Lyu K..
Health insurance reform in China after the 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China
// Trends and management.
2020. № 2.
P. 1-10.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0730.2020.2.33284 URL:
This article reviews the health insurance reforms in China for the period from 2002 to the present. It stated that 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China introduced significant amendments to health insurance system, balancing the negative impact of capitalist mechanisms, on the one hand, and justice and equality – on the other. This stage of development in China’s healthcare insurance system is described as the “second generation” in healthcare system, characterized with the change of government’s role in allocation of resources in healthcare sector: proliferation of “wild capitalism” in medicine is replaced with the concept of granting freedom to the market mechanisms under the government supervision. The reforms of PRC government in the area of health have a clear social focus. The state takes over responsibility for health of the citizens, which was released to a free market in the “new course” of the 1980s – 1990s. At the same time, the former paternalistic scheme is replaced by the equal system of interaction between society and the government. In all cases, the insurance funds are formed out of personal deposits of the citizens and deposits of local and central authorities. Municipalities are responsible for majority of decisions in the area of development of insurance schemes. The government’s role consists in establishment of minimum deposits and maximum coverage. This is how the central authorities, local administration and citizens are involved in insurance schemes on equal terms.
public discontent, stratification of society, public administration, state control, social sphere, transfer of power, reform, China, health care system, villager
Lyu K..
Problems and prospect of development of health insurance system in China
// Trends and management.
2020. № 2.
P. 11-16.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0730.2020.2.33285 URL:
This article examines the current health insurance system in China. Emphasis is made on determination of the key features and peculiarities of Chinese health insurance system, as well as its flaws and ways for overcoming them. The author believes that resolution of major issues in Chinese health insurance system requires increased state involvement thereof, since the marked-based approach that has been in effect for the past 30 years lead to inequality and deterioration of the quality of healthcare. The following recommendations are made on the improvement of health insurance system: launch the targeted financing projects that would allow the citizens with especially dangerous diseases, such as cardiovascular, oncological, digestive and nervous system, diabetes, to be paid in full by insurance and state subsidies in receiving medical services and medications; forgo the principle of “annual limit” for medical services and medications under insurance coverage; unify insurance payment systems in different regions in order to improve the quality of rendering healthcare services in poor areas. The author also offers to consider the possibility of implementation of the universal guaranteed service standards that would ensure equal level of the quality of basic services regardless the type of insurance.
politics, medical standards, medical services, medical service, development prospects, problems, China, health insurance, legal regulation, insurance premiums
Napso M.D..
Trends and modes of cosmopolitanism
// Trends and management.
2019. № 2.
P. 19-26.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0730.2019.2.26292 URL:
This article is dedicated to the analysis of controversial nature of cosmopolitanism as a social phenomenon. The author traces the demand of ideology and practice of cosmopolitanism. The latter is viewed as a trend of modernity; its diverse guises are examined. The article conducts a comparative analysis of the concepts of “cosmopolitan identity” and “national identity”, determining their common and distinct features. The author describes the positive and negative aspects of cosmopolitanism; demonstrates the consequences of cosmopolitanism in its negative form for the global and national-state development; examines the threats of its unifying effect upon the fates of national cultures. The scientific novelty consists in formulation of a number of theses: 1) on the growing role of cosmopolitanism in preservation of uniqueness and creation of polycultural spaces, as well as establishment of intercultural dialogue; 2) on the controversial character of cosmopolitanism as a development trend; 3) on the homogenizing nature of cosmopolitan universalism, which imparts ambivalent features upon the modes of existence.
difference, identity, globalization, modus, trend, cosmopolitization, cosmopolitism, localism, universalism, pluralism
Tishkov S.V., Shcherbak A.P..
Renewable energy trends and its role in socioeconomic development of the regions Northwestern Federal District
// Trends and management.
2019. № 2.
P. 11-18.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0730.2019.2.29408 URL:
The subject of this research is the renewable energy trends and their role in socioeconomic development of northern regions of the Russian Federation. The conducted analysis focuses on determining the key characteristics and vectors of development of the renewable energy in the conditions of scarcity of investment, shortage of energy resources, high power rates, depletion of fossil fuels, increased spending for the development of new deposits, complicated access to new technologies. Data is provided on the development of the renewable energy sector on the global scale, as well as the regions of Northwestern Federal District. The scientific novelty consists in the advancement of methodological approach towards the scenarios for the development of renewable energy and economic security on the basis of interaction of macro- and mezzo-level. The research results can contribute to deepening of the existing knowledge on the phenomena under consideration, particularly, pertaining to the improvement of government policy instruments in the field of development of organizational-economic aspects of implementation of the regional energy policy.
energy efficiency, sustainable development, world studies, prospect of development, energy policy, renewable energy, green economy, environmental initiative, saving technology, green growth
Glushchenko V.V., Glushchenko I.I., Kozyrev V.A., Glushchenko I.I..
Serviceology as scientific foundation for the development of service industry
// Trends and management.
2019. № 1.
P. 13-26.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0730.2019.1.20595 URL:
The subject of this research is the theoretical grounds of serviceology as a science on the development of economics and management in service industry. The object of this research is the service industry as a structural element of the modern global economy. The goal of the article lies in development of serviceology as scientific foundation for the advancement of service industry in the modern economy of Russia. For achieving the set goal, the authors examine the content and specificity of service industry, and the impact of scientific-technological and socio-economic progress upon it; develop the four-level model of service; explore the possible approaches towards improving the quality of services and competence of management in service industry in the context of scientific-technological progress and intensive development of information technologies. The scientific novelty consists in formulation of the positions of serviceology as scientific foundation of service industry; formation of theoretical grounds of the development of economics and management in service industry in the conditions of globalization of services market, advancement of service and information communication technologies; suggestion of the four-level model of service that can be applied for analyzing the competitiveness of services.
model, serviceology, efficiency, safety, consumer, management, economy, service, properties, service industry
Pashkovskaya I.G..
Legal results of execution of domestic energy policy of the European Union: new trends in development of energy in the EU member states
// Trends and management.
2019. № 1.
P. 1-12.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0730.2019.1.28576 URL:
The subject of this research is the activity of the European Union in the area of energy security for the EU member states. The object of this research is the execution of domestic energy policy of the EU, which was developed by the EU with its member states between during 2000-2011. Special attention is given to the study of the European Commission reports, which contain the official data of the EU on the state of its energy economic sectors of the EU member states and the work of the European Commission aimed at increasing energy efficiency of the EU economy and reduction of dependency of its member states on imports of energy resources from and through third-party countries. The main conclusion of the conducted research is that the execution of the domestic energy policy of the EU lead to realistic shifts in the state of energy security for its member states. The novelty of this research consists in the discovery of three new trends in energy development of the EU member states, which emerged as the result of adhering to the EU energy policy by the European Commission and the EU member states. The author’s contribution to the research of this topic consists in the discovery of the European Union disruption of the negative parallel ties, which existed until very recently; firstly, between the growth of EU economy and the increase in energy consumption, and secondly, between the growth of EU economy and an increase in emission of greenhouse gasses.
efficiency, policy, energy, European Commission, EU Member States, European Union, renewables, infrastructure, statistics, trend
Mironov D.S..
Partnership relations as an institutional condition for innovative development of industrial park
// Trends and management.
2018. № 4.
P. 33-47.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0730.2018.4.27956 URL:
This article is dedicated to the questions of innovative development of industrial part, substantiated by the absence of an efficient system of intercorporate relations capable of creating the universal technological chains between its residents. Further disregard of this relevant issue will result in dissemination and increase of the “storage scenario of development” of industrial parks, which will poorly affect the innovative development of the country. The goal of this article consists in examination of partnership relations in the sector of small and medium business exemplified by the establishment of network production structures of the emergence of synergetic effects of pooling resources of the subjects of partnership. The relations occurring in the localized territories of industrial park become the subject of this research. The author presents a very specific vision of the formation of partnership relations in the industrial park, which have a dual essence. On the one hand, the author analyzes the system of partnership relations “resident – managing company”, while on the other – the system of network intercorporate relations “resident – resident”. It is established that the formation of industrial park development strategy on both of these directions will largely determine the pace of its development.
resident of the industrial park, informal institutions, formal institutions, innovative development, partnership, long-term relationships, industrial park, partnerships, management company, inter-company interaction
Popova S.M., Yanik A.A..
Use of the data of global monitoring for development of substantiated scientific-innovation policy: results of a pilot study
// Trends and management.
2018. № 2.
P. 23-40.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0730.2018.2.26382 URL:
This article provides the results of a pilot study of the specificities of science and innovations management systems in a number of European countries (Netherlands, Germany, and the United Kingdom), taking into account the data from global monitoring of the socioeconomic and scientific-innovation development. The goal of this research is to find approaches that would enable development of national scientific-innovative “ecosystems” in all their multi-dimensionality and complexity, and subsequently, discovery of interconnection between the factors and processes, which are managed within the framework of separate strategies with unique systems of monitoring and assessment of performance. Using the specific examples alongside relevant data from the various global monitoring (2007-2017), the authors demonstrate that the expansion of the context of study of the phenomena at hand contributes to determination of the factors, crucial for the development of evidence-based recommendations on improving the techniques and methods of government administration in the area of science and innovations.
Entrepreneurship, Research and Development, Evidence-based Policy, United Kingdom, Germany, Netherlands, Innovation, Science Policy, Global Competitiveness Index, Global Innovation Index
Mekhdiev E.T., Guseynov J.R..
The peculiarities of Azerbaijan’s partnership in the world market for natural gas
// Trends and management.
2017. № 3.
P. 60-68.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0730.2017.3.22882 URL:
This article is dedicated to the analysis of development prospect of natural gas industry of the Republic of Azerbaijan that traditionally takes on the role of the exporter of oil and petroleum products, as well as seeks to strengthen its role as a natural gas exporter. The authors examine the country’s mineral resource potential along with the dynamics of such indexes as the extraction, consumption, demand for natural gas and its export in Azerbaijan and the world. The article explores the key natural gas fields (Azeri–Chirag–Gunashli, and Shah Deniz), gas transportation infrastructure of Azerbaijan, and the project on its development. In conclusion, the authors determine the two directions in development of natural gas industry in Azerbaijan: orientation towards domestic consumption and integration in the world market. The European and Asian regions are considered as the most promising directions for the increase in gas supply. The authors highlight that the role of Azerbaijan as a supplier of natural gas will grow due to exploitation of the deposits, as well as expansion of the export infrastructure.
Trans-Caspian Gas Pipeline, Energy security , Energy resources, International relations, Transcaucasia, Geopolitics, Southern Gas Corridor, Natural gas, Fuel and energy complex, Azerbaijan
Grechukhin K.E..
The chief factors and vectors of France's nuclear energy reform
// Trends and management.
2015. № 4.
P. 325-335.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0730.2015.4.67133 URL:
The subject of this research is the nuclear energy system of France. The author describes its contemporary state, provides a historical glance on the reformation of the industry. The author examines the function of the French nuclear energy sector over the last 15 years from the viewpoint of investment policies on both, domestic and international levels, and describes a competitive level on global scale, provides an overview on the current state of AREVA, the "anchor" holding, and points towards the reasons that lead to its indicators approach crisis forms, and provides a prognosis for possible ways out of the current situation. The author's study is based on research articles available in open sources. This article offers data analysis and provides conclusions. The main conclusions of this article are the lack of a unified strategy for development and operation of the AREVA group, the domestic competition between the two largest system units, AREVA and EDF, leads to negative dynamics in the industry as a whole.
The author provides sources that include the companies themselves, as well as independent sources.
business model, strategy, the crisis, nuclear power plants, development, investments, AREVA, Nuclear energy, competitive edge, synergy
Karyakin, V.V..
Natural resources of the Arctic region – source of conflict genesis and a challenge to
regional stability.
// Trends and management.
2014. № 3.
P. 209-221.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0730.2014.3.65314 URL:
This article is devoted to growing activities of the Arctic states in economic and military spheres aiming
to control large territories of the Arctic basin for the further development of transportation ways and natural
resources in this region. Special attention is paid to the policy of the USA and Russia in the sphere of support of their
national interests in the Arctic region. The main condition for the sustainable development of economics involves
its natural resources as its guarantees. This condition shall remain in the near future in spite of intensive search
for the alternative energy sources. The methodological basis for the studies involves systemic, systemic structural,
geopolitical and cultural civilization approach, methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, modeling,
observation. Thanks to the large amount of the explored hydrocarbons and shorter maritime and airborne ways of
communications attracts attention of the developed states and transnational companies. It causes aggravation of
disputes regarding limits of economic zones of the Arctic states and activates military activities in this region. At
the same time the states outside the Arctic group attempt to gain rights to the development of the Arctic subsoil
resources. These factors cause threats to regional stability and security.
politics, management, international relations, Arctic region, Russia the Northern Sea Route, the Western pass, natural resources, the USA.
Manoylo, A.V..
Separatism as a challenge and a threat to international security.
// Trends and management.
2014. № 2.
P. 105-116.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0730.2014.2.65185 URL:
Separatist movement are strengthening around the world today. They currently form a global ethnicpolitical
problem. The main landmarks of separatism development are present in the second half of the XX century,
when the anti-colonial and national liberation movements were rising. The separatist moods prevailed both in the
third-world states, where the boundaries between the states were disputable, and in the developed states: the Great
Britain, France, the USA. Separatism is aimed at separating a certain territory from a multi-national state and formation
of an independent nation-state entity on this territory. The definition of “separatism” is currently interpreted
rather broadly in political and legal practice. This term is understood as demands of self-determination of parts of
state territory, their further secession and independence (secessionism), application of unlawful (forceful) methods
in the fight for widening the scope of autonomous, federal, confederate rights. In some cases separatist movements
(groups) may act in bordering states, calling for unity with the neighboring state or its part (irredentism). Separatist
movements form political parties, which are usually nationalistic, armed (terrorist) formations and, where it is possible,
“exiled governments”.
administration, politics, separatism, secession, autonomism, irredentism, federalism, self-determination of the nation, international law.
Fedyakin, I.V..
Metropolises as political subjects: history and
modern situation.
// Trends and management.
2013. № 2.
P. 126-133.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0730.2013.2.63196 URL:
The article is devoted to the analysis
of prerequisites for the metropolises becoming
political process subjects at various levels. The
author establishes the key tendencies for the
role transformation of the big cities within the
framework of their historical development. One
of the global development tendencies, showing
sustainable historical dynamics for latest decades,
includes on one hand growing number of cities,
and on the other hand, growing number of its
population. Currently, more and more people
live in the big and ever-growing cities, and
concentration of people in them is only getting
political science, politics, society, metropolis, Russia, communications, transportation, values, urbanizations, interests.