Drobysheva T.V..
Ukrainian conflict: origins and dynamics
// Politics and Society. – 2018. – № 3.
– P. 59-68.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2018.3.25711.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2018.3.25711
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Abstract: The subject of this research is the origins of the current conflict in the South-Eastern Ukraine. The author examines the theoretical aspects of the conflict, as well as the main points of view upon the genesis and regulation of the conflict in general. From the general theoretical background, the author shifts towards the consideration of the special– conflict in the South-Eastern Ukraine. The article draws analogies between the psychology of the conflict and general psychology, views the theory of “ruins” in history of the Ukrainian statehood. For comprehensive examination of the situation, the author uses the structural-functional and socio-psychological methods of research. The main contribution of the author lies in the scientific review of the course of events of the current Ukrainian conflict, as well as the advancement of forecasts of future development of the events in the indicated territories, considering the enacted law “on Reintegration of Donbass”. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that the origins of this conflict are examined from not only the historical perspective, but the standpoint of the psychology of conflict as well.
Keywords: post-Soviet area, unrecognized states, reintegration of Donbass, theory of ruins, origins of the Ukranian conflict, Novorossiya, Ukranian conflict, history of Ukraine, geopolitics, political conflict
Backing Ukraine’s territorial integrity, UN Assembly declares Crimea referendum invalid [Electronic resource]:Official web-page of the UN. – 2014. – URL: (last accessed date:16.12.2017).
Boulding K. E. Conflict and defense. New York: Harper – 1962. – 362 p.
Katz D. Nationalism and strategies of international conflict resolution // In H.C. Kelman (ed.), International behavior: A social psychological analysis. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston – 1965. – 356 p.
Kriesberg L. Conflict Transformation // Encyclopedia of Violence, Peace and Conflict. San Diego-2008 – P. 401-412.
Akt o provozglashenii gosudarstvennoy samostoyatel'nosti Donetskoy Narodnoy Respubliki [Elektronnyy resurs]: Konstitutsii mira. – 2014. – URL: (data obrashcheniya: 09.12.2017).
Vozzvanie Donetskoy Narodnoy Respubliki [Elektronnyy resurs]: Informatsionnyy portal Rusevik. – 2014. – URL:
Sokolova A.N..
Prevention and overcoming of conflicts in culture of the Adygea Kurds: past and present
// Politics and Society. – 2017. – № 10.
– P. 105-113.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2017.10.24501.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2017.10.24501
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Abstract: The object of this research is the culture of Kurdish migrants that currently comprise over 13% of the population of Krasnogvardeysky District in the Republic of Adygea. The subject of this research is the prevention and overcoming of conflicts exercised within the ethnic group as one of the adaptive forms of the “nomadic nation” and simultaneously as a method of self-defense, acquisition of relative social stability in the accepting community. Based on “cultural portrait” of the Adygea Kurds, the author examines the forms of prevention, overcoming or solution of the ethnic conflicts that are defined by the traditional culture. The adherence to it, preservation of canons make the life of an ethnic group well-ordered and predictable. The scientific novelty of this work consists in the scientifically authentic description of the modern status of the ethnic group of Adygea Kurds, comparative analysis of the archetypical and contemporary sociocultural images that bring new colors to the ethnic picture of the world. The author determines the two forecasting scenarios of the development of ethnic group. The first claims the increase of Kurds who attend high school, obtain higher education, demonstrate reasonable Russian language skills, as well as oriented towards the intercommunal and interethnic resolution of conflicts. The second possible scenario is defined by the diasporic status of the ethnic group, readiness to move to Kurdistan in case of the official proclamation of such state. The author believes that the responsible explanation of the cultural values, symbols, and behavioral codes of all national cultures that are the part of the Republic of Adygea will result in fewer conflicts.
Keywords: traditional culture, Hofstede, overcoming conflicts, prevention of conflicts, ethnic group, Adygheya, Kurds, adaptation, archetypal images, diaspora
Rubin Dzh., Pruyt D., Khe Sung K. Sotsial'nyy konflikt: eskalatsiya, tupik, razreshenie. SPb., 2001.-352 s.
Elektronnyy resurs. Rezhim dostupa:
Hofstede G., Culture’s Consequences, Comparing Values, Behaviors, Institutions, and Organizations Across Nations. Thousand Oaks CA: Sage Publications, 2001.-328 p.
Leyng K., Stefan U.Dzh. Sotsial'naya spravedlivost' s tochki zreniya kul'tury // Psikhologiya i kul'tura. SPb., 2003. S. 598–655
Smit P.B. Kross-kul'turnye issledovaniya sotsial'nogo vozdeystviya // Psikhologiya i kul'tura. SPb., 2003. S. 575-597
Solomatina E.N..
Modern theoretical approaches to the settlement of conflicts
// Politics and Society. – 2017. – № 3.
– P. 42-48.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2017.3.22602.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2017.3.22602
Read the article
Abstract: The subject of this research is the main theoretical approaches to the settlement of modern conflicts. The article reveals the methodological principles of the termination, resolution and transformation of conflicts. Particular attention is paid to the basic characteristics of contemporary social conflicts, conflict behavior and to the creation of new social norms and institutions with high level of conflict management. The scientific novelty of the article consists in the following: it is proven that conflict transformation is a central process in the contemporary conflict resolution field. There is the core idea that constructive conflict approach is the most effective way for studying the dynamics of modern social conflicts within conflict transformation field. A special role in the conflict resolution process is assigned to the conceptual capabilities of existing intermediary technologies.
Keywords: conflict interaction, resolution, transformation, settling, theory, modern conflict, actors, peacemaking, mediation technologies, mediation
Vayrynen R. To Settle or to Transform? Perspectives on the Resolution of National and International Conflicts // New Directions in Conflict Theory: Conflict Resolution and Conflict Transformation / Ed. by R. Vayrynen. London, 1991. P. 1-25.
Rupesinghe K. Civil Wars, Civil Peace, London, 1998. P. 18-36.
Mitchell C. The Process and Stages of Mediation: Two Sudanese Cases // Making War and Waging Peace: Foreign Intervention in Africa / Ed. by D. Smock. Washington, 1997. P. 141.
Miall H. Conflict Transformation: a Multi-Dimensional Task // Transforming Ethnopolitical Conflict / Ed. By A. Austin, M. Fischer, N. Ropers. Berlin, 2004. P. 78.
Lederach J.P. Justpeace: The Challenges of the 21st Century // People Building Peace. 1999. N 35. P. 27-31.
Lederach J.P. Preparing for Peace: Conflict Transformation across Cultures. N.Y., 1995. P. 17.
Kriesberg L. Varieties of Mediating Activities and Mediators in International Relations // Resolving International Conflicts: The Theory and Practice of Mediati
Shipovalova L.V..
Practices of the search for consensus: between terror and contention
// Politics and Society. – 2015. – № 11.
– P. 1495-1503.
Read the article
Abstract: The subject of this research is the conditions for the practices of the search for public consensus. The practices themselves are defined by the Aristotle’s concept of golden mean, which proposes moving away from extremes. As extreme types of public consensus we introduce terror or totalitarian society (where appearance of a consensus is achieved by elimination of those who disagree) on one hand, and “contention” as the state of socio-political and cultural practices (for which it is characteristic to have heterogeneity of participants) on the other. The conditions defined in the article carry an empirical, transcendental, existential and epistemological character. The methodological course substantiates these clear practices of the search for consensus. This substantiation includes description of the extremes, demonstration of the need to avoid them, as well as definition of the conditions of this avoidance. The author’s idea of defining the practices of search for consensus, not through the positive movement towards some form of a clear consensus, but as a negative movement from extremes, can contribute to avoidance of problems of relativism of the multiculturalism, as well as the dictation of universalism.
Keywords: Public consensus, terror, differend, power of judgment, philosophy of management, I. Kant, H. Arend, J.F. Lyotard, J. Rancière, B. Latour.
Shaklein V.V. Teoreticheskie aspekty sootnosheniya chlenstva v OON s priznaniem novykh gosudarstv // Pravo i politika. - 2013. - 10. - C. 1332 - 1337. DOI: 10.7256/1811-9018.2013.10.9735.
Sazonova K.L. Politika «gosudarstvennogo terrorizma»: vyzov deystvuyushchey sisteme universal'noy kollektivnoy bezopasnosti i vozmozhnoe osnovanie mezhdunarodnoy otvetstvennosti gosudarstv. // Natsional'naya bezopasnost' / nota bene. - 2015. - 1. - C. 67 - 72. DOI: 10.7256/2073-8560.2015.1.14147.
Latur B. Peresborka sotsial'nogo. Vvedenie v aktorno-setevuyu teoriyu. / B. Latur; [per. s angl.]. – M.: Izdatel'skiy dom Vysshaya shkola ekonomiki, 2014. 374 s.
Arend Kh. Chto est' svoboda? / Arend Kh. [per. s angl.] // Voprosy filosofii. 2014. № 4. S. 53-70
Danel'yan A.A. Rol' mezhdunarodnykh organizatsiy v regulirovaniimezhdunarodnykh ekonomicheskikh otnosheniy:opyt, sovremennye problemy i tendentsii // Mezhdunarodnoe pravo i mezhdunarodnye organizatsii / International Law and International Organizations. - 2012
Zelenkov, M.Yu..
Universal Factors of Modern International (Ethnic) Conflicts
// Politics and Society. – 2015. – № 1.
– P. 72-79.
Read the article
Abstract: The research subject of the present article is the conflictogenic factors of the growth of international
(ethnic) tension. Based on the integrated systems analysis of the results of different methodological
approaches to the genesis of international (ethnic) conflicts, Zelenkov defines and analyzes universal
conflictogenic factors. The author pays special attention to peculiarities of creation and development
of international (ethnic) conflicts, definitions and classifications of conflictogenic factors of modern
international (ethnic) conflicts based on these universal factors. In his research Zelenkov applies the
integrated systems analysis of modern international conflicts and defines and classifies conflictogenic
factors. The results of the research allow to conclude that a modern international conflict is caused by
the two groups of conflictogenic factors. The first group consists of universal factors which, as a rule,
may lead to escalation of tensed international relations and, as a result, to an international conflict.
The second group involves specific factors that are attributive for each particular international conflict.
Keywords: international conflict, international relations, ethnic tension, conflictogenic factor, ethnos, nation, nature, conflict, cause of conflict, classification, universal factor.
Bol'shakov A.G. Etnicheskie vooruzhennye konflikty v postkommunisticheskikh gosudarstvakh evropeyskoy periferii: diss. … dokt. pol. nauk.-Kazan': KGU, 2009.
Borisov I.I. Etnicheskie konflikty v usloviyakh stanovleniya nezavisimogo gosudarstva: na primere Gruzii: diss. … kand. pol. nauk. M.: DA MID RF, 2002.
Zelenkov M.Yu. Mezhnatsional'nye konflikty: problemy i puti ikh resheniya (pravovoy aspekt): monografiya.-Voronezh: VGU, 2006.
Zelenkov M.Yu. Religioznye konflikty: problemy i puti ikh resheniya v nachale XXI veka: monografiya. M.: Yuridicheskiy institut (MIIT), 2008.
Zerkin D.P. Osnovy konfliktologii: Kurs lektsiy.-Rostov n/Donu, 1998.
Karchaa R. Mezhnatsional'nye konflikty: prichiny vozniknoveniya i modeli razvitiya. M., 1995.
Kumova S.V. Politicheskie aspekty etnicheskikh konfliktov v sovremennoy Evrope: diss. … kand. pol. nauk.-Saratov: SGU, 2006.
Cotsiologiya mezhnatsional'nykh otnosheniy v tsifrakh. M.: In-t sotsial'no-politicheskikh issledovaniy RAN. Tsentr sotsial'no-po
Karpovich, O. G..
Ideological Basis of Separatism in Terms of Contemporary Global Policy
// Politics and Society. – 2014. – № 11.
– P. 1339-1352.
Read the article
Abstract: The article is devoted to the study of the ideological basis of separatism in terms of contemporary
global policy. Fundamental grounds of understanding the phenomenon of separatism is closely
related to such terms and concepts as nationalism, state and national construction, international and
intrastate relations and conflicts, ethnic and religious identification. At the present time there are several
groups of researchers who in this way or another touch upon the problems of separatism when
discussing territorial conflicts, ethnic identification, nationalism, inter-confessional opposition and
conflicts of civilizations. The methodological basis for the study involves systems, structural-functional,
comparative-historical, comparative-political and ethnopolitical approaches, methods of analysis,
synthesis, observation and expert evaluation. Today separatist movements are growing stronger all
over the world. At the present time they are a global ethnopolitical threat. The main milestones in the
development of separatism fall on the second half of the 20th century — at the same time when anticolonial
and national liberation movements gained in strength. Noteworthy that separatist moods
were typical not only for the Third World countries where the borders between states and tribes were
rather questionable but also for the developed counties like England, France, the USA and a number
of other countries. Separatism has a task to separate a particular territory from a multinational state
and create an independent national state entity there.
Keywords: politics, society, separatism, ideology, conflict, political regime, state, interests, values, security.
Avramenko, A.B. Separatizm: sushchnost' i problemy : avtoref. dis… kand. polit. nauk / A.V. Avramenko. – M., 1997. – 15 s.
Ayvazov, A.S. Istoriya natsional'nogo dvizheniya v Krymu [Elektronnyy resurs] / A.S. Ayvazov // Ofitsial'nyy sayt obshchestva Vatanym. – URL: (data obrashcheniya 1.06.14).
Anderson, B. Voobrazhaemye soobshchestva: razmyshleniya ob istokakh i rasprostranenii natsionalizma / Benedikt Anderson. – M.: Kanon-Press-Ts : Kuchkovo pole, 2001.– 286 c.
Baryshnikov, D.N. Konflikty i mirovaya politika : ucheb. posobie / D.N. Baryshnikov. – M, 2008. – S. 189-191.
Belozerova, M.V. K probleme proyavleniya separatizma u korennykh narodov Yuzhnoy Sibiri: XX stoletie / M.V. Belozerova // Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. – 2008. – № 312. – S. 69-73.
Berdyaev, N.A. Rossiya i Velikorossiya [Elektronnyy resurs] // Biblioteka Yakova Krotova. – URL: (data obrashcheniya 1.06.14).
Karpovich, O. G..
The Role of Cultural-Civilizational Factor in Today’s International Conflicts
// Politics and Society. – 2014. – № 10.
– P. 1192-1204.
Read the article
Abstract: The article is devoted to the role and place of a civilizational factor in modern international
conflicts. With some minor exceptions, these conflicts have a global nature and are a
result of the conflict of national interests of the world civilization leaders. Modern international
conflicts have a bright inter-civilization nature and their participants — individual nations — express
not only their own interests but also interests of their civilizational community in general. For
the foregoing interests, the topic of the research is the civilizational factor and its role in modern
international conflicts. Research methodology includes system, structural-functional and culturalcivilizational
approaches as well as methods of the comparative-historical, comparative-political
and retrospective analysis. Mechanisms of conflict mobilization in modern global conflicts also
have a civilizational nature because consolidation of powers, funds and sources of participants in
conflict is performed not by the means of national state ideology but through the feeling of commitment
to the civilizational community which interests and values are to be protected. This explains
why modern conflicts often happen between international participants and why there are so many international unions and coalitions which consist of many ethnic groups and were created
for the purpose of inter-civilizational opposition.
Keywords: politics, society, international relations, conflict, civilization, culture, conflict management, conflict resolution, conflict mobilization, security.
Antsupov A. Ya, Shipilov A. I. Slovar' konfliktologa. SPb: Piter, 2006. – 517 s.
Brodel' F. Grammatika tsivilizatsii. – M.: Izdatel'stvo «Ves' mir», 2008. – 552 s.
Brodel' F. Material'naya tsivilizatsiya, ekonomika i kapitalizm. XV-XVIII vv. T. 1. Struktury povsednevnosti. Vozmozhnoe i nevozmozhnoe. – M.: Izdatel'stvo «Ves' mir», 2007. – 592 s.
Brodel' F. Material'naya tsivilizatsiya, ekonomika i kapitalizm. XV-XVIII vv. T. 2. Igry obmena. – M.: Izdatel'stvo «Ves' mir», 2006. – 672 s.
Brodel' F. Material'naya tsivilizatsiya, ekonomika i kapitalizm. XV-XVIII vv. T. 3. Vremya mira. – M.: Izdatel'stvo «Ves' mir», 2007. – 752 s.
Gerodot. Istoriya. – M.: AST: AST MOSKVA, 2006. – 696 s.
Danilevskii N. Ya. Rossiya i Evropa. – M.: Kniga, 1991. – 574 s.
Ezhegodnik SIPRI 2011: vooruzheniya, razoruzhenie i mezhdunarodnaya bezopasnost'. – M.: IMEMO RAN, 2012. – 768 s.
Inozemtsev V. L. Raskolotaya tsivilizatsiya. – M.: Nauka, Akademiya, 1999. – 704 s.
Kiselev S. G. Osnovnoi instinkt ts
Aleynikov, A. V..
Structure of the Communicative Break
of Russian Confl icts
// Politics and Society. – 2014. – № 9.
– P. 1055-1064.
Read the article
Abstract: The article is devoted to the confl ictogenity of the systems transformation of Russia. This requires to develop
and specify a new conceptual framework of modern confl ict resolution studies which would take into account
specifi cs of Russian confl icts because usually the conceptual framework of confl ict resolution studies serve to describe
and analyze a differently organized society. The author of the article tries to defi ne and analyze systems characteristics
and the main elements of the confl ict dynamics, the basic models of the modern architecture of confl icts
and peculiarities of applying the method of the ‘confl ictological key’ to the analysis of institutional schemes of description
of modern interstate, socio-political and ideological situations in modern Russia. When analyzing the
structure of the confl ict model of the Russian society, the researcher as used applicable socio-philosophical methodological
approaches for the purpose of defi ning peculiarities of confl icts and actual behavioral practices of confl ict
resolution in the modern Russian society. The researcher offers a classifi cation of invariant confl ict situations of a
certain type, their structure, features and peculiarities as well as a combination of established and effective methods
of confl ict resolution, stereotype scenarios of confl ict behavior and strategies of political design of reality creating
the ‘confl ict-free world and stable life’ for citizens by using social constructs and the system of ideas and symbols.
Keywords: Russia, confl ict, confl ictogenity, confl ict model, stability, society, politics, government, confl ict dynamics, communication.
Sergeev V. M. Demokratiya kak peregovornyy protsess. — M.: Moskovskiy obshchestvennyy nauchnyy fond, 1999
Pavlovskiy G. O. «Sistema RF v voyne 2014 goda. De Principatu Debili». —M.: Evropa,2014
Nort D., Uollis D., Vayngast B. Nasilie i sotsial'nye poryadki. Kontseptual'nye ramki dlya interpretatsii pis'mennoy istorii chelovechestva. — M.: Izdatel'stvo Instituta Gaydara, 2011.
Luman N. Sotsial'nye sistemy. Ocherk obshchey teorii. — SPb.:Nauka, 2007
Kozer L. Funktsii sotsial'nogo konflikta : per. s angl.O. A. Nazarovoy. — M.: Ideya-Press; Dom intellektual'noy knigi,2000.
Yoas X., Knebl' V. Sotsial'naya teoriya. 20 vvodnykh lektsiy. — SPb.: Aleteyya, 2011.
Darendorf R. Sovremennyy sotsial'nyy konflikt // Inostrannaya literatura. 1993. № 4.
Zimmel' G. Izbrannoe. Sozertsanie zhizni. — M., SPb.: Tsentr gumanitarnykh initsiativ, Universitetskaya kniga, 2014.
Veber M. Izbrannoe. Obraz obshchestva. — M.: Tsentr gumanitarnykh initsiativ, 2012.
Bek U.Obshchestvo riska. Na puti k drug
Ismaiylova, Kh. E..
The Reasons of Ethnic Conflicts
// Politics and Society. – 2014. – № 8.
– P. 924-933.
Read the article
Abstract: The present article is devoted to modern views on the nature and reasons of ethnic confl icts, their classifi -
cation and typology as well as means, methods and technologies of their peaceful regulation and solution. The main
purpose is to show that ethnic confl icts in social relations are one of the natural forms of socio-political interaction.
Without them the evolution of the social system would be impossible. Ethnic confl icts and their causes are viewed by
the researcher not only from the point of view of the opposition between different opinions of experts in ethnology
but also from the point of view of the leading political trends: primordialism, instrumentalism and constructivism.
The methodological basis of the research includes systems, structural-functional, comparative-historical, comparative-
political, geopolitical and cultural-civilizational approaches, methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction,
modeling and observance. Modern ethnic confl icts do not only allow to discover and solve contradictions
that arise as a result of the evolution of ethnic communities and development of international and multi-cultural interaction
but also to develop new forms of social and political behavior in extreme situations (confl icts and crises)
that increase the stability of the entire system of social relations in general.
Keywords: Contradictions, constructivism, primordialism, instrumentalism, ethnicity, ethnos, society, confl ict, politics, identifi cation.
Dietrich Jung Shadow Globalization, Ethnic Conflicts and New Wars: A Political Economy of Intra-state War. Taylor & Francis, Hoboken, London p.196
Marc Howard Ross , Jay RothmanTheory and Practice in Ethnic Conflict Management: Theorizing Success and Failure Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke 1999, p.288
Dan Smith. Trends and causes of armed conflicts
Lake D.A.,Rothscild D. The İnternational Spread of Ethnic Conflict. Princeton, NJ.Penguin Books. 1998, p
Mugalova Zh.A. Prichiny i faktory vozniknoveniya konfliktov na etnicheskoy pochve
Frank P.Harvey Primordialism, Evolutionary Teory and Ethnic Violence in the Balkans:Opportunities and Constrints for Theory and Policy. Canadian Journal of
Ermakov, D.N..
On the improvement of procedures
for the prevention of labor confl icts
// Politics and Society. – 2014. – № 7.
– P. 774-782.
Read the article
Abstract: The analytical article concerns economic and legal aspects of improving the procedures for the resolution
of collective labor disputes. The article formulates and fi nds solutions for the problems in the sphere of application
of modern legislation to resolution of labor disputes. The author studies the practice of activities of the Labor Arbitration
Court (Moscow) in the sphere of resolution of collective labor disputes. In the process of writing the article
the author used international normative legal acts and documents of the International Labor Organization (ILO), and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). The results of the work involved development
of recommendations for the improvement of mechanisms for the prevention of labor confl icts. The author
also revealed insignifi cant differences between the Recommendation of the ILO N. 92 (1951) and the Labor Code of
the Russian Federation in the sphere of procedure for the resolution of collective labor disputes. The ILO Recommendation
provides for an obligation of the parties to avoid lock-outs and strikes in case when a dispute is transferred
to an arbitration body, while the Labor Code of the Russian Federation directly prohibits lock-outs at all
of the stages of confl ict regulation. There is almost no examples of labor dispute resolution in labor arbitration in
the Russian Federation. In spite of the formation of the Labor Arbitration Court in 2001 for the purpose of resolving
collective labor disputes, its activities remain purely consultative. The materials of the article may be refl ected
in the activities of federal government bodies implementing state policy in the sphere of labor and employment, it
also could be of use for practicing lawyers, lecturers and students. The theoretical, methodological and empiric basis
for the studies involved fundamental theories and concepts, revealing the theoretical and methodological bases
for the labor dispute resolution, which were developed by Russian and foreign scholars. It seems viable to minimize
the possibilities for the disputes on implementation of the collective contract at the very time of its conclusion. As
one of the options for achieving this goal, it could be possible to provide for the possibility for consultations for the
representatives of workers taking part in collective negotiations on drafting, conclusion and amendments to a collective
contract on a part of trade unions and their associations both in the presence and in the absence of primary
trade union organization. Additionally, it seams reasonable to provide in the collective contracts for a procedure
of labor dispute resolution in a specifi c enterprise, and it should not contradict to the current legislation. It may be
based upon the existing Recommendations of the Ministry of Labor on resolving a collective labor dispute with participation
of an intermediary, peaceful reconciliation commission, labor arbitration or any other way approved by
the parties and compliant with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The possibility for the qualifi ed consultation
on the part of professional unions and their associations should also be considered.
Keywords: Confl ict, labor confl ict, collective labor disputes, individual labor disputes, labor arbitration court, resolution of labor disputes, professional unions, peaceful reconciliation commission, voluntary reconciliation, arbitration.
Pan'shin D.L., Dresvyannikova E.A. Problemy upravleniya konfliktami v podrazdeleniyakh Gosavtoinspektsii Rossii // Politseyskaya deyatel'nost'.-2014.-2.-C. 172-178. DOI: 10.7256/2222-1964.2014.2.11344.
Aleynikov A.V. Sistemnye konflikty v Rossii: kontseptual'nye osnovaniya analiza. Stat'ya 1. // NB: Problemy obshchestva i politiki.-2013.-7.-C. 94-140. DOI: 10.7256/2306-0158.2013.7.2306. URL:
Prilozhenie k postanovleniyu General'nogo soveta FNPR ot 22 maya 2013 goda № 7-4 // [data obrashcheniya: 01.07.2014 g.]
Aleynikov A.V. Sistemnye konflikty v Rossii: kontseptual'nye osnovaniya analiza. Stat'ya II. // NB: Problemy obshchestva i politiki.-2013.-8.-C. 1-47. DOI: 10.7256/2306-0158.2013.8.5109. URL:
Postanovlenie Mintruda RF ot 14.08.2002 N 58 «Ob utverzhdenii Rekomendatsiy ob organizatsii raboty po rassmotreniyu kollektivnogo trudovogo spora s uchastiem pos
Bogatyrev, K. A..
Concept of National Consent in the Republic
of Kazakhstan
// Politics and Society. – 2013. – № 7.
– P. 848-857.
Read the article
Abstract: The author of the article makes an attempt to describe the process of regulation of international
relations in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The author describes some special features of formation of the Kazakh
society. Special attention is paid at the role of social institutions like the Assembly of the Nations of Kazakhstan
in this process.
Keywords: political studies, Kazakhstan, national security, cultural dialogue, nationalism, religion, Islam, social contract, traditionalism, historical features.
Ya. Trofimov. Religiya. Tsentral'naya Aziya i Kavkaz. 1998 №2.
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Skabara S.O..
U.S. state policy regarding Iraq in early 2000-s: ideological
foundations and practical steps.
// Politics and Society. – 2013. – № 6.
– P. 702-711.
Read the article
Abstract: This research is based on the analysis of the
works of English-speaking authors and explores the ideological
foundations of American foreign policy regarding
Iraq and the practical steps of its realization in 2000-s. The
multivectoral nature and the multi-variant approach to U’S
influence on the Near East situation is demonstrated on the
example of Iraq. Attention is drawn to the main landmarks
of U.S foreign policy, which are being pushed forward at
every available opportunity and are directed at enforcing
the values of democracy and human rights. The exact interpretation
of these values, however, varies, depending on
the goals that are set before the U.S, as well as the exact
situation in the target region. The author demonstrates that
excessive force in matters of peacekeeping becomes prevailing
and most effective approach in the process of realization
of U.S. foreign policy doctrine.
Keywords: Political science, war, humanitarism, democracy, Iraq, USA, cold, identity, ideology, conflict
All U.S. troops out of Iraq by end of year, MSNBC News, Washington, October 21, 2011.
Anthony H. Cordesman, The Iraq War: Strategy, Tactics, and Military Lessons, Washington, DC: Center for Strategic and International Studies, 2003.
Barnett M. Humanitarianism Transformed. // Perspectives on Politics, 2005, 3(December):723–744.
Bohan Caren Obama to deliver speech on Iraq ahead of trip. [Onlayn dokument]
Bowman S. Iraq: U.S. Military Operations. CRS Report RL31701.
Bremer Paul My year in Iraq. NY: Simon & Schuster. 2006.
Bremer, Paul Facts for Feith: CPA History. 2008 [Onlayn dokument]
Carter, Linwood B. Iraq: Summary of U.S. Forces. CRS Report. November 28, 2005.
CEM OGUZ C. The future of Iraq post-US withdrawal. The Daily News. August 15, 2010.
Chandler, David. «The Road to Military Humanitarianism: How the Human Rights NGOs Shaped a New Humanitarian Agenda».// Human Rights Quarterly, 2001, 23(3): 678–700.
Chulov M
Aleynikov A.V..
Characteristics of the Russian approach to the conflictological
model: basics of theoretical analysis.
// Politics and Society. – 2013. – № 6.
– P. 712-722.
Read the article
Abstract: The article identifies and analyzes the systemic
characteristics and main components which constitute the
cases of structural conflicts, the drivers and triggers for potential disintegration of the Russian social system. The author
demonstrates that the “institutionalized standards” of
Russian society’s normative and conflictological culture
emerge from the background of a deeply rooted “conflictological
consciousness” of Russian people, which determines
the “toxic and conflictological” form of Russia’s development.
The author draws attention to the analysis of
the configuration of Russian conflict containment system
and its characteristics.
Keywords: Political science, Russia, conflict, conflictuality, transformation, modernization, consensus, society, politics, authority
Akhiezer A.S. Sotsiokul'turnaya dinamika Rossii. Tom
Sotsiokul'turnyy slovar'. Novosibirsk: Sibirskiy khronograf, 1998 2. Berdyaev N.A.Sud'ba Rossii.M.:AST,2010
Darendorf R.Sovremennyy sotsial'nyy konflikt. Ocherk politiki svobody. M.: ROSSPEN , 2002
Il'in V.V., Panarin A.S., Akhiezer A.S. Teoreticheskaya politologiya: Reformy i kontrreformy v Rossii. Tsikly modernizatsionnogo protsessa M.: Izd-vo MGU, 1996.
Kantor K.M.Dvoynaya spiral' istorii:Istoriosofiya proektizma.T.1:Obshchie problemy.M.:Yazyki slavyanskoy kul'tury,2002
Kozer L.Funktsii sotsial'nogo konflikta.M.:Ideya-Press,Dom intellektual'noy knigi,2000
Kuda vedet krizis kul'tury? Opyt mezhdistsiplinarnykh dialogov . Pod obshch. red. I.M. Klyamkina.M.: Novoe izdatel'stvo, 2011
Mironov B.N. Russkie revolyutsii nachala KhKh veka: uroki dlya nastoyashchego // Polis. 2011. №5.
Parsons T. O strukture sotsial'nogo deystviya. M.: Akademi¬cheskiy proekt,2000
Parsons T. O sotsial'nykh sistemakh. M.: Akademicheskiy proekt, 20
Grigoryan, I. V..
Policies of Turkey Towards Post-Soviet
States in the South Caucasus (1991 – 2008)
// Politics and Society. – 2013. – № 1.
– P. 90-96.
Read the article
Abstract: The artile contains the results of the author’s analysis
of external policy of Turkey in the South Caucasia from
1991 till 2008 – towards Armenia, Azerbadjan and Gerogia,
the states that were formed as a result of the USSR collapse
but are still under the political influene of Russia. It is
noted that after the USSR collapse Turkey began an ative
external policy in the South Caucasia and tried to involve
young states under its influence and weaken Russia’s positions.
Today Turkey views South Caucasia as the sphere of
its national interests which contradicts to Russia’s interests.
Keywords: political studies, policies, South Cacuasia, Turkey, external (foreign) policy, internatinal relations, conflict, Russia, regional security, geopolitics.
References: internet portal Kavkaza
Zakavkaz'e i sopredel'nye strany v period ellinizma./Istoriya Drevnego mira. Rastsvet Drevnikh obshchestv.-M.:Znanie, 1983-s.399-414>KaH
Kats M. Geopolitika Azerbaydzhana/ Kats M. // United Press International.-SShA .-2006.-22 avgusta
Areshev A., Turtsiya, Iran i Rossiya v Zakavkaz'e, 26.11.2010
Areshev A., Rossiya, Turtsiya i Iran na Yuzhnom Kavkaze: Sopernichestvo ili partnerstvo, vystupleniya avtora v khode nauchnogo seminara «Sotsial'no-politicheskie i kul'turnye protsessy v sovremennoy Rossii» (Erevan, 23 noyabrya 2010 g.)
Petrosyan D. Iran zainteresovan v sokhranenii status-kvo na Yuzhnom Kavkaze // Noev Kovcheg. 2010.-№ 11; Iran opposes any US peacekeeping role for Karabakh // Hurriyet.-2010-24 June.
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Aleynikov, A. V..
Compositional Grounds for Conß ict Contingency
of Business and State Institution: Russia
// Politics and Society. – 2012. – № 11.
– P. 69-80.
Read the article
Abstract: Evolution of the Russian system business-system-
society is viewed through describing the dominant
delimitation caused by the structural changes in a society
and cultural dynamics or base socio-cultural cultural differences.
Conß ict is described as a negative form of interaction
which actors are aimed at Þ ghting, keeping or
changing their position in a society or community. The
author describes the two main analysis levels ontological
analysis which classiÞ es conß ict situations, their structures,
features and peculiarities and operational analysis
which consists of a number of methods of conß ict solution
developed and used by the society and a number of stereotypical
scenarios of conß ict behavior. Based on Albert
Hirschmans researches the author describes strategies of
conß ict relations between business and state institutions as
well as their genetic connection with the previous states
of the Russian institutional system. The author also deÞ nes
the main features of the Russian model of conß icts ad the
operational level of methods and scenarios of the conß ict
solution process. Analyzing compositional grounds for
conß ict contingency between business and state institution,
the author describes the following operating modes
directive, functional and communicative modes as well
as the main features, attributes and identiÞ cation peculiarities
of Russian business.
Keywords: political studies, business, power, conß ict, Russia, transformations, society, communication, strategy.
Aleynikov A.V.Institutsional'nye rossiyskie konflikty: «tragediya sorevnuyushchikhsya nevozmozhnostey» //Konfliktologiya. Ezhekvartal'nyy nauchno-prakticheskiy zhurnal,2012,№3.
Barsukova S.Yu. Tenevaya ekonomika i tenevaya politika: mekhanizm srashchivaniya. Preprint WP4/2006/01. M.: GU VShE, 2006.
Burd'e P. Sotsiologiya politiki. M.: Socio-Logos, 1993.
Veber M. O Rossii: izbrannoe. M.: ROSSPEN, 2007
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Zarubina N.Etika predprinimatel'stva v russkoy kul'ture//Otechestvennye zapiski,2002,№4-5.
Zudin A.Yu. Assotsiatsii-biznes-gosudarstvo. «Klassicheskie» i sovremennye formy otno¬sheniy v stranakh Zapada: Preprint WP1/2009/05.-M.: Izd. dom Gosudarstvennogo universiteta-Vysshey shkoly ekonomiki, 2009.
Kordonskiy S.G.Resursnoe gosudarstvo. M.:REGNUM,2007
Lindblom Ch. Politika i rynki: Politiko-ekonomicheskie sistemy mira. M.: Izd-vo IKSI. 2005.
Luman N. Sotsial'nye sistemy. Ocherk obshchey teorii.SPb.:Nauka,2007 4. Maykl Porter, Mar
Kozlov, M. E..
Military Presence of Englishmen in Ireland During the
Years of the Tudors Reign (1485-1603)
// Politics and Society. – 2012. – № 10.
– P. 119-124.
Read the article
Abstract: The article is devoted to the role of English
military ministry in Ireland at the XVI century. The
author of the article describes the problems of forming
and allocating military forces throughout the island,
weapon and food supply and paying salaries
to soldiers. The author also pays attention at the
military role of the chiefs of Ireland clans and provides
examples of conflicts as well as the strategies
used by both parties.
Keywords: Ireland, Tudors dynasty, military officers, financing, Elizabeth the 1st, Count Tyrone, English army, clan chiefs.
Osipova T.S. Osvoboditel'naya bor'ba irlandskogo naroda protiv angliyskoy kolonizatsii (II polovina XVI-nachalo XVII v.v.). M. : Izdvo AN SSSR, 1962.
Canny N. Making Ireland British, 1580-1650 / Nicholas Canny-Oxford; Oxford university press, 2003.
Sruickshank C. Army royal. Henry VIII's invasion of France / Charles Gruickshank-Oxford : Clarendon press, 1969.
Hayes-Mc-Coy G. A. Irish Battles A Military History of Ireland / Gerard Anthony Hayes-Mc-Coy-London, Longmans, 1969.
Heath I., Sque D. The Irish wars, 1485-1603 (Menatarms; 256) / Ian Heath, David Sque-London : Osprey publishing, 1993.
Lenman B. P. England's colonial wars, 1550-1688; Conflicts, empire and national identity / Bruce P. Lenman-Harlow etc. : Longman, 2001.
Paul E. J. Hammer Elizabeth wars. War, Government and Society in Tudor England / Paul E. J. Hammer-London : Palgrave MacMillan, 2003.
Raymond J. Henry VIII's Military Revolution. The Armies of Sixten-Century Britain and Europe / James Raymond-London-New-York : T
Shugurov, V. M..
Innovation-Based Development in Modern World: Nature and Contours of
// Politics and Society. – 2012. – № 8.
– P. 37-52.
Read the article
Abstract: The article is devoted to the conceptual analysis of the problems of globalization of innovation-based development.
The author studies the innovation paradigm which has become the basic direction of the national and world
development lately. The author underlines the complex nature of the infl uence of innovations on all sides of the social
life. At the same time, the author points outs certain principal differences in the intensity of adoption of innovation
policy by different countries. In this context, the author describes the so-called conception of innovation gap. The
author draws our attention at essential parts of this phenomenon and its manifestation in the world. Much attention
is paid at the criteria for comparison the level of innovation-based development in different countries and regions.
Based on the global practice, the author describes the details of the confi guration of the global innovation-based gap
and its negative consequences. The author of the article also formulates the idea about sustainable innovation-based
development as the direction of transfer to a new stage of globalization. Based on the author, it would ensure a more
even exploitation of innovations for solving global and national issues.
Keywords: political studies, globalization, innovation, development, competition, cooperation, world order, sustainability, challenges, confl ict.
Armenskiy A.E., Kochubey S.E, Sudarikov A.L. Ustoychivoe innovatsionnoe razvitie Rossiyskoy
Federatsii i mirovye finansy v XXI veke. M.: OOO «Sotsial'nyy proekt», 2011. 320 s.
Grishin V.V. Upravlenie innovatsionnoy deyatel'nost'yu v usloviyakh modernizatsii natsional'noy ekono-
miki. 2-e. izd. M.: Dashkov i K., 2012. 366 s.
Deliya V.P. Innovatsionnaya ekonomika i ustoychivo razvitie. Balashikha: Izdatel'stvo «De-Po», 2011.
256 s.
Dynkin A.A. O perspektivakh global'nogo innovatsionnogo razvitiya // Vestnik Rossiyskoy akademii
nauk. M., 2009. Tom. 79. №3. S. 202 – 206.
Innovatsionnaya politika. Rossiya i mir: 2002 – 2010. Pod obshch. red. N.I. Ivanovoy i V.V. Ivanova. M.:
Nauka, 2011. 451 s.
Endryu Dzh. P., Sirkin G.L. Vozvrat na innovatsii. Prakticheskoe rukovodstvo po upravleniyu innovatsi-
yami v biznese. Minsk: «Grevtsov Pablisher», 2008. 304 s.
Castellacci F. Closing the Technology Gap? // Review of Development Economics. 2011. Vol. 15. Issue 1.
P. 180-19
Rozin, V. M..
Management Philosophy as a Refl ection Over Social Processes and Practical Discipline
// Politics and Society. – 2012. – № 8.
– P. 53-63.
Read the article
Abstract: The article is devoted to the requirements set for creation of a new social discipline – management philosophy
which is viewed by the author as a wide refl ection over social process and a new type of practice. In this connection,
the author discusses the following issues: modern challenges of management philosophy, general tasks of philosophy
in general and management philosophy in particular (which tasks include the critics of unsatisfi ed methods
of management, constitution enforcement of management, analysis of the other reality which causes different types
of management and their evolution). The main challenges of management philosophy are provided by the modern society but they are not so easy to be discovered. Nevertheless, the author discusses such challenges and provides the
following two examples of – determination of the social and general mission of management and direction of management
at the leading type of sociality. In particular, the author shows that modern problems and contradictions
are solved through the balance and contrariety of different forces. A considerable role is played by selfi sh desires of
social individuals, evaluation of the ‘reasonable selfi shness’, cultural factors, discussions and attitudes in the society,
activity and passionarity of certain societies, individual preferences and behavior and, fi nally, invention of new
social technologies (unions, compromises, negotiations, reforms and etc.) As a result, the leading type of sociality is
also being established. Since management threads all layers and elements of the society and deals with both rational
organization of activity and relations between people, practically every person is involved in management (at least
through his family or work). So consequently, he has to form certain attitude to this phenomenon, too. And this is
where the management philosophy can help.
Keywords: management, philosophy, society, modern age, sociality, selfi shness, justice, reality, practice, dispositive.
Bessonova L.A. Filosofskie aspekty teorii i praktiki menedzhmenta (
Tikhonov A.V. Sotsiologiya upravleniya. M., 2007.
Skolimovski Kh. «Novaya sotsial'naya filosofiya kak otsenka tekhniki» (Tsit. po Efremenko D.V. Vvedenie
v otsenku tekhniki. M., 2002).
Delyagin M.G. Finansovyy krizis kak pervyy etap krizisa globalizatsii: fundamental'nye izmeneniya
chelovechestva? // Transformatsii kul'tury v global'nom informatsionnom obshchestve. Sb. nauchnykh st. M.,
Prokhorov A.P. Russkaya model' upravleniya. M., 2002.
Druker P. F. Zadachi menedzhmenta v XXI veke. Moskva-Sankt-Peterburg- Kiev, 2002.
Akoff R. Planirovanie budushchego korporatsii. M., 1985.
Salmon R. Budushchee menedzhmenta. SPb, 2004.
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Mirzoev S.B. «Institutsional'naya korruptsiya» fevral' 2011. http://www.fondgp.
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Voskoboynikova, A.E..
Solidarity opposition to violence and aggression.
// Politics and Society. – 2012. – № 7.
– P. 72-79.
Read the article
Abstract: Not in the suppression of the exaggerated “innate aggression”, but in elimination of the social sources of
war and other confl icts and the wise policy which takes into account mutual interests lies the key to peace and good
neighborly relations between nations and people. And the best form of prevention of aggression is education, tolerance
and goodwill, as well as the ability to overcome any disunity: national, political, clan, group, religious, philosophical,
ideological. On the level of social groups the strategic perspective is to focus on unifying goals (and in the
highest manifestation – on the universal values ), and cooperation in achieving them.
Keywords: philosophy, aggression, violence, confl ict, banditry, terrorism, extremism, tolerance, values, altruism
Ember C., Ember N. // Journal of confl ict resolution. 1994. №4.
Voskoboynikov A.E. Violence versus Solidarity as University Education Question / 2010 World Universities
Congress-Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University. Proceedings II. P. 1127-1129.
Voskoboynikov A.E. To li tolerantnost', to li imya «Roland» // Vysshee obrazovanie dlya KhKhI veka: VI
mezhd. nauchnaya konferentsiya. Moskva, 19-21 noyabrya 2009 g.: Doklady i materialy. Sektsiya 9. Vysshee
kul'turologicheskoe obrazovanie. Vypusk 3. M.: Izd-vo MosGU, 2009. S. 16-20.
Voskoboynikov A.E. Chelovecheskaya agressivnost': ee priroda i puti preodoleniya // Sotsial'naya rabota
po profilaktike i preodoleniyu nasiliya, agressii v molodezhnoy srede. – M.: IM, Nemetskiy kul'tur-
nyy tsentr im. Gete, Rossiyskaya Akademiya gossluzhby pri prezidente RF. – M.: – 1996. Voskoboynikov
A.E. Nebo u nas odno: fenomen Ulugbeka v rossiyskoy i mirovoy kul'ture / Mirzo Ulughbeg and
his contribution to the development of the world scie
Nazarov M.M..
Russian identity and confl ict involved.
// Politics and Society. – 2012. – № 7.
– P. 80-86.
Read the article
Abstract: The article presents results of the study of the group identities of the Russian population. The empirical
basis for the project is built on representative researches in the Russian regions. Using statistical procedures of factor
and cluster analysis author identifi es fi ve typological groups whose ideas of group identity (that is, groups with whom they feel a community), are different. The key differentiators for the various typological groups are the factors
of education and profession, income, territory (identifi cation with the inhabitants of the city, region), religion and
nationality. However, noteworthy that in the structure of the population there is a very large typological group (more
than a third of the respondents) who does not have clearly defi ned identity orientations. The most common identity
(the possibility of identifi cation with people of similar age or similar way of life) is inherent more or less equally
to all members of the above clusters. With regard to the territorial aspect of identities for more than two-thirds of
respondents such self-identifi cation as “Russian citizen”, “a resident of the city or area” are leading. The author
also considers the focus on participation in the confl icting interests of their national groups among respondents with
different group identities. It is concluded that the plant on the confl icting part is most prevalent among the members
of groups, where the key identifi cation features are the territory or religion and nationality.
Keywords: sociology, identity, nationalism, ethnicity, confl ict, tension, community, protest, ideology, regionalism
Drobizheva L.M. Rossiyskaya identichnost' i mezhetnicheskie otnosheniya / Dvadtsat' let reform glazami
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Kas'yanova K. O russkom natsional'nom kharaktere. M., 1994.
Kozlov V.I. Etnos. Natsiya. Natsionalizm. M., 1999.
Krylov M.P. Regional'naya identichnost' v Evropeyskoy Rossii. M., 2010.
Lur'e S.V. Metamorfozy traditsionnogo soznaniya. M., 1994.
Mul'tikul'turalizm i transformatsiya postsovetskikh obshchestv / Pod. red. Malakhova V.S. i Tishkova V.A.
M., 2002.
Identichnost' / Novaya filosofskaya entsiklopediya. M., 2010. T. 2.
Filippov V. R. Kritika etnicheskogo federalizma. M., 2003.
Cheshko S. Doktrina samoopredeleniya: illyuzii i real'nost' / Mul'tikul'turalizm i transformatsii
postsovetstkikh obshchestv. S. 2002.
Brown, D. Ethnic confl ict and civic nationalism: A model // Identity matters / ed by J. Peacock, P. M.Thornton,
P. I. Inman. NY: Berghahn. 2007.
Smith, A. D. National Identity.
Kryukov, A. N..
German-French Relations in 1949-1969: from Confrontation to Cooperation
// Politics and Society. – 2012. – № 4.
– P. 126-130.
Read the article
Abstract: This article is devoted to the harmonization of relations between Germany and France during 1949 – 1969 when there
was a transit from confrontation policy to cooperation policy. It was caused both by European integration and a stable and
secure situation in Western Europe. The article discusses the goals and tasks of approximation of both Germany and France.
Keywords: Confrontation, cooperation, German-French relations, statehood of Germany, the European integration, stability, safety guarantees.
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Temirbulatov, A. M..
Geopolitical Contradictions of Strategic Development of the Caspian Region
// Politics and Society. – 2012. – № 3.
– P. 85-90.
Read the article
Abstract: The article reveals the problems of geo-political infl uence on the process of regional development. The author
of the article summarizes the problems and their solutions in the sphere of gas policy in the Caspian Region and describes
regional peculiarities of creation of geo-political alliances and infl uence of international actors on the safety
of the region.
Keywords: studies of politics, geopolitics, geo-economics, national interests, gas policy, international actors, globalization, regional development, trans-national corporations, regional confl icts.
Baranov A.V. Globalizatsiya na prostranstve Kaspiyskogo regiona v nachale XXI vv.// Kaspiyskiy region:
politika, ekonomika, kul'tura. №3. 2009. S. 89-96
Britansko-amerikanskaya VR ne vidit politicheskikh riskov v Azerbaydzhane. www/
Kaymarazova M.A. Kaspiyskiy region v mezhdunarodnoy energeticheskoy politike//Voprosy ekonomi-
cheskikh nauk. №5. 2007. S. 188-190
Korzayn Robert. Mir vse men'she polagaetsya na neft' Persidskogo zaliva. www.inoSMI.RU. 21.09.2005
Kramarenko A.V. Region Kaspiyskogo morya kak uzel geopoliticheskikh protivorechiy// regional'nye is-
sledovaniya. №3 (13). 2007. S. 49-50
Mamaraev R. Rol' yuga Rossii v Kaspiyskom regione i osoboe polozhenie Dagestana// Mirovaya ekonomika
i mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya. №1. 2009. S. 71-76
Mesamed V.I. Iran-Turkmenistan: prodolzhaetsya li aktivnyy dialog? // Institut Blizhnego Vostoka,.
Miller N. Kaspiyskiy region: problemy i perspektivy// «Sovremennyy Kavkaz: Geopolitiche
Karpovich, O. G..
Crisis of Peace-Making and Models of International Confl ict Management between Russia,
USA and European Union
// Politics and Society. – 2012. – № 2.
– P. 118-123.
Read the article
Abstract: The article contains the results of the research of modern conceptions of trans-national confl ict management
which are used in Russia, USA and leading countries of the European Union. The author gives the defi nition of
‘confl ict management’ and describes its meaning for the Russian, USA and EC policy.
Keywords: peace-making operations, trans-national confl icts, external policy, internal relations, confl ict management, national security.
Reforming the United Nations: a closer look at the Annan report”, The Hague: Advisory Council on International
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Preston, J., “The politics of world federation, United Nations, UN reform, atomic control”, Westport, Praeger,
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Kremenyuk V.A. Sovremennyy mezhdunarodnyy konflikt: problemy upravleniya. //Mezhdunarodnye
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Manoylo A.V. «Finikovye revolyutsii»: stikhiya ili upravlyaemyy khaos?//Mezhdunarodnaya zhizn', 2011,
№5, s. 63-78.
Manoylo A.V. Mirnoe razreshenie konfliktov: natsional'nye kontseptsii, modeli, tekhnologii. //
Vlast', 2008, №8, s.79-84.
Grinyaev S. Ob osnovnykh napravleniyakh stroitel'stva novogo miroporyadka po-amerikanski. Krasnaya
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Davydov, L. V..
Commitment to Fight in a Structure of Political Consciousness and its Effects
// Politics and Society. – 2012. – № 2.
– P. 124-133.
Read the article
Abstract: Political consciousness is divided into the two opposites. One of them demonstrates deliberate commitment
to existing political institutions, the other refl ects one’s critical attitude to political institutions. Demonstrating negative
attitude to the current politics, the other consciousness which demonstrates a positive beginning refl ects the state
of orientation of peace with the statehood, is protection from critics and mean words.
Keywords: political studies, politics, conditions, provision, consciousness, action, struggle, confl ict, elites and order
Vidal G. Putin mog by s legkost'yu rukovodit' Pentagonom./Izvestiya, 4 marta 2002 goda.
Glukhova A.V. Politicheskie konflikty: osnovaniya, tipologiya, dinamika (teoretiko-metodologicheskiy
analiz). M., Editorial URSS, 2000.
Deyneka O.S. Esli my takie umnye, pochemu my ne takie bogatye (Tsennostno-motivatsionnye osobennos-
ti predstaviteley politicheskoy i biznes elit)//Vestnik politicheskoy psikhologii, №1, 2001.
Delevskiy Yu. Sotsial'nye antagonizmy i klassovaya bor'ba v istorii., S.-Peterburg, Tipogr. t-va
«Obshchestvennaya pol'za», 1910.
Kinsburgskiy A.V., Topalov M.N. Sotsial'noe nedovol'stvo i politicheskiy protest v postsovetskoy
Rossii//Politicheskaya konfliktologiya mezhdu starymi i novymi paradigmami: Materialy simpoziuma
«Politicheskaya konfliktologiya mezhdu starymi i novymi paradigmami» (14 15 iyunya 2001 g.), Voronezh,
VGU, 2001.
Marks K. K kritike gegelevskoy filosofii prava / K. Marks i F. Engel's Sob. soch., Izdanie vtoroe, M.:
Gos. izd-vo polit.
Karpovich, O. G..
Technologies of Management of International Confl icts in Peace-Making and Anti-Terrorist
Operations Performed by the USA and NATO
// Politics and Society. – 2012. – № 1.
– P. 108-118.
Read the article
Abstract: This article presents the results of the study the use of technologies of management of international confl ict in peacekeeping
and antiterrorist operations of U.S. and NATO. The basic features of the practices that distinguish the individual style
of peacemaking of U.S. and NATO representatives of other civilizations and cultures.
Keywords: political studies, politics and society, international relations, external policy, national security, peace-making, peace enforcement, technologies of management of confl icts, international confl ict, USA.
GLOBAL TRENDS 2015: A Dialogue About the Future With Nongovernment Experts (
Polevye ustavy armii SShA: FM 100-6 «Informatsionnye operatsii», FM 33-1 «Psikhologicheskie ope-
ratsii», FM 31-20 «Operatsionnaya tekhnika spetsial'noy bor'by»; Polevoy ustav armii SShA FM33-1
«Psikhologicheskie operatsii». - M., 1988. S. 23.
Gavrilov V. Evolyutsiya vzglyadov ekspertov SShA i Velikobritanii na provedenie mirotvorcheskikh ope-
Kremenyuk V.A. SShA i okruzhayushchiy mir: uravnenie so mnogimi neizvestnymi. // SShA/Kanada, ekono-
mika, politika, kul'tura, 1999, N1. S. 7.
Zhinkina I.Yu. «Natsional'naya moshch'» gosudarstva kak instrument amerikanskoy diplomatii// SShA-
Kanada: ekonomika, politika, kul'tura, 1999, N 9.S.83.
Zanegin B.N. SShA v regional'nykh konfliktakh: malye voyny i bol'shaya politika. //SShA - Kanada: eko-
nomika, polshika, kul'tura. 1999, N8.
Otstaivanie interesov SS
Poya, S..
Afghan-Pakistan Confl icts in 1949 – 1963 because of Disagreements Regarding Pashtunistan
// Politics and Society. – 2011. – № 12.
– P. 109-116.
Read the article
Abstract: Relations between Pakistan and Afghanistan in the fi rst decade of decolonization and the partition of British
India were characterized by a fervor, then a temporary easing of tensions, caused by the desire of the ruling circles
of Afghanistan, especially after coming to power, Daoud Khan in 1953, to use a so-called “Pashtunistan issue” for
the restoration of historical justice.
Keywords: Afghanistan, Pakistan, the Loya Jirga, Mohammad Daoud Khan, the “Durand Line”.
M.Asghar Khan. Generals in Politics. Pakistan 1958-1982. Delhi, 1983.
Aleksandrov A., Akhramovich R. Gosudarstvennyy stroy Afganistana. M., 1956. S. 23.
Anis, 25.10.54 g., 10.04.55 g., 11.06.55 g., 30.03.55 g., 30.03.55 g., 7.06.56 g., 7.08.56 g., 8.11.56 g., 9.03.63 g.
Arkhiv vneshney politiki RF. 1955. F. 042. Op. 67a. D. 2. P. 86.
Arkhiv vneshney politiki RF. 1956. F. 042. Op. 68v. D. 2. P. 88.
Belokrenitskiy V.Ya., Moskalenko V.N., Shaumyan Yuzhnaya Aziya v mirovoy politike. M., 2003.
Islakh, 14.09.55 g., 15.09.55 g., 16, 21.11.55 g., 18.09.55 g., 24.06.54 g., 30.03.55 g., 31.03.55 g.
Istoriya Afganistana s drevneyshikh vremen do nashikh dney./ pod red. Gankovskiy Yu.V., M., 1982.
Korgun V.G. Istoriya Afganistana. XX vek. M., 2004.
2007 ناتسکاپ و ام .دنمشیدنا مرکا دمحم . / Mukhammad Akaram Andeyshmand My i Pakistan.2
Tkachenko, N. S..
Russian Political Opposition: An Attempt of Diagnostics and Prognosis
// Politics and Society. – 2011. – № 9.
– P. 107-116.
Read the article
Abstract: The article is devoted to various classifications of political oppositions created by both Western and
Russian researches. Due to the fact that Russian opposition did not have an actual institutional enforcement
and was beyond the political system or were considerably dependent on he ruling group for a pretty long period
of time, one of the main criteria for classification of Russian opposition parties became the degree of loyalty
towards the ruling authority (Linz’ typology) and its involvement into the political party. Based on Linz’ characteristics,
the author of the article analyzes the party system of modern Russia and relations between various
political parties and dominating party before 2000 and after 2000. The article proves that in 2000, when
the country got a new leader and policy, party strategies considerably changed, too, and became more loyal
towards the ruling authority, losing the support of their traditional votes at the same time. The article also
describes the beginning of election campaign for candidates to the State Duma in 2011 and predicts the results
of the future elections.
Keywords: politics, opposition, party system, political parties, classification criteria, competition, degree of loyalty, semi-opposition, ruling group.
Gel'man V. Politicheskaya oppozitsiya v Rossii: vymirayushchiy vid? // Tretiy elektoral'nyy tsikl v Rossii: 2003-2004 gody. — SPb.: Evropeyskiy universitet, 2007.
Deryabina E.S. Politicheskaya oppozitsiya v perekhodnyy period otechestvennoy istorii (1985-1993 gg.): Dis. ... kand. ist. nauk. — Perm'. 1998.
Makarenko V.P. Obsluga gosudarstvennoy mashiny Rossii: politiko-ideologicheskie svoystva // Politi-cheskaya kontseptologiya. — 2011. — № 1.
Sartori Dzh. Partii i partiynye sistemy: Ramki analiza//Partii i vybory: Khrestomatiya. Ch. 1. — M., 2004.
Dahl R. Introduction/ R. Dahl // Regimes and Oppositions. — New Haven & L., 1973.
Linz J. The Breakdown of Democratic Regimes: Crisis, Breakdown and Reequilibration. — Baltimore, L., 1978.
Kirchheimer O. The Waning of Opposition in Parliamentary Regimes // Social Research. — 1957. — Vol. 24. — № 2.
Oberreuter H. Parlamentarische Opposition. — Hamburg, 1975.
Maslov O., Prudnik A. Penitentsiarno-byurokraticheskaya demokratiya osobyy
Li Guan Qun.
China’s Maritime Strategy and Politics in Modern Times
// Politics and Society. – 2011. – № 6.
– P. 79-84.
Read the article
Abstract: After reform and opening up of the 1978th year, China is increasingly emphasizing its naval and maritime
interests: economic development, territorial management, energy and food security, as well as trade. The article
explores China’s Sea Power and maritime politics. The Chinese maritime issues are studied through the analysis of
the scientific basis of marine policy and Chinese resources, which discuss these problems.
Keywords: China’s maritime policy, Chinese naval challenge, maritime disputes, «string of pearls».
Ponamarev S. KNR: Novaya velikaya morskaya derzhava? Indeks bezopasnosti – 2007 – №2 (82) – Tom 13
– S.75-92.
Regentov D. Kitay: obretenie avianesushchego kreysera. Proekt Abirus. URL: air_
Lu Bin'yan', Chun dalu dao khayyan' (S zemlya do morya) // Taypinyan syuebao (Tikhookeanskiy vestnik) – 2009
– №5. (na kit. yaz.)
Lyu Tao, Touden tsyango: Chzhungo de mensyan, syan'shi yuy chzhan'lyue (Velikaya derzhava: mechta Kitaya, real'-
nost' i strategiya). Pekin, 2009. (na kit. yaz.)
Lyu Tszinbo, Ershii shitszichu chzhungo gotszya an'tsyun' chzhan'lyue (Kitayskaya strategiya bezopasnosti v
nachale 21 v.), Pekin, 2006. (na kit. yaz.)
Ni Lesyun, Ershii shitszi kan' khaytsyuan' (Analiz morskoy sily v 21 v.) // Ven'khuy Bao, 5 avgusta 2007.
(na kit. yaz.)
Pan' Chzhuntsi, Chzhun go nen yuan' an' tsyuan' de di yuan'chzhen chzhi [Energeticheskaya bezopasnost' Kitaya v
geopolitike] // Go tszi ven' ti yan' tszyu [Issledovanie mirovykh vo
Bezgin, V. B., Yudin, A. N..
Bolshevism Policy and Destiny of the Russian Community
// Politics and Society. – 2011. – № 6.
– P. 85-97.
Read the article
Abstract: The article analyzes the destiny of the peasants’ community in the context of agricultural policy of the Soviet
Union back in 1920. The authors of the article clearly describe how the functions of the land community and powers
of the Selsoviet correlated. The authors also define the objective reasons of transfer of community functions to the
structures of state executive authority.
Keywords: political science, Bolshevism, community, gathering, Selsoviet (local council), office, farm unit, plot, representatives, democracy.
Danilov V.P. Zemel'nye otnosheniya v sovetskoy dokolkhoznoy derevne // Istoriya SSSR. 1958. №3. S. 90
– 128.
Gosudarstvennyy arkhiv Rossiyskoy Federatsii (GARF). F. 393. Op. 43. D. 18.
Gosudarstvennyy arkhiv Tambovskoy oblasti (GATO). F. R-1, R-394, R-1979.
Otchet o rabote Tambovskogo gubernskogo ispolnitel'nogo komiteta XII sozyva XIII gubernskomu s'ezdu
sovetov. – Tambov, 1927.
Tsentr dokumentatsii noveyshey istorii Tambovskoy oblasti (TsDNITO). F. 840.
Yakhshiyan O. Yu. Krest'yanskaya obshchina i mestnye organy vlasti v russkoy derevne 1920-kh gg.: Dis. … kand.
ist. nauk. – M., 1998.
Furcev, R. V..
Frederick I Barbarossa war with Milan
// Politics and Society. – 2011. – № 1.
Read the article
Abstract: The article investigates the political and military
events of Frederick I Barbarossa in his second
Italian campaign, which main purpose was to suppress
opposition to imperial authority from the side of the
Northern Italian communes and the main target of which
became Milan and its allies.
Keywords: Frederick Barbarossa, Milan, Crema, the papacy, the communes, Lombardy, war, Contades, surrender
Bogatyrev, K. A..
Ethno-Confessional Conflict in
Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China. Part 1. Prehistory.
// Politics and Society. – 2010. – № 12.
Read the article
Abstract: The article briefly describes the process of formation
of relationships between the western region of
China mainly inhabited by the Uigurs and the country
Center throughout all the time until formation of PRC in
1949. The author describes the main features of this process
during different periods in history. The author also
describes the role of Islam in this process.
Keywords: political science, China, Central Asia, Eastern Turkestan, the Uigurs, conflict, Islam, aggression, Sufism, historical features
Li Guan Qun.
PRC policy in South China Sea.
// Politics and Society. – 2010. – № 11.
Read the article
Abstract: The article explores the phase of the PRC policy in the South China Sea. Because of the change in the international
situation and China’s foreign policy, Beijing has changed its policy to solve the problems of South China Sea. Despite all the chords, which reached among many countries, the problems of South China Sea have not yet decided. Nonetheless, cooperation among these countries in this region will quickly develop.
Keywords: PRC policy, South China Sea, Regional cooperation
Bogatyrev, K.A..
Inter-ethnical confl ict in Kyrgyzstan.
// Politics and Society. – 2010. – № 9.
Read the article
Abstract: The article is devoted to the inter-ethnical confl ict in Kyrgyzstan,
which took place in spring of 2010. The author
attempts to view the process of growth of confl ict potential
in the region. Much attention is paid to the personal
qualities of the Presidents of the post-Soviet Kyrguzstan.
Keywords: political science, Central Asia, Kyrgyzstan, confl ict, nationalism, extremism, geopolitics, traditionalism, property, international relations.
Mapelman, V. M..
Experiment as a Provoked Proneness to Conflict
// Politics and Society. – 2010. – № 5.
Read the article
Abstract: The author views the causes of conflict situations related to teaching ‘Basics of Religious Culture and Secular Ethics’. The author also analyzes the requirements for social experiments in education
Keywords: political sciences, conflict, moral, set of morals, religion, experiment, education, up-bringing, church, culture
Hischenko, A. S..
Institution of Reconciliation in Law at Early Stages of Development of the Society
// Politics and Society. – 2010. – № 2.
Read the article
Abstract: The article is devoted to formation and development of the institution of reconciliation in law at early stages of the social development. The author discusses the point of view that reconciliation procedures and agreements in regulation of debates prevailed over accusing and punishing procedures. Punishment was only one of various forms of regulating a conflict and very often was perceived as a failure. Regulation of conflicts by the means of negotiation and compensation constituted the so called ‘social’ model of early justice which is a more preferred alternative compared to the punishment one.
Keywords: studies of law, reconciliation, agreement, mediation, negotiations, conflict, procedures, regulation, justice, mechanism
Damirchiev, E. I..
Transformation of Imperialism and Post-Classical Empire
// Politics and Society. – 2009. – № 12.
Read the article
Abstract: In theory, the problem of creation a modern empire raises the need in the conception of a post-classical empire. It is very difficult to analyze such an empire because the system of an empire has grown very complicated throughout centuries. It is quite uneasy to define the criteria of what a post-classical empire actually was or theoretically could be.
Keywords: political sciences, empire, policy, state institution, imperialism, modernization, power, globalization, capitalism, mondialization
Bogatyrev, K.A..
Crimean Tatars and the development of ethnic
and confessional conflict in the 90s of XX century.
// Politics and Society. – 2009. – № 4.
Read the article
Abstract: The article is devoted to the development of the ethnic and confessional conflict in the Crimea in 1990s after the break-up of the USSR. The article continues two previous articles, as published in “Politics and Society” N. 2, 3, 2009. The author attempts to show the dangers of the situation, which arose due to carelessness of the political leaders of this period.
Keywords: political science, Crimean Tatars, repatriation, conflict potential, ethnic and religious, conflict, lack of regulation, international terrorism, foreign policy of the Russian Federation, break-up of the USSR, internal policy of the Ukraine
Bogatyrev, K.A..
Crimean Tatars and the prehistory of formation of ethnic and confessional conflict in the region. Soviet period.
// Politics and Society. – 2009. – № 3.
Read the article
Abstract: The article continues the topic of the previous article on Crimean Tatars, as published in Politics and Society N. 2, 2009. The author describes the formation of conflict potential of the Tatar population throughout the years of existence of the USSR. The author points out the causes of development of this process, describes the specific features of deportation of the Crimean Tatars and the prosess of their rehabilitation and return to the region.
Keywords: political science, Crimean Tatars, formation of conflict potential, national issue, specific features of the region, national policy in USSR, policy towards religion, reasons for deportation, specific features of rehabilitation, formation of national government bodies
Bogatyrev, K.A..
Crimean Tatars and the prehistory of formation of ethnic and confessional conflict in the region.
// Politics and Society. – 2009. – № 2.
Read the article
Abstract: Crimea is a multinational and multi-confessional region. Throughout its existence the Slavic Orthodox and Muslim and Turk cultures interacted there. However, along with common interests there were contradictions, which were yet sharper at the time of social and political cataclysms. The author attempts to review the formation of local people before the Revolution, taking into account Tatars as native of this region.
Keywords: political science, Crimean Tatars, Islam, relations among the nation, unique region, religious aspect, conflict potential, pre-Revolutionary period of time, history of the issue
Manukyan, M.A..
The approaches to the establishment of law applicable to the delict-based responsibilities: comparative analysis.
// Politics and Society. – 2008. – № 12.
Read the article
Manukyan, A.S..
History of development of authors’ rights in Russia.
// Politics and Society. – 2008. – № 11.
Read the article
Lazareva, V.A., Razveikina, N.A..
The inner assurance of the jury and some aspects of its formation.
// Politics and Society. – 2008. – № 10.
Read the article
Kotov, A.S..
The prerequisites for the ratification of the Washington Convention of 1965 by the Russian Federation.
// Politics and Society. – 2008. – № 9.
Read the article
Bogatyrev, K.A..
The Northen Caucasus aspect of the 2nd half of 1990s: the religious aspect.
// Politics and Society. – 2008. – № 8.
Read the article
Kachanov, P.E..
Judicial norm-control within the system of mechanisms of “strategic justice”.
// Politics and Society. – 2008. – № 8.
Read the article
Novokshonov, V.D..
Characteristics of violations of the rules on relations among the military servants in the absence of subordination
// Politics and Society. – 2008. – № 7.
Read the article
Kozhevnikov, O.A..
Some topical issues on application of Art. 203 of the Civil Procedural Code of the Russian Federation on the cases related to obligation of the local municipal bodies to provide housing for the persons, who were under influence of radiation due to the catastrophe at Chernobyl AES under judicial decisions
// Politics and Society. – 2008. – № 6.
Read the article
Rabtsevich, O.I..
International assistance to justice in Lebanon
// Politics and Society. – 2008. – № 3.
Read the article
Abstract: Currently the internationalized judicial institution is being formed in order to provide criminal prosecution of persons, who have committed the terrorist acts in Lebanon. The Special Tribunal for Lebanon is quite unique, since it shall be the first institution of this type, which is formed for investigating the political murder. In this article by O.I. Rabtsevich one find the analysis of the specific features of this judicial institution.
Karpukhin, D.V..
Legal problems related to eviction of tenants from the housing belonging to the specialized housing.
// Politics and Society. – 2008. – № 2.
Read the article
Abstract: Having analyzed the land legislation of the past and the present, the author came to the conclusion that the current Housing Code of the Russian Federation makes the tenants of the specialized housing vulnerable, since it broadens the list of grounds for eviction without provision of another housing unit. The imperfections of the existing legislation calls for urgent correction…
Danilov, S.Y..
The all-national conciliation after the Civil War: USA, Russia, Spain.
// Politics and Society. – 2007. – № 12.
– P. 27-34.
Read the article
Antonov, O.Y..
Methods of finding out of election violations by the election commissions….
// Politics and Society. – 2007. – № 10.
– P. 68-79.
Read the article
Abstract: The election commissions are the bodies, which hold the greatest share of responsibility for the organization and holding of elections. In the process of these activities the election commissions may uncover the administrative and criminal violations in the sphere of elections…
Bogatyrev, K.A..
The North Caucuses conflict of the early 1990s. The religious aspect.
// Politics and Society. – 2007. – № 9.
– P. 58-66.
Read the article
Abstract: Regulation of the North Caucuses crisis have always been one of the key problems in the post – Soviet Russia. The tragic crisis includes the commercial element and many other aspects in addition to the military issues… One of the most important issues relates to the religious aspect…
Osipyan, B.A..
Constitutional and legal resolution of the competence disputes.
// Politics and Society. – 2007. – № 8.
– P. 45-49.
Read the article
Sultanov, A.R..
Metamorphoses in the decisions of the European Court of Human Rights: myth or reality?
// Politics and Society. – 2007. – № 7.
– P. 33-36.
Read the article
Kerimov, A.D..
Why does the minority rule?
// Politics and Society. – 2007. – № 6.
– P. 40-48.
Read the article
Ganifayeva, S.A..
Migration as a social process: to the theory of definition.
// Politics and Society. – 2007. – № 4.
– P. 39-50.
Read the article
Abstract: From the moment, when migration was singled out as a scientific category, it has always been viewed against some background, such as economical, social, cultural, demographic, ethnical, and this is no accident. On one hand, migration processes are much determined by the changes in the life of one (or several) societies, so they indicate the level of development of social, ethnical, political spheres of such societies. On the other hand, being varied, different migration groups can have many specific features, which also influence the conditions at both the society, which receives the migrants, and the society, where they come from…
Ismailov, B.I..
Modern tendencies of legal reglamentation of the morals in society.
// Politics and Society. – 2007. – № 4.
– P. 51-55.
Read the article
Abstract: Morals are much inluenced by the outside conditions, and such outer influence is not always positive. Indeed, within the context of the “conflict of civilizations” it may gain quite a negative aspect to it, such as the cult of power, deprecating attitude to human life an values, etc… The problem of legislative protection of the public morals, thus, becomes topical, and the author of this article expresses his views on modern tendencies and possible solutions…
Mukhamet – Irekle, A..
Self-protection of the private interest: protection of public interests: private law protection of the victims of the Bashkir Blagoveschensk, Part 2, final.
// Politics and Society. – 2007. – № 3.
– P. 38-50.
Read the article
Kinteraya, A.G..
Specific features of separation of subjects of authority and powers of the complicatedly structured subjects of the Russian Federation.
// Politics and Society. – 2007. – № 3.
– P. 51-56.
Read the article
Mukhamet-Irekle, A..
Self-protection of private interest – protection of public interests: civil legal protection of victims in Bashkir Blagoveschensk, Part. 1
// Politics and Society. – 2007. – № 2.
– P. 50-63.
Read the article
Abstract: Up to now, the violated constitutional rights of victims of Bashkir Blagoveschensk are not provided with adequate judicial protection. In other words, in Russia words and deeds do not go together. One of the means to bring these back together might be small-budget protection of these rights by the victims within the civil judicial process framework May it be that it turns out more efficient than existing criminal case, especially, after the final judicial decision in a criminal Blagoveschensk case, many violated rights of people can never be restored?
Vereshagin, S.G..
Tax policy in Russia: from Paul the 1st to the early XX century.
// Politics and Society. – 2007. – № 1.
– P. 58-66.
Read the article
Abstract: There are many studies devoted to the reign of Russian tsar Paul the 1st, however, this one concerns the particulars of his tax policy and the influence of this policy at later periods. This is a dynamic study of Russian tax policy up to the early XXth century.
Monina, I.A..
The mass insurrections: yesterday and today
// Politics and Society. – 2006. – № 11.
– P. 104-115.
Read the article
Gusaeva, K.G..
Conflicts among various religious confessions in the modern Dagestan Republic: constructive and destructive aspects of development
// Politics and Society. – 2006. – № 11.
– P. 116-125.
Read the article
Voronkov, A.S..
Formation of the collective security system within the format of the Collective Security Treaty Organization.
// Politics and Society. – 2006. – № 4.
Read the article
Abstract: The Collective Security Treaty Organization went a long way as a military and political organization, and certain mistakes were made by it. However, its activities played a great role in avoiding the conflicts among the nations at the post-Soviet territory. This article is concerned with the historical background of creation of the Organization by the Republic of Armenia, Republic of Belarus, Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Tajikistan, and periods of its development. The author emphasizes that currently the activities of the Organization are of principal importance for ensuring peace and stability in the post-Soviet territory.
Koshemarina, S.V..
Problems of legal regulation of payment for commercial advertisement and other non election-related activities.
// Politics and Society. – 2006. – № 2.
Read the article
Abstract: Federal election campaigns of 2003 – 2005 showed a number of problems in the current election legislation. One of such problems is related to payment for commercial advertisement and other non-election related activities. Its reflection in practice creates an opportunity for dissemination of advertisements by the organizations cloely associated among the electorate with a particular candidate, in spite of the fact that names or pictures of particular candidates are not used. The author provides us with the study of this problem, offers possible ways to amend the current legislation..
Smirnov, M.G..
On the system and character of the norms, regulating internal armed conflicts.
// Politics and Society. – 2006. – № 1.
– P. 33-39.
Read the article
Abstract: M.G. Smirnov’s article contains analysis of development of the norms of international humanitarian law since the time of F. Martens to our time. The author also studies the value of provisions of the Geneva Conventions and Protocols to them in the modern world, characterizes the modern law of international conflicts.
Podolny, N.A..
Criminal judicial procedure in the Russia: the conflict of two realities: imaginary and real.
// Politics and Society. – 2006. – № 1.
– P. 39-49.
Read the article
Abstract: Comparison of the sheer amount of criticism aimed at the previous Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian Federation (CPC RF) and the current CPC RF may assure one that the new law is worse than the old one. Is it really so? In order to answer this question, one must study the basis of the criticism. Is it the objective catastrophical situation in the sphere of criminal judicial procedure? Or is it a subjective sence of “dead end” among some law-enforcement authorities, facing the new conceptual approaches to the judicial proceedings within the current CPC RF.
Abdrashitova, R.Z..
International cooperation in the sphere of criminal jurisprudence: problems of formation and further development.
// Politics and Society. – 2005. – № 9.
– P. 133-141.
Read the article
Gusaeva, K.G..
Nature of the conflicts among different nations in Dagestan and the problems, which do not allow to overcome the differences.
// Politics and Society. – 2005. – № 7.
– P. 69-75.
Read the article
K.G. Gusaeva.
Gosudarstvennaya politika organov vlasti v predotvrashchenii mezhnatsional'nykh konfliktov v Respublike Dagestan.
// Politics and Society. – 2005. – № 6.
Read the article
B. D. Nakashidze.
Mezhdunarodnyi krizis: voprosy teorii i praktiki.
// Politics and Society. – 2005. – № 5.
– P. 59-72.
Read the article
V. A. Bachinin.
Rossiiskaya real'nost' kak predmet politicheskoi teologii. Tri podkhoda k sovremennym rossiiskim realiyam.
// Politics and Society. – 2005. – № 4.
– P. 60-73.
Read the article
Zashchita prav vkladchikov: zarubezhnyi opyt.
// Politics and Society. – 2004. – № 5.
Read the article
Globalizatsiya: ee puti i protivorechiya.
// Politics and Society. – 2004. – № 4.
Read the article
Vooruzhennye konflikty i "malye voiny" v XXI veke (retsenziya) Popov I.M. Voina budushchego: vzglyad iz-za okeana. Voennye teorii i kontseptsii sovremennykh sil SShA. M., Tranzitkniga- AST-Astrel', 2004. 442 s.
// Politics and Society. – 2004. – № 4.
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Problema razgranicheniya i vzaimosvyazi prava i zakona.
// Politics and Society. – 2004. – № 3.
– P. 91-102.
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Stereotipy v politike.
// Politics and Society. – 2004. – № 3.
– P. 103-110.
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V.V.Eremyan, A.A.Klishas.
Razreshenie konfliktov konstitutsionno-pravovogo kharaktera v ramkakh slozhnosostavnykh sub''ektov RF (na primere Krasnoyarskogo kraya).
// Politics and Society. – 2004. – № 1.
– P. 44-68.
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Kudinov O.A..
Nesostoyavshayasya konstitutsionnaya reforma Aleksandra II (60-e - nachalo 80-kh gg. XIX v.)
// Politics and Society. – 2004. – № 1.
– P. 112-117.
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