Wan, G., Shabelskaya, N.K., Shchepetov, P.A. (2025). The concept of "pride" in Russian and Chinese languages: linguocultural aspect. Litera, 2, 1–13.
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The concept of “pride” has one of the central places in the system of moral and ethical concepts. The article provides a comparative analysis of the concept of "pride" from the point of view of linguacultural studies. The authors consider the features of the perception of "pride" in the linguistic picture of the world of two cultures, and also analyze the similarities and differences in the understanding of this concept. The authors draw attention to the historical context of the formation of ideas, which makes it possible to see the dynamics of changes in the perception of the context of "pride" over time. The study is based on the analysis of Russian and Chinese phraseological units, including proverbs and sayings. The paper includes descriptive, componential (analysis of lexical meaning) and comparative analysis. The authors come to the conclusion that the concept of "pride" has polar meanings, ranging from the shade of "positive pride" to the semantic connotation of "negative arrogance". When the concept of "pride" is expressed in a neutral or positive sense, it is perceived positively in both cultures. The analysis of phraseological units from the point of diachronic comparison showed that the perception of the concept in the Chinese language is characterized by relative "stability" over time, while in the Russian language this concept has experienced significant changes under the influence of extralinguistic factors. The conducted analysis opens up new prospects for further research in the field of intercultural communication and cognitive linguistics. Future research can focus on a more detailed study of other concepts, their evolution, influence on intercultural interaction, as well as on a comparative analysis of concepts in other languages.
meanings, perception, linguoculturology, value paradigm, semantics, extralinguistic factors, comparative analysis, values, pride, concept
Xu, L. (2025). Insect vocabulary reflecting effects on objects of the surrounding world: lexical interpretation. Litera, 2, 14–23.
This article is devoted to the component and comparative analysis of the semes of vocabulary denoting insects, which contains a differential feature of the aspect of insect impact on objects of the surrounding world in Russian and Chinese. The purpose of the article is a comparative analysis of the vocabulary denoting insects in Russian and Chinese, containing a differential feature of the aspect of insect impact on objects of the surrounding world. The subject of this article is the vocabulary that designates insects and reflects their impact on objects in the world around them in Russian and Chinese. The object of the study is 28 lexemes that indicate a differential feature of the aspect of insect impact on objects of the surrounding world in Russian and 42 lexemes in Chinese, which were selected in dictionaries. The following methods are used in this study: classification, semantic analysis, component analysis and comparative analysis. This aspect of vocabulary related to insects has not been studied. The analysis revealed differential semes in the differential features of the aspect "insect impact on objects of the surrounding world" in Russian and Chinese, as well as differences and similarities in the representation of these features in the two languages. The article notes that in Russian, 20.58% of lexemes refer to the general characteristics of insect exposure to someone and something, while in Chinese this figure reaches 46.15% (in accordance with the selected corpus of entomonyms).It was found that in the Russian language, the lexemes and the effects of insects on objects in the surrounding world are mostly characterized in a negative way. The definitions focus on the harmful nature of the effects of insects on flora, including agriculture, fauna and humans, as well as on human household items. In Russian cases, there is a beneficial effect of insects on objects of the surrounding world. In Chinese, insects are also divided into harmful and beneficial, depending on their role in the ecosystem. In their definitions, a clear juxtaposition of beneficial and harmful insects is carried out, the different nature of the impact of insects on the ecosystem during their metamorphosis and depending on external conditions is recorded.
objects of the surrounding world, impact of insects, semantic analysis, differential feature, differential seme, aspect, entomonyms, insect, Russian language, Chinese language
Butakova, D.D. (2025). S. Maslukh's dissertation «Acoustic...» as evidence for the persistence of ideas about the harf structure of language in Arabic linguistics. Litera, 2, 24–33.
Although modern science operates with terms accepted in general linguistics to describe the phonetics and phonology of Arabic, not all scholars agree with this approach. Saad Maslukh's dissertation «Acoustic Characterization of Arabic Consonantism and Vocalism and the Norms of Poetic Rhyming» can be considered a striking example of the fact that Arabic linguistics continues, albeit not always explicitly, to rely on harf as the basis of its prosodic structure, which is directly related to phonetics and phonology. This becomes evident when comparing the text of the thesis with treatises on grammar from the classical period, which are based on the harf structure of Arabic prosody, and with the works of modern scholars who have adopted the terminological basis of Western linguistics. Maslukh bases his conclusions on experimental data. He is convinced that the ratio of the long vowel to the short vowel in Arabic is 4:1, which differs considerably from the common opinion that the long element is obtained from the juxtaposition of two short ones. When the shortening is severe, speakers cease to recognize words they are familiar with. In some cases there was a qualitative change of sounds. On the basis of these data, the scholar argues that prosodic and phonemic length in Arabic are of a different nature, which never allowed long and short vowels to appear together within a single rhyme. This can also be considered as a confirmation of the theory that the short vowel is an integral part of the harf with a realized consonantal component, while the long vowel is an independent unit. It can be said that the study of prosodic phenomena of Arabic language with the help of experimental phonetics and based on the harf theory can give the most complete view of this level of the language.
arud verse, pausal form of the word, mora, Arabic linguistic tradition, syllabe, sound, harf, Ibrahim Anis, Saad Maslukh, vowel length
Automatic language processing
Yue, R. (2025). Educational design of the course "Business interpretation in the Russian-Chinese language combination" in the era of artificial intelligence (using the example of ChatGPT). Litera, 2, 34–43.
The advent of ChatGPT opens up new opportunities for improving the teaching methods of business interpretation, especially in such a complex language combination as Russian-Chinese. Despite significant progress in the field of machine translation, the role of a human translator remains indispensable, especially in the field of business interpretation, where a deep understanding of the cultural context and features of intercultural communication is required. In this regard, there is a need to develop new approaches to training translators that will effectively integrate the capabilities of artificial intelligence into the educational process while maintaining the focus on developing students' professional competencies. In the context of the rapid development of artificial intelligence technologies and their integration into the educational process, the issue of effective use of modern digital tools in the training of professional translators is becoming particularly relevant. The subject of the research is the method of integrating artificial intelligence into the process of teaching business interpretation. The research methodology is based on the integrated application of qualitative and quantitative methods, including longitudinal observation, in-depth interviews with experts, and statistical analysis of learning outcomes. The scientific novelty of the research is the development of an innovative teaching methodology for business interpretation in a Russian-Chinese language combination with the integration of artificial intelligence technologies. For the first time, a comprehensive approach to using ChatGPT as a multifunctional tool in the educational process has been proposed, including a system of specially designed exercises and methods for assessing translation competencies. An original modular course structure has been developed that combines traditional teaching methods with artificial intelligence capabilities to create authentic business communication situations. A unique method of designing educational assignments using ChatGPT has been created, based on the principle of gradual complication of the material and taking into account the specifics of Russian-Chinese business communication. The effectiveness of the developed approach has been empirically proven through a system of longitudinal observation and statistical analysis of learning outcomes. The results of the study demonstrate a significant increase in the effectiveness of the educational process when using the developed methodology, which is confirmed by statistical data and positive feedback from participants in the educational process.
machine translation, cross-cultural communication, modular training, translation competencies, methods of teaching translation, artificial intelligence, ChatGPT, Russian-Chinese combination, interpretation services, business sphere
Literary criticism
Kuchina, N. (2025). The importance of the voice in Alessandro Baricco's novels «Silk» and «Sea-Ocean». Litera, 2, 44–56.
The article dedicated to the importance of the human voice and its opposition to silence, the author's attitude through the prism of the sound of the voices in Alessandro Baricco's novels. The subject is the literary techniques which Alessandro Baricco adds to express the sound in the written text. The object of the research is the original Italian texts "Silk" and "Sea - Ocean", published by the Rizzolli, which are compared with the Russian translation by Gennady Kiselyov. By analyzing original texts is possible to show the author's intention to make voices of the heroes not only the defining features of the character, but also an independent unit of a literary work. The article identifies the literary techniques which help Baricco to transmit a sound to a written text, shows the innovation of Alessandro Baricco's poetics, the syncretism of his literary works with music and theater, cinema and television. The author uses a textual analysis, compares the semantics and pragmatics of the original texts in Italian with their reflection in the translation into Russian. Semantic analysis reveals unique stylistic features and interrelationships with various types of art. The biographical method helps to understand the writer's desire to convey the sound of his voice in the written text most accurately. In conclusion of article the author stresses the importance of the opposition of speaker and listener, sound and silence. The author gives special philosophical meanings to the human voice. The sound of the voice in the written text is conveyed using a literary trope. The scientific novelty of the work is due to the intention to examine the little-studied aspects of Baricco's literary works related to his activities in the world of art and culture, going beyond literature. Purpose of the article's is to increase interest in the Baricco's works in various fields of art and culture, to identify the uniqueness of his novels.
postmodernism, Alessandro Baricco, Italian literature, synecdoche, metonymy, syncretism, character of the heroes, sound, voice, opposition
Franchuk, O.V., Derevskova, E.N., Podgorskaya , A.V. (2025). Ideas about the structure of the firmament in the worldview of an Orthodox Christian of the X–XVII centuries (based on canonical and apocryphal texts). Litera, 2, 57–71.
The author analyzes a fragment of the religious worldview of the Eastern and southern Slavs associated with the perception of celestial space. The research was conducted on the basis of canonical biblical texts and works popular in Ancient Russia of the X–XVII centuries containing information about the world order (Severian Gabalsky "Six speeches about the universe / Shestodnev"; John Damascene "Theology"; "Palea the Sensible"). The study of the field of verbalizers of the concept of "Heaven" in the texts of the Holy Scriptures revealed the presence of several meanings of the noun "heaven". The biblical texts contain references to the components of the firmament: the firmament of heaven, created on the second day of Creation, and the spiritual invisible sky – the place of God's presence. However, an analysis of exclusively classical biblical texts and their commentaries did not make it possible to build the structure of the concept of "Heaven" in the Christian worldview. To this day, interpretations of the semantics and etymology of the name "firmament" for the designation of the firmament are controversial. In non-canonical Christian texts, ideas about the heterogeneity of the aboveground space are concretized and illustrated with examples that are understandable to the reader. The sky is interpreted as a plane that exists parallel to the earth's surface; as a dome resting on the earth; as a sphere that has no support and is held only by the power of divine design. The differentiation of the sky into "existing, visible" and "heaven – the upper sky" is complemented by the concept of a boundary separating the material world from the higher ideal world. The overlap was associated with masses of water that turned into ice and looked like crystal. The verbalizers of these representations were the linguistic units "firmament", "firmament of heaven", "condensation of ice". Consequently, in the ancient Russian worldview of the X–XVII centuries, the first level of the sky could act as the very "solid" boundary that separated the material world from the higher ideal world. The scientific novelty of the research is determined by an attempt to recreate the concept of "Heaven" in the worldview of an Orthodox Christian of the X-XVII centuries.
non-canonical texts, The Holy Scriptures, the sky is above, Heaven of heavens, The sky is visible, The firmament of heaven, the structure of the firmament, The Sky concept, religious worldview, The picture of the world
Shlyapov, I.V., Titovnina , E.I., Gurushkin, P.Y. (2025). Artificial intelligence technologies in digital HR communications: prospects and risks. Litera, 2, 72–84.
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The author discusses artificial intelligence (AI) technologies in the field of digital HR communications, their prospects and risks. The object of the research is digital HR communications, and the subject is the use of AI technologies in personnel management and optimization of HR processes. The impact of digitalization on the processes of recruitment, adaptation, training and retention of employees is investigated, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of implementing AI in HR are analyzed. Examples of domestic and foreign platforms using machine learning algorithms to automate recruiting, predict staff turnover, and personalize corporate training are given. Barriers that slow down the integration of AI have been identified, such as high cost, the need for adaptation, and the complexity of working with big data. The strategic importance of HR digital transformation for improving business efficiency is pointed out. The prospects for the development of Russian HR solutions in the context of technological competition and government support are considered. The author uses methods of analysis, comparison, forecasting, generalization, as well as the study of statistical data. The scientific novelty of the article lies in a comprehensive analysis of the opportunities and risks of introducing artificial intelligence (AI) technologies into the field of digital HR communications. The study examines current trends in the use of AI in personnel management, analyzes domestic and foreign platforms for automating HR processes, and identifies key barriers to digitalization of HR departments in Russian companies. It is concluded that the introduction of AI can significantly improve the efficiency of HR processes, reducing time and financial costs. Western companies are more actively using AI in recruiting, employee training, and data analysis, while Russian enterprises are just beginning to adapt such technologies. The main barriers to HR digital transformation in Russia remain the high cost of development, the need to adapt foreign solutions, and insufficient digital maturity of companies. However, government support for domestic IT products can help accelerate the digitalization of HR processes. In the future, the successful integration of AI into HR communications will provide companies with competitive advantages by optimizing work processes and increasing employee motivation.
Information technology, Machine learning, Mediatization, Automatization, Artificial intelligence, Digital communication, Mediacommunication, Communication management, Communication, HR
SUN, W. (2025). Linguistic Analysis of Political Media Discourse in China: Evolution, Current Problems and Trends. Litera, 2, 85–100.
The subject of the article is the history of discourse development, the current situation, the characteristics of language at different stages, and its problems. The object of the study includes various practices of political media discourse in Chinese and foreign communication space, including traditional media, documentaries, virtual space and other media. We accomplished the following tasks in the research : 1) Described the history of the development of political discourse in China and the characteristics of each stage of its development in both Chinese and international dimensions. 2) Identified the problems and challenges facing the development of Chinese political discourse at present. 3) Attempt to find ways to solve the problems of discourse development and look into the future. The paper uses the methods of case analysis, comparative and descriptive analysis, as well as generalization and outline. Critical discourse analysis, multimodal discourse analysis, cognitive linguistics, narrative theory and intercultural communication methodology served as the theoretical basis. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that it presents a comprehensive picture of the development and transformation of Chinese political media discourse in recent years from a macroscopic perspective, and summarizes the features and new trends in Chinese political communication. The results of the study show that Chinese political media discourse has achieved the transition from unidirectional ideological output to diversification of content and form. From a linguistic perspective, it can be determined that Chinese political media discourse at this stage faces developmental challenges such as monotonous vocabulary, limited narrative, lack of audience adaptation and cultural differences. In the context of the new era, Chinese political media discourse should enrich vocabulary and sentences, utilize different linguistic styles of speech, change narrative perspective and adapt to cultural differences.
strategy, problems, evolution, lexis and syntax, cultural adaptation, narrative prospect, language styles, international communication discourse, political media discourse, China
Yang, Y. (2025). Features of fake news in Chinese social networks. Litera, 2, 101–110.
Fake news is a global media security challenge. In China, the scale of this problem is growing with the development of social networks as an element of information resources – fake materials are actively distributed in parallel with the introduction and popularization of digital technologies in the public Internet infrastructure. The competitiveness of the People's Republic of China in the international market and its political power force hostile organizations and countries to destabilize the harmonious development of the country through such information warfare tools as fake news and psychological pressure on the audience by exaggerating the danger of certain incidents or suppressing their positive correlates, as well as hoaxes of events. The result of the publication of false data on healthcare, politics, history, economics, international relations and other important areas of human activity is mass riots, popular unrest, sabotage and intimidation of users. The fake news phenomenon is complicated by the fact that artificial intelligence makes it possible to create and distribute fake content, including deepfakes, among thousands of users. Moreover, the material generated by the neural network disorients the audience – most people are unable to determine the reliability and relevance of the news. The results of this study suggest that the specificity of fake news representation lies in the generation of textual and audiovisual false material through artificial intelligence, the product of which is almost similar in all its characteristics and parameters to a reliable source (the website of a reputable professional publishing house) and a person (a renowned journalist or expert) covering media content. The article used such methods as theoretical analysis of scientific literature on the identified issues, descriptive method, data aggregation (tabular method), component analysis, as well as systematization and interpretation of the obtained material.
fake news, content consumers, representation, China, media, mass media, digital media, social media, false news, news
Enikeeva, E. (2025). Crisis and conflict communication in the political sphere: general and special. Litera, 2, 111–122.
The article analyzes the correlation of the key concepts of "crisis", "conflict" and "risk" in the context of the political sphere in order to identify common and special characteristics of crisis and conflict communication. Special attention is paid to the communicative aspects of such social phenomena as crisis and conflict. The author considers different approaches to determining the correlation of key concepts. The article was based on the ratio of "conflict" and "crisis" as phases increasing in their negative consequences, accompanied by a multiplication of risks that can accelerate the process of transition from one stage to another. The main focus is on the use of crisis and conflict communications in the field of politics. Significant differences between crisis and conflict communications are highlighted in terms of audience, goals, channels, etc. Common features are also described, including in the field of using technologies to reduce social tension. The methodological basis of the research is the work of domestic and foreign authors who consider conflict and crisis phenomena in the context of the political sphere. Based on the work of modern researchers, the limitations of classical approaches (R. Darenfort, L. Kozer) in relation to the political processes taking place in the 21st century are noted. The expansion of the strategic tasks of crisis communications of the state is noted in connection with the increase in risks leading to the destabilization of society. The general characteristics of conflict and crisis communication are highlighted, among which are similar principles of communicative interaction between the state and society (information openness, the operational nature of communication, the use of a wide range of channels), as well as features of two types of communications: scale, different levels of risks, opportunities for rapid localization of a conflict situation, etc. One of the conclusions of the study is to determine the need to review the anti-crisis management system in the political sphere, where it is important to clearly define the boundaries of crisis or conflict communications, since the choice of technologies and tools will depend on this.
Political risks, Risks, Political crisis, Political conflict, The political sphere, Crisis communications, Conflict communications, Communications, Political communications, Social tension
Liu, B., Perfilieva, N.V. (2025). A study of the intertextuality of news headlines based on Chinese sources. Litera, 2, 123–135.
The article is devoted to the analysis of research on the intertextuality of news headlines in Chinese linguistics. The purpose of the study is to present various methodological approaches to the study of intertextuality, current trends in the consideration of the intertextuality of news headlines in Chinese scientific literature. The subject of the research is the concepts of intertextuality implemented in news headlines in Chinese. The material is provided by Chinese scientific publications devoted to the study of the intertextuality of news headlines from 2006 to 2024, the analysis of which made it possible to identify relevant areas of her research. The sources of scientific literature are key Chinese scientific platforms: China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI), Wanfang Database, VIP Database, China Social Science Library, etc., on the basis of which a detailed and representative data analysis was conducted. The research methods combine quantitative, qualitative and interpretative analysis, linguistic description, transdisciplinary comparison, corpus method and bibliometric tools that allow us to present the current state of research on the intertextuality of news headlines in Chinese. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that for the first time a review of studies on the intertextuality of news headlines based on Chinese scientific literature has been conducted. The results of the study indicate that approaches to studying the intertextuality of news headlines have changed significantly. At the first stage (until 2006), research on news headlines was conducted within the framework of traditional linguistic and textual analysis. At the second stage (2006-2015), the field of research shifted to the field of discursive analysis. At the third stage (2016-2024), the intertextuality of news headlines becomes the object of transdisciplinary research in linguistics, journalism, sociolinguistics, communication, political science, history, and others. The obtained research results can serve as a basis for further research in this field. As conclusion the author provides an intertextual analysis of news headlines in the new media environment of the Internet, which is interwoven into the context of theoretical discussions. With the development of digital technologies, the intertextuality of online media news headlines is becoming the focus of transdisciplinary research.
critical discourse analysis, discursive analysis, multimodal intertextuality, intermedia integration, cross-cultural communication, cross-theoretical research, transdisciplinary research, digital media, news headline, intertextuality
Bakhturina, I. (2025). Repetition in the essay "The Tragic Feeling of Life" by M. de Unamuno and its reflection in the translation by E.V. Garaggi from Spanish into Russian. Litera, 2, 136–144.
The article examines the cases of the use of different types of repetition in the essay "The tragic sense of life among people and nations" by the Spanish writer of the 98 generation Miguel de Unamuno and the importance of this stylistic means for the reader's perception of the text of the work, as well as the great importance it has for the analysis of the writer's individual authorial style. In addition, the paper considers various options for transferring repetitions in the translation of an essay from Spanish into Russian. The material for this study is the original text of Miguel de Unamuno's essay "The tragic sense of life among people and nations", as well as the translation of the above-mentioned essay into Russian by E.V. Garaji in the 1997 edition. In the process of analyzing repetitions in the work of Unamuno, we used the linguostylistic method, which is most suitable for studying the functional of repetition in the text of the essay. The basis for the structure of the work was the classification of repetitions by N. T. Golovkina. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that repetition in the author's works has never been the subject of independent scientific research before, and also in the fact that the translation considered in the work has never been considered in the context of translation theory before. In the course of the research, we were able to draw the following conclusions: in M. de Unamuno's work, repetition is one of the key stylistic means, and repetitions occur in the text at several linguistic levels – morphological, lexical and syntactic. In addition, we drew attention to the fact that since the translation of the work was part of a philosophical study, more attention was paid to the substantive part of the essay text, which led to the loss of some repetitions in the work and could affect the reader's perception of the text.
Spanish literature, linguostylistic analysis, Spanish, stylistic repetition, tragic sense of life, Unamuno, translation studies, translation, stylistics, essays by Unamuno
Maryanovich, D., Galoyan, N.G. (2025). Russian Spiritual Verse as a part of the cultural and linguistic heritage of Russian and Serbian Spiritual Vocabulary. Litera, 2, 145–154.
The subject of the research is the analysis of specific linguistic, cultural and literary features that reflect the spiritual and moral values of the two peoples. Spiritual verse, which is a poetic form used in Russian and Serbian spiritual literature and, being part of national folklore, not only reflects cultural and spiritual values, but also serves as a link between language, faith and the national aspect. The texts of the main types of spiritual poems (lyrical, epic, lyric-epic) are taken as the material of the research. As a result of the research, it was found that spiritual verse has unique properties, which include religious and national-heroic themes, its textual and musical form, emotionality, subjectivity, and educational orientation, which make it possible to create a whole phenomenon of a special genre in culture. The research is conducted with an emphasis on the culture and worldview of the Russian and Serbian peoples. A historical and etymological method was applied, which highlights the study of the origin of words and their changes over time, which shows how the vocabulary of spiritual verse developed and what cultural influences could have influenced it. The novelty of the research is determined by the cultural content of folklore and the corresponding use of vocabulary with a national cultural component in speech, as well as knowledge of the specifics of linguistic and cultural interactions that have been formed over the centuries. The study of the peculiarities of this vocabulary in the context of Serbian linguoculture can reveal unique aspects such as the use of metaphors, symbols and archaisms, which makes this analysis especially valuable for understanding historical and cultural evolution. This study aims to identify the importance of spiritual verse in the context of Russian and Serbian cultures, its impact on the formation of the linguistic environment and the preservation of spiritual heritage. Studying the vocabulary of Russian spiritual verse against the background of Serbian culture enriches not only philology, but also the general cultural discourse, contributing to dialogue between peoples. The conducted research allows us to draw a conclusion that spiritual verse is one of the most relevant topics in modern Slavic folklore. From a linguistic point of view, this is a little-studied material.
spiritual values, spiritual heritage, Christianity, religion, culture, educational function, preservation of spiritual vocabulary, vocabulary of spiritual verse, spiritual verse, Russia and Serbia
Question at hand
Kurinnaia, A.A., Bakanova, A.V. (2025). The Study of the Phraseological and Paremiological Corpus of the Spanish Language: Main Stages. Litera, 2, 155–166.
The article is devoted to the study of the phraseological and paremiological heritage of the Spanish language in diachronic and synchronic aspects. The aim of the work is to analyze the evolution of scholarly views on phraseological units and paremias, as well as to identify the key stages of their study within the Spanish linguistic tradition: from the first collections of proverbs and sayings in the Middle Ages to systematic, properly scientific research in the 20th–21st centuries. During the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, phraseological units were collected and commented on within the framework of the humanistic tradition, which contributed to the formation of a national corpus of paremias. In the 19th century, a descriptive approach prevailed, while in the 20th century, phraseology and paremiology became the subject of scientific analysis, incorporating linguistic, cultural, and anthropological methods. The article employs methods of historical-linguistic analysis, comparative study of sources, and systematization of scholarly approaches. Particular attention is paid to the evolution of terminology in the field of phraseology and paremiology, as well as the role of stable units in reflecting the cultural and historical peculiarities of the Spanish language. The results of the research have interdisciplinary significance and can be applied in linguistics, lexicography, and the teaching of Spanish. The article provides a comprehensive analysis of the history of phraseology and paremiology studies, encompassing both classical and modern approaches. It is emphasized that phraseological units, paremias, and the national-cultural component they contain represent an important source for studying the linguistic worldview. The research demonstrates that phraseological studies contribute to understanding cultural identity and linguistic consciousness, making them key elements in the process of preserving and transmitting cultural heritage. The findings can be used to develop educational materials, create dictionaries, and further research in the field of intercultural communication.
proverb, paroemia, paremiology, phraseology, folkloristics, Spanish folklore, Spanish language, saying, idiom, linguistic view of the world
Literary criticism
Sun', V. (2025). Reflection of the author's Religious Views in fantastic images and folk demonology in N. V. Gogol's Early Prose and Pu Songling's Short stories: typological aspect of description. Litera, 2, 167–175.
This article is devoted to a typological analysis of the reflection of the author's religious views in fantastic images and folk demonology in the early prose of the Russian writer N. V. Gogol "Evenings on a farm near Dikanka" and the classic work of Chinese literature by the short story writer Pu Songling "Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio". The article focuses on the moral and religious pursuits of both authors, as well as the artistic functions of their religious and ethical beliefs in the early fantasy cycle of Gogol's novels and the collection of short stories by Pu Songling. The analysis revealed common features and fundamental differences in their artistic worlds due to cultural and religious traditions. The research presents a historical and theoretical overview of the methodology of typological analysis of literary texts, revealing the dynamics of the development of the concept of "typological connection" in comparative literary studies. This approach is used to study the influence of Orthodox concepts on the early work of Nikolai Gogol and Buddhist and Taoist ideas on the work of Pu Songling. The article concludes that the reflection of the author's religious views in the depiction of fantastic images and folk demonology in the early prose of N. V. Gogol and Pu Songling's stories is possible within the framework of a typological approach. The religious views of the writers in question were shaped by their family and social environment. Unlike Gogol's linear Orthodox model of the dichotomy of good and evil, Pu Songling's otherworld, inspired by the Taoist concept of the "immortality of the soul" and the Buddhist "circular" way of thinking about karma and reincarnation, is ambivalent. In addition, religious concepts determine the differences in the depiction of infernal characters.: In Gogol, they appear as antagonists and tempters, while in Pu Songling they serve as helpers and comforters.
typological analysis, Taoism, Buddhism, orthodoxy, Pu Songling, N. V. Gogol, folk demonology, fantasy images, Russian literature, Chinese literature
Lugovskikh, K.M. (2025). Manipulative techniques in the US Political media discourse on the example of the election debates by D. Vance and T. Waltz. Litera, 2, 176–183.
The article highlights the problems of political discourse, saturated with manipulative techniques that prevail especially in the media space and vividly illustrate the various manipulations of public consciousness in pre-election debates. The purpose of the study is to identify the means of manipulative techniques implemented in the US political media discourse. The material of the analysis is the debates of D. Vance and T. Waltz, which were held in the summer of 2024 and which are an actual example of the clash of two different positions on current and important issues related to US domestic and foreign policy. The real debate caused a great resonance among political scientists and the public due to the expertise and experience of D. Vance and T. Waltz, who, representing different points of view, stimulated a keen discussion of the debate in the media space. The methodological basis is the work of A. P. Chudinov, E. I. Sheigal, J. S. Altynbekova in the field of political discourse, as well as the ideas of A. N. Glushchenko, E. L. Dotsenko, O. C. Issers on issues of manipulative techniques in media discourse. It has been established that in American media discourse, speech manipulation often uses means of expression, such as political metaphors, hyperbole, allusions and comparisons, as well as various types of comic, which indicates the importance in the socio-cultural space of the linguistic aspect, which embodies the ideological objectives of political leaders. The novelty of the research lies in the results obtained, which give an idea of modern strategies and tactics of political communication used to achieve an effective translocative effect. Conclusions are drawn about the patterns of language development and change, and its dynamics in political rhetoric, which are a multifaceted process that includes various aspects of linguistics, sociology, and political science. In addition, language, as a means of communication, is a powerful tool of influence in the political media space.
explicitness, metaphor, implicitness, verbal manipulations, manipulative technique, the USA, election debate, manipulation, political discourse, media discourse
Dorskii, A.Y., Dorskii, A.A. (2025). Information confrontations in the Russian football industry: the case of Alexei Matyunin. Litera, 2, 184–195.
This research focuses on information confrontations, typically analyzed as a political processes or phenomena. Concurrently, the struggle for influence, though inherently political, on another subject renders information confrontations prevalent even beyond the confines of strictly political domains. This article analyzes the information confrontation within the Russian football industry, in which the football federation is a participant. Such cases are relatively rare. A detailed examination of confrontation between the football federation and an individual (a football referee) reveals key patterns of such a confrontation and explains the relative scarcity of information about football federations confrontations compared to those occurring between football clubs. The authors develop the hypotheses about rare participation of football federations in these confrontations. The authors performed a content analysis of some media publications pertaining to the Matyunin’s case. As such,, the most popular online media outlet in Russia during the unfolding of the confrontation under study, and Sport-Express, the most cited newspaper in the sports industry, were chosen. Analysis of a specific case, first and foremost, indicates that confronting the football federation is not a viable strategy, primarily due to the pre-existing inequality of involved parties’ capabilities. Those lower in the hierarchy have limited options for opposing their superiors. This principle extends to the application of information confrontation techniques; those in more advantageous positions typically command greater access to and proficiency in utilizing communication channels. The analysis crucially reveals that subjective factors, most notably, but not limited to, the personalities of the participants, significantly influence information confrontations. Participants are required to conduct a preliminary analysis of the circumstances before initiating this type of confrontation.
the tasks of information confrontation, addressees of the information confrontation, factors of information confrontation, content analysis, case study, subjects of football, Russian Premier League, Russian Football Union, The football industry, information confrontations
Plotnikov, I.P., Parhit'ko, N.P. (2025). On the issue of the thematic specifics of the channels of the Communist Party deputies in Telegram. Litera, 2, 196–211.
This paper examines the experience of using Telegram by the Communist Party of the Russian Federation (CPRF), which is one of the oldest and most influential parties in modern Russia. The subject of the study is the specifics of the content of the CPRF deputies' channels in Telegram. The object of our study is the political channels "Mikhail Matveyev comment", "News with Ostanina", "Red. Parfenov" and others. And the goal of this work is to identify the most popular thematic areas in the content of Telegram channels of CPRF deputies and the compliance of these online resources with the interests of the electorate. The methodology of the scientific work includes an integrated approach and combines content analysis, comparative analysis, and statistical methods. The study covers messages published on party resources in October 2024. The scientific novelty of our research lies in the analysis of the content of the deputy channels, since they are designed for different target audiences, and accordingly their content may differ from the content broadcast through the central party media. Based on the results of our study, we found that two typological directions have formed in the system of deputy channels: general-theme channels oriented towards the online resource of the party leader G. Zyuganov, and specialized channels. Moreover, whereas the first type of channels use ideological lexemes and focus on economic topics, the second type of channels almost do not contain the lexemes related to ideology. The study showed that the most popular topics are demography, migration and issues of the domestic economy. In the future, the results of the scientific work can be used to study the current political agenda of the CPRF, as well as for a systematic study of Russian party media.
parliamentary channels, communist party, social media, internet communication, Telegram, political communication, political channels, party social networks, CPRF, social networks
Morozova , G.V., Yakupov, B.I., Gavrilov , A.R., Akimov, A.A. (2025). The effectiveness of information support for remote electronic voting in Russia. Litera, 2, 212–221.
The article presents the results of studying the effectiveness of information technologies for providing remote electronic voting according to the criteria of awareness and trust in this voting format among Russian youth. The object of the research is the practice of electronic voting in the youth segment of the Russian electorate. The subject of the research is information technologies for providing remote electronic voting for the youth electorate. The identification of the level of awareness and confidence of young people in remote electronic voting is due not only to its scientific significance, but also to the practical and political interest of federal and regional authorities in involving this group of the population in the electoral process. Young people, distinguished by their socio-demographic characteristics, which mark a transitional period of development, are in the stage of civic formation, and require the creation of conditions for equal access of this population group to sources of information about government elections, taking into account its characteristics, values and interests during election campaigns. The main research method was a comparative analysis of the results of studying the level of awareness and trust of young people in remote electronic voting, which made it possible to measure the effectiveness of information support for the electorate during electronic voting, identify and substantiate the degree of their awareness of the possibility of using electronic voting, the level of trust in this system and the willingness to use it by the youth electorate. The results obtained allow us to assert the success of information support for the possibility of young people to participate in elections through remote electronic voting. According to the data obtained, only slightly more than half of the young people surveyed trust this method of voting. The current level of trust, in turn, cannot but influence youth decision-making on remote voting. It is possible to note a decrease in the number of young people willing to vote remotely in the elections. Undoubtedly, these results require a deeper study of the issues related to the level of confidence of young people in the election procedure and voting format, but it is obvious that it is necessary to reformat the content of publications and messages about remote electronic voting for the youth segment of the electorate, and highlight the key message about the safety of such a voting format and the convenience of its use.
electoral process, voting procedure, youth, youth electorate, informing voters, information technologies, election information support, remote electronic voting, online voting, elections
Usova, E.V. (2025). Technology for evaluating the effectiveness of public relations activities. Litera, 2, 222–230.
The subject of the research is ways to evaluate the effectiveness of public relations activities. The object of research is the set of theoretical foundations for the application of technologies for evaluating the effectiveness of PR activities. At the current stage of scientific development, there is no unified approach to understanding technology for evaluating the effectiveness of PR activities. The conceptual content of the concepts of "technology" and "efficiency assessment" is revealed in various fields of science. The study of the categorical apparatus is of particular importance in understanding the specifics of the effectiveness of PR activities, as it allows us to develop an unambiguous understanding of the technology of evaluating effectiveness in a professional PR environment. Due to the lack of research on the content of the concept of "technology for evaluating effectiveness in PR", the author considers modern approaches that define the specifics of the category "technology for evaluating effectiveness", which is directly dependent on the areas of PR activity. The variety of PR activities complicates the choice of procedures for evaluating effectiveness and building universal technologies. The research was carried out using general scientific methods. The analysis and synthesis allowed us to comprehend the specific features of the elements of the technology for evaluating effectiveness. The analogy method allowed us to compare the categories under study, the system analysis method allowed us to present technology as a systemic phenomenon. The method of structural and functional analysis, which determined the content and social orientation of the phenomenon under study, allowed us to understand the social significance of efficiency assessment technology. The main conclusions of the study are: PR activities as communication activities can be evaluated in terms of the effectiveness of information and communication processes; PR activities are designed to influence different groups of the public, the definition of criteria for evaluating effectiveness should be considered in terms of the degree of public impact of PR tools; for each communication program, its own evaluation criteria are developed. A special contribution of the author to the research of the topic is the formulation of the definition of "technology for evaluating effectiveness in PR" as a set of methods, procedures and tools consistently integrated into a system aimed at determining the degree of influence of PR activities on public groups and the conformity of the results obtained with the set goal. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that it presents the author's vision of evaluating the effectiveness of communication campaigns.
technologies, PR strategy, communication activities, performance, public groups, public opinion, criteria for evaluating effectiveness, PR campaign, information and communication campaign, internal corporate communications
Bulgarova, B.A., Li , Y., Han, C., An, . (2025). A micro-path of spreading China's core socialist values from the perspective of new media. Litera, 2, 231–240.
The subject of this research is the issues of preserving and spreading China's ideological values through the prism of new media. The object of the study is the socialist values conveyed through new media, taking into account the trajectory of changes in China's political and economic life. The article analyzes the role of China's new media in the process of forming and spreading the values of socialism, as well as effective methods of their presentation to the masses. The authors explore the features of the symbiosis of traditional and new media as a way to strengthen national identity and ideological work. The objectives of the research are: to understand ways and means of introducing and consolidating traditional values through new media; to develop effective strategies for spreading socialist values through new media (presentation format, optimal channels of communication and interaction with the audience); to identify shortcomings in old approaches and consider ways to overcome them. The descriptive method, the method of comparative analysis and theoretical analysis used by the authors of the research. The main concepts of new media are considered, and the traditional ones are analyzed. The novelty of the research lies in a comprehensive approach to considering the symbiosis of new and traditional media as a tool for preserving China's traditional ideological values. This will make it possible to create recommendations, evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed measures. The authors of the study come to the following conclusions: the key role of new media in modern society as a tool for spreading China's traditional values remains; new media provide a large audience reach, flexibility and interactivity of the information flow.
maintenance, audience, national, identity, value, traditional, China, new media, socialism, distribution
Koptev, D.A. (2025). Russian-to-English interpreting and translation of constructions with the predicative nado. Litera, 2, 241–251.
This article is devoted to the analysis of strategies for translating constructions with the predicative nado (íàäî) into English. The object of this work is the predicative nado (íàäî). The subject of the study is analysis of the features of Russian-English interpreting of constructions with the studied lexical unit. The purpose of this article is to highlight recommendations for improving the quality of translation of constructions with the word nado (íàäî) by presenting the most frequent and adequate interpreting strategies for constructions with the studied predicative. The study provides a detailed comparison of translation options for constructions with the studied word, analyzes and discusses the distinctive aspects of various strategies in interpreting and written translation, pays special attention to the lack of a unified translation tactic, and also highlights some imperfections of the existing options. The methodology includes a continuous sampling method to form a corpus of examples of constructions with the studied lexical unit and their translations from transcripts of Russian-English interpreting and written translations of public political speeches, and corpus analysis techniques for processing and outputting the results. The study identifies the main strategies for translating constructions with the studied word and presents their refined descriptions. The novelty of the study is that this work is the first to examine Russian-English interperting of constructions with the predicative nado (íàäî), and also to compare it with written translation. The results of the study allow to analyze the identified translation strategies and come to certain conclusions. In addition, the results obtained may be of interest both for writing scientific papers on related topics, and for beginning and practicing translators, including courses for teaching theoretical and practical translation, textbooks on practical aspects of the language.
public speaking, omission, imperfect translation, written translation, corpus research, political discourse, necessity, modality, predicative, interpreting
Kuraleva, T.V., Lekomtseva, I.A. (2025). Dichotomies in Translation Studies and Translator Training. Litera, 2, 252–260.
Translation theory, although a young science, has deep roots dating back centuries, with the dichotomy between literal and free translation evident since the time of St. Jerome. This paper examines the evolution of this basic translational dichotomy across different theoretical frameworks, including formal equivalence, dynamic equivalence, communicative and semantic translation, foreignization, domestication, etc. The authors also highlight the differences between the theoretical concepts. Furthermore, the paper focuses on how the translation dichotomies may be applied in practice. To this end, the study delves into how the dichotomy manifests in student English-Russian translations, specifically focusing on achieving functional equivalence. The point of departure for the analysis is J. Houses’s definition of covert translation. Analyzing translations of a scientific text by first-year master's students, the paper reveals challenges in achieving covert translation. The methods employed in the paper are the following: a componential analysis; a translation analysis, a corpus-based analysis; literature review, and retrospection and interviews. Scientific novelty is related to the application of basic theoretical concepts in practice, namely, in the practice of teaching translation. Moreover, the paper provides a comprehensive overview of existing theoretical approaches to describe the opposing translation strategies: word-for-word and sense-for-sense translation. In addition, the authors argue that translation errors are caused by an incorrect approach to the translation process itself. The interviews revealed that students often view translation as a replacement of source text units with translated text units, ignoring the overall translation strategy. The results highlight recurring collocational errors, indicating a source language-dependent tendency. The conclusion emphasizes the need for a pedagogical shift toward functional perspectives in translation training, suggesting avenues for future research on translator training.
cross-linguistic correspondences, collocational errors, equivalence, student translations, word-for-word translation, free translation, functional equivalence, translation dichotomy, translation theory, source-language dependence
LI, X. (2025). The representation of the semantics of the lexemes "sweetness" and 甜/甘 by cross-linguistic and cross-cultural comparison. Litera, 2, 261–271.
There is a growing scholarly interest in the comparative and contrastive study of culture as reflected in language in linguistics. This approach involves examining and describing national and cultural characteristics as expressed through linguistic units. The study of the linguistic worldview is considered one of the key areas in modern linguistics, bringing together diverse approaches and methods. Through comparative analysis, it becomes possible to capture the unique forms of symbolic memory inherent in each linguoculture. The study of word meanings, their potential connections with other words and structures in language, and conducting linguistic comparisons based on lexical research is an important philological task. This article presents a comparative analysis of the Russian lexeme “ñëàäîñòü” (sweetness) and the Chinese words “甜” (Tián) and “甘” (Gān). The research aims to identify similarities and differences in the meanings and usage of these words, focusing on examples of taste perception, emotional connotation, and linguistic-cultural features. The study employs the method of comparative analysis based on authoritative Russian and Chinese dictionaries to illustrate the core meanings and figurative uses of the words. The results convincingly demonstrate that the Russian lexeme “ñëàäîñòü” and the Chinese lexemes “甜” and “甘” exhibit significant similarities in denoting taste perception. However, differences become evident in the emotional context and social functions of the words. Notably, in Chinese, the word “甜” can also signify work or profit, a nuance absent in the Russian usage of “ñëàäîñòü”. This analysis highlights both commonalities and unique aspects, revealing linguistic-cultural and emotional distinctions between the two languages.
emotion, national-cultural peculiarity, Chinese language, Russian language, Taste, Comparative analysis, Semantics, culture, Linguacultural, Sweetness
Snetkova, M.S. (2025). Lexico-Stylistic Means of Creating Images of Galicia and Galicians in «Colloquium of Twenty-Four Rustic Galicians» by Martin Sarmiento. Litera, 2, 272–291.
The paper examines the lexical and stylistic means of creating the images of Galicia and the Galicians in the «Colloquium of Twenty-Four Rustic Galicians» by Martin Sarmiento, the Benedictine monk of the Enlightenment era. Created in 1746, the text combines the features of lexicographic description and fiction and is considered the first modern text written entirely in Galician. Methods of linguistic, stylistic and contextual text analysis, as well as descriptive and cultural-historical methods are used in the paper. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that for the first time in Russian science, «Colloquium...» becomes the object of philological study. Also, the analysis of the means of creating the image of Galicia fits into the current cultural problems of analyzing the process of formation of the Spanish national character. The study reveals the following characteristics: the image of Galicia contains features that will further form a stereotypical idea of the autonomous community (it is a beautiful traditional agricultural region, rich in natural resources); Galicians, even when living in a foreign land, recognize themselves as a special community, they are deeply embedded in folk culture with its holidays, superstitions and linguistic richness, while tension is felt between them and the rest of the inhabitants of Spain; noble Galicians are practically idealized, while the peasants, despite their harsh assessments, are nice in their own way and have a sense of humor. The following lexical and stylistic means play an important role in the text: Galician realia (both well-known and rare lexemes); homogeneous parts of the sentence combining words according to semantic fields; comparison, wordplay, irony, vulgarization of images.
wordplay, superstition, culture-specific item, semantic field, Galician literature, Martin Sarmiento, Galician language, Galicia, irony, vulgarization of images
Leonovich, E.O., Lyashenko, I.V., Drygina, Y.A. (2025). Phytonyms in British folklore (linguistic and cultural approach). Litera, 2, 292–304.
The subject of the study is phytonyms in the British linguistic culture. The authors consider phytonyms in folklore in detail, namely in love spells, beliefs, magic formulas, conspiracies, predictions, and folk medicine. Phytonyms in this work mean all names of plants and their parts. When classifying phytonyms, the authors rely on a naive picture of the world and divide phytonyms into dendronyms (names of trees and bushes), floronyms (names of flowers) and herbonyms (names of herbs).The purpose of the study is to consider the problem of using phytonymic vocabulary and the peculiarities of the existence of forms of its representation in the field of folk culture of the English-speaking community of Britain from the standpoint of everyday linguistics. The objectives of the study include identifying the specifics of the representation of phytonomic vocabulary in British folklore, as well as systematization and description of its functions. The work uses methods of complex analysis based on the methods of various sciences (history, cultural studies), among which the following approaches are considered important: a systematic approach, a semiotic approach, a cultural-anthropological approach. The novelty of the research lies, firstly, in the consideration of phytonyms in British folklore from the standpoint of the linguistics of everyday life, complementing the linguistic picture of the world, the modeling of which is gaining popularity in modern language science. In linguistics of recent decades, there has been an obvious trend towards shifting the emphasis to everyday life and everyday human consciousness. Phytonyms have previously been widely studied, but within the framework of other linguistic paradigms. As a result of the research, it was found that the essence of the socio-philosophical concept of everyday life lies in the fact that it is the closest, familiar reality to a person. For modern linguistics, which has turned its attention to the everyday consciousness and daily life of an individual, everyday discourse, including folklore, is valuable. Also, in the course of the study, the functional features of phytonyms in British folklore were considered, which allowed us to draw the following conclusions. In folk art and medicine, phytonyms perform an expressive function that helps to increase expression and, of course, cognitive, since poetry-spells, sayings carry knowledge and wisdom contained in the memory of generations.
Phytonyms, Onomastics, folklife culture, linguocultural studies, Linguistics of everyday life, dendronym, British linguoculture, Floronyms, folklore, Functions of phytonyms
Li, L., Lazareva, O.V. (2025). Mentality and national character in Russian and Chinese parodies. Litera, 2, 305–316.
This research paper analyzes the unique characteristics of national character and mentality found in the proverbs of Russian and Chinese languages, aiming to understand how linguistic expressions mirror the cultural and social traits of these societies. Through content and component analysis of proverbs, along with the author's innovative method of creating paremic portraits using a petal diagram for visualization, the study illustrates how proverbs act as a reflection of national and cultural identity. By examining Russian and Chinese proverbs, the research uncovers both positive and negative aspects of national characters, highlighting the distinctive yet shared worldviews of Russians and Chinese. It particularly emphasizes how proverbs encapsulate key facets of daily life, social connections, and national culture, revealing differences and similarities in the mentalities of these two peoples. The research employed content and component analysis of proverbs, visualization through a petal diagram, and the author's unique approach to constructing paremic portraits. The study's scientific novelty lies in its author's methodology for comparative analysis, which involves developing paremiological portraits of Russian and Chinese national characters using visual aids like the petal diagram. This approach significantly contributes to comparative cultural studies and linguistics, offering a novel perspective on national character through proverbs and facilitating a deeper understanding of national identities. The study underscores that proverbs serve as a valuable source of insight into national character, highlighting shared traits such as diligence, honesty, and collectivism, as well as distinct features like the fear of losing face in Chinese culture and the depth of soul in Russian culture. This underscores the importance of proverbs as a tool for exploring and comprehending cultural diversities and similarities among different peoples.
human character, specific, Chinese language, Russian language, yanyu, proverb, paremic portrait, national character, paremya, mentality
Hovsepyan, S. (2025). Linguistic and cultural specifics of the semantics of the word "happiness" in the Russian and Armenian languages. Litera, 2, 317–331.
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This article is devoted to the analysis of the semantics of the word «happiness» in the Russian and Armenian languages. The authors show what the concept of happiness is in the Russian and Armenian linguistic consciousness represent, what value and meaning it carries and compare them. The purpose of this article is to show that «happiness» is not just a universal concept, but that it is capable of reflecting the national-specific traits of the language. The object of the study is the concept of «happiness» in the Russian and Armenian languages. The subject of the study is the national-cultural specificity of the concept of «happiness» in these languages. The following methods were used: the method of directed sampling, the classification method, the analysis of dictionary definitions, observation, the descriptive method, the comparative method, the field method, the definitional-component analysis used to describe the semantic content of nominative units representing interest. Scientific novelty is determined by the fact that thanks to the complex analysis it becomes possible to identify the national-specific features of the semantic content of the word «happiness». This research is a significant step for further comparative research of the lexical-semantic field «happiness». The bibliography consists of 30 sources - 8 dictionaries, including 6 Armenian ones. We identified 24 cognate words to the word «երջանկություն» [erjankutyun] and 30 to the word «բախտ» [bakht]. The word «երջանկություն» [erjankutyun] in Armenian has 8 synonyms, as well as 3 synonyms in a figurative sense. In Russian, we also found 8 synonyms.
linguistics, national specifics, linguoculturology, semantic field, Russian, the Armenian language, semantic content, happiness, semantic, culture
Literary criticism
Gareeva, L.M., Kravchuk, T.V., Touahar, A.O. (2025). Rhythmic organisation of A. P. Chekhov's prose. Litera, 2, 332–342.
The article is devoted to the specificity of rhythm in A. P. Chekhov's prose works: “Death of an Official”, “Lady with a Dog”, “Dushechka” and the novella “Steppe” were used as material. In the course of the study we analyzed syntactic constructions. The analyzed texts have specific features of the rhythm of prose, characterized by semantic content, rhythmic and syntactic peculiarities of the characters' speech, structure and uniformity of syntactic units, and often contrasting meanings of phrase fragments. In the theoretical part of the work were applied general scientific methods - analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, system analysis, generalization; typological and descriptive methods. In the practical part of the study we applied the method of solid sampling from four selected works. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the identification of rhythmic structures characteristic of A. P. Chekhov's prose. P. Chekhov's prose rhythmic features, the close relationship between the rhythm of the narrative and the themes, episodes, speech characteristics of the characters. As a result: a) the speech of the author and characters, the development of the plot and the rhythmic organization of the text are inextricably linked in the artistic unity of the work; b) the most productive in the prose of A. P. Chekhov is the rhythm of the narrative; b) the most productive rhythmic means in Chekhov's prose is syntactic parallelism, based on the coincidence of the composition and order of sentence members in adjacent constructions or syntagmas; c) the rhythmic development of plot repetitions is often connected with the movement of the characters' speech; d) especially common in Chekhov's narrative are constructions with the conjunction “but”, which create a contrast between the character's spiritual life and the external circumstances of his existence, his behavior.
syntax, parallelism, rhythmic organisation, rhythm, composition, subtext, repetition, motif, detail, syntactic construction
Literary criticism
Dubakov, L., Zhang , Y. (2025). The principles of werewolfism and zoomorphization of reality in the novel by A. A. Starobinets «Fox Fords». Litera, 2, 343–350.
The article analyses the image of the Chinese fox-werewolf, huli-jing, and other werewolves in the context of the Russian-Chinese cultural space created in Anna Starobinets' novel "Fox Fords". It also compares the images of the heroes of this work with other variants of the images of Chinese werewolves in Russian literature in terms of the depth and nature of their Russification. In addition, the study notes that the artistic reality of Anna Starobinets' novel is based on the principles of werewolfism and zoomorphisation. These principles are projected onto various components of the text primarily through animal comparisons and metaphors. They refer to people, natural objects, objects and abstract phenomena. Animalistic and plant motifs are manifested in the portraits and names of characters, in toponymic nomination, in landscapes, and in the language of the work. The principles of werewolfism and zoomorphisation influence the artistic time and space in "Fox Fords", which in turn, along with other elements of the text, make it possible to reveal the multilayered nature of the characters and their moral essence. The relevance of the article is determined by the high interest of domestic literary studies in the research involving images created under the influence of different cultures. In addition, modern literary studies show an increased interest in borderline phenomena in the field of literary genres ("Fox Fords" is a novel belonging to "big" literature and at the same time to fiction). The novelty of the article is due to its understanding of werewolfism and zoomorphisation not only in the mystical and physical, biological sense, but also as metaphysical and philosophical phenomena capable of characterising various aspects of reality and revealing their true nature.
Russification, zoomorphization, werewolfism, bestiality, Chinese tradition, Huli-jing, werewolf fox, Anna Starobinets, mysticism, mythology
Literary criticism
Naydenova, R.R. (2025). The theme of death in prose by Margaret Atwood. Litera, 2, 351–362.
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The subject of the research is the death in prose by the famous modern Canadian writer Margaret Atwood (b. 1939). The object of the research are the novels and short stories of the author (novels "The Blind Assassin", "Cat's Eye", "Lady Oracle" etc.). The author of the article pays special attention to the biographical narratives of the Canadian writer, in which the main character is also the narrator. Stories of storytellers by M. Atwood, as a rule, always unfolds retrospectively – from the present to the past. During their journey, the narrating characters mentally return to the past and conduct "negotiations with the dead." Based on the researches of M. Atwood's legacy, as well as on the literary works of the Canadian writer herself, the author of the article describes the place of the theme of death in her retrospective narratives. The author of the article comes to the following conclusions. 1) The theme of death is one of the key themes in her work. Atwood, since the retrospective narrative of the biography itself involves an appeal to the past, to the world of the dead. Remembering, the main character, the narrator, mentally makes a journey into the world of the past, which M. Atwood rhymes with the afterlife. 2) The creative process, the creation of a story in the writer's artistic world, takes place during "negotiations with the dead", when the hero-narrator mentally addresses people from his past. 3) Death in the works of M. Atwood often appears in the form of a relic, an archaeological find, a lost and rediscovered thing. The difficult process of exhumation and extraction from the ground is consonant with the equally difficult process of dissecting the narrator's own complexes and resentments.
hero-storyteller, monomyth, unreliable storyteller, negotiating with the dead, narrative strategy, narrative, otherworld, death, Canadian literature, Margaret Atwood
Saprykina, O.A., Khripunova, A.G. (2025). Spanish memorial speeches in the aspect of pragmalinguistics. Litera, 2, 363–370.
The article examines the Spanish memorial discourse, the part of it that is associated with the genre of oral solemn speech delivered on the occasion of the date of birth or death of an outstanding historical figure. The object of the work is the speeches delivered by the Spanish King Philip VI on the occasion of the 400th anniversary of the death of Cervantes and at the so-called memorial act dedicated to the 500th anniversary of the death of Antonio de Nebrija, the great Spanish scientist and humanitarian. The subject of the study is the discursive characteristics of memorial speeches, the distinctive feature of which are different types of argumentation (proof, persuasion, impact), and the types of speeches – epideictic, advisory, and judgmental. Along with logical, informative arguments, an important role is played by the pragmalinguistic characteristics of texts – expressive, emotional and evaluative shades of the meanings conveyed in them, depending on the intentions of the meanings. The research methodology is interdisciplinary in nature, taking into account the general scientific principles of synthesis and analysis, and also includes methods of discursive and cognitive analysis, which involve combining linguistic methods of studying the subject with extralinguistic ones. The introduction of memory as a cognitive-linguistic phenomenon is an innovative part of the work. The pragmalinguistic approach to memorial speeches is based on two directions in pragmalinguistics: functional, which takes into account the goals and objectives of public speaking (pathos), and hidden, implicit pragmalinguistics, which refers to the speech behavior of the author of the speech expressing his attitude to the objects of public speaking (ethos). The memorial speeches of the Spanish monarch Philip VI combine the functions of a logos message and take into account the rhetorical components of persuasion and influence – pathos and ethos. In memorial discourse, in addition to memorial oral speeches, the genres of wills, obituaries, and small-format texts are also possible-designations of memorial cultural or administrative institutions. The pragmatic intention of the author of the speech may be open or implicit.
proof, persuasion, impact, argumentation, hidden pragmalinguistics, functional pragmalinguistics, oral public speech, memorial speeches, memorial discourse, speech behavior
Yarzada, B. (2025). Categories of number and gender and their textual functions in Persian and Russian. Litera, 2, 371–391.
This article examines the features of grammatical gender and number in Persian and Russian, with an emphasis on their semantic and syntactic characteristics. Special attention is paid to the state of gender research in the Persian language, which is still poorly understood, especially given the presence of many dialects with their unique characteristics. The author analyzes the differences in the manifestation of grammatical gender and number in various variants of the Persian dialect, which allowed to identify the reasons for the disappearance of these categories in some of them. The study also aims to identify geographical areas where grammatical gender is preserved or lost, which highlights the need for comparative analysis between languages. Thus, the work provides a broad view of the interaction of lexical categories and their influence on each other, creating the basis for further study of the features of generic and numerical features. This article is based on a comparative analysis, when the assessment of Persian units is implemented in comparison with Russian categorical indicators both in the field of functions and in the field of unit typology. The study of the category of gender and number in Russian and Persian is manifested in a comparative aspect, which allowed to identify both similarities and fundamental differences. In particular, in Russian the gender category has a clear lexico-grammatical and semantic component, whereas in Persian the grammatical gender is ignored, and the categories are expressed mainly semantically. The analysis showed that, despite significant differences in the syntactic functionality of both languages, the main functions of the gender and number categories clarify and expand the meaning of linguistic units. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the comprehensive analysis of language systems, taking into account their typological features and geographical areas of use. For the first time, dialectal differences in the manifestation of grammatical gender in the Persian language and the influence of geographical factors on its presence or absence are investigated. In addition, the work allowed to draw lexico-semantic parallels between languages and to better understand the differences in their structure. The obtained conclusions contribute to the further study of the evolution of grammatical categories in languages of different typological affiliation.
Farsi, gender, numbers, The Persian language, Russian, categories, comparison, number category, gender category, language
Wang, T., Wan, S. (2025). Food product naming: semiotic aspect. Litera, 2, 392–404.
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The article is devoted to the study of semiotic aspects of food product naming and their influence on consumers' perception and choice. In a modern market saturated with a variety of offers, the product name fulfill not only the function of identification, but also creates an emotional context that awakens feelings, evokes associations. The author analyses how names can activate emotional responses, shape product identity, create new cultural narratives. The role of semiotics in this process is demonstrated by the fact that each name becomes a sign that carries not only information about the product, but also a multitude of cultural meanings. The article also looks at examples of successful naming, emphasizing how the use of metaphorical, associative elements can increase the attractiveness, competitiveness of products in the market. The authors used the following research methods: - descriptive analysis of words and expressions of food-related names in terms of their semantic properties, morphological structure and semiotic usage. - descriptive method, collection, primary analysis and presentation of vocabulary on the topic of research and their characteristics. Scientific novelty of the study: 1. The role of naming as a tool that forms not only the identity of the product, but also creates new cultural narratives, which has been studied fragmentarily so far, is emphasized. 2. A detailed analysis of the use of metaphorical and associative elements in naming is presented, which demonstrates their influence on consumers' perceptions and choices, thus expanding the existing understanding of the semiotics of food products. 3. For the first time, cross-cultural differences in the perception of product names are emphasised, illustrating how cultural codes transform attitudes towards the same products. 4 The study integrates approaches from classical semiotics, cultural studies and marketing to provide a new perspective on the interaction between sign systems, consumer behaviour.
marketing, cultural narratives, perception, linguoculture, emotional reactions, product identity, semiotics, cultural values, naming, metaphors
Aleksandrikova , L. (2025). On the dictionary representation of phraseological units in Russian and Chinese lexicography. Litera, 2, 405–418.
The article is devoted to the comparison of the history of the representation of phraseological units in Russian and Chinese linguistic dictionaries. The subject of research is Russian dictionaries of phraseological units and Chinese dictionaries of Chengyu. The purpose of the study is to identify similarities and differences in the representation of phraseological units / chengyu (literally "ready expression") in Russian and Chinese lexicography. The main lexicographic works of each of these stages in Russia and China are considered, including the Dictionary of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1783-1794) and the dictionary of "Phraseological Units of six departments" (1742), as well as the works of Chinese and Russian researchers in the field of lexicography and phraseology. As a result of the research, the following conclusions were drawn: 1) chengyu began to be recorded in dictionaries earlier than phraseological units in Russian dictionaries; 2) aspect phraseological dictionaries appeared in China earlier than in Russia; 3) if in Russia the development of phraseography is associated with the development of linguistic science, then in China the development of phraseography is rather due to a long cultural tradition. The novelty of the research consists, firstly, in the fact that in China the first aspect phraseological dictionaries appeared long before similar dictionaries in Russia, and, secondly, in the fact that the development of phraseography in Russia is associated with progress in linguistic science, whereas in China with cultural tradition. Russian and Chinese lexicography textbooks can be used in lectures for Russian students of Chinese and native Chinese speakers who are learning Russian.
phraseology, chinese, Russian, phraseologism, Chengyu, dictionaries, phraseography, Chinese dictionaries, Russian dictionaries, lexicography
Sychev, R.V. (2025). The Colonial Kaqchikel verb ux and its role in non-verbal predication. Litera, 2, 419–434.
The object of the study is the peculiarities of the Colonial Kaqchikel language (Mayan family), focusing on non-verbal clauses. Special attention is given to the verb "ux," its morphosyntactic and semantic characteristics, as well as its role in non-verbal predication. In modern Kaqchikel, this verb is absent (although it is preserved in related languages, where it functions lexically rather than as an auxiliary verb). The verb "ux" is not reconstructed in Proto-Mayan. The research material consists of a corpus of texts in the Kaqchikel language from the Colonial period, grammatical descriptions, and dictionaries from the XVI to the XIX century. The corpus analysis is primarily based on the text "Annals of the Kaqchikels" (a XVI century manuscript published by Daniel Brinton in 1885). The main method employed is morphosyntactic analysis. A connection between the semantic type of the non-verbal predicate and the structural configuration of the clause is identified. The features of copular and non-copular constructions in the Kaqchikel language of the Colonial period are described. The auxiliary function of the verb "ux" is demonstrated, which involves establishing a predicative link as well as expressing tense, aspect, and modality of non-verbal predicates. An attempt at etymological analysis of the verb "ux" is made, noting its cognates in closely related languages. The analysis shows that "ux" can modify all semantic types of non-verbal predicates and replace the existential copular element "k’o". However, the verb "ux" is never placed in the canonical (left) position of the predicate. Functional differences in aspectual forms of the verb "ux" are presented. Reduction in strategies for expressing tense, aspect, and modality of non-verbal predicates throughout the history of the Kaqchikel language is identified.
Colonial Kaqchikel, Mayan languages, Kaqchikel, non-verbal predication semantics, non-copular predication, copular predication, copula, non-verbal predicates, history of Kaqchikel language, TAM
Ptukyan, A.R. (2025). Motivational discourse and its place in the discursive knowledge system. Litera, 2, 435–441.
The subject of the study is motivational discourse, its characteristics and features. The purpose of the study is to determine the motivational discourse specifics and its distinctive features from other types of discourse. The key features of motivational discourse are analyzed, reflecting its determining features, which allows to formulate a number of properties inherent in this type of discourse. The author examines in detail such aspects of the topic as emotiveness and speech impact on the recipient. The relevance of the study is due to the increased interest in personal training and motivational speeches, which are aimed at exerting some influence on recipient. Particular attention is paid to such concepts as: motivational discourse, motivation, speech influence and communication. In the article, the author examines motivational discourse from the perspective of its influence on communicants and its illocutionary power. The novelty of this study lies in the definition of motivational discourse as a separate type of discourse. The author formulated a definition of motivational discourse and identified its distinctive features. The conducted research revealed some specific features inherent in motivational discourse. In particular, motivational discourse is formed with a specific goal to change the picture of the world that is familiar to communicants or to have a certain influence on the recipient. The author’s special contribution to the study of the topic is the identification of the key features of motivational discourse, allowing it to be formulated as a separate type of discourse. The results of this study can be used to develop methods of speech influence, manuals on public speaking, as well as providing support for psychological trauma.
speech intention, motivation, communication strategy, speech influence, illocutionary force, context, motivational discourse, communication, discourse, discursive act
Urazaeva, N.R., Urazaeva, S.I., Vesna, V.M. (2025). The category of emotivity as a reflection of a person's attitude to the world in prayer texts (based on the German language). Litera, 2, 442–454.
The subject of the research is the representation of the religious picture of the human world, expressed in prayer texts and viewed through the prism of the category of emotivity. The research focuses on the study of linguistic means and techniques used in prayers to express emotions, feelings, assessments and the worshipper's subjective attitude towards God, the world and himself. Special attention is paid to the analysis of how these emotive manifestations reflect and construct religious beliefs, values, and beliefs that shape the religious worldview. In particular, the research is aimed at identifying and classifying the main types of emotive units (emotionally colored vocabulary, stylistic figures, rhetorical techniques), identifying the relationships between different types of emotions. The ultimate goal is to demonstrate how the category of emotivity serves as a tool for understanding the religious worldview. The methodology includes: definition of the concepts of emotivity, emotion and expressivity, the importance of studying the worldview from the point of view of linguistics; review of theoretical literature. Protestant prayers in German are empirically analyzed. Methods of analysis: lexico-semantic (identification of emotive vocabulary), stylistic (analysis of stylistic techniques), contextual (taking into account the religious context). The scientific novelty of the research lies in a comprehensive analysis of the representation of the religious picture of the world through the prism of the category of emotivity in prayer texts. The interpretation of emotive manifestations in prayer texts is proposed as a reflection of the subjective religious experience and the individual picture of the believer's world. The research results contribute to the development of linguistic conceptology, religious linguistics, and discourse theory. The study confirms that the emotivity category plays a central role in shaping and expressing the religious worldview in prayer texts. Prayers do not just convey information, but also express a believer's deep feelings, experiences, and attitudes toward God, the world, and himself. Prayers have revealed a wide variety of emotive means (lexical, stylistic, rhetorical) used to express various emotions: gratitude, love, hope, fear, guilt, sorrow, and others. The data obtained can be used in intercultural communication, religious studies, and in the development of educational programs aimed at improving religious literacy and tolerance.
emotive vocabulary, language tools, German language, prayer, expressiveness, emotion, world view, category of emotiveness, syntactic means, value orientations
Author's view
Tokareva, M.S. (2025). Texts by Zinaida Volkonskaya through the prism of the Kunstreligion concept. Litera, 2, 455–463.
The subject of this work is the reflection of the philosophical and aesthetic romantic concept Kunstreligion in the texts of Princess Zinaida Volkonskaya. The author searched for traces of the influence of this trend of Romanticism in travel notes and essays on the painting of the Princess. The texts created during the Princess's trip from Moscow to Rome in 1829 were chosen as the material: they were published in «Excerpts from travel memoirs» (1865). In addition, little-known essays by Volkonskaya – «La Madonna de Raphael à Dresde» and «La Madeleine du Corrège» are analyzed. The objectives of the study are to interpret the texts of Z. A. Volkonskaya from the point of view of Kunstreligion, to identify the author's specifics, to clarify the difference in the reflection of Kunstreligion in W.–H. Wackenroder, F. Schlegel and Z. A. Volkonskaya. The comparative historical method was used in the work, and the methodology is based on the works of H. Taine and A. N. Veselovsky. The main conclusions are the discovery of new «traces of influence» of Kunstreligion in Russian literature. It turned out that Z. A. Volkonskaya, being a woman of a religious and romantic conscience, partially relied on the postulates of this concept in her texts. However, it is not known how much the princess was aware of the influence of Kunstreligion on her creativity. The ideas of this concept were presumably known to her thanks to Stepan Shevyrev, who participated in the publication of the translation of W.-H. Wackenroder's work «Fantasies on Art» (1797). The scientific novelty of the research lies in the analysis of texts by Z. A. Volkonskaya that had not previously been thoroughly studied, namely the essays «La Madonna de Raphael à Dresde» and «La Madeleine du Corrège».
travel notes, Zinaida Volkonskaya, Wackenroder, Schlegel, essay, painting in literature, comparative studies, German Romanticism, Kunstreligion, history of perception
Kharchenko, M.A. (2025). Intercultural Competence and Multiple Identities in the Context of English Language Use in an Institutional Setting. Litera, 2, 464–474.
The aim of this study is to explore the connection between the cultural content of the English language as a means of international communication and the formation of the identity of its speakers within the context of intercultural interaction in institutional settings. The study proposes to rethink the perspective of using English, focusing not on communication with native speakers, but on developing skills for interaction in a multilingual environment. The practical significance of the research lies in its potential to promote the development of intercultural communication and improve interaction in multilingual and multicultural contexts, fostering better understanding and acceptance of diverse cultural identities in a globalized world. The study also emphasizes the importance of adapting educational programs aimed at preparing individuals for professional interaction in a culturally diverse environment, which is particularly relevant in an era of global interdependence. The scientific significance of the research lies in introducing a new concept of English cultural competence as a phenomenon that transcends individual cultures and embraces diverse contexts. The study employs methods of theoretical analysis and synthesis, sociolinguistic and socio-constructivist approaches, as well as comparative analysis, to reinterpret the role of English as a lingua franca and its connection to multilingual communicative practices. The practical significance of the research lies in its potential to advance intercultural communication and improve interactions in multilingual and multicultural contexts, fostering greater understanding and acceptance of diverse cultural identities in a globalized world. The findings underline that the focus should be on developing intercultural competence resources rather than on studying isolated linguistic and cultural traditions.
institutional environment., globalization, multicultural interaction, polycodality, intercultural competence, sociolinguistics, multilingual practices, cultural identity formation, intercultural communication, Lingua Franca
Mikheev, N.A. (2025). Structural and semantic types of English paremias on the subject of "financial situation". Litera, 2, 475–484.
The purpose of the article is to study the structural and semantic features of the English language paremias used to characterize a person's financial situation. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were set: to study the features of the structural and semantic analysis of paremias using the frame method, to compile a structural and semantic classification of paremias, with which one can characterize a person's financial situation. The subject of the study is paremias denoting a person's financial situation in English, and their Russian equivalents. The object of the study is the structural and semantic features of paremias denoting a person's financial situation in modern English. The research material is 200 paremias of the English language denoting a person's financial situation, obtained by a continuous sampling method from the "Great English-Russian Phraseological Dictionary" by A.V. Kunin, "Oxford Dictionary of Idioms" and "Cambridge Dictionary". In the course of the study, such methods of general scientific research as the analysis of theoretical literature, synthesis, and classification were used. A scientific linguistic method such as definitional analysis was also used, this method was used to identify groups of semantic equivalents. The conducted research allowed us to conclude that the English language parodies denoting a person's financial situation can be divided into several semantic groups: "wealth", "poverty", "get rich", "impoverish", "be rich", "be poor". Based on the structural and semantic analysis of these paremias, it is possible to formulate a number of differences in the English-speaking and Russian-speaking linguistic picture of the world, based on the different attitudes towards money and finance among the British and Russians. 1. If the British have a person who is responsible for his own financial situation (he is to blame for his own poverty or he achieves wealth), the Russians understand a person who becomes rich or poor as the will of fate (a person cannot be accused of poverty). 2. Among the British, a person who has wealth always deserves respect, regardless of how his fortune was made. Among Russians, respect for a person with a lot of money can be not only respectful, but also contemptuous, because wealth is often associated with a lack of honesty and kindness.
language world picture, definitional analysis, frame method, linguistics, financial standing, the Russian language, structural-semantic, the English language, paremias, semantic