Parkhomenko, R. N..
Carl Schmitt’s Dychotomy of the Political
// Psychology and Psychotechnics. – 2013. – ¹ 4.
– P. 380-389.
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Abstract: The article is devoted to Carl Schmitt’s (1888-1985) theory of politics mostly developed by him in his two
works, ‘Political Theology’ (1922) and ‘The Concept of the Political’ (1927). According to Schmitt, the concept of the
political can be defined only when we establish specific political criteria and categories. As a particular ‘political
distinction’, Schmitt introduces the terms ‘friend’ and ‘enemy’ to denote the highest degree of intensity of connection
and disconnection, association and dissociation. To his opinion, such a distinction can exist both in theory and practice
disregarding whether moral, esthetical, economic or other kinds of distinction are used simultaneously. At the same time, this isn’t about the moral or esthetic evaluation of the ‘enemy’. The most important point here is that the enemy
acts as the ‘Other’ with regard to a particular political system. In the course of researching Schmitt’s political concepts,
it is shown that the definition of the ‘political’ described with the help of the ‘friend-enemy’ dichotomy defined the
entire process of further theory development. All his life Schmitt believed into a need to create a politically strong or
even authoritarian type of a state institution. Such a belief actually influenced both his concept of philosophy of law
and made him despite liberal traditions of the West.
Keywords: psychology, Carl Schmitt, state institution, friend, enemy, politics, morals, society, liberalism, Europe.
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Eisold, K..
Freud as a Leader: The Early Years of Viennese Society (Translated by Krotovskaya, N. G.)
// Psychology and Psychotechnics. – 2012. – ¹ 9.
– P. 116-129.
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Abstract: The study of Freud’s role as a leader of Vienesse Group has allowed to define constant tension between Freud
with his intention to use the group for the development of his ideas and the group members with their desire to realize
their professional ambitions and remain loyal to Feud at the same time. Freud and his followers undeliberately
came to an agreement that all innternal enemies must be eliminated, i.e. Freud’s followers who questioned his theory
of child sexuality and could support ‘external’ enemies of psychoanalysis. As a result, Vienesse Society continued to
play a dependent role and Freud had to undertake the role of a president of the Society in order to define the ‘internal’
enemies of psychoanalysis. It was a trap made by Vienesse Society for Freud. In return Freud received loyalty of all
members of the group. At the same time, the Society had to refuse from some really brilliant ideas trying to keep their
relationship with Freud and not to create a new enemy inside the society.
Keywords: psychology, psychoanalysis, leader, group, basic allowances, struggle, dependence, validity, enemies, institutions.
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Langer, W..
Hitler: Psychological Analysis and Reconstruction (translated by E. G. Rudneva)
// Psychology and Psychotechnics. – 2011. – ¹ 7.
– P. 111-129.
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Abstract: This is one of the first psychological portraits of Hitler written by an American psychoanalyst Walter Langer
(1899-1981) who described Hitler’s life and personality based on a thorough analysis of written sources and information
from persons who had contacts with Hitler.
Keywords: psychology, psychoanalysis, personality, reconstruction, character, conflict, fear, unconsciousness, symbol.
Grossman, E. A..
Andre Glucksmann about Psychology of the Masters of the Thought
// Psychology and Psychotechnics. – 2010. – ¹ 7.
– P. 27-43.
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Abstract: In his work the French leader of the ‘new philosophers’ views the problems of power. He pays the greater part of his attention at ideological prerequisites of governing. He assumes that leaders of the German classical philosophy were fully responsible for the ‘ideology dictate’ typical for the modern world
Keywords: psychology, philosophy, ideology, power, oppression, exploitation, history, humankind, slave, master
Gurevich P.S. Politicheskaya psikhologiya. M., 2008.
Filosofy Frantsii. Slovar'. M., 2008.
Ellyul' Zh. Politicheskaya illyuziya. M., 2003.
I. A. Monina.
Political Advertising.
// Psychology and Psychotechnics. – 2008. – ¹ 2.
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Abstract: Politics cannot do without advertising. Even more than that, its efficiency is directly dependent on political technologies. It is especially seen in the sphere of political marketing and political populism. Political marking is an attempt to apply marketing practices to the political market. Scientists mostly criticize the word “political market” being used in this context. Unlike at the goods and services markets, there are no buyers/consumers/users in politics and especially in political vote and elections.