting center of the belief system “human-world”. Based on the idea about the structural-functional homology of “rough cores” of the established “centrisms”, the author makes an attempt to model the attributive content of the culturocentric imperatives in ontological, methodological, anthropological, existential, practical, axiological, gnoseological, epistemological, and culturological projections. It is possible that at the present time, “history draws culture” towards where it itself “is being drawn” by culture; thus, each of us unaffected by the level and form of understanding, can be a participant or a creators of the extremely complicated and contradictory phenomena and processes that objectively take place within the space of namely this attractor. The conclusion is made that the conceptual context of the discussed problematics includes a significant scientific, as well as practically life interest; and the problematics itself requires a serious conceptual study.
Prospects of culture, Humanity, Projections, Imperative, Explication, Worldview, Historical experience, Attractor, Culturocentrism, Culture
Philosophy and art
Demenev D.N. (2016). On the logic of color in painting: ontological, gnoseological, and axiological aspects. Philosophy and Culture, 4, 568–575. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67809
Thus article represents the experience of philosophical heritage, the goal of which is the multilevel comprehensive research of the color harmony. The main question reviewed in this work is the logic of color in art of painting from the ontological, gnoseological, and axiological aspects. The author begins with the examination of the general notions, such as structure, hierarchy, and order; and later, shifts towards the narrow-profile questions associated with color harmony and logic of color in painting, as well as explains the necessity of presence of the three of its main aspects. During the course of this research, the author comes to the following results:
The ontological aspect of the logic of color is predominantly observed in the triune system that includes the three-component theory, the emerging from the latter principle of color balance, which is in turn based on the three main colors: blue, red, and yellow;
The gnoseological aspect of the logic of color consists mainly in the contextuality of the author’s concept, in the idea of its composition.
The author concludes that in the creative process pertaining to the work with color, everything has importance: shape of a spot, its size and texture, intervals, background, etc., because the logic of structuring of the color harmony directly depends on the idea of composition, and the conceptual value of the substratum.
structure, logic, axiological aspect, gnoseological aspect, ontological aspect, art, painting, color, order, harmony
Philosophy of law
Shugurov M.V. (2016). The phenomenon of philosophical legal knowledge: prospects of cognition. Philosophy and Culture, 4, 576–592. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67810
The subject of this research is the nature and specificity of the philosophical legal knowledge. The author comprehensively examines this knowledge through the prism of determination of the disciplinary status of the philosophy of law, its place among other scientific disciplines studying law. Special attention is given to the justification of highlighting within the philosophy of law of such section as metaphilosophy of law, oriented towards the reflexive study of the theoretical nature of such knowledge and carrying the worldview and practical importance. The article presents a thorough analysis of the interdisciplinary character of the philosophical legal knowledge, and the criteria of its distinction from the philosophical knowledge itself and the legal knowledge. The nature of the philosophical legal knowledge is revealed in the context of specificity of the socio-humanitarian knowledge and cognition. The author’s main contribution consists in the further advancement of the ideas on the philosophy of law as universal level of theoretical legal knowledge. The scientific novelty lies in the demonstration of necessity of the philosophical legal knowledge under the conditions of current changes within law, human life and society in the context of globalization. The author expresses an idea that the factor of determination of the researched knowledge is the spiritual peculiarities of the national legal systems and cultures.
Pluralism, Philosophy, Theory of law, Concept of law, Society, Legal culture, Socio-humanitarian sciences, Theory, Globalization, Philosophy of law
Philosophy of postmodernism
Mikhaylov I.A. (2016). Phenomenologists debating ontology and anthropology: a “failed conversation” (Husserl and Heidegger in 1920-30-s). Philosophy and Culture, 4, 593–602. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67811
The article deals with transformations that took place in the German phenomenology in the first decades of the XX Century and were stimulated by a discontinuity of the phenomenological idea of strict science and the growing popularity of anthropology and biology. The author focuses on the differences in Husserl’s and Heidegger’s phenomenological approaches and on the internal situation in the phenomenological community, which required thematic specialization of phenomenological research, commitment to a single theoretical paradigm and institutional reinforcement after Husserl’s retirement from Freiburg. The paper uses methods of historical and conceptual analysis along with an approach from the side of sociology of knowledge. It is shown that Husserl views anthropology in the light of his earlier relativism and psychologism critique. However, Husserl fails to distinguish between “anthropology”, “philosophy of life” and “existential philosophy” and does not find any new philosophical arguments against these new forms of philosophizing. The article also shows that Husserl and Heidegger are basing themselves on different understanding of what is "initial grounds” for the philosophical research: ontology, strict science, or the doctrine about humans.
sociology of knowledge, anthropology, philosophy of life, relativism, phenomenology, science, Heidegger, Husserl, ontology, human studies
The stream of books
Zlotnikova T.S. (2016). There, beyond nowhere, beyond its boundaries (an attempt of dialogue with the philosophers). Philosophy and Culture, 4, 603–611. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67812
This article is dedicated to the extraordinary scientific being – the emergence of the monograph that united the leading Russian and foreign philosophers, who were first to enunciate the multifaceted, at timed discussion approach towards interdisciplinarity as a problem, trend, and methodological principle. Attention is given to the rights and abilities of mental activity, understanding of science in the modern world, philosophy – in science, as well as interdisciplinarity – in philosophy. The author also focuses attention on interdisciplinarity in the fundamental and applied aspects. In dialogue with the authors of the monograph, a number of principally important questions for study and implementation of interdisciplinarity is being discussed. The conclusion is made that the novelty of the problems solved in the monograph, and the reference to the problem of interdisciplinarity itself, empowers the philosophers, creates the atmosphere of intellectual freedom and friendly mutual understanding in the book. Productive for the philosophical and culturological knowledge we consider the idea of scientific pluralism, responsible and delicate treatment of the conceptual apparatus (discourse, paradigm, communication, activity), which suggests multiple original interpretations of the notion “interdisciplinarity” (the idea of integrity, conceptual space).
Integrity, Activity, Communication, Paradigm, Discourse, Terminology, Methodology, Science, Philosophy, Interdisciplinarity