Zhmurin I.E., Korneichik I.V..
Main directions and trends in the study of gender-role identity in modern psychoanalytic practice
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2024. ¹ 4.
P. 55-82.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2024.4.69463 EDN: PVHNMD URL:
The paper presents a scientific study, the purpose of which is to study the psychoanalytic view of gender-role identity. The subject of the research is the consideration of the content, directions and dynamics of the psychoanalytic study of gender-role identity in scientific articles. The problem of the formation and development of gender-role identity is relevant for modern science, but Western propaganda of freedom in the perception of one's gender is aggressively imposed on children and families. Two lines of development of the problem are highlighted. The first has to do with the correction of medical regulations by social and political movements that lobby for diversity of identities. The second line is due to the intrusion of a complex socio-cultural reality into the modern family (the implementation of same-sex marriages, the erasure and mixing of family roles, the transformation of parenthood). These trends are eroding the national, cultural and social bonds of the Russian family. The study was carried out in the form of a qualitative comparative study with subsequent analysis of the titles and abstracts of articles, and the text of open access articles. The main conclusions of the work are the definition of the basic directions of psychoanalytic studies of gender-role identity: the study of basic provisions; highlighting the features of approaches to the concept; determination of the dynamics of research in comparison with gender, medical research; special topics for the study of the problem. Taking into account the relevance of the problem of gender-role identity, the practical importance of studying the intrusion of a complex socio-cultural reality into the modern Russian family (same-sex marriages, the erasure and mixing of family roles, the transformation of parenthood in the West) in order to destroy its traditions increases.
comparative analysis, scientific publications, qualitative analysis, identity violation, identity, family relations, family, psychoanalysis, gender role identity, identity issues
Mordas E.S., Samarakovskaya I.P..
Supressed Femininity and Unconcious Processes Based on the Analysis of Friedrich Schiller's Poem 'The Maid of Orleans'
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2019. ¹ 1.
P. 44-69.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2019.1.25497 URL:
The aim of the research is to carry out a psychoanalytical analysis of the phenomenon of supressed femininity of the main heroine of Friedrich Schiller's poem 'The Main of Orleans'. The object of the research is the phenomenology, structure and development of femininity. The subject of the research is the peculiarities and specifics of supressed femininity of the main heroine in Friedrich Schiller's poem 'The Maid of Orleans'. The authors of the article carry out a psychoanalytical research of supressed femininity based on the analysis of Friedrich Schiller's poem 'The Maid of Orleans'. The research methodology includes: 1) classical theory of psychosexual development offered by Zigmund Freud; 2) psychoanalytical theories of female development (Melanie Klein, Deutsch, Dolto, Bonoparte, Chodorow, R. Tyson and F. Tyson) that present the psychoanalytical approach to explaining the structure and peculiarities of intrapsychic phenomena of women and the role of objective relations in this process; 3) psychoanalytical researches of female psychology (Horney, Abraham, Rado, etc.) that were used in the process of the analysis and interpretation of the phenomena; 4) psychoanalytical and analytical approaches to analyzing literary works by A. Tkhostov, N. Einish, etc. to define characteristics and peculiarities through applied psychoanalytical analysis. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author provide an integral analysis and systematization of psychoanalytical theories and concepts of female development and demonstrate opportunities for practical application of psychoanalytical theories to analysing literary works. The researchers also define criteria (phenomena) of supressed feminity such as the masculinity complex, difficulties with sex, distorted body image, negative Oedipus complex, and pathogenic object relations.
object relations, women’s identity, suppressed femininity, masculinity complex, primary femininity, body image, psychosexual development, Oedipus complex, castration complex, femininity
Mordas E.S..
Envy of Pregnancy and Fantasies of Pregnancy Experienced by Men
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2016. ¹ 11.
P. 898-905.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2016.11.22765 URL:
The paper presents an overview of some psychoanalytic ideas about envy of male to female (reproductive capabilities of women), and men's fantasies about pregnancy. Freud noted a specific manifestation of envy (felt by women), so-called penis envy in the context of its fallocentrical theory. Analysis of the penis envy and the feminine castration complex is essential for psychoanalytic therapy of women. Unfortunately, there are not so many works devoted to the theme of envy of men towards females and their reproductive functions, as well as the role this feeling plays in the development of men’s character and of psychopathology. This is despite the fact that the disappointment of a boy in this respect is as deep as the penis envy of a girl. Envy to pregnancy and childbirth, fantasies about pregnancy is a significant contribution to the understanding of identification of a man with a female figure and formation of male gender identity. Psychoanalytic experience has shown that there is a pre-Oedipus period of envy. The boy wants to be the Almighty as a mother and to have the ability to have children. This is an expression of the hermaphrodite desire and bisexuality of man. The stage of anal eroticism allows the boy to fantasize about pregnancy without manifestating feminine tendencies. Identification with the mother contributes to the fact that the boy bypasses castration feelings and maintains a relationship with the mother (i.e. to prevent separation). Through fantasies about pregnancy the boy expresses a desire to become a child; fantasy appears in a situation when it is necessary to show manhood. Identification with the mother allows the boy (man) become a favorite for his father. Men’s fantasies about pregnancy support the identification with a female figure and possible source of them (fantasies) is the envy of the mother. Provoking external circumstances (wife's pregnancy or pregnancy of a female psychologist) lead to the loss of mental balance and men’s regression. Emerging new mental balance depends on the structure of his Ego, initial conflict and personality structure. Pregnancy is one of the key periods of development for both men and women. It should be also noted that there is a shortage of the clinical psychoanalytic material (psychotherapy practice, in particular) devoted to the psychoanalysis of pregnancy available for Russian readers.
regression, masculinity, childbirth, femininity, fantasy, fear of castration, pregnancy, envy, child's desire, identification
Mordas E.S..
Envy of Pregnancy and Fantasies of Pregnancy Experienced by Men
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2016. ¹ 11.
P. 898-905.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2016.11.68633 URL:
The paper presents an overview of some psychoanalytic ideas about envy of male to female (reproductive capabilities of women), and men's fantasies about pregnancy. Freud noted a specific manifestation of envy (felt by women), so-called penis envy in the context of its fallocentrical theory. Analysis of the penis envy and the feminine castration complex is essential for psychoanalytic therapy of women. Unfortunately, there are not so many works devoted to the theme of envy of men towards females and their reproductive functions, as well as the role this feeling plays in the development of men’s character and of psychopathology. This is despite the fact that the disappointment of a boy in this respect is as deep as the penis envy of a girl. Envy to pregnancy and childbirth, fantasies about pregnancy is a significant contribution to the understanding of identification of a man with a female figure and formation of male gender identity. Psychoanalytic experience has shown that there is a pre-Oedipus period of envy. The boy wants to be the Almighty as a mother and to have the ability to have children. This is an expression of the hermaphrodite desire and bisexuality of man. The stage of anal eroticism allows the boy to fantasize about pregnancy without manifestating feminine tendencies. Identification with the mother contributes to the fact that the boy bypasses castration feelings and maintains a relationship with the mother (i.e. to prevent separation). Through fantasies about pregnancy the boy expresses a desire to become a child; fantasy appears in a situation when it is necessary to show manhood. Identification with the mother allows the boy (man) become a favorite for his father. Men’s fantasies about pregnancy support the identification with a female figure and possible source of them (fantasies) is the envy of the mother. Provoking external circumstances (wife's pregnancy or pregnancy of a female psychologist) lead to the loss of mental balance and men’s regression. Emerging new mental balance depends on the structure of his Ego, initial conflict and personality structure. Pregnancy is one of the key periods of development for both men and women. It should be also noted that there is a shortage of the clinical psychoanalytic material (psychotherapy practice, in particular) devoted to the psychoanalysis of pregnancy available for Russian readers.
regression, masculinity, childbirth, femininity, fantasy, fear of castration, pregnancy, envy, identification
Starovoytov V.V..
Kilborne B. Human Foibles and Psychoanalytic Technique: Freud, Ferenczi, and Gizella Palos (Translated by V. Starovoytova)
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2016. ¹ 8.
P. 664-680.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2016.8.68489 URL:
This paper explores relations between human conundrums and psychoanalytic technique and theory through the relationship between Freud and Ferenczi. Rather than vilify (or lionize) either figure, Starovoytov seeks to see into their struggles and conflicts, and to draw from correspondence and writings a portrait of a relationship. The author describes not two dusty figures drawn from the closet of history but rather two live, flawed, and struggling human beings whose rational ideas about what they were doing could never keep step with their emotions. There is therefore much to be learned from their relationship: about transference and countertransference, about boundaries and friendship, about rivalry and despair, and about shame. The main method used by the author of the article is the thorough investigation of some excerpts from their correspondence and writings, and also the critical examination of several works of modern foreign authors, who study relations of Freud and Ferenczi. As a result of his investigation the author comes to the conclusion that Ferenczi’s concepts of active technique and of mutual analysis may themselves be seen at least in part a reaction to his shame and humiliation at the hands of Freud. The author hopes that today we can learn more from the Freud-Ferenczi relationship, and from the theories that grew out of it.
relationship, Ferenczi, Freud, trauma, idealization, shame, psychoanalytic history, human foibles, psychoanalytic technique, humiliation
Starovoytov V.V..
Kilborne B. Trauma and the Unconscious: Double Conscience, the Uncanny and Ñruelty
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2016. ¹ 1.
P. 52-63.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2016.1.67642 URL:
Relatively little has been written on the role of trauma in conceptions of the unconscious. This paper explores Freud's conceptions of the unconscious, comparing his ideas with the original French notion of "double conscience" and exploring their implications for technique. Whereas Freud's concept of the unconscious mainly depends upon the theory of internal drives, Ferenczi attributed the central role to trauma, shifting the focus to the individual in the context of personal relationships. The comparison is illustrated with the case study. The main method used by the author of the article is the thorough study of the notions of the unconscious, trauma and double conscience in the works of philosophers, writers and psychologists. The author contrasts the views of Freud with the views of Ferenczi on the conception of the unconscious. As a result of his investigation the author of the article comes to the conclusion, that the very power of Freud’s evocations of unconscious forces and conflicts minimized relationships, cultural values, history, transgenerational trauma, and whatever can be viewed as “external reality”. Ferenczi, on the contrary, attempted to save psychoanalysis from being a delusional system, because he emphasized the external reality of trauma that splits identity and creates suffering.
trauma, attraction, reality, double consciousness, double conscience, unconscious, psychoanalysis, affection, Freud, Ferenczi
Nilogov A.S..
The Phenomenon of Telepathy from the Point of View of the Philosophy of Anti-Language
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2015. ¹ 11.
P. 1167-1178.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2015.11.67215 URL:
The article is devoted to telepathy as the phenomenon of human psyche. Telepathy is understood as the mental communication between two communicators without using any mediating means of communication. The object of the research is the telepathic communication, the subject of the research is the anti-language aspect of such communication. Along with the materialistic interpretation of telepathy, the author has also applied the broadside (para)psychological and philosophical approaches, which complete the technoscientific approach. The author examines such aspects of the topic as kinds of telepathy, 'initial delay' principle, mind reading technology and nonfalse communication. In his research article Nilogov has used the following methods: anti-language, hermeneutical, deconstructivist, historical-philosophical, critical, linguistic (semiotic), psychology and heuristic methods. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that to study the phenomenon of telepathy the author has applied the new anti-language method which allows to problematize telepathic communication from the point of view of the 'initial delay' principle. Nilogov has also provided grounds for describing new classes of anti-words specifying semiotic materials of the kind of information that can be conveyed through telepathy.
Zolotov, philosophy of anti-language, Derrida, principle, mind reading, Anokhin, Saussure, telepathy, non-false communication, parapsychology
Artem'eva O.A., Kurbatova M.V..
Monotheism from the Standpoint of Psychoanalysis
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2015. ¹ 6.
P. 579-587.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2015.6.66636 URL:
This article gives insight into the fundamentals of the psychoanalytical approach to the image of God in monotheism. These fundamental concepts provide anthropological and humanistic intepretation of the image of God. According to S. Freud and C. G. Jung, in Judaism and Christianity the image of God, on the one hand, has the features of human personality and responsibility of a parent, and on the other hand, presents the ideal of human development that involves integration of all personality substances into one system. In other words, the idea and the image of God is either deduced from personal experience/experience of a group of people or viewed as a mean of personal development. Despite the fact that elimination of the sacral meaning of the image of God simplifies the phenomenon under research, the psychological feature and potential of the image of God are very important for the theory and practice of psychoanalytic assistance to a neurotic personality of our time. In their research the authors analyze fundamental works such as Freud's Totem and Taboo, The Future of an Illusion, Moses and Monotheism, Jung's Answer to Job, Psychology and Religion and others. The researchers describe the views of these psychologists on the psychological roots and the meaning of religion either as a mental construct that defends man from the traumatic influence of the reality or representation of collective unconscious that encourages individuation. Consequently, the condition that allows to overcome neurosis is viewed as the denial of religion in one case and appealing to the religious experience as the source of life, meaning and beauty, on the other hand.
psychological practice, psychology of religion, history of psychology, psychoanalisys, monotheism, S. Freud, animism, C.G. Jung, polytheism, image of God
Nilogov A.S..
I sleep Therefore I am
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2015. ¹ 4.
P. 373-382.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2015.4.66453 URL:
The research object of the present article is the problem of the ontological status of sleep and dreaming. The research subject is the dreaming experience from the point of view of the antilanguage methodology based on the example of several classes of anti-words. In his article Nilogov focuses on such aspects as the sleepwalking speech, word formation during sleep, hypnotic word creation, speech of the unconscious, sleep language, dream interpretation, authentic and inauthentic existence. Special attention is paid to the ontological status of language and antilanguage units that represent not only the speech intentions but also unconcious channels of information acquisition. In his research Nilogov has used the following research methods: problem method, analogy, hermeneutic, language analysis (word formation), antilanguage analysis (determination of classes of anti-words), synthesis and analysis. The novelty of the article is caused by the fact that the problem of the ontological status of human existence raised by Rene Descartes has gained new impetus. The author has offered the following comprehensive solution: he offers the argument 'I fantasize therefore I am not' that disproves the cogital philosophy and the argument 'I sleep therefore I am' that deepens the cartesian philosophy from the point of view of the antilanguage methodology.
interpretation of dreams, Descartes, ontological status, antilanguage, antiword, dream, unconscious, Beskova, Orwell, evil demon
Gurevich, P. S., Spirova, E. M..
Death as a Guarantee of Love (Talking About Sabina Spielrein’s and Carl Gustav Jung’s Relationship)
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2014. ¹ 10.
P. 1071-1083.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2014.10.65658 URL:
The article is based on documentary materials and scientific texts and describes the love relations between
Sabina Spielrein and Carl Gustav Jung. Their love lasted for several decades, had a certain influence on their theories
and resulted in discovered made by them both individually and together. Sabina Spielrein was one of the distinguished
representatives of psychoanalytical theory. Her scientific work still needs to be studied. Her difficult life circumstances
did not allow her to become famous. The authors of the present article are trying to repair the injustice. The main research
method used by the author is historicism. The authors analyze the bases of psychoanalytical theory researched
by Sabina Spielrein and describe her contribution to the development of psychoanalysis. The authors have also used
philosophical and anthropological approaches allowing to reveal specific features of human nature. The novelty of the
article is in the authors’ attempt to analyze Sabina Spielrein’s achievements and prove her leading role in creation of
the basic ideas of psychoanalysis. In particular, Sigmund Freud himself recognized her contribution to the development
of the concept of Thanatos. In addition, the authors of the article describe the kind of love experienced by Spielrein and
Jung and reflected in their research work.
psychoanalysis, love, death, hysterical character, Spielrein, Eros, Thanatos, projection, symbols, identity.
Chugunova, O. I..
Values of Our Century From the Point of View of Max Scheler’s Philosophical Anthropology
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2014. ¹ 8.
P. 838-845.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2014.8.65387 URL:
The subject under research of the present article is the axiological issues of human and society. The author of
the article touches upon the critical aspects of modern (post-modernistic) axiological ethos and interprets value-based
‘syndromes’ that are related to the hyper-consumption economy, global informatization of the society and establishment
of a rigidly competitive environment. The author raises a question about distinguishing between goods values
and pseudo values. She also analyzes the issue of substitution of true values with their imitations and describes and
interprets associated phenomena. The emphasis is made on the acute problem of depersonalization and evisceration
of spirituality. The author also views the relation between axiological problems of the epoch and axiological problems
of an individual. The research is carried out based on the philosophical anthropology and the main provisions of Max
Scheler’s theory as one of the founders of philosophical anthropology. It is for the first time in Russian scientific literature
that a researcher tries to use potentials of philosophical anthropology in analyzing axiological phenomena.
Based on Scheler’s concept of human nature, the author analyzes a whole range of axiological issues of human and
society and makes a conclusion about risks created by human nature itself and the importance of spiritual efforts and
the need to act against these risks.
axiology, philosophical anthropology, values, human nature, axiological ethos, goods, values, pseudo values, agathology, modern society, Post-Modernism.
Goncharova, S. Yu..
Intentionality of Consciousness as a Biological Feature of Brain
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2014. ¹ 3.
P. 295-303.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2014.3.64101 URL:
The article is devoted to the definition of intentionality offered by John Searle as the corner stone of his
philosophy. The main idea of Searle’s theory of intentionality is that intentionality should be defined in terms of
natural science just like consciousness. According to the philosopher, scientific definition of intentionality would allow
to solve a great number of important philosophical issues. Our mind has different forms of intentionality, perception
and intentional action being the basic forms and linguistic acts deriving from these basic forms.
Since the research analysis is oriented at solving a particular issue, i.e. the main purpose of research is to study
intentionality as a feature of brain, in particular, to provide a definition of intentionality from the point of view of the
representative of English analytical philosophy John Searle. For this purpose, the author of the article used the method
of historical reenactment. This method is based on the analysis of philosophical concepts that are directly related to
the topic.
John Searle’s approach to intentionality involves the definition of consciousness as a natural biological phenomenon.
However, unlike other phenomena of the kind, consciousness is the subjective phenomenon that, at the same time, can
influence physiological processes. In his theory of intentionality John Searle admitted that he was both an internalist,
realist and follower of Gottlob Frege. John Searle believed the subjective qualitative aspect to be the most fundamental
in the concept of mentality and used the term ‘intentionality’ for describing the subclasses of mental states that are
typically object-oriented.
Searle, intentionality, feature of brain, intentional content, mental states, illocutionary force, orientation, correspondence, execution conditions, mental representation, possible world.
Rosegrant, J..
Why Bion? Why Jung? For That Matter, Why Freud? (Transalted by Konyaev, S. N., Sultanova, M. A.)
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2013. ¹ 8.
P. 759-776.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2013.8.63113 URL:
The present article of a famous American analyst John Rosegrant is devoted to the analytical review of leading
theorists and practical psychoanalysts Bion, Jung and Freud. The author aims at finding similarities and differences in
their works. In particular, he writes that Bion and Jung both prefer the romantic/collectivist’s approach to therapy and
deny the classical/individual approach. On the other hand, Freud tried to use both. The author of the article himself
keeps up to Bion and Jung’s approach. Bion and Jung believed that the romantic method used in therapy could provide
more opportunities for a patient to get out of stagnation and trigger his self improvement. Freud just like Bacan insisted
that it was essential to combine both approaches both in one’s life and psychotherapy.
Part of the article is devoted to Jung’s archetypes who believed the archetype to be an independent, spontaneous source of
energy that existed in the reality and resembled ‘the gods’. Freud and Jung both thought that the gods (archetypes) were
created by projections of one’s spirits (psyche). While Freud believed the gods to be projection of one’s desire and fear,
Jung believed them to be super-personal force that does not relate to one’s personal experience but is created by psyche.
psychoanalysis, Bion, Jung, Freud, therapy, analyst, patient, archetypes, free associations, collective unconscious.
Storozhenko, N. V..
Narcissism and the Mirror Stage
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2013. ¹ 7.
P. 652-662.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2013.7.62963 URL:
The author of this article bases his studies on the analysis of Jacques Lacan’s views presented in his Mirror stage and
views of his follower Françoise Dolto. Having assimilated Dolto’s hypothesis that a child has the unconscious image of his body
before his identification during the Mirror stage, the author tries to find relevant prerequisites and means in Lacan’s concept.
Thus, the author provides a more profound insight into the stage of mental development before the Mirror one. In particular,
the author describes mechanisms and peculiarities of formation of the primary narcissism preceding narcissism during the
Mirror stage. The research is original because the author studies one’s body identification, Ego and Super Ego during the Mirror
stage. It allows the author to describe the structure of associated mental process and extends the borders of determinism
of formation of neurosis and other mental diseases (such as childhood schizophrenia that is the basis of the author’s research).
psychology, unconscious, Mirror stage, narcissism, Lacan, Litterae, libido, Freud, child, development.
Zhmurin, I. E..
Peculiarities of Conflicts between Spouses in Sexual and Erotic Sphere of Marital Relations
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2013. ¹ 5.
P. 456-465.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2013.5.62752 URL:
The author of the article analyzes peculiarities of modern psychoanalytical approaches to studying sex-related
conflicts between spouses. The author of the article lists all possible reasons of such conflicts between spouses in
their intimate sphere and provides the results of analyzing personal determinants of such conflicts. The author of the
article also defines the main peculiarities of such conflicts between spouses who are compatible and incompatible in
their sexual life.
psychology, psychoanalysis, object relations, spouses, personal determinants, conflict between spouses, reasons, compatibility, sex, relations.
Gurevich, P. S..
Therapy of Anal Personality
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2013. ¹ 3.
P. 255-265.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2013.3.62511 URL:
The article is devoted to the analysis of psychotherapy with representatives of the anal psychological structure.
The author describes certain clinical cases and reveals ways to shake the anal personality. When formulating
the general provisions, the author makes references to famous followers of psychoanalysis.
psychology, anal personality, psychoanalysis, psychosomatics, psychodrama, guilt, fear, unconsciousness, genitality, opposition.
Gurevich, P. S..
Anal Character
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2013. ¹ 2.
P. 142-153.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2013.2.62393 URL:
The article is devoted to the analysis of anal character in Reichian theory of characters. The author
of the article underlines the role of fixation in formation of anal behavior. The topic is illustrated by Balzac’s
novel ‘Eugénie Grandet’. Being published in 1883, this novel tells us about the fate of a young woman who
lives in a society where everything is under the power of money. The author of the article provides a brief
description of the niggard Grandet, the father of Eugenie. The author also touches upon Pushkin’s tragedy
‘The Covetous Knight.
psychology, anal character, richness, niggard, anal features, fixation, anal erotic, punctuality, money grubbing, order.
Chebakova, Yu. V..
The Structure of Female Sexuality in Personality Disorders
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2012. ¹ 11.
P. 21-28.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2012.11.61668 URL:
Achievement of mature female sexuality, unlike male sexuality, assumes successful completion of the two
contradictory tasks –separation from mother and final identification with her as the image of fertility. Different
variants of female development within the conditional norms show what difficulties a girl has to deal with in order to
achieve the aforesaid integration. In personal pathology that is related to the phenomenon of infantile sexuality such
ontological purpose becomes literally impossible without psychoanalytical assistance. Difficulties and peculiarities
of the process of achieving femininity as well as future perspectives depend on parameters of the mother’s behavior.
On one hand, pathological patterns of the mother-and-daughter relationship cause various personality disorders and
on the other hand they also define the specific structure of female sexuality. The author of the present article views
stages of female sexuality from the point of view of development of the erotic desire and the mother’s contribution to
formation of the structure. When a woman uses her mature and capable of reproduction body, she may also realize
her infantile needs under the guise of pseudo adult sexual behavior. The author of the article describes the two pathological
phenomena of female sexuality — promiscuity and anorgasmia — and their relation to narcissistic, hysterical
and masochism personality disorders as a part of distorted love relations.
psychology, sexuality, femininity, relations, erotic desire, promiscuity, anorgasmia, narcissism, hysteria, masochism.
Mordas, E. S..
Contribution to Early History of Development of Women Suffering from Psychological
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2012. ¹ 10.
P. 55-59.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2012.10.61613 URL:
The article is devoted to envy as a factor of dysfunctions of woman’s reproduction system including sterility.
The relation between psychological sterility and envy is based on Sigmund Freud’s, Langer’s and Melani Klein’s ideas.
Disturbed identification with the mother’s figure is viewed as the main factor of woman’s sterility. Based on Langer,
inability to carry and to get birth to a child results from woman’s destructive fantasies about her mother or adverse
and tragic events happened to her mother and herself. Being an adult, such a woman constantly vacillate between
paranoic and depressive attitudes to pregnancy. Such an understanding of early disorders as a part of the concept
of envy allows to draw out the role and psychosomatic mechanisms of many dysfunctions of woman’s reproductive
psychology, envy, identification, sterility, desire, child, feminity, maternity, destruction, hatred.
Chebakova, Yu. V..
Female Identity Within the Framework of Homosexual Behavior
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2012. ¹ 9.
P. 71-77.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2012.9.61522 URL:
Sexual orientation is an important elementof both male and female gender identity. Peculiarities of female
development related to the necessity to change the love object defines most of the conflicts on the way to a stable
choice of a sexual partner. Psychoanalytical thesis about a mother as a primary source of identification and love
creates certain homosexual components in female identity. If these elements are not easily integrated into a sexual
self-perception, a woman may have difficulties adapting in different social spheres. Contradictory social stereotypes
allow homosexual relations between women, on one hand, but on the other hand they lay convention on traditional
families with children and make it difficult for a woman to understand and to accept her homosexual part so a
woman often show her homosexual impoulses mostly in extreme life situations. The given article is devoted to some
psychoanalytical conceptions about female homosexual behavior and offers a classificaton of female homosexuality
from the point of view of different destruction factors and mechanisms during pre-oedipal and oedipal stages of
female psychosexual development, their role in homosexual relations and their connection with the level and specific
features of personal psychopathology.
psychology, development, gender, woman (female), identity, behavior, homosexuality, regardation, regress, distortion.
Rudnev, V. P..
Strange Objects and Strange Facts (about Psychology of Delusions and Hallucinations
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2012. ¹ 4.
P. 13-24.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2012.4.59431 URL:
The article presents a new look on delusions and hallucinations. Based on this approach it includes ‘strange object’
(a term introduced by Wilfred Bion) and ‘strange facts’ (a term introduced by the author of the article). When a patient
suffers from the delusion of grandeur, he turns into a strange object or hallucination himself. For him, both hallucinations
and the surrounding world disappear.
psychology, schizophrenia, delusion, hallucination, persecution, influence, grandeur, subject, object, fact, hallucination.
Spirova, E. M..
Myth and Symbol in the Process of Understanding the Person
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2011. ¹ 10.
P. 34-41.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2011.10.58957 URL:
In history of philosophy reflexive interpretation of human caused even deeper understanding of a symbol or
even reframing. In its turn, understanding of specific features of a myth gave birth to new meanings in understanding
the human nature. It is quite possible that human encountered a symbol in a myth for the first time.
philosophy, psychology, myth, philosophical anthropology, collective unconsciousness, androgyne, magic, fantasy, symbol, imagination.
Efimova, I. Ya..
Dualistic Interactionism and Karl Pribram’s Holonomic Principle
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2011. ¹ 9.
P. 22-29.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2011.9.58771 URL:
The article provides an analytical review of alternative trends of modern neurophysiology (Sherrington Ch.,
Penfield W., Eccles J.) and philosophy (Popper K.) proving the hypothesis of nonidentity of consciousness and mind.
The article also describes C. Pribram’s original theory justifying the holonomic principle of brain activity based on
the studies of memory.
psychology, interactionism, neurophysiology, consciousness, brain, acceptor, engram, experiment, holography, holonomy.
Bergman, M..
Historical Roots of Psychoanalytical Orthodoxy (translated by G. A. Novichkova)
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2011. ¹ 8.
P. 40-52.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2011.8.58710 URL:
This article considers the criticism of the psychoanalytical training and suggests that psychoanalytical
orthodoxy is a must in the history of psychoanalysis. The author makes an assumption that it is necessary to know
and understand the history of psychoanalysis in order to remain tolerant towards various schools of psychoanalysis.
psychology, psychoanalysis, psychoanalytical orthodoxy, human, consciousness, un consciousness, Oedipus complex, bisexuality, training, neurosis.
Mordas, E. S..
On the Problem of Repressed Feminity
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2011. ¹ 6.
P. 30-38.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2011.6.58616 URL:
Feminity disorder in various forms is one of the most powerful motives for a woman to start psychoanalysis.
Such a disorder is causeâ by problems during pre-Oedipus and Oedipus stages of development and development of
a women’s object relations in general. Development of feminine sexuality differs from the development of masculine
sexuality starting from the phalliñ stage. This article gives a summary of ideas of classics in psychoanalysis (such
as Karen Horney, Francoise Dolto, Karl Deutsch, Benedek, Lorand) concerning disorders of feminine sexuality and
feminity, in particular – the complex of masculinity and frigidity as an unconscious choice and denial from a Wish
to be a woman.
psychology, feminity, sexuality, fear, frigidity, regress, masculinity, defense, affective disposition, castration.
Carron, G..
The Imaginary, Symbolism and Reversibility: Merleau-Ponty’s Unique Approach to Unconsciousness
(translated by I. S. Vdovina)
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2011. ¹ 5.
P. 36-47.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2011.5.58327 URL:
The article of a French scientist G. Carron studies Merleau-Ponty’s peculiar approach to the problem of unconsciousness
first developed by Z. Freud. Carron traced back the evolution of Merleau-Ponty’s teaching about the unconsciousness
from his first works (“La structure du comportement”, 1942; “La phenomenologie de la perception”, 1945 and
others) up to his incomplete work “le visible et l’invisible” (1964). He also explains the definitions of the imaginary, symbolism
and reversibility which allows to see the metaphor of dynamism and structure of the process of knowledge in the
psychology, M. Merleau-Ponty, Z. Freud, flesh, real, subject, the other, experience, perception, imaginary, symbolism, reversibility.
Zhmurin, I. E..
Negative Developments of Marital Narcissism
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2011. ¹ 4.
P. 35-41.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2011.4.58352 URL:
The article analyzes peculiarities of the approaches to the phenomenon of narcissism in modern psychoanalysis.
The author introduces the differentiation of different levels of narcissism manifestations within ‘the norm’ and
‘pathology’ in Kohut’s and Kernberg’s conceptions. The author also describes the analysis criteria and diagnostics
indications of demonstration of negative narcissism during a marital conflict. The article contains interpretation of
the results of the empiric study of how negative narcissism of a married couple influences the parameters of conflict
between them.
psychology, psychoanalysis, narcissism, normal narcissism, negative narcissism, married couple, marital conflict, parameters of a marital conflict, personal traits, theories of narcissism.
Rudinesko, E..
Lacan and Derrida in the History of Psychoanalysis
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2010. ¹ 8.
P. 48-56.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2010.8.57561 URL:
Before writing her book ‘History of Psychoanalysis’, the author had a discourse with Derrida with the purpose to define his place in the history of French psychoanalysis. She studied Derrida’s interpretation of Freud’s works which is quite different from Lacan’s understanding of the Freud’s theory. The author believes the modern history of French Freudism to be the history of evaluation of Lacan’s and Derrida’s interpretations of Freud’s works. In her article the author showed an important role of Derrida in French psychoanalysis
psychology, psychoanalysis, subject, object, mind, conscience, unconscious, Freudism, Lacanianism, discourse, confrontation
Mordas, E. S..
Menstruation Complex in Psychoanalysis. Part 2
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2010. ¹ 7.
P. 7-17.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2010.7.57477 URL:
The article shows that being a sexual function and the main difference between sexes, menstruation is a biological form of periodicity regulating woman’s relations with her surroundings. In other words, female menstruation is the ‘physiological frames’ and symbolic rules established by social and cosmic rhythms
psychology, psychoanalysis, unconscious, female, menstruation, complex, taboo, puberty, libido, fear of castration
Mordas, E. S..
Menstruation Complex in Psychoanalysis. Part 1
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2010. ¹ 6.
P. 53-60.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2010.6.57472 URL:
The article shows that being a sexual function and the main difference between sexes, menstruation is a biological form of periodicity regulating woman’s relations with her surroundings. In other words, female menstruation is the ‘physiological frames’ and symbolic rules established by social and cosmic rhythms
psychology, psychoanalysis, unconscious, female, menstruation, complex, taboo, puberty, libido, fear of castration
Benvenuto, S..
Lacan’s dream
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2010. ¹ 5.
P. 16-29.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2010.5.57459 URL:
The author analyzes Lacan’s works in which Lacan paid much attention at the problems of language, word, sign, letter and speech. He underlined that his method of solving language problems was different from the methods used by psychologists, psychoanalysts, sociologists and anthropologists. Lacan’s dream was to create the ‘science of the object and subject’
psychology, Lacan, subject, object, conscience, unconscious, psychoanalysis, sign, discourse
Naroenko, N. I..
Phenomenon of Sadism and Mythology
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2010. ¹ 4.
P. 25-31.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2010.4.57331 URL:
The modern world is full of cruelty and violence. And there seems to be no limited to it. Aggression seems to be growing every day and every year. Is the humankind going ‘insane”? Or is it a natural process? Is the human nature cruel or is it some kind of a disease of our civilization? Philosophers have been trying to answer these questions throughout many centuries. But can a human be objective about these problems? According to the author, he can’t, because these problems are born within us, thus any our approach to this matter is only subjective.
psychology, philosophy, sadism, mythology, aggression, psychoanalysis, cruelty, character, personality, human nature
Olshansky, D. A..
Jacques Lacan’s Idea of Pleasure: Destruction of Discourse Borders during Psychosis
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2010. ¹ 2.
P. 29-32.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2010.2.57237 URL:
Analyzing the state of psychosis, the author appeals to Jacques Lacan’s works. It is assumed that the state of psychosis demonstrates the ‘absence of the author’. A psychotonic has neither image of a speaker nor a symbolic border.
psychology, philosophy, pleasure, symbolic, language, speech, subject, psychosis, psychotonic, phallus, subject, meaning, meant
Olshansky, D. A..
Stolen Meaning: From Edgar Poe to Jacques Derrida and others
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2009. ¹ 12.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2009.12.57130 URL:
The main idea of the article is the ‘meeting’ of clinical and applied psychoanalysis. It is noted the Freud tried to create not only a clinical method, but also humanitarian ideology. The author also interpreted the understanding of truth in Jacques Derrrida’s conception.
psychology, text, truth, being, clinical and applied psychoanalysis, metaphor, simulacrum, discourse, subject, phallus
Dufresne, R..
Listening to Narcissus (when words alone do not suffice). Translation by E.N.Fedina
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2009. ¹ 11.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2009.11.57106 URL:
This is the translation of an article by a Canadian psychoanalyst Roger A. Dufresne. In his article Dufresne described the clinical case of healing the ‘narcissistic anguish’ based on his own clinical case of the patient who had undergone a serious emotional trauma as a child. Dufresne analyzed the theories of narcissism and defined such terms as ‘narcissistic field’, ‘interference’, ‘narcissistic personality’.
psychology, philosophy, psychoanalysis, interference, narcissism, anxiety, trauma
Silbermann, Isodor.
Contribution to the Psychology of Menstruation (translated by E.S.Mordas)
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2009. ¹ 10.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2009.10.56976 URL:
Review: the author of the article viewed menstruation as a regression to a pre genital level of development. It is underlined that such a systematic regression makes a woman to spend much psychic energy on restoring the balance after each menstruation
psychology, psychoanalysis, regression, menstruation
Golenok, G. V..
Irrational Human
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2009. ¹ 9.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2009.9.56913 URL:
Review: the article is focused on the phenomenon of human nature. The Enlightenment conception is compared to new philosophical and anthropological concepts. Special attention is paid to irrational nature of a human being.
Key words: philosophy, human, personality, rationality, irrationality, mind, unconsciousness, memory, individual
Gurevich, P. S., Haritonov, A. H..
Erich Fromm about the Phenomenon of Narcissism
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2009. ¹ 8.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2009.8.56924 URL:
The article is devoted to analyzing the phenomenon of narcissism in works by a well-known representative of humanistic psychology, Erich Fromm. That American scientist described Freud’s contribution to the study of the phenomenon. Special attention is given to group, or social, narcissism.
Key words: psychology, humanistic psychology, personal narcissism, social narcissism, personality, politics, leader, religion, humankind
Spirova, E. M..
Archetypes of the collective unconscious
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2009. ¹ 7.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2009.7.56810 URL:
The article considers the practical side of archetypes of the collective unconscious. The author described the components of psyche according to Jung and analyzed the archetypes of Self, Shadow, Persona and Ego. The author also covered how Jung’s conceptions could be used in social work and teaching.
psychology, analytical psychology, psychoanalysis, psyche, Self, Shadow, Persona, Ego, myth, mythology
Grossman, E. A..
Production of fashionable whims
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2009. ¹ 4.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2009.4.56656 URL:
Abstract: Advertising has its own genres and forms of rendering information. Growing demand for goods is conditioned
by the rapid development of technology on one hand, and influences technology, on the other hand. It results not only in fast change of trademarks and goods but also in shortened life span of products. The goods which used to have a 25-year old life span are good for no more than 5 years now. Pharmaceutics and electronics have shortened this period to even 6 months. Fashionable “innovations” are showering the high tech society.
psychology, philosophy, advertising, human, kinetic image, clip-culture, society, information, image, mobility
Egorova, I. V..
Paradoxical Ferentzi
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2009. ¹ 3.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2009.3.56293 URL:
the article is devoted to Sandor Ferentzi’s psychoanalytical conception. The author described the main stages of Ferentzi’s biography and scientific work, analyzed his views on the psychoanalytical theory and pointed out the main targets of psychotherapy.
philosophy, psychology, psychoanalysis, sexuality, bioanalysis, introjection, neurosis, genitality, education science, complex
A. Y. Karateev.
Human Being and the World in Synchronicity Conception.
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2008. ¹ 2.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2008.2.56065 URL:
Everyone in his life sometimes encounters events which may seem absolutely incredible from the common point of view. Examples include strange coincidences between our thoughts, dreams and actual events; facts of clairvoyance and telepathy; cycle of events which are not connected by any cause but obsessively demonstrate us some idea or symbol. Sometimes such events “pile up” and we unwittingly start to think there must be some meaning to all these “disconnected” episodes. We do not understand and cannot explain all these coincidences seeming to cancel the laws of nature and the theories of probability for a while. The only thing we do know is that these events make an unforgettable impression on us, remaining in our memory forever and demanding at least some explanation.
Efimova, I.Y..
Parapsychology: myth or reality?
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2008. ¹ 1.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2008.1.55947 URL:
One of unorthodox psychological approaches to phenomenology of conscious is actually given by the science which was the first to try and theoretically explain paranormal phenomena (despite any criticism and skepticism coming from the academic society). Parapsychology (derived from the Greek root “para” meaning “near” or “beside”) is the sphere studying psychic phenomena which cannot be explained by the common physics. The most famous phenomena include telepathy (mental communication between two people when no obvious means of communication are used), clairvoyance (power of getting information on events when no typical ways of receiving knowledge are used), foresight (ability to predict future events) and psychokinesis (faculty of manipulating physical objects by the force of the thought).