Kucherenko A.V..
On the legalization of lobbying in modern Russia
// Trends and management.
2017. № 1.
P. 113-121.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0730.2017.1.17506 URL:
Research is devoted to the need to consolidate the legal and regulatory institution of lobbying activities in the Russian Federation. Indeed, on the one hand, the complete absence of legislation in this area leads to the predominance of shadow and criminal methods of lobbying, and, on the other hand, the legalization of lobbying can cause a new round of corruption. Main attention is paid to issues of diversity of approaches to the understanding of lobbying in domestic and foreign literature, the ratio of the categories of "lobbying" and "corruption", as well as the efficiency of the legalization of lobbying activities in terms of countering corruption. The research methodology is based on the traditional legal science principles, techniques and methods: the dialectic, analysis, synthesis, analogy, deduction, etc. The study author concludes on the need to create a legal form for the purpose of lobbying to somehow control this phenomenon. At the same time it expressed the view that the adoption of a law on lobbying should not be seen as a significant step in the fight against corruption. The law on lobbying can only be considered as one factor in a complex of measures, which could lead to a qualitatively new level of the interaction of government and society.
Public interests, Private interests, Law, Deputy, State authorities, Official, Corruption, Legalization, Lobbying activity, Lobbying