Mutalipov R.B..
On Urban Planning and the Socio-Economic Development of Cities in Russia
// Politics and Society. – 2023. – № 1.
– P. 16-20.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2023.1.43811.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2023.1.43811
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Abstract: This article analyzes features of urban planning and socio-economic development in Russia concerning problems that require legislative resolution. The author uses analysis, synthesis, formal legal, and logical methods to explore urban planning and socio-economic development issues. The dialectical method was applied to analyze legislation and its emerging practice. It was revealed that the change in the functional zones of urban land can often be carried out unreasonably, which leads to challenging these changes in court. At the same time, the consequences of such contestation by the legislator are not directly indicated, leading to legal uncertainty regarding the possible use of the land. It is proposed to legislate the consequences of declaring disputed changes invalid by the court, including restoring the former functional zone and bringing the territorial zone in line with the functional one by introducing changes to city authorities' land use and development rules.
Based on the study's results on the practice of socio-economic development of cities, it was established that master plans and concepts are being developed in cities, the adoption of which is not provided for by the legislation on urban planning and strategic planning. According to the author, it is necessary to amend the Federal Law "On Strategic Planning in the Russian Federation" and supplement the list of municipal strategic planning documents with master plans and the concept of the city's development, which will correspond to the established practice. It is expected that the proposed ideas will improve the efficiency of urban space management and attract private investment in the formation of a comfortable urban environment.
Keywords: territorial zoning, functional zoning, general plan, concepts of city development, master plans, contestation of the functional zone, socio-economic development of cities, socio-economic development strategies, urban development of cities, strategic planning documents
Official website of the Federal State Statistics Service. Retrieved from
Tabolin, V. V. & Tabolin, A. V. (2021). Category of utility in urban law: on the practical significance of the results of the activities of the city authorities. Constitutional and Municipal Law, 10, 67–71.
Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation: Federal Law No. 190-FZ of December 29, 2004 (as amended and supplemented, effective from September 1, 2022). SZ RF. 2005. No. 1 (part 1). Art. 16.
Basharin, A.V. (2020). On limiting the freedom of discretion of public authorities when adopting (changing) master plans. Commentary on the Appellate Determination of the Judicial Collegium for Administrative Cases of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation dated March 6, 2019, No. 78-APA19-5. Bulletin of Economic Justice of the Russian Federation, 9, 10–22.
On strategic planning in the Russian Federation: Federal Law of June
Mokhov V.P..
Political factor of gender asymmetry in the local self-government bodies
// Politics and Society. – 2017. – № 11.
– P. 74-81.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2017.11.24581.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2017.11.24581
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Abstract: The subject of this research is the gender distribution in the local self-government bodies at the current state of Russian development. The author thoroughly analyzes the gender representatives in various structures of the local self-government and municipal authorities. The article defines the political component of gender asymmetry in the local government, as well as identifies five key forms of gender asymmetry in the local self-government bodies, including hierarchical, position, role, territorial-status, power asymmetry. The author formulates the social and political factors of establishment of gender asymmetry, and reveals the difference in gender distribution between the municipal posts and positions of municipal service. The research leans on the statistical analysis of the data published by the Russian Federal State Statistics Service on the personnel of municipal service and municipal positions as of October 1, 2016. In the course of this work, it is determined that the gender asymmetry in the local self-government bodies carries institutionalized character; it is entrenched in social practices that have been reproduced for over decades in the election processes, formal and informal interactions at the local level. The movement up the ladder of official positions increases the role of political factor: the positions of municipal service of senior and chief groups in power relations manifest as the transitional stage from management to power positions, where takes place the gender inversion.
Keywords: territorial-status asymmetry, group of posts, gender asymmetry, local political elite, municipal positions, gender factor, municipal employees, gender gap, male character of power , institutionalization of gender asymmetry
Ryabova T. B., Ovcharova O. G. Gendernaya politologiya v Rossii: dostizheniya, problemy i perspektivy// Zhenshchina v rossiyskom obshchestve. 2016. № 1. S.3-23.
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Ovcharova O. G. Gendernaya asimmetriya
Medvedeva N..
Social partnership between the authorities and local community in Russia: domestic experience (XIX-early XX centuries)
// Politics and Society. – 2017. – № 9.
– P. 59-67.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2017.9.22618.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2017.9.22618
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Abstract: The subject of this research is the social partnership of the government and local community. The conditions of limited socioeconomic resources of the municipal formations require the search for the new opportunities for their development. Special attention is given to analysis of the potential partners interested in the socioeconomic development of territories, such as the local self-governance and representatives of local community (social organizations and associations). The goal of the article consists in comprehension of the historical experience that grasps the cooperation of government authorities with public under the conditions of transformation of the socioeconomic relations, territorial reorganization of the system of municipal administration, and modern state of development of the local self-governance. Leaning on the application of general scientific methods (analysis, synthesis, generalization), the article determines the merits and limitations of implementation of the local (county) self-governance reform throughout the XIX – beginning of the XX centuries. The scientific novelty lies in actualization of the historical experience of the organization of local authorities in the context of development of the territorial public self-governance and establishment of the civil society. On the basis of retrospective analysis of experience of the public self-governance, the author defines the priority directions in reforming the local government at the present stage. This constructive interaction between the authorities and the local community will contribute into the development of social partnership and establishment of self-organization at the local level.
Keywords: social partnership, self-organization, county institutions , county reform, municipality, local community, local government, municipal management, public self-government, territory
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Shutman D., Kuznetsova E..
Development of the system of local self-governance as imperative link within the system of decentralized government administration in modern Russia
// Politics and Society. – 2017. – № 4.
– P. 134-144.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2017.4.22283.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2017.4.22283
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Abstract: The subject of this research is the peculiarities of establishment of self-governance system in modern Russia. The authors meticulously examine the following aspects of the topic: key factors that conduce the dynamic in this process; factors of decentralization of government administration and redistribution of authorities at the local level. Special attention is given to analysis of the current stage of development of self-governance system at local level, substantiated by number of objective complications and insufficient study. Certain factors that impede the target maneuver towards evolution of the institutions of democracy at the level of local communities, lie within the framework of government authority and require immediate measures for activation of the reforms. The authors analyze the Anglo-Saxon, French, and mixed concepts of development of local self-governance. The determined trends allowed comprehensively examine the process of structuring of the local self-governance system in modern Russia. The results of the conducted research became the conclusions about the high-priority measures, theoretical and practical implementation of which within the state construction will contribute into development of the institutions of democratic society and the entire system of realization of the local self-governance.
Keywords: local authority, government authority, self-organization of citizens, democracy, government administration, local self-governance, market economy, elements of democracy, marginality, social networks
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Dementyev V.A..
Participation of the local branches of political parties in municipal elections conducted on the basis of the proportional electoral system
// Politics and Society. – 2017. – № 4.
– P. 1-10.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2017.4.22764.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2017.4.22764
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Abstract: The subject of this research is the participation of the local branches of political parties in municipal elections in cases when such elections take place in accordance with the proportional electoral system, and the local branches participate in it by putting forth the lists of candidates. Among all of these types of electoral associations with the right to nominate the candidates at the municipal elections, the local branches of political parties hold a special place. Being the closest to population structural subdivisions of political parties, the local branches are called to take active part in the municipal elections; however, namely due to their participation in the election, the law enforcement practice faced the majority of issues, which yet to not have an unambiguous legislative resolution. The method of the research leans on the analysis of the legal norms contained in legislative acts of the Russian Federation and its constituents, examination of the law enforcement practice, associated with participation of the branches of political parties in the local elections. The author determines the factors that are capable of creating the circumstances for violation of the rights of citizens and their associations regarding the participation in elections, as well as formulates the key ways of resolution of the assigned problems.
Keywords: Local self-government, Political parties, Elections, public associations, proportional electoral system, local elections, electoral process, municipal law, Electoral coalitions, Electoral law
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Savelev D.L..
Models and mechanisms of interaction of territorial public self-governance with the bodies of local self-governance (on the example of Tyumen)
// Politics and Society. – 2017. – № 3.
– P. 1-15.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2017.3.22238.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2017.3.22238
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Abstract: The subject of this research is the mechanisms of organizational and legal regulation of interaction between local self-government state and state of territorial public self-government (TOS) within the boundaries of the city district. The goal of the article consists in analysis of the existing scientific and theoretical approaches that describe the organizational and legal models of interaction of municipal authorities with TOS state, as well as the implementation of mechanisms of citizens' initiatives through TOS structures. Based on the use of theoretical research methods (analysis, synthesis, system method, and modeling) and regulatory legal analysis of municipal legal acts, the author identifies the factors influencing the dynamics of TOS development as one of the forms of citizens' participation in solving local issues. The scientific novelty of the article lies in assessment of work of the TOS in one of the largest municipal okrugs of the south of Tyumen Oblast, as well as development of the proposals for further improvement of the mechanisms of interaction between TOS and public authorities. The author carries out the analysis of legal and organizational mechanisms of interaction between the administration of the city of Tyumen and TOS state alongside ways of their further improvement proceeding from the specifics of the territory. The role of TOS in the system of local self-government of Tyumen in the framework of solving issues of local importance and the development of civil initiatives was determined.
Keywords: participation model, municipal grant, cultural and leisure activities, civic initiatives, technologies of municipal management, territorial public self-governance, local self-governance, agency model, local issues, local area
Aleshkin A.V. Aktual'nye problemy pravovogo regulirovaniya territorial'nogo obshchestvennogo samoupravleniya kak formy neposredstvennoy demokratii i elementa mestnogo soobshchestva // Pravo i obrazovanie. 2011. № 1. S. 146-153.
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Velikzhanina K.A..
To the question of integration of science and social policy in the Russian Federation at the municipal level
// Politics and Society. – 2016. – № 8.
– P. 1110-1114.
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Abstract: This article examines the laws of formation and a trajectory of development of social policy through the prism of scientific-technical and socio-scientific activity of the subjects of public administration of Russia. The author thoroughly studies the theoretical-methodological aspects of integration of science and social policy for the purpose of realization of the main directions of government activity aimed at improvement of social wellness of population of the Russian Federation. The accent is made on the role of municipal administration with regards to their assistance in realization of the grant forms of support of social and scientifically important activity of a city. The analysis of the normative legal activity in the area of the state scientific-technical policy is being presented. Scientific novelty consists in determination of the main trajectories of the joint development of social policy and science in modern society, as well as in generalization and description of the key stages of establishment and development of the system of provision of grant technologies in the Russian Federation.
Keywords: non-profit organizations, social sphere, competitive technologies, scientific and technical progress, local self-government, science, grant, social policy, city, integration
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Federal'nyy zakon Rossiyskoy Federatsii «O nauke i nauchno-
Tokarev N.V..
Participation of municipal institutions of Tambov governorate in realization of Stolypin agrarian reform
// Politics and Society. – 2016. – № 5.
– P. 658-666.
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Abstract: The subject of this research is the work of municipal institutions under the conditions of modernization of late-Imperial Russia, and the level of efficiency of their cooperation with the governorate government authorities. On the example of Tambov governorate, the author examines the types of cooperation of municipal and government authorities in the context of Stolypin agrarian reform: propaganda of agrarian laws, stimulation of plot land ownership, and development of educational system in place of individual settlement. After 1909, the mutual efforts of Tambov municipalities and the government in execution of Stolypin modernization have revealed in implementation of the new agricultural technologies among peasants. The author uses the principles of objectiveness of historicism and scientificity applied by the virtue of systemic approach, which was implemented in determination of the role of municipalities within the framework of the country’s agrarian reforms. It is stated the municipalities of Tambov governorate entered the path of cooperation with the government by promoting the agrarian laws, providing financial support to the individual peasant farmers, developing education in the areas of isolated farmsteads. The conclusion is made that there were disagreements between the government and the public workers related to the goals, priorities, directions and subjects of agrarian reformation, as well as to the character of participation of the local self-governance in implementation of the Stolypin reforms.
Keywords: Public, Individual peasant farmers, Peasant proprietor, Divisional agronomy, Tambov governorate, Stolypin agrarian reform, N. O. Muratov, P. A. Stolypin, Municipality, Peasants
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Shestak O.I..
Strategic Planning in the Russian Federation in the Context of Powers of Local Government Bodies
// Politics and Society. – 2015. – № 5.
– P. 591-602.
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Abstract: The subject of the research is the issue of discrepancy between the existing documents of municipal strategic planning and the powers of local government bodies. It is stated that the majority of current strategic documents of Russian municipalities do not have any regulatory basis for their implementation, the budgeting system is not provided, not to speak of structural and functional violations in such documents (the lack of interrelation between problems, aims, objectives, measures and the indicators of their efficiency). Municipal strategies and strategic plans of social and economic development demonstrate connection and coordination of the announced measures and projects regarding the time of their implementation, resources and executives, which eventually leads to poor performance. The method of the research is legal and regulatory analysis of the strategic plans of municipalities (by the example of bigger city districts of the Far Eastern Federal District). The conclusion is drawn, that for the efficient development of strategic planning in Russia it is necessary to solve the issues of its legal regulation and methodological support. The author's contribution to the study of issues of the development of strategic planning in Russian municipalities is the evaluation of efficiency and quality of the strategic documents from the point of view of their accordance with the powers granted to the local authorities, which defines the opportunities for the implementation of strategies and strategic plans.
Keywords: powers of the authorities, local government, strategy of socio-economic development, municipal strategic planning, legal regulation, strategic planning, budget security, problems of strategic planning, questions of local meaning, municipal law
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Bezvikonnaya E.V..
Political Activism of a Local Community as a Means of Expressing Municipal Political Culture
// Politics and Society. – 2015. – № 3.
– P. 329-344.
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Abstract: The process of the self-organisation of a local community is aimed at the implementation of forms of political activism under the conditions of well-developed civil political culture. Being the key subject of local government, the local community expresses public and municipal interests and demands, transmitting them to the authorities, public organisations and business-community via formal and informal channels of communication. Only drastic revaluation of the existing system of the new public management and replacing it with the principles of network and synergistic management will make it possible to overcome the internal disunity of the local community and provide the creation of an integral municipal political culture, based on common worldview stereotypes and identities.
Keywords: political science, local community, political culture, self-organisation, self-administration, synergistic communication model, civic culture, political activism, political participation, civil society
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Activities of Local Authorities of Kursk Province Aimed at the Development of School Education in Late XIX - Early XX Centuries
// Politics and Society. – 2015. – № 2.
– P. 170-174.
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Abstract: The author examines the activities of bodies of local self-government in pre-revolutionary Russia in the field of education. It is noted that the undoubted merits in the field of education belong to zemsky institutions. The authors also consider issues of school education as well as other means of education: libraries, public readings of books, etc.. It is observed that the increased attention of zemsky institutions towards public education was due to the illiteracy of the most people and hindered socio-economic progress in the country. The emphasis is made on the development of education being aimed at mainstream population but not elites. The authors argue that the development of national education became an important modernization issue which was solved by zemstvo. Methodological basis of the research involves the principles of historicism and scientific objectivity. The authors have also used the following special methods of research: historical, comparative, problem-chronological and analytical. It is shown that the local government and public education became important factors in the maintenance of social harmony in terms of socio-economic differentiation of the population of Kursk province of the late XIX - early XX centuries. Thus, the study of zemstvo experience in the field of non-formal education of the population deserves in-depth analysis in the current context of the search for the optimal model of secondary school.
Keywords: public reading, library, zemsky school, historical experience, Kursk province, public education, Zemstvo, local government, repetitive courses, the rural population
Belokonskiy, I.P. Narodnoe nachal'noe obrazovanie v Kurskoy gubernii. Kursk, 1897.
Svod postanovleniy po narodnomu obrazovaniyu uezdnykh zemskikh sobraniy Kurskoy gubernii. Kursk, 1902.
GAKO. F.193. Op.1. D.9. L.42.
Zhurnal Komissii po narodnomu obrazovaniyu pri Kurskom gubernskom zemstve za 13 noyabrya 1900 g. Kursk, 1901.
Svod postanovleniy po narodnomu obrazovaniyu uezdnykh zemskikh sobraniy Kurskoy gubernii. Kursk, 1902.
Katalog knig dlya narodnykh bibliotek-chitalen Kurskoy gubernii, otkryvaemykh po pravilam ot 1890 g. Kursk, 1904.
Tekushchaya shkol'naya statistika Kurskogo gubernskogo zemstva: 1899-1900 uchebnyy god. Kursk, 1901.
Veselovskiy, B. Istoriya zemstva za 40 let. T.1. SPb, 1909.
Afanas'ev A.A. Munitsipal'no-pravovoy rezhim sel'skoy zhizni: istoriko-pravovye aspekty mestnogo samoupravleniya sel'skikh poseleniy v Rossii // Politika i Obshchestvo.-2013.-3.-C. 337-344. DOI: 10.7256/1812-8696.2013.03.10.
Chernyshev, A.I. Uchastie zemstv v sozdanii seti i sistemy
Afanasiev, A. A..
Municipal Law Regime of Rural Life: Historical and Legal
Aspects of Local Self-Government in Russian Settlements
// Politics and Society. – 2013. – № 3.
– P. 337-344.
Read the article
Abstract: Social relations related to enforcement of local
self-government of rural settlements are an important
part of rural life as a subject of legal regulation.
Based on the analysis of the Russian Federation laws
and scientific law literature, the author of the article
studies historical peculiarities of rural self-government.
Records of Russian history of legal regulation of
rural life are important for a successful implementation
of a social-economic policy of Russia oriented at
sustainable development of rural territories.
Keywords: social relations, municipal law regulation/ municipal law regime, rural settlement, rural population, rural life, local self-government, sustainable development of rural territories.
Kostyukov A.N. Munitsipal'noe pravo kak otrasl' rossiyskogo prava: Monografiya. M.:, 2003.
Danilevskiy N.Ya. Rossiya i Evropa. M., 1991.
Kononov A.M. Mestnoe samoupravlenie v Rossiyskoy Federatsii. Saratov, 1997.
Lapteva L.E. Zemskie uchrezhdeniya v Rossii. M., 1993.
Bystrenko V.I. Istoriya gosudarstvennogo upravleniya i samoupravleniya v Rossii: Uchebnoe posobie. M., 1997.
Velikhov L.A. Osnovy gorodskogo khozyaystva: V 2 ch. Ch. 2: Obshchee uchenie o gorode, ego upravlenii, finansakh i metodakh khozyaystva. M. – L., 1928.
Efremova N.N., Nemytina M.V. Mestnoe samoupravlenie i yustitsiya v Rossii (1864-1917 gg.) // Gosudarstvo i pravo. 1994. № 3.
Postovoy N.V. Munitsipal'noe pravo Rossii. M., 1998.
Uvarov A.A. Mestnoe samoupravlenie v Rossii. M., 2006.
Lenin V.I. O demokratizme i sotsialisticheskom kharaktere Sovetskoy vlasti. Poln. sobr. soch. T. 36. M., 1962.
Resheniya partii i pravitel'stva po khozyaystvennym voprosam. V pyati tomakh. 1917-1967 gg. Sbornik dokumentov
Gaysina, A. V..
District Charity in Late XIX Early XX Century
(Based on the Example of the Ufa Governorate)
// Politics and Society. – 2013. – № 3.
– P. 345-349.
Read the article
Abstract: Second half of XIX beginning of XX faced major
changes in political and economic life of Russia. Important
role was played by the introduction of local selfgovernment
agencies so called Districts. One of their
functions was a social support of orphans, sick and old
population. The author of the article describes the main
social activities of land districts in the Ufa Governorate.
There were orphanages, poorhouses, schools and hospitals
in the Governorate. Districts played a very important
role in social charity, too, and made a great contribution
to increasing the living standards in Governorate.
Keywords: history, charity, society, orphans, hospitals, poorhouses, education, medicine, Ufa.
Adres-kalendar' Ufimskoy gubernii i spravochnaya knizhka na 1899 g. Izdanie Ufimskago gubernskogo Statisticheskogo komiteta. Tipografiya gubernskogo pravleniya. Ufa, 1899.
Adres-kalendar' Ufimskoy gubernii i spravochnaya knizhka na 1912 g. Izdanie Ufimskago gubernskogo Statisticheskogo komiteta. Tipografiya gubernskogo pravleniya. Ufa, 1912.
Azamatova G.B. Ufimskoe zemstvo (1874-– 1917): Sotsial'nyy sostav, byudzhet deyatel'nost' v oblasti narodnogo obrazovaniya / G.B. Azamatova. – Ufa: Gilem, 2005.
Obzor Ufimskoy gubernii za 1909 g. Ufa, Gubernskaya elektricheskaya tipografiya, 1911.
Ocherk deyatel'nosti Ufimskogo gubernskogo zemstva (k 50-tiletiyu vvedeniya zemskikh uchrezhdeniy). Sostavil po porucheniyu gubernskoy zemskoy upravy, sekretar' Upravy V.F. Gerasimov. Ufa, Elektricheskaya tipografiya t-va «Pechat'», 1914 g.
Pedan S.A., Vinogradov N.A. Gosudarstvennoe i obshchestvennoe prizrenie v Rossii: Istoriko-pravovoe issledovanie / S.A. Pedan, N.A. Vinlogradov. – SPb.: FGOU VPO SPGUVK,
Bridnya, A. V..
Conditions and Directions of Reformation
of the System of Local Councils in April of 1990
– September of 1995
// Politics and Society. – 2012. – № 9.
– P. 58-68.
Read the article
Abstract: The article is devoted to the determination and
analysis of the tendencies of reformation of the local selfgovernment
authorities at the stage of reformation of
the Soviet system of government in the first half of 1990.
Transitional nature of that stage defined the absence of a
common conceptual model of local government reformation,
restrictions of socio-economic and political conditions
for its creation and development. Declarative character
of legal provisions and lack of concrete mechanisms of
their implementation created various models of local selfgovernment
activity. Within the framework of the process
of searching for an optimal model of self-government
taking into account local traditions and historical and
geographical features, local administration provided the
population with an opportunity to independently form
the local self-government authorities which became the
prototype of the district self-government in Russia.
Keywords: history, Soviet model of local self-government, Local Councils, local authorities, self-organization of the local community, constitutional model of local selfgovernment, administrative command management system, local economies, territorial public sel-government, Western Siberia.
Konstitutsiya RF ot 12 dekabrya 1993 g. // Rossiyskaya gazeta. № 7. 21.01.2009.
Zakon SSSR ot 9 aprelya 1990 g. «Ob obshchikh nachalakh mestnogo samoupravleniya i mestnogo khozyaystva SSSR» // Vedomosti SND i VS SSSR. 1990. № 44. st. 914.
Zakon RSFSR ot 6 iyulya 1991 g. № 1550-1 «O mestnom samoupravlenii v RSFSR» // Vedomosti SND i VS RSFSR. 1991. № 29. st. 1010.
Ukaz Prezidenta RF ot 26 oktyabrya 1993 g. № 1760 «O reforme mestnogo samoupravleniya v Rossiyskoy Federatsii» (s izmeneniyami ot 22 dekabrya 1993 g.) // Sobranie aktov Prezidenta i Pravitel'stva RF. 01.11.1993. № 44. st. 4188.
Ukaz Prezidenta RF ot 22.12.1993 № 2265 «O garantiyakh mestnogo samoupravleniya v Rossiyskoy Federatsii» // Rossiyskaya gazeta ot 25 dekabrya 1993 g. № 237.
Babichev I., Kodina E. Nekotorye defekty i probely v munitsipal'nom prave: sistema ili «otdel'nye nedochety»? / I. Babichev, E. Kodina // Munitsipal'naya vlast'. 2007. № 4. S. 58 97.
Boltenkova L.F. Pochemu Sovet Federatsii otklon
Balashova, M. V..
Topical Issues of Public Participation in Local Self-Government of Russia
// Politics and Society. – 2011. – № 4.
Read the article
Abstract: The article is devoted to evaluation of the place and role of public participation in functioning of the local
self-government institution. The basic tendencies are described based on the materials of the local self-government
reform held in 2003. The factor of population as a subject of local self-government is shown as one of the key factors
for a municipal reform and the entire system of local self-government.
Keywords: legal studies, politics, local self-government, population, participation, municipal reform, civil society, self-government, power, institution.
Krotkov, V. O..
Determination of the Political Regime
during the Period of Soviet Transformation in 1985-1991.
// Politics and Society. – 2011. – № 1.
Read the article
Abstract: The article considers the Soviet period of the
social and political transformation which took place in
1985-1991. The main goal of this article is to identify the
political regime during that period of transformation.
As a result of a multicriterion analysis the author concludes
that various authoritarian modifications of the
political regime functioned during the second half of the
1980th in the USSR.
Keywords: political science, transformation, political regime, power, society, authoritarianism, democracy, totalitarianism, identification, USSR
Bezvikonnaya, E. V..
Territorial Self-Organization of Local Communities from the Pont of View of the Synergetic Paradigm.
// Politics and Society. – 2010. – № 11.
Read the article
Abstract: Complicated nature of local self-government in the system of public authority is conditioned by contradictory
appraisals and opinions regarding its social and political nature and future development. If we apply the synergetic approach at analyzing territorial self-organization
of a local community, it gives us a completely different point of view on content and orientation of the political process in modern Russia.
Keywords: political sciences, social system, political system, local community, municipal unit, self-organization, social activity, cooperation, public mind, public administration
Mokhov, V.P..
Regional and local elites:
transformation of status in the period
of political reforms of 2000s.
// Politics and Society. – 2010. – № 8.
Read the article
Abstract: Political reforms of V.V. Putin’s term of presidency
caused changes in role and status of regional and local
elites in the society. They lost part of their autonomy,
were set into the “vertical of power”, changed their functional
relations with other groups of elite. Financial elite
as a key actor of these changes used both political and
fi nancial and economical means to change the rules of
the game.
Keywords: political science, elite, region, MSU, reform, status, society, government, power, control
Poleschenko, D.A..
State power and municipal self-government
within the system of implementation
of power in the Russian Federation.
// Politics and Society. – 2010. – № 8.
Read the article
Abstract: The article is devoted to the key approaches to correlation
of municipal self-government and state power in the
Russian Federation within the system of implementing
power in the Russian Federation. The author establishes
characteristic features of unity of public power, as well
as basic differences between state power and municipal
self-government. Since both municipal self-government
form public power, the author also analyzes the system
of people’s rule and representative character of power
in modern state, its derivative character from the civil
society, including its territorial aspect.
Keywords: jurisprudence, law, state, power, municipal self-government, government, public, system, Russia, correlation
Trofimova, I.N..
Problems of municipal self-government
and center-local relations in foreign studies.
// Politics and Society. – 2010. – № 8.
Read the article
Abstract: Foreign studies are a complex of theoretical and methodological
approaches, results of empiric studies and
vast factual material. Comparative studies are of special
interest. Inter-state comparisons allow to clarify the
existing theoretical models, to analyze perspectives of
implementation of certain models in specifi c social and
political conditions.
Keywords: political studies, municipal self-government, European countries, center, theory, relations, studies, foreign experience, studies, reforms
Trofimova, I. N..
Institutional Development of Local Self-Government in the Context of Post-Soviet Social and Political Transformation
// Politics and Society. – 2010. – № 7.
Read the article
Abstract: Development of local self-government in the context of radical social and political transformation combines contradictory and oppositely directed tendencies. Dominating factor is an acute political struggle within the commanding elite which appeared to be unable to establish coordinated long-term strategies of “nation-building”. Russian self-government is characterized by the tendency for an unstable and fragmentary institutional development. According to the author, we can overcome these problems if we take into account certain peculiarities of the modern social and political dynamics
Keywords: political studies, local self-government, Russian Federation, institutionalization, institutionalism, elite, actors, social dynamics, political struggle, power
Chertkov, A. N., Poleschenko, D. A..
Public Authority Nature of Local Self-Government and State Power as the Basis for their Interrelation
// Politics and Society. – 2010. – № 7.
Read the article
Abstract: The article considers the main approaches to the terms “state power” and “local self-government” from the point of view of their interrelations and describes the basic approaches to definitions of these categories. The author makes an attempt to define general tendencies of realization of public authority and to suggest an academic basis of their interactions and interrelations as well as ways to improve their constitutional and legal regulation
Keywords: studies of law, government, power, self-government, realization, interrelation, nature, public, Russia
Trofimova, I. N..
Decentralization of State Government: Theoretical Models and Countries’ Specifics
// Politics and Society. – 2010. – № 3.
Read the article
Abstract: Having become the content and target of administrative reforms in many countries lately, decentralization of the government has changed approaches to relations between the Center and Local Self-Government. Modern local relations are the result of evolution of the political and social systems as well as reflection of the basic values of the society. In every country they have their own specifics and stages of development.
Keywords: political sciences, local self-government, decentralization, European countries, center, theory, specifics, models, reforms, relations
Bezvikonnaya, E. V..
Forms of Direct Realization of Local Self-Government by Population as a Source of Self-Organizing Potential of Local Community
// Politics and Society. – 2010. – № 1.
Read the article
Abstract: Local community is a resource of local self-government which is not realized to the right degree. Forms of direct realization of self-government by population are an effective mechanism of involving citizens into local decision making process. Evaluation of their self-organizing (synergetic) potentials allows us to assess the processes of cooperation between self-government bodies and local communities.
Keywords: political sciences, self-government, self-organization, community, meeting, referendum, recall, hearings, conferences
Kim, S. T..
Legal Responsibility of Local Government in the Countries with the Anglo-Saxon Model of Municipal Government
// Politics and Society. – 2009. – № 11.
Read the article
Abstract: The article is devoted to the legal responsibility of municipalities and their supervision in the countries with the Anglo-Saxon model of municipal government. The author studied not only the ‘local’ responsibility of self-government but also paid attention at related phenomena such as: the problem of discretionary powers and the so-called immunity conception. When necessary, the author gave examples of actual cases to illustrate the analysis of foreign legislation.
Keywords: studies of law, responsibility, control, municipality, local, self-government, Anglo-Saxon (English), model, discretion, immunity
Shayhullin, M. S..
Effectiveness of Tradition’s Influence in Conditions of Building a Law-Based State: Municipal and Legal Point of View
// Politics and Society. – 2009. – № 10.
Read the article
Abstract: Review: the article is devoted to the value of traditions of local self-government in conditions of building a law-based and democratic state. The author compared the positive and negative traditions in the system of municipal power. The author also defined the role of self-government traditions as a social norm in conditions of distribution of power among the levels of power in federative relations.
Keywords: studies of law, self-government, tradition, custom, law, right, municipal power, legal state, society, legal regulation
Dubrovsky, O. N..
Historical Forms of Establishment of Local Self-Government within an Independent State, the Tuvan People’s Republic in 1921-1944
// Politics and Society. – 2009. – № 10.
Read the article
Abstract: Review: the article is devoted to the period of formation of local self-government within an independent state, the Republic of Tuva, which later became one of the constituents of the Russian Federation.
Keywords: studies of law, Tuvan People’s Republic, local self-government, formation of statehood, local self-government authorities, independent state, structure of management bodies, administrative arrangement, Russian self-governing labour colony
Efimov, T. V..
Problems of Territorial Organization of Local Self-Government
// Politics and Society. – 2009. – № 9.
Read the article
Abstract: Review: the article is devoted to the questions of territorial organization of self-government and approaches to solving them. The most difficult practical question in this sphere appears to be the one about criteria giving the basis for formation of municipal territories and their status. Among different variants the best one would be the variant taking into account the relationship between competence and territorial organization of local self-government. Special attention is given to insufficient theoretical grounds for understanding the role of municipal units when defining their borders, changing or forming them. The review shows that the Federal Law ‘On General Principals of Organization of Self-Government of the Russian Federation’ 2003 is far from perfection which will eventually influence the quality of realizing competence of certain municipal units. In order to improve it, it is necessary to study both the foreign experience and historical experience of Russia in this sphere.
Key words: studies of law, problems, territory, local, self-government, population, organization, powers, legislation, questions
Ziteva, I. Yu..
Peculiarities of the Procedure of Local Referendum in the Russian Federation
// Politics and Society. – 2009. – № 8.
Read the article
Abstract: The article considers the questions regarding peculiarities of organization and carrying out the local referendum in the Russian Federation. The main idea is to fortify the provisions regulating the procedure of carrying out the local referendum in federal and local laws. Special attention is given to defining the main problem which is, according to the author, is insufficient legislative recognition of that phenomenon even though it is an essential feature of a democratic state.
Key words: local referendum, local self-government, federal law, referendum, referendum commission, referendum initiative, referendum formula, referendum issue, territory of referendum, law
Chakalova, M.S..
Problems of development
of definition apparatus
of the science of municipal law.
// Politics and Society. – 2009. – № 5.
Read the article
Abstract: The article is devoted to some issues of legal regime of land plots, which are situated within the boundaries of zones of protection of historical and cultural heritage. The author studies “protection zoning” in the cities of federal value — Moscow and St. Petersburg.
Keywords: jurisprudence, power, people, state, municipal government, definition, municipal unit, local issues, definition, settlemen
Dementyev, A.N., Dementyeva, O.A..
Investment activity at the local level:
legal and budget problems of its implementation..
// Politics and Society. – 2009. – № 4.
Read the article
Abstract: The article is devoted to topical problems of formation of legal bases for the investment activities in the municipal formations. The author analyzes federal legislation, which regulated investment activities of the subjects of the Russian Federation and its municipal formations. The author offers for the financial guarantees of investment activities in the municipal formations in order to solve the issues most efficiently. The author reviews some issues, which have to do with most favorable conditions for investment activities, including those for prevention of corruption at the local level.
Keywords: politics, municipal government, constituent subjects of the Russian Federation, investment activities, investment climate, normative legal acts, regional fund, corruption, investment attractiveness
Zakondyrin, A.E..
Legal characteristics of formation of financial bases of local municipal government
// Politics and Society. – 2009. – № 3.
Read the article
Abstract: The author analyzes the modern financial municipal system, and he notes the catastrophic situation in economy and finances of most municipal formation. The municipal property as a basis for practical functions of municipal government plays an important role. But as analysis shows, the income from such property form a rather small share from the incomes of local budgets. In the author’s point of view, the needed direction of municipal reform would provide for the local budgets sources of income, which would be capable of stable support for local municipal government functions.
Keywords: jurisprudence, politics, society, local, municipal government, Moscow, St. Petersburg, law, federal, Zakondyrin
Dementyev, A.N..
Principles of local municipal government: elements, content, and methods of normative lergal realization
// Politics and Society. – 2009. – № 2.
Read the article
Abstract: In this article based on general theory of law, the author studies classifications, elements and contents of municipal government, then he comes to a conclusion that in the Russian practice of its legislative regulation, there’s a change of legislative position towards evaluation of principles of municipal government. The author analyzes the correlation of public law and private law methods in normative details of principles of municipal government in legislation.
Keywords: institution of municipal government, public power, principles of law, principles of municipal government, general legal principles inter-branch principles, branch principles, inner-branch principles, classification of principles, methods of public law and private law in regulation
Chakalova, M.S..
Formation on the commissions for hearing juvenile cases and protection of their rights, and organization of the activities of such commissions by the municipal bodies.
// Politics and Society. – 2009. – № 1.
Read the article
Abstract: The municipal governments establish the commissions for hearing the juvenile cases, and for the protection of their right. The activities of these commissions are aimed at “calculation and reporting”, or rather on fighting juvenile offences, but not much onto protection of their rights. In order to establish realistic protection of rights of juveniles in the Russian Federation in accordance with the international standards.
Keywords: jurisprudence, juvenile, power, state, municipal government, commission, protection of rights, justice, competence
Pushkin, P.E..
Legal bases of local self-government in the Russian Federation (example of the Volgograd oblast).
// Politics and Society. – 2008. – № 10.
Read the article
Legashova, O.N..
The problems of efficient realization of social protection of the people by the municipal bodies
// Politics and Society. – 2008. – № 4.
Read the article
Abstract: Most individuals realize 90 per cent of their needs at the place where they live – in their towns, regions, rural areas. That is why the key goal of the municipal bodies is to ensure realization of these needs, and to provide the worthy level of living, and there’s need for an active social policy. This article is devoted to topical issues mentioned above.
Eremyan, V.V..
The process of reforming the local self-government as a transfer to the new paradigm of government and a step away from the national municipal traditions.
// Politics and Society. – 2008. – № 2.
Read the article
Abstract: As the author of this article points out, the principle of two opposite tendencies of reforms and counter-reforms shows itself again in the Russian municipal sphere. The crisis of relations between the “center” and the “regions” forces new reforms of municipal system. What are they?
Eremyan, V.V..
Evolution of the local self-government and the city-state-and-veche (popular assembly) forms of democracy at the time of the “Horde” rule (historiography of the issue). Part 2.
// Politics and Society. – 2008. – № 1.
Read the article
Abstract: The author of this article Professor V.V. Yeremyan does not seem to have a goal to study all the aspects and details of the Tartar and Mongol invasion. The author wonders what was the influence of the Tartar and Mongol elements of government on the evolution of Russian institutions of direct democracy, and whether it is reasonable to say that the “Asian wave” influenced the genesis of the Russian social relations much more than even the Varangian expansion which, as some scientists tend to think, was the basis for the Russian statehood.
Eremyan, V.V..
Evolution of the local self-government and the city-state-and-veche (popular assembly) forms of democracy at the time of the “Horde” rule (historiography of the issue). Part 1.
// Politics and Society. – 2007. – № 12.
– P. 38-72.
Read the article
Uvarov, A.A..
The constitutional model of the civil society in Russia.
// Politics and Society. – 2007. – № 11.
Read the article
Abstract: As the author of this article points out, the existing Russian Constitution of 1993 does not provide for a separate chapter on civil society and does not mention this term, unlike many constitutions of democratic states. However, this does not mean that the relationships, which form in the process of establishment of the civil society, are free from the constitutional regulation.
Correlation of the local self-government and the local government within the municipal legislation of the Republic of Armenia: comparative legal analysis. Part 2. Final
// Politics and Society. – 2007. – № 10.
– P. 35-41.
Read the article
Abstract: As the author of this article points out, the comparative legal approach to the studies of modern self-government and territorial government in Armenia shows that the modern tendencies of its development are parallel to the developments in the modern world as a whole.
Chikhladze, L.T..
The correlation of local self-government and local government within the system of municipal legislation of the Republic of Armenia: the comparative legal analysis. Part 1.
// Politics and Society. – 2007. – № 9.
– P. 51-57.
Read the article
Abstract: As the author of this article points out, the comparative legal approach to the studies of modern self-government and territorial government in Armenia shows that the modern tendencies of its development are parallel to the developments in the modern world as a whole.
Kozhevnikov, O.A..
Constitutional right of association in the Constitutions of the CIS states.
// Politics and Society. – 2007. – № 5.
– P. 18-23.
Read the article
Abstract: This article is devoted to comparative legal analysis of the norms of the Constitutions of the CIS states, providing for the right of association. The author points out, that in most of these Constitutions provisions in question are limited in stating the right for association and creation of the NGOs with no further framework for the law of these associations…
Vereschagin, S.G..
Tax and budget relations in the practice of political process at the modern stage.
// Politics and Society. – 2007. – № 4.
– P. 17-26.
Read the article
Abstract: The tax system is a rather complicated political, economic and legal matter. Its complicated nature is pre-defined by the nature of its components, and it mirrors the existing political structure of the state, gets pressured by the politically active part of the society (political parties, lobbies, etc.), which, in turn, makes the tax system even more self-contradicting…
Mozgovoy, S.A..
On religious education in schools (based on the roundtables at the RIA “Novosti” and IA “Rosbalt”).
// Politics and Society. – 2007. – № 1.
– P. 14-18.
Read the article
Abstract: At the start of the new study year in some regions of Russia the problems of religious classes at schools gained new topicality. Namely, from September 1, 2006 on, the state schools in Belgorodsky and Bryansky oblasts introduced an obligatory subject: “Basic Orthodox Christian Culture” (BOCC). In more than 30 subjects of the Russian Federation such subjects are introduced as optional, however, formally optional subjects often end up as obligatory (e.g. when they’re introduced as 2nd or 3rd class in the middle of the day schedule and the students can’t miss them. Can one then say that the school becomes the testing grounds for religious and ideological influence on children, and textbooks on BOCC contradict the constitutional requirements of secular education?
Koshelev, D.A..
Neonazism and its role in social and political life of the European Union.
// Politics and Society. – 2006. – № 5.
– P. 57-70.
Read the article
Abstract: It’s been over sixty years since the defeat of German nazism by the united forces of East and West, the relationship between Russia and Germany has changed since then and they are now economical and political partners. However, a variety of neo-nazi and racist groups, parties and movements keep functioning in Europe and their popularity among the youth, as well as among the part of the population, which is hostile toward foreigners, is immense. These tendencies are obvious in the “old Europe” (such as Germany, Austria, Denmark, Norway, Holland), as well as in a number of post-Soviet European countries (such as Latvia). As a result, the “enlightened Europe” has become not only the center of liberal and tolerant ideas, but a world export center of nazi ideology. The author of this article reviews the issue of historical roots of nazism in political and cultural life of a society.
Minniakhmetov R.G., Schekina, M.M..
Jural state and human rights.
// Politics and Society. – 2006. – № 4.
– P. 13-27.
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Abstract: Recognition, implementation and protection of human rights and citizens’ rights form one of the bases of any jural state. This article by R.G. Minniakhmetov and M.M. Schekina contains the study of correlation between the human rights and the concept of modern jural state with the due attention paid to the Russian reality.
Chepurnoy, A.G..
Definition, sources and problems of social protection of the disabled veterans of military operations in the Russian Federation.
// Politics and Society. – 2006. – № 4.
– P. 27-36.
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Abstract: A.G. Chepurnoy’s article is concerned with definition and content of social protection (pensions, other fees, compensation payments, medical assistance and service, social services) of the disabled veterans of military operations – former military servants and persons of equal status, who have health problems with long-standing implications, which appeared while they served at the military operation areas, - within the framework of the Russian Federation as a social state. As the author notes, the category of “disabled veteran of military operation” is not duly recognized in the Russian legislation, which employs such categories, as “disabled persons with military traumas”, “ persons disabled due to illnesses, acquired at the time of military service”. Lack of clarity of Russian legislation does not promote clear legal regulation and due social protection of military servants, whose health was harmed at the time of military operations.
Vereschagin, S.G..
Tax and budget relations in the practice of political process at the current stage.
// Politics and Society. – 2006. – № 3.
– P. 13-26.
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Abstract: This article by S.G. Vereschagin is devoted to the problem of politization of the budget process and interbudgetary relations. As the author notes, the budget sphere is probably one most politicized part of the financial sphere of the state management, so the unsufficiently concidered policy in this sphere may lead to a systemic crisis in Russia.
Chepurnoy, A.G..
State policy on social protection of the disabled veterans of military operations in the Russian Federation: criteria of correlation of international and national law.
// Politics and Society. – 2006. – № 3.
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Abstract: Disabled veterans are among the most socially vulnerable categories of people in Russia. In the early 2004 their number was approximately 43 000 people. The level of moral well-being and social protection of veterans greatly influences moral and psychological state and combativity of the acting military personnel. This article by the Chairman of the All-Russian Social Organization of the Afghanistan War Veterans A.G. Chepurnoy is devoted to the topical issues of formation and realization of the state policy on social protection of the disabled veterans, correlation of this policy with the international standards.
Rodionova, O.V..
Criteria of typology and key reasons for the restructuring of the modern social state.
// Politics and Society. – 2006. – № 2.
– P. 28-40.
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Abstract: As the author of this article notes, the classical social state (common welfare state) encouraged and awarded the types of behaviour, which have destrictive effect on any society (idleness, irresponsible behaviour in the sphere of personal relations), which, in turn, led to marginalization of certain groups of people. These “inverted” values spread and infected the society overall. And now the society strives to return back to “health” via the restructurization of the social state, limiting the scope of social activities, change of roles among the subjects of social policy, and change of overall direction of development of the social state.
Popov, A.P..
Lectures on China (Part 3, final. Started in ^(1)^(1) 5, 2005 e` 7-8, 2005).
// Politics and Society. – 2005. – № 9.
– P. 13-67.
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A.P. Popov.
Lections on China (continued from N. 5, 2005)
// Politics and Society. – 2005. – № 7.
– P. 22-46.
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S.N. Makhina.
Detsentralizatsiya rossiiskogo gosudarstvennogo administrirovaniya - predposylki formirovaniya kontseptsii i usloviya effektivnosti.
// Politics and Society. – 2005. – № 6.
– P. 52-65.
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N.I. Dorokhov.
Gosudarstvo v istorii rossiiskoi tsivilizatsii: politiko-pravovye aspekty.
// Politics and Society. – 2005. – № 6.
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D.O. Ezhevskii.
Mestnoe samoupravlenie v obshcheevropeiskom kontekste.
// Politics and Society. – 2005. – № 6.
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Lektsii o Kitae.
// Politics and Society. – 2005. – № 5.
– P. 15-43.
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L. T. Chikhladze.
Organizatsiya mestnogo samoupravleniya i mestnogo upravleniya v administrativno- territorial'nykh edinitsakh stran sovremennogo mira.
// Politics and Society. – 2005. – № 4.
– P. 22-41.
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D. O. Ezhevskii.
Rol' i znachenie inykh organov vlasti na mestakh v sisteme mestnogo samoupravleniya Velikobritanii.
// Politics and Society. – 2005. – № 4.
– P. 41-54.
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Lazarev V.N..
Osnovnye etapy i modeli modernizatsii mestnogo samoupravleniya v Rossii.
// Politics and Society. – 2005. – № 2.
– P. 114-118.
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Bezrukov A.V..
Sovershenstvovanie otvetstvennosti organov i vybornykh dolzhnostnykh lits mestnogo samoupravleniya v Rossii.
// Politics and Society. – 2005. – № 2.
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V. V. Eremyan.
Zolotaya orda v kontekste genezisa drevnerusskikh institutov neposredstvennoi demokratii i mestnogo samoupravleniya (Prodolzhenie).
// Politics and Society. – 2005. – № 1.
– P. 72-83.
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V. N. Lazarev.
Osnovnye etapy i modeli modernizatsii mestnogo samoupravleniya v Rossii.
// Politics and Society. – 2005. – № 1.
– P. 84-88.
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A. N. Chertkov.
Problema poiska optimal'nogo urovnya detalizatsii i form federal'nogo zakonodatel'nogo regulirovaniya v sfere sovmestnogo vedeniya.
// Politics and Society. – 2004. – № 6.
– P. 28-43.
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V. V. Eremyan.
Zolotaya Orda v kontekste genezisa Drevnerusskikh institutov neposredstvennoi demokratii i mestnogo samoupravleniya.
// Politics and Society. – 2004. – № 6.
– P. 44-56.
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Zolotaya Orda v kontekste genezisa Drevnerusskikh institutov neposredstvennoi demokratii i mestnogo samoupravleniya.
// Politics and Society. – 2004. – № 5.
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Teoriya politicheskikh rezhimov.
// Politics and Society. – 2004. – № 5.
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Zolotaya Orda v kontekste genezisa Drevnerusskikh institutov neposredstvennoi demokratii i mestnogo samoupravleniya.
// Politics and Society. – 2004. – № 4.
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Sostoyanie i perspektivy zakonodatel'nogo obespecheniya instituta razgranicheniya gosudarstvennoi vlasti mezhdu Rossiiskoi Federatsiei i ee sub''ektami.
// Politics and Society. – 2004. – № 4.
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V.V. Eremyan.
Zolotaya Orda v kontekste genezisa Drevnerusskikh institutov neposredstvennoi demokratii i mestnogo samoupravleniya (Vtoraya chast').
// Politics and Society. – 2004. – № 3.
– P. 59-73.
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V.V. Eremyan.
Zolotaya Orda v kontekste genezisa Drevnerusskikh institutov neposredstvennoi demokratii i mestnogo samoupravleniya (Pervaya chast').
// Politics and Society. – 2004. – № 2.
– P. 57-89.
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Munitsipal'naya istoriya Gruzii. K postanovke problemy.
// Politics and Society. – 2004. – № 1.
– P. 69-84.
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V.V. Eremyan.
Zolotaya Orda v kontekste genezisa Drevnerusskikh institutov neposredstvennoi demokratii i mestnogo samoupravleniya (Pervaya chast').
// Politics and Society. – 2004. – № 1.
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