Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich P.S. (2015). Symbol as the Code of the Mankind. Philosophy and Culture, 5, 643–646. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66512
Language experts are now discussing whether it is possible to invent a universal language for all nations. Many of them believe that one of the today's widely spoken languages like English or other language could become such a mean of universal communication. There have been attempts to create a universal 'artificial' language but none of these has been a success. Meanwhile, scientists are growing more and more confident that the language of symbols would be just right for the universal communication. It is already the code and set of passwords for politicians, people of art, advertising and business representatives. In this article Gurevich discusses the opportunity of creating the symbolic code that would be clear and understandable for all the humans. Gurevich analyzes the achievements of contemporary philosophy of culture. The author also bases his article on aesthetic researches and introduces the theory of communication for the purposes of the analysis. For the first time in social philosophy the author raises the question about creating a unified code of symbols for the universal communication in the process of global reconstruction of the world. In fact, such a language is already being created. Enormous numbers of people have entered the visionary worlds where symbol reigns. However, symbols do not have the features of national culture such as writing and alphabet. Taking this into account, it is necessary to admit that creation of a universal symbolic code is the topic that requires intense philosophical analysis.
symbol, language, global studies, writing, civilizational differences, culture, mentality, multimedia, politics, communication
Ontology: being and nihility
Kuz'min A.V. (2015). Early 'Discoveries' and 'Models' of Cosmos. Philosophy and Culture, 5, 647–657. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66513
The article is devoted to the research of the ontological possibility of early models of Cosmos. Special attention is paid to the very first model that was created at the epoch 'when the myth reigned' as well as the beginnings of the zodiacal model. In addition, the researcher analyzes the relationship between'new' and 'old' models of Cosmos and whether the initial model (neither 'new' nor 'old' but 'zero' or 'having no precedents' model). In his article Kuzmin also analyzes the definition of metacosmography and ontological possibility of the constellation map at different epochs. In his research Kuzmin has used the comparative analysis of archeological and historical sources that relate to the studied period as well as the comparative analysis of previous both Russian and foreign researches. The researcher attempts to reconstruct early (preliterate) models of Cosmos based on the author's interpretation of published archeological records and critical analysis of prior Russian and foreign researches. Based on the results of the analysis carried out, the researcher offers a new ontological model lof the initial (i.e. 'having no precedents') cosmological model and the first solar-horizon (protozodiacal) model. The main conclusion of the research is that there were self-sufficient semiotic systems of mythologems and signs in the Mesolithic and proto-Neolithic culture and those systems were used to describe the main regularly repeating sequences of celestial events. The latter created the basis not only for early calendars but also for cosmological models.
ontology, world (universe) model, lunar model, Cosmos, solar model, zodiacal model, myth, world order, cosmology, constellation
The issues of holistic world
Gorlinskiy V.V. (2015). The Culture of Sustainable Human Development: Institutionalization and Axiological Content. Philosophy and Culture, 5, 658–669. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66514
The process of institutionalization of the culture of sustainable human development is viewed by Gorlinsky as the development of a polystructural socio-historical phenomenon based on values. The structural foundation for institutionalization of this phenomenon consists of cultural patterns that can be defined as combinations of interrelated basic elements of culture that interwine with all the spheres of life-sustaining activity and allow to satisfy the society's need for development and security. The content of such culture is represented as the combination of values, communication, behavior and activity programs that define the goals and paths of social development, consensus achievement and maintenance of peace, and prevention of threats to human development. According to the author, the system of values related to the culture of sustainable human development includes axiological criteria of ability to live, socially integrate and consolidate as well as global values that reflect the degree of integration of local societies into the system of trans-regional and global relations. The problem of institutionalization of the culture of sustainable human development is viewed by the author applying the axiological approach and the method of structure-functional analysis. In his research Gorlinsky has used the concepts of 'cultural pattern' (introduced by Gregory Bateson and Umberto Eco) and the system of values being the 'cultural code' of the society (Jean Baudrillard and Vyacheslav Stepin). For the first time in the academic literature the problem of human sustainable development is being analyzed in terms of socio-cultural processes and social security based on values as the regulatory basis. The author of the article makes a conclusion that a system of values creates socio-cultural grounds for social integration, secure social environment, encourages moral behavior, innovative development and environmental balance and thus establishes the axiological foundation for developing the culture of sustainable human development.
culture, values, human development, sustainability, security, institutionalization, system, structure, pattern, sociocultural code
Fates and outlines of civilizations
Zorina E.V. (2015). Philosophy of Ownership: Traditions and Modern Age. Philosophy and Culture, 5, 670–678. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66515
The subject of the study is the rational reconstruction of a meaningful sense of ownership in the category of European social studies and philosophy. Particular attention is given to clarify the scope of "philosophy of economy", "philosophy of economy", "property" and "ownership". Zorina reveals the development logic and socio-cultural environment of philosophical projects of ownership at different periods in history. The researcher also differentiated scenarios and policy approaches to the philosophical concept of ownership the difference between which shows the objectives and specificity of changes in the concept of ownership. Tradition and modern concepts of ownership are analyzed from the point of view of their unity and specific features. In her research Zorina has used the methods of rational reconstruction, comparative philosophy and systems analysis. Rational reconstruction has provided for the understanding of the ideas of ownership in the history of social studies and philosophy; comparative method has allowed to compare traditional and modern definitions of ownership; systems approach has helped to justify the unity of the ontological and epistemological aspects of the phenomenon of ownership. The main conclusions made within the framework of the current hypothesis are the following. Firstly, philosophical definition of ownership that appeared before the economic definition has distinct rational and value attributes. Secondly, the tendency to change definitions of ownership was caused by global and technology factors, and thus included the non-economic context as well. Thirdly, ownership as a theoretical phenomenon of the modern civilization exhausts traditional development resources and raises the problem of transformation of the post-global world.
philosophy of ownership, networked economy, globalization, property, philosophy and economics, philosophy of economy, transformation, meanings, tradition, modern age
The new paradigm of science
Baksanskiy O.E., Korzhuev A.V. (2015). Thomas Kuhn's Theory of 'The Structure of Scientific Revolutions' and the Crisis of the Classical Paradigm in Physics at the Turn of the XIXth and the XXth Centuries. Philosophy and Culture, 5, 679–688. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66516
The article is devoted to the crisis of physics that happened at the turn of the XIXth and the XXth centuries. The crisis is viewed in terms of the ideas suggested and proved by Thomas Kuhn in his book 'The Structure of Sientific Revolutions'. The main attention is paid to the crisis of Newtonian classical mechanics and the 'birth' of Einstein theory of relativity, the Rutherford–Bohr model of the hydrogen atom and quantum mechanics that logically proceeded therefrom.
In the course of its development natural science has reviewed the main fundamental provisions and paradigms as a result of reconsideration of previously established and adopted by the academic community logical relations such as 'cause and effect', 'reason and phenomenon', 'grounds and theory based thereupon' as well as inspirational, causal and systems determinations. The main research method used by the authors is the method of the reconstruction of cognitive representations of that epoch in terms of the modern concept of the physical picture of the world. The main conclusion is that Thomas Kuhn's theory of scientific revolutions 'highlighted' a number of important methodological peculiarities of the crisis of physics at the turn of centuries and allowed to develop particular methodology based on those peculiarities and sometimes even took a new look at them and compare them to the typical peculiarities of later 'scientific revolutions'.
classical paradigms in physics, paradigm crisis, scientific revolution, methodological reflexion, scientific paradigm, crisis of natural science, paradigm shifts, scientific world view, scientific picture of the w, physics and natural science, mathematics in natural science
The rational and the irrational
Goryunov M.A. (2015). Post-Religious Emotionalism and Immaneul Kant's Affect Theory. Philosophy and Culture, 5, 689–695. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66517
Post-religious emotionalism is one of the most nettlesome topics today. There have been researches undertaken both to study psychophysiological sources of emotions and to describe contemporary cultural forms of emotions. In his article Goryunov offers to pay ttention to the very beginning of the epoch of Enlightenment when the sensuality raised by religious rituals tried to find a place in the new secular world. Peter Sloterdijk's thoughts on the general cynicism and Jean Baudrillard's observation of the loss of emotionality are interpreted by the researcher as the description of unsuccessful experience of the transfer from clerical sensuality to secular sensuality. As the opposition to these views, the researcher describes the ideas of Epicurus, the ancient philosopher. Goryonov also performs a brief analysis of one of the attempts to avoid the aforesaid problem, i.e. Kant's suggestion to view natural human affects as the substitution for high feelings experienced by religious people during praying or church service. The main idea is to allow strong irrational feelings to be felt and shown. Affects or passions cannot be stopped by the reason. On the contrary, the reason is influenced by them, too, and therefore takes the religious side fast. This is why the researcher suggests that we should replace church rituals with the aesthetic experience of high feelings. In his research Goryunov has applied the methods of the phenomenological analysis, deductive and inductive logic, technology of the historical comparison and hermeneutics. The article presents the researcher's attempt to describe the initial stage of Enlightenment not as the history of ideas but the history of emotions and the rapid transfer from religious sensuality ro secular sensuality based on Kant's affect theory. Conclusions. Firstly, the transfer from the clerical picture of the world to the secular world view involves not only the adoption of new ideas but also a new model of feelings and emotional experience. Secondly, this is a long and difficult transfer because our emotions are not regulated by our mind so well. Sometimes this creates particular phenomena such as cynicism. Thirdly, the model of emotional adaptation to new post-religious views offered by Kant and based on the concept of emotions typical for those times allows to overcome the cynical 'burnout' of emotions.
world view, philosophy, enlightenment, reason, passion, feeling, emotion, affect, religion, ritual
History of ideas and teachings
Politov A.V. (2015). Semantic World of the Entity: Chronotope as an Ontological Category. Philosophy and Culture, 5, 696–703. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66518
The subject of the present research article is the concept of chronotope. Based on the provisions and conclusions of the Russian philosophers of the XXth century who founded the theory of chronotope (A. Ukhtomsky and M. Bakhtin) and the theory of the semantic world (V. Nalimova), the author of the present article sets a goal to create the ontological interpretation of the concept of chronotope that would define chronotope as the semantic world of the entity and the entity would be revealed as chronotope. The author defines the semantic world as the unity of spatial (matter, image, location, change) and time-related (existence, history, attribution to a particular culture-historical epoch, singularity of existence) features of the entity. The methodological basis of the research involves negative dialectics (according to which a contradiction does not necessarily have to be eliminated unlike in Hegel's positive dialectics), Heidegger's and Sartre's phenomenology and Gadamer's philosophical hermeneutics. Appealling to the semantic world of the entity, it is possible to reveal its image, meaning, history, attribution to a particular epoch, involvement into the unity of the world and human culture. Applying his own theory of chronotope as a universal ontological category, Politov offers such terms as ontological interpretation, semantic world, entity basis, appeal to the semantic world. According to the researcher, the ontological category of chronotope as the semantic world can be used to create an integral description of any entity such as a handy thing, household item, artwork, culture-historical epoch, past event or human himself.
chronotope, semantic world, ontological interpretation, ontology, historicity of existence, appeal to existence, existing basis, Bakhtin, Nalimov, Ukhtomsky
Social philosophy
Sizemskaya I.N. (2015). Russia and Europe: Vladimir Veydle on European Traditions in Russian Culture. Philosophy and Culture, 5, 704–714. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66519
The article deals with the problem «Russia – Europe» as is was put in the history of Russian philosophical thought and in the works of a prominent Russian cultural scientist and historian living outside Russia Vladimir Veydle in connection with his analysis of the European sources of Russian culture. According to the author, the works of Veydle, centered around the theme of historical formation and development of the cultural unity between Russian and Europe, is in tune with sociocultural problems faced nowadays by modern Russia. The underlying reason for the author’s turning to this topic is the acknowledgement of the extremely strong influence of spiritual culture (art, literature, poetry) on the development of society. Culture does not reflect the being of people but exists as their other-being, and therefore the fate of culture and the historical fate of a nation are inseparable. This methodological attitude has determined the direction of the research analysis. Attention is paid to the prevailing themes in Veydle’s creative works. 1. Adoption of Christianity, the Byzantine religion, determined the vector of historical movement and spiritual development of Russia and included it into the European cultural space «as a part and whole», i.e. predetermined to be Europe not only as a territory but also as a culture. 2. Inheritance of ancient Greek traditions from Byzantium that gave way for development of Orthodox national self-sufficiency distinguished Russian spirituality from the cultural world of Europe. That created the feeling of certain alienation of faith, ways of life and values, to which Europe did not object though contradistinction of Russia has always threatened with closure in its own being: losing itself in Russia, Europe was losing a historically established integrity of its cultural outlook. Therefore, the question about Russia’s place in Europe initially rose not only as the Russian question. 3. The most important outcome of Peter the First's activities was the appearance of the culture of Russian nobility that combined «Westernness» and «Russianness». To the most degree, according to Veydle, that could be said about Pushkin. In this sense, the fate of Russia was reflected in Pushkin's works more than in all subsequent overturns and revolutions. 4. The Silver Age of Russian culture that actualized the problem of the traditional and the new in creative works and its relation to religious consciousness coincided in time with the crisis of spirituality experienced by European art and accompanied by the predominance of the consumer and aesthetic standards of popular culture. Veydle in his essay «The dying of art» ponders about the fate of literature and artistic creation under these conditions and this topic is also reflected in the present article. 5. October 1917 introduced a split into Russian culture but both outside Russia and under new circumstances the best representatives of Russian culture maintained the relationship with the accumulated spiritual experience, established traditions of artistic creation and preserved Russian culture as a whole. Even though they lived and created in the violently divided world, Akhmatova and Merezhkovskiy, Tsvetaeva and Khodasevich, Nabokov and Pasternak equally introduced Russian culture. 6. The author of the article pays special attention to Veydle’s attitude to the Eurasian theme. Veydle took Eurasian interpretation of the sources of Russian culture and history as the desire to separate Russia from Europe and the attempt that did not meet the task of scientific interpretation of real cultural relations between Russia and Europe. Veydle's critical objections was dictated by the belief that Russian culture was born and developed in Europe and not in Asia, and therefore its «removal», even partial, from the cultural European space is violent to the spiritual life and history of both Russia and Europe.
Eurasianism, new religious consciousness, Silver Age, spiritual tradition, artistic creation, Russian culture, European cultural space, Christianity, Russia and Europe, Pushkin
Axiology: values and relics
Bakumenko G.V. (2015). Symbolizing Success as a Social and Cultural Process: Problem Definition. Philosophy and Culture, 5, 715–724. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66520
The subject of the research is the phenomenon of the development of symbols of success in the culture of persoality and socio-cultural environment or, in other words, the phenomenon of the sociocultural process of symbolizing success. The object of the research is the social communication. The author examines the aspects of the problem such as the procedural nature of the phenomenon of success as demonstrated by the variability of the philosophical and everyday contents. Particular attention is given to the problems of the research carried out at the intersection of phenomenology, hermeneutics, semiotics and communication theory. That allows to synthesize the author's cultural views within the framework of the interdisciplinary research. The research methodology is based on the synthesis of philosophy and phenomenological observations in humanities. Generally speaking, the article is of the discriptive nature and simply defines the problem. The main conclusion of the research is the statement that it is possible and important to study the process of symbolizing success as a social and cultural phenomenon. It is the problem definition of studying symbols of success from the point of view of their immanent procedurality that causes the novelty of the author's scientific approach and dictates the development of new methods of cultural analysis of the social and cultural life phenomena.
success and totalitarianism, success and anarchy, cultural, axiology of success, socio-cultural process, phenomenology of success, symbols of success, social and cultural dynamics, social communication, social time
The science of psychoanalysis
Malkina S.M. (2015). Overcoming of Metaphysics: Psychoanalytical Interpretation (the History of One Phobia). Philosophy and Culture, 5, 725–731. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66521
The question of metaphysics, its forms and actual meaning to modernity is one of the themes that are actively debated in almost all trends of philosophy. The attitude toward metaphysics is the key to understanding not only philosophical views of hermeneutics, analytical philosophy or deconstruction but also establishment of problematics of modernism and postmodernism in contemporary culture. The problem of overcoming of metaphysics, constantly renewable in the philosophy, is examined by Malkina from the point of view of the psychoanalytic approach to the study of various phobias that reveals the underlying foundation of the philosophical problem of fear towards metaphysics. The use of the psychoanalytic method of interpretation of philosophical problems is based on the choice of philosophers’ conceptual personae as the subjects of analysis that are in a certain relation to their own text and to their predecessors. The novelty of the study consists, firstly, in description of the united problem field of the various projects of overcoming of metaphysics in philosophy, secondly, in identification of the philosophical foundations of metaphysical phobias, and thirdly – in usage of psychoanalytic methodology for this purpose. The main conclusions of this paper are following: in terms of the Oedipus complex the overcoming of metaphysics is based on the anxiety of influence felt towards a predecessor; the active negation can be interpreted as an attempt to repress the metaphysical content of their own thinking; and a tendency to repeat the overcoming of metaphysics can be explained as the death drive. Psychoanalytic interpretation of overcoming of metaphysics does not mean that it is something that ought to be 'cured' but takes us “beyond” metaphysics to post-metaphysical thinking as the endless work on the senses in philosophy where the very process of such work brings release and satisfaction.
Oedipus complex, overcoming of metaphysics, psychoanalysis of philosophy, repetition, conceptual personae, critics, death drive, postmetaphysical thinking, anxiety of influence, negation
Reverence for life
Bitinayte E.A. (2015). The Idea of Human Dignity as the Philosophical Basis of Mahatma Gandhi's Satyagraha. Philosophy and Culture, 5, 732–738. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66522
The author of the article analyzes Mahatma Gandhi's social and philosophical views from the point of view of the modern definition of 'human dignity'. In this article the author clarifies anthropological views of the Indian philosopher and his views on personal development. Gandhi's struggle for the rights of the people who had the lowest social status in the Indian society is demonstrated to be the practical example of the philosopher's acknowledgement of their dignity. The author of the article also considers Satyagraha as the mutually related moral development of the two actors: Satyagraha (i.e. someone who practices Satyagraha) and his opponent that happen as a result of practical implementation of a number of ideas referring to human dignity. Based on the categorial analysis, the author also specifies the key terms and concepts in Gandhi's philosophy (human dignity, development, freedom, self-rule, endurance of suffering, shame and dialogue) and examines how these terms are related to one another. Analyzing Satyagraha from the point of view of modern views on human dignity developed in the Western philosophy, the author suggests that we should view different components of Gandhi's philosophy as the elements of his idea of personal development. For the first time in the academic literature the author of the article studies the mechanism of transfering the impulse for development from a Satyagraha to his opponent as a result of their interaction during Satyagraha campaign. Acknowledgement and development of one's own dignity combined with a respectful treatment of the Other's dignity as they are practiced by a Satyagraha are viewed as the condition for similar changes in the internal life of the opponent and transfromation of an initially conflict situation into a dialogue.
human dignity, Mahatma Gandhi, Satyagraha, freedom, self-rule, endurance of suffering, sense of shame, development, the Other, dialogue
Kurgan A.P. (2015). Nietzsche's Aesthetics. Philosophy of the Noble Affect. The Beginning. Philosophy and Culture, 5, 739–751. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66523
This article is devoted to the topic that has never been truly studied in the academic literatue - Nietzsche's aesthetics. The only serious research of Nietzsche's aesthetics that is worthy of being mentioned is Zeitler's book ' Nietzsche's Aesthetics' published in 1900. However, the book had no trace of 'true' Nietzsche because by the time it was published Nietzsche had already managed to drop the field of aesthetics, started to study ethics and metaphysics and went insane. The only one who wrote about Nietzsche and doubted his insanity was Jaspers. The author of the present artile has used Nietzsche's methods comparing Greeck mythology and general culture (nempe), defining functions of gods (analysis inside mythology) and studying Greek culture which Nietzsche called 'religious'. The author makes the following two conclusions: 1) the content-related conclusion. The author completes Nietzsche's method and believes that it is possible to replace the main beginnings of art according to Nietzsche (dream and drunkeness) with the symbolic and affective beginnings defined by the author. 2) the pro forma conclusion: even the same method used may lead to different results. This proves the fact that humanities still lack an accurate method of research.
symbolic, drunkeness, a dream, comic, tragic, lyric, epic, dionysian, apollonian, affective
Philosophy and culture
Khrapov S.A. (2015). Axiodynamics of Social Consciousness in Post-Soviet Russia: Socio-Cultural Analysis. Philosophy and Culture, 5, 752–761. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66524
The subject of research in the article is the philosophical analysis of the axiodynamics of social consciousness in post-Soviet Russia. Axiodynamic processes of social consciousness in post-Soviet Russia are presented in accordance with their phenomenological and mental grounds and social conditions. A significant aspect of the study is the philosophical analysis of the "diffusion of values": the loss of old values and the emergence of new values, distorted perception of westernized values, etc. The subject of the research is specified in the following sections of the article: "Social conditions of axiodynamics of social consciousness in post-Soviet Russia" and " Axiological crisis in terms of transformation of social consciousness in post-Soviet Russia. "The research methodology involves the combination of axiological, socio-cultural and socio-ontological approaches. The content and structural processes of axiodynamics of social consciousness in post-Soviet Russia are analyzed by using the combination of philosophical research methodology and the framework of categories and concepts and methods of social psychology and social cognitive science.The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the researcher identifies the following particula features of axiodynamics of social consciousness in post-Soviet Russia: 1) Axiological crisis has led to phenomenological, socio-gnoseogenic and structure-functional transformations of public consciousness in post-Soviet Russia those transformations in many respects reached crisis proportions; 2) all the basic axiological crises of modern Western culture were immanent for the post-Russian public consciousness although they gain the features of the socio-cultural environment and the cousrse of social transformations happening in post-Soviet Russia of those times; 3) from the point of view of structural and functional terms, the following four main processes occur in the axiological matrix: devaluation of traditional values; establishment of destructive values because of their roots in the unconscious mental formations; heavy structural assimilation of new values and fast adoption of new destructive values.
social conditions, axiodynamics, value, public (social) consciousness, post-Soviet Russia, culture, society, human, westernization, transformation
Philosophy and art
Mikheeva Yu.V. (2015). Musical Form as a Form of Cinema: Question about the Ontological Unity. Philosophy and Culture, 5, 762–768. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66525
Ever since the earlist period of the development of cinematography as an art, music and motion picture have been very close both in expressive means and structure. However, as the numerious aesthetic techniques have been developing in cinema art, film continues to drift apart from its usual forms in the search for cinematographic particularities of the artistic language. When the auteur cinema appeared, it became even more evident for theorists that there was the need to take a closer look at the director's personal creative vision. The present article is devoted to the research of more profound levels of the relationship between a musical form and a film. In her research Mikheeva analyzes a drama film 'Autumn Sonata' of a Swedish director Ingmar Bergman in order to demonstrate the unity between sonata and film at the ontological level. In her article Mikheeva has used the method of the comparative analysis of the elements of a musical form and film text as well as has applied the hermeneutical approach to understanding and interpreting an artwork. For the first time in the academic literature Ingmar Bergman's 'Autumn Sonata' is being analyzed for the purpose of not only defining common features of a film and sonata as a musical structure but also to get a better insight into the director's creative plan. By comparing and analysing the structure and semantic musical and cinematographic components of an art text, the researcher shows their ontological similarity. The approach applied to the analysis of Bergman's drama film may be used to analyse a number of other films.
musical form, form of cinema, music in cinema, artistic language of cinematography, aesthetics of cinema music, auteur cinema, Ingmar Bergman, film construct, film text, script writing, ontology of an artwork
Philosophy of science and education
Starostin K.M. (2015). Philosophical Aspects of Establishing Nanoscience. Philosophy and Culture, 5, 769–782. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66526
The present article presents an attempt to perform a philosophical analysis of some aspects of establishing nanotechnology, young and actively developing sphere of scientific knowledge. In his article Starostin examines Richard Feynman's lecture of 1959 that is believed to be the first introduction of nanoscience. Special attention is paid to the personal qualities of Richard Feynman and associative relations related to the development of his philosophy that were probably reflected in his factual and personal experience. The author of the article has analyzed some historical events prior to that historical moment as well as the cultural, social and political environment of the 50th that created grounds for the development of nanotechnology. The author also attempts to define the internal logic of the development of rapidly growing interest towards the nanosphere. In his research Starostin has used the historical method involving the analysis and comparison of different documented events of the past. The methodology of the present research, in particular, the author's approach to the interpretation of historical facts, is closely related to the philosopho-methodological concept that takes into account the 'external' and 'internal' history of science. Such an approach allows to carry out a summarized rational reconstruction of the process of growth and development of scientific knowledge. The question what caused such a rapid exponential increase of scientific interest towards nano-sized objects and phenomena and nano-scaled technology has been undoubtedly a great interest for representatives of both philosophy and history of science since the very moment when it became clear for the scientific community. Nevertheless, so far the philosophical interpretation of the history of nano-technology in terms of the immanent logic of scientific knowledge and socio-historical and culture-historical grounds of the development of scientific knowledge has been understudied.
philosophy of science, history of science, nanotechnology, nanoscience, growth of scientific knowledge, development of scientific knowledge, internal history, immanent logic of cognition, external history, rational reconstruction