Meshcheryakova T.A., Gamzina E.V..
Diagnostic possibilities of using the "Method of color metaphors" by I.L. Solomin in the study of codependent behavior in women
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2022. № 1.
P. 44-54.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2022.1.35609 URL:
The purpose of the study was to identify the possibility of using the "Method of color metaphors" by I.L. Solomin in the diagnosis of latent motivation of a codependent personality and the use of the data obtained to compile a program of psychocorrective measures. The article focuses on the basic and actual needs of a codependent personality, for predicting and correcting behavior and condition. We assume that the study of the basic needs of the surveyed women will allow us to determine the targets of correctional work and will allow us to develop a plan for psychological interaction with people who have a codependent personal profile. Working with codependency is an important aspect in the context of therapy and rehabilitation of a dependent personality. В In this study, the following methods were used: questionnaire, Spann-Fischer's "Scale for measuring the level of codependency", adapted by V. D. Moskalenko; I. L. Solomin's Method of Color Metaphors. As a result of the research, data reflecting the profile of a codependent personality were obtained: basic needs, attitude to loved ones, attitude to oneself (the ratio of ideal and real images of "I"), attitude to the life process: present, past and future, etc. Also, the information obtained has practical significance, as they are guidelines for building a psychocorrective program, which is reflected in the final part of the article.
Dependence, The state of personality, Boundaries of personality, Family dysfunction, Attitude to yourself, Broken family communication, Psychocorrection of codependency, Basic needs, Relationships, Codependency
Kazakova E.V., Sholokhova E.N., Sokolova L.V..
Correlation between psychological component of school adaptation and socioeconomic risk factors of early development
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2021. № 4.
P. 33-46.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2021.4.36645 URL:
The subject of this article is the examination of the root problems of the adverse impact of socioeconomic risk factors upon the psychological component of school adaptation of first-graders. The goal lies in establishment of correlation between the characteristics of psychological component of school adaptation of elementary school students and various socioeconomic risk factors in their early development. The research involves 284 first-graders 7-8 years of age (126 girls and 158 boys). Research methodology relies on the following materials: “House – Tree – Man” by J. Buck, “Little Houses” by A. O. Orekhova, “Faces” by N. V. Lukyanchenko, T. L. Yadryshnikov, “Ladder” by V. G. Shchur, social passport of a family. The correlation analysis reveals that the indicators of the psychological component of school adaptation, such as the level of self-esteem, emotional adaptation, depressive states, emotional background, and sense of security, are most affected by the socioeconomic risk factors of early development. The author also establishes the dependence of the characteristics of psychological component of school adaptation of first-graders on the educational background of their parents and family atmosphere. Socioeconomic risk factors in child’s life prior to school are rather related to emotional state of a child, determining the emotional well-being and success in school adaptation. Timely identification of these factors allows preventing the difficulties that may arise during the school period.
emotional sphere, socio-economic factor, risk factor, early development, emotional well-being, psychological adaptation, school adaptation, education of parents, junior high school student, first grader
Gorchakova O.Y., Larionova A.V., Kozlova N.V..
Modern economic behavior: attitudes, representations and psychological characteristics of youth
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2021. № 4.
P. 15-32.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2021.4.36778 URL:
The subject of this research is the peculiarities of economic behavior, namely economic attitudes (activity in the economic sphere, financial literacy, trust in economic institutions, etc.) and representations (concept of money, shortage of money resources, financial security, solutions to financial problems). The goal lies in determination and description of the economic behavior (economic attitudes and perception of money) and their correlation with the psychological characteristics of young people (self-regulation of stressful states and resilience). The research involved young people under the age of 35. The following toolset was used: “Questionnaire for instant diagnostics of economic attitudes” developed by O. S. Deinek, E. V. Zabelina, “Diagnostics of stress condition” developed by A. O. Prokhorov, “Test for resilience” adapted by E. N. Osin, E. I. Rasskazova.. As a result of the conducted research, the author determines various patterns of the economic behavior of youth, as well as correlation of economic attitudes and perception of money with the psychological resources of a person. It is established that youth with an active economic position, financial literacy, and trust in economic institutions is characterized with the ability to adequately assess stressful circumstances and effectively cope with stress. Youth with an attitude towards socioeconomic comparison of own opportunities with others, as well as with passive adaptation to the market conditions experiences strong discomfort due to economic inequality. The author reveals that young people are exposed to stressful situations and anxiety in the situations of uncertainty and financial risks.
subjective economic well-being, economic safety, financial literacy, idea of money, attitude to money, monetary behavior, economic attitudes, economic behavior, money, young people
Iurtaeva M.N., Glukhanyuk N.S..
Individual psychological peculiarities of the inconsistency between cognitive and socio-psychological development of students
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2021. № 3.
P. 44-57.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2021.3.35468 URL:
The subject of this article is the search for individual psychological peculiarities of the inconsistency between cognitive and socio-psychological development of students. The relevance of this topic is substantiated by the theoretical diversity of research on the inconsistency in psychology and the need for the development of socio-cultural and cognitive skills in the educational process. A hypothesis is advanced that the inconsistency between the processes of cognitive and socio-personal development would be variable, determining the individual psychological methods of its resolution. The goal of this research lies in conjoint analysis of cognitive and personal characteristics for assessing the inconsistency of students’ development. The author applies the correlational research design, which is defined by the goal of research and specificity of the sampling. The survey involved 34 students (18 boys and 16 girls) of the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science of the Ural Federal University aged 18-22 (M=18.3 3 SD=0.79). The article employs the psychodiagnostic questionnaires: Aizenka EPI test; short version of the “Dark Triad of Personality” scale adapted by M. S. Egorova and others; characterological questionnaire by G. Schmishek, “Rational-experiential” questionnaire by S. Epstein adapted by T. V. Kornilova, A. Y. Razvalyaeva; Mann-Whitney U-test, Spearman's rank correlation coefficient. The following gender differences are revealed: for the female students, cognitive and personal characteristics are generally more interrelated, while the pronounced affective personality traits testify to the possible tension in social communication; male students demonstrated greater proneness to rational processing of information and formation of engineering skills, while weakness of integration of the inner and outer Self, which may increase narcissistic traits, reduce self-criticism, and cause difficulties in establishment and maintenance of social contacts. The acquired results empirically prove the importance of socio-psychological competence, and allow differentiating the technologies of its formation in the educational process.
cognitive style, intuition, rationality, characterological features, dark triad of personality, extraversion-introversion, ambiguity, ambivalence, inconsistency, correlation design
Bondarenko Y., Kilinskaia N., Buchkova A..
The experience of psychodiagnostic and counselling work of the hotline in the conditions of pandemic in Transnistria
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2021. № 3.
P. 58-73.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2021.3.36238 URL:
The subject of this research is the interaction of psychologists with the callers to psychological support hotline in the conditions of pandemic in Transnistria. The authors explore the peculiarities of communication between specialists and clients of the crisis hotline in the time of large-scale emergency situation. The article describes the experience of organizing and functioning of the open hotline within the regional component in Transnistria during 2020–2021. Special attention is given to structurization of the principles and technologies of the emergency psychological response in the work of psychological support lines under the conditions of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. The authors determine the peculiarities of rapid diagnostics in the context of counseling over the phone, outline the stages, tasks and specificity of psychological counseling of hotline callers based on the sampling of over 2,000 callers, including 176 adolescents and young men. The novelty of this research consist in determination of the diagnostics and counseling in the work of the psychological support hotline based on the regional specificities features of Transnistria and conflict emotional experiences of its residents. Leaning on the acquired results, the author develops practical recommendations for the hotline specialists of rendering psychological supports in the CIS countries, taking into account changing requests of the citizens in the conditions of crisis and emergency situations. The analysis of the results reveals the nature of appeals of the citizens to hotline and their conflict emotional experiences in the time of COVID-19 pandemic. The conclusion is made that the crucial components in interaction the psychologists and callers to the psychological support hotline in the context of the pandemic in Transnistria are associated with anger, frustration, experiencing loss, depressive states, child-parent relations, and distance learning.
remote counseling, express diagnostics, psychological support, psychology, Тransnistria, hotline, COVID-19, pandemic, stress, emergency
Tuzlukova A.V..
The content of competitive strategy for achieving leadership among employees with different perfectionist orientation
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2021. № 1.
P. 19-31.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2021.1.34771 URL:
This article discusses the results of research on the content of competitive strategy for achieve the goal of “leadership” among employees due to distinct manifestation of perfectionist orientation. The subject of this research is the competitive strategy for achieving leadership among persons with different degree of perfectionist orientation of personality; while the object is the perfectionist orientation of employees. The empirical object includes 142 employed persons (112 women, and 30 men). The author reviews perfectionist orientation as a set of personal motives and attitudes, which consistently manifest in various types of activity in pursuit of perfection due to high expectations from the others, received from others, as well as imposed on themselves, which can contribute to achieving competitive goals. The author determines the peculiarities of content of competitive strategy among persons with the following perfectionist orientation: self-orientation, orientation towards others, and orientation towards social prescriptions; determine their primary goals of their competitive strategy, including the mutual goal for all groups – the “leadership” and strategic elements for its achievement. It is established that development of the strategy on achieving the goal of “leadership” in among the persons with perfectionist self-orientation is substantiated by the desire of security and fight for the leadership in the team. In an attempt to reach the same goal, the persons with perfectionist orientation towards others focus their strategy on the client and demonstrate a tendency to fight for achieving their goal. The competitive strategy of the persons with perfectionist orientation towards social prescriptions is supported by motivational component along in form of external negative motivation of the activity. The novelty of this work consists in comprehensive examination of each element of the competitive strategy of persons with various types of perfectionist orientation in achieving the goal of “leadership”.
perfectionistic, perfectionism, components of competitive strategy, competitive, strategy, competition, orientation, liedership, employed, workers
Fatenkov A.N..
Autocracy of a Teachers’ Essence in the Age of Selling 'Educational Services'
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2017. № 1.
P. 23-37.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2017.1.23289 URL:
The author builds a current typology of educators with ideological, ethical, methodological and didactic orientation, peculiar to every archetype. Particular attention is paid to the figure of the autocrat. He is the one who rules over himself. For this archetype the independence is more important than the recognition of others. He will never be satisfied by the role of the assistant, and certainly not of the mediator. He does not ask for help from others, and does not impose his own help, which is selective and targeted. If the autocrat gains acceptance, he also becomes an authority. But not every recognition is the evidence of the autocratic fundamental principle: it can be evinced to the dissolved person and stem from the weakness of admirers. Deliberately or not, by distributing the power over him to outside, the autocrat acquires features of the authoritarian personality. That is not necessarily destructive. Possible fear of a liberal philistine is premature. The real help comes to people just from the autocrat – and more often than a real threat. The author’s arguments constructively and critically correlate with the ideas of T. Adorno, G. Bataille, R. Debray, H. Marcuse, F. Nietzsche, M. Polanyi, M. Heidegger, F. Engels, F.G. Jünger and E. Jünger. Significant trends and phenomena found in modern Russian education are evidence of its state of crisis. The education sector is more firmly tied to the monetary social strategy: to the mediation practice and to the dominance of the formal criteria in the evaluation of work and study. In this relation the concept of an innovative decadence is being introduced. Only autocrats can meaningfully resist the negative, can remedy the lie of matters according to the presented reasoning. In correlation with the modern educational situation the author briefly addresses evaluative and stylistic peculiarities of philosophy as a socio-cultural phenomenon and as a subject.
self-dependent man, mediator, innovative decadence, educational services, education, autocrat, philosophy, position of strength, modern, postmodern