Citations count: 31
Volokh V.A., Gerasimova I.V. —
Economic Benefits from Implementation of State Migration Policy in the Russian Federation
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2014. – ¹ 1.
– P. 1 - 12.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4595.2014.1.9629 URL:
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This article focuses on the acceptance and approval of the Concept of the State Migration Policy of the Russian Federation until 2025 («Concept»). In this connection, there appeared a strategic document in the migration sphere.The research considers a comprehensive phased action plan for implementation in the 2012-2015 years of the Concept as a tool of the implementation of the Concept. In particular, the authors examined the specific activities associated with the economic effects of the implementation of this Concept, namely, to attract a permanent place of residence of our compatriots living in and abroad, as well as highly qualified and promising youth
Citations count: 10
Vasil'ev A.V. —
Economic policy of modern states and Russia.
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2013. – ¹ 4.
– P. 60 - 87.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4595.2013.4.7056 URL:
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Economic policy in its most general sense is direction of activities of the state in the sphere of economics. It may be implemented via two ways: a) by regulating economic relations with the legal norms, established by the socity; b) by direct interference of the state bodies into the economic relations and their participation in economic relations. The specific feature of economic policy is that in addition to legal regulation and direct participation of the state in economic relations the economy is regulated by its own laws of economics, which act objectively and independently. The article studies the correlation between economic and legal laws, their interaction and mutual influence. It is established that legal laws should be in conformity with economic ones. Otherwise, there shall be economic crises, defaults, and other negative matters. The article includes proposals for the improvement of legal regulation of economic relations.
Citations count: 8
Bakhshian E. —
Clusters in modern economy: concept, characteristic features and generated effects
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2019. – ¹ 1.
– P. 64 - 74.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2019.1.28209 URL:
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This article is dedicated to the analysis of clusters as a new unique factor of increasing competitiveness in modern economy. The author examines various approaches towards examination of the concept of clusters, determines their characteristic features and generated effects. The description is given to common and specific features of clusters. Particular attention is paid to the presence of synergetic effects in cluster due to its special structure. Based on the Triple Helix Model, the author reveals the mechanism for generating innovations as a result of interaction of the key economic agents within the framework of the cluster. The author presents an original definition of clusters. The conclusion is made that the characteristic features of clusters and the emerging within them synergetic effects increase competitiveness between the separate members of cluster and the cluster as a whole, as well as competitiveness of the region, in which the cluster is located, thereby leading to increased competitiveness of national economy.
Citations count: 6
Egorova T., Delakhova A.M. —
Elaboration of toolset for assessing differentiation of the level of transport accessibility of northern region
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2020. – ¹ 4.
– P. 81 - 94.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2020.4.34637 URL:
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The subject of this research is the theory and practice of assessing transport accessibility of the territories of northern regions, where the absence of all-season overland communications render impossible their comparison and analysis. The common type of communications in northern regions are winter/ice roads, which are not usually included in analysis of infrastructure and transportation accessibility of a territory. Inclusion of the variable of seasonal communications is substantiated by the absences of alternatives in northern regions. The tools for assessing transport accessibility of the territory are developed using the integral index method, which allows determining the differentiation of variables of weighted average time and monetary costs on freight transportation. Such method based on the cost and time assessment of the transportation-logistical expenses allows accounting for changes in the transport complex, related to development of transportation network in the region, reflected on all stages of the logistical process. The developed methodological toolset is based on the classic methods of assessment of regional transportation system, while at the same time presents novelty, as it includes the presence of seasonal types of transportation communications in northern regions of the country and their logistical component, allowing to fully assess the peculiarities of transportation systems in the northern regions. The conducted analysis of the variables of the territorial structure of transportation network of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia) revealed heterogeneity in transport accessibility of municipal regions of the Sakha Republic. Results of the analysis of the level of differentiation of transport accessibility of municipalities through methods demonstrated a heterogenic differentiation, influenced by the vastness of the territories, low density of population, as well as sparseness of settlements of the Artic regions among number of other factors.
Citations count: 5
Altuf'eva N.V. —
Evaluation of the Innovative Potential of Small and Medium Enterprises (the Case Study of the Republic of Bashkortostan)
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2016. – ¹ 4.
– P. 68 - 78.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8647.2016.4.20925 URL:
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The object of the research is the factors that determine the innovative potential of small and medium entrepreneurship in the Republic of Bashkortostan. The subject of the research is the system of economic relations arising in the process of evaluation of the innovative potential of small and medium entrepreneurship in the Republic of Bashkortostan in order to ensure the development and stability of the innovation system and the national security of the Republic. The author analyzes existing methods of estimating the innovative potential and based on her analysis identifies necessary indicators to assess the innovative capacity of small and medium entrepreneurship in the Republic of Bashkortostan as well as reveals their quantitative and qualitative characteristics. Within the framework of qualitative and quantitative approaches to assessment of the innovative potential of small and medium businesses in the Republic of Bashkortostan the author has proposed the systems approach consisting of comparative, structural, efficiency anaylsis methods and expert evaluation method. The author offers her own model for evaluating the innovative potential of small and medium enterprises based on the application of quantitative and qualitative indicators. The main conclusion is that in the process of evaluating the innovative potential it is necessary to consider not only performance indicators but also seasonality, security, and the impact of the number of employed people in small and medium innovation business by the total number of people employed in small and medium enterprises.
Citations count: 4
Lobova S.V. —
Analysis of the impact of settlement of population throughout the territory of a region upon creation of high-tech jobs
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2017. – ¹ 4.
– P. 105 - 119.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2017.4.24632 URL:
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The relevance of this topic of research is substantiated by the need for realization of targeted state socioeconomic policies, among which is creation and modernization of high-tech jobs. The subject of this research is the economic relations pertaining to creation of high-tech jobs in a specific area. The hypothesis is the thesis that in the regions with large portion of the population living in the rural area, the number of high-tech jobs cannot be high. The research is based on the results of the analysis of the open data from the Russian Federal State Statistics Service on the number of high-tech jobs. The novelty of this research is confirmed by the author’s view of the research, analysis and assessment of the composition and structure, number and quality of high-tech jobs, as well as factors that impact them. Author’s contribution into this topic consists in establishing the fact that settlement of population in urban and rural territories is not the determining factor for creation and modernization of high-tech jobs, at least not within the framework of the methodology applied by the Russian Federal State Statistics Service.
Citations count: 4
Ozarnov R. —
The peculiarities of Russia’s foreign trade with BRICS countries
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2018. – ¹ 3.
– P. 181 - 192.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2018.3.27092 URL:
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This article is dedicated to the peculiarities of Russia’s foreign trade with BRICS countries. The subject of this research is the economic relations emerged in the process of organization of Russia’s foreign trade with BRICS member states. The author examines and analyzes the statistical data on export and import, their structure, as well as financial and nonfinancial means of foreign trade. The forecast of Russia’s export and import with BRICS member state for 2018-202 is provided. The participation of countries in BRICS Association opens prospects for trade and economic cooperation and sustainable development for each of group member; for Russia, the cooperation with BRICS countries is one of the priority directions of the country’s long-term development strategy. The research is based on the general scientific methods of cognition (analysis, synthesis, comparison), table and graphic interpretation of statistical information, and time series. A conclusion is made that over the recent decade, Russia’s foreign trade turnover with the BRICS group demonstrates steady growth, which allows forecasting further positive dynamics in the trade and economic relations; an important role in this process is played by the financial and credit institutions. The scientific novelty lies in statistical examination of the exported and imported commodities, and the overall commodity turnover. The author explores the export and import structure between Russia and China; circumstantiates the statistics of commodity turnover between Russia and Brazil, Russia and India, Russia and South Africa; suggests the instruments for stimulating Russia’s foreign trade with BRICS countries.
Citations count: 4
Gryaznova E.V., Shkirnyuk P.G. —
Russian healthcare and quality of life
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2014. – ¹ 4.
– P. 72 - 85.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4595.2014.4.12986 URL:
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The study analyzes the relationship of public health problems in Russia and quality of life. The urgency of research stems from the fact that the new health reform in our country has led to a decrease in the quality and availability of medical services. The main wealth of any country is human potential. The basic characteristic of human potential is the quality of life since every person is a representative of the state. The quality of life is a social indicator rather than an economic one and its basic criterion is the state of health. The study of the relationship between the health system operation and the quality of life will allow to improve the methods aimed at enhancement of life quality management in the future. The main research methods involve analysis, comparison and generalization, statistical analysis as well as a systematic approach.
The study has found that the quality of life depends on the following factors: - public health quality and capacity;
- type of economic health care model;
- health system management performance;
- interests and goals of subjects of management as well as results of managerial decisions;
- level of informatization and management of the health system.
Citations count: 3
Khorin A.N., Brovkin A.V. —
Historical experience of mutual insurance in Russia as a base for development of modern industry non-commercial insurance
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2018. – ¹ 2.
– P. 12 - 21.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2018.2.26075 URL:
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This article is devoted to the analysis of the historical scientific-practical experience of mutual insurance in pre-revolution Russia and during the USSR era. Based on the study of a substantial amount of historical and modern publications it is demonstrated that the mutual (non-commercial) insurance was widely used in the Russian Empire. The main objective of this work and its scientific-educational value lies in the increase of knowledge and informing of the broad reader base on the history of mutual insurance as a relevant financial instrument of risk protection. The article demonstrates the role and significance of the mutual insurance in Russia, including its industry application. The authors come to the conclusion that this experience can be successfully applied even today, if supported by the scientific community with regards to informing a broad spectrum of interested parties, development and proliferation of scientific-theoretical and scientific-practical materials dedicated to mutual insurance.
Citations count: 3
Martyshenko N.S. —
Analysis of the problems of Catering University Students: Socio-Economic Aspects
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2017. – ¹ 3.
– P. 70 - 89.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2017.3.23874 URL:
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Nutrition is an essential component of students' health. In recent years, there has been a steady trend of deterioration in the nutrition structure of students, which is confirmed by numerous publications on this topic. The main purpose of this study is to identify the characteristics of eating behavior of students in universities of Primorsky Krai. The basis of the research is the questionnaire survey of students of the Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service. A dangerous trend in the consumption of fast food by students has been revealed. The difference between the method of questioning used is the wide use of open questions, for processing of which the original technologies for analyzing qualitative data were used. During the processing of survey data, a number of typologies were developed that revealed the characteristics of the eating behavior of students. The structure of the food ration has been determined and the estimates of the food costs for various groups of students have been calculated. Particular attention in the article is given to the analysis of students' proposals for improving the work of catering points of the university. Some recommendations on the improvement of the university nutrition system are formulated.
Citations count: 3
Bagrin P.P. —
Possibility for Simulation Modeling of Corporate Systems
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2016. – ¹ 1.
– P. 1 - 11.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8647.2016.1.17763 URL:
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The object of the present research is the corporate systems. The subject of the present research is the simulation modeling of the corporate systems. The author analyzes various kinds of simulation modeling such as discrete even simulation, system dynamics and agent-based modeling. The author focuses on the agent-based modeling and makes a hypothesis about this type of modeling being suitable for the corporate systems. In his article Bagrin gives the list of conditions under which the agent-based modeling should be applied. The author also describes peculiarities of the corporate systems and participants of corporate relations and compares them to the conditions of application of agent-based models. In order to find the type of modeling that would be suitable for corporate systems, the author has used analysis and deduction as the research methods. By using the analysis method, the author views participants of corporate relations as part of the corporate system. By using the induction method, the author concludes that the agent-based modeling is suitable for the corporate system because it suits elements of the system. As a result of the research, the following conclusions have been made: corporate systems could and should be modeled. However, at this point it is impossible to build the analytical model so simulation models should be used instead. Out of existing simulation models the agent-based models allow to take into account all significant features of corporate systems. Teh scientific novelty of the research is based on the fact that the author proves the suitability of agent-based models for corporate systems. The results of the present research can be used in further researches of the agent-based models of corporate systems.
Citations count: 3
Ledeneva M.V., Plaksunova T.A. —
Economic growth and prospects for economic development of African countries southward Sahara
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2020. – ¹ 2.
– P. 129 - 139.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2020.2.32732 URL:
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This article is dedicated to analysis of the process of economic growth and development in African countries southward Sahara – the least industrializes region of the world. The main prerequisites for industrialization and economic growth in of African countries southward Sahara are the high urbanization ratios: the growing number of workforce, their qualification level, high portion of youth within the population structure, expanding domestic market, growing middle class, de-escalation of internal political confrontations and attenuation of cross-country armed conflicts, advancement of digital technologies. The information and empirical basis is comprised of the data of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization and the World Bank. The scientific novelty consists in determination of the points of growth in Africa southwards Sahara by means of application of the methods of statistical data analysis. The authors analyze the indicators of economic growth and industrialization of African countries southward Sahara, substantiate the increasing role of this region for the global economy. The article reveals spatial aspects of industrialization of African countries and allocation of the industrial production. The authorities of African countries must manage the industrialization processes, namely focus on the development of infrastructure, improvement of investment climate, transparency of legislation, reduction of administrative expenses for businesses, reduction of corruption, and prevention of armed conflicts. The regional integration would contribute to solution of the aforementioned issues. The key vectors in cooperation of African countries southward Sahara and Russia are the areas of oil extraction, energy sphere, information and communication technologies, and agriculture.
Citations count: 3
Ubushiev E. —
Economic security in various technological modes
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2018. – ¹ 3.
– P. 1 - 21.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2018.3.27119 URL:
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The subject of this research is the issues of economic security in various technological modes. Considering the periodical alternation of technological modes within the global technical and economic development, the author determines the key characteristics of these technological modes, as well as the issues of economic security at the time of dominance of each mode. Moreover, the article provides a detailed description of hypothetical core of a new, sixth technological mode, the transition to which is substantiated by attenuation of the current model of capitalistic development and the need for reconfiguration around the modern socioeconomic demands. Special attention is given to the assessment of research and development potential of the Russian economy. The author reveals the main threats to economic security in terms of the untimely transition to the new technological wave, as well as concludes that Russia currently experiences the dominance of the third and fourth technological modes, while the fifth mode is yet to achieve the pinnacle of its development. The author believes that if in the nearest future Russia will concentrate the existing resources on the key promising directions of the sixth technological mode, then alongside the global technological shifts, it will create the “window of opportunity” for technological breakthrough and bring about the “Russian economic wonder”.
Citations count: 3
Leontyev A., Novikova N.V. —
Regional projection of the growth pole theory: foreign and Russian experience
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2020. – ¹ 4.
– P. 106 - 117.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2020.4.34019 URL:
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In the modern context, each country is interested in the new sources of economic growth. The authors believe that the source of economic growth can lie in the spatial factors of regional development – the so-called “growth poles”. This article discusses the Russian and foreign experience of using the growth poles to accelerate regional development. The subject of this research is the spatial-economic processes that take place in terms of implementation of the “growth pole” strategy in Russian and foreign practices. The object of this research is regions of the Russian Federation and regions of the foreign countries, in the territory of which the practice of “growth poles” development was implemented. The goal of this article is to present the regional projection of scientific foundation of growth pole theory relying on the works of leading scholars, as well as advanced national and foreign experience. The author’s special contribution consists in generalization of information pertaining to the use of the “growth pole” concept in the relevant strategic planning documents. The novelty lies in the hypothesis on classification of growth poles in Russian practice, the number of growth poles in the territory of the Russian Federation. The acquired results allow assessing the Russian and foreign experience in implementation of the growth pole theory, determining the factors and conditions for achieving the goals and objectives of the strategies of polarized regional development in the Russian Federation and foreign countries.
Citations count: 2
Ilyasov D.F., Ivanov A.Y., Agafonov N.P., Mikhailenko A.A., Ovchinnikov I.D., Stepanyan P.O. —
Software Development for the Nuclear and Radiation Hazardous Objects Elimination Projects Cost Estimating Using Digital Modeling
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2022. – ¹ 4.
– P. 67 - 79.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2022.4.38996 EDN: MCDNRP URL:
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This article discusses the problems of estimating the projects cost for decommissioning nuclear and radiation hazardous facilities based on BIM data. The software developed at Nuclear Safety Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences for planning and analyzing decommissioning facilities at the pre-project stage processes is described. In particular, the software main functions are demonstrated: evaluation of the dismantling and decontamination works cost, forecasting the waste generated volume, technological processes planning and the safe waste management cost evaluation, results analysis taking into account the uncertainty of the initial data and sensitivity analysis. The scientific novelty consists in the development by a team of authors of software for financial and economic planning of decommissioning of nuclear and radiation hazardous facilities on the basis of digital information 3D models of objects being created. The need for such development is conditioned by the requirements for systematization and analysis of data on nuclear waste at the preparatory stage for the selection of effective technologies for dismantling and decontamination works and management of radioactive waste, as well as to improve the efficiency of individual decommissioning projects and the Federal Target Program "Providing Nuclear and Radiation Safety for 2016-2020 and for the period up to year 2035" generally.
Citations count: 2
Abramov R.A., Mukhaev R.T., Sokolov M.S. —
Efficiency Criteria of State and Regional Management in Terms of the Project-Based Approach
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2017. – ¹ 1.
– P. 96 - 112.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8647.2017.1.20499 URL:
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The object of the research is the state and regional authorities. The subject of the research is the organisational and managing mechanisms that define efficiency of administration in terms of the project-based approach. The need to raise efficiency of state management at all levels of governance is becoming a crucial factor of Russian society's modernization. Defined as the process of transferring management functions and powers from central authorities to regional and local ones, devolution in its turn creates the need to look for efficient mechanisms of implementing socio-economic programs at the regional level. The research methods used by the authors include the analytical method, observation, comparison and description of social processes to study efficiency criteria of state authorities when using the project-based approach as well as the influence thereof on the social and economic development of the society. Adoption of project-based management methods is becoming an important instrument of the state policy aimed at sustainable development of territories. The isuses of institutional and procedural implementation of decentralization processes and granting necessary powers, functions and resources to regional and local authorities are growing especially important. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the project-based approach to state management reveals new opportunities to modernize stage governance and offers a new system for evaluating the management mechanism efficiency at state and local authorities.
Citations count: 2
Kotov N.M. —
Directions for Improving Competitiveness of Regional Fisheries Industries of the Far East (Based on the Example of the Magadan Region)
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2016. – ¹ 2.
– P. 38 - 47.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8647.2016.2.17912 URL:
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The subject of research is the problem of increase of competitiveness of fishery complexes of Far East regions which is considered on the example of the Magadan region. In modern conditions of uncertainty it is important to determine the possible directions of the state measures for enhancement of management of a regional fishery complex for the purpose of increase of level of its competitiveness. The assessment of competitive advantages of a fishery complex of the Magadan region has allowed to reveal the key directions of its increase within enhancement of public administration by a fish industry of the Magadan region. The main results of research are applicable to all Far East regions. Method, research methodology. A methodological and theoretical basis of research are works of the Russian scientists concerning development of fishing activities and competitiveness of an industry. The main methods of research are system approach, the analysis and synthesis, the comparative analysis, the analysis of statistical data, an expert method. Novelty of research, conclusions. For the purpose of identification a determinant of competitive advantage of a regional fishery complex the economic model of research of competitive advantages of M. Porter has been adapted. The assessment of competitiveness of a regional fishery complex on the example of the Magadan region by ranging of absolute and relative measures of various industries on the main determinants of competitive advantages is offered and given.
Citations count: 2
Zavrazhskii A.V. —
Features of Risk Classification of Medical Organizations
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2017. – ¹ 3.
– P. 90 - 105.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2017.3.23878 URL:
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The object of the present research is the activities of Russian medical organizations on risk management arising in the course of their work. The subject of the research is theoretical and practical approaches to identifying and classifying the risks of medical organizations. Despite all the social importance of their work, Russian medical institutions still face a large list of dangers. Most medical organizations remain state-owned, which means that the government should start an initiative to apply the principles of risk management in the medical field. However, in the scientific literature one of the most important aspects of effective risk management remains understudied, in particular, there is no their classification taking into account the specificity of the industry. In his research Zavrazhsky has used the analytical analysis of scientific and statistical data sources, as well as graphical and mathematical methods for the calculation of quantitative indicators. Based on the results of the research, the author makes a conclusion that the system of Russian health care does not not a comprehensive approach to risk management, activities of the organizations of this sector is continuously subjected to threats caused by external and internal factors, and one of the most important stages of building an effective health risk management system should be the proper classification of risks. The author's contribution to the research of the topic is that he offers his own classification of risks of medical organizations. Based on the reviewed scientific and statistical data, it is shown that risk management in health care should take into account not only specific risks of medical nature, but also common economic, social and legal risks experienced by any legal entity.
Citations count: 2
Solomonov M.P. —
Quantitative assessment of the impact of factors upon the dynamics of products delivered to a region (on the example Yakutia)
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2018. – ¹ 4.
– P. 30 - 40.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2018.4.27272 URL:
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Analysis of the factors influencing the dynamics of the products delivered to a region (on the example Yakutia) is the priority objective of the government in the context of socioeconomic development of the territory. An attempt is made to determine the correlation of the region’s capacity of energy, road network, transport and communications infrastructure, agglomeration factors, labor and capital with the output in the Northern region. Due to the costliness of factors in the North, it is always a matter of choice between the development of social infrastructure and rotational system. In the course of the analysis, the author applies the indexes of labor, capital, agglomeration and infrastructure capacity, as well as the volume of shipped products in accordance with the regional statistical data over the period from 2006 to 2016, operational data of sectoral ministries, results of 2002 and 2010 national censuses. The author applies the method of indexes of the factors cited for comparability to the dimensionless numbers from 0 to 10. The scientific novelty lies in the original combination of the analysis techniques of the impact of factors upon the volumes of shipped products. The author attempts to consider the effect of fluctuation of the ruble’s exchange rate upon the regional turnover distributing products at world prices. A profound retrospective and comparable data set allowed acquiring the most realistic results.
Citations count: 2
Arefyev A.S. —
“Platformization” as a management tool of digital transformation in the sphere of tourism
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2020. – ¹ 3.
– P. 22 - 34.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2020.3.33237 URL:
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Digital economy is a natural stage of development of economic system, in which the main values of economic actors consist in the knowledge and nonmaterial production. Within scientific literature prevail research of the impact of separate aspects of digital transformation upon the activity of tourism agencies and development of vacation destinations, namely the use of digital booking platforms, augmented reality in museums and exhibitions, as well as the Internet of things. However, interrelation of these vectors of development in the process of digital transformation, as well as the mechanisms of its management applicable to the sphere of tourism and Russian economy are studied insufficiently. The subject of this research is the economy and management of a separate tourism agency and the entire industry. The goal of this work consists in conducting a comprehensive research of Russian and foreign literature on the topic of methodology for managing digital transformation in different economic sectors; as well as determination of distinct characteristic of managing digital transformations in tourism sphere and the factors affecting this process. The author applies comparative analysis of literary sources and experience of managing digital transformation through implementation of digital platforms. The introduction of platform approach in management of digital transformation substantiated the transition towards network service interaction (versus traditional cooperation) as the backbone of the economy. Digital transformation of the entire economic sector requires close collaboration of economic actors within the framework of a region or a country. A conclusion is made the most appropriate model of the development of tourism sector of the economy is the ecosystem of digital platforms. Due to its peculiarities, tourism sphere can become a favorable platform for approbation of management techniques of digital transformation, functionality of regional digital platforms and system integrators.
Citations count: 2
Vasin S.M., Gamidullaeva L.A. —
Innovative Capacity of the Modernization of Economy in the Volga Federal District
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2015. – ¹ 3.
– P. 16 - 42.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8647.2015.3.15478 URL:
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Under the conditions of the world globalization the scale of such tasks as modernization and innovative development of all branches of economy gains the special importance. Thus efficiency of functioning of innovative system of the country in general, its competitiveness substantially depend on a dinamization of innovative processes at the level of concrete regions. Thus, the crucial role in a question of innovative development of Russia is played by effective use of innovative capacity of regions, as caused its research for the purpose of modernization of economy of regions of the Volga Federal District. As a methodological basis of research the methodology of system approach was applied. As the private methods of the system analysis and synthesis, induction, deduction, the comparative, factorial analysis and other methods were used. On the basis of the comparative analysis of the main socio-economic indexes of development of regions of the district in dynamics authors generalize the existing problems and tendencies of development of innovative potential of modernization. The factors defining ability of economy of the district to join in an innovative trend are allocated. By results of the carried-out analysis conclusions are drawn and the general recommendations for increase of efficiency of use of innovative capacity of regions of the Volga Federal District are made.
Citations count: 2
Bekulova S.R. —
Social production as economic category
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2021. – ¹ 4.
– P. 64 - 74.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2021.4.36956 URL:
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The study of social production and the problems of improving its efficiency traditionally hold one of the central places in the economic science. This article analyzes the essence of social production, as well as offers an original definition of social production as economic category. The object of this research is a set of economic ties and processes that are generally important for business entities in the conditions of functionality of the national economy. The subject of this research is the socioeconomic relations that arise in the process of social production and reproduction. Methodological framework is comprised of the fundamentals of systemic and comparative analysis, as well as methods of synthesis, induction and deduction. The scientific novelty lies in formulation of the conceptual approach towards determining the essence of social production as economic category using interdisciplinary analysis of its content within the framework of general sociological, socio-philosophical, and political-economic approaches. The similarities and differences of interpretation of social production in cognate disciplines are established. The author determines that social production is an independent subject of science only for the political economy. The tendencies towards narrowing down, as well as broadening the scope of interpretation of social production are outlined. The reasonableness of its identification with the concepts of “material production” and “direct production” is analyzed. The author provides the original definition of “social production” as economic category.
Citations count: 2
Rozanova L.I., Moroshkina M.V. —
'Investment Diagonal' and Distribution of Foreign Capital Across Russia
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2013. – ¹ 2.
– P. 193 - 204.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4595.2013.2.9018 URL:
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Russian regions are very diverse both by their levels of socio-economic development and attraction of capital. The authors of the present article study factors influencing dispose of foreign investments across Russia and outline areas of their minimum and maximum accumulations. The authors of the article also view problems of spatial disparity in allocation of investments and define the most significant factors to be considered by foreign investors. By using the cartographic tools, the authors managed to define the areas of accumulation of foreign capital and compare them to the density of transport network. The outlined investment diagonal where the most attractive regions are located falls on the network of the most important transport corridors and transport and logistics centers. The diagonal lies from the North-West to the South-East of Russia and fits in the network of international transport corridors. For instance, the Nizhny Novgorod Region has very good opportunities for attracting foreign investments because it is located in the center of transport routes where the North-South and West-East corridors are crossed (International European corridor No. 2 and Trans-Siberian Railway). Based on the results of research, the authors of the article conclude that in order to improve investment climate and attractiveness of Russian regions, it is necesary to improve the system of transport and logistics routes to allow a quick and qualitative delivery of goods throughout Russia.
Citations count: 2
Skavysh I. —
Efficiency of Applying Modern Methods of Business Valuation under Conditions of Developing Markets
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2017. – ¹ 1.
– P. 1 - 13.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8647.2017.1.22272 URL:
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The object of the research is the methods that can be used for valuating the cost of business. The subject of the present research is the efficiency of applying modern methods of business valuation compared to traditional methods under the conditions of developing markets. In this research Skavysh analyzes theoretical grounds and algorithms for carrying out the procedure of business valuation based on traditional valuation methods (profitable, cost-intensive, comparative) as well as value added methods, in particular, Economic Value Added (EVA) method. The author has also carried out a comparative analysis of Shareholder Value Added (SVA) indicators and Market Value Added (MVA). In his article Skavysh has used the method of literary sources analysis and has conducted a quantitative comparative analysis of the efficiency of applying modern methods of business valuation based on the example of Russian companies operating in different branches of economy. Based on the results of the research, the author makes a conclusion that under the conditions of developing markets modern valuation methods do not have an essential advantage over traditional methods from the point of view of their efficiency and accuracy. Despite the fact that modern valuation methods have appeared to be a little bit more efficient, the difference between average relative deviations of business value for each sector is quite insignificant thus we cannot speak of some valuation methods being more efficient than others. Based on the results of analyzing data for each sector the author demonstrates that a branch of economy where a company operates has a significant influence on the efficiency of applying modern valuation methods and modern valuation methods need to be improved in order to take into account specific features of companies operating in different sectors of economy.
Citations count: 2
Zhebit E.V. —
Risks in development of the international scientific megaprojects
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2018. – ¹ 2.
– P. 79 - 90.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2018.2.25725 URL:
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This article provides the research results of the economic peculiarities of large-scale scientific mega-class projects. The main features of scientific megaprojects and their difference from the ordinary mega-class projects are considered. The author examines the risk characteristics in implementation of the scientific megaprojects, specificity and problems of management with allowance for risk. The article provides the systematization of the types of risks and measures on their minimization, as well as recommendations for the pre-project analysis of the problem or risks substantiated by the internal and external factors affecting the systemic sustainability of a project. The author presents a new methodological approach for assessing the risk factors, which is based on perceiving megaproject as an unbalanced system of stochastic nature. Presence of a high number of risks accompanying the implementation of the large scientific projects requires its precise identification, distribution of responsibility, as well as a certain set of methods for analyzing risks. The shift of technological and financial risks towards the nongovernment participants of megaprojects in terms of the public-private partnership will allow considering the interests of all participants, including the interests and mission of megaproject itself.
Citations count: 2
Kovalev A.A. —
International economic security in the modern era of the clash of civilizations: problem of conceptualization
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2020. – ¹ 2.
– P. 61 - 74.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2020.2.29842 URL:
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This article examines the fundamental approaches towards the problem of international economic security in the developed and developing countries. In each group of the countries prevail the own methodological approaches that depend on civilizational peculiarities and historical experience of a certain country. The goal consists in examination of the key aspect of the problem of conceptualization of international economic security in terms of the clash of civilizations. The author explores various theoretical approaches towards understanding of international economic security; determines the elements of international economic security; indicates the ways for retention and strengthening of international economic security. The article describes the paramount elements of international economic security: need for ensuring sovereignty of the countries; strive towards the absence of exclusive priority in economic development of separate countries or civilizational unions; responsibility of the economically developed countries to the global community for the consequences of implemented by them economic policy; realization of mutually beneficial cooperation of all countries of the global community and peaceful regulation of economic issues; consideration of global problems of the humanity in carrying out the economic security policy; orientation towards free choice of economic paradigm and implementation of own strategy of the political and socioeconomic development by each country.
Citations count: 2
Kudin L. —
Internal corporate control and CEO’s dual position
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2020. – ¹ 3.
– P. 1 - 10.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2020.3.33170 URL:
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The subject of this research is the relations emerging between the participants of corporate management and control, such as board of directors, CEO, and employees of the organization. Special attention is given to such relations with regards to administration of internal and external corporate control, as well as dual position of CEO as an object and subject of corporate control and management. The author systematizes the concepts of corporate control, as well as reveals the factors of internal corporate control. The participants of corporate management are viewed from the perspective of agent theory; the relations “agent – principal” are clarified from the position of CEO. The author’s special contribution into this research consists in simultaneous consideration of CEO as an agent and a principal in relations between the participants of corporate management and control. Balance between the roles of CEO in the corporation – as a subject and/or object determines his capacity to influence the assessment of the effectiveness of management. The conducted research systematizes the measures on reduction of opportunistic behavior between the agents of the described relations. The scientific novelty consist in acknowledgement of CEO’s dual position in the corporate management and control based on the analysis of his status as an agent and a principal.
Citations count: 2
Sukharev M. —
Correlation between the levels of digitalization and economic indicators in Russian regions
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2021. – ¹ 1.
– P. 1 - 12.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2021.1.34788 URL:
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This article is dedicated to examination of the questions of interinfluence of digital and traditional economy in the regions of the Russian Federation. On the one hand, digital economy stimulates the development of traditional economy; while on the other hand, digitalization requires acquisition of equipment, digital communication services, software, and recruitment of qualified personnel. The interaction of digital and traditional economies differs in the regions with commodity sector, industrial regions, mixed economy regions, metropolitan areas, and territories with low population density. The growing importance of digital economy in the overall development of the regions and the country requires comprehensive examination of digitalization processes with regards to both, economy and society. The scientific novelty consists in the use of big data for tracing correlations between the available indicators of development of digital economy and various aspects of traditional economy established in the Russian region. Based on the database of the Unified Interdepartmental Information Statistical System, the author constructed scatter diagrams, calculated correlation coefficients and trend lines to determine the interdependence of these indicators. The article examined the link between the number of personal computers in the region, level of public access to the Internet, GRP, cost of labor, and users of satellite communication systems. The author determines the instances of positive and negative interinfluence, and discusses the probable causes their different vector.
Citations count: 2
Kotova V.A. —
Factors Increasing Efficiency of Agricultural Economic Policy
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2013. – ¹ 4.
– P. 88 - 92.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4595.2013.4.5612 URL:
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The article is devoted to implementation of agricultural economic policy under the conditions of innovation-driven economic development. The authors of the article describe the mechanism of efficient implementation of agricultural economic policy considering specifics of each region's development and offer a number of factors preventing from improving agricultural policy.
Citations count: 2
Tishkov S.V. —
Karelia: Is There an Opportunity to Build Innovative Cooperation with the European Union?
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2013. – ¹ 2.
– P. 108 - 132.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4595.2013.2.9041 URL:
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The article describes elements of the regional innovation system - science, industry, higher education and innovation infrastructure. The author of the article analyzes the modern situation in this sphere and describes processes ongoing there at the present time. The author also outlines possibilities for future development of the regional innovation system by improving arrangement and management of commersialization of scientific developments. One of the main advantages of Karelia is the geographic location and a long border with the European Union. The region positions itself as an active participant of international and trans-regional cooperation which creates the need in developing external economic, trans-regional and international communications as the key directions of the socio-economic development of the republic. At the present time the Republic of Karelia has trade and economic contacts with over 90 countries. Karelia's trade partners include member states of the European Union (including Finland) as well as Asian, African and American countries. A significant portion of goods and services provided in the Republic are exported to other countries. Therefore, taking into account Karelia's close communication with foreign countries and active interaction between Karelia and the Russian Federation regions, the 'external communication' factor will continue to be one of the most significant factors from the point of view of the influence on Karelia's economy. In this regard, the main purpose of the Government of the Republic of Karelia to be reached by 2015 is to enchance the positive image of Karelia for Russia and other countries.
Citations count: 2
Khudokormov G.A. —
Technological development by sub-sanction pressure: the case of Iran
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2023. – ¹ 3.
– P. 41 - 53.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2023.3.43862 EDN: ZHCWHF URL:
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The subject of the study is the experience of the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI) in overcoming sanctions. The purpose of the article is to identify specific mechanisms that contribute to technological development in the conditions of sanctions restrictions. The paper examines the most successful projects of Iran in high-tech industries, and also examines the prerequisites for their development. The author analyzed the economic model of Iran and its features. The main mechanisms for circumventing restrictions that minimize the effectiveness of sanctions and their impact on the economy of Iran have been identified. Various ways of interaction with economic partners and ways of building long-term relations with allies are considered. The methodological basis of the research is: comparative analysis, empirical and systematic approaches. Special attention was paid to the study of literature that explores the issues of interest to us. As a result, the main decisions of the Iranian government were highlighted, which allowed this state not only to achieve relative economic stability, but also to create technologies that were in demand in many foreign markets. The novelty of the article lies in a detailed analysis of the existing methods of circumvention of sanctions in Iran, including those that have not yet been studied in the scientific literature. The results of the study can be used by the governments of other states subject to sanctions pressure in order to overcome restrictions and minimize the consequences of their introduction. A special contribution of the author to the study of the topic is to identify ways to circumvent restrictions, as well as the formation of infrastructure for the creation of production on the own territory of the sub-sanctioned state.
Citations count: 2
Egorov N. —
Methodology of rating express-evaluation of the regional innovation development based on the Triple Helix model
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2017. – ¹ 4.
– P. 157 - 162.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2017.4.22697 URL:
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The object of this research is the constituents of the Far Eastern Federal Okrug. The article carries out a comparative analysis of the results of express-evaluation according to the authorial methodology with rating scores, conducted by the National Research University “Higher School of Economics”, National Association of Innovations and Development of Information Technologies, and Association of Innovative Regions of Russia for 2014. The author provides the formula for econometric evaluations and a list of statistical indexes of the academic organizations, business, and states that characterize contribution of the triad in development of the regional innovation economy. The suggested methodology of rating express-evaluation of the level of regional innovation development leans on the concept of the Triple Helix model. Econometric evaluations in accordance with the indicated methodology allow conducting rapid assessment of the level of innovation development of a region and effectiveness of contribution of the academic organizations, business, and states in the cumulative overall performance of innovation development of a subject based on their minimal key statistical indexes in the area of scientific innovation activity. The evaluation results conducted using the author’s methodology demonstrate can be valuable for the executive government authorities, business structures, academic organizations for rapid analysis and adoption of various organizational-administrative decisions on development of the regional innovation activity.
Citations count: 2
Goncharenko L.P., Voronova T.A., Sybachin S.A., Sharko E.R. —
Implementation of innovative production technologies in Russian lumber yards
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2018. – ¹ 3.
– P. 70 - 87.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2018.3.27199 URL:
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This article describes the research results on the role of wood processing industry in Russia’s Economic Security Strategy. The authors prove the importance of performance criteria of this industry, as it currently experiences the following innovative changes: improvement of processing technology; expansion of the use of raw materials and final products; formation of the new assessment methods of the effectiveness of investments in this area, considering risks, which allows the investors to make decisions on capitalization of their financial resources in wood processing. Over a long period of rime, high prices on natural resources did not stimulate the development of high-tech industries. The subject of this research is the innovative methods and means as the investment objects of wood processing industry. Methodological and theoretical foundation contains the works of the Russian scholars in exploring the wood processing industry, its marketing, management and logistics. The suggested method of risk assessment in decisions-making on funding the innovation-investment projects allows solving multiple issues associated with managing the spatial-economic development of natural resources of the particular territories, as well as substantiate the placement of economic structures in the regions for socioeconomic development. However, the risk factors for wood processing industry that affect the optimal functioning and development of the markets, considering the specificity of certain forest zones, remain insufficiently studied. As a result, the proposed methodology will be able to improve the state of the industry in the overall volume of export for achieving the strategic indexes of Russia’ economic security in the long-term perspective.
Citations count: 2
Zhukov I.M. —
Problems and Tendencies in Human Resource Management at Hotel Business Organizations in Moscow
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2013. – ¹ 3.
– P. 67 - 83.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4595.2013.3.4060 URL:
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The article analyzes the main approaches to definitions of 'social efficiency' and 'social efficiency of human resource management'. Based on the analysis, the author offers a definition of social efficiency of HR management in hotel business, shares the results of his studies of social efficiency of HR management at hotel business organizations in Moscow and analyzes problems, tendencies and prospects of HR management at hotels.
Citations count: 2
Alekseev I.V. —
Reengineering of business processes of a franchising enterprise on the basis of introducing internet technologies
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2015. – ¹ 2.
– P. 28 - 41.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8647.2015.2.15209 URL:
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The subject analyzed in this article is business processes of a franchising enterprise and their reengineering on the basis of introducing internet technologies. The aim of the article is to prove that the transferring of theoretical and practical knowledge of an enterprise in an innovative branch demands certain structural changes and reengineering of åđó business processes. The author suggests an algorithm of reengineering of business processes of a franchising enterprise on the basis of introducing internet technologies and analyses the integration of an electronic form of maintaining the business into the operating activities of an economic entity for the sphere of franchising.
The method used by the author is an analysis of scientific literature and description of the algorithm of reengineering of business processes of a franchising enterprise on the basis of internet technologies.
The main conclusion of the author is that internet technologies are of considerable importance for contemporary franchising enterprises because using of them can play a decisive role for achieving the planned strategic aims. However, integration of innovative instruments into the internal structure of an economic unity is a rather complicated process. This peculiarity is determined by dynamism of the system of internet technologies, the creation of which demands a work of qualified experts and elaboration of certain technological standards.
The novelty of the article consists in the fact that it suggests an algorithm of reengineering of business processes of a franchising enterprise on the basis of introducing internet technologies and analyzes the integration of the electronic form of conduct of business and operating activities of an economic entity for the sphere of franchising. The author also determines the “accelerators” of such an integration.
Citations count: 2
Bekulova S.R. —
Formation of an institutional environment conducive to the development of renewable energy in Russia
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2020. – ¹ 4.
– P. 66 - 80.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2020.4.34431 URL:
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Renewable energy is developed only with appropriate state support. In the context of increasing environmental awareness, the need to reduce the carbon burden on the environment, and lower prices for renewable energy technologies, the lag in the level of use of renewable energy sources poses a threat to the development of countries within the framework of global trends. Despite the high availability of traditional energy sources in Russia, renewable energy has received state support. In Russia, there are various mechanisms of state support in the retail and wholesale electricity and capacity markets. The article examines the process of formation of the current mechanism of state support in the wholesale electricity and capacity market. Â The main stages and reasons for the formation of a system of support for renewable energy sources in Russia are highlighted. The effectiveness of the contract for the provision of capacities (PDM) as a mechanism for state support of renewable energy sources in Russia is analyzed. The relationship between the functioning of the mechanism of the renewable energy DPM and the increase in the level of competition in the renewable energy market is demonstrated. It is shown how the development of renewable energy in Russia can contribute to the development of related sectors of the economy. A comprehensive approach to the development of the industry within the framework of the renewable energy technology cluster in Russia is presented. The territories for which the development of renewable energy is especially relevant have been identified.
Citations count: 2
Orekhova S.V. —
The theoretical model of the institutional environmentindustry markets analysis
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2016. – ¹ 3.
– P. 164 - 176.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8647.2016.3.20065 URL:
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The study of the institutional environment in the cross-country or regional context allows you to make conclusions about a basic institutions of a doing business. However, such studies do not allow to take into account the conditions that characterize the specificity of the industry markets rules.This study aims to develop methods of institutional environment analysis of Russian industries. In paper we proposed the author's method of drawing up the Russian industry markets institutional map on the basis of specification category "industry market institutional environment" and the study of existing approaches to the assessment of the institutional environment. A list of evaluation parameters allows defining the level of institutional complexity of any industry market. Method consist of following steps: identification of key indicators that determine the complexity level of the industrial markets institutional environment; definition of measuring instruments for each indicator; the development of the metric system for evaluating; the construction of the industry markets institutional map. The results of the study have allowed constructing primary theoretical models of analysis of the institutional specificity of industrial markets, taking into account objective and important, positive and negative business conditions in the industry. The proposed method makes it possible to offer the industrial policy scenario and business strategy.
Citations count: 2
Mironov D.S. —
Institutional problems of regulation and support in the area of development of industrial parks of the Sverdlovsk Region
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2018. – ¹ 4.
– P. 75 - 89.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2018.4.27957 URL:
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This article examines the questions of state regulation and support of industrial parks as the growth drivers of regional industry. In the Sverdlovsk Region, due to the unresolved institutional-transformational and infrastructural problems, the industrial parks did not receive proper development; therefore, this topic gains special relevance. The author explores the following issues regarding the regulatory function of state institution in development of industrial parks: 1) deformation and ambiguity of institutional conditions, absence of regional legal and methodological framework for the development of cluster enterprises; 2) use of evaluation technique of the effect rather than effectiveness of tax preferences; 3) disjoint regulation of the activity of park structures by several ministries, etc. The goal of this research lies in determination and analysis of the functional problems of state institution in the area of regulation and support of innovative economic development of the industrial parks of Sverdlovsk Region, as well as formulation of recommendations on their improvement. As a practical solution, the author suggests to create the regional program for strategic development of industrial clusters; apply evaluation technique of the effectiveness of subsidies that is based on commensuration of the effect and costs, and implies the account of changes of wide variety of economic indexes; demarcate the authority for regulating the activity of industrial parks among the ministries; as well as makes recommendations on solution of the tasks on regional strategic development.
Citations count: 1
Panenkov A.A. —
Problems of Improving the National System of Combating Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism and Weapons of Mass Destruction
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2014. – ¹ 1.
– P. 13 - 30.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4595.2014.1.8110 URL:
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The author of the article analyzes the effective legislation and draft laws aimed at improving the national system of combating money laundering and financing of terrorism and weapons of mass destruction. The author shares his suggestions on how to change and amend the existing laws. The author also describes results of researches on combating terrorism financing in Russia and gives recommendations on how to imporove it.
Citations count: 1
Rozanova L.I. —
Innovations in management technologies at the level of a regional cooperative system
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2015. – ¹ 2.
– P. 59 - 74.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8647.2015.2.15039 URL:
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In this article, the author pays attention to the fact that the theory of management, to a large extent, is oriented on managing technologies used by big companies. However, the development of small and medium-size businesses in a number of sectors of economy demands new methods of managing. Through the example of a village credit corporation as a new form of organization at the market of financial services, the author shows the effectiveness of realization of the potential of self-development and democratic forms of management. At the same time, the author notes that the government’s aid for the development of a cooperative system cannot be effective if it has an inconsequent character.
In this article, the author uses the method of comparative situational analysis in approaching the issues of when new forms, methods and experience of management can appear. Basing on the results of his analysis, the author comes to the conclusion that methods of management that are close to the national cultural traditions, as a rule, prove to be more effective. The function of self-administration, which is inherent in the cooperative form, displays a strong trend for self-preservation even in the conditions of a crisis. Thus, through the example of development of a village credit corporation, the author shows that orientation on the traditional values of the national culture, which are shared by the members of the corporation, is an important component for perfecting the technologies of management.
Citations count: 1
Pronin S.N., Pronina E.V. —
Conditions for the achievement of intellectual leadership organization
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2015. – ¹ 4.
– P. 65 - 71.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8647.2015.4.16134 URL:
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The subject of research are the socio-economic relations arising in the process of functioning of the market of intellectual capital and achieve intellectual leadership organizations.Object of research are micro-level economic actors and factors that affect their condition.The author considers in detail the prerequisites for the formation of the concept of intellectual leadership, the conceptual basis of the strategy of intellectual leadership and the benefits of its implementation.Special attention is given to a team approach in achieving intellectual leadership organization, as well as intellectual capital, human factors, corporate culture and reputation of the organization.The methodological basis for the study was a systematic analysis in the study of economic relations, methods of qualitative analysis, scientific abstraction, evolutionary-institutional analysis. Scientific novelty is determined by the development of theoretical and methodical bases complementary to the theory of intellectual capital, enhancing the effectiveness of human resource management and functioning of the enterprise in modern conditions. The main conclusions of the research are to determine the conditions necessary to achieve the organization's intellectual leadership, chief among which are the network type of organizational structure, strategy of advanced development and the formation of an innovative corporate culture.
Citations count: 1
Tsagan-Mandzhieva K. —
Thin Capitalization in Russia: Regulation Issues and Evaluation of the Problem's Scope
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2017. – ¹ 1.
– P. 140 - 149.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8647.2017.1.21229 URL:
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The author focuses on regulation of interest expense deduction for the purpose of calculating corporate tax in the Russian Federation. In her research Tserenova analyzes the rules of acting against thin capitalization recommended by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development as part of the Anti-Base Erosion and Profit Shifting Plan (BEPS). The author provides her own evaluation of the indicators of profit tax optimization by Russian companies using across boundary debt financing as well as the influence of actual court judgements on the nature and dynamics of direct foreign investments. When evaluating the scale of thin capitalization in Russia based on statistical data bout direct foreign investments and court judgements, the author has applied the empirical research methods (comparison and measurement) as well as the theoretical research methods (abstraction, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction and generalisation) to analyse court judgements and OECD guidelines. The author of the article describes peculiarities of approaches to solving the problem of thin capitalization used in Russian law and court practice compared to OECD guilelines, in particular, the use of balance indicators instead of profit indicators, presumption of non-market loans when violating formal criteria, unclear status of undeductable expenses. As a result, the author offers her own recommendations to improve Russia's thin capitalization rules.
Citations count: 1
Khusyainov T.M. —
Review of the regional labor marker of Greenland: main economic branches and number of employed workers
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2018. – ¹ 1.
– P. 35 - 41.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2018.1.21594 URL:
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The object of this research is the regional labor market of Greenland. An attempt is made to analyze the state of the labor market of Greenland in accordance with the data of 2015. The author examines and compares the key branches of national economy and the number of the employed. Separate attention is given to the differences in distribution of workers based on the industry of the economy between the four municipalities of Greenland. In addition, the author considers the territorial distinctions of each municipality and determines the leading industries within. The key method of research lies in the statistical analysis of the data of StatBank Greenland, as well as examination of Denmark’s legislation and the regional normative legal acts of Greenland. Having examined the regional labor market of the autonomous country of Greenland, the author makes a conclusion of the importance of such sectors as public administration and services; fishing, hunting and agriculture; and trade. The author emphasizes the differentiation in economic spheres between the municipalities; each of them has its peculiarities depending of the climatic, geographical, and socioeconomic factors.
Citations count: 1
Elshin L.A., Safiullin M.R., Abdukaeva A.A. —
The Fourth Industrial Revolution in the Russian Federation: assessment of prospects based on structuring long-term cycles of cutting-edge development
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2018. – ¹ 2.
– P. 53 - 69.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2018.2.25987 URL:
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The subject of this research is the mechanisms of structuring long-term economic cycles of cutting-edge development that form representation and forecasting assessment regarding the prospects and horizons of phase shifts of the ecosystem in the future. The object of this research is the evolution of the national economy in the context of modelling long-term economic cycles. Using modeling mechanism of long-term prospects of economic agents for the period of 1962-2000, the authors determine the trajectories of the phase shifts in the national economic system. This allowed not only identifying the character of cyclic development of national economy within the examined timeframe, but also scientifically substantiating the prospects and parameters of the arrival of the so-called Fourth Industrial Revolution in the Russian Federation. It is proved that based on the developed methodology of structuring cycles of cutting-edge development and its trial on the system of statistical data of national economy over the recent 60 years, that the socioeconomic crisis of the 1990’s was caused not only by the institutional transformations, but also the fact that during this period the long-term economic cycle entered the decline phase, which transformed on the brink of the end of 2000’s and beginning of 2010’s into the inclination phase, allowing substantiation of the conclusion that the phase of long-term growth in Russian economy will not arrive before 2020-2025.
Citations count: 1
Belousova A.V. —
To the question of allocation of state subsidies as a factor of convergence of the constituents of the Russian Federation on budgetary capacity
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2019. – ¹ 1.
– P. 57 - 63.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2019.1.19802 URL:
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The subject of this research is the correlation between criteria of allocation of state subsidies to regional budgets and the dynamics of interregional inequality by budgetary capacity, measured on the basis of indicator proposed by the author. The object of this research is 83 constituents of the Russian Federation. The timeframe of the research includes the period from 2012 to 2014. Special attention is given to one of the key tasks of the state budgetary policy with regards to equalizing the constituents of the Russian Federation in budgetary capacity. As the means for solution of this task, the author considers the federal budget allocations to regional budgets for the corresponding purposes. The peculiarities of the technique of spatial allocation of state subsidies include: application of indicator proposed by the author that allows measuring budgetary capacity of the constituents of the Russian Federation; modification of the criteria of spatial allocation of state subsidies contained in methodology of allocation of funds for equalizing the constituents of the Russian Federation in budgetary capacity approved by the government of the Russian Federation. The scientific novelty consists in the development and testing of an alternative to official methodological approach towards allocation of federal subsidies for equalizing the Russian regions in budgetary capacity, which imposes fewer requirements on the size of the initial data sets, as well as features the more “transparent” and less complex algorithm of calculation procedures.
Citations count: 1
Naugolnova I.A. —
Theoretical and methodological foundations of cost management in production of high-tech and innovative products
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2018. – ¹ 1.
– P. 25 - 34.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2018.1.21722 URL:
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The article analyzes the innovation activity of Russian organizations by types of economic activity for 2010-2015, and discusses cost management features for the production of high-tech and innovative products. The work substantiates the necessity for an integrated and systematic approach, and determines the advantages of the functional cost analysis and method of standard cost compared to Russian normative method. As a result of this research, the author added and disclosed the principles of cost management system, which consists in identification and maximization of the value of production, optimization of the value stream, as well as application of advanced tools and techniques, ensuring methodological unity and correlation of the costs with the strategic enterprise objectives and involvement of the cost management process of employees, optimization of the use of resources and minimization of waste, forecasting and planning costs in order to prevent irrational and formation of "eddicient" culture in correlation between management, accounting and taxation.
Citations count: 1
Kozyrev A.V. —
Infrastructural support of small and medium business: international experience
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2019. – ¹ 3.
– P. 1 - 14.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2019.3.30883 URL:
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Based on the analysis of scientific articles and publications in business press, the author explores foreign experience in development of infrastructural support system in France, Germany, United Kingdom and Japan; as well as highlights the key elements that allow adjusting to the changing market conditions more efficiently and timely adapt the support system for reaching peak efficiency. The article reviews the historical milestones in the development of small business sector during the mid XX century along with the peculiarities of modern solutions implemented in the foreign infrastructural support systems. The main research results consists in conducting analytical comparison between the diverse methods of organization and management of infrastructural support and development of small and medium business in four countries with the developed economy that have ample experience in the development of small business sector, with further formulation of the key conclusions and recommended best practices for the Russian market.
Citations count: 1
Safiullin M.R., Burganov R.T., El'shin L.A., Abdukaeva A.A. —
Empirical assessment of the impact of blockchain technologies upon effective development of the banking system
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2020. – ¹ 3.
– P. 105 - 116.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2020.3.33415 URL:
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This article is dedicated to studying the problems and prospects in development of financial market of the national economy of the Russian Federation in the conditions of globalization and integration of FinTech technologies. Consideration of potential risks and consequences of their usage in economic activity would contribute to substantiation of the key strategic vectors in development of the financial market and national economy overall. Methodological framework contains positions of the theory of strategic management, financial management, and procedural approach. Peculiarities of determination of the parameters of financial sector development within the framework of scenario forecasting of integration of blockchain technologies into the banking system are revealed using the set of methods of systemic, complex, logical, comparative and economic-mathematical modeling. Based on assessment of the emerging effects caused by integration of distributed data storage technologies into the system operational processes of credit institutions, the author carries out a formalized assessment of development prospects of the banking sector in new institutional conditions of the economy. The theoretical and practical significance of the research consists in substantiation of the need for activation of the processes of integration of blockchain technologies into the financial system of national economy, which allows increasing sustainability and effective development of its participants, as well as ensuring the growth of global economic competitiveness for decades to come. The scientific novelty consists in proposal of an algorithm for assessing macroeconomic effects as a result of integration of blockchain technologies into the banking sector. The author builds the models that assess the impact of operational and credit risks upon the key parameters of financial performance of the banking sector of the Russian Federation.
Citations count: 1
Sidorov A.A. —
The development of service sector in the conditions of digital transformation of the national economy
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2021. – ¹ 1.
– P. 39 - 47.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2021.1.35316 URL:
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The subject of this research is the development of the domestic service sector within the framework of digitalization of economic space. The goal consists in determination of the processes of dependence of the development of service sector in the context of digital transformation of the economy of the Russian Federation at the current stage of development of the national economy. The author sets the following tasks: to analyze the key economic indicators of the development of service sector in the Russian Federation; to reveal the peculiarities of digital transformation of business in this sphere; to determine the development patterns in service sector under the influence of digital processes. As a result, the author identifies the patterns and trends in the development of service sector under the influence of digital processes – increase in activity ratio and decrease in staff size. The acquired materials can be used for promoting the development of service sector on the macro- and micro-levels, which defines the value of this research. The scientific novelty consists in the formed matrix of interrelation between the development of separate branches of service sector and the processes of business digitalization. The article reveals heterogeneity in the sphere of digitalization of business processes in the service sector of the Russian Federation, as well as the trend of relative increase of the efficiency of enterprises in the industries characterized by high digital activity.
Citations count: 1
Suvorova A.V. —
Practical aspects of the assessment of economic space
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2021. – ¹ 1.
– P. 86 - 98.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2021.1.35545 URL:
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The subject of this research is determination of the peculiarities of assessing spatial characteristics of the development of socioeconomic systems of different scales. Special attention is given to the author’s approach towards assessment of economic space, which can become the basis for universal methodology suitable for comprehensive characteristics of spatial specificity of the economic phenomena and processes. The methodological framework of this research is comprised of the general scientific methods of theoretical and empirical cognition (scientific abstraction, analysis, and synthesis), as well as special methods of comparative analysis (Theil index and Hall-Tideman index). As a result of generalization, systematization and critical reevaluation of the methods of assessing the characteristics of economic space presented in the scientific literature, the author offers an original approach. It is based on the analysis of such spatial characteristics as asset security, homogeneity, and coherence. The peculiarity of this approach lies in consideration of the parameters of localization of objects, as well as the specificity of socioeconomic conditions established in the territory. Testing of the author’s approach allowed comparing the spatial characteristics of the development of foodservice industry in the regions of Middle Ural. It is revealed that Sverdlovsk Oblast outstrips Perm Krai in the level of foodservice industry (although its regional space is more heterogeneous), and the Perm Krai is characterized with a higher concentration of food services. It is proven that the proposed approach towards assessing the economic space can underlie the applied in practice methodological toolset; and thus, is promising for implementation in managing spatial transformations of the country and its separate territorial units.
Citations count: 1
Bel'skikh I.E. —
Consumer patriotism in Russia and business ethics: current problems
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2014. – ¹ 4.
– P. 99 - 113.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4595.2014.4.12569 URL:
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Consumer patriotism is one of the pillars of modern markets in the countries moving from the administrative command economy to a market economy. This idea excites marketers designing programs of long-term customer loyalty. The excellent quality/price ratio should be guaranteed by ethical values and business ethics of Russian producers, especially at the present stage of Russia's accession to the WTO. The solution of the mentioned problems of consumer patriotism, social responsibility, national identity and environmental safety will ensure sustainable development of domestic business organizations in the medium term. The study uses the methodology of indicative programming from the standpoint of communicative approach, i.e. information education; creation of territorial and sectoral unions; outreach efforts. The study describes the interaction of domestic consumers and businesses (high informal (shadow) costs, inefficient market monopolization by the state companies, the lack of world-class brands, a low level of trust, etc.). The author formulates the concept of consumer patriotism as a technology to increase loyalty in the domestic market provided the solution of the problems outlined above.
Citations count: 1
Boltaevskii A.A., Pryadko I.P. —
Growth driver: agriculture and prospects for developing modern economy
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2018. – ¹ 3.
– P. 88 - 95.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2018.3.18586 URL:
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The subject of this article is to study the strategy of food security primarily on the example of Russia. The urgency lies in the fact that the current situation in Russia, due to sanctions against it as not seen in recent years, has drastically increased demand for state support of agriculture. Despite numerous program international instruments prohibiting the use of food supplies as a tool of political pressure, the events of recent decades suggests otherwise. In this regard, particular attention is paid to the study of the historical perspective of the complex measures used by Russian authorities in order to achieve the main goal: providing the population with high-quality food products based on its own resources. The methodological base of the research consists of the comparative-historical method and system analysis method. The main conclusion of the study is the need to build multistructure approach in Russia, combining small farms and large agricultural holdings. It is stated that during the XX century both Soviet and Russian authorities made crucial miscalculation, which focused on one fundamental factor in the development of agriculture: the destruction of communities and the planting of private land ownership, forcing mass collectivization under Stalin's rule. It is shown that in modern conditions, an important factor in increasing the marketability of agricultural production will shift towards a "green economy".
Citations count: 1
Solomonov M.P., Turantaev S. —
Basic Criteria and Factors for Zoning the Arctic Zone of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia)
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2016. – ¹ 3.
– P. 11 - 20.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8647.2016.3.19961 URL:
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The object of the research is the differentiation of Russia's populated regions depending on their cost of living which structure has become simpler compared to the Soviet era. Today corporate entities do not take into account locality pays or northern wage rise for arduous working conditions that used to be applicable before. This leads to certain gaps in planning objective causes of the growing cost of living in Arctic and hard-to-read areas. Consequently, there is a need in better methods of analysing factors that increase the cost of living not only in the Russian Federation regions but also in administrative districts with different natural environment and climatic areas. The researchers have applied the engineering-economical method of calculating zoning parameters depending on the duration and heat introduction in different regions during the heating season as well as the economic-geographic method of region's zoning. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the authors apply the engineering-economical method for calculating zoning parameters depending on the duration and heat introduction in different regions during the heating season as well as the economic-geographic method for region's objective and clear zoning. The results of the research can be used in the process of providing a legislative framework of detailed zoning of the Russian Federation regions.
Citations count: 1
Kulikova T. —
Development of the concept of “lean manufacturing” based on the selection of optimal type of movement of labor objects
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2019. – ¹ 4.
– P. 71 - 77.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2019.4.28984 URL:
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The subject of this research is development of the concept of “lean manufacturing”. The author describes the advantages of using the key instrument of this concept – the Just-in-time system, implementation of which requires creation of certain prerequisites at the plants, widely defined in manufacturing management literature. However, modern management circumstances are characterized by dynamicity, high level of uncertainty and risk, which can be reduced by accounting for as many factors as possible. The article presents results of analysis of the types of movement of labor objects in accordance with the conditions of utilization of the “Just-in-time system”. Research methodology includes comparative and categorical analysis, system approach, methods of induction and deduction. The author’s major contribution into this research consists in substantiation of extension of the list of criteria with regards to implementation of “lean manufacturing” concept through substantiation of the reasonableness of application of parallel-sequential type of movement of labor objects from operation to operation. The acquired results may be valuable in organization of manufacturing at industrial plants.
Citations count: 1
Khavina L.A. —
The current situation of small and medium-sized businesses in Russia
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2022. – ¹ 2.
– P. 28 - 36.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2022.2.34346 EDN: RHXVGU URL:
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The article examines the situation related to the development and problems in Russian small and medium-sized enterprises over the past decade. The assessment of the institutional environment of entrepreneurship at the present stage of its existence is given. The subject of the study is the processes taking place in this sector of the economy. The purpose of the article is to study the peculiarities of the development and existence of Russian small and medium-sized businesses.The theoretical and methodological basis was made up of articles by authors directly involved in business, as well as authors considering this economic activity from a methodological point of view. Changes in the institutional environment of the economy are becoming particularly relevant due to the challenges associated with sanctions restrictions against the country, as well as the serious dependence of the budget on oil and gas trade in raw materials, where energy prices have recently collapsed.The materials of the article can be used by mass media focused on the problems of domestic entrepreneurship. The novelty of the article primarily consists in a comprehensive analysis of the situation in this sector of the economy over the past decade.
The state of the country's economy directly depends not only on the players of big business, but also largely on the objects of small and medium-sized enterprises, since they use local labor, raw materials and production resources on the territory. Therefore, economic diversification is currently an important issue for the state economic policy of the state, and it is small and medium-sized businesses that could become the locomotive that would allow the country to get out of further technological and socio-economic distress.
Citations count: 1
Volichenko P.P. —
Report on the Property Valuation and its Structure
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2015. – ¹ 1.
– P. 46 - 61.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8647.2015.1.14419 URL:
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Abstract. The paper describes an important stage in the activities of every appraiser, in particular the preparation, writing and format of the property valuation report. The quality of report not only affects an adequate perception of the valuation results, but as a rule has an impact on the professional prestige of the appraiser. The article examines the formal characteristics of the valuation report on the property, the requirements for the report format, mandatory details to be included in the report as well as analyzes possible typical mistakes that occur during the preparation of this report. The study provides a brief analysis of the main documents which are normally used by self-regulatory organizations of appraisers: federal acts, standards and regulations regarding valuation. The methodology involves a detailed examination of the basic principles to be followed by the appraiser developing the report. The study identifies specific indicators which should be shown in accordance with Russian law in the valuation report. The scientific novelty resides in a detailed study of the structure and content of the report sections. The study offers recommendations disclosing the logic of report building - "from the general to the particular"- as well as ways to write the optimal and highly qualified content of its sections. The article also lists the typical mistakes which occur in the process of preparation of valuation reports, most of them are of purely technical nature and therefore, usually their correction represents no problem.
Citations count: 1
Burakov D.V. —
Anatomy of Credit Cycles: a Case of Russia
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2016. – ¹ 3.
– P. 141 - 163.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8647.2016.3.20108 URL:
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Amplification of the amplitude and frequency of crises phenomena on the credit market has become a serious challenge for academic society and monetary regulation authorities. The growth of financial instability, large-scale realization of "systemic" risk, which are based on cyclic processes in monetary sphere, have once once again highlighted the relevance of research. The need to identify causality between credit cycles in Russia and various macroeconomic variables identifies the subject of this study. The subject of study is the set of economic relations associated with lending to non-financial sector on the example of Russia. Main research methods include a mathematical-statistical method. The study is based on the use of regression analysis and vector autoregression modelling (VAR). The composition of the sample includes values of selected variables at the macroeconomic level on the example of Russia. The sample period is January 2005 – June 2016, reference period for the sample include monthly values of the variables. In the result of the study we determined structural and causal relationship between bank credit supply in Russia and selected macroeconomic variables. Testing of our hypotheses shows that on the Russian market of corporate credit there are several empirical anomalies that contradict the basic provisions of imperfect credit market theory(such as pricing and operating anomalies).
Citations count: 1
Romaikin P.D. —
Social contract as a tool for overcoming poverty of the working-age population: assessment of budget efficiency and directions of modernization
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2024. – ¹ 1.
– P. 65 - 76.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2024.1.70293 EDN: GAGXMC URL:
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One of the promising instruments of social support for the population in the Russian Federation is a social contract, the feature of which is the conditional nature of social payments, requiring poor citizens to take active actions to improve their living situation (job search, vocational training, doing business). This study analyzes the Russian and foreign experience in organizing social contract instruments (the TANF program in the USA and the RSA program in France). The subject of the author's research is the effectiveness of budget expenditures of the budgetary system of the Russian Federation for the financial provision of the social contract mechanism in the context of the allocated areas of assistance. Special attention is paid to the legal support of the functioning of the social contract in terms of methods for evaluating its effectiveness and the distribution of appropriate subsidies from the federal budget. Based on the criterion proposed by the author of the relative amount of budget expenditures per citizen who has overcome the poverty threshold, an assessment of the budgetary effectiveness of various areas of assistance under the social contract is carried out. The conclusion is made about the difference in the evaluation results when using official indicators and the author's approach. Thus, official data indicate the success of the results of the social contract program, comparable with foreign analogues. The author's assessment of budgetary efficiency showed the irrational use of budgetary funds: 60% of financial resources in 2021-2022 were directed to the least effective area of assistance. Additionally, the problems in the mechanism of federal co-financing of expenditures of regional budgets for the use of the instrument are identified. The author identifies the methodological shortcomings of the current methodology for evaluating its effectiveness. Based on the identified problems, changes are proposed in the regulatory framework governing the financial mechanism for providing assistance on the basis of a social contract. These results are of high practical significance for the activities of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, as well as regional executive authorities responsible for the implementation of the social contract.
Citations count: 1
Sokolov M., Abramov R. —
Institutional Aspects in Transnational Integration of the Union State Members in the Innovation Sphere
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2017. – ¹ 2.
– P. 113 - 127.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2017.2.22950 URL:
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CIS countries typically demonstrate a rather low level of R&D/GDP intensity and low share of expenditures for science, low development of hightech economic sector and negative saldo of the trade balance in relation to innovative products. At the same time, problems of transnational integration in the sphere of innovation within the Union State started to attract interest of researchers at the turn of the 2011 - 2012. One of research aspects is the need to develop efficient instruments that would ensure efficient transnational integration of Russia and Belarus in the innovation sphere. The object of the present research is the integration of Russia and Belarus within the Union State. The subject of the research is the combination of institutions that provide for the integration of the Union States in the innovation sphere. The authors of the article pay special attention to institutional issues and integration prospects of the Union State members in the innovation sphere including the need to develop a single strategy that would guarantee productivity and efficiency of all institutions under research. The methodological basis of the research involves analysis of fundamental researches and modern theoretical researches in the sphere of institution development, innovation activity and transnational integration including that within the Union State. Based on the analysis carried out, the authors have defined the key problems and development prospects for Russia's and Belarus' institutions that ensure the development of integration processes in the innovation sphere. In conclusion, the authors agree with experts and researchers, both Russian and Belorussian, and come to the conclusion that despite numerous institutional and political issues, the authorities, business entities and social communities of the Union State members understand the need to activate the innovation cooperation. In 2012 during the Union State Programs Forum held in Minsk it was underlined that innovation activity is the guarantee of stability both of an individual entity and state in general, that being true for the Union State, too. Thus, it is important to develop transnational information research data base of fundamental and applied problems that would ensure active information exchange between specialists from different countries and strengthen legal basis in the sphere of protection of rights to intellectual activity products as well as to activate process of creating and developing regional and national innovation networks. Implementation of the above described transformations will require to create new institutions as well as to develop institutions that already exist in the innovation sphere which makes the rationale of the present research.
Citations count: 1
Gudov M.M., Ermakova E.R. —
Structural transformations of Russian economy in the conditions of accelerated digitalization of industrial relations
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2020. – ¹ 2.
– P. 1 - 8.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2020.2.32625 URL:
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The goal of this research is to determine the consequences of accelerated digitalization of industrial relations in the context of structural transformation of Russian economy, as well as substantiate the need and the possibility for structural changes namely in the current period of time. The object of this research is the current and exhausted raw mineral export model of the Russian economy, which requires immediate modification. The subject of this research consists in the study of the impact of current external shocks (abrupt drop in the price of energy resources) upon the changes in the structure of Russian economy (in the sectoral and component views). The structural reform of the Russian economy, which started back in the Soviet period, could not be fully implemented via evolutionary path. Same as all world’s economies, the Russian economy is currently functioning in a state of uncertainty and under influence of external shocks. In the authors’ opinion, these external shocks presently force the accelerated digitalization of industrial relations, which can produce powerful structural transformations of economy, it the government will provide support for corresponding projects.
Citations count: 1
Kul'ba V.V., Shul'ts V.L., Shelkov A.B., Chernov I.V., Kononov D.A., Somov D.S. —
Managing Security and Vitality of Railway Transport Infrastructure Based on the Indicative Approach
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2013. – ¹ 2.
– P. 1 - 107.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4595.2013.2.5111 URL:
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The article describes the results of researching problems of railway transport security. The authors of the article describe the main groups of risks, threats and structural vulnerabilities of railway transport infrastructure facilities. The authors also describe the results of developing methods of modeling and analysis of emergency situations at railway transport infrastructure facilities based on the theory of graphs, structural components and communication matrices. The authors offer models of prevention of emergency situations and incidents by using the indicative approach. The authors provide theoretical description and results of their experimental approbation proving these methods and models to be effective. The authors analyze examples of formulation and solution of multi-objective problems of optimical allocation of indicators in the structure of complex technical systems based on the criteria of plentitude, accuracy and good timing of discovering failures or errors. Taking into account high computational complexity, it is recommended to use a combination of different approximate algorithms to solve these problems. These algorithms either frame solutions based on particular criteria or modify locations of indicators that were previously set based on the other efficiency criteria. The authors describe how this method can be used to complete tasks of establishing technogenic security at railway transport infrastructure facilities.
Citations count: 1
Neustroeva A.B., Popova O.V., Bol'nitskaya A.N. —
Social Labor Sphere Development Problems of the Russian Federation Northern Region (Based on the Example of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2017. – ¹ 3.
– P. 12 - 25.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2017.3.21489 URL:
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The article is devoted to the main trends and problems of the social labor sphere development in the Far North of the Russian Federation, in particular, the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). The authors of the article clarify the term 'social labor sphere' in terms of the region and examine the influence of demographic processes on the social labor sphere development in the region as well as analyze competition positions of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) compared to other regions of the Russian Federation and Far Eastern Federal District, employment and unemployment levels, risk groups on the regional labor market and social welfare provided to employed population. The empirical basis of the research involves state statistics, results of the survey carried out in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) regarding employment and unemployment issues. The main conclusion of the research is that the social labor sphere of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) has been recently characterised with improvement of the labor and investment potentials, however, the low level of the social infrastructure development prevents the growth of the region's competitive ability and reduces attractiveness of the region as the place for living and working.
Citations count: 1
Papava V. —
Some Controversial Issues about the Theory of Production Factors
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2017. – ¹ 3.
– P. 106 - 118.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2017.3.23890 URL:
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The subject of the research is the theory of production factors that are generally disputed because of their contradictory character. The resolution of this controversial issue is of paramount value for the integrity of the theory of production factors in the context of rethinking economics as one of the most topical points within the modern economic science. The author of the article examines such aspect of the production factors theory as the integrity. Based on that, the author touches upon two questions. First of all, it is the question whether information is an independent production factor and if it is, then what the factor payment of information is. The other question is why economic ability of a state should be viewed as an individual production factor and indirect business taxes should be considered to be the factor payment there of. The research methods used by the author include general logical research methods such as abstraction, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction and analogy. The author has also used the method of theoretical analysis. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author offers proof as to why information cannot be a production factor. The results of the research demonstrate that the growth of the influence of information on production processes is insufficient for recognizing it as a production factor. The point of view according to which indirect business taxes are unearned income for the government, contradicts the integrity of the theory of production factors. The author of the article also provides theoretical justification that these taxes are a factor payment to the government’s economic ability which in return is a separate production factor. Results of the research create new opportunities for reconsidering some aspects of economics.
Citations count: 1
Kormishov A., Levchenko T. —
Peculiarities of development of active types of tourism in Krasnodar Krai
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2020. – ¹ 3.
– P. 11 - 21.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2020.3.32968 URL:
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The subject of this research is the state and development prospects of active types of tourism in Krasnodar Krai and the city of Sochi. The object of this research is the active types of tourism. By active tourism the authors understand a trip that involves active movement to a destination, with certain physical effort, but within personal comfort zone. Special attention is given to the questions of assessment of competitive advantages of a resort city of Sochi in development of tourism, as well as to the analysis of offerings of alpine and water types of tourism in Sochi. The authors assess the tourism potential of Krasnodar Krai, current state of alpine and water tourism in Sochi; examine the propositions of tourism agencies of Sochi; as well as determine the problems and development prospects. It is concluded that alpine and water tourism in Sochi is presented by all main types; some companied do not have the official websites with accurate information, since currently of high demand is promotion of goods and services in the social networks. The scientific novelty consists in the theoretical and practical recommendations on peculiarities of development of the active types of tourism: the definition of active types of tourism from the perspective of its distinctive features is introduced into the scientific discourse; classification of active types of tourism applicable to mountain and coastal clusters of the city of Sochi is expanded; competitive advantages of Sochi on the development of active types of tourism are determined on the basis of SWOT analysis.
Citations count: 1
Mikhailova L. —
Modern methods of attracting, selecting and rewarding franchisees
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2017. – ¹ 4.
– P. 120 - 125.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2017.4.24460 URL:
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The subject of this research is the methods of attracting, selecting and rewarding franchisees. Particular attention is given to the interconnection between the methods of interaction between franchiser and franchisee, as well as the tasks of the franchiser during development of the business. The work examines the effect of modern trends in the area of franchising upon selection of methods of work with the franchisee. The methods of interaction between the franchiser and franchisee gain special relevance due to growth in the competition on the market and economic crisis. The scientific novelty of this research consists in the fact that the author describes the methods of interaction between the sides in a franchise with consideration of modern trends, as well as explains the interconnection between selection of the method of influence upon the franchisee and tasks of the franchiser. A conclusion is made that attracting franchisees can consists in financial methods (regulation of the initial investment and royalties) or giving the franchisee certain freedoms in operation.
Citations count: 1
Kolodko D.V. —
Hierarchical method of randomized composite indicators and its application for comparison of investment attractiveness of the projects
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2020. – ¹ 1.
– P. 111 - 131.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2020.1.32328 URL:
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The object of this research is the methods of multi-criteria selection. The subject of this research is the problems of application of hierarchical method of randomized composite indicators in solving the problems of multi-criteria selection. It is noted that in gradual synthesis of composite indicators of the highest hierarchical level, it is impossible to obtain the exact values or assessment of probabilities of dominance of the compared objects. Structuring the exhaustive set of values of weight vector of hierarchy allows obtaining these probabilities, but such approach is applicable only in case of small number of characteristics of the compared objects. For solving this task, the author employs Monte Carlo method, consisting in formation of random sample from exhaustive set of weigh vector of hierarchy and sequential assessment of essential characteristics. The article suggests the procedure for assessing probability characteristics of randomized composite indicators. The author develops and presents the software written on the R platform for realization of this procedure. An example of comparison of the investment projects, when selection is based on the probability of dominance, rather than the composite indicators, is demonstrated.
Citations count: 1
Ledeneva M.V., Mishura N.A. —
Factor analysis of innovation activity of companies in the Russian Federation
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2020. – ¹ 4.
– P. 95 - 105.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2020.4.34785 URL:
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This research is aimed at determination and interpretation of the factors that influence the indicator values of innovation activity of enterprises in the Russian Federation. The author sets the following goals: carry out factor analysis of innovation activity of companies in the Russian Federation using the method of principal components and maximum likelihood; determine and interpret the factors; compare the acquired results; develop recommendations on improvement the composition of statistical indicators used for efficiency assessment of innovation activity of companies on meso- and macro levels. The empirical basis contains the data provided by Rosstat on 10 indicators for the period from 2009 to 2016 (657 observations). The scientific novelty consists in identification of latent generalizing characteristics and correlations between the indicators used for assessing the innovation activity of companies in the Russian Federation. Both methods, of principal components and principal factors, allowed similarly distinguishing the two factors: via the method of principal components: development of science in the region and specialization of the region in high-tech industries; via the method of principal factors: research organizations in the region, their number and indicators; specialization of the region in high-tech industries. The second factor reflects commercialization of research and development. A relatively small number of indicators is used for assessing commercialization of research and development. The author notes the lack of statistical data for assessing the efficiency of innovation activity of companies. The statistical indicators of innovation activity of enterprises should include the economic effect indicators. This would allow using the performance indicators of research and development not only on micro-, but also meso - and macro-levels in elaboration and assessment of measures stimulating innovation activity of businesses at the country level.
Citations count: 1
Elshin L.A., Gafarov M.R., Ñàâóøêèí ̀.Â. —
Strategic guidelines for import substitution in Russia in the context of systemic transformations
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2022. – ¹ 3.
– P. 60 - 71.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2022.3.38523 EDN: JXEODX URL:
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The subject of the study is the parameters and key features of the structure and volume of imports of the Russian Federation. The authors consider in detail the key aspects and trends of the import of foreign products of final and intermediate consumption in the Russian Federation, highlight the risks and threats to the sustainable development of the Russian economy in the context of ongoing systemic transformations caused by the sanctions confrontation that escalated in 2022.
The logic and tools of the implemented empirical assessments are based on a theoretical and methodological analysis of determining the strategic guidelines for the formation of foreign trade and the tools produced to assess its effectiveness, and also relies on the approach proposed by the authors to determine the priorities of import substitution policy, taking into account the "severity" of the problem and prospects for economic development. The main conclusion of the study is the need to intensify import substitution processes in the most vulnerable areas of supplies of goods and components to the Russian Federation (machinery, equipment and equipment, chemical industry products, metals and products made of them, plastics, rubber and rubber) from the so-called unfriendly countries (Western European states, USA and Japan, etc.) Given that they account for about 28.5% of imports to Russia, restrictions on further supplies of goods from these countries pose serious risks to the sustainable socio-economic development of the Russian Federation in the short term.
The novelty and theoretical significance of the study lies in the proposed concept of choosing an import substitution policy depending on the degree of vulnerability of individual industries to localization of import supplies, as well as depending on the scale of the risks of sustainable development of the national economy.
Citations count: 1
Pavlov P.V., Khlestunova E.S. —
Cunstruction Sector and Housing Policy in Russia: Grounds for Interaction and Basic Directions of Transformation
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2013. – ¹ 1.
– P. 1 - 42.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4595.2013.1.643 URL:
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A good level of a socially oriented government is mostly defined not only by the government's attetion towards national housing policy but also the achieved results of implementing this policy. The housing issue is one of the most important problems to be solved at all levels of state administration. In 2002 that was declared to be the target of a national project ('Housing' Federal Target Program 2002 - 2010). In order to achieve the targets of that program both a number of regulatory acts aimed at creation of legal grounds for increasing citizens' paying capability and availability of new and modern housing have been made at both federal and regional levels.
However, despite all the efforts in this sphere, today the government appears to be unable to solve the housing problem on their own. Therefore, it is very important to study basic directions and modern trends in implementatin of the housing policy and development of the construction sector in Russia in order to find better opportunities to provide citizens with places to live.
Citations count: 1
Rozanova L.I. —
Investment Inequality of Regions
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2013. – ¹ 1.
– P. 43 - 63.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4595.2013.1.809 URL:
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The article is devoted to increasing disparity between regions. Over the years of reforms, many Russian regions have started to lose their benefits and preferences. Volumes of investments in different regions start to vary greatly, too. The author of the present article describes the structure of investment financing including state financing and defines the most preferred activities to invest into. In the course of this reseach, the author has defined problems of inequality of regional investment attractiveness which leads to different socio-economical levels in these regions. This creates a threat for the common economic space and intergrated regional system. Integrity of a region as a complex socio-economic system is shaken when there is a significant capital outflow, let it be finances, human resouces or finances. When a region becomes inattractive for investors, the capital and assets of such a region flow to stronger regions and make the problem of spatial inequality even worse. Such inequality is defined by the economical strucure in many ways. Only progressie changes and shifts in the structure of regional economy can raise the competitive ability of a region. But first it requires investments into manufacturing activities (because the majority of such regions do not have their own manufacturing sector). On the other hand, manufacturing sector has lost its competitive position under the conditions of open economy.
Citations count: 1
Romashkova I.I. —
Legal Status of Property Owned by the Consumer Cooperative
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2013. – ¹ 3.
– P. 51 - 66.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4595.2013.3.5181 URL:
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The articleis devoted to peculiarities of formation of property owned by the consumer cooperative as well as the scope of property rights of the members of cooperative and main legislative terms describing these rights. The author of the article analyzes peculiarities of formation of the cooperative property depending on the type of consumer cooperative and proves the need in legal confirmation of the provision concerning variability of the cooperative's share fund.
Citations count: 1
Rasskazova A.V. —
Innovation-Driven Economic Development and Assessment of Enterprises' Innovative Capacity
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2016. – ¹ 2.
– P. 27 - 37.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8647.2016.2.17788 URL:
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The object of the research is the innovatve development of Russia and assessment of innovative capacity of domestic companies. Set of the program documents describing the main objectives and directions of innovative development at the macro and micro levels acts as the subject of the present research. The author in detail considers theoretical approaches to interpretation of innovation, innovative capacity, innovative capacity assessment inventory, and legal and regulatory framework (first of all, state programs in the sphere of innovative development), development programs and financial reports provided by OAO (JSC) RZD (Russian Railways). Special attention is paid to the implementation of "The Strategy of Innovative Development of the Russian Federation 2020" and assessment of innovative capacity of JSC RZD. The theoretical and methodological basis of this research is constituted by the complex analysis and systems approach to studying primary sources as well as methodological developments of Russian scientists and specialists. The main conclusions of research are offers and recommendations made on the basis of the analysis of innovative development programs which should contribute to the improvement of the economic situation at the macro and micro level. Based on the analysis of statistical data the results of the implementation of the first stage of "The Strategy of Innovative Development of the Russian Federation 2020" are also presented. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author carries out an in-depth study of innovative development: at the level of the state and at the level of private enterprises.
Citations count: 1
Bryantseva O.S. —
Industrial development in Russia: the study of sectoral structure
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2023. – ¹ 4.
– P. 87 - 104.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2023.4.69017 EDN: NUADBU URL:
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The article deals with the issues of studying the sectoral structure of the economy of the Russian Federation and the transformation of the sectoral structure of industry. A sample of macroeconomic indicators characterizing the structure of industrial production by gross value added, the number of employed personnel, the value of exports for the period 1990-2022 was formed and analyzed. Open statistical data consolidated by the UN International Organization for Industrial Development (UNIDO) and Rosstat were used. Calculations of structural shifts in the manufacturing industry of the Russian Federation have been carried out.
The article shows that the sectoral structure of the Russian economy has undergone tremendous structural transformations. During the period under review, the sectoral structure of industry in terms of gross value added was significantly transformed: the share of oil refining, chemical industry, metallurgy is increasing, while the share of machine-building and instrument-making is decreasing. In the sectoral structure of employment, the share of high-tech industries such as machine building and electronics and agriculture is decreasing, while the share of employment in trade and construction, transportation and communication is increasing. In the sectoral structure of exports, the share of manufacturing industries is decreasing and the share of extractive industries is increasing. It is concluded that for a long time the sectoral structure of the Russian economy has been under the influence of deindustrialization.
Citations count: 1
Economic Neoliberalism in Russia: Undigested Lessons
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2017. – ¹ 2.
– P. 10 - 25.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2017.2.23066 URL:
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The book "Crises and Lessons" by V. Mau was the occasion for reflection on the phenomenon of the permanence of economic neo-liberalism. Whatever happens in the Russian economy, whatever crises happen, whatever devastating consequences there are, the apologists of this ideology always take only one lesson: balance a budget, conduct structural reforms in the neo-liberal manner, create a good (from the point of view of neoliberalism) institutional environment, and everything should be sorted out. But that's not getting better. Why is the neo-liberal model of development failing, what reforms are necessary to be undertaken, what lessons and who should learn – these are the questions that should be answered. The author of the article discusses the views of V. Mau on the evolutionary and revolutionary transformations, nature of the crises, modernization of the economy, and influence of politics on the economy. The author pays attention to the commitment to a single economic doctrine to the detriment of well-known facts, unsubjected crises, and lack of credibility of certain important claims. The conditions of public life in the socio - economic sphere of the modern Russia in the last quarter of the century have been defined by a continuous series of crises. It is becoming increasingly difficult for the government to convince the society that the chosen path is correct. The neoliberal model of the economy clearly outlived itself. Requirements for the change of the path are growing louder and come from a wider circle of people. But what a new path should be like and where it should take people, these questions requires a full and open discussion.
Citations count: 1
Gainanov D.A., Klimenteva A.Y. —
The development of regional innovative subsystem based on the imbalance model
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2018. – ¹ 2.
– P. 91 - 99.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2018.2.25867 URL:
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This article examines the regional innovative subsystem as a complex of interconnected elements, conditions and factors that initiate and carry out production, distribution and application of the new knowledge ensuring the development of regional economy and its subsystems. The authors review the process of transferring scientific research to the economy that ensures the socioeconomic efficiency of regional development. The article describes substantial essence of the resource provision (personnel, scientific-informative, material-technical) and systemic gaps emerging in the process of transferring scientific knowledge presented in form of the imbalance model. In accordance with the staged of innovative process, the model allows revealing the following imbalances: structural-competent – inconformity of the demand and availability of scientific personnel; demand and supply of scientific research – lack of demand in the industry scientific developments; lack of demand for scientific research – absence of demand in new products. The authors suggest the basic measures for eliminating or reducing the systemic strategic gap and thus ensuring the effective transfer of scientific research into the regional economy.
Citations count: 1
Taskaeva M.P. —
Problems of the development of rural territories in Zabaykalsky Krai
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2019. – ¹ 1.
– P. 49 - 56.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2019.1.29022 URL:
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This article reviews various approaches towards the definition of “rural territory”, as well as describes problems of the development of rural territories in Zabaykalsky Krai. Analyzing the multiple definitions of the term “rural territory”, the author concludes that its includes such aspects as the territorial boundaries, availability of cheap workforce, supplier of agricultural raw materials, responsibility of local authorities for the quality of life in the region. The author believes that the variety of approaches alongside the absence of legislative recognition of the definition of “rural territory” is a stumbling block in the activity of governing bodies and advancement of economic, social, environmental, and other activity spheres of rural territories. Leaning on the statistical and sociological results, the author analyzes the dynamics of social wellbeing indicators of the rural population of Zabaykalsky Krai: wages and incomes, social structure, state of social infrastructure. Generalizing the national and foreign experience, the author notes that the priority vector of state policy is the set of measures on incentivizing food production, ensuring food security in the border region, creation of the diversified and multi-structured rural economy. Controversial is the question of the criteria, indicators, and threats to security allowing to assess potential of the region within the framework of the monitoring of food security with consideration of regional peculiarities.
Citations count: 1
Rayter K.A. —
Digital transformation of marketing strategies of the construction small and medium-sized enterprises
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2021. – ¹ 3.
– P. 30 - 45.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2021.3.36370 URL:
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The subject of this research is the digital transformation of marketing strategies and development strategies of the construction small and medium-sized enterprises. The object of this research is the construction small and medium-sized enterprises in the conditions of modern digital economy and the global socioeconomic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The goal of this article consists in the analysis of peculiarities of digital transformation of marketing strategies and development strategies of the construction small and medium-sized enterprises. The research data was collected via he method of in-depth interviews with the representatives of Russian construction small and medium-sized enterprises, and analyzed using the method of thematic analysis. The hypotheses were advanced and proved on the the impact of digital transformation of marketing strategies of the construction small and medium-sized enterprises upon their competitiveness in the conditions of modern digital economy. The article indicates the growing role of digital transformation of the construction small and medium-sized enterprises in the conditions of modern digital economy and global socioeconomic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result of research, the author obtained the key characteristics of digital transformation of the construction small and medium-sized enterprises, including the questions of awareness of the informants about digitalization, digital transformation marketing strategies and development strategies of the informant companies, level of digital literacy of the employees of the construction small and medium-sized enterprises, barriers and changes in the process of digitalization, forecasts for the future digital development of the construction small and medium-sized enterprises, and personal perception of digital transformation by the informants. The acquired data can be used by the construction small and medium-sized enterprises in development of the technology for creating digital strategy, formulation of the corresponding scientific-methodological and practical recommendations in the area of their innovation development.
Citations count: 1
Arshavskiy G. —
Business Communication with China: Features, Mistakes and Delusions
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2015. – ¹ 3.
– P. 64 - 89.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8647.2015.3.15515 URL:
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The article is devoted to a problem of business communications with China, namely to the typical mistakes and delusions allowed by foreign businessmen in the course of the work with the Chinese partners. At the same time, the author notes traditional cultural specifics of China which are fully reflected and in the business environment. Due to the steady opinion on extreme complexity of business communication with China in article the question of possibility of implementation of effective communications and cooperation with the Chinese business community is raised. In article theoretical, formal and logical and analytical methods of research are used. The author analyzes mistakes which are made by foreign businessmen in the communications with the Chinese party, and the conclusion that numerous difficulties which they meet, first of all, are connected with ignorance of the business specifics of China in many respects having a traditional cultural and historical basis and, as a result of this ignorance, with application of primordially western forms and approaches to business is drawn. The value of this research consists in its practical importance, i.e. in the description and the analysis of typical mistakes of foreign businessmen and the companies in communications with China, and also in reduction of real examples from business experience of the author. Besides, in this article the corresponding recommendations allowing to avoid or minimize risk of commission of similar mistakes in communications with the Chinese colleagues are made.
Citations count: 1
Sverdlikova E.A., Tagibova A. —
The Russian Economy and Business Model Compared to Western and East Asian (Confucian) Models
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2017. – ¹ 4.
– P. 1 - 19.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2017.4.24303 URL:
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The subejct of this research is the modern models of economy and business that are being implemented in the main developed countries including Russia. The authors of the article focus on the models that are used in Japan, China and other East Asian countries. The Russian model is compared to typical models of the West and East Asia (and contemporary European models in a more detailed way). Particular attention is paid to modern Western concepts. The purpose of the research is to offer a general classification of these models as well as to define their place within a single classification system. The authors have used both general research methods such as systems analysis and synthesis, comparative analysis and classification of objects under research, theoretical contextual analysis of existing approaches to the matter) and special social and economic methods (Max Weber's economic business ethos theory, concept of national cultural types, 'three types of capitalism' theory by Esping-Anderson, concept of Welfare State and its types). Noteworthy, that the authors are critical about limited opportunities offered by the corporate culture concept and emphasize the need in a wider approach based on the idea of the importance of natoinal cultural features of each country. The results of the research are given in a form of a classification of the main economy and business models and their particular location on a single classification chart as well as location of economy and business models of the main developed countries of North America, Europe (including Russia) and East Asia thereon. The scope of application for these results may involve both social and economic development of different countries and their relationships as well as prediction of both in a long-term prospect.
Citations count: 1
Khorin A.N., Brovkin A.V. —
Key indicators of the report on sustainable development of an organization
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2018. – ¹ 1.
– P. 1 - 12.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2018.1.25288 URL:
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This article examines the key aspects and indicators of the report on sustainable development of an organization. The work substantiates the need and the purpose for such report, as well as demonstrates its importance for formation of present and future goals of the organization. The importance of presenting such reports is confirmed by the references to its support from the leading global development institutions, including UN. The author determines the parties and groups interested in acquiring this data, and gives thorough analysis of such key indicators applied in the report on sustainable development as: financial, environmental, social, and characteristics of the quality of the corporate management. Special section is dedicated to the integral indexes of the socioeconomic dynamics. Conclusions are made on the purpose and importance if providing the report on sustainable development, which allows better and fuller look at external impact of company’s activity and long-term prospects of its work.
Citations count: 1
Sharafutdinov R.I., Izmailova D.O., Akhmetshin E.M. —
Examination of the national key performance criteria of inclusive growth and regional development of the Russian Federation
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2018. – ¹ 3.
– P. 118 - 134.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2018.3.27061 URL:
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This article explores the concept of inclusive growth and regional development of the Russian Federation, as well as their key performance criteria. The object of this research is the inclusive growth and regional development of the Russian Federation. The subject is the key national performance criteria of inclusive development. The authors carefully examine the concept of inclusive development as the new economic model aimed at creation of the balanced socioeconomic system, with consideration of social equality, environmental factors and natural resources. Special attention is given to the methodology of assessment of inclusive development proposed by the experts of the World Economic Forum in 2017, the tailored version of which is applied in study of the Russian regions. The article conducts an assessment of the inclusive growth index of the Russian regions based on the comparative analysis of the national key performance criteria of inclusive development. The authors calculate the composite index of inclusive development of the Russian regions. The scientific novelty lies in advancement of the theory of regional economy based on the expansion of theoretical-methodological approaches to assessment of inclusive growth and development of the Russian regions. Practical importance lies in calculation of the inclusive development index, which can be applied in the process of elaboration and implementation of the federal and regional programs, as well as development strategies of the Russian regions.
Citations count: 1
Kolmakov V.V. —
Economy of distributed use as the base for organizational-economic mechanism of managing regional property
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2020. – ¹ 1.
– P. 49 - 63.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2020.1.32164 URL:
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The subject of this research is the organizational-economic mechanism of managing regional property as a combination of means and methods of achieving goals of the managing system regarding the collectivity of managed objects and subjects, based on the objective economic laws and social processes in the set institutional conditions. The indicated mechanisms are studied from the perspective of their transformation and mutual influence. Special attention is given to such modern organizational-economic mechanism of managing regional property as distributed use of the elements of the regional property complex. It is substantiated that distributed use as a promising organization-economic mechanism of managing regional property allows achieving an economic effect by transition towards network forms of organization of the economic space. Assessment of the economic effect, which is based on imitation modeling of the change in net result of economic activity of the subjects from various regions, in increasing volume of production as a result of implementation of measures on stimulation of the internal demand by the regional authorities, demonstrates that application of distributed use as a mechanism of managing regional property ensures increase in net result of economic activity by an average of 4.4%, while expanding investments into the main capital with set parameters dilutes the net result by an average 0.9%. The regions can also gain additional economic effects from increase in revenue and economy on the costs of proprietors transferred into distributed use of production capacities.
Citations count: 1
Gorbaneva O.I., Murzin A.D., Revunov R.V. —
Mechanisms for coordination of interests of the parties to municipal-private partnership
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2021. – ¹ 2.
– P. 22 - 32.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2021.2.33478 URL:
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This research is dedicated to the use of widespread static models for coordination of common and private interests to the conditions of municipal programs. The subject of this research is the coordination of interests of the parties to municipal-private partnership projects. The goal lies in application of the static models of coordination of common and private interests to the single-stage socioeconomic processes of implementation of municipal-private partnership projects. The research methodology is structured on the use of static models of coordination of public and private interests), taking into account the utilitarian function of social well-being, the mechanism of Nash equilibrium, and the index of systemic coordination. The author carries out modeling of the coordination of interests of the parties to municipal improvement projects in the city of Novocherkassk, interprets the variants of the use of the mechanism of proportionate distribution, economic regulation and administrative control in managing the implementation of the program. The acquired results find reflection in the municipal management pertinent to the arrangement of municipal-private partnership programs and coordination of interests of the parties. The novelty of this research consists in adaptation of the abstract models of coordination of interests to the tasks of municipal management, which significantly improve the efficiency of planning municipal programs. The conclusion is made on the effectiveness of such management mechanisms for the municipal program. Recommendations are given for coordination of interests of each party to the partnership.
Citations count: 1
Zatrova I.S. —
Creative agriculture-based economy in horticulture
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2020. – ¹ 4.
– P. 118 - 128.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2020.4.34118 URL:
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This article is dedicated to a new trend in agriculture, such as the creative agriculture-based economy on a worldwide scale. The author reveals the prerequisites for the emergence of such economy. The general review is conducted on the variations of creative forms and industries in horticulture. Such trends as peony growing, biofuels, volcanic agriculture, and “Arctic cultivated garden” are the examples of this type of economy. The article draws attention to various types of cooperation, which leads to a positive result. Attention is given to the problematic components of creative agriculture-based economy. The conclusions are made on the fundamentals of creativity in agriculture for achieving positive results. The author’s main contribution consists in substantiation of the concept of creative agriculture-based economy, a new perspective on the creative economy. This article is first to view creative economy in agriculture, as well as to raise the problems of the creative agriculture-based economy and the need for regulation of this process. The foundation of creative agriculture-based economy consisting of the three equivalent platforms: knowledge, morality and creativity is explored. Agriculture is closely interrelated with the environment and food products; the quality of new products and services influences the quality of life, which is relevant worldwide.
Citations count: 1
Dmitrieva N.V., Gabinskaya O.S. —
Internal independent assessment of the quality of higher education: necessity, types and instruments
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2019. – ¹ 1.
– P. 41 - 48.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2019.1.28661 URL:
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The subject of this research is the independent assessment of education quality. The issue is that the Law on Education determines such assessment as external, which creates certain difficulties of its implementation namely in the sphere of higher education. At the same time, the government recommends the educational organizations to form the mechanisms of internal independent assessment of education quality. The conducted in 2017 nationwide monitoring of the methods of internal assessment demonstrated that only 19% of universities have internal local documents for regulating such assessment. The authors classify the types of internal independent assessment of education quality according to its object, character, forms of results representation, and level experts’ participation. The article describes the specific assessment tools, as well as provides the general regulation of internal assessment. The conclusion is made on its key features, factors of efficiency, and relation to external assessment.
Citations count: 1
Suvorova A.V. —
The formation of macroregions as an instrument for reducing intraterritorial disparities: experience of the Ural Federal District
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2021. – ¹ 4.
– P. 1 - 14.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2021.4.36766 URL:
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Economic zoning is an important instrument of regional policy; however, its impact upon solution of the territorial issues of macroregions that are built on other (noneconomic) grounds remains quite ambiguous. This research is dedicated to verification of the hypothesis on possibility of reducing the discrepancy between the parameters of territorial development as a result of their unification into a macroregion, which is formed primarily on the administrative principles. Research methodology leans on assessment of the parameter variations of interterritorial disparities in retrospect; methodological toolset includes the calculation of coefficients that characterize the degree of heterogeneity of cumulative data (coefficients of variation, asymmetry, and excess). The article uses the example of the Ural Federal District. The conducted analysis reveals that the scale of intraterritorial disparities typical for the district at the stage of its formation has not decreased over time; moreover, the difference between the parameters of the development of individual regions has increased. It is proven that the unification of territorial systems solely through administrative transformations does not mitigate the problems of excessive asymmetry of their development; and connectedness of the regions that proceeds from such transformations is often nominal. The acquired conclusions offer a critical insight into the instruments for managing socioeconomic processes in the territories of different levels, and can be taken into account in implementation of the regional policy.
Citations count: 1
Chkhutiashvili L.V. —
Prospects of Development and Legal Regulation of Environment Audit in the Russian Federation
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2012. – ¹ 1.
– P. 131 - 153.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4595.2012.1.530 URL:
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The article is devoted to prospects of development and legal regulation of environment audit in the Russian Federation. Within the framework of environment protection, environment audit is a tool for ensuring environmental safety and sustainable development. Environmental safety affects specific spheres of economic and other activities which may cause negative influence on the environment and must be viewed as an integrated institution of financial audit, technology audit, audit of extreme situations and other forms of audit which are related to the environment protection and rational use of natural resources.
Citations count: 1
Cherkashin A.K., Lesnykh S.I., Sklyanova I.P. —
Coordination model of regional environmental protection management: conceptual model
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2019. – ¹ 3.
– P. 81 - 97.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2019.3.24404 URL:
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The subject of this study is the system of state regulation of the ecological and socioeconomic situation. A conceptual model of territorial management in the form of a stratification of government structures on the basis of a social conditions manifold (on the principle of separation of power) is created. The model is implemented in the form of a periodic system (organization of organizations) that commutatively combines all independent institutions of activities. To formalize the model, the concepts of institutional approach and polysystem stratification (fiber bundling) were used. The situation is described by model of sustainable development, which is based on the idea of both, conservation of nature and development of society. The model refers to the paradigm of public administration as a network phenomenon of interaction between management entities. The organization of territorial management must have the quality of functional completeness, i.e. ability to solve any problem with own means. A mathematical model of the process forming the completeness of the implementation of the system function of territorial management is proposed. It is proved that in the organization of territorial management there should not be special institutional bodies responsible only for conservation and rational environmental management. All governing bodies through specialized departments are obliged to fully implement these tasks within their competences.
Citations count: 1
Payson D. —
Peculiarities of application of the category of public good to the analysis of performance and institutional arrangement of space activities
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2018. – ¹ 4.
– P. 1 - 20.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2018.4.27646 URL:
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This article examines the fundamental categories of targeted activity, including subjectivity and performance applicable to the modern space activities, as well as discusses the problematic questions of generation public good in the activity of hybrid corporate-public actors. This work is aimed at developing theoretical grounds for institutional projecting and organizational structuring in the area of space activities pertaining to space research and exploration, as well as elaborating alternate versions of organizational design that would ensure efficiency of such efforts with consideration of current institutional trajectory. The methodological base consists primarily of the principle of methodological individualism, viewed from the perspective the impact upon the targeted work of the researchers, explorer, and applied use of space, as well as analysis of results of the work using the value chains. The article also uses the general approaches towards analyzing the inter-sectoral cooperation in economics, as well as the theories of public good. The scientific novelty is defined by the identification of the peculiarities of application of the principles of targeted work by the members of space activities pertaining to state and private sectors; conducted analysis of emergence of specific public good in this sphere; peculiarities of the work of particular corporate-public actors and risks of emergence of institutional traps; proposed versions of organizational arrangement of the tasks of generating public good in the area of space activities. The main conclusion lies in the need for special organizational arrangement of this vector of space activities in terms of the work of hybrid corporate-public actors.
Citations count: 1
Sinkina O.N. —
Particularities of Developing of the Audit Model for Supervising the Process of Grouping Business Entities
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2016. – ¹ 4.
– P. 1 - 12.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8647.2016.4.20450 URL:
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The object of the research is the developing of the audit model for supervising the process of grouping of a business entity that performs activities aimed at changing the size of business through integration. The subject of the research is the combination of theoretical and practical aspects of increasing the quality of the audit over integration processes. In her research Sinkina describes peculiarities of the legal regulation of audit activities over integration processes both in Russia and foreign states and defines audit methods to be applied at the stage of planning and making a decision about integration as well as the stage of performing the integration process. The author of the article describe issues to be paid attention during audit over integrating enterprises and offers her own model of the audit over integration at the stage before intergration and at the stage during integration. The methodological basis of the research involves fundamental provisions described in Russian and foreign researches. In the course of ther research Sinkina has used the systems approach as well as general and special resaerch methods such as abstraction, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, comparative analysis, grouping. Integration processes are associated with higher inherent risks and therefore considerable risks of accounting errors. In order to decrease these risks the author offers her own model of control over integration processes that implies methods and audit procedures related to integration processs and applied at the stage before integration or when integration is taking place. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the following: 1. The authors summarizes the system of the legal regulation of audit activities over integration in Russia and foreign states. 2. The author describes audit methods to be applied at the stage of planning and decision making as well as at the stage when integration is taking place. 3. The author develops her own model of control over integration processes. 4. The author develops audit procedures related to integration processes that are applied at the stage before integration and at the stage during integration.
Citations count: 1
Melnikov Y.B., Onokhina E.A., Shitikov S.A. —
Bottom-up and top-down analysis as a strategic component of management decisionmaking
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2018. – ¹ 4.
– P. 41 - 49.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2018.4.28207 URL:
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The subject of this research is the process of creating a work plan using the methods of bottom-up and top-down analysis. The authors based upon the hypothesis that every point of planning by the executive and planner is perceived either as a reference to a known algorithm of actions, or as a goal setting for work without concretization of means of achieving it. The goal is being viewed as a system of example models of results meant for planning and assessment of adequacy of results, both planned and achieved. The research carries a theoretical character and employs results of research in the area of management, modeling theory of Y. B. Melnikov, which is based on formal-constructive interpretation of the model and analysis of management decisionmaking process. Authors examine the process of transformation of the original plan, consisting of a single point (formulation of goal), towards a plan of which all main points are perceived by the executive as references to known to him algorithms of actions. The authors’ original interpretation of the methods of bottom-up and top-down analysis is schematically illustrated by the examples from the taxation practice.
Citations count: 1
Saryan A.A., Simonyan A.R. —
Basics of the segmentation of regional tourist flows
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2019. – ¹ 4.
– P. 1 - 10.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2019.4.31438 URL:
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The object of this research is the regional tourist flow. In this article it means tourist flows of various sizes, density and intensity, directed to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, total number of which is 85. The subject field of this research consists in optimization of regional tourist flows. Special attention is dedicated to the realization of this task through economic and mathematical modeling for the processes of formation and development of tourist flows. It is assumed that these flows can be specifically optimized by increasing their size, redistribution of tourists between segments of a flow, creation of its new segments and restriction of the flow growth in emergence of such fairly new phenomenon as overtourism. The conducted research allowed concluding that the tourist flows in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation differ in size and structure. Most of them have formed without the due scientific and economic justification or optimal connection to the existing tourist-recreational resources. As a result, the regional targeted programs of tourism development are not being implemented to the fullest extent. The novelty of this research consists in substantiation of the need for optimization of the structure of regional tourist flow on the basis of complex approach, as well as suggestion of the economic-mathematical model for such optimization.
Citations count: 1
Ilyanov D.S., Chernysheva T.C., Yurevich M.A. —
Sources of economic growth in the XXI century: video game industry
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2020. – ¹ 3.
– P. 78 - 89.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2020.3.31693 URL:
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This article focuses on determination of trends and prospects for the development of video game industry in the Russian Federation. Analysis is conducted on evolution of the video game market and trends that established thereof. The author examines the dynamics in gaming industry revenue allocated by segments, and the share held by video games on the markets of the Eurasian Economic Union member-states. The author carries out a comparative analysis of the revenue of the global gaming industry for all segments (games for smartphones, tablets, PC, etc.) with GDP of some EAEU member-states for the 7-year period, and as well as makes a forecast of the dynamics of revenue of gaming industry by the segments. The overall revenue obtained from the global gaming industry has increased by 115% in the past 7 years and account to $ 151.9 billion. The article explores the current state of video game market in the Russian Federation, which almost doubled in the past 5 years and accounts to $ 1.9 billion. The key risks that can negatively affect the development of video game industry are identified. The conclusion is made that despite the existing risks, a dynamic increase in the segment of mass multiuser online games and its audience should be expected in the nearest future; by 2022, the segment of games for mobile devices could take up to half of the entire gaming market.
Citations count: 1
Solomonov M.P., Pakhomov A.A. —
Energy saving potential from served thermal energy and in heating buildings of Russia’s northern region
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2020. – ¹ 1.
– P. 35 - 48.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2020.1.32174 URL:
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The subject of this research is energy saving of the served thermal energy in thermal energy supply by the producers and in heating of the objects by the consumer. The goal of this work is to reveal the potential of energy saving of served thermal energy as a tangible target of economic policy of the region. The results of this research demonstrate the energy saving potential from served thermal energy of Russia’s northern region, as well as the potential for energy saving by the consumer of thermal energy. The results of this research can be applied in calculated targets of energy saving of served thermal energy in the Sakha Republic (Yakutia), as well as a method of calculation for other regions and consumers. The targets can in turn serve as encouraging motives for a more active crediting of thermal energy saving by commercial banks and/or venture funds created for these purposes. The author utilizes the method of marginal comparative analysis of actual expenses of a company in heating with normative and tax expenses. The scientific novelty consists in precise delineation of the zones of responsibility in the area of thermal energy saving between thermal supply of the producer and heating of the consumer, combination of various method in determining the potential of thermal energy saving in the region and separate objects of heating, as well as continuity in introduction of heat-saving measures in heating of objects.
Citations count: 1
Tikhonova A.V. —
Theoretical foundations of building a system of taxation of the population
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2022. – ¹ 1.
– P. 25 - 39.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2022.1.36261 URL:
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The subject of the article is the system of taxation of individuals. A review of the literature on its content and the author's vision is presented. The author identifies the factors affecting the taxation of individuals. A detailed theoretical overview of the classical and modern principles of the taxation system is presented, as well as their refraction in the context of taxation of the population. Special attention in the study is paid to the trends on the basis of which the taxation of individuals should be based. As a result, the author presents a four-level group of principles for building a system of taxation of the population. In addition, possible approaches to the organization of the taxation system of individuals are analyzed. The scientific novelty of this study consists in the formation of a hierarchically structured system of principles for the construction and functioning of the taxation system of individuals, including basic, classical, modern and specific principles. The specified hierarchy of taxation principles is determined depending on the degree of their detail and relation to the entire system or its individual elements. It is determined that the system of taxation of individuals is presented as a dualistic, logically integrated, on the one hand, into the national tax system, on the other hand, into the national social policy, a set of hierarchy of taxation principles integrated into the legally established rules of taxation.
Citations count: 1
Tsurikov V.I. —
Incomplete Contraction in Terms of Russian Specifics. Part 2. The Influence of Transactional Expenses and Credibility Gap
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2017. – ¹ 1.
– P. 48 - 61.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8647.2017.1.21396 URL:
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The subject of the research is the influence of transactional expenses on agents' investment decisions, volume of aggregate profit and individual benefits. The author demonstrates that additional investments are necessary to overcome inefficient balance created as a result of agents' independent choice of investment volumes s well as to obtain additional benefits. Due to the fact that coordination of any kind results in transactional expenses, the author also analyzes the relation between coordination methods and associated profit and expense balances. The research method is the mathematical modelling. Within the framework of researching an incomplete contract model, the author carries out analysis and comparison of transactional expenses associated with coordination at hybrid and hierarchical forms of economic organisation. The author discovers conditiosn for achieving maximum benefit for both overly low and selectable levels of coordination expenses. The author also demonstrates that a hybrid form of organisation may have an excessively high level of coordination expenses when additional investments do not lead to the growth of aggregate profit. Thus, a high level of resources specificity or/and great volumes of investment combined with a low social capital may create a high level of coordination expenses which may act as an invincible obstacle on the way to overcoming an inefficient balance at hybrid organisations. Hierarchical organisations do not have such a level of coordination expenses. In this research the author has used the verbal method of describing results obtained through mathematical modelling.
Citations count: 1
Saryan A.A., Pustovoitenko S.I. —
Tourist and Recreational Complex: Classification of Recreational Areas
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2017. – ¹ 2.
– P. 64 - 78.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2017.2.22792 URL:
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Increase in domestic tourist flow to domestic resorts in the summer season 2015 – 2016 accentuates the attention of tourism specialists in the issue of analyzing the existing potential of the recreational territories of Russia for the spatial development of domestic tourism. A topical issue is the classification of recreational areas of the country, the formation of databases of recreational areas with the definition of their specialization, available and potentially possible types of tourism, the creation of new tourist products on their basis. The subject of the research is the relations that develop between the managing subjects of tourist activity at different levels of management regarding the definition of the tourist potential of the recreational territories of the Russian Federation, their classification for the purpose of regulating tourism flows of inland and inbound tourism. The authors of the article give a brief overview of typologies and classifications of recreational areas of domestic research centers, the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), the diversity of which emphasizes the need to select common criteria. In this study, for their analysis, the methods of theoretical analysis, comparison and classification, the abstract-logical method were used.The article gives a working version of the definition of "tourist-recreational complex" (TRC), taking into account its inclusion in the system of market relations, a variant of the classification of recreational areas is proposed based on the example of Sochi (Adler district). The main classification criterion is to consider the localization and features of recreational resources tied to a territory that has its borders within the existing administrative-territorial division, taking into account the demand and needs of the tourist. Classification of recreational areas with the definition of tourist zones and most importantly their specialization are necessary both for the purposes of managing the development of tourism, and for orienting the tourist in the available tourist offer. The scope of application of the research results is the theory and practice of tourism, and the sphere of information communications in tourism.
Citations count: 1
Klimenko T.I., Ovcharov A.O. —
Modern marketing tools in the tourism market
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2019. – ¹ 4.
– P. 102 - 110.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2019.4.23760 URL:
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The subject of this research revolves around capabilities of modern marketing in the research of the tourism market. It demonstrates the importance of development of easy to access and simple to apply marketing tools for the tourism market that would be capable of tackling the research tasks. It is established that the widely used market research methods in the tourism sphere include analysis of documents, consumer polls, expert assessments and experimental approaches. Special attention is given to the assessment of the representation of poll results and determination of the necessary sample size. A brief overview is made on the approaches towards segmentation of tourism market by various criteria. The scientific novelty pertains to development of an original approach towards proper positioning of tourism services in the domestic market. This article presents the results of marketing research of the demand in the tourism market of Kazan on the basis of consumer polling. The work highlights five segments of consumers, and draws conclusions on structural shifts in their demand at the brink of the 2017 season. There is evidence of increased interest towards domestic and foreign tourism, as well as key positions of leisure and recreation being taken by tourism. For efficient positioning, travel agencies are offered three criteria of segmentation: scale of business, seasonality, and consumer mentality. For the purposes of segmentation, the authors conduct expert interviews among Kazan’s travel agencies, and highlight the most efficient segments from the commercial point of view.
Citations count: 1
Skvortsova N.A., Lebedeva O.A., Sotnikova E.A. —
The impact of information technologies on business development
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2018. – ¹ 1.
– P. 42 - 50.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2018.1.25189 URL:
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The object of this research is the information technologies and their impact on business in general. The subject of this research is the cumulative approaches towards business conduct within the influence area of information technologies. Maintenance of competitiveness and achievement of best results requires the introduction of innovations such as information technologies. The author meticulously examines the theoretical approaches to potential transformations in conducting entrepreneurship or business organizational processes with the help of information technologies. However, the assessment of small business allowed determining that the executives are not quite ready to invest into the information technologies. The main conclusion consists in suggestions formulated on the basis of the analysis of information technologies that must encourage the improvement of economic indexes of business sector. Special attention is given to automation of customer relationship management. The scientific novelty is defined by comprehensive approach towards studying the algorithm of implementation of information technologies into the business sphere.
Citations count: 1
Gerasimov V.O., Sharafutdinov R.I., Akhmetshin E.M. —
The impact of universal basic income upon human capital and the processes of inclusive growth and development
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2019. – ¹ 1.
– P. 75 - 92.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2019.1.29158 URL:
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This article is dedicated to examination of the concept of universal basic income and its impact upon improvement of the indicators of human capital, inclusive growth and development, as well as its application in the Russian regions of the Russian Federation. The subject of this research is the implementation of basic income in Russia. The authors review the theoretical foundations of the universal basic income, as well as the history of establishment of scientific thought. The most significant experiments of implementation of universal basic income and their effectiveness are considered. The scientific novelty of the research consists in the following: 1) the acquired results allow determining the need for implementation of universal basic income within the framework of strategic development of the Russian Federation; 2) such approach has not been previously applied in the strategies of regional development of the Russian Federation, because the improvement of living standards in the conditions of automation and industrial revolution, is possible with consideration of greater amount of factors where government plays the leading role. An attempt is made to identify the link between human capital, inclusive development and introduction of experimental basic income. The authors review and generalize the most considerable experiments on implementation of universal basic income and its impact upon the establishment of human capital and inclusive processes; as well as substantiate the need for conducting experiments on implementation of universal basic income for solving socioeconomic issues.
Citations count: 1
Shirinkina E.V. —
Multifactor model of the development of digitalization of corporate business processes
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2021. – ¹ 2.
– P. 1 - 10.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2021.2.32665 URL:
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This article provides the results of assessing the factors that impact the cross-sectoral economic and technological effects in the development of digitalization of business processes. The goal of this work is to form a multifactor model for the development of digitalization of corporate business processes and determine the degree of impact of the factors included in this model. The author outlined and tested several hypotheses, the general idea of which is reduced to an assumption that at current stage of economic development in Russia, corporations are actually subject to the emergence of trend in the dynamically changing digital world, which requires quick and effective response to the digital development by increasing investment in digital technologies and intensifying their use in business processes. The empirical framework is comprised on the data provided by the Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge of the Higher School of Economics, as well as Federal State Statistics Service on the current state of digital and business activity. The author conducts a regression analysis for assessing the importance of factors included into the model.; advances and process the hypotheses on the influence of factors upon the index of digitalization and the level of corporate business activity. The acquired results serve as the evidence base for most of the advanced hypotheses, thereby proving the theoretical assumption on the existence of certain consequences of the digital business development. The built multifactor model for the development of digitalization of corporate business processes and assessment of importance of the factors included therein would allow the companies to develop proper solutions aimed at increasing the level of digitalization. The new positions directly depend on the continuous technological changes. As a result, the gap between business needs and competencies of the workforce appears to be the key challenge for the companies.
Citations count: 1
Pugachev A.A. —
Manifestations of Economic Inequality of Citizens in Russia: Analysis of the Results of a Sociological Survey
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2022. – ¹ 4.
– P. 35 - 51.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2022.4.39229 EDN: MFSKXV URL:
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The subject of the study is the economic inequality of citizens in Russia. The inequality of citizens in Russia has been at a consistently high level for 30 years, but it is not permanent or static. Inequality is being transformed: new forms are emerging, such as digital inequality, inequality in the balance of life and work, inequality in the field of health, inequality of the coronacrisis. The differences between the richest and the poorest in the consumption of products are decreasing in volume, and the quality of products is increasing. This indicates the need to study the current characteristics of inequality of citizens in Russia. The purpose of the study is to assess the manifestations of economic inequality of citizens in Russia based on the results of a sociological survey to determine the directions of smoothing inequality. The hypothesis of the study is that inequality in Russia is being transformed, and existing approaches to its assessment do not allow to objectively determine its current state, which, among other things, leads to the ineffectiveness of measures taken by the state to smooth out inequality. The scientific novelty consists in interpreting the results of a sociological survey in terms of identifying the key manifestations of modern inequality and outlining the portrait of the least and most affluent citizens: poverty of young people under 25, poverty of rural residents, poverty of students, poverty of unemployed pensioners and the unemployed, income inequality of citizens in the regional context. Despite the fact that 71% of respondents estimate their incomes as sufficient for current expenses, inequality in the subjective assessment of income sufficiency is significantly weaker than inequality in actual income. The potential of state financial instruments for smoothing inequality has not been realized
Citations count: 1
Finogeev A.G., Gamidullaeva L.A., Vasin S.M., Shmid A.V. —
Convergent platform for big data analysis in the process of researching the innovative system of the region
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2019. – ¹ 4.
– P. 28 - 44.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2019.4.27580 URL:
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Ubiquitous implementation of the modern technologies of digital economy allows eliminating a number of barriers that impede the growth of economic activity of economic actors, as well as decreasing high transaction expenses that hinder interaction between the participants of economic processes. The article examines the questions of creation of the information analytical platform for big data collection and processing for the purpose of researching the innovative development processes of the regional economic agents on the basis of convergent approach. The platform is intended for modular integration of instrumental means that resolve the tasks of searching, collection, processing and upload of data for intellectual analysis of the indicators of innovative activity of enterprises. The results of intellectual analysis are used for the assessment and forecast modelling of the dynamics of integral criteria of the regional innovative development, identification of innovative leaders, comparative benchmarking analysis between economic agents and leaders, synthesis of cybersocial strategies for managing the mechanisms of innovative development and formulation of recommendations on enhancing the efficiency of innovative activity of enterprises. The authors conduct the analysis of convergent and hyper-convergent systems, as well as substantiate the need for creation of the convergent platform for collection and analytical processing of big data regarding the innovations and innovative enterprises in the regions. The authors propose the principles of structuring the dataflow architecture of data integration system for solving the tasks of searching, parallel processing and upload of information onto cloud storage and distributed register. The key components of the convergent information analytical platform are being reviewed.
Citations count: 1
Grunichev A.S., El'shin L.A. —
Reputation economy: new paradigm of studying economic growth
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2019. – ¹ 3.
– P. 15 - 26.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2019.3.30499 URL:
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The subject of this research is the reputation economy that represents a combination of social sciences studying distribution, exchange and consumption of goods and services as a result of formation of the positive reputation of economic agents within the global information space based on the system of “social proofs” affecting the development of cooperation ties, as well as providing them with the additional economic and social profit. The attention is focused on the formulation, explanation and substantial-functional characteristics of the conceptual-categorical apparatus, which reveals the distinct features of such terms as “economy”, “reputation economy” and “regional reputation economy”. Practice and empirical observations demonstrate that reputation activity of the economic agents forms a range of the prospects of their development. Therefore, reputation is highly important and receives widespread attention in the scientific research field. However, despite its popularization, the theory of reputation economy has yet not received due development and attention, which significantly limits the research paradigm based on studying the nonmaterial factors of production within the system of regional economic development or national economic systems overall. In this regard, an important mission in the development of economic science consists in devising of the concept and methodology of the theory of reputation economy applicable to the economic systems. This suggests the formulation and substantiation of a complex of theoretical considerations, as well as the development of the conceptual-categorical apparatus. This article is dedicated to partial solution of these questions.
Citations count: 1
Tsvirko S.E. —
The state of global public debt and new approaches towards debt management
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2021. – ¹ 3.
– P. 46 - 57.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2021.3.36610 URL:
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This article is devoted to the state of public global public debt and new approaches towards its regulation in both developed and developing countries. The subject of this research is public debt in different groups of countries. Analysis of the situation with global public debt and the peculiarities of its regulation is necessary to learn positive foreign experience for its possible application in Russia. The following factors of significant increase of public debt are outlined: severe reduction of economic activity and decline in government revenue; increase of public spending, including related to anti-crisis measures; growing primary deficit, and this, the need to increase borrowings. The countries with low and middle income additionally face significant capital outflows from their financial markets, devaluation of national currencies, and difficulties with debt refinancing. Analysis is conducted on the structure and dynamics of public debt that developed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The author describes the risks associated with public debt. It is noted that many developed countries were able to adjust their financial operations in response to the growing need for borrowed funds: change the existing mechanisms for entering the debt market; amend the practice of conducting auctions government securities auctions. Developing countries need debt restructuring. The conclusion is made that the debt relief process requires new approaches towards debt management, including new methods of risk mitigation, enhanced control aimed at countering “credit bubbles”; clear regulation of debt restructuring observed by all creditors.
Citations count: 1
Aguzarova F.S. —
Value of oil and gas incomes in the Russian economy.
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2014. – ¹ 3.
– P. 142 - 158.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4595.2014.3.10855 URL:
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The article "Value of oil and gas incomes in the Russian economy" poses a topical issue regarding oil and gas incomes, their role and value in the Russian economics. The author substantiates the considerable dependency on these raw resources in the Russian economics. The author offers to form a reserve in order to get out of oil and gas dependency in a state, which deserves special attention. The natural resources potential of the state is used without due efficiency, since the entrepreneurs aim at making profits first of all. They have no stimulae for rational use of resources, and they do not consider exhaustibility factor. In the process of analysis via synthesis and analysis methods, as well as with the graph methods, the author established the role and relative share of oil and gas incomes in the federal budget of the Russian Federation for 2010-2012. The tax income holds the top position among the shares of state income. The natural resources management taxes have the largest share among these taxes. The priority is for natural resources mining tax. The author makes some conclusions based upon her studies. In particular, she offers to find efficient measures in order to accumulate monetary funds outside the scope of oil and gas income. In particular, she mentions development of small and medim-range businesses, involvement of investments into the economics of the state, development of innovative activities, which should lower the degree of oil and gas dependency.
Citations count: 1
Korneiko O.V. —
China’s experience in developing fish farming
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2017. – ¹ 4.
– P. 59 - 64.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2017.4.24256 URL:
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The object of this research is the fish farming industry of China – the most successful country worldwide in this regard, demonstrating high rates of growth and rapid expansion onto the global seafood market. China raises more fish than catches in the wild, covering 80% of the domestic demand for fish products. The subject of this research is the key factors of success of China’s fish farming activities, mechanisms and methods of the state aid, emerging bases of the efficient innovative and technological development of the sector. Special attention is given to reconsideration of China’s experience due to the fact some circumstances were not previously taken into account. The work examines that status and factors of development of fisheries and fish farming in China based on the data provided by Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, annual statistical digests of China, and other sources.
Citations count: 1
Khazova V.N. —
Peculiarities of development of the renewable energy sources in the Russian energy market
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2019. – ¹ 2.
– P. 24 - 36.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2019.2.29781 URL:
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The subject of this research is the strategies and trends of development of the sector of renewable energy sources in Russia. The goal of this work lies in the following aspects: assessment of the current situation in the sector of renewable energy in Russia and the prospects for its development; analysis of the implemented support measures of the sector and systematization of the global experience of recommendations on government support of the sector; evaluation of their role in development of the renewed energy; assessment of growth prospects of the portion of renewable energy sources in Russia’s energy sector, as well as the impact of the aid granted by the government of the Russian Federation in this regard. The relevance is substantiated by the act that the ongoing within world energy sector transformation implies increased competition and the demand for new technologies. The advancement of technologies leads to the expansion of energy accessibility. The research methodology is structure on the review and analysis of statistical information sources of the Russian and foreign agencies and reports of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation on the state of renewable energy; analysis of support measures provided by the Russian government. The conclusion is made that the development of the sector of renewable energy sources in Russia lags behind many countries. The author outlines the causes of the current situation, as well as suggests the measures for overcoming the barriers in development of this sector. The article assesses the current situation of the renewable energy sector in Russia, and determines the patterns of its functionality in the world and prospects for its development in Russia.
Citations count: 1
Stukalova I.B. —
Prospects for the development of e-commerce: opportunities and risks
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2021. – ¹ 4.
– P. 29 - 40.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2021.4.36909 URL:
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This article is dedicated to the development of e-commerce in the Russian Federation. The relevance of this topic is substantiated by the growth rates of this segment of commerce. The goal lies in analysis of the prospects for the development of e-commerce, taking into account the potential opportunities and challenges for the consumers, retail businesses and national economy overall. The subject of this research is the process of development of the e-commerce market. The research employs institutional approach, which implies consideration of a wide range of noneconomic factors (social, scientific-technical, technological, etc.) in the theoretical analysis of the evolution of e-commerce. The information base contains the data from the Association of E-Commerce Companies, National Association of Mail Order and Distance Selling Trade, and the works of Russian and foreign scholars. The author offers a hierarchy of concepts: e-business, e-commerce, and online trade. Tracing the history of evolution of the forms of commerce proves that e-commerce is a type of distance trading. The proposed by the author stages of development of distance trading reveals the historical peaks of its development, including separation of e-commerce. The results of analysis of e-commerce market led to the following conclusions: 1) e-commerce is one of the dynamically developing sectors of the economy, which generates new job opportunities and tax revenues; 2) the key prerequisites for the active development of e-commerce market consist in processes of digitalization and globalization of the economy; 3) the COVID-19 pandemic became a catalyst for the development of e-commerce. The development of e-commerce creates a range of opportunities and risks for all parties involved: the state, business entities, and consumers. The opportunities and risks outlined by the author may contribute to elaboration of measures aimed at utilization of opportunities and mitigation of risk caused by the development of e-commerce, which would determine its development prospects.
Citations count: 1
Garifullina E.F. —
Human capital development as an innovative direction in the state policy.
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2014. – ¹ 2.
– P. 36 - 43.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4595.2014.2.4544 URL:
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Current Russia is undergoing a transfer to the innovative socially oriented type of development, so understanding and modernization of human capital have special value in it. Development of human capital plays a decisive role in the long-term social and economic development of the state. Strategic and innovative direction of the state policy should include improvement of its key basic components.
Citations count: 1
Afanas'ev A.A. —
Municipal legal regime of rural life: definition and nature of municipal self-government in rural settlements.
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2013. – ¹ 3.
– P. 17 - 50.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4595.2013.3.7423 URL:
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According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Federal Law N. 131-FZ of October 6, 2003 the municipal self-government acts on equal terms with the state government. The municipal self-government is closest to the population and it solves its everyday problems. The social relations regarding implementation of the municipal self-government in the rural settlements form an important element of rural life as an object for legal regulation. In this article based upon the analysis of the legislation of the Russian Federation the author singles out specific features, provides definition and defines the nature of municipal self-government of rural settlements. It has both theoretical and practical importance for the implementation of the priority direction for the social and economic policy of Russia in the sphere of sustainable development of rural territories.
Citations count: 1
Gudkov A.A., Terekhova M.G., Dudina K.E. —
Features of Ñost Accounting and Construction of the Budgeting System at Plant Industry Enterprises
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2017. – ¹ 3.
– P. 144 - 163.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2017.3.23926 URL:
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The subject of this research is problems of organization and accounting of costs of agricultural enterprises taken in the context of current research and developments in the area of accounting and analytical systems. The objects of the research are the system of cost accounting for the purpose of effective managerial decision-making and budgeting process in the face of economic uncertainty and entrepreneurial risk. The authors of the article also focus on consideration of the relevant and the most effective mechanisms of cost management for domestic agricultural enterprises. The methodological basis of the research involves the systems analysis that was used by the authors to investigate and describe the techniques of cost accounting and budgeting at agricultural enterprises. The authors have also used synthesis methods, logic modeling, and planning. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the authors offer a generalization of the modern theory of accounting, cost accounting and budgeting in the context of plant industry enterprises. In particular, the authors propose the following: the diagram information flows model of cost accounting of agricultural enterprises; models of cost accounting for the purpose of effective managerial decision-making; and structure of the consolidated budget of the agricultural enterprise.
Citations count: 1
Krasova E.V., Bogach A.S. —
Modern trends in development of Russian export of food products and agricultural raw materials
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2017. – ¹ 4.
– P. 49 - 58.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2017.4.24341 URL:
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The subject of this article is the current trends in development of Russian exports of food products and agricultural raw materials, which have developed in the difficult international economic conditions for Russia. The object of this work is the Russian export of a special, strategically important commodity group – food products and agricultural raw materials. Development in export of food products and agricultural raw materials is an important direction of Russian foreign trade, along with the export of raw minerals. The main scientific and practical problem of the article is the change in dynamics and nature of exports of some commodity groups in the transition to a new level of production and export of Russian food and food raw materials. The purpose of the research is to actualize the trends in development of Russian exports of food products and agricultural raw materials. The article substantiates the urgency of the subject, examines the dynamics and share of exports of food and agricultural raw materials in the total volume of Russian exports since 2000, as well ass presents the factors of growth in export of Russian food products in 2015-2016, analyzes the dynamics and structure of the most important commodity groups such as wheat, fish and vegetable products. As reasons for the growth of food exports, the article indicates the devaluation of ruble, good crop yields, and the policy of import substitution and export stimulation.
Citations count: 1
Neustroeva A.B., Efimov A.B. —
Professional Risks and Labor Safety at Enterprises of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2017. – ¹ 4.
– P. 35 - 48.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2017.4.24618 URL:
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The subject of the research is the professional risks and labor safety at enterprises of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). The authors of the article examine such aspects of the topic as the state and problems of labor safety, description of working conditions and professional risks at region's enterprises, industrial injuries and professional mobidity of workers living in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). The authors pay special attention to expert surveys of what causes a high rate of industrial injuries as well as evaluation of changes that have been happening in the system of labor safety over the past 5 years. The main methods of research include statistical analysis and structured expert interview. The research involved 33 managers and labor safety specialists from 8 districts and cities of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). The main conclusion of the research is that despite a decreasing number of labor accidents and fatal accidents in the region, results of analysing of the share of fatal accidents in the overal number of accidents by year demonstrate that the rate of industrial injuries is growing in the republic.
Citations count: 1
Napolskikh D.L. —
The development of innovation clusters in Volga Region economic space
// Theoretical and Applied Economics.
– 2021. – ¹ 1.
– P. 99 - 130.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2021.1.35620 URL:
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The object of this research is the spatial boundaries of innovation clusters in the Volga Region economic space. The subject of this research is modeling of the processes of innovation transformation and the zones of distribution of externalities of cluster development. Innovative clusters are viewed as an advanced form of territorial organization of production and the foundation of socioeconomic development of the region in the current context. The formation and development of innovation clusters in the Volga Region is analyzed within the framework of its impact upon transformation of the economic space. The key aspects of transformation of the economic space are determined. Special attention is turned to heterogeneity of the distribution of externalities of clusterization processes in the Volga Region. The conclusion is made on signigicant unevenness of the distribution of clusterization processes in the Volga region economic space. Volga Region has territories with one or several centers of clusterization of the economic space (the Republic of Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, Udmurtia, Ulyanovsk Oblast). The author reveals the territories that are influenced by clusterization of the neighboring regions. The main result of the conducted research lies in definition of spatial boundaries of the processes of clusterization of production in the Volga Region. The author's contribution consists in identification of spatial zones of innovation clusters, such as the core, the center of the cluster and its periphery, based on transport accessibility.