Kangieva A.M..
Criminal Responsibility in the Kurt Lewin's field theory
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2024. № 4.
P. 24-41.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2024.4.72476 EDN: SLPVMU URL:
The article is devoted to the study of criminal responsibility as a dynamic category through the lens of Kurt Lewin's field theory. The research examines the interaction between an individual's internal motives, value orientations, and external normative requirements within the context of the psychological field. The field approach offers a deeper understanding of the mechanisms shaping and transforming criminal responsibility, including the perception of punishment, acceptance of guilt, or avoidance of responsibility. Special attention is given to modeling the psychological field of an individual under conditions of social stigmatization. Additionally, practical applications of field theory are proposed, including the development of rehabilitation programs, prevention of recidivism, and reduction of social stigmatization. The article shows how the boundaries of the psychological field determine the scope of the influence of external and internal factors on human behavior. They depend on many parameters, including the level of awareness, motivation and the degree of susceptibility to external influences. It is concluded that the boundaries of the field can be dynamic and change under the influence of both internal transformations of the individual and changes in the environment. The trust is shown as a force that transforms the external rule into internal motive of the person. Trust allows minimize internal pressure and tension and achieve balance of field forces. The research can be used for deeper theoretical understanding of criminal responsibility, as well as in the practice of legal psychology and crime prevention. The scientific novelty of article in the adaptation of field theory to study the mechanisms of acceptance of responsibility, resistance to it, and the influence of social stigma on behavior.
punishment, guilt, legal consciousness, criminal responsibility, trust, internalising of the rule, social stigma, internal motives, Kurt Lewin, field theory
Sungurova N.L., Musina R.A..
Sexual characteristics of the manifestation of social anxiety in students
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2024. № 4.
P. 42-54.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2024.4.71809 EDN: QVZAVX URL:
The relevance of this research is due to the need to study the phenomenon of social anxiety among modern students in connection with various challenges, an increasing number of adverse, stressful and traumatic life circumstances. The interest in the subject of research on the sexual characteristics of social anxiety among students is associated with insufficient empirical study of this issue, the need to develop practical recommendations aimed at developing students' personality, forming effective coping strategies, increasing the level of adaptability and mental stability of the individual. The results of the study can be used to develop programs for the prevention of social anxiety among students aimed at reducing anxiety levels, improving the quality of life, contributing to the psychological well-being of students and their successful adaptation in the social space.The purpose of the study: to identify the sexual characteristics of social anxiety of students. Methods of research: survey, methods of mathematical data processing (Mann-Whitney criterion, Spearman coefficient); "Scale of social avoidance and distress" (D. Watson, R. Friend), "Short scale of fear of negative assessment" (D. Watson, R. Friend adapted by I. V. Grigorieva, S. N. Enikolopova); "Questionnaire of social anxiety and social phobia" (O. A. Sagalakova, D. V. Truevtsev). The novelty of the study lies in the fact that the features of social anxiety of students are considered as different components of the phenomenon under study, and the understanding of sexual characteristics of manifestation is expanded. The gender differences in the peculiarities of the manifestation of social anxiety among students were revealed. Young men show more pronounced manifestations of social anxiety and social phobia. The fear of being judged or criticized increases anxiety in various life situations. Girls are prone to social avoidance and distress, and are also more prone to fear of negative evaluation from others. Young men demonstrate greater self-confidence, less sensitivity to the opinions of others. These characteristics can be associated with both the individual and personal characteristics of students, as well as with social norms and expectations regarding them. A common feature for the student audience is that experiencing the fear of negative evaluation from the social environment leads to avoiding uncomfortable situations, experiencing social distress, and avoiding social contacts in real life.
fear of criticism, gender characteristics, students, social avoidance, distress, fear of negative evaluation, social phobia, social anxiety, anxiety, emotions
Mordas E.S., Demidova A.M..
Relationship with Mother and Satisfaction with Motherhood of Middle-Aged Women
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2024. № 1.
P. 54-69.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2024.1.39756 EDN: HDXFJW URL:
The object of the study: the relationship of women's attitude to their mother and satisfaction with their own motherhood. The novelty of the study is that empirical data have been obtained showing how the nature of the relationship with the mother, the type of attachment and the style of separation from the mother are interrelated with a woman's satisfaction with her motherhood. The present study was focused on finding the interrelationships of the nature of the current relationship of an adult woman with her mother and the degree of satisfaction of a woman with her parenting. The relationship between a woman's current level of satisfaction with her motherhood and her emotional and evaluative attitude towards her mother, the degree of psychological separation from her and the formed nature of attachment in adult relationships with her mother was studied. The main conclusions of the study: 1. Regarding the attachment style to the mother: higher satisfaction with motherhood is characteristic of women with a lower level of avoidance and anxiety in the relationship with the mother. 2. Regarding the level of separation from the mother: higher satisfaction with motherhood corresponds to higher conflict independence, but lower attitude. 3. A study of the nature of a woman's emotional and evaluative perception of her mother showed that the lowest satisfaction with motherhood was noted only among women with a negative attitude towards their mother, and is not typical for those whose attitude towards their mother is more positive.
conflict, identification, dependence, mother-daughter relationship, separation, attachment, satisfaction, motherhood, transgenerational transmission, ambivalence
Shilova N.P..
Formation of Living Space in Adolescence
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2023. № 2.
P. 11-23.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2023.2.39131 EDN: ACQJUO URL:
The article presents the results of a study of the formation of the living space of boys and girls, conducted on a sample of 1,394 boys and girls aged 14 to 23 years. Based on the analysis of existing theoretical and empirical data on adolescence, it was found that adolescence is a period when the time perspective increases, the life path is determined and, in general, the living space is formed. The aim of the study was to identify and analyze age norms and dynamics of the formation of living space in adolescence, through the differences of the most important events in the lives of boys and girls. As a result of the study, it was shown that there is an age-related multidirectional dynamics in the formation of the structure of a person's living space in adolescence. Early youth is a time of formation of the future, but the future is mainly associated with recreation and entertainment, and late youth is a time of analysis of past events, where the most important for a young man or girl are studies and professional activity tests, and the future is significantly shortened and associated with communication and interpersonal relationships. It is established that recreation and entertainment with increasing age in youth become less significant.
living space, early youth, late youth, educational trajectory, future, life trajectory, life planning, temporary perspective, life events, youth age
Shapoval I..
The specifics of discourse, mentalization and conceptualization of reality in the formation of a borderline personality
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2022. № 4.
P. 89-100.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2022.4.37862 EDN: PVLXFM URL:
The subject of the study is the mutual influence of discourse deformations and cognitive mechanisms of mentalization and conceptualization of the world in a borderline personality. The aim of the work is to prove the decisive role of the deficits and defects of the "theory of mind" in the development and structuring of the borderline personal organization. The research methodology is represented by interdisciplinary categorical-genetic analysis and synthesis of theories and ideas of phenomenology, cognitive psychology, clinical psychology, psychotherapy, discourse analysis. The author examines the interaction of discursive and cognitive mechanisms of personality in the construction and personalization of the conceptual sphere and "theory of mind". The role of splitting in the conceptualization of reality and the connection of violations of mentalization with changes in the concept of Self are shown. A special contribution of the author to the study of the problem is the systematization of violations of mentalization as predictors of the development of borderline personal organization. The novelty of the research lies in determining the double determination of distortions of the conceptual sphere in the borderline personality by its discourse. Violations of conceptualization processes are described. The systematic organization of the operational units of the mental lexicon, memory and the conceptual sphere in their connection with discourse is determined. The main conclusion is the proof of the relationship between stereotypical discursive formulas, mental vocabulary, methods and abilities of the subject to process information and construct the conceptual sphere. The range of the subject's capabilities in this area is manifested in his discursive formulas of interpretations, assessments, self-regulation. The deformations of these phenomena and the deep rooting of discourse in the structures of thinking correlate with the formation of a pathological "theory of mind" and personal organization. The "borderline" conceptual sphere and the discourse "speaking" by the subject hinder reflection, honest internal dialogue, criticism of representations of reality and support the status quo of the pathology of cognition of reality and orientation in it. The study of the subject's speech models and the understanding of the cognitive-discursive mechanisms of his orientation in his Self and relationships has practical significance in the diagnosis of borderline personality organization and psychocorrective effects on it.
dialectical failure, splitting, theory of the mental, The concept of me, conceptualization, conceptual sphere, discourse, mental lexicon, mental representations, borderline personality organization
Rostovtseva M.V., Lutoshkina V.N., Koreneva V.V., Chistokhina A.V., Klimuk Y.V., Grishina G.V..
The Relationship Between the Level of Reflection and Self-regulation Among Teachers of a General Education Institution
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2022. № 4.
P. 101-118.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2022.4.38860 EDN: PTTEIX URL:
The purpose of our work is to identify the relationship between reflection and self–regulation among teachers of a general education institution. Reflection is one of the most important mechanisms of self-regulation, as the ability to manage the development of one own competencies, i.e. to carry out personal and professional growth. The development of self-regulation helps a modern teacher to find an individual style of professional activity, allows him to achieve adequate professional and personal self-esteem, predict and analyze the results of his activities. Subject of research: the relationship of reflection and self-regulation among teachers of a general education institution. The following were selected as the main research methods: 1. Methodology for diagnosing the level of development of reflexivity (Karpova A.V.). 2. Basic questionnaire "Style of self–regulation of behavior - SSPM" (Morosanova V.I.). The study was conducted on the basis of secondary schools No. 4 and No. 19. Krasnoyarsk. In total, 56 teachers aged 30 to 35 years with more than 5 years of experience in school participated in the study. The sample was mainly made up of women (93%) – subject teachers. After statistical data processing, the following conclusions are made. Teachers with high and low levels of reflection have differences in the level of general self-regulation. There is also some peculiarity in the development of self-regulation processes and regulatory-personal properties. Therefore, we can say that the hypothesis put forward at the beginning of our study has been confirmed. That is, the relationship of reflection and self-regulation among teachers of a general education institution exists. This fact should be taken into account in order to influence the process of professional self-development, to understand the reasons for his professional failures and failures and to regulate his pedagogical activity.
flexibility, self-organization, reflexivity, subjectivity, planning, education, teacher, self-regulation, reflection, inner world
Smirnaya A.A., Spiridonova M.S., Dulinets G.G., Tomilova S.A., Dement'ev A.P..
Professional Motivation of Secondary School Teachers
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2022. № 4.
P. 119-134.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2022.4.38991 EDN: PUBFWZ URL:
The problems of staff shortage in secondary school, mutual understanding between teacher and student, effective training of students are largely related to the teacher's high motivation to work and overcome objective difficulties. The subject of the study is the features of the professional motivation of secondary school teachers depending on the length of service. The purpose of the study: to study the content characteristics of the professional motivation of secondary school teachers, depending on the length of service. We studied the following groups of components of professional motivation: value-semantic; cognitive; emotional-personal component. To conduct the study, a sample was formed, the number of which was 45 teachers and divided into 3 age groups with different periods of teaching experience of 15 people in each group. The results of the study showed differences between groups of teachers with different professional experience. Teachers on the initial path of professional activity have a more pronounced focus on tasks and interactions, less on themselves. And teachers with more professional experience have a pronounced focus on themselves, and less on tasks and interactions in the motivational complex of secondary school teachers with different work experience, there are differences in the predominance of internal and external motives. External positive motives predominate, which are associated with the action of external incentives (the possibility of obtaining recognition, the availability of salary growth opportunities, the ability to use the provided measures of state support, etc. External negative motives in the sample of teachers are the least pronounced, which can also be regarded as a sign of a fairly prosperous environment associated with the working conditions of school teachers.
internal motive, external motive, orientation, personal attitudes, teacher, professional motivation, motivation, education, life goals, value orientations
Andreeva E.Y., Kleshnina M.O..
The concept of emotional burnout at work in the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2021. № 4.
P. 90-98.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2021.4.36955 URL:
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic upon everyday live alongside the conditions of isolation with even more tasks to be accomplished, testify to the high level of distress faced by every employee. There is an inextricable link between the increased number of workers experiencing emotional burnout and the conditions of self-isolation due to the pandemic. Thus, the subject of this research is the factors that have a direct impact upon the emotional state of young professionals and university students, as well as possible consequences of the emotional burnout. The scientific novelty lies in comprehensive analysis of the emotional and professional types of burnout, as well as the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, which inflicted a severe blow to the most vulnerable link – knowledge workers. This group faced an overwhelming stress at work and studying even prior to the outbreak of the pandemic. In recent years, the situation has worsened: an increasing number of people identify themselves as emotionally burned out, and many blame the pandemic. The author conducted the survey “Symptoms of the Job Burnout Questionnaire” among the students and young professionals of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation. The results, as well as effective methods of coping with emotional burnout during the pandemic, are presented in this research.
young specialists, change in personality, sleep disorders, emotional exhaustion, COVID-19 pandemic, professional burnout, stress, emotional burnout, emotions, psychology
Rozenova M.I., Ekimova V.I., Kokurin A.V., Sorokova M.G..
The peculiarities of male fears during the COVID-19 pandemic
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2021. № 3.
P. 28-43.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2021.3.36371 URL:
The subject of this research is the peculiarities of male fears caused by proliferation of the COVID-19 pandemic. The object of this research is the people's fears during mass infectious disease of global nature. The goal lies in determination of the severity, intensity, priority and peculiarities of the “composition: of male fears in the situation of coronavirus pandemic, on the background of escalated uncertainty and rapid changes in lifestyle. The authors explore the experience of international research on the impact of pandemic upon people's well-being, underline the importance of the fear factor within the system of human response to an extremely challenging situation, generalize the research results on the occurrence of fears during the pandemic, as well as determine the specificity of male fears and experience of their interpretation. The acquired conclusions allow stating that despite the consistency of pandemic threats, male fears indicate the fears of criminal violence and social condemnation. Other priority fears include job loss as the basis of attractiveness; such irrational component as the idea of the Judgment of God alongside the fear of death. In penultimate group are the fears of illness and treatment; and in the last group – the fears of losing the rational principle in behavior and the tendency of substituting constructive fears with destructive. The novelty of this research is defined by revealing the entirety of male fears during the pandemic, which is semantically classified into five groups. The author clarifies the specificity of the mechanisms of male anxieties in psychologically traumatic situation, which allows making counseling-therapeutic practices for restoring the psychological health of men more targeted.
groups, identified, coronavirus, pandemic, male, features, destructive, constructive, Fears, semantically
Meshcheryakova E.I., Larionova A.V..
Construction of a personal myth in existential psychocorrection of those convicted of extremism
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2020. № 1.
P. 1-9.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2020.1.31906 URL:
The subject of this research is a personal myth of the sentenced for extremism. The goal consists in examination of the inner world of convicts through their personal myth as a potential of psychocorrection work. The conceptual ground for this research is the theory of multidimensional lifeworld structure, whole the methodological approach is the construction of a personal myth. The authors elucidate the experience of using the possibility of construction of a personal myth in existential psychocorrection work with those convicted of extremism. The fundamental principles of counseling work with inmates in a penitentiary facility are reviewed. The study involved male extremist offenders serving sentence in the Federal Penal Enforcement Service of Tomsk. The dynamics of the process of existential psychocorrection consisted in the development of self-awareness, modifying the perceptive structures and transforming the concept of “Self and the outside world”. In the context of existential psychocorrection, personal myth is not a psychotechnology or an approach used for solving the problems of personal existential problematic, but a qualitative method determining the approaches towards solution of such problems.
meaning, inner world, existence, multidimensional world, convicted of extremism, psychocorrection, Personal myth, value, understanding, penitentiary institution
Kholina O.A., Kazantseva E.V., Petrova E.G..
Psychotherapeutic capacity and main capabilities of meditative practices in working with addictive behavior
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2019. № 3.
P. 15-28.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2019.3.30532 URL:
This article analyzes the conceptual moment of modern psychotherapy using the example of meditative practice in working with addictive behavior. The scientific and practical potential of implementation of meditative practices in modern psychotherapy is substantiated. The characteristics of cognitive construct of mindfulness are described. In a number of foreign and national works, mindfulness is viewed as the key mechanism of personal growth and individual wellbeing, as well as the leading instrument of psychotherapeutic practice that allows a person to avoid “absentminded life”, perceive reality consciously and purposively. The authors describe the key positions of Buddhist philosophy included by the foreign researchers into the space of cognitive-behavioral therapy, as well as analyze the accumulation of Eastern experience by the Western scientific traditions. The article displays the main therapeutic models implemented into the modern foreign therapeutic practice that were created on the basis of mindfulness: J. Kabat-Zinn “Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Program” (MBSR); J. Kristeller “Mindfulness-Based Eating Awareness Training” (MB-EAT). The authors examine the examples of empirical studies of using the practice of mindfulness in working with alcohol and drug addiction, as well as compulsive eating disorder.
compulsive behavior, addictive behavior, cognitive-behavioral therapy, mindfulness, four noble truths, meditation, hermeneutic psychotherapy, self-regulation, relapse prevention, living on automatic
Sessarevskaia Z..
Peculiarities of Disabled People's Values
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2018. № 4.
P. 69-76.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2018.4.27952 URL:
The author examines in detail such aspects of the topic as theoretical approaches to the understanding of the value of a person, the ontogeny of this phenomenon, examines the main typologies and classifications of highlighting values, gives a theoretical analysis of the characteristics of the manifestation of values and value orientations. Conducts an empirical study to identify the features of the manifestation of value orientations in persons with disabilities from childhood with intact intelligence, which are included in a social group (educational or working). In this regard, the object of research was highlighted - value orientations and the subject of research - value orientations of disabled children. In the course of the study, the methodology “Terminal Values Questionnaire (OTEC)” IG was used. Senina. To compare the empirical values of two independent samples, the non-parametric statistical method was used: the Mann-Whitney U-test. The main conclusion of the study is that the identified features of the manifestation of value orientations in persons with disabilities from childhood, as well as persons without disabilities, is the way of interaction with the social environment and society. This method in disabled children is due to the nosological status and features of development.
classification of values, typology of values, life values, terminal values, disabled child, disabled, value orientations, values, personal meaning, Personality Features
Tsvetkova M..
Self-Reflection as a Form of Mind's Agency
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2018. № 2.
P. 22-29.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2018.2.21440 URL:
The subject of the research is reflection as a form of mind's agency. Being an expanded concept of control, mind's agency fundamentally means complete and directed interaction between internal worlds ('mind levels') of individuals. Thus, agency is an ability of an individual to modify (change) the internal world of the cognizable. This is one's ability to create the ones that are alike, i.e. create one's own model of the world and other agency that is no less than one's own. In her research Tsvetikova demonstrates that our mind has agency as an ability of reflective influence of a mind of one individual on the mind of another individual. In fact, the main feature of the reflective mechanism is to make a controlled actor be aware of his or her personal choice through creating an image of a situation where an actor consciously makes a decision in favor of a controlling actor. Such interaction of actors is viewed by the author as the control over the inner world of the other actor and means agency. For the first time in the academic literature the author demonstrates a transformative function of the mind's reflection as revealing the mind's agency which may display itself as the extension of the mind's agency through restructuring of reflection of other individuals and, consequently, restructuring of the goal-setting process performed by the secondary actors interaction. Analysis of reflective aspects of the mind's agency allows to expand a scientific definition of the mind phenomenon and enable the society to make a scientifically well-grounded choice of systemic actors that have the agency for personal development as their feature.
ability of the mind, individual's inner world, consciousness reflection, reflective control, subjectivity, reflection, consciousness, control, control of reflection, subjectivity of consciousness
Zubareva N.S., Mazurenko Y.A..
Psychological Defenses of Alexithymic Personality
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2018. № 1.
P. 59-66.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2018.1.25376 URL:
The object of the research is alexithymia as a psychological phenomenon. The subject of the research is psychological defense mechanisms of alexithymic personality. The author of the article views alexithymia as a defense mechanism that protects one's personality from unbearable affects, stresses and traumatic situations. However, blocking of emotions may cause the loss of interest in life, reduction of sensitivity to pain and negative feelings and, as a result, aggravation of somatic problems. The authors of the article provide the results of their research of psychological defense mechanisms and alexithymia degree and differences of defense mechanisms intensity in groups of respondents with high, middle and low levels of alexithymia. The research methods include: Toronto Alexithymia Scale (offered by Graeme Taylor and adapted by the researchers of the St. Petersburg Bekhterev Psychoneurological Research Institute), and Bond Psychological Defense Inventory (adapted by E. Tunik). The research results allow to get an insight into methods used by alexithymic personality to describe typical features of each alexithymia level as well as particularities of a growing level of alexithymia in a group of respondents with a low level of alexithymia which allows to reduce risks of alexithymic effects.
emotions blocking, alexithymic personality, psychological defenses, awareness of emotions, feelings, emotions, alexithymia, identification of feelings, description of feelings, self-concept
Shapoval I..
Contact Boundaries Between Self and Not-Self as the Space of Transformations of Personality Dispositions
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2017. № 3.
P. 10-22.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2017.3.24026 URL:
The subject of the research is the contact boundaries between Self and not-Self as the 'between space' where personality dispositions are formed and transformed in terms of Self and not-Self interactions. The purpose of this research is to analyze and systematize characteristics of Self boundaries that change as a result of contact with not-Self and determine personality transformations. The author of the article pays special attention to clarifying the content and connections between Self and non-Self phenomena in terms of their multiplicity and description of their contact boundaries as well as deficit thereof and ways to overcome it. The article is based on the interdisciplinary and nomothetic approaches. The author has also used the problem method to state, analyse and interpret unsolved problems that do not have a single research approach today. Analysis, evaluation, summary and amendment of a number of well-known psychological concepts and provisions are based on the axiomatical method. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author proves that there are internal cause-and-effect relationships between characteristics and changes in contact boundaries between Self and not-Self and personality transformations. The main conclusions of the research are the following: 1) there are certain contact boundaries between Self and not-Self as personality disposition forming and transforming phenomena, and 2) boundary characteristics play an important role in changing these boundaries as well as creating constructive or destructive potentials of these changes and connections between Self and not-Self contact boundaries and personality disposition transformations.
space, multisubjectivity of Self, functions of Self boundaries, not-Self, multiplicity of Self, contact boundaries, disposition, transformation, mentalisation, characteristics of the boundaries
Starovoytov V.V..
Kilborne B. The Importance of Shame in Clinical Work // The Round Robin. Psychologist-Psychoanalyst Practitioners. Division of Psychoanalysis (39), JAPA. Spring 2007 (Translated by V. Starovoytov)
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2016. № 9.
P. 766-772.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2016.9.68585 URL:
This article is devoted to investigation of the importance of shame in clinical work. The author singles out two main forms of shame: humanizing shame and toxic shame. Kilborne writes about important difference between shame and guilt in connection to the threat to internal orientation. He writes that the subject of shame and trauma has been seriously neglected in the media and in the major psychoanalytic journals. According to him, the trauma of neglect and mother’s non-responsiveness (as well as the trauma of physical abuse) have devastating effects on both sensory and psychic organization, on body image and psychic structure. He discusses the interrelations between hubris, shame and trauma. In the course of investigation Kilborne singles out different aspects of shame. He explains why Freud and others have focused on guilt at the expense of shame, and why recognizing shame can be difficult. He gives examples of toxic shame and its great destructiveness, writes about the importance of attunement of mother and her child in connection with the themes of shame, trauma and development. As the result of his investigation, Kilborne comes to the conclusion that in its toxic forms shame leads to serious distress and despair both in patients and in therapists; it can be passed from generation to generation in the form of narcissistic preoccupations that negate the feelings of connection in children; it can be related to trauma not responded to and to intolerable feelings of rage, mistrust, and isolation. By contrast, in its humanizing forms, shame can be one of the most powerful therapeutic resources we have.
non-responsiveness, development, neglect, destructiveness, intolerance, psychoanalysis, trauma, guilt, shame, hubris
Yakovleva E.L..
Modern Mythicization of the Personal as the Glimmering Display/Displayed Glimmer of Self
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2016. № 4.
P. 323-329.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2016.4.68047 URL:
The purpose of the present research is to study the contemporary mode of mythicization that enables fulfilment of Self in the social environment and communication, at the same time eliminating reality and events, thus making it the process of glimmering display/displayed glimmer of Self. The results of the research are the following: myths turn out to be a comfortable plastic form that may contain all kinds of Self narratives, as a result, it is often impossible to distinguish between the real and the imaginary. Following the glamour trends creates continuous mythicization as a simulation of individual existence. This leads to a paradoxical situation when a mythicizing personality turns out to be created by the myth. The aforesaid matter is described in the form of a narrative discription using dialectical and phenomenological methods, and principles of the comparative and intentional analysis allowing to reveal special features of Self's mythicization in the modern glamour discourse. For the first time in the academic literature the author of the article examines the problem of today's individual mythicization which is becoming total. Within the framework of the research, the author also gives a definition of the glimmering display/displayed glimmer of Self proving the ephemerality of expressions as well as uncertainty of individual existence. The author also defines mythicization methods such as deviation which gives birth to the wonderful and bri-collage technique. Provisions and conclusions of the research can be used for further research of personality in the glamour social environment.
hypertext, secular, bri-collage technique, sacred, glimmering display/displayed glimmer, Self, mythicization, myth, (post)neo-paganism, glamour
Kovaleva N.B..
The Validity of Humor as a Medium and Means of Reflexive-Positional Understanding of the World and Ourselves
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2016. № 4.
P. 330-342.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2016.4.68048 URL:
The article examines the problem of understanding of humor in terms of а practical solution to problems of development of innovative pedagogical tools (models or technologies) aimed at the development of personality and mental abilities of teenagers and young adults. The author considers culture and media reality of «the comic» as the medium of self-realization in the process of finding the inner freedom and integrity of the culture-orienating image of the world and development of creative thinking. Psychological-anthropological imperative "reinstall all attitudes from the beginning" requires special attention to changes in the environment of formation and growing in youth, thus a dynamic modernity of media culture and global influence of mass media are simultaneously a challenge and a kind of teaching job. The author's retrospective review of the theories of humor since ancient times and philosophy of the New Period till the modern concepts of social media, interpretive communities and media culture, regards humor as a way of presence in the world; as the practice and knowledge of the world itself as a construction tool of the dialogical relations. Such analysis allows to cover and prove the theoretical basis for the author's "reflexive-positional" model of understanding of humor and to reveal the mechanisms of formation of the creative personality in the process of rediscovering culture-congruent values and projective philosophical ideas about the "proper". By using specific examples, the author illustrates and shows prospects for using the reflexive-positional approach to modelling the environment initiating the concept of the comic as the factor of developing individual creative positionality.
positional feature, creativity, dialogue, media hermeneutics, reflection, irony, reflexive-positional model, humor, comic, psychology of understanding
Tkhostov A.Sh., Rasskazova E.I..
Identification and Identity Fusion: Variants of the Relationship between Self and Group in the Process of Social Identity Formation (Based on the Examples of the Family and Country)
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2016. № 3.
P. 233-242.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2016.3.67865 URL:
The paper is devoted to the differentiation of the two variants of social identity – identification (in self-categorization theory) and identity fusion (in self-verification theory). In accordance with the self-regulation of body processes approach to identity, both variants are consequences of different mechanisms of identity formation, equally providing a person with the experience of self-identity and control as the general basis of the identity. The following hypotheses have been made: 1) Idenfitication and identity fusion are interrelated yet different types of social identity formation both in interpersonal domains (families) and ideological domains (countries). 2) Identity fusion (but not identification) with one's family or country is graphically depicted as the 'overlap' of the family circle or the country circle with the Self circle. 3) Both identity fusion and identification with the group have similar features such as the subjective feeling of belonging to the group (subjective proximity of group to Self) and emotions experienced when identification is changed (changes in the group are experienced as a negative but important event related to changes in the Self. In this study of identification and identity fusion with the country and family on samples of students (n1 = 161) and adults (n2 = 123) the authors have confirmed the structural and partly (for the family only) functional differences between these constructs. Both identity fusion and identification with the group are equally associated with indicators of self-identity - subjective proximity of group to "Self" and severity of negative reaction to the change of social identity, including change for better. The results are discussed from the perspective of the possible mechanisms behind the two different variants of identity formation.
identity fusion, body processes approach, self-identity, subjective control, self-categorization, self-verification, identification with the country, identification with the family, identity formation, social identification
Al'perovich V.D..
Metaphors of Enemy and Friend in Connection with Personal Metaphors about the Subject of Personal Life Path
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2015. № 11.
P. 1137-1145.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2015.11.67212 URL:
The pilot empirical research in this article is about the relationship between the metaphors of Enemy and Friend and metaphors about the subject of life path at the stages of emerging and middle adulthood. Cognitive predictors of the 'discrimination' and 'hate speech' phenomena presented in personal representations of Enemy, its metaphorical and narrative bases are our research problem. Pilot research goal was to determine features of the metaphors of Enemy and Friend demonstrated by persons with different metaphors about the subject of the life path. Metaphors of Enemy and Friend and metaphors about the subject of the life path at the stages of emerging and middle adulthood were the pilot research subject. The author has applied the qualitative method (category analysis of metaphors used by A. Bochaver in 2010). The results of the study prove that: within the framework of this research, adults have had different metaphors about the subject of life path. The researcher has discovered that different metaphors represent different attitude of a person to his subjective role in life and ability to make his own life. For the first time in the academic literature the researcher discovers that metaphors demonstrated by people who firmly believe that they make their own life relate to polar attitudes to Enemy and Friend, intensified positive features of the image of Friend and reinforced negative features of the image of Enemy. Metaphors with less prominant borders between the subject and his social surroundings relate to ambivalent images of Enemy and Friend and attribution of both positive and negative features to Friend or Enemy. The results of the research support the hypothesis that people with different metaphors about the subject of personal life path have different metaphors of Enemy and Friend. The results of the pilot research can be applied to solving problems in psychology of conflicts, psychology of personal safety and psychology of antiterroristic activity.
life path, discrimination, metaphor, Friend, Enemy, subject, narrative
Murashchenkova N.V..
Social Representations of Young People about Patriotism
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2015. № 10.
P. 1010-1020.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2015.10.67163 URL:
The present article contains the results of the empirical social and psychological survey. The object of the research was the youth as actors of social knowledge. The research involved 314 young people living in the Smolensk Region (157 men and 157 women). The subject of the research is the social representations of youth about patriotism. The theoretical basis of the research included works of Russian and foreign psychologists who studied social and personal representations (Serge Moscovici, Ivana Markova, Jean-Claude Abric, Tatiana Emelianova, Ksenia Abulkhanova and others). The methodological basis of the research involved the interdisciplinary, system and activity approaches as they are described in the Russian academic literature on psychology. The research methods included: analysis, synthesis, generalization, survey, descriptive statistics methods, content analysis and Fisher's angular transformation (φ* criteria). As a result of the research, the author has defined features of social representations about patriotism, patriotism manifestations and functions as demonstrated by young people living in the Smolensk Region. Very few respondents have demonstrated the xenophobic component of their representations about patriotism, however, very few respondents have associated manifestations and functions of patriotism with effective inter-ethic communication and tolerance. Consequently, the vector of representations about patriotism is rather indefinite for young people. The results of the research prove the importance of further social and psychological researches on the matter and can be used in the process of preparing programs and educational activities aimed at developing the feeling of patriotism of young people.
social psychology, prevention of extremism, patriotism manifestations, content analysis, youth, patriotism, representations about patriotism, social representations, patriotism functions, patriotic education of youth
Suetin T.A..
Reflections of Psyche
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2015. № 9.
P. 891-904.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2015.9.67108 URL:
The present article is devoted to the essence of human soul and transformations of the images of soul in the human mind, culture and society. The concept of soul and its features is based on the thoughts and ideas of ancient philosophers. In his article Suetin examines the influence of technological and information progress as well as the massive nature of culture on spiritual qualities of human. According to the researcher, the main reason for the impoverishment of spiritual qualities is the prevailing interest in material benefits and man's rationalized assessment of the surrounding world, interpersonal relatinos, art and society. Suetin analyzes the development of the concept of human soul and perception of images of human soul in ancient, existential, social and religious philosophies and classical psychoanalysis as well as medical evidences of the out-of-body experience. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the researcher views feelings and emotions of human in their true form as they are attributable to the spiritual system. In addition, Suetin also analyzes the process of materialization of the sensual world in accordance with the social development trends. The blindfold aspiration for material benefits and technologies is viewed as the main cause of the reification of the human spiritual system which new image acquires the material property of temporary existence. The unconscious is viewed as a natural feature of the spiritual system, the wealth of knowledge and experience of earthly existence.
human, soul, philosophy, society, religion, unconscious, massive nature, culture, emotions and feelings, existence
Pushkareva T.V., Pushkareva E.V., Sarkisyan M.V..
Materialization of the Archetype: Theory and Practice of the Psychological Master Class' Me and My Doll'
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2015. № 8.
P. 787-794.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2015.8.66992 URL:
The subject of the research article is the author's psychological master class 'Me and My Doll' as the therapeutic response tot he socio-cultural challenges of the modern age. In their research the authors describe theoretical and methodological grounds and analyze practical results of the master class. The master class is viewed as an original kind of art therapy aimed at compensation of psychological difficulties of modern human resulting from the problems of identification, increased anxiety, low self-esteem as well as satisfaction of personality needs for self-knowledge and self-realization. The authors describe the details of carrying out the master class and accompany their description with the analysis of particular examples from practice. The theoretical and methodological basis of the master class is the Gestalt approach and analytical psychology that are put to practice during creation and interpretation of the image of a folk Slavic rag doll that in our case represents the materialized form of an archetype. The experience of the twelve psychological master classes 'Me and My Doll' at the public library No. 221 of Moscow has proved the method to be efficient and therefore the method can be recommended for work with both professional and wide audience. The main point of the psychological mechanism lying in the basis of the master class is the following. The image of the Other represented in the doll becomes some kind of an identification version of one self that allows to investigate, accept and integrate the just discovered subpersonality into the personality structure, thus clarifying the most difficult processes of identification to a person and considerably increasing the psychological tension that inevitably accompanies his searches for socio-cultural identity. Moreover, materialization of the archetype that happens during the psychological master class stimulates the transfer of unconscious elements to consciousness and as a result aims at acquisition of human's integrity and harmony with himself and the world.
art therapy, doll, modern man, archetype, problem identification, liquid society, Gestalt approach, psychoanalytic psychology
Rudnev V.P..
Psyhology of Microscene
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2015. № 5.
P. 470-477.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2015.5.66552 URL:
In his article Rudnev introduces the concept of microscene. He defines it as a usually traumatic but sometimes positive episode in one's life that has the essential effect on all his life afterwards. The concept of microscene is an extended concept of the primal scene when a little child witnesses his parents having sex and takes it as his father abusing his mother which creates grounds for the Oedipus complex. Microscene does not necessarily mean witnessing sexual relations. It can be just a negative or positive episode a person will remember for the rest of his life. Rudnev analyzes the concept of microscene based on the example of psychological abuse experienced by little Beethoven when his drunk father Johann with his friend woke up Ludwig in the middle of the night and forced him to practice scales. That microscene was remembered by Beethoven and, as it often happens, caused the dissociation of Beethoven's personality and creative work and created three 'different' personalities of Beethoven - melancholic cycloid, sociopath and schizoid. The researcher also relates microscene to the phenomenon of Russian TV commercial as a pure narrative with a hardly any product behind. Rudnev comes to the conclusion that all our life consists of conscious or unconscious microscenes leaving indelible traces. In his research Rudnev has used his own method called psychosemiotics or philosophy of psychiatry. The core of this method is the disjunctive synthesis of semiotics and theoretical psychoanalysis. The author's important contribution to the researches of the matter is the definition of microscene as an extended Freudian concept of the primal scene. This concept is mentioned in the Russian academic literature for the first time and used by the author of the article to analyze a situation of psychological trauma or abuse or episode from everyday life, or a TV commercial, quotation or reminiscence. The main scientific novelty of the present article is the introduction of the term 'microscene' as a negative or positive episode in one's life that is remembered for a long time and in many ways determines one's life and future. In conclusion the author states that we are surrounded by microscences, or psychological elementary particles, that constitute our life.
life, music, psyche, Beethoven, psychoanalysis, Freud, dissociation, microscene, advertising, violence
Berezina T.N..
Internal Space of the Dream
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2015. № 2.
P. 141-149.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2015.2.66256 URL:
The model of formation of the dream space as a form of existence of mental images and images of the highest order is offered. The internal space of a dream is considered as a special case of mental space. The theoretical basis for the model is the idea that the psyche is a special form of reality having the nature other than the biological nature of the brain and the physical nature of the outside world as well as the concept of the psyche as the spacelike formation outside the brain. In the article the following features of a dream space are marked out: 1) the dream space is figurative, 2) a dreamer sees it as external but not internal, 3) this is the altered state of consciousness, 4) a dreamer sees the dream space as physical reality and images as real objects, etc. It is noted that the central problem of formation of the dream space is the emergence of feeling of gravitation. The author claims that the feeling of weight in a dream is a subjectively endured feeling of an attraction to one's own organism. The following three components of a mental image are defined: exteroceptive, interoceptive and proprioceptive. The author makes a supposition that the interoceptive component is the basis of formation of the internal space, the proprioceptive component creates the feeling of weight in this space and the exteroceptive component creates visual images.
proprioceptive feelings, internal space, mental space, dream space, mental images, images of the highest order, exteroceptive feelings, interoceptive feelings, dream, gravitation in a dream
Gayvoronskaya, A. A..
Social Images of Justice (Psychosemantic Approach)
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2014. № 12.
P. 1293-1298.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2014.12.65933 URL:
Contemporary social and psychological researchers believe justice to be one of the most important topics of human
life ontology. The author of the present research have tried to prove the following hypotheses: 1) justice is a socially
determined phenomenon; 2) ‘equality of all’ is one of the key elements in the social image of justice; 3) the social image of
extremism is structured around the elements that have moral and legal connotations. Gayvoronskaya has decided to apply
the psychosemantic approach to studying social images of justice because this approach allows to discover the hidden
(unconscious) processes driving human behavior. Psychosemantic methods, in particular, microsemantic and prototypical
analysis, allow to solve the following problems: to define the connection (relationship) between the studied definition of
justice and other definitions or systems of definitions; to define and analyze the most significant connections and, finally, to
reconstruct the model of justice. Conclusions: 1. Justice is a socially determined phenomenon that is based on moral principles
regulated by the law. 2. The structure of social images of justice is defined by the peculiarities and specific features
of the phenomenon. In particular, there is a steady core (execution of laws, honesty and equal rights) which is organized
around the leading value – ‘equality of all’. 3. Categorization levels which have been defined in the course of interpretation
and analysis bear a relationship to significant topics of images and create a probability model of this phenomenon, i.e. justice
is understood as ‘equality for all’ and performance of moral actions, as a punishment/reward or denial of justice at all.
justice, social image, psychosemantic approach, microsemantic analysis, prototypical analysis, hidden (unconscious) processes, categorization levels, reconstruction, interpretation, probability model of justice.
Korneenkov, S. S..
Retrospection: Perinatal Experience of Soul/Consciousness inside the Material (Experimental Research of the Altered
State of Consciousness)
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2014. № 11.
P. 1172-1185.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2014.11.65788 URL:
The article is devoted to the issues of perinatal psychology. Theoretical and experimental research carried out by
the author of the article is based on the hypothesis that human a) is a self-developing creature whose consciousness stores
all the emotions experienced by him during his fetal period of development; b) being in the altered state of consciousness,
he can recall the mental states experienced by him during the perinatal period of fetal development. The purpose of the
research is: 1) to study scientific and yoga literature on the problem of the unity of consciousness, spirit and material in the
perinatal period of an individual’s life; 2) to carry out an experimental research of emotions, perception and cogitation of
an individual at different periods of perinatal development. The object of research is the altered state of consciousness. The
subject of research is the peculiarities of perception, cogitation and emotions of an individual’s consciousness a) before the
moment of meeting with a fertilized ovum, b) at the moment and after the moment of zygote formation c) in the first days
of a child’s life. The author uses the integrated technology of learning and self-knowledge (ITLSK) in the awake and altered
states of consciousness (ASC). The ASC was achieved in several steps according to a special procedure using the following
self-knowledge methods: setting, concentration, music, meditation, suggestion, self-suggestion, prayer, mantra and cosetting.
This is the first research in Russian science to receive data about peculiarities of perception, cogitation and emotions
in the perinatal period of fetal development through achieving the altered state of consciousness. Meditation allows
to consciously perceive ‘the other’ reality and accept one’s inner world and surrounding reality as the single entity. Deep
focus on oneself allows to achieve the state of calmness, harmony, knowledge and purity and fills one’s consciousness with
strength and energy. One’s internal world is the reality for our mind just as the external world is. Meditation can be used for
self-investigation and self-learning according to set goals as well as to study theory and practical application of psychology
and pedagogy, anatomy and physiology and other disciplines at a University.
perinatal psychology, individual consciousness, meditation, universal consciousness, perinatal experience, altered state of consciousness, conception (beginning of pregnancy), embryo, spirit, setting.
Korneenkov, S. S..
Retrospection: Peculiar Emotional Experience of an Individual in the Perinatal Period of Development (Experimental
Research in the Altered State of Consciousness)
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2014. № 9.
P. 952-967.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2014.9.65504 URL:
The article is devoted to the issues of perinatal psychology. Theoretical and experimental research carried out by
the author of the article is based on the hypothesis that human a) is a self-developing creature whose consciousness stores
all the emotions experienced by him during his fetal period of development; b) being in the altered state of consciousness,
he can recall the mental states experienced by him during the perinatal period of fetal development. The purpose of the
research is: 1) to study scientific and yoga literature on the problem of the unity of consciousness, spirit and material in the
perinatal period of an individual’s life; 2) to carry out an experimental research of emotions, perception and cogitation of
an individual at different periods of perinatal development. The object of research is the altered state of consciousness. The
subject of research is the peculiarities of perception, cogitation and emotions of an individual’s consciousness a) before the
moment of meeting with a fertilized ovum, b) at the moment and after the moment of zygote formation c) in the first days
of a child’s life. The author uses the integrated technology of learning and self-knowledge (ITLSK) in the awake and altered
states of consciousness (ASC). The ASC was achieved in several steps according to a special procedure using the following
self-knowledge methods: setting, concentration, music, meditation, suggestion, self-suggestion, prayer, mantra and cosetting.
This is the first research in Russian science to receive data about peculiarities of perception, cogitation and emotions
in the perinatal period of fetal development through achieving the altered state of consciousness. Meditation allows
to consciously perceive ‘the other’ reality and accept one’s inner world and surrounding reality as the single entity. Deep
focus on oneself allows to achieve the state of calmness, harmony, knowledge and purity and fills one’s consciousness with
strength and energy. One’s internal world is the reality for our mind just as the external world is. Meditation can be used for
self-investigation and self-learning according to set goals as well as to study theory and practical application of psychology
and pedagogy, anatomy and physiology and other disciplines at a University.
perinatal psychology, individual consciousness, meditation, universal consciousness, perinatal experience, altered state of consciousness, conception (beginning of pregnancy), embryo, spirit, setting.
Goncharuk, E. A..
Suffering in Terms of Philosophical Anthropology
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2014. № 7.
P. 692-700.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2014.7.65235 URL:
Much is said and written about suffering in modern philosophy. Noteworthy that in ancient philosophy suffering
became a philosophical concept. Classical philosophers such as Plato, Aristotle, Epicurus and Seneca tried to understand the nature and the purpose of suffering as a human emotional experience. The heroic purpose of the feeling
is shown in the phenomenon of catharsis as a spiritual purification. Later at different ages philosophers addressed to
suffering in order to revel the gnoseological, moral and esthetic aspect of the problem. However, no researchers have
been devoted to suffering in terms of philosophical anthropology. By comparing suffering with enjoyment and human
activity, philosophers have managed to outline different aspects of understanding this phenomenon and its role in
human life. Existentialism viewed suffering as a vivid and reverent emotion. However, not all aspects of this problem
are studied by modern philosophy. In the research the author uses, first of all, fundamental concepts of philosophical
anthropology. The author also uses hermeneutic methods and a problem-oriented approach to the analysis and exposition
of the material. When writing the article, the author addresses to the structural, historical and comparativehistorical
methods. The novelty of the article is in the fact that the researcher is the first one to give the historical and
philosophical description of the problem. The author also traces back the development of anthropology from ancient
philosophy to the ‘philosophy of life’. Special attention is paid to Kant’s definition of consciousness in philosophical
anthropology. The author also studies different aspects of this problem in Schopenhauer’s and Nietzsche’s philosophy.
human, philosophical anthropology, knowledge, suffering, enjoyment, action, catharsis, pain, bravery, heroic style.
Trufanova, E. O..
Escapism: Escape in Search for Meaning
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2014. № 6.
P. 597-608.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2014.6.65045 URL:
The main subject under research is the problem of escapism and escapist consciousness and their role in human
life. The author shows that as long as one of the most famous synonyms to escapism is the expression ‘escape
from reality’, escapism is associated with the opposition of the ‘real world’ to the ‘escapist reality’ (the world of fantasy,
dream, self-deceit, virtual world and subjective reality constructed by the individual consciousness. The author
describes reasons, sources and types of escapism, singles out and defines terms that are ‘related’ to escapism such as
sublimation, alienation and others. The author also offers a classification of escapism as ‘passive’ and ‘active’, ‘external’
and ‘internal’ and ‘moderate’ and ‘radical’. The main research methodology used by the author of the article is the
interdisciplinary approach to the problem of escapism. The aforesaid approach allows to fully explore the concept. Scientific
novelty is in raising the question about escapism and escapist consciousness as one of the fundamental features
of human existence. The author suggests that we should view escapistconsciousnessas a form of human consciousness
when the focus of activity is shifted from the real world perception to perceiving and experiencing events of the virtual
or imaginary world. Theauthoralsodemonstratesthatescapistconsciousnessintends not only absorption in actions and
events of the human inner world but also deliberate creation of the virtual world as the target of the ‘escape’. The
author shows that the main reason of escapism is the absent or insufficient ‘reason for existence’ or ‘meaning of life’
and therefore escapism is the ‘escape’ in search for meaning.
escapism, escapist consciousness, Self, meaning, hyper-reality, virtual reality, self-deceit, romanticism, dissociation, personal identity.
Rozin, V. M..
Fear and Anxiety: the Nature of the Phenomenon
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2014. № 5.
P. 493-502.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2014.5.64997 URL:
The author of the article analyzes the phenomena of fear and anxiety. The author tries to refuse from the
naturalistic understanding of fear as a natural psychic process. The author shows that fear is caused, on one hand, by
human activity and, on the other hand, by personality structure and orientation. The author offers his own theoretical
explanation of fear and anxiety in terms of the author’s teaching about ‘psychic realities’ where he uses the terms
‘scheme (pattern)’, ‘immediate reality’, derivatives of reality’, pyramid of reality’ and ‘counter reality’. Somatic reactions
and emotions associated with the phenomena under discussion are explained by the author as a result of blocked
realities and the loss of management from the side of schemes.
Speaking about the method, the author starts with psychoanalysis and then overcame it based on the methodology,
semiotics, cultural studies and psychological teaching about personality. In addition, he applies such procedures as
problematisation, comparative analysis and theoretical construction.
Based on the analysis carried out, the author criticizes the naturalistic interpretation of fear and anxiety and provides
his own explanation of the phenomena from the point of view of the psychotechnical approach. This allows to create a
new understanding of fear and anxiety and show that these phenomena can be applied by human in a way he needs it.
fear, anxiety, activity, life, scheme (pattern), reality, direct reality, blocking, management, life activity.
Sineokaya, Yu. V..
Truth as the Opposite Side of Deceit
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2013. № 11.
P. 1066-1073.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2013.11.63518 URL:
The article is devoted to analyzing the phenomenon of lying. Even though it may seem like a paradox, one of
the most efficient and therefore most common methods of up-bringing of the younger generation (including detection
of child’s fraud) is the parent’s lie. Negative consequences of the parent’s lie are quite obvious and include fear, anxiety,
feeling lonely and abandoned that are growing inside a child under the influence of his parent’s threats and child’s
imagination. The author shares her opinion on whether the parent’s lie actually makes a child obedient and how it
forms the understanding of ethics of truth. The author also discusses the long-term effects of the parent’s deceit on
a child’s perception of himself and his parents and answers the question whether the parent’s lie can be excused and
what other methods except for lying can be used by parents in up-bringing. It is quite obvious that lies do not help to
establish moral principles and ethics. The author speaks out against a common social stereotype according to which
lying cannot be used as a tool of up-bringing and a mean of socialization.
anthropology, ethics, existence, child’s deceit, parent’s lie, social stereotype, socialization of child, creative intellect, cognitive skills, pedagogy, teaching.
Rudnev, V. P..
Smoking and Obsessions
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2013. № 8.
P. 750-758.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2013.8.63112 URL:
The article studies the connection between smoking and obsessions. The author assumes that smoking relates
to obsession through death instinct. The author of the article states that there are the two opposite processes ongoing
in human inner world, hysterical and compulsive. The former is realized through difference and the latter is realized
through repetition. Nature (the hysterical) mostly represents itself as repetition and culture (the compulsive) represents
itself as the difference. But nature and culture cannot exist without one another. Repetition without difference is
a psychic death and difference without repetition is a natural irresponsibility of organic life. According to the author,
smoking allows to realize these two processes as a disjunctive synthesis of hysteria and obsession in a creative way.
However, it is important to quit smoking in order to realize one’s creative potentials apart from death instinct.
smoking, obsessions, death, love, creative work, hysteria, nature, culture, difference, repetition.
Rozenova, M. I..
Semantics of Perceiving Basic Personal Relations b y Modern Youth: Psychological Paradoxes
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2013. № 6.
P. 536-545.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2013.6.62802 URL:
The article presents the results of studying the perception and assessment of such relations as friendship
and love by modern students. The study is based on the contrast: the author uses a number of methods allowing to
discover conscious views on these terms/relations as well as methods allowing to discover unconscious, hidden models
of perceiving the above mentioned relations. The results were analyzed based on different methods of mathematical
statistics including factor analysis. The latter allowed to discover quite unexpected tendencies in young people’s views
on friendship and love. Received data show the difference, or we’d better say, the opposition between conscious and
unconscious semantic representations of friendship and love by young people. In conscious assessment, friendship is
thought to be the most reliable, predictable and preferred type of relationship and hidden models reveal friendship
as being a more risky and unpredictable type of relations and love as being a more reliable, desired, predictable and
expected type of relationship. Summarized results were compared to the data received in previous researchers which
allowed to define a number of peculiarities of formation of perception of basic personal relations by young people. The
results of this research also allowed to outline topical and prospective trends in influencing and educating growing
basic relations, education, understanding, unconscious, conscious, views, basic, factors, contradictions, semantics, models.
Gubina, S. T..
Typology of Musical Preferences: Psychological Types of Existential and Deficiency Perception
of Music
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2013. № 5.
P. 433-439.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2013.5.62750 URL:
The research discussed in the article is topical because it helps to explain the influence of one’s life experience
on his sensual images and interpretations in the process of music perception. From the point of view of methods used
in the research, the research is based on the phenomenological approach allowing to view the subject and object of
music perception, personality and music as interrelated items. The article has the two chapters. In the first chapter
the author of the article provides a theoretical analysis of types of musical preferences described by modern scientific
researchers. The second chapter contains a description of psychological types of music perception, existential and
deficiency ones. These are based on the results of qualitative analysis of verbal associations and evaluations of one’s
feelings in the process of music perception. The author of the article also describes prospects of using music in diagnostics
of one’s life priorities and values.
psychology, types, music, existence, deficiency, feelings, association, perception, phenomenology.
Belinskaya, E. P..
Problem of Changeability/Constancy of Human Self-Concept: Social and Psychological
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2013. № 4.
P. 320-327.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2013.4.62635 URL:
The article is devoted to the dynamics of social and psychological views on the problem of dynamic aspect
of Self-conception and identity. It is shown how the approval of the idea about the changeable Self passed the stages
of admission of a social subject’s activity, potential manifestations of Self structures and their temporary modus. The
author of the article underlines the role of the actual social environment, i.e. situations of social transformations,
in development of these views. It has been affirmed that the vital task of a modern human’s existence is becoming
the establishment of the meaning and significance of changing social reality for him personally, with the minimum
support of social determinacy and actualization of all his personal resources. This makes the majority of social and
psychological approaches to studying the Self pay attention at multiplicity and probability of self-consciousness
structures, which reflects the influence of general gnoseological principles of post-modernism on this matter.
psychology, social psychology, personality, Self-conception, identity, self-consciousness, possible Self, multiplicity of Self, social constructivism, social transformations.
Sukiasyan, S. G..
Gender Aspects in Concepts of Happiness and Human Nature
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2013. № 3.
P. 229-248.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2013.3.62509 URL:
The article is devoted to some historical and theoretical issues of the definition of happiness. The author of
the article studies the grounds based on which the phenomenon of human life should be studied. Special attention is
paid at gender aspects of happiness as well as certain factors that play an important role in the feeling of happiness.
Such factors include human nature, in particular, the degree of ‘hominization’ of human.
psychology, happiness, human happiness, human nature, theories of happiness, prerequisites of happiness, gender differences, psychology of happiness, felicitology, ethnical peculiarities of feeling happy.
Rudnev, V. P..
Concerning Some Peculiarities of Psychotic Thinking (From the Outside and Inside)
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2013. № 2.
P. 115-123.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2013.2.62391 URL:
The article describes a new approach to describing psychotic thinking. In particular, the corner
stone of psychotic thinking is shown as the problem of the relation between the inside and outside. Previous
researchers viewed psychosis as the presentation of the inside as if it were the outside (projection and hallucinations)
but the author of this article views psychosis as a complicated dialectics of the outside world
and the inside experience.
psychiatry, psychology, schizophrenia, hysteria, obsession, reality, Freud, Bion, hallucinations, delusion.
Rozin, V. M..
Sex and Love on the Internet or the Two Opposite Personalities of a Modern Outcast
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2013. № 1.
P. 8-16.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2013.1.62132 URL:
The article is devoted to the situation of sexual relations typical for Russian and foreign outcasts. The
author of the article discusses social conditions (such as new communication media, hedonistic orientations, moral
crisis and etc.) allowing them to sell their bodies and feelings and remain a usual member of a society at the same
time. The author makes an assumption that many of them suffer from duality in personality and discusses evidences
of this hypothesis. Even if their sexual relations are not pathological, marginal love has various and quite negative
consequences for their intimate relations. This kind of ‘love’ stimulates the second personality and makes human live
in his dream world because this kind of ‘love’ destroys usual intimate relations and life. The author also appeals to
late Foucault’s views and touches upon the ethical issues arising in connection with this topic.
psychology, personality, sex, love, Internet, pathology, consciousness, duality, life, realization.
Babochkin, P. I..
Personality as the Maker of His Being and Life Path
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2012. № 11.
P. 7-11.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2012.11.61666 URL:
The article is devoted to the personal development of a young man as a social subject of cogitation and activity.
The author of the article reveals views of philosophers and modern scientists on social activity of personality and
formation of a personal life path. Meaning of life is viewed as the highest integrative purpose of human and axiological
grounds for the level of development of personal vitality.
psychology, society, human, object, subject, value, activity, meaning, culture.
Gizatullina, A. G..
Psychological Features of Loneliness in Individual Social Groups
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2012. № 10.
P. 24-31.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2012.10.61611 URL:
The author of the article summarizes results of the experimental and psychological research of the phenomenon
of loneliness in certain population groups living in the East Kazakhstan Province. During her research the
author also took into account the social status and gender differences of respondents. The article describes theoretical
research and experimental proof of certain actually existing social and psychological determinants. The author
of the article discovers that there is a certain relation between loneliness and psychological qualities. The author also
provides the quantitative and qualitative analysis of the results of experiment.
psychology, phenomenon of loneliness, deliberate loneliness, forced loneliness, situational loneliness, social group, age differences, gender differences, psychological research, loneliness.
Sukharev, V. A..
Empirical Manifestations of Intra-Personal Coflicts of Middle Aged Women and their Dynamics
Towards Crisis States
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2012. № 9.
P. 27-34.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2012.9.61518 URL:
The article is devoted to the study of human states in difficult life situations such as intra-personal conflicts
and personality crisis. The author of the article has developed and verified the scheme for grading the states of intrapersonal
conflicts in different groups of respondents. The author also offers a set of methods for the determination
of the balance and unbalance of indicators in gender intra-personal conflicts which show their dynamics towards
personality crises. The results of the study can be used for organization of a task-oriented counseling process taking
into account differentiated parameters of the respondents’ states.
psychology, crisis, conflict, personality, coping, locality, totality, tests, self-evaluation, gender.
Gizatullina, A. G..
Old People’s Loneliness: Social and Psychological Aspects
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2012. № 8.
P. 37-43.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2012.8.61370 URL:
Influence of social and psychological factors on the process of personal aging leads to the breakdown of habitual
social and psychological connections and relations of an old person which, eventually, causes social deprivation having a
negative impact on personality. In most cases this effect gets even worse in situations of physical and psychological loneliness
which is quite typical for old aged people. The given article contains the results of the author’s research of loneliness of elderly
people and their features from the point of view of gender, age and individual differences.
psychology, loneliness, aging, elderly years, old age, anxiety, depression, social and psychological aspects, social deprivation, psychological loneliness.
Jackson, M..
Existential Anthropology (translated by M. A. Sultanova)
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2012. № 7.
P. 19-29.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2012.7.61276 URL:
When working on his version of existential anthropology, Australian anthropologist Michael Jackson
tries to combine anthropological research methods with the existentialism theory. He believes such an
approach will allow to better understand human. Besides theoretical concepts, he also describes many examples
from life of aborigines in Africa and Australia such as war, poverty, homelessness, unemployment,
and etc. He analyzes their emotions and feelings about it from the point of view of anthropology. At the
same time, Jackson looks at it from the humanistic point of view and with great compassion he describes
their difficult life which makes those people see their recovery in occultism and sometimes even turn them
into suicide bombers.
psychology, existentialism, existence, natality, ‘second nature’, culture, situation, desperation, suicide bombers, occultism.
Avalyan, S.A..
On life and death
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2012. № 6.
P. 6-12.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2012.6.59606 URL:
The article deals with the psychological aspects of death. The problem of death is one of the fundamental problems
affecting the limiting basis of life. The instinct of destruction is functioning in an every living being and it attempts to lead
one to its death, bringing life to the original condition of the inanimate matter. The instinct of death is transformed into
an instinct of destruction only when it is directed to objects. The living being retains its own life by destroying someone
else’s. But some part of the death instinct remains to act within a living organism.
psychology, life, death, culture, symbol, immortality, transcendence, therapy, religion, suffering.
Korneenkov, S. S..
Determination, Indetermination and Self-Determination in Human Evolution
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2012. № 5.
P. 16-24.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2012.5.59554 URL:
The article is devoted to the drivers of human evolution. There are a few approaches to this matter in science. The
goals of this particular article are: 1) to study the theory of determination and indetermination in human evolution; 2)
prove the provision that human being is a self-determining creature. All the assumptions are based on the provision that the
phenomenon of human is made up out of the unity of body, nature, social, psyche, cosmic and spirit. Nature, Universe and
Human exist in absolute unity. Human structures live and develop according to their own laws that are closely wreathen
and interrelated. Freedom and determinism are the two sides of the one phenomenon. Our mind is part of this process.
Determination and time exist only in our mind but not in nature. Universe and human development are totally governed
by the universal law of self-determination.
psychology, determination, indetermination, self-determination, human evolution, paradigm, Universe, Higher Self, Absolute, spirit.
Tshelokova, Yu. V..
Gordon Allport about Psychological Model
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2012. № 4.
P. 6-12.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2012.4.59430 URL:
The article analyzes views discussed by an American psychologist Gordon Allport. The latter developed a number
of rules for psychoanalysts managing psychotherapy. At the samt time, American psychoanalyst viewed personality as a
complex and ever-developing system of habits, stereotypes and personal traits.
psychology, personality, traits, structure, dynamics, character, body, temper, counseling, management.
Katunin, A. V..
The Observable and Unobservable in the Human Inner World, Unobservability of Self
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2012. № 3.
P. 12-25.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2012.3.59377 URL:
In this article the author considers the topic about the observable and unobservable in the human inner world.
It is well know that observation of our inner world is different from observation of material things, on-going events and
natural science targets. It is one thing to observe natural phenomenon and it is completely a different thing to observe consciousness,
psyche and our own Self. Due to the fact that there are many conceptions of our inner world, the author of the
article describes what is observable and what is not observable, what can be researched and what cannot. We should also
remember that observation and study of the surrounding world remain imperfect without observation and study of the human
inner world because our inner world is a reality, too. Our inner world contains all kinds of feelings, sensations, psychic
images which lead us through our life and influence the surrounding world. Important goals of this research include: first
of all, to study peculiarities of observation of the inner world and self-observation based on Immanuel Kant’s and Boris
Velichkovsky’s philosophies; secondly, to compare modern researches in the sphere of unconsciousness and cognitive science
including classical experiment with the participation of Wilhelm Wundt’s metronome; thirdly, the author analyzes the
topic of unobservability of Self based on classical philosophy and modern conceptions introduced by such philosophers as
Vladislav Lektorsky and Rom Harre.
psychology, non-observable, Self, human inner world, self-observation, consciousness, unconsciousness, cognitive sciences, epistemology, psyche, reality.
Berezina, T. N..
Mental Images of Higher Order in the Structure of Imaginative Form
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2012. № 1.
P. 13-25.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2012.1.59218 URL:
The article gives the summary of modern views on the nature of image and describes a few approaches
to the definition of mental images and relevant theories and classification. The emphasis is made on existence
of the two systems of information processing: imaginative and verbal. The author describes the levels of summarizing
of the processed information within each system. The author makes an assumption that imaginative
information undergoes a few levels of processing and images of a certain order are being processed at each
level. Orders are defined by analogy with the levels of integration into the second signaling system. Images of
the zero order are sensitive images, images of the first order are similar to eidetic memory, images of the second
order are classical secondary images, orders of the third order exist in the form of a contour — summarized
images. Orders of the fourth order are special transformations, images of the fifth order — non-verbal etalons
of moral, philosophical and mathematical generalizations.
psychology, images, mental images, secondary images, first signaling system theory of dual coding, imagens, vivid representation, propositional representation, images of higher order.
Kirsanov, A. Yu..
Rollo May’s Anthropological Ideas
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2011. № 12.
P. 15-20.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2011.12.59111 URL:
Rollo May is one of the founders of humanistic psychology. His works reflect a number of anthroplogical
ideas which remain topical and important even today. Personal formation, development of the Self feeling, ability to
distinguish the Self from the other world – these are the topics this article is devoted to.
philosophy, psychology, human, personality, intentionality, identity, unconsciousness, internal center, freedom, fear.
Korneenkov, S. S..
The Feeling of Fear in Altered State of Consciousness (Psychodiagnostics and
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2011. № 11.
P. 26-35.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2011.11.59159 URL:
The author of the article studies psychological and spiritual causes of fear and phobia. The
author shares the method of gaining the altered state of consciousness. In such state of consciousness
one can actually conduct self-diagnostics, psychocorrection and psychotherapy of negative emotions.
The main characteristics of the altered state of consciousness include: the depth of immersion, energy
intensity and carrying capacity which reflects the amount of energy one can embody and emit.
The author of the article develops an integrated technology of learning and self-cogitation. The article
also contains measured data concerning feelings of fear in the altered state of consciousness. It is concluded
that the given technology allows to study our own psychic processes, states, emotions and personal
traits in their dynamics. The technology also has a significant psychotherapeutic effect and harmonizes
psychosomatic state as well as develop a whole range of positive personal traits such as patience,
calmness, balance of mind, responsibility for one’s words and actions.
psychology, psyche, altered consciousness, self-cognition, psychodiagnostics, psychocorrection, psychotherapy, phobia, personality, fear.
Zelinskaya, A. N..
Freedom as an Existential Problem
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2011. № 10.
P. 7-15.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2011.10.58954 URL:
The article analyzes the phenomenon of freedom from the point of view of existential psychoanalysis. The
author of the article provides the study of the problem in the light of history and philosophy and draws the line between
the classical and existential psychoanalysis. The author also outlines the relative nature of the norm and pathology.
psychology, philosophy, existential, ‘Man’, choice, freedom, norm, pathology, responsibility, society.
Avalyan, S. A..
Historical and Philosophical Interpretation of the Other
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2011. № 9.
P. 6-21.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2011.9.58770 URL:
The article describes a historical and philosophical interpretation and relationship between Self and the
Other. The author studies the category of consciousness based on M. Bakhtin’s, G. Shpet’s and L. Vygotsky’s works.
All of them tried to answer the questions about the definition and nature of consciousness and proved that there was
a certain connection between consciousness, dialogism and the category of the Other.
psychology, the other, Bakhtin, Self, social studies, dialogism, communication, consciousness, Shpet, Vygotsky.
Egorova, I. V..
Anthropological Renaissance
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2011. № 8.
P. 18-28.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2011.8.58708 URL:
Anthropological renaissance is one of the important occurrences in modern philosophy and psychology.
Common features of this process are quite obvious. These include: deep interest towards human, revival of anthropological
researches and introduction of new ways of philosophical understanding of human.
psychology, psychoanalysis, anthropology, human, psyche, consciousness, unconsciousness, enlightenment, creativity, personality.
Zolotukhina-Abolina, E. V..
Transformation of a Person’s Past as an Existential Problem
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2011. № 6.
P. 6-13.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2011.6.58613 URL:
The article is devoted to psychotherapeutic techniques of changing a person’s past as well as to certain existential
problems arising when applying these techniques. The author compares post-modernistic and traditional approaches
to the past and shows natural prerequisites for changing a person’s past which create the basis for conscious
transformation of memory in a post-modernistic way. Having described the most ‘harsh’ techniques and related
problems, the author suggests ‘softer’ techniques which allow to interpret the past experience for therapeutic purposes
instead of changing the memory about the past.
psychology, memory, past, psychotechnics, transformation, post-Modernism, integrity, existential, personality, reframing.
Merleau-Ponty, M..
Man and Adversity (translated by E. A. Grossman)
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2011. № 5.
P. 17-27.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2011.5.58325 URL:
Merleau-Ponty’s work reveals the dynamics of philosophers’ views on human during the first half of the 20th century.
Merleau-Ponty describes such peculiarities of human researches in those times as the unity of the body and soul,
understanding of an important role of language and etc.
psychology, philosophy, human, language, society, Marxism, humanism, surrealism, body, soul.
Zelinskaya, A. N..
Variety of Emotions as a Psychological Phenomenon
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2011. № 4.
P. 6-16.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2011.4.58350 URL:
The article views emotions as the most versatile, unpredictable and changeable sphere of human psyche. Based
on the author, it covers all aspects of human existence. It is shown that emotions serve as an ‘internal language’, a system
of signals showing that an event plays an important role for someone. The author of the article also touches upon
the problem of emotionlessness of a modern person who tries to lower the degree of suffering and to secure his inner
world from an emotional stress.
psychology, emotion, emotional state, feeling, character, relationships, emotionlessness, , values, perception, psyche.
Boronenkova, Ya. S..
‘Candle in the Wind’: Case of
Marilyn M.
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2011. № 3.
P. 19-24.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2011.3.58080 URL:
This article is an attempt to explain Marilyn
Monroe’s psychological problems and her relationships
with a psychoanalyst Ralph Greenson as well as possible
positive and negative consequences of recessions
from the psychotherapy canons. The article is factually
based on Patrick Jeady’s movie ‘Marilyn, dernières séances’
(2008), the book ‘Marilyn: The Last Sessions’ by
Michel Schneider, documentaries, audio recordings of the
actress’ self-analysis as well as facts from the actress’
diary fi rst published in Russia in 2011 (Marilyn Monroe;
Life Told by Herself).
psychology, Marilyn Monroe, Ralph Greenson, barbiturate, ‘talk’ therapy, bibliotherapy, periostracum, defense mechanisms, separation.
Furtmuller, C..
Alfred Adler: A biographical essay
(translated by E. G. Balagushkina).
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2011. № 2.
P. 14-28.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2011.2.57977 URL:
This is a biographical essay telling us how a
famous Austrian doctor and psychologist, founder of the
individual psychology Alfred Adler formed his personality
and scientific views. The essay was written by Carl
Furtmuller, one of Adler’s associates. Special attention
is paid at the role which Sigmund Freud played in Alfred
Adler’s life and scientific work.
philosophy, psychology, psychoanalysis, individual psychology, Alfred Adler
Adler, A..
Knowledge of People. Continuation (translated
by E. G. Balagushkina).
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2011. № 1.
P. 25-33.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2011.1.57953 URL:
This is the continuation of translation of Alfred
Adler’s work ‘Knowledge of People’. There Adler talks
about a special discipline in science, - knowledge of people
as he calls it, - and also about human soul, social peculiarities
of a spiritual life and inferiority complex, the latter being
the natural result of human socialization, as Adler sees it.
psychology, knowledge of people, Adler, human, society, child, inferiority complex
Adler, Alfred.
Knowledge of people. Introduction.
Chapter 1-3 (translated by E.G.Balagushkina).
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2010. № 12.
P. 22-36.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2010.12.57851 URL:
This is the translation of the first three chapters
of Alfred Adler’s work ‘Knowledge of People’. There Adler
talks about a special discipline in science, - knowledge of
people as he calls it, - and also about human soul, social
peculiarities of a spiritual life and inferiority complex,
the latter being the natural result of human socialization,
as Adler sees it.
psychology, knowledge of people, Adler, human, society, child, inferiority complex
Shichanina, Yu. V..
The taste of being: basic anthropological
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2010. № 11.
P. 8-13.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2010.11.57831 URL:
In her article the author continues the topic
which she started at the international scientific conference
‘Modern Ontology – II: Being as a Central Problem
of Ontology’ (held on 25-29 June 2007 at St. Petersburg,
Russia. The author focuses her attention on anthropological
strategies and psychological technologies of obtaining
and understanding the taste of being and peculiarities
of ‘being in taste’. The author also touches upon the
following issues: gaining insight into being as a part of
the present, mystical psychological and philosophical
psychology, philosophy, taste, measure, existence, the other, one whole, consciousness, mysticism, strategy
Oreshkin, A. S..
Human Being as a Symbolic Animal.
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2010. № 10.
P. 21-28.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2010.10.57822 URL:
At a certain stage of his development human became a historical creature. He diligently collected and formed
his ideas around the events which seemed the most important to him and in which he was the main character. From the
philosophical point of view human history is the ‘history of human’ in the fi rst place, or to be more exact, evolution of the
concept of human. The author of the article analyzes the Cassirer’s idea on human being a ‘symbolic animal’.
human, symbol, philosophy, psychology, symbolic animal, philosophical anthropology, substance, function, speech
Beskova, I. A..
Perception: Direct and Indirect
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2010. № 8.
P. 29-40.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2010.8.57560 URL:
the article is devoted to a number of questions brining us to better understanding of the perception process. Thus, the author of the article covers the following aspects:
-representation systems, -duality and non-duality in self-sentiment and way of perceiving the world, -influence of human stereotypes on the surrounding reality, -explanation why the observer’s position prevents from true experience
psychology, perception, corporeity, mind, representation, direct, observer, attention, enlightenment, psychotechnics
Dmitrieva, A.B..
About specificity self-concept
narcissism persons
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2010. № 8.
P. 41-47.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2010.8.62672 URL:
The article is dedicated to the analyses of the specific self-concept traits typical of narcissistic personalities or narcissistic character type personalities. The analyses concentrates on structural components of the self-concept and on their peculiarity pertaining to narcissistic personalities. Since the notion of narcissistic personality itself basically implies some kind of deviation in self-regard, studies and analyses of specific and characteristic traits of narcissistic self-concept might be useful in psychological counseling, psychodiagnostics and therapy.
self-concept, narcissistic personality, narcissism, narcissistic, specific, self-regard, self-esteem.
Katyukhina, T. V..
Source of Silence in the Bosom of Mystery Cult
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2010. № 6.
P. 32-38.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2010.6.57469 URL:
This article is devoted to the category ‘silence’ and analysis of this category from the point of view of philosophy and anthropology. The goal of this study is to define the origins of this term. As the result of the study of ‘pre-word’ human nature the author marks one of the basic capabilities of human, - his ability to image. Due to the latter, we can find the origins of silence in the bosom of mystery, cult and magic action
psychology, philosophy, mystery, cult, symbol, silence, conscious, imagination, human nature
Savchenko, N. M..
Notes on Narcissism
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2010. № 5.
P. 8-15.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2010.5.57458 URL:
The article is devoted to various aspects of the psychoanalytical conception of Narcissism such as: metapsychology of narcissism, narcissistic conception of corporeity, connection between narcissism and sublimation, narcissism and melancholy as well as ethical aspect of narcissistic experience
psychology, narcissim, metapsychology, libido, Ideal-Self, image, sublimation, loss, melancholy, ontology, ethics
Skripnik, V. V..
Space and Time as Integral Essences of the Human Unconsciousness
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2010. № 4.
P. 15-24.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2010.4.57330 URL:
The article is devoted to the questions of the subjective perception of time by human. All events happening in our life (disregarding the fact whether they were apprehended or not) automatically saved or repressed. When they become part of the unconscious, they do not follow the chronological time any more but still influence us and our life. The time there is not linear as it is thought to be. There is no past, future or presence there. According to the author, such an asynchrony of time in our unconsciousness explains such phenomena as prediction, intuition and future prediction. We may feel something is going to happen but we often don’t acknowledge or accept it because such feelings contradict to the laws of logic and consciousness.
psychology, time, space, unconsciousness, soul, myth, reincarnation, archetype, v dream, synchrony
Nikitina, A. S..
Marsilio Ficino about Soul and Its Potentials
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2010. № 3.
P. 7-12.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2010.3.57297 URL:
The article is devoted to the conception of Soul and Sensuality created by Marsilio Ficino, philosopher of the Renaissance epoch. It is noted that Soul has an inner light. The author also discusses the thought of our body being the storage of the immortal Soul.
philosophy, psychology, soul, body, art, fantasy, ratio, beauty, culture, sensuality
Bueva, L. P..
On the Question of Defining the Anthropological Basis of Culture
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2009. № 12.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2009.12.57128 URL:
It is the culture and all its various forms which is the way to a human existence and the unique creation both by the human world and human himself. Existence of culture derives not only from the nature of society but also from human himself and his versatile features. Both origin, content and the meaning of culture are closely connected with anthropology.
psychology, culture, philosophical anthropology, being, artifact, need, image, canon, motivation, stimulation, tradition
Kernberg, O..
Narcissistic Personality Disorders (Translated by M. A. Sultanova)
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2009. № 11.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2009.11.57105 URL:
This is the translation of a lecture read by Otto Kernberg, professor, PhD of Medicine and president of the International Psychoanalytical Associations. The lecture was first read and written down in 1992 in Urbino, Italy. The lecture of the American psychiatrist was mostly devoted to such terms as ‘narcissism’ and ‘narcissistic personality’. Narcissistic personality is viewed as a pathological regulation of the self-esteem and ‘narcissistic personality’ as the worst form of the ‘pathological’ narcissism. The professor also described the main methods of therapy of narcissistic personality disorders (psychoanalysis, psychoanalytical therapy and supporting psychotherapy.
psychoanalysis, philosophy, narcissism, self-esteem, neurosis, pathology, narcissistic personality, psychoanalytical psychotherapy
Beskova, I. A..
Does the Consciousness Evolve?
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2009. № 10.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2009.10.56970 URL:
Review: the article is devoted to the study of evolution of consciousness. It is shown that existing approaches do not solve the problem so the author suggested a new model in which dynamics of consciousness are more complex but less contradictory. The author described new types of consciousness (superficial, profound and Ego consciousness) and specific stages of its transformation. It is also noted what processes can actually bring harmony into man’s life and free him from constant conflicts
psychology, consciousness, evolution, Ego, dissociation, duality, conflict, transformation, freedom, realization
Beskova, D. A..
Photic and Chromatic Environment as a Factor Influencing Adaptation of Corporeity (Public Transport as an Example)
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2009. № 8.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2009.8.56922 URL:
The article is devoted to the problems of adaptation of corporeity and influence of environmental factors on the process of adaptation. Photic and chromatic characteristics of the environment have a complex and polymodal influence at all levels. It is suggested that coloristic space of the city environment may be viewed as a representative model illustrating such an influence.
Key words: psychology, corporeity, adaptation, psychosomatics, appliance, coloristics, color, design, city, space
Golenok, G. V..
Transformation of the live world as an anthropological problem
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2009. № 7.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2009.7.56807 URL:
Catastrophic destruction of the environment, intensive pollution with nuclear and other waste, diminishing of the landscape, unexpected spread of pandemic (worldwide) diseases, - all that creates a crucial situation for the humankind. It certainly gives food for the thought and attempts to understand what is happening. The topic of transformation of the live world is an important anthropological problem nowadays.
psychology, philosophical anthropology, human, life, biology, cyborg, conscience, nature, cloning
Pechenin, N. K..
Ontogenesis of human habitus
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2009. № 6.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2009.6.56721 URL:
Abstract: The article discusses the process of habitus formation from the very first representations of a newborn to the complex habitus containing all kinds of morals. It is concluded that there is an original variant of habitus which can be called a “proto-personality”. It is also shown how situation units and forms of impersonal communication create a difficult structure of habitus.
psychology, habitus, ontogenesis, personality, proto-personality, good morals, society, institute, group, representation
Rudneva, E. G..
The most eccentric creature of the Universe
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2009. № 5.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2009.5.56675 URL:
Resume: the article is devoted to the eccentric nature of human. The author has pointed out the irrational human nature and has characterized human as a deserter of the organic world.
psychology, human, mind, advertising, life, myth, culture, instincts, necrophyle, biophyle
Schelokova, Y. V..
Specifically human
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2009. № 4.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2009.4.56653 URL:
Abstract: Erich Fromm’s legacy contains many original ideas which had a certain impact on the minds of the 20th century. These are the ideas of the human being nearly the most eccentric creature of the Universe, of the human passions and worries being conditioned by the historical development, of the social character as the reflection of both biological and cultural factors, and so on. The author of the article uncovered the main aspects of Fromm’s philosophical
psychology, philosophy, human nature, personality, existentialism, humanism, destructiveness, human, social character, individual
Kulagina, N. V..
Gender conflict as a factor of personal and professional disadaptation
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2009. № 3.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2009.3.56292 URL:
the article is devoted to a rather new phenomenon in the modern psychology, so called “intrapersonal gender conflict”, and its causes. The author used a number of researches as examples illustrating destructive influence of the intra—personal gender conflict on mental and physical health. The author showed the negative impact of the conflict on the processes of personal and professional self-realization and on the sphere of interpersonal relationships. The article aims at underling the intrapersonal gender conflict as a very important issue as well as at encouraging specialists to take more active steps towards developing methods and techniques for prevention and correction of such a personal conflict.
psychology, gender, disadaptation, intrapersonal conflict, gender conflict, gender roles, personality, gender-role differentiation, masculinity, femininity
Bushmakina, O. N., Sirotkin, S. F..
Prerequisites for critical psychology in Russia
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2009. № 2.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2009.2.56251 URL:
Abstract: as a rule, general prerequisites for beginning and development of the critical psychology include Marks’ theory of activity, psychoanalysis, postmodernism and feminism. These theoretical traditions were initially formed as the society’s criticism of ideology and classical psychology. In this way or another, all of them are connected with the idea of realizing the human vocation in the social, historical and cultural environment.
psychology, activity, thinking, goals, human vocation, stereotypes, psychic processes, subject, social experience, subjectivity
Shelokova, Y. V..
The sense of lost feelings
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2009. № 1.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2009.1.56155 URL:
The article is aimed at defining the role of emotions in human life and showing the negative consequences of repression in this sphere of human subjectivity. The author described the phenomenon of absence of feelings as a psychopathological symptom. The author of the article confirmed the priority of feelings and showed how diverse and numerous the emotional states could be.
psychology, feeling, emotion, affection, inwardness, human, psychopathology, absence of feelings
Katyuhina, T. V..
Human as the First Silent Creature in the World
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2008. № 3.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2008.3.56142 URL:
the phenomena of silence is one of the most interesting and mysterious topics in philosophy. On one hand, there is always something “unspeakable” and on the other hand, we can’t speak of silence if we don’t understand the nature of the language. There are many theories of the language origin but they do not reveal the phenomena of “Homo silent”. Silence is a sacred side of our Self, a unique world of imagination which distinguishes us from all the other creatures. Silence is the tool of building another reality where a person forgets his biological and social attributes and discovers his own “self”.
I. A. Beskova.
Beasts Guard the Treasures: Person and His Fears.
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2008. № 2.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2008.2.56068 URL:
The article discusses fears, these beasts of the human interior which sometimes hide in our unconscious from the light of conscious but escape and make us commit thoughtless, ineffective or even self-harming actions, - anything which would help us to avoid a new encounter with them. Fear is usually a reaction to an objective situation when a man has to either flee or attack. But in the modern world fears are more often triggered by the “game of the thought” when an idea or an image goes through your mind – and starts a full fear reaction. Even if the reality does not give actual grounds for such a reaction, it does not relieve us from experiencing difficult and unpleasant emotions.
Spirova, E.M..
Subconscious interprets a child.
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2008. № 1.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2008.1.55946 URL:
By the beginning of the 20th century psychologists’ views on children branched out. On the verge of the two epochs Zigmund Froid discovered an incredible thing: human’s sexuality appeared very early – in childhood already. It just goes through different stages. The thought would certainly overwhelm some famous people like ancient Greek philosopher Plato, for instance. He did believe that only an adult could have sexual problems.