Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich, P. S., Shazhinbatyn, A. (2014). Ideologization and Deidologization. Philosophy and Culture, 2, 155–161. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=63917
The author of the article raises a question about the role of ideology in the historical process. Social
philosophers constantly argue whether ideology is of any use at all. On one hand the term ‘ideology’ was created at
the Age of Enlightenment. There was a need in a particular theory that would describe the role of ideas, functions of
doctrines and prove their unquestioning importance. On the other hand, quite a unique phenomenon called ‘ideological
criticism’ was born at the same time. Discovery of ‘false consciousness’ seemed to have rich philosophical traditions
but the tendency towards glorification of ideology and analysis of its essential role in human life.
In order to compare different approaches to ideology, from denying to glorifying it, the author of the article uses
traditions offered by historicism. He also uses the method of phenomenological analysis for analyzing such a complex
social phenomenon.
The main idea of the article and novelty of the research is that there is no single attitude to ideology. The process
of ideologization is replaced with the process of de-ideologization. This is in many ways connected to the social and
historical approach. At the meridian of its activity, the government always insists on creating a new ideology and tries
to prove its importance and value for the society. In the meantime, new social forces trying to gain the power criticize
the previous ideology and try to disclose social myths.
ideology, falseconsciousness, ideological criticism, ideologization, re-ideologization, philosophy, world view, history, science, government.
Ontology: being and nihility
Sizemskaya, I. N. (2014). ‘Not Everything is Divisible by Sense Exactly’: Russian Philosophy About Conceptual and Art Insight Into Being. Philosophy and Culture, 2, 162–172. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=63918
The subject of the author’s research is the conceptual and art insight into the world and being as the main
feature of the Russian philosophical and social thought. In this regard, the author of the article traces back the historical
development of the union of philosophy and poetry. The author focuses on their relation and interprets that union as
the genetic code of the Russian spiritual culture. The unity between creativity regulated by ratio and art contemplation
managing images created the topics that were common for both philosophy and poetry: the Universe and human
existence, life and death, freedom and necessity, good and evil. Touching upon these topics, the author of the article
indicates special features of the path of development of Russian philosophy and poetic lyrics in the XIX century.
The main methods used in research is the principle of the integrity of being and philosophical perception of the world.
The applied method allowed the author to set forth forcibly his conclusion about ‘the poetry of the heart having
the same rights as the poetry of the thought’. The main importance and novelty is the author’s analysis of Russian
philosophical poetry from the moment of its origin in Russia (early XIX century) till present and focus on similar
researches carried out by the most important figures in Russian philosophy such as Vladimir Soloviev, Merezhkovsky,
Frank, Stepun, Bulgakov, I. Ilyin and Zenkovsky. The article contains rich historiography on the matter.
philosophical reflection, Russian philosophy, conceptual thinking, emotional thinking, rationalism, art contemplation, integrated knowledge, world view, spiritual experience, philosophical poetry, ‘poet – thoughts’.
Space and time
Yurasov, A. A. (2014). About Contradictions of the Flow of Time. Philosophy and Culture, 2, 173–179. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=63919
The subject matter of the research presented in this article is the flow of time as the transition of events from
the future to the past via the present. Time has both static and dynamic aspects. The flow of time is the dynamic
side of time. Metaphorically, the flow of time can be presented as the change of events in the present and their
gradual movement to the past. Philosophicalresearchofthisphenomenonmust not be limited to the description at the
metaphorical level. It is highly necessary to understand the essence of the flow of time and offer an approach to the
formalized description of this phenomenon.
The author of the article offers an approach to studying the flow of time as a contradictory phenomenon. According
to the author, many philosophers believed contrariety to be the key characteristic of the flow of time. The author emphasizes the need for researches of the dynamic aspects of the subjective time in order to understand the essence
of the flow of time as well as to solve the problem of objectivity of the flow of time. The author describes the
main properties of the preset (‘now’). He also concludes that the essence of the flow of time is determined by the
contradictions between the two properties of the present, synchronism and duration. The author also formulates the
argument of the continued presence and proves that the flow of time has a subjective meaning (it exists only in our
minds and therefore the flow of time is not the element of the objective time).
flow of time, subjective time, time and consciousness, cognitive frames, temporality, dynamic concept of time, static concept of time, mental presence, perception of time, paraconsistent logic.
Man and mankind
Kutyrev, V. A., Nilogov, A S. (2014). Proet ContraInnovations: For Preservation of Anthropomorphic Realization of Possible Worlds. Philosophy and Culture, 2, 180–189. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=63920
This article is written in the form of a dialogue and continues the interview of Vladimir Kutyrev, the author
of the book ‘Time Mortido’, taken by Aleksey Nilogov. The main topic of their interview was the question about
manageability of the progress and the interview was published in the NB: Philosophical Researches Journal in 2013. The
interview has developed into a conversation. The conversation evolved around the hidden yet sharp dispute between
the ‘progressor’ and ‘conservator’. Interlocutors give different and often contrary evaluations of the prospects of the
humankind and opinions on the matter. They talk about the tendency towards replacement of everything alive and
natural with the technological and artificial. Theauthortouchesuponthe relation between being and nothing, postmodernistic
transformation of human into ‘something else’, elimination of the borders between genders and creation
of weak (‘thinking’) and strong (‘programmable’) zombies. The author of the book is completely against the boundless
expansion of innovative, i.e. post-human technologies and the idea of human im-provement. He tries to prove that the
main goal of a modern human should be the preservation of his civilization in the anthropomorphous context. Society
where consumption takes the place of production and the world are depicted as the global trading center.
being, nothing, trans-humanism, zombie, Derrida, programming, anti-language, homosexuality, selfdestruction, conservatism.
Tradition and innovation
Manzarkhanova, L. V. (2014). Interdisciplinary Approach to Studying Traditional Culture. Philosophy and Culture, 2, 190–194. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=63921
In modern science there is a constantly growing interest towards traditional culture. It is due to the
multicultural processes aimed at preservation and development of the cultural diversity and tolerance. Multiculturalism
encourages self-expression and positioning of ethnic groups and cultural communities at different levels of social
institutionalization. It is cause by the fact that in the age of globalization and IT development, tradition becomes a
converging, i.e. communication point with the ethnic history that allows to keep the national and cultural integrity.
Traditional culture is viewed from the point of view of cultural research using the research methods offered by philosophy,
social studies and history. Interdisciplinary approach allows to combine different methodological procedures in order
to expand the scientific knowledge. The system method is the main method used in research because it allows to
create an integrated concept of traditions, culture, functions, values and many others. Interdisciplinary studies of
peculiarities of traditional culture create a complete picture of the ethnos life in the past and predict its activities in the
future because ethnos tends to preserve its own values even under the conditions of multiculturalism. Today’s science
places different emphases when studying traditional culture and researchers use different methods in order to prevent
cultural unification and protect the cultural diversity and singularity.
cultural research, traditional culture, traditions, interdisciplinary approach, system method, science, interest, ethnic groups, heritage, national and cultural integrity.
Natural philosophy
Kravchenko, Yu. P. (2014). Relation Between Human and Nature From the Period of Classical Antiquity to the Epoch of Renaissance. Philosophy and Culture, 2, 195–203. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=63922
The author of the article tries to define environmental aspects of the Ancient philosophy, Medieval philosophy and
Renaissance philosophy. The author also raises the question about the essence and descent of human, relation between human and nature, between human and human, the place of human in the world and the destiny of human. In addition, the
author of the article touches upon the main ideological and methodological beliefs at the Ancient Times, Middle Ages and
Renaissance. The conclusion of the article is that human and nature were in harmony at the Ancient Times. Middle Ages did
not ruin but changed that harmony and human already tried to be more important than nature. At the age of Renaissance
human made the first attempts to conquer nature. He was believed to be God on earth and tried to change the environment
and nature in accordance with his needs and abilities. On the other hand, back in those times the humankind did not have
enough abilities and power to ruin the balance and harmony in relations between human and nature.
philosophy, nature, human, unity, Middle Ages, Classical Antiquity, self-generation, fundament, chaos, being.
Social dynamics
Metlova, T. A. (2014). Gender and Family and Matrimonial Issues in British Literature about the New Woman at the Turn of the XIX –
XX Centuries. Philosophy and Culture, 2, 204–216. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=63923
The article is devoted to the literature about the ‘new woman’ as an individual literary trend in Great Britain
at the turn of the XIX – XX centuries. The literature was created against the background of the rapid development
of the feminist’s movement and deepening gender crisis. The image of the new woman became the symbol of that
epoch. Literature about the new woman created numerous debates regarding tender, family and matrimonial issues,
in particular, femininity and the status of a woman in the family and society, Victorian marriage, gender, maternity,
female sexuality and etc. The author of the article used the hermeneutic method in her research which allowed to
conduct a complete analysis of literature about the new woman and define social, ideological and axiological role of
cultural transformations caused by the phenomenon of the new woman. Literatureabout the new woman in particular
and the phenomenon of the new woman in general still lack serious research by Russian scientists. Being an important
part of the literary and socio-cultural environment, literature about the new woman made a significant impact on the
development of the world view of contemporaries and contributed to emancipation of a woman and development of
a new, more liberal attitude to femininity, marriage and gender relations within the family and society.
family, marriage, gender issues, femininity, female emancipation, literature, new woman, maternity, sexuality, gender.
Characteristics of society
Aleynikov, A. V., Osipov, I. D. (2014). Government and Entrepreneurship in Russia: Experience of Historical and Cultural Analysis of Institutional
Trajectories. Article 2. Philosophy and Culture, 2, 217–226. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=63924
The present article continues the discussion of historical and cultural peculiarities of the genesis of Russian
entrepreneurship at different levels of the business-government-society relations. In the previous article, the authors
viewed the reasons of disharmony between entrepreneurship and political authority. Based on the analysis of rich
historical materials, the authors prove the Russian government itself creates certain obstacles for the development of
private enterprises. In pre-revolutionary Russia, the close connection between entrepreneurship and state authority
had rather questionable consequences. The main target of the economic strategy and the main success criterion was
the absorption of someone else’s property instead of establishment and efficient management of one’s own property.
Excess richness and power at certain periods of Russian history created obstacles for formation of self-identity of the
Russian entrepreneurial class in general. The problem of formation and development of the Russian model of relations
between business and government can be well understood through the analysis of particular cases by using the
integrated cultural and historical approach. This approach involves the system method, i.e. viewing entrepreneurship
as a part of a big institutional and socio-cultural system. The problem is being analyzed at the two levels, the level of
the ‘reality’ and the level of the ‘actual practice’. The archaic form of government, the institution of support, defined
the development of entrepreneurship. Formation of some kind of ‘incomplete property’ even of the major Russian
entrepreneurs, dependence of economic agents on the government and government as the main access to resources
significantly slow down the processes of social, economic and political development of the society.
Russia, government, entrepreneurship, institutional trap, patrimonialism, political capitalism, government, property, culture, society.
Philosophy of liberty
Parkhomenko, P. N. (2014). The Idea of Freedom at the Age of Renaissance and Modern Times. Philosophy and Culture, 2, 227–238. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=63925
In this review the author would like to continue to analyze the genesis of the idea of freedom in the West
European philosophy. After touching upon the initial concepts of freedom created at the Ancient Times and Middle
Ages as discussed in the article ‘The Concept of the Idea of Freedom in Ancient and Medieval philosophy’ published in
the Philosophy and Culture Journal in 2013, the author of the article appeals to the philosophers of the Renaissance
and Modern Times. The most important achievement of the Modern Times was the creation of the new concept in
metaphysics. That concept viewed freedom and free will as one of the fundamental features of the individual’s life.
For the first time in history the man himself determined the rules and his behavior. Later the principle of autonomic
activity of a person was developed in the New European philosophy within the framework of the activity of a person
who is free in what he thinks and what he says. Therefore, philosophy turned into ‘metaphysics of practical reason’
where the self-sufficient human activity appeared to be the experience of new freedom. Progressive transference of
focus from the external world to the internal world created grounds for Freud’s theory of unconsciousness. Fichte and
Schelling interpreted freedom in terms of the relation between the consciousness and unconsciousness which was the
fundamental difference between romantic philosophy and ‘standard’ philosophy of the age of Enlightenment. At the
age of Enlightenment freedom and human reasoning were identical terms. Back in those times the concept of freedom
was mostly viewed from the point of view of the relation between an individual and his surroundings.
philosophy, freedom, Renaissance, Modern Times, human, free will, society, absolute, choice, action.
Philosophy of religion
Tovbin, K. M. (2014). Ontological Definition of Traditional Spirituality. Philosophy and Culture, 2, 239–251. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=63926
The article is devoted to the main parameters of traditional spirituality in opposition to post-traditional
(modernistic and post-modernistic) spirituality. Methods used by the author in his research are based on theological
principles of the Traditional School. From this point of view, the author compares the term ‘tradition’ to the term
‘religion’ and formulates the conditional definition of ‘traditional religion’ as well as describes the main features of
traditional religion from the point of view of ontology.
philosophy, tradition, religion, desacralization, Post-Modernism, sacred, succession, ritual, transcendence, initiation.
Philosophical anthropology
Kilborn, B. (2014). Anthropology and Human Imagination (Translation by Starovoitov, V. V.). Philosophy and Culture, 2, 252–260. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=63927
This is the translation of B. Kilborn’s article ‘Anthropology and human imagination’. Kilborn’s article is devoted
to the history of anthropology that had been thought to be the natural science for quite a long time. Kilborn establishes
that anthropology will never be anything else but humanities just like other social studies. The subject matter of
anthropology is the humankind and experts in anthropology are humans, too. Kilborn stresses out the important
role of human imagination in social and anthropological researches. In this regard he analyzes Giambattista Vico’s
work ‘On the Grounds of New Science about the Common Nature of Nations’ where Vico explained the fundamental
difference between, on one hand, knowing and understanding and, on the other hand, knowledge and science. This
is nothing else but the radical epistemological gap between natural sciences, on one hand, and social studies and
humanities, on the other hand. This is the gap the history of anthropology of the XX century tried to overcome.
anthropology, human imagination, natural science, humanities, social studies, social anthropology, cultural anthropology.
Myths and modern mythologies
Spirova, E. M. (2014). At the Center of Social Illusions (On the 30th Anniversary of the Release of Pavel Gurevich’s Book ‘Social Mythology’). Philosophy and Culture, 2, 261–270. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=63928
The author of the article suggests to discuss a wide circle of issues related to public ideological processes. The
reason for discussion is the book ‘Social Mythology’ written by Pavel Gurevich and published about 30 years ago. The author of the present article notes that Gurevich’ book was in all appearances the first research of the phenomenon of
social mythology in Russian philosophy. Back in those times Gurevich could not analyze myths of the communist ideology
and therefore he could not provide a critical overview of the concept of scientific ideology. However, a reader with a sharp
mind could understand that the phenomenon of social mythology was quite universal. In his later work Pavel Gurevich
often touched upon the same matter again and extended the concept of public ideological processes. It can be clearly
seen in the materials selected for conducting ‘Round Tables’ under the guidance of Pavel Gurevich and printed in the
Analyst Bulletin Journal.
In her research the author of the article uses the method of historical analysis which allows to describe different stages
of formation of social mythology and understand special features of each period.
The novelty of the present research is the creation of a common and clearly established understanding of the role of social
mythology in this day and age. The author also touches upon particular polemic issue that could be developed further.
philosophy, politics, ideology, ‘false consciousness’, ‘ideological criticism’, re-ideologization, social mythology, idea, public spirit, social practice.
Philosophy and art
Vorozhikhina, K. V. (2014). Benjamin Fondane as the Follower of Lev Shestov. Philosophy and Culture, 2, 271–283. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=63929
The article is devoted to the intellectual biography and creative work of a poet and existential philosopher
Benjamin Fondane. Lev Shestov thought of him as his student and follower. The author of the article describes the
milestones in Fondane’s creative development. The author analyzes the Rumanian period of his creative work, the
stage when he got closer to surrealism and the stage when Shestov’s images had quite an impact on Fondane’s works
and when Fondane truly admired Gaston Bachelard. The author studies the derivation of Fondane’s creativity (Jules
de Gaultier’s bovarism, dadaism, surrealism, Lucien Lévy-Bruhl’s anthropology and Shestov’s philosophy) and provides
an insight into the main works published by the author. The author analyzes literary, critical, philosophical, drama
and poetic works written by Fondance as well as the main topics and themes discussing in his works such as motives
towards persecution, refrences, loneliness and fear, anxiety and dispair, absurdity of human existence, rebellion
against unjustice, opposition between faith and mind, Jerusalism and Aphines. In Addition, the purpose of the article
is also to trace back the influence of Shestov’s ideas on Fondane’s world view and ideology as well as to evaluate the
contribution of Fondane’s works about Shestov to the distribution of the ideas of Russian philosophy.
existential philosophy, Lev Shestov, ‘poor consciousness’, surrealism, bovarism, existential poetry, migration, pure cinematograph, paralogical thinking, infinity.
The stream of books
Gurevich, P. S. (2014). Marginal Notes to Modern Philosophy (Review of Books Published by the Canon + Publising). Philosophy and Culture, 2, 287–297. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=63930
Out of all the books published by the Canon + Publishing, the author of the present article selected works that
contain a special interest towards philosophy, its peculiarities and intended purpose. Philosophy has many centuries of
history. Over the centuries philosophy has been changing and acquiring different and often incompatible definitions.
There are so many definitions of philosophy that it is rather difficult to sort them through. The books covered by the
review actually give the panoramic review of modern philosophy. For example, in his study book A. Zotov describes
numerous Western philosophy schools and gives their full evaluation. T. Kuzmina’s thesis contains many polemic
statements and represents a good example of the academic thought. ‘Brief Introduction to Philosophy’ allows to
describe the structure of philosophy. K. Horney’s book is given with a new and more precise translation.
The review of these books gives an idea about the actual status of modern literature for graduate and post-graduate
students. This is what makes the review new and practically important.
philosophy, history, spirit, culture, existentialism, existential faith, ontology, values, religion, psychoanalysis.